THE RESOLUTION OF The Prince of Wales, concerning Lieutenant general cromwell, and the rout●ng of the Scottish Army, and his present Design with his Shipping. With the Results and Proceedings of the Princes council aboard the admiral, concerning Captain Battens falling in at Ti●bury Hope, with a Squadron of Ships, to join with the watermen and Sea-men, and an Army from London, for relief of Colchester. Likewise, His Majesties Declaration concerning all those who have taken up Arms against Him and have been gainers by the Wars of ENGLAND and His Resolution thereupon. As also, the most pious, and Christian Expressions of a most Religious, and renowned King, touching his People. royal blazon or coat of arms C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE LONDON, Printed ANNO DOM. 1648. THE Kings majesties GRACIOUS DCLARATION TO All His subjects in general, concerning all those who have taken up Arms against Him, and His Resolution to take no revenge upon any who have assisted the Parliament. THE Kings Majesty having received the Message from both Houses of Parliament, presented by the Right honourable the Earl of Middlesex, who desired his Majesties speedy Answer: Telling him, that their return was limited to 1o days. The King then asked, whether the ten dayes were not to be counted from that of the delivery of the Message; My Lord of Middlesex answered. No, Sir, they are to be counted from the day of our setting forth. The Kings Answer. I have not then five daies allowed me to consider of my Answer, which I presume you expect in writing; And I have none to help me, no not so much as a clerk to transcribe; however I will really contribute my best endeavours to a happy ●eace. After a short pauze, the King further declared, I would have sent to the Parliament, but I desire them to take notice, That my long silence proceeded not from a dull, stupid laziness, or my being insensible of my own or the Kingdoms condi●ion, but from the incapacity that lay on me by reason of former Votes. But now a way is opened to a treaty, which I ever apprehended, as the only means to a durable peace, I shall cheerfully embrace it, and none shall more speedily run to it, then myself. And for my part, as being more concerned then any one in this Kingdom, nay should I say more then all, I speak it without vanity, I hope it will be thought no Hiperbolicall Expression, for I am assured, whosoever gains I shall be a loser. His majesty then red the Votes to himself, and having red them, declared. I like them well, my desires being included in these Votes: for what can I desire more, then to treat with Honour, Freedom, and safety, upon the propositions, and such other things, as either I or the Houses shall offer. QUERY. His majesty then asked, Whether the Commissioners to treat were yet nominated? REPLY. My Lord of Middlesex answered, No, Sir. Then the King said, In a Treaty, two sorts of things are considerable, some necessary, others convenient. Then the King said to them, J will go and apply myself to my Answer, that J may not delay a minute to promote so good a work: And then withdrew, and for that time dismissed the Commissioners. And upon the time of the Commissioners waiting on his majesty to receive his Answer, and upon their entrance into the presence, the King said, he was sorry that he was limited to so short a time, and had so little helps for disparch, yet notwithstanding he had prepared his answer. And immediately before the reading thereof, used these words, That the last Message he sent to the Houses, was delivered to the Commissioners sealed, And had it been so presented, it would have been better for Him, but now he thought it fit to sand this open, because he could not be in a worse condition, being under so close a Restraint, none being suffered to speak a word to Him, without suspicion. He then produced his Answer, and red it aloud in the presence Chamber, being full of company: and after he had red it, his Majesty said, That he hoped he had therein endeavoured to give satisfaction to his Parliament: there being nothing in it but what he conceived implyed in their Votes. And farther added, That there might be some that would oppose this Treaty, as being gainers by these wars, and therefore desired the continuance of it. Others might think him revengeful, but he declared, he was so far from seeking revenge, That if a straw lay in the way to hurt them, he would stoop and take it up to prevent it. And further declared in these words, God forgive them, for J do. Then the Commissioners coming to take their leaves of him, he called them to him, and asked them, how they liked his Answer, they told him, They thought and hoped, it would produce a sudden and happy well grounded peace. By an Eye and Earwitnesse, who not trusting to his memory, made use of his pen: and for the truth whereof, the Relator appeals to the Commissioners themselves, or to any there present, who had the happiness with him, to hear the most pious, and Christian Expressions of a most Religious King. The Copy of a Letter from Sandwich in Kent, declaring the Resolution of the Prince of Wales, concerning the Scots great Overthrow in the North. SIR, I Have received your Letter, together with the enclosed, wherein you make mention of the great Blow in the North, a copy whereof, we have shot into the two Castles of Deal and Sandown, out of an Arrow, and have sent another aboard the Prince, by a Sea-man whom we had prisoner, who( as we hear) is much troubled thereat, and resolved to draw off his shipping from Margarets Point, and the North Forland, and to sand a Squadron of ships towards the cost of Scarbrough, for the relief of that Castle, and the revolted governor, and to attend the motion of Lieutenant General cronwell, and mayor Ceneral Lambert. As for the rest of the Navy, we hear that his Highnesse is resolved to stay with them upon the Downs, and to attend the motion of the E. of Warwick, and to guard and secure the narrow Seas, conceiving that to be the onliest way for the advancement of his Fathers cause, and to kerb the Rebels,( as he is pleased to call us) who are the main obstructers to this his present Design. Capt. Batten being come from Holland, with a squadron of ships, & joining with the Prince, a council was called aboard the admiral, their results was, whether he should fall in at Tilbury to join with all the watermen and Sea-men upon the River, which with the conjunction of the 10000 promised from London, would be a numerous army for raising of the siege at Colchester; but having intelligence of the blasting of their design in London, the Prince hath changed his resolution, and recalled the votes of the council. Sandwich 23. August, two in the morning. Per Post. FINIS.