BY THE KING. CR HONI SOIT x MAL Y pennies royal blazon or coat of arms ¶ A Proclamation for the security and Protection of the Possessors of Delinquents Lands, in the County of Wilts, who have, or shall become his majesty's Tenants. WHEREAS diverse Seditious and Rebelliously affected persons of Our County of Wilts, being conscious to have justly deserved our high displeasure and the punishment of the laws, have withdrawn themselves from their estates and dwellings in that County, unto other parts, and places of this kingdom, in the power and possession of the rebels; where they remain and (either personally, or by supplies of Money, and other Provisions,) are in Rebellion against us. And whereas by virtue of our Commission, lately issued under our Great Seal of England, the Lands of many such Delinquents have been seized, and by Our Commissioners disposed and Let at reasonable and moderate rates, to several Tenants, who have agreed to pay their Rents to Us, and for Our use, until the said Rebellious Persons shall submit themselves to legal trials; For the better enabling therefore, and encouragement of such Tenants to perform their undertakings for Our service, and that henceforth they may be freed from that violence which the soldiers of Our Armies too frequently, without command, have exercised upon possessors of Delinquents Lands; We do hereby Declare, That all persons whatsoever, as well such as formerly held Lands of such Delinquents, and now are, or hereafter by agreements, as aforesaid, or otherwise, shall become Our Tenants; as others, who have, or shall take such estates of Our Commissioners in that County, shall be held, reputed, and esteemed, to be in our immediate Protection and Regard; Wherefore We Will, Require, and Command, all Officers and soldiers of Our Armies, that they at any time presume not to do wrong or damage to their Persons, Houses, cattle, Lands, or Goods; And that as much as may be possible, and the service will permit, they forbear at any time to Billet or Quarter themselves or Horses on them; but that in all things such respect be had of them, and their well-doing, as is justly due to persons in Our special Service and Protection. And We do hereby farther Order and Declare, That if any such Officers or soldiers, shall (after notice that they are Our Tenants) in contempt of this Our Proclamation, do any Act whereby such Persons or any of them shall be damnified or oppressed, upon due information thereof given, they shall receive such severe and exemplary punishment as their Offences shall deserve. Given at Our Court at Oxford, the fifth of March, in the nineteenth year of our reign, 1643. GOD SAVE THE KING. ¶ Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the university, 1643.