C R Dieu ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT x MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms ❧ His majesty's Massage to the House of Commons. From the Court at York the 13 of August 1642. HIs majesty, taking notice of an Order lately made by the House of Commons, whereby that House hath unduly assumed to themselves Authority to order, direct, and dispose of one hundred thousand pounds, part of those moneys which the Adventurers for the reducing of the Rebels of Ireland have paid to that, and only to that purpose, to other uses and intents, contrary to the express words of the Act of Parliament concerning the same; Wherein it is enacted, That no part of the money, which should be paid in according to that Act, shall be employed to any other purpose, than the Reducing of those Rebels, until they shall be declared to be subdued, Out of His Piety and Princely care for the confirming and reestablishment of God's true Religion in that His kingdom of Ireland, for the relief of His distressed Subjects there, for the suppression of that horrid and bloody Rebellion, for the supply and payment of His Armies there, now in great want and necessity, doth strictly require the House of Commons, as they will answer the contrary to Almighty God, His majesty, & those that have trusted them, That they immediately retract that mischievous, illegal, and unjust Order; Wherein His majesty expecteth their speedy Answer, and Obedience; And the rather, That he may thereby be secured, That such part of the four hundred thousand Pounds as is or shall be collected from His good Subjects of England, by virtue of the late Act of Parliament, whereby the same is granted, may not likewise (under false pretences) be diverted from its proper use, for which it was intended, and misemployed to the Disturbance of the Peace of this Kingdom, in a war against His Sacred majesty. ¶ Imprinted at York by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent majesty: And by the assigns of JOHN BILL. 1642.