AN EPITOME OF History. Wherein is shown how several Princes and Nations, came to their particular Countries and Dominions; also many great affairs in Judea, Tartary, Russia, Poland, Swethland, Germany, Italy, Piedmont, Scotland, England, and many other places throughout the world, from the birth of our Saviour to this present time. LONDON, Printed by M. Simmons in Aldersgate-streete. 1661. TO THE READER. YOu have here an Epitome of the lives of the Emperors, the patient sufferings of Christians, the State of the Jews, much of the Turks war, also Tamerlanes with the Duke of Musco and Sulton of Egypt, the troubles of France, revolt of Portugal, States of Holland, the Spanish invasion, an account of the Two King Charle's of England, with many other material affairs by Sea and Land, up and down the World, from the beginning of the Roman Monarchy; wherein I have endeavoured to give the truth of things impartially, and in the same order as they were performed in the world. I have also closely compacted matter without needless glosses, that you may the better remember the actions for your benefit; and certainly it must needs be granted, that such Histories as this, (which is real) is of all other most useful, the Reading of which yieldeth solid delight, where you may observe Providence, learn Experience, and gain that knowledge which may truly improve you. Vale. H. C. AN EPITOME OF HISTORY. POmpey a Roman General, having subdued Jerusalem, and other Cities divided by the ambition of the Princes of the Jewish Commonwealth; Aristobulus endeavouring to get Cities from Jaxus' Kingdom, who was high Priest, & having quieted all in France, and overcame Tygranes who was chose King by the Sirian Princes, (which had their Countries allotted them by Alexander, son of Philip of Macedon, who overcame Darius, and brought the Empire into Greece,) Pompey then returned to Rome in Italy, part of Europe supposed to be built by Romulus who killed his brother Rhemus his copartner, which City is said at first to have been fifty miles round, but was laid in heaps by the Goths, now it standeth lower upon the bank of Tiber, and is narrower in its bounds, it was built upon seven hills, and hath had seven changes of Government, Kings, Consuls, Dictator's, Senators, etc. It was a place where the heathen Wits and Philosophers resorted. Pompey fell after to Wars with Julius Caesar his kinsman, another Roman general, both striving for sole power, and Pompey not laying down arms at the Senate's decree, Caesar overthrew him, who fled into Egypt, where the King fearing to harbour him, slew him. Julius Caesar getting the power after he had overcome Pompey's sons, chose Senators, conferred honours and offices upon his party, but this bred him hatred of the Senate, many conspired against him; a Soldier being taken by him, was asked how he durst go against his Oath, who told Caesar, I was as faithful to you as any, before you became so bad, that I saw there was no way to mend you but to rid you out of the world; at last hue as thrust threw in the Senate, by those he had showed most kindness to, the Senate burning his body. Octavius Austus, Caesar's sister's son, was adopted, he is joined with two Consuls, with a Proconsulls' power, he overcame Antonius that obtained the government of France, in which fight Caesar's two Consuls was slain, after which he gets higher, and overcoming Brutus and Antonius again, Caesar's Navy being above three hundred Ships, he became Emperor of Reme; Tiberius obtained to be Tribune for five years. In the two and forty year of Julius Caesar Christ came into the world, at which time the Temple of Janus was shut up, Judea now paid Tribute, and Herod was made Kings, the Sceptre departing from Judah, at Messias coming is foretold, which Herod was an Idumean, a Jew by profession, but not by stock, first set up Leftenant in Gallilee by Caesar, whose Solicitor was Herod's father; & Herod's brother Aristobulus was made high Priest: Herod dying obtained the Tetrarchy of Judea for his son Archelaus, when Joseph returned from Egypt, and dwelled at Nazereth. Tilerius Néro the former's son in Law, was chose by the Senate, who at first seemed hard to be persuaded to it; he acted with his Senate, but after ruled with robbery, lust and arrogancy, killed a Senator that made him his Heir to have his goods, sent & ordered Piso, as is supposed, to poison Germanicus, who did brave exploits for the Romans, and sent a letter to the Senate against one he had made Knight, who was thrown down from a high place headlong. In the fifteenth year of Tiberius Christ was baptised, lead into the wilderness, fasted forty days, and began to preach. About four years after, Christ suffered voluntary pains on the Cross, which Pilate deputy of Judea signified, and his miracles to the Senate, but they would not acknowledge him God, because the people had worshipped him so before. When Christ was carried back to Heaven, and the Holy Ghost fell upon his Disciples, who openly preached what they had seen, the Jews waxed hot and stoned Stephen, but Saul, strucken down, became an eminent servant of Christ. Caius Caligula hated the Jews, because they would not build Temples, Altars, and offer sacrifice to him, his dependers was great haters of the Christians, Pilate that past sentence on Christ fell into a tormenting disease; and to end his miserable life killed himself. Herod that beheaded John the Baptist was banished, and died in penury at Lions in France. Caius was killed by his own guard. Claudius' reduced many Countries by war, to the Roman Monarch, among others England, marrying his daughter to the King thereof; he punished with death two of the former Emperor's guard or servants for killing their master: There was a Council in his time, where was Peter and Paul and the Elders of Jerusalem: He was poisoned by his wife to prepare for her son Nero. Domitous Nero at first past his time well, but after became abominably wicked, tormented to death his own mother begun the persecution of Christians; now Peter and Paul suffered Martyrdom, at which time the Gospel spread abroad, when it is said Joseph of Arimathea came into England. Nero's cruelty caused troubles in the Senate▪ & divers Countries to rise up against him, especially the Jew's; he put many Noble men to cruel death, at last the Senate condemned him to be whipped to death, upon which he fled and killed himself. Flavius Vespasian, While others contending to be Emperor, who were cut off, he was chose by the Roman Army: Now there was a Comet and several signs appeared of the Jews coming calamities; his forces spoilt the Jews at Alexandria, then at Damascus, after besieged and brought Jerusalem to the desolation foretold; but the Christians warned of God fled beyond Jordan, and dwelled at Decapolis, only Timothy and other Christians at Ephesus was put to death; but the Jews was some fold, some tore in pieces by wild beasts, others by infection and famine was dreadfully devoured. Titus Vespasian was an enemy to extortors, a lover of liberality; that day he had not done some good in, he accounted lost. He gently admonished two that had conspired against him, and used them so lovingly▪ that they repented: the Jews being subdued, he had much peace. Flavius Domitian persecuted Christians, banished John to Patmos, hearing of Christ's kingdom he feared, but seeing two of Judas' nephews discoursing of the world to come to be poor, he contemned them; he was so impatient of labour, arm, government, that he would use to be in a gallery pricking flies; one asikng what company was with the Emperor, was answered, not a fly; some of his friends and others conspired his death, one pretending business stabbed him, at which the Senate rejoiced, ordering his name should not be remembered. Nerva was for his wisdom chose by the Senate, he released many Christians, John returned from Patmos, he took away impositions, forbade slanders, as also making Eunuches, he brought up poor men's childdrens, restored goods unjustly gotten, died of a sweat, through collar against a Senator. Trajanus the adopted son of Nerva a Spaniard, was fair in carriage at first, and beloved, yet persecuted the Christians with great pains, which they bore with much patience, one was Simon the Apostle. The Deputy of Bithanie troubled in mind for slaying Christians, informed the Emperor how holily the Christians lived, and zealously they worshipped Christ, which mitigated the Emperor's fury. Adrian, A Bishop, and an Orator writing for the Christian Religion, the Emperor made a new edict for persecution; the Jews followed a pretended Messias one Barcohebas, the Emperor banished them from their native soil, he at last had a mind to build a Church for the Christians void of Images, but was hindered by his friends. Antonius Verus took much care of his people in famine: Justin Martyrs writings for the Christian Religion was read in the Senate: This Emperor's death was much lamented, the Romans sacrificed to him, and canonised him for a God. Marcus Aurelius was for wisdom esteemed a Philosopher, yet Martyrd Policarpus and Justinius, but was mollified a little by the Bishop of Lions, and God sending rain to his army in distress, upon the prayers of his Christian soldiers, and fire and thunder upon his enemies, he wrote to the Senate to deal gently with the Christians, About this time William Duke of Normandy Conquered England, the Danes came and Conquered Etheldred, the ninth Saxon King, and the King of Denmark left his son to rule, but Edmond called Ironside, Etheldreds' son set up himself after his father's death, and warred with Canutus the new King of the Danes, after many bloody battles, the two Kings fight hand to hand, they divided the Nations, but Etheldred was murdered by one that thought to be preferred by Canutus, who caused him to be tormented to death, and Canutus married Etheldreds' widow, and had a son by her called Hardy, and was now King of England, Scotland, Denmark, and Norway, but Hardie residing in Denmark, another son of Canutus by a former wife, sets up himself, who displaced the English out of offices, banished his Mother-in-Law, and put her youngest son to death, after, this King dying, his brother Hardy possesses the Crown, but died in the midst of his Cups at a marriage feast. Edward the remaining son of Etheldred was brought into England, married the Earl Bodwins daughter, but died without issue, he left the Crown to Edgar, grandchild to Edmund Ironside, and swore Bodwins son now Regent to be true to him, but Harold, Bodwins son; got himself Crowned, upon which the King of Norway came to encounter them with a great Army, at which time William Duke of Normandy with a complete Army came into England claiming a right to the Crown by Edward the Confessors gift; Harold having the better of the King of Norway, yet wasting his Army, William in a battle (where fell 66654. English with Harold, having reigned not four months) Conquered him and the kingdom, in whose Line the Crown continued till King Richard the second, who by desoluteness of life entertaining bad Counsellors, lost the love of his Subjects, against whom his Nobles took Arms, but he consenting to bring the evil Counsellors to be punished by law, the Barons cashier their forces. The King apprehended several on a conspiracy; the Duke of Norfolk and Hartford impeaching one another ready to fight a Dewell was banished, but after when the King was subduing his enemies in Ireland, Hartford now Duke of Lancester by his father's death, came into England, the Nobility and Gentry resorting to him, who summoned a Parliament, the King not able to resist them, yielded the Crown to the Duke, the King being sent to Ponfret Castle and dispatched, which bred woeful wars; after three or four Kings reigns, Edward the fourth of the house of York, by a war where was slain thirty six thousand men, got the kingdom, where it continued till Henry the seaventh killed Richard the Third, and he marrying the Heir of York, reconciled both houses Commodus put many Christians to death, even of noble birth; he had three hundred Concubines, some of which conspiring his death was executed, but after by a pretended friend he was poisoned, to the joy of the Romans. Pertinax was an enemy to riot; and merely for bridling of disorders, a tumultuous company with halberds went and slew him. Didius Julianus bought the Emperor's Throne of the soldiers, who offered it to sail, but one pretending a title, he that pretended to it was proclaimed, and Julian slain by command from the Senate. Severius persecuted the Christians, charging them with sacrilege and Rebellion, being stirred up to this by the Jews; the father of Origen was beheaded, and many in Carthage: a Captain going to execute a Virgin, who prayed to God to turn his heart, died himself for the Faith, this Emperor was slain at York by the Northern men. Bassinus and Geta, the first slew the other his brother, put to death a lawyer for not justifying his Murder, married his mother in Law, was slain by Macrimus. Macrimus was chose Emperor, took his son for his companion, but not coming to Rome to govern, and living in lust, was beaten, fled, and pursued, was found sick, void of all favour, he and his son was put to death, and the Conqueror made Emperor. Heliogabalus was a belly God, worshipped and built a Temple to the Sun, and would have had the Christians who was now grown numerous to make their prayers there: He appointed a Senate of women about obscene matters, had followed him many Chariotts of Bands and harlots; he ordered that business which should be done by day, to be done by night; he studied to find out untasted dainties; for his lewd courses the Praetorian soldiers murdered him, drew his dead body through the streets, and flung it into Tiber. Alexander Severus the adopted Son of the former, delighted in wise Counsellors, punished a flatterer with smoke, yet martyred many Christians▪ some of them Senators: The Judge that past sentence against Agapetus died suddenly: The Emperor's mother was instructed in the Faith by Origen, who obtained favour for the Christians, afterward the Emperor was inclined to receive the Faith of Christ, but persuaded from it by his Priests: he was much taken with that saying of the Christians, do as you would be done by. Maximinus was of base parentage, huge and strong, eating forty pound weight of flesh a day, drinking six gallons of wine; he was promoted to honour by the Emperor Severus: This Maximinus was saluted by the Army without the Senate; he was more cruel to the Citizens of Rome, than their enemies, he persecuted the Christian Teachers. Origen wrote a book de Martyr, and dedicated it to the Pastors of Caesaria. This Emperor at a siege was slain, and his Son, by his own Soldiers, who he got before to kill Severius and his Mother. Gordianus and his Son having reigned not two months, was both slain; the Emperor, it is supposed, poisoned by his Captain General: in his time a Earthquake destroyed many Cities. Philip was Baptised by the Bishop of Rome, he put himself among the penitents, and bewailed his having a hand in the former Emperor's death: Decius one of his Captains flew him, and reigned. Decius put to death divers Christians, banished the Bishops of Jerusalem and Carthage; Origen fearing, offered to the Idol, but bitterly repent, was excommunicated the Church of Alexandria. This Tyrant Emperor persecuted in Africa and Europe, but being overcome by the Scythians or Goths, flying, cast himself into a pit and died. Gallus followed Dcius in persecution, about which time great desolation was made in the world by the pestilence; one of his Captains behaving himself valiantly in an overthrow against the Goths, being puffed up, and the Emperor scorned, got himself to be Proclaimed Emperor, and slew Gallus and his Son, who had reigned about three months. Walerin and Galews Val: at first was very favourable to Christians, but seduced by a Sorcerer, put to death three Bishops of Rome; Laurence a Deacon endured patiently to suffer on a broiling Iron. This Emperor at last was delivered into the hands of a King that trampled upon his neck; his Son ordered the return of the banished Christians, who used to meet in plain places, knowing no Images but from the Gentiles or Pagans; they used to visit their sick enemies, whenas the Pagans was ready to thrust out their half dead friends. Claudius and Quintilian, the first much reform the Commonwealth, was huge prosperous against the Goths, dying of a natural death, was placed by the Senate among the Gods: The second hearing of Aurelianus being chose Emperor, and perceiving he could not make his party good against him, died voluntarily of bleeding. Aurelianus was of a sour nature, something moderate at first, but after fell to persecute Christians; yet being frighted with a thunderbolt coming near him, he assisted the Bishops of Antioch in deposing the heretic Samosatanus, electing Domns in his room, who, as also the Bishop of Antiocha, was married and had Children This Emperor subdued Germany, Gothicus, Siricus, & brought Zenobia prisoner to Rome in Chains of gold: This Emperor threatening his Secretary, was slain by him when the Emperor went with a small guard; the Secretary after was cast to the dogs. Anius Tacitus was elected by the Senate, he was moderate in diet, he abolished abuses at Rome, but dying, his brother Florian named himself Emperor; but another being chose, Florian died voluntarily of bleeding. Aurelius Probus subdued three others that named themselves Emperors, one of which hanged himself: This Emperor bringing peace to Rome, employed his soldiers in planting and other labours, but they Traitorously murdered him, to the grief of the Senate and people. Carus, Carianus, and Numerianus, all continued but three years; Numerianus was slain by his Father-in-law, Carus by thunder, and Carianus in battle by Dioclesian, whom the Army declared Emperor, when Carianus lived. Dioclesian chose Maximinus his assistant, The Christians now enjoying both peace and credit, but yet abounding in sin, in the 19 year of Dioclesian's reign, the tenth bloody persecution broke out against the Christians, these Emperors setting themselves utterly to exterpate the Christian profession, one in the East, the other in the West, which persecution lasted ten years. Dioclesian would be counted a God, commanded the people to kiss his feet, he made Edicts for burning the Scriptures, imprisoning Christian Bishops, displacing Christian Magistrates, deprived the people of liberty, commanded the soldiers to lay down arms or offer to Idols, who said they would lay down their lives too, rather than sacrifice, but some he forced to impure offering, tormented and put to death twenty thousand Christians, who died singing of Psalms; he beheaded the Bishop of Antioch, many he burned in a Church, hung women with their heads downward, burned also a whole Town with all sorts in it. He slew the Bishop of Sidon, Presbyter of Tirus, spilt much blood in Germany, France and Italy, even to the colouring of Rivers, at last gave over killing, yet commanded Christians right eyes to be put out, and left legs maimed, they at last gave over their power to two others, one of which chose his son to him, the other his two sons; these two new Emperors divided their Domions; one had France, Spain, Britain, Maximinus was slain by Constantine. Constantius and Galarius; Constant: accounted Christians his best Subjects, he commanded the Soldiers to worship Idols, but turned all out that did, saying, they that will be false to God, will be so to him: But Galarius in the East part of the world cruelly persecuted the Christians, but God sending a disease of vermin stayed his hand; & he desired the Christians should pray for him, but after again engraves Edicts against them in brass, puts to death the Bishop of Emisa and many others; the people was again visited with woeful diseases, at last he made a law for the preservation of Christians, he being persuaded by his charmers to make, war with Lisinus, and discomfited put to death his charmers; he died of sickness, and the soldiers chose Maxentius, who abused Senators wives, one killed herself rather then would go to him; but the people sent for Constantine, who got an Army in France and Britain, came and overcame Maxentius, but Galarius Max: made Le●inus Emperor, who by fair pretences sought to take away the life of Constantine, that had made Edicts for the Christians, but failing, forced the Christians to fly into woods, by his cruel Edicts, some he cut in pieces, some almost starved with cold he then burnt, but Lisinus being at last overcome, yielded to Constantine. Constantine the great was careful to procure the peace of Christians, as well abroad as in his own Dominions, wishing Sapores the King of Persia (who put several to death) to be friendly to Christians, in whose religion nothing was to be blamed, intimating in his letter how ill it faired with eight persecuting Emperors; the King of Iberia craved of him to send Preachers thither; he locked up the Idols Temples, and built Churches, discharged sensing before the people, suppressed whores, pulled down an Altar, the Pagans used to sacrifice on at Fairs; being in peace, he built Constantinople in Thracia, and called it Nova Roma, was baptised in the suburbs of Bythinia, fell sick at Nicomedia. Constantius, Constans, and Constantine jun: Constantius governed the East, the other two the West, Constantine was slain after he had governed three years; Constans after thirteen years was slain in France by the Tyrant Magnentius, who Constantius forcing after to fly, Magnen: killed his Mother, Brother and self. Constantius was infected with Arianism by a Priest at Court: and he sent to slay Athanasius who passed the midst of his Army undiscerned; but Georgius an Arian Bishop was seated in Alexandria, and fourteen Bishops more was banished, and many Christians cruelly tortured by Georgius; the Jews reballed against this Emperor, but he levelled Diocesaria to the ground, the Germane rebelling, his Cousin Julian having subdued them, got himself saluted Emperor, against whom Constantius going died, sorrowing he had changed the Nicene Creed. Julian was brought up in the Christian Religion, but perverted by a Philosopher; he opened the doors of the heathen Gods, relieved those he had before imprisoned, he took away Christians schools, laid taxations upon them, telling them when they complained, that Christ had told them, happy are them that suffer for righteousness sake, He was vexed to see how patiently they bared all wrong; he set up his own Image by the gods, that he might charge those that would not bow with irreverence to him; he caused victuals to be sprinkled with heathenish holy water: some Christians had their bellies ripped up; one was anointed with Hony, and exposed to wasps: One that for revenge chawd a peace of liver of a Christians that broke Images in the former Emperor's time, had his teeth fell out of his mouth, and became blind. For in hatred of the Christians, the Emperor gave leave for the Jews to build the Temple at Jerusalem to offer daily sacrifice, but they was hindered by an earthquake, fire, mighty wind, and tempest: This Emperor in War with the Persian, was shot with a dart, saying, thou Christ of Galilee hast overcome me. Jovinian was chose by the Roman Army, he would not accept of the Empire till the Army owned the Christian Religion, he made peace with the Persian, yielding some parts of Syria, though julian's weakening of his forces, reduced the Bishops which was forced to lurk in holes, followed Athanatius Counsel, going to Constantinople died. Valentian was a great sufferer in julian's time, chose now by the Army, he chose his brother Valience to govern in the West, favoured the Arians, shipped some other Christians away, and cruelly caused them to be fired; he caused two Captains to have their bodies rend in pieces, by bowing down trees to the ground, for causing to be delivered their General, though a Tyrant that rose up against him; his brother refused to help him against the Goths, because of his being an Arian; the Samaritans now invaded the Roman empire. Gracianus gave the Empire of the West to his brother Valentian, he reduced those Bishops that the Arian persecutor Valens had banished, he was slain by a usurper, his brother was seduced by his Mother to be for the Arians; but in the East, Theodosius that was chose to assist Gracianus in his time fights, with Maximus, who was delivered into his hand, after with the Tyrant Eugenius, but by a mighty Tempest of wind, the darts of Eugenius Army were turned upon their own faces, upon which Eugenius fell down at Theodosius feet, and begged pardon. Theodosius was a lover of Christians, and made a Law against Heretics. Arcadius' governed in the East, was a meek and good Emperor, but not courageous, he was by an Arian Bishop persuaded to banish Christians, whom the people's affection caused him to recall, Gaina a private Soldier, was made General of Arcadius Army, who grew insolent and affected the kingdom. Honarius the Emperor's brother who reigned in the West, met with a great deal of trouble, by reason of his Lieutenant affecting the kingdom in Africa; and his father in law stirring up the Vandals, and Burgundians to invade France, also 200000 Goths and Huns came to Italy, but their General was surprised, there arose another party of the Goths, which the Emperor made peace with, after which the Emperor's father-in-law on purpose of ill to the Emperor fell upon them, which caused the Goths to return again to Rome, and the Emperor being without a General, he having slain his father in law for Treason, they took Rome, but in the midst of burning, slaying, robbing, and military outrage, they saved such as fled to Christian Churches, afterwards they went towards France and Spain. Theodosius the second had the whole Government, he collected a great library of good books, was a meek person, in his house was red the Scriptures, and prayer, the Vandals who were partly Pagans, and partly Arians cruelly persecuted the Christians in Africa & the Huns much encumbered the Roman Empire, and the Emperor was fain to covenant with the Vandals, and to assign them some places: There was a great fight betwixt the Western Goths and the King of the Huns, the Huns flee, the Goths who was now joined with Valensian, pursewing the Huns, Valensians general hindered them, who for it was put to death, the Huns encouraged came back to Italy, but was persuaded by the Bishop to spare Rome. Theodosius put a general to fight Tyrant john, but the general and Ship was driven into a Town of john's, but the general's Son passing a place never before dry, took the Town, slew the Tyrant, and relieved his father. Martianus (after the Goths, Vandals and other strangers had much disquieted the Roman Empire) was advanced by means of Theodosius sister, but reigned not long, his uncle Leo came next up, who interposed his power for the suppressing of the error of the Eutysians, which Eutysians were very cruel to many Christian Bishops; about this time was an earthquake that destroyed part of Antiocha. Zeno, used to be dead drunk, an efeminate & irreligious man; favoured the aforesaid error, restored their Bishops, Basiliscus forces the Emperor to fly, and not out of love to truth, but hatred of him, undoes all he had done, the King of the Vandals was an Arian, persecuted the Christian faith; many Jews now followed on Moses, but was destroyed, the King of the Vandals was tormented with venomous boils. Anastius was a favourer of the Entysians was stured up (contrary to his own inclination) by an heretical Bishop, to slay many Christians, the people of Antioch vexed hereat, fell upon some Entysian Monks, by which means they had an Entysian Bishop put in their place. Justinius the elder was a godly Emperor, restored good, banished bad Bishops, cut out the tongue of an Entysian, the King of the Goths killing among other Christians a Roman Senator, he imagined he saw his face in a Fish-head at dinner, and was much terrified at it. Justinian, was strong for the Christian faith of the four Counsels, he by Bellisarius overcame the Persians, recovered what his predecessors had lost in Asia, afric, Europe, also Carthage, from the Vandals, drove the King of the Goths out of Italy, recovered Sicily; but the Goths chose another, King and recovered Italy, but was beaten out again, one of the Emperor's Captains angry with the Emperor's Sons wife, sends for the Longabards out of Panamia, who possessed themselves of that part of Italy called Lombardy. This Emperor abridged the Roman Laws, called a counsel about disputations, moved origen's and Theodorus writings. Justinus Jun: having his Dominions wasted, put on the Imperial robes on Tiberius, wishing him wisely to govern the Roman Empire; the King of Persia was now so high, that he would not admit of the Emperor's Ambassadors, but was subdued by the Emperor, who subdued also the Goths and Vandals; the King of Goths put to death his own Son for turning from Arianisme. Maritius (to whom Tiberius gave his Daughter and Kingdom) suffered twelve thousand soldiers to be slain, through not parting with a little money to ransom them, for which the soldiers brought him before Phocus, who they had chose, who killed the Emperor and his Wife and Children. Phocus reigned in Cruelty and Drunkenness; the Roman Empire was weakened by divers enemies; the Patriarch of Rome perceiving that the Patriarch of Constantinople was like to be the chief, he wrote against supremacy, but afterward being in great favour with the Emperor, he got him to ordain the Bishop of Rome to be universal Bishop, and the Church of Rome head over all Churches, which dignity was importunately begged, and with much contention obtained: This Emperor was overome by his Son-in-law and others, and brought to Heraclianus, who commanded his head and feet to be cut of, and stump burnt. Heraclianus, the King of Persia had now taken Jerusalem, who gave the Jews leave to kill many thousand Christians, and would not have peace with the Emperor, without the Emperor would turn Pagan, but the Emperor subdued him, and regaind Jerusalem; after this he fell into the heresy of the Monotholites, and was given to infest and curious arts: At this time begun the Monarchy of the Saracens, a people of Arabia, who fought under the Emperor against the Persian, but craving wages for their services, was called Arabian dogs by the Emperor's Treasurer, upon which they chose Mahomet their Captain, took Damascus, conquered Syria, Palestina, Egypt, Persia, and consulted with an Apostate Bishop, and some Jews, and set up a mixed Religion or Alcoran of Judaisme, Christianisme, and Paganism, commanding all people that could be conquered by fire and sword, to receive this doctrine; he overthrew a great army of the Emperors, the Emperor about renewing his Army died with grief. Constantius was soon poisoned by his father's second wives advise, that her Son might reign, but the Senate cut out her tongue, and her beautiful Son's nose, and banished them; about this time the Saracens took Caesaria, and slew therein 7000 Christians. Constans revenged himself on them that conspired his father's death, and subdued one whom the Army chose Emperor, cut off the noses of his two brothers, because their beauty should not commend them; the Saracens was now brought to pay tribute unto the Emperor, who though he was something Heretical, yet called a Counsel that utterly condemned the Monotholites. Justinian was cruel to the Citizens of Constantinople, but a Nobleman took him, cut off his nose and banished him, and burnt two of his Counsellors in the belly of a brazen Bull, but the Soldiers being inconstant they cut off the Nobleman's nose and put him into a Monastery, and chose another, but the first Emperor by another Prince's help recovers his power, slew both the other Emperors, and continuing cruel still Philipicus got him slain by a servant. Philipicus was declared Heretic by the Bishop of Rome, for rasing pictures out of a Temple, had his eyes put out by Artemius his Secretary. Artemius deposeth the Patriarch of Constantinople, for not keeping the Faith. Theodosius taking the Emperor, forced him to take the habit of a Monk, and Theodosius reigned in his stead, but hearing of Leo's being chosen, went to a Monastery and gave over his governing. Leo Isaurus destroyed Images; the Bishop of Rome forbade tribute to be paid him, excommunicated and disauthorised him, sent out curses against him, and hot wars there was between Emperor and Pope: This Pope Gregory the second was reckoned a Conjurer, though the Lumbards' had joined with him in routing the Emperor, yet in sharing he casts to clear Italy to the Roman Sea; and to engage Charles of France, he sent him the keys of the holy Sepulchre, and St. Peter's Chain: This Pope decreed in a Senod that all that would not do religious honour to Images, should be cut off from the body and blood of Christ. The Saracens utterly destroyed the Goths in Spain, but was beaten out of France with the loss of three hundred thousand. Constantius Copronymus fight against the Arabians, (the Senate, great favourers of Images) gave out the Emperor was dead, and chose another, but he returned and won Constantinople, he gathered a general Counsel which condemned worshipping of Images. The Turks and Scythians now invaded the Arminians and Saracens, but the agreement was, that the Turks in Persia, should be called Saracens, who also embraced the Mahomitan Religion; the Pope and King of France overcame the Lombard's. Leo the former's son was zealous against Images, punished those near him for worshipping of them. Irene the wife of Leo was deposed by her son Constantius, but she plucked out both his eyes, and imprisoned him, where he died for grief; she persecuted those that was not for Images of Saints and Fathers, she was at last banished▪ and deposed by Nicephorus, who reigned eight years after her; but now the famous Empire of the East was in a manner extinguished. Nicephorous treats with Charles the great, and contents himself with small Dominions, besides the Turks and Goths in the West, and Huns and Lumbards' had continued long in their several Dominions got from the old Empire. Charles the great, he was first King of France, but declared and crowned by Leo the third Bishop of Rome, a prudent Emperor, a detester of worshipping of Images, he fought against the King of Denmark and Bohemia, enemies to Christians, he appointed his kinsman over Italy, and left his son Lodovicus Emperor. Lodovicus called for his meekness pious, was crowned by the fourth Bishop of Romet Barnard governor of Italy rebelled, but was beheaded, his sons also rebelled, whom the Emperor pardoned; the Saracens from Egypt invade Sicily, burning towns, and kill Priests; the Emperor with the Bishop of Rome's help, drove the Saracens, away: the Bishop of Vtrech, threatened to excommunicate the Emperor, if he would not leave his wife, because she was his kinswoman; this Emperor gave over his right in choosing Pope to the Clergy and people of Rome. Lotharius was anointed in St. Peter's Church by the Pope; his Brothers fell out about their father's lands, which civil war so weakened the Nobility of France, that the Danes and Normans entered and troubled them for many years. Lodovicus the Second, dying without Issue, his brother Charles King of France by liberal gifts obtained to be Emperor, but was poisoned by his Physician a Jew; from the formerly great now small Empire of the East, Michael Emperor of Constantinople, slew his brother, and thrust his Mother and sisters into a Monastery. Carolus Crassus the Son of Lewis King of Germany, was forced to yield to the Normans (who was very potent in France) that place toward the British Sea called Normandy; the Emperor for negligence and ill government was deposed, and Arnalphus his Nephew declared Emperor. Arnalphus fought with the Duke of Spoleto, who flying, the Emperor besiegeth his Wife who hired some of the Emperor's servants to poison him. Lodovicus the third, in his time the Saracens invaded Italy, and the Hunger's France; the King of the Saracens in besieging Consentia was killed by thunder, and the rest returned to Africa. Conradus desired his brother to deliver after his death the Imperial Ornaments to the Duke of Saxony, as most fit for it, for wisdom, it being a troubled State, which desire of this Emperor his brother preferred before the Throne, and performed his will. Henry Duke of Saxony was busy a hunting, when the news came of his being made Emperor, he made Peace with the Hunger's for nine years, after obtained a victory over them; and in thanks to God purged his Dominions of the sin of Simony; he fought also with the people of Dasmatia and Bohemians, and made them tributaries; he was called Pater Patriae. Otho the first, the former▪ Son called a Council, deposed the Pope, the Romans making a sedition, he returned and punished them, after ordered that none should be chose Pope without the consent of the Emperor; he was buried in a Church himself built. In the East Constantine had recovered his Empire from the Romans again. Otho the second prevails against the King of France, recovered Lorraigne, but the Saracens and Grecians with Constantine came to recover Apulia, and overcame the Emperor, who hardly escaped, who after vented his wrath upon the Italians for deserting him. Otho the third pardoned Crescensius twice, who the Italians preferred to be Emperor, but the third Rebellion of his he hanged him: the seditious Romans also advanced John 18 to be Pope, rejecting Gregory the fifth made by the Emperor, which John had his eyes plucked out, and himself thrown headlong from the Capital; this Emperor with the Pope now instituted seven Electors of the Emperor, the Bishop of Mentz, Cullen, and Tries, Count Palatine, Duke of Saxony Marquis of Brandenburg, and in case of contrary opinions the King of Bohem'n, this Emperor's wire was the widow of the rebel he hanged, who poisoned him with a pair of gloves. From the East those Emperor's lives was but short, by reason of the continuing of the old barbarous course of making them away Henry the second, Duke of Bavaria was chose Emperor by the Electors, receiving the Crown from the Pope, he subdued all his rebels, expeled the Saracens out of Italy, the King of Denmark a savage Prince came into England to root out the Christian profession, one of the Saraseu Princes at this time destroyed some Temples in Jerusalem; and massacred all the spiritual officers. Conradus the second made a Law to punish with death the troublers of the peace in Germany: about this time a war grew between the Christians and Saracens, but a peace was made in a short time after, and liberty granted to rebuild the Christian Temples in Jerusalem. Henry the Third, In his time three Bishops contended for the Popedom, but the Emperor placed Clemens the second, at this time the estate of Christians was most lamentably afflicted by the Turks and Saracens. Henry the Fourth was a good wise Emperor, but excommunicated twice by the Pope, who stirred up the Germans against him, under the Duke of Sweve, who being taken had his right arm cut off, which he held up, at his Oath of Allegiance, and he acknowledged God's hand. Henry the Fifth the Pope would not Crown, till he would give over his right of Election of the Pope, and of investing of Bishops by Staff & Ring, but the Emperor compelled the Pope and Cardinals to perfect his Coronation, and confirm his privileges, which the Pope covenanted to, by breaking a piece of the Hostie, notwithstanding the Pope revoked, and cursed the Emperor, but before the Emperor as I told you, forced the Pope, the Pope (being admired in the world) called a Counsel of the Bishop of Mentz, Trier and Worms, to insite the Emperor to war with his own father. Lotharius the second Duke of Swene was elected, two contending for the Popedom, he gave it to Innocent, and coming to Rome with an Army, made the other Pope Peter a Citizen, and the Count of Sicily his friend say nothing more. Conradus Tertius subdued the Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, Winsperg besieged, the women begged leave to come out with what they could carry on their backs, which granted, they brought forth their husbands, which the Emperor thought would have been Treasure, but performed his promise▪ This Emperor going against the Turks, and wanting provisions accepted of some meal from the Emperor of Constantinople, but it being mingled with Lime poisoned his Army, upon which the King of France joining with the King of Jerusalem, besieged Damascus, but the Christians in Asia and Syria was so decayed, that Turks and Infidels, had almost got all. Frederick the first, coming to Coronation, he alighted to salure the Pope, and when the Pope mounted, he held the Stirrup; and mistaking the Stirrup, angered the Pope, the Pope incited him and the Duke of Bavaria to fight with the Duke of Apula for recovering his Terrtiories to the Chair of Rome; the Pope also stirred up the Emperor of Constantinople, to drive Apula out of Italy, the Duke begged on fair terms peace, but the Pope rejected him, the Duke overcoming the Emperor of Constantinople, marches towards the Pope, who then sued to him for Peace. Frederick taking into consideration the Pope's ambition, prefixed his own name before the Popes; and ordered there should be no appeal to Rome, upon which the Pope stirred up the people of Germany, and elsewhere against the Emperor, and excommunicated him; a fly entering the Pope's throat, choked him, the Emperor subdued Milan quickly; two now contending for Popedom, Alexander not meeting the Emperor at Counsel he chose Victor Pope, upon which Alexander falls a cursing, and warring, and joining with the Venetians took the Emperor's son, upon which the Emperor came to Alexander for absolution, and kneeling down the Pope trod on his neck, saying, thou shalt tread upon the Adder and the Asp, etc. I said the Emperor that's to St. Peter, I said the Pope to me and to St. Peter. The Kings of England and France go now to the last help of the Christians about Jerusalem, they took one place, but, falling out about honour, return home and the King of the Turks takes Jerusalem, and other places possessed by the Christians. Henry the sixth was the son of Frederick, the Pope gave him in marriage one out of a Monastery, and both Ciciles for a dowry; the Emperor, Pope, and other Princes went to help the poor Christians in Palastina, but the Emperor dying, they returned doing nothing Philip the second, by the help of the Saxons and Bavarians, took upon himself to be Emperor, but the Pope and Electors went to wars with him, but the people of Germany got them to agree; the Emperor marries the Pope's Nephew; the Emperor was murdered in his Chamber by Count Palatine. Now begun the Tartarian Kingdom, they came from the Mountains of the Indies with wives and Children, a fierce people against Christians and others, they overrun the Meads, Parthians, Arminians, Samaritan, Asirians, Persians, and seated at Meotidis Paladis. Otho the fourth refused to give gifts to the people at Coronation, which bred commotions, he invaded the Pope's territories was excommunicated; from the East the Venetians and French overcoming the Emperor, they set up Baldwin of France, Count of Flanders, and when it descended to Robert his son, he was crowned by the Pope, as the Germane Emperors. Frederick the second King of Cicile and Naples, gave the Dukedom of Fundanus to the Church; he yielded to the Pope's Canon of prescription to what the Pope would, several made commotion against the Emperor, the Pope joins with them, excommunicates the Emperor, but the poor Christians in Asia, desiring help, the Emperor and Pope agree, but the Emperor sending to the Pope news of his army's success against the Saracens, the Pope trampled upon his letter stirred up the Emperor's son against his father, to get some Dominions to the Church, the Emperor returns, subdues his enemies, but gave a great sum of moneys before the Pope would absolve him; the Emperor goes against Traitors in Italy, the Pope writes to all Towns, to stand out, stirs up the Venetians legates, cursed him by a Bull, deprived him of his dignities, charged him with heresy, the Emperor sends his Secretary to clear himself of those things & the Bishops of Germany was true to him; the Pope sent for a Counsel to depose the Emperor, the Emperor took by Sea three Legates Monks soldiers and Treasure: the Tartars come and destroy places adjacent, and the Christians sent to the Emperor for help, who wished the Pope to consider Christendom, but while the Emperor was engaged for the Christians, the Pope proceeded to depose him, which put the Emperor to employ his strength against him, and he so brought him under, that in anger and despairing the Pope died, after the Emperor drove the Tartars out of Hungary, but the next Pope forced the Emperor to more war in his own Dominions, and two great parties there was, the Emperors called the Gibilins, and Popes the Guelts. Conradus the fourth, endeavouring to regain Apula, his brother the Duke thereof got him poisoned, the Pope sent two Armies to gain Sicily, but he was beaten and died; but the next Pope got Count Angow the King of France's brother to fight with the Duke of Apula, that beat the former Pope, and the Duke was overcome by Angow. Young Conradus their sought to get his father's Dominions, was beaten by Angow, and beheaded by the Pope's advice: So the Kingdom of Naples came into the hands of the French. Radulph was chose at Frankford by the Electors, he was afraid to go to Rome for Coronation, because of the Pope's Tyranny, it was seven years after the former Emperor before he was chose, he overthrew the King of Bohemia, who in time of vacansie invaded Austridg, and called himself Emperor, these gave their daughters to each others son. Adolph borrowed money of King Edward of England to fight against France, but wanted it for his own house, he sought to win Austridg, but the Duke thereof slew him, and reigned in his stead; in the East a Christian Army of Germans & Hungarians was overcome by the Sultan of Egypt, who let in Sluices near Nilus upon them; a second Army under Frederick regained Jerusalem, made a Peace with the Saracens, which the King of Navor by the Pope's consent broke, but was beat back, and the Savages regained Jerusalem, put all Christians to death, and spoilt the Sepulchre of Christ: Another Army came under the King of France, but a forward commander venturing upon the Saracens and Sulton with a part of the Army was overcome, and after the whole Army, the King being taken, who wanted assistance from the Emperor, the Pope keeping him in war at home. The King of Tartarian, was baptised, and he overcame Syria, Persia, and took Damascus from the Saracens, but this King's son at his father's death left a commander that apostatised, and set fire on Sesaria, the next Army was of the Kings of France and England, the French took Carthage and in Sicily brought the Prince of Sicily to give way to the profession of Christian religion: Prince Edward of England was wounded by a venomed knife, by a deceitful Sarasen pretending letters, yet recovered, but failing of fores from the Emperor) the Pope stirring up the Duke of Angow to destroy frederick's posterity) he returued. The last Army again the Saracens was by the Emperor, who the enemy circumvented as they was lading a great prey, took the Christian general, and after utterly destroyed in Asia their Towns and Holds, but the Prince of Tartars restored Syria again, but he returning home, his commander revolted to the Sulton of Egypt, because (the Pope warring with France) no succour came to him. Albertus' after ten years' reign, was killed by his brother's son; now sprang up the first Ottoman King of the Turks, a courageous warrior that enriched himself with spoils, he subdued great part of Bythinia and other places. Henry the seaventh was a Prince of excellent properties, wise, just, and beloved, neither proud in prosperity, or dejected in adversity; a Monk mingling poison with the bread of the Eucharist poisoned him. Lewis the fifth was next, but some of the Electors chose Frederick, who was subdued, but yet being Duke of Austria vexed the Burgesses of Vren Swits for helping the other Emperor, which places & others, made a league among themselves, and are called Swissers or Cantons, or Pages of Helvetia, the Pope being displeased with Lewis sent to the Electors to choose another, which they did. Charles the fourth, In his time the Turks passed the Helespontus, and took several Towns, which was their Conquest over those regions in Europe they now possess Charles procured of the Electors, that his son should be King of the Romans. Vinseslaus was sluggish and given to voluptuousness, and was deprived of his dignity. About this time Tamerlane Captain of the Tartars, the Pr. of Og's son slaying 30000 in a battle of the Muscovites, who entered the Tarters Country, grieved to see the slaughter of his enemies. The great Cham of Tartary gives him his daughter, and stirred him up against the King of China, that styled himself Lord of the world: Tamerlane going against this King, falling sick, a Counsellor drew away part of his soldiers, who Tamerlane overcome, and then on his march made a speech to his soldiers, which ended, his soldiers cried out, one God in Heaven, one Emperor on Earth, he first forces a great wall the Chinaes' made for defence of their Country, and took great spoil. The King of China summons his Priests to pray to the Sun, a Lord came to Tamerlane to direct him; to whom he gave a frontier Province, and was very courteous to the people, and he endeavours to get a great City for the comfort of his Army before he fight more; he won the Suburbs by storm, but considering the riches of the City might spoil his Soldiers for fight, took it on conditions, the King of China marches towards Tamerlane, the King road in a Chariot, whereof every part shone with Gold, Pearls, Rubies, and Diamonds, and his whole Army with Gold and precious stones: Tamerlane took another place for refreshment, and then sent out a party of 6000 horse telling the commander, if they come upon you, retire back, and bring that great cloud to me, which I hope to disperse he likewise ordered a great body to receive the enemy upon the former's retirement; and another body ready to help the last, if worsted, reserving still another body with himself; the Chinaes' come on with his horse trappings as well as armour decked with gold and silver, he had likewise many armed Chariots, they came altogether without any vanguard; but Tamerlan's commander being wounded and retired, another great body engaging, beat the enemy within the King's Chariots, but the King had yet about his person 150 thousand men; then came on Tamerlane and broke through, even within a second rank of Chariots, where was 40000 men, the King at last remained wounded with Tamerlane; the battle being won, which lasted eight hours, there was slain two Kings alleys to the King of China, who had divers strange weapons and ensigns, wonderful riches was taken in golden vessels, precious stones, and and rich Chariots; the next day Tamerlane looked upon his Army, and took care of the King of China, whose Army was at first 200 thousand foot, and 150 thousand horse. Tamerlane refreshed himself with water, never drinking wine, thanked God, never in the least vaunted, and went and saluted the King again, who said to Tamerlane, well let it suffice thee, seeing thou fightest for honour, that the Lord of the World and Child of the Sun, is in thy power. China hath two hundred famous Cities in it, and abounds with Silk, Linen, Fish, Fowle, and Mines of Gold and Silver; Tamerlane overthrew also the King of China's brother, upon which Cities yielded a pass, but at length he made a peace with him, enjoying most of the Cities in China, beating down all Idols; and so delivered the King to go home. After this the Emperor of Greece, desired his aid against the Turk, that would attempt his Country; Tamerlane sends to the Turk to warn him not to meddle with Greece, but the Turk bids him enjoin laws to his own Subjects; Tamerlane with what force his uncle and other Lords helped him to, sets forward, sending victuals by Sea, and his Camp was like a well governed City, not the least wrong permitted: Bajazet the Turks King forbade all prayers for Tamerlane, and comes furiously to meet him, and after as furiously joins ' battle with great noise, and cries; the first that fought on Tamerlanes side, was a Prince, who charged so home, as to come among the Janazaries, and put them to great disorder, but was slain there; another great body was sent, both sides fought so stoutly, that it lasted long, and many was slain, and yet the battle doubtful; at last, when Tamerlanes side was ready to give back, he made room by a charge upon the Janazaries, and some Tartars of the Turks side revolted, and with much ado at a fresh charge, the Turks great number was overcome, and the King a prisoner and wounded; and coming before Tamerlane showed not the least submission; said Tamerlane, what if you had took me? then said he, I would have carried you about in a Cage, so, said Tamerlane, shall you be served; and he was fed with fragments like a dog. Tamerlane marches against the Sulton of Egypt that assisted the Turks, fought him near Aleppo, with courage on both sides, but the Sulton fled, though his Army was about 170 thousand; after Tamerlane took Damascus and other places, and set down before Cair, assaulted it with fifty thousand, the City was only ditcht, not walled, the Sulton opposed his passage, but was forced to retreat into a second Trench. The next day the Sulton was forced to leave the City, and was pursued towards Alexandria, where a party of Tamerlanes went first to prevent the Sulton gathering forces, but the City desired to submit to Tamerlane, and that the Sulton would not make that place a seat of war, so the Sulton not knowing what to do went away with tears in his eyes; and than Tamerlane returned home, and after his uncle's death was Emperor of Tartary. Rupert Duke of Bavaria was chose by the Electors, in his time Mahomet the Turk, after Tamerlane died, regained his father's Dominions, and killed his brother. Sigismond King of Bohemia and Hungary, he was a wise Prince, called a Counsel for union; hus was now burned for preaching against the Pope, as also Jerom of Prague, which caused the people to choose a general, who beat the Emperor's Army, but the Emperor and Pope came again, yet shamefully fled from the Hussites against all persuasion that could be used. Albertus' the second subdued the Bohemians, by means of the King of Poland's help, a Peace was made with the Turk; when the Turk was gone, the Pope sent a dispensation to break faith, but the Christian forced was beaten to their shame and hurt. Frederick the second Duke of Austria, upon Petition promised to free the Germans as the King of France had his subjects from the Pope's Tyranny, at this time Scandenberg doing great things for the Turk, being denied the Turks Dominions in Ipeus, which he asked of the young Turk at his father's death, he turned against the Turk, got several Towns by letters, maintained his own, and beat the Turks armies many years; he was a Prince's son, first given in hostage to the Turk. Mahomet the second took Constantinople, cruelly handling the Christians, caused an Image to be held up, saying in derision, this is the God of the Christians, and so here ended the Christian Empire in the East, the Emperor of the Turks now making Constantinople his seat. Maximilian the first was taken prisoner in Flanders, but relieved by his father; being yet in government with him, he writ in Latin of his fears; the second Emperor of the Turks, caused all the Noblemen of Moden, which he took to be slain cruelly in his presence. Charles the fifth King of Spain was chose, he took the King of France, but made peace with him, which the Pope caused the King of France to revoke; the Emperor sent the Duke of Bourbon, who sacked Rome and besieged the Pope and Cardinals in a Mount, the Duke was slain, but the Emperor fearing excommunication, sent to have the Pope go out. Luther now writ for the reformed Religion, the Emperor summons him to a Counsel he had convened, he refused to recant, yet was let go, but soon after was apprehended, and his books against Popery burnt; the Pope pressed for execution of former Edicts, but the Germane Princes presented to the Emperor; that the Church of Rome prohibited that which the word of God did not, and that by reason of the Pope's pardoning sins for a little money, much villainy and murder was committed and desired a free Christian Counsel. Divers Princes met at Spires, declaring that Ministers should teach according to the interpretation of the Church, the Duke of Saxon and divers other Princes withstood this, who and those that joined with them, was called Protestants, unto whom cleaved divers City's appealing to the Emperor: but he used their Ambassadors rufflie, fearing to displease the Pope, threatening to punish those that would not yield to the convension of Spire, the Protestants Covenant, to defend themselves if invaded for Religion, but the Emperor (who had sworn to defend the Romish Church) called a convention of Estates, learned men on both sides was brought, but he commands the Protestant Princes to come to Mass, which they desired may be determined first, The Protestants brought a Confession of Faith, which was answered, but the Emperor would not admit of a reply, and made a decree, the Protestants should have time to return to the Church of Rome, which their Princes and Cities declared they could not keep with good conscience, upon which a Decree was made to confirm the doctrine of the Church of Rome, and to proceed in judgement against Protestants, who stood close by one another; but after some time the Emperor offered them Peace, to assist him against the Turk. Swinglius now preached down pardons, and disputes there was, but the Romanists put off all to a Council; many Cities threw off the Mass, Altars, and Images; the Emperor was this while in war with France, some other Cities joined against the Protestants, and ready to give battle, a moderating City parted them, but afterward the Switsers and Pages of Helvetia gave the Protestants of Berne an overthrow; The Emperor agrees with France, but against the reformed Religion, upon which a French general fell on the Waldenses, killing many, driving others into the woods, which General died of a rotten stinking disease; the Emperor and Pope come against the Protestant Princes in Germany, pretending against Rebels, but with Spaniards and Venetians, subdues the Duke of Saxony, telling him he must die or turn, the first he willingly chose, but the marquis of Brandenburg begging for him, he only lost his hands; upon this several others yielded: The Emperor sent to the Council of Bishops to remove to Trent, who refusing, he consulted with the Princes about some alteration of Religion, that Priests should many, the Sacrament be used in both kinds, and some other things; some Protestants accepted of this with an exception, but Buser fled upon it, and the Romanists abominated it. The Duke of Saxony taxing the King with breach of promise, joins with the marquis of Brandenburg and King of France against the Emperor, at last Peace was made with some liberty for the Protestants. In England, the Mass in Latin was abolished, common Prayer established, and Bishop Bonner imprisoned; But Mary restored the Pope's supremacy, and the Mass, and caused the Parliament to be absolved by Cardinal Poole; she put to death many Bishops and others resolute for the Faith; the Turks took Rhodes, but this Emperor recovered Tunis, and releived twenty thousand Captives. Ferdinand King of Bohemia was next elected Emperor, the Mass was omitted for some of the Electors sake; some of the Parliament in France were now Protestants, the King of France told a great Counsellor that he would see him burnt, but the King in Armour being run at in jest, and by his choice with a sphere, a splinter of it breaking, entered the King's eye and killed him, but his son who married the Queen of Scotland, where many was against the Romish way, and the Guizans allied to the Queen, came over into Scotland, but was beaten back, the Queen of England helping Scotland, the Prince of Condie a Protestant was taken by the King's guard, the King died of putrefaction in his ears, and Condie cleared then the Kings of Navarre and Queen Mother, with the estates, had a dispute before them of almost a hundred Bishops and Doctors of a side, but no agreement; the Protestants of Piedmont was cruelly persecuted for not owning the Mass, who defended themselves with stones. In France there was an Edict for the Protestants, to hear the word in Peace, but the Pope puts the King in hope, Navarre shall be restored him by the King of Spain if he turn Catholic, which turning him, the Duke of Guise takes arms, first he killed 1500 men and women at a sermon, after seizeth on the King and Queen at Paris, many Nobles resort to the Prince of Condie to free the King, and defend the Gospel, the Queen sent letters also to Condie to free them, many Towns was taken on both sides, the Guizans took Rouen again, in the siege whereof the King of Navarre was slain, the Guizans hanged Marloret a Minister; Guise gave Condie battle, as he was going to join with some English, where Guise was slain, upon which an Edict was made, but not so strict as before, for liberty for the Protestants. About the year 1550. the Romanists that they may (with the Turk) maintain that by might, which they cannot by right, did thrust the Iron Inquisition (at first appointed against Jews and Moors) into the sides of many worthy Christians: one Julian for dispersing Bibles was brought to the Stake, who with his smiles, incouraiged twenty more, who was roasted to death, also Consalvo a studious Priest being true to truth against the adoration of the host, doctrine of merit, and other Fanatic innovations, was with his two sisters, mother and brother put to death; take a taste of this sour business by which the Papists hold fast deceit; when there is the least information given against any one, an Officer called a familiar, is suborned to insinuate into his company, who taking occasion to meet the party accused, says, I being by accident at the Lords Inquisitors, they commanded me to summon you before them, if he says he knows nothing of that Court or the Church, they dismiss him at present, still appointing one to feel him out, and then send for him again, wishing him to confess, if the party be a stranger like to escape, they clap him up where many die; they have many devices also to find one escaped, if one be arrested they take an inventory of all he hath, as soon as he enters prison, the Joaler asks him whether he hath knife, money, or ring, which are his fees; when the party hath been imprisoned in a little place two months he comes to a hearing, if he confesses the thing accused for, then woe to him, if he denies, he is sent back; sometime after they send again for him, and tell him if he confess not, he shall find them severe Justices; they send for him a third time, if he confess any thing, they say they are not yet satisfied, than they hold a Crucifix, requiring an Oath, if he refuse, they lay a large indictment against him, of what they can imagine, supposing he will confess some of it, though they never heard any such thing of him, and by thus amazing him; they try if they can trip him in his answers, and then require him to write down his answer, if he confess, they ask who he learned it of, and so bring in others, than they give him an advocate, who tells him that confessing the truth is best in that Court; and it may be two years before he appears again, when depositions very intricate are produced, after that they tell him they must extort the truth from him; and bringing him to a rack, standing in a dark Dungeon, where the skreeks of the tormented may not be heard, the Executioner appears all in black, only peeping holes for his eyes, than the Inquisitors order the business, the party is stripped naked, having his or her hands bound, and a great wait fastened to his or her heels,, the party is hoist up, and let down with a jerk, ready to disjoint all his parts, they call him heretic dog; then they hang double wait, and hoist him up again, and confess or not, they hale up yet another time, and ask whether his other torments are ready, bidding the executioner to bring them to morrow; and then three days after when the parties bodies is grievous full of pain, they rack some again, requiring them to peach whom they had conference with, than they bind their thighs so close, as the cord is so in the flesh as cannot be seen, they have another torment whereby they almost stop their breath with a cloth, and yet threaten worse, after they set a pan of Char-chole against the souls of the parties feet, if all this will not do, than one of the inquisitors will seem to pity and weep over the party, as they did by a Matron in Civil, by which they extorted from her the betraying of her mother and sister, who was put to death: These Inquisitors have also flies, that for gain will endure hunger and Chains in prison, only to get something out of other Prisoners, their Prison is like a grave, little and dark, the Prisoners are allowed 3 pence a day, out of which they pay for Landress and other necessaries, if any relieve them, they are whipped as favourers of Heretics; in some time they come as 'twere to a Goal delivery, some are brought forth with a garment pictured with devils, and a cleft piece of wood on their tongue, and with every one that is to die, there comes two Friars to importune him to deny the doctrine he hath professed; the Inquisitors pass in great pomp to the Scaffold, where there is a Sermon preached in commendation of the holy house, and in reproaching the truth with its professors, then are the sentences passed against some to die without mercy, against others to be whipped, but so as they seldom scape with their lives, others are condemned to the galley, others to forfeit their estates, they read more in the crimes, than ever was brought against the party to make him odious, if any be to be degraded, they scrape their lips, hands, and head till blood came, to get off the holy oil wherewith he was anointed at his ordination: They who the inquisitors order to die, have their neck broke suddenly at the stake, and it's given out they repented & so felt no pain in the fire; and those who are let go, they charge them not to utter their secrets under the severe penalty for relapsers. Maxamilian the second was chose Emperor, Ferdinand's Son, who was King of Hungary, he gave his two daughters to the Kings of Spain and France; abundance professed the reformed Religion in the Low Countries; the Popish Prelates put the inquisition in execution; the Duke de Alva goes against the Protestants, who defend themselves under Nasaw Prince of Orange, who though often worsted, yet most of Holland and Zealand was freed from the Spaniards tyranny. In France the Edict for liberty was observed only to some few Nobles; and the Kings of Spain and France with Cardinal Lorain enter a league against the Protestants Condie and others complain and go to the King, and for their safety go in arms; the King withdraws, Condie besieges Paris, overcame their forces, joins with some Germans, but upon fair promises of the Queen lays down arms, but after cruelty was used every where upon the Protestants; Condie flies to Rochel who passed over a ford, not known before to be dry, all other passages being stopped, the Duke of Anion the King's brother was made General for the King; Condie complains of the Cardinal Lorain, as the cause of the stir, Condie receives help from Britain, they fight with loss on both sides, Condie slain, the young King of Navarre, and young Condie take the charge of the Protestant Army, the King marrieth, seemeth very peaceable, but the Protestants Admiral was shot, upon which Condie and Navarre withdraws, but the King seemed desirous to punish those that shot the Admiral: A little after was the great Massacre at Paris; the Dukes of Anion and young Guise, having soldiers ready, who upon a sign from St. Germane Church, rushed into the Admiral's house, and threw him out of Window, upon which Guise said its a good beginning, it is the King's command, the Soldiers also fell a kill men, women, and children; Guise (not moved by the dreadful cries of the poor people) animated the soldiers to rout up the seed of Protestantisme; they went to the Lower, where the King was, and threatened Navarre and Condie, who was willing to choose death rather than part with their Religion, which they had from God, but yet begged the King to consider his bond of friendship: Divers in Count Mongomeries house fled before the Masacre came; there was reckoned slain thirty thousand, for all which the Romanists pretended a plot, to confess which they tortured two Nobles, who died with abhorrance of any such thing, yet the Romanists published a confession in their names of treason against the King, many now terrified fled to Rochel, which the King besieged by Sea and Land, in which place came a abundance of fish, that after went away, but Ambassadors came from Poland for Anion, who they had chose King, who agreed that Rochel and two other Towns should have liberty of Religion within their own bounds, but the King dying, the Queen-mother sent for her other Sun out of Poland, then condemned Mountgomerie but now several Catholics join with Condie for the Country's good; the Cardinal Lorain walking barefoot with penitentiaries, contracted a disease that killed him; after several bicker Ambassadors come to the King from England, the Cantons and elsewhere, and a peace was made for more liberty for the Protestants. Radulph was next chose Emperor of Germany, he was King of Bohemia and Hungaria, he called a Diet at Ratisbone, about reforming Religion: the Turk in a fight lost eighteen thousand, for fifty two of the Christians. Transilvania joining with the Emperor, the Turk was often sent back with loss, and upon the Ambassadors coming from Hungary to Vienna, it was agreed that Catholic, Lutheran, and Calvenist, and no other should exercise their Religion; the Protestants of Austria being abused, they take arms, but by the help of the Moravians they obtain peace, the Emperor died, all was quieted, and both accuse the Jesuits as authors of their broils. In France the Catholics fearing if the King should die, Navarre might be King, confederated in Arms, pretending against the Hugonites, who was in Rochel, but they go to Paris; the King made an offer of Land to give the Catholic General, but these Leaguers prospering, moved the King to be o● them, and root out the Protestants; Navarre and Condie declare against these things, join with the Germane forces, fight the King (who seemed to comply with Guise, and ordered all to profess the Catholic way) Condie overthrew the King, but Guise came into Paris suddenly against the King's command, upon which the King set forth a fierce Edict against the Protestants, bestowed a great place on Guise, declared Cardinal Burbone of the Royal blood, excluded Navarre, all which Guise would have confirmed by Parliament▪ but jealousy being among the Grandes, Guise was slain, the people cried out of the King, saying they ought to support the Church, and was free from their Oath, the King than joins with Navarre, wars with the Leaguers, repulsed the Main that intended to surprise him, besieged Salaize, beat Count Brissac that came to relieve it: He also goes against Paris, which so put the Leaguers to it, that they got a Jockabine Monk who coming demurely to the King pretending letters, gaining through his subtlety, the King's retirement in the Chamber where the Masaker was concluded, reading letters, he stobed the King, upon which the attendance coming in killed the Murderer; this Monk was canonised St. Jeques; the King named Navarre his successor, the Leageurs proclaimed another, but King Henry the fourth and young Navarre goes towards Paris; Demain the Leaguers general daily lost men, but the King got a great victory, Demain fleeing, plucking up a bridge, drowned many of his men; the King stopping provisions to Paris, 100 thousand died with famine, the Duke of Parma came to relieve it, but durst not attempt the King's Army, and the Leaguers went to ruin apace everywhere; the Duke of Savoys Army was also overthrown, also the King slew 700 Romans of 2000 and sent the rest to Italy; also the Duke of Parma being invited to come once more into France was discomfited; and another Duke being beaten out of the field, said farewell my Cannons, and further most blasphemously said, I renounce God, and run this day a high fortune, plunging himself and horse into a River, at last the Bishops turned the King, who came to Mass, Paris now yields, but yet many of the Leaguers was inveterate still against the King; a youth that was told the King could be no King if the Pope consented not to it, stabbed the King, but not mortal, but the young Scholar was torn in pieces by horses, the Jesuits was ordered to depart, who after Petition to be restored, the Protestants Petition for an Edict to prevent what they suffered. A woman attempts to poison the King, she was burnt for it, two others that attempted him mischief he only said, God will punish them: The Duke of Savoys forces came suddenly to Geneva, got the word, kill the Centinel, was above an hour in the streets, but beaten out, and some hanged. A Synod at Got declared the Pope Antichrist, the Jesuits was admitted at Berne to the grief of the People. A Turk was now baptised a Citizen of Geneva; was burnt for a plot against it. There was now a great plague after great cold. The King of France one day was very sad, could not sleep, rose and prayed, some Nobles going in Coach with him abroad, being cheerful, the King said we may weep yet by Sunday, but there met the King's Coach when it stood in a street, a Layer, who when the King stooped stabbed him on his leftside, who spit blood, lost his apprehension, and by the time he came home died; the Murderer was racked and condemned, his hands was put into a Furnace flaming with fire and brimstone, after there was colups of flesh taken from him, by red hot pinchers, and burnt, and scalded Pitch and Rosine was poured into those wounds, also melted lead was poured on his Navel, he had his paps pinched off, and was torn in pieces by horses, than his parts burnt, and his ashes thrown in the air: The King's Son Lewis was crowned by the Cardinal, many Nobles of France was Protestants, some now wrote against Belarmine about the pope's Temporal power. Now in the Netherlands, Don John of Austria the King of Spain's governor endeavoured to bring in the Inquisition, the General Estates call Mathias of Austria, who was of the blood to govern them; and Proclaimed John an enemy to the Kings netherlands: The Pope promised eternal life to all that would help John against the netherlands. Mathias chooses for his Lieutenant, Nassaw Prince of Orange, upon which some of the Nobles mutined, so that John got a victory over Mathias; the Duke of Anion assists the States; Amsterdam (besieged) by the Spaniords, made an agreement with the States of Holland; and a little after, the Friars, Monks, and Priests went out, the States sitting at Antwerp, published a Decree for to entertain the pacification of Gant, which the Jesuits refusing to swore was thrust out; at Gaunt was some Friars sentenced for Sodomy, Mathias and States complain to the Assembly of Princes in Germany of the Spaniards cruelty, the States called the Duke of Anion their defender: One Captain Pont of the Duke's Army abusing a maid, and boasting of it, she stabbed him, the States at last Decree that neither Catholic or Protestant shall attempt any thing upon one another; this the Catholics would not brook, and no small stirs was at Aras, Don John died, to whom succeeded the Prince of Parma. Anion returns to France, many fell for money from the States, the Prince of Orange was made governor of Flanders; Ambassadors from the Emperor and King of Spain could not effect peace, the Romish would have no Religion but theirs exercised, the reformed not be deprived of theirs, the States choose Anion their Sovereign, and so agreed with him on Articles, but the King of Spain desiring the life of the Prince of Orange, puts out an Edict of prescription against him, Orange apologised, the Estate approved of it, cause their Magistrate to abjure the King of Spain. Anion was made Duke of Brabant, he received at Antwerp both Romanists and Protestants into his protection. One Anestroes' boy watching his time, and being persuaded by a Friar, that by characters he gave him, he should pass invisibly, shot the Prince of Orange in at the Chap, but not mortal, which boy was immediately run through with a Halberd, and after hanged; Parma had also dealt with some to kill Anion and Orange, but Lafoy Bordo discovering something, saved himself, another killed himself in prison, another was drawn in pieces with horses. Anion sends a Commander to seize on Dunkirk for himself; and put out the State's Garrison intended against Bruges and Antwerp, but at Antwerp, the King of France crying kill, kill, the Town is our own, was beaten out with the loss of above 1500, the Duke excused all this, yielded up again the Towns to the States; two more by the Spaniards order attempts to kill Orange, but failed, one of which was strangled, the States of Holland having now taken the Government upon themselves; Newport, Dunkirk, Sas, Hulst, Gant, and several other places was lost, the Prince of Orange sent to England to help them; Bruges was reconciled to the Spaniard, Anion died, and in his sickness would not admit a Priest, and was troubled much for his revolt. A high Burguion that lived at Delf a whole year, traitorously shot the Prince of Orange, who praying God to pity his poor soul, and the poor people, died, the Murderer was executed after a terrible manner, who confessed that one of the Prince of Parmaes' Counsellors promised him great rewards, divers places now yields to Parma, even Brussels and Antwerp; Morris, Nassaws Son is made Governor, the distressed States got Queen Elizabeth of England to assist them on conditions to have Flushing and other places security for moneys, the Queen declared the reasons hereof; the Earl of Leicester was accepted Governor, swore to defend them against the Spaniards; but he hindering all Traffic with France also, complaint was made against him; in Spain all English Ships was arrested, and goods confiscated, many of the English Ships had commission from the Queen, and took several prizes from the Spaeniards. Parma now going to besiege Nuys, hanged a Minister and two Captains, at Clost, and spoilt the Town, a hallowed sword was brought him from the Pope, with remission of sins, to those that should be at saying Mass, at its first coming: Leicester marched to Zutphen, where Sir Philip Sidney was shot and died; at Linter it reigned blood. Zutphen where Leceister had left a Governor, and another place where was a Scots Governor were sold to the Spaniards; the King of Spain's Provinces was troubled with dearth and wolves, the States discontented (though not all) at Leicester, he by the Queen's order resigned his Government; there was a Treaty between the Queen and Parma, but nothing effected, Breda was surprised for Morris, Parma died, Arnestus Arch Duke of Austria succeeded, who entered Brussels, but Solme prospered for the States in Flanders, and Cramberg in Frezeland was yielded to Count William; the Duke sent two to the States to treat, but Groaning now yielded to Orange; a Soldier once under Morris his guard, was executed for Treason against him, the Duke died with grief: Albertus Cardinal of Austria came in his room, he takes Calais from the French, but Peace was quickly made, he took Hulst from the States, with about the loss of 5000, but Morris in the dead of Winter overcame the Cardinal's Army, slew his General and 2000 men, with the loss of nine of Orange his side; after Groll and divers places more yielded to Prince Morris. One Pan that came from Dowway had undertaken to kill the Prince, the King of Spain died, Albertus his Army turned out Ministers, and put in Priests at Weasel, but the States thrive at Sea by their Fleet, Creucaeur yields to Morris, the States go against Flanders; the Prince besieging Newport, but Albertus after marrying the King of Spain's Daughter, came against the Prince, the Prince having sent a party to keep a pass, which the Duke's Army had passed before, was forced to fight, Morris lost 800 men, after the Armies engage where Sir Francis Vere under Morris utterly rooted the Spaniards, slaying 6000, Morris lost 800, but most English, Slucegrave, Berke, and divers places was after taken by the Prince, who with some English ships had the best of it in two Sea fights, in one was slain 300 of the Spaniards, 36 of the States, and in another 2000 Spaniards, and 50 of the States, but Ostend yielded to the Duke, but a truce was made for 12 years. In England Queen Elizabeth sets out a Proclamation against children's being brought up in Popish Seminaries beyond Sea, the King of Spain & Pope prepare a great Army against her, but was employed through the death of the King of Perrugall another way; a Rebellion now broke out in Ireland, by the Spaniards instigation, the chief was slain, & 700 Italians yielded themselves, the King of France comes to England about matching his brother to the Queen. A Jesuit and another was executed for Treason and Sedition, and coming from Rome, after by Parliament there was an Act against seducing the Queen's Subjects, and saying Mass; the Scaffold one Sabbath day at the Beargarden fell down, killing some of the people: King James works himself out of Dowers hand, and pardoned him, one Brown writing that the Church of England was no true Church, and two of his followers was put to death; one Lewis denying the Godhead of Christ was burnt; Gowery about to take the King again was beheaded; one Paris on confession of his intentions against the Queen was executed. Letters was taken at Sea, intimating a great design of the Spaniard against England, the Parliament made an Act for preservation of the Queen against Popish Priests, the Earl of Northumberland conscious of ill designs, laid violent hands upon himself. The Queen concludes a stricter amity with the King of Scots; she sends a Fleet to the West-Indies; which returned with great booty; Dr Geford and others conspire the Queen's death, one his conscience terrifying, told it to Secretary Walsingam, and several was executed; the French Ambassador sets one to kill the Queen, who revealing it, the Ambassador was sound rebuked: now in 1688 the Spaniards invade England with an Navy called invincible of 130 Ships, 20000 Men, 172 Ensigns 6320 bushels of Pease and Beanes, with great store of Biscate, Oil, Bacon, Wine, and other provisions, many thousand Arms in store, with Pickaxes for Pioners, under the Duke of Modena, assisted with twenty two Lords, they lost by storm three Galleys as soon as out of Sea; coming near England, a Fleming informed the English Admiral and Sir Francis Drake, who quickly with what Ships they had, put the Spaniards Ships to disorder, and took one with instructions in it, what the Spaniards should do if they conquered, wherein was part of their Treasure also; the Spaniards Anchored at Calais, the English send fire Ships, besmeared with Rozume and Brimstone among them in dead of night, which made them put to Sea in confusion towards Ireland, which Sea being tempestuous, many of their Ships run upon sands, scarce fourteen got safe home, for which there was appointed thanksgiving to God. The Scots was dealt with towards entering an Army that way, but King James prevented it; the King married the King of Denmark's Daughter, Drake now took several places from the Spaniard; the Popish Lords in Scotland made no small stir for their Interest. And a Cardinal wrote against King James, but all was crushed; the Queen's Physician was put to death, for plotting her death: Balls was sent to fire the English Fleet, a Navy from England takes Cadis, vanquished the Spanish Fleet, relieved prisoners, the Spaniard answered it with another fleet, the greatest part of which was cast away. One Walop came to poison the Queen's saddle, with the benediction of a Jesuit, who would pawn his Soul for him: The Queen sent another Fleet under Essex, to take the Spaniards Indie Fleet, but storms gave leave only for Essex to return safe, who was after sent Deputy in Ireland with an Army, with whom the Queen was displeased, and he came into England unlooked for, & was beheaded, but Tyrone in Ireland, & the Spaniards which was sent thither by the Pope's advice was all subdued: Brute came from Rome against King James; Priests was Proclaimed to depart the Realm; Queen Elizabeth dying, King James was proclaimed King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, several was found in a conspiracy against him, two Priests was executed, one affirming the King no King till Crowned, the Jesuits was now banished, but a little after the great design of Gunpowder Treason was laid for blowing up King and Parliament, by putting barrels of Powder in a vault, where the Plotters went with dark Lanterns, which was discovered by a Messenger, carrying a letter to a rung person; Hawks and others was hanged for it. There was another Proclamation against Roman Priests, and an Order that all that came from beyond Sea should take the Oath of Allegiance, which Garret refusing he was executed; after the Oath was imposed on all, now in 1612 died Prince Henry, whose sister married the Palsgrave. The Jews continue hardened in their unbelief, scattered about the world, many of them are rich and cunning Merchants, but enjoy not Land or Majestracy; in some places they are admitted with their Synagogues in other places, only to trade, but in Spain and elsewhere, if they be known, they lose life and estate, but if they cannot get enough to transport themselves, they seem to live and die Christians. About this time Ninety thousand Moros was driven out of Spain. Mathias, In his times great wars was between the Duke of Austria, who by conditions from the Emperor, was K. of Bohemia, also with the Protestant people of Bohemia, upon the account of Religion; Mathias reigned but about 6 years. Ferdinand the second, what remarkables in and after his time, he vigorously prosecuted the war with the Bohemian Protestants. Frederick Elector Palatine K. of Bohemia Brother to K. Charles of Engl. K. of Bohemia, was in Fight under Prague, overcome and fled to Holland; the Bohemian Provinces now returning to the obedience of the Emperor, who restored the Jesuits in Prague; several other places yielded also to the Emperor. Breda was taken by the Spaniard. Rochel now calls forth the English, who under the Duke of Buckingham with about 120 Ships possessed the Island of Ree, all but the Castle, but sucker coming from the King of France, they was driven out again, the King after besieges Rochel, which brought to extremity veelded, and was turned to a kind of Village. Gustanus King of Sweathland, and the Lutheran Princes gave the Catholic Army under Tillie a great blow, slaying near 10000 The Swedes subdued all Franconie, the Saxon also a friend of the Sweede invaded Bohemia, and also Prague, the Swedes went through Alsatia and Bavaria, but some of the Imperial Princes desire the King of Frances aid; Vulsteine now Captain of the Catholics recovers Prague, and at Lutzen fights with the Swede two days, in which the King was slain, the Chancellor still undertook the war, the Duke of Bavaria was now the Commander of the Emperor's party, several fights passed, Frankford was taken two or three times, and Luna four times, the Emperor displaced his general, made his son the King of Hungary, who took Hedleburgh, Spain assists him, he takes also several towns in lower Franconie; the Sweeds confer with the Protestants, the Duke of Newburgh desires to be Neuter, for which the Sweede after afflicts him. The Dutch in the West-Indies; take 2 Ships with sixty Tun of gold, and at Guinea 1044 pound wait of gold; and bring the Island of Pacunia under their yoke: In the East-Indies they took seven Ships, possess the best Island for Salt, also Paraibus, in Poland the King could not assist the Emperor, because the States which chose him would not consent. In England now was a great fire on London-bridge, the wind turning suddenly from Thames-street, where much Pitch and Tarr was. Aturne Noy set on foot Ship-money, and now was several Patents of Commodities granted, Hambden had a Trial with the King about Shipmoney. The Sweeds beats the Emperor. In England Prin wrote against stageplays, and Burton wrote against Bishops, who were censured in Star-Chamber, losing their ears, and was exiled: The Scots now refused to admit of the Liturgy and Bishops. The Spaniard punish the Dutch at Dunkirk, but the Dutch Admiral Trump so beat the Spanish Fleet, that fifteen scarce escaped of fifty Ships. The Scots raise an Army to prevent any to hinder them of what they engage for; the King marches to them, the Scots declare they intent not the least hurt to the King, the English refusing to fight the Scots, they had good conditions; the Palatinate receiving help from the King of England, takes in Westphalia, but the Emperor, Ferdinand the second scatters his forces, takes his brother Rupert, who getting his liberty goes to help his uncle against the Parliaments forces. In May 1630 the Merchants of London sent the Ship Salutation for Green-land, arrived there in June, following with two other Ships, all commanded by Captain Goodlier; the Ship where the Captain was meeting with store of Whales, sent for the Salutation to take in part of the Trane Oil, as they went, meeting with cross winds, the Master sent eight men a shore to kill Venison, who took with them a brace of dogs, A Snaphance, two Lances, and a Tinderbox, they quickly laid fourteen Dear on the ground, and then rested, the next day being fogie, and the Ice keeping their Ship off the Coast, they hauled towards Green-harbor; intending to stay aboard a Ship there, till their own came, in the way they killed eight Deer more, but coming laden to Green-harbor, they found the Ship departed, upon which having but three days limited for their departure out of the Country, they cast much Venison out of the Shallop, and hasted towards Bellsound to their Captain, but a fog increasing, and they having no compass, they wandered till the Ships there was gone, which filled them with astonishment, knowing none ever inhabited those climates, nor would undertake for any rewards to winter in those parts, though allowed great provisions; yea, they; had heard that Malefactors chose rather to return to satisfy the Law, than (after they had viewed the desolateness of the place) be pardoned to stay there one winter; they remembered also that there was nine men formerly left there, who was devoured by the Bears, they wanted clothes, food, and a house to keep themselves from the extremiry of cold, they went again towards Green-harbor to kill Venison for winter, the first day they killed seven, after twelve more Dear, and finding another Shallop left behind there, they laded it with graves of Whales, and with the food in their own they hasted to their Tent at Bell-sound; in their way they were forced to stay at Bottel-Cove, where the wind blowing hard, and Anchor coming home, their Shallop sunk, and wet their provision, upon which they run into the high wrought Sea, to their Shallops, to save the rest of their provision, and they brought their Shallops to shore, and took the Venison swimming, and got to Bell-sound, the Tent there was built of Timber and boards, and covered with Flemish tiles, the use of it was for the Cooper's to make Casks to put in Train oil; they took down an other little Tent where the Oil used to be made, to make a Tent within the great one, they found also four Hogsheads of Lime, which mingled with sand made mortar, which they had much ado to keep from freezing, they raised a wall of one brick thickness against the inward planks of the great Tent, but the bricks failing, they nailed the other sides with boards, their Chimney whence was their light, was four foot high, sealing all very close, their beds were Dear skins, they stowed seven old Shallops, two Coffers, breaking them for fire, now having scarce any day; they spied two Sea horses a sleep on Ice, and with an harping Iron slew them, and roasted and eat them, but the nights and cold increasing, they perceived their provision short, and so stinted to one meal a day, and to fast a Wensdays, only to eat graves or fritters of the Whales, a loathsome meat, their clothes torn, they made thread of rope yearn, and needles of Whale-bone, but their Whale-graves grew mouldy, and they found that their Bear and Venison could not afford them five meals a week; from the fourteenth of October, to the second of February, they never saw the Sun peep above the Horizon, not knowing day from night, but the Moon as in England, but they made a Lamp of some Sheet lead, they found in the Cooper's Tent, and some Oil and rope yearn; in January when a duskish light appeared, it was so cold as it raised Blisters on their flesh, after this they melted the snow with hot Irons for water, and with Pickaxes broke the Ice; about the beginning of February the days were about seven hours long, but their victuals not like to last them six weeks, but they spying a Bare and Cub coming towards their Tent, went out with Lances, upon whom the great Bare greadily came, but was soon tumbled on the ground biting the snow for anger, the young one fled, this Bare served them twenty days, but eating her liver their skins peeled of, many more Bares came to the Tent, seven of which they killed, one of them six foot high, and the days lengthening, several fouled resorted to them, upon which came the Foxes also, before in their burrow under the Rocks, for to catch them, they devised traps baiting them with fowls skins, which fowl they caught by making springs of Whalebone, laying them on the fleshy side of Bearskins, they roasted and eat fifty Foxes, when the weather was warm enough, to go further and oftener out, they met with divers Willcoks eggs; after came two Hull Ships, which sent a Shallop near the shore, knowing men was left there, crying hay, to which one in the Tent answered ho, and so welcomed the new comers with long before roasted Venison and cold water, and after were entertained in the Hull Ships; then came the London Fleet with Captain Goodlier, who refreshed them with clothes and victuals, with whom they returned safely to the River of Thames. Greene-land is very Mountanious which all the year is covered with Ice and Snow, the planes in part are bare in summer, there growing neither Tree or herb except Scurvey-grass and Sorrel, the Sea is as barren affording no fish but Whales, Seals, Sea-horses, and some few small fish. The Turk gets Babylon from the Persian, with the loss of 40000, runs his Navy to the Red Sea, to the Cawsacks and Hungary, but the Plague about Aleppo frighted them back. In England the King disavows the paper the Scots avouched, the Scots prepare to come towards England, the King calls a Parliament, and seeing they had little mind to raise money, he desolved them, but the King gathered contributions of the Clergy, went with an Army to the North, where was a small skirmish, but the Lords on both sides composed the business, and the King calls another Parliament 1641 who get an Act not to be dissolved without their own consent, fall to bring such as they judged offenders to trial, persuaded the King to consent to the condemnation of Strafford, which he grieved for afterward; the Parliament call in Commissioners from Scotland, send for Bastwick and Burton who was exiled, imprisoned the Arch Bishop of Canterbury; the Londoners Petition against Bishops, twelve of the Bishops leave the house, and protest, ten of which was imprisoned by the Parliament, the King takes a journey towards Scotland. The Irish Rebellion broke forth, where about 200000 Protestants was murdered; Dublin was to have been surprised, but discovered by some discourse of the Lord Mackhoone, who was sent into England and hanged, the King returns sumptuously in London, exhibites Articles against six Parliament men, and came with some in Arms to Westminster, and entered the House himself, and demands the six Members, who was not there, upon this the people came thrunging to Westminster in discontent; and the Parliament judged their privileges broken, the King went to Hampton Court, people Petition that the Malitia may be put into the hands of the Parliament; the King refuses it, and went to York, sending the Parliament word he would go over Sea against the Irish; and would arm a lifeguard of 220 horse & foot; but by letters intercepted from the Lord Digbie, the Parl. suspected something else, and appoint Hotham not to yield Hull to the King, the K. summoned the Country as being in danger of the Parliament, the Parliament declared such extraordinary arming of men to be against the Laws, many of the Lords and Commons went to the King; the Parliament sent propositions to him, who not consenting, they order money and Plate to be brought in, for Religion the King and Laws, the King did the like Proclaiming against their Warrants for the Malitia, they forbid raising arms by the Kings warrant, and get an Army under Essex, of fourteen thousand, the King besieges Hull, loses twenty one men in a retreat, the King sets up his Standard for men, sends for a Composure, but the Parliament would not treat till he had revoked his Proclamation, calling them Rebels, the Armies at Edge-hill fight, both sides took prisoners, 5000 was slain, most of the Kings, and Ruthen his general a prisoner died of his wounds. The French gets Tarine from the Spaniards, and many Victories, the Pirates of Argier take a Spanish Ship, valeued at about three hundred thousand pound. A Countryman killing a hogg before three of his Children, one of which being six years old, the other two killed their brother in their father's absence, and boast of it, their Mother threw herself for grief in a Well, and her husband hanged himself. The Emperor Fared, beheads some of his commanders for not fight, makes peace with the Turks for twenty years. In England many victories and places are got, some by the King, some by the Parliament, who raised excise; tried and executed Chalanor for a plot against them. About this time was the revolt of Portugal, a place of 800 miles Circute, 400 miles by the Sea, this once belonged to the King of Casteel, and was under an Earl, whose Son gaining much from the Moors, was made General, fought with five Mahomitan Kings, their Army being about 400 thousand, the King of Casteel made this Earl the first King of Portugal, who was confirmed by the Pope, at last the King of Casteel and Portugal fell to wars, and moreover a Cardinal coming to be King, and dying without Issue, many pretending right to it, the people, the Pope also as Donor of Crowns in controversies, but the Duchess of Burgance was supposed the true Heir, but the King of Spain also pretended a title, which being supported by arms, in two battles assisted by the French, he subdues Portugal, but ruling of them hardly by impositions, and listing yearly four thousand Portugizes, they was weary of the Spanish Government, and both Priests and People sought deliverance; the King of Spain sends for the Duke of Burgance, Count Oliverz excuses his coming to Court, but assures the King of the Duke's affection, the K. makes him chief over his Malitia; the Nobilty and Arch Bishops meet and tell the Duke of Burgance, of their desire to make him King, who seemed to desire time to consider of it, but the business was so unanimously carried on, that on a set day by the sign of a shot from Lisbon, they fell on upon the guards in several places by Land and Sea, killing only one Swise, and threw the King's Secretary (their great enemy) out of a window, and sacked his house, but in about two hours all the shops was open, and all quiet, rejoicing in their King John, who promised to run all hazards, for his Country's good; the plot took effect at the same time in other places and Castles also in the Indies, and elsewhere abroad, the Spaniards being quietly sent home without blood. The Lords spiritual and temporal & Commons in Parliament confirmed the King, the Marquis of Furara gave the oath of allegian; e to the Clergy and others; the King was after Crowned by the Archbishop of Lisbon, attended with the Nobility; the King had put into his hand a Crystal Sceptre, he altered but very few officers of State; the Parliament would have enacted him some moneys, but he rather chose to accept of the people's benevolence, which amounted to four millions of gold, this news astonished the Court at Madrid, that a Kingdom should be lost by lights and fireworks, and ever since they have continued in war with Portugal. Rome fortified, fearing the Spaniard, for receiving a Portugal Ambassador. The Queen of France upon a vow to the Lady Lauretta for health restored to the Dolphin, sends twelve hundred weight of silver, and an Image of Jesus. The Emperor redeems the Image of Marie of the swedes with 10000 Florenes, after the Sweede fights him for 8 hours, took 289 officers, after took in eight places. Wrangle also beats the Dane, but the Dane makes peace with both Sweede & Dutch. In England the Parliament get assistance of the Scots, the King by a cessation in Ireland, gets some thence, who were quickly broken, but the Scots took in many places, weakened Newcastles army in the North, with whom at Marston-More, the Parliaments army, Manchester and Fairfax being now made chief commanders fight, the Parliaments left wing was first worsted, but Cromwell who commanded under Fairfax, broke the King's left wing, Lashly the Scot pursuing, and Cromwell coming about again with his horse, relieved the left, and got the victory, took bag and baggage, and 100 Ensigns, after the Scots took Newcastle. In Cornewal, Essex being encompassed, the foot submitted to the King, the horse forcing their way, and escaping as they could, Essex flying to Plymouth; Propositions was sent by the Parliament to Oxford about Religion, Ireland Malitia, but nothing done, Fairfax is voted General, a new Army is modelled, foreign Ambassadors sought to agree the King and Parliament. The King & Prince Rupert fight the new Army, routed their left wing, Cromwell did the like by the King, and Skippon weakening their foot, Cromwell forcing the Ks. horse to flight, the foot was taken, & 4000 brought prisoners through London, about 600 on both sides slain, most of the Conquerors: Fairfax's Army by Crumwels' means, lose not an hour, takes in many places, and Hopton was spoilt by Waller in the West: The Parliament would not accept of the Kings offers made to their Commissioners at Uxbridge; the Scots was to hard for Montross, though sometimes vexed by him, but at last they utterly overthrew him, tried and executed him. The French take Graveline by a laborious siege, the great Vizor presents himself, armed before the Turk, complaining of disaffected persons, but he is stabbed; the Dutch pass through the Danish Seas whether they will or no, but a Tower giving light to Mariners being removed, fourteen of their ships was dashed against rocks, there was burnt at Constantinople 1000 houses, 15000 aware houses. In July 1647. The Duke of Arots, Viseroy of Naples, for the King of Spain imposed taxes among other commodities upon fruits, upon which the people gave out mutinous words; the Viseroy consulted with the precincts of the City, who some of them advanced much money upon the gabelle or tax, the noise was that if this was taken off another would be set upon Corn, one Masianello a sprightly fellow of a middle Stature, in a blue Waistcoat, and barefoot, with a Mariners cap, an Anglier for little fish, advised the Fruiterers to tell the Country Fruiterers in the Market place, that they would buy no more Gabel fruit; the next day the shopkeepers refused to buy, but one of the Citizens persuaded them to buy for the present, but Masianello went up and down, cried avant Gabel, Let the King of Spain live, and the ill Government die, many boys and others being got together, he told them, I will free you from all your slaveries, if you will be ruled by me, and he listed 2000 against a Festival, with a stick in every one's hand, upon which day the people set up a Castle of wood, and battered it down with sticks and fruit; an Officer at the same time threatening the Fruiterers, a Cousin of Masianello saying, God gives plenty, and ill Government gives dearth, through his fruit down among the people. Masianello hit one of the City Officers on the breast with a stone, and cried no Gabel no Gabel, the people increased with arms, to whom Masianello said, be merry companions, this poor Fisherman shall release Naples from Tyranny; upon which the people fired the house with accounts, next to the Tolehouse, than the Gabel houses for other commodities, after above 10000 went to the Viseroys' Palace with loaves of bread on their Pikes, and cried, they would be freed from all taxes, the Viseroy promised that of fruit should be wholly abolished, and part of that of Corn, but they not satisfied, forced upon his lodgings through the Soldiers, but he escaped to a Church; and the Archbishop promised them they should be fully satisfied, but they desiring that some may be enrolled to see this done; the Viseroy got to St. Elmo's Castle, the people now about fifty thousand disarm all guards, and routed a regiment of Germans going to the Viseroy, who sent some Lords to tell the people they should have what they desired, but they demanded the Original of the old grants, that no new tax should be imposed without consent of the Pope, a Copy of this being brought by a Duke, they found a fault, and cried out they was cheated, and so imprisoned the Duke; then they went and burnt several Officers of the Custom houses, and many rich embroideries, Pearls, precious stones, was cast into the fire, Masianello hanging many that kept several things to themselves, and he searched divers houses for Arms: The Viseroy sent an instrument to them to take off all taxes, and to pardon them, but the pardon they said was not full; the third day they went to the Secretary's house, burnt his writings, Coaches, Pictures, and Jewels of all kinds; they demanded the Tower where the bell hung to sound to war, and quickly forced the Soldiers out, and straitened the Castle, where the Viseroy was; the Archbishop brought the Original, and pardon, but they cried out, they was the King's good Vassals; and so went on with their Malitia, & made Masianello their captain, who erected a place to hear Petitions: the fourth day he sent to have the Duke of Caivanons' house destroyed, which the people did, spoiling the Marble Statues in his garden, while a Treaty was held, and the Instrument brought again, one Parone an assistant of Marsianello, with consent of the Duke of Matalonie brought 500 of the Bandati, pretending for the people, which Parone would have stay together on horseback, but Masianello commanding them to be dispersed among the foot, some of them shot at him, upon which they missing him, the people seized on the soldiers, and Parones' head was cut off, who confessed a plot of powder against the people; Masianello missing the Duke Matalonie, beheaded his brother Caraffa, he searched and found much powder in vaults, now he had above 100 thousand with him armed, who obeyed him at a minute; he set Sentinels and spies, mad an order that none should go with upper garments, lest they carry arms, which the Nobility, Cardinals, and all obeyed, now the Viseroy assuring them they should have all their privileges, and be accounted the King's Children, Masianello went in cloth of silver, as the Archbishop advised him to the Viseroy, who embraced him, and both coming to a belcony, the people cried, let the King of Spain live, but he putring his finger to his mouth, all was silent; he punished with death any robbery by his soldiers, and went the next day (the Streets being hung with rich Tapestery to confirm Articles) which the Officers of State swore to get the King of Spain to confirm, after Music, and the Ordinance playing, he returned to the people pulling off his rich, and putting on his fisher's clothes, he gave the Bishop of Severine a pass, and five hundred double pistols to bare his charges, after he spent a day in mirth, drinking to his hurt, the next day he insolently struck his Captains without cause, sent for 2 Lords to come to him, who complaining to the Viseroy, it was thought good to persuade the people now to depend no more on Masiavello, but the Viseroy, and after Masianello being inflamed in Drink, playing mad tricks, was laid hold of, but escaping told the Archbishop that he now perceived the people to hate him he desired a procession to the most holy Lady for him, after a while he went into the Hall where some rushed upon him; and killed him In England Oxford was besieged, one of the King's last refuges, he gets out to the Scots Army, who receiving 400000 l. delivers his person to the Parliament; Oxford yielded some time after; the Army complain they had not what they fought for, and they removed the King, impeached 11 Members; the Parliament passed voates against the Army, and Adjourned four days, many members going to the Army, a preparation was making to oppose the Army, which soon vanished at the Armies approach to London, the Army restored the Members that came to them, and declared they was willing to close with the King; the Scots desire to have him out of their hands, he was admitted to Hampton-Court, he refused to consent to propositions sent him, and gets privately to the Isle of Wight, and sends to treat at London with safety. The Parliament than sends four Propositions, which the King refusing, they vote no more Addresses, which causes a rising about Colchester, and a great Army under Hambleton comes out of the North, which Cromwell beat; the Parliament yet treat, the Army cry for Justice upon offenders, but the Parliament Vote▪ the Kings concessions satisfactory, the Army put out some Members, bring the King to Windsor, than the Parliament, Vote the Commons the supreme Authority, make a Court to try the King, who appearing, desired to speak with both Houses, but the Court sentenced him to lose his head; after Hambleton and Capel lost their lives also. The Pope wars with the Duke of Parma, but being beaten, lays it to a Marquis. The French in fight took 6000 prisoners, and 40 great guns; and the Spaniards also yields Ipre; the Tartars and Cossack, over run Poland, took 2000 in fight, after destroyed 8000 Jews, 20000 natives; the Pole yields them the Ceremonies and demands they crave after quaraling again was beaten. The Venetian beating the Turks at Dardenel, the Governor and three Bashaws was slain at Constantinple, on pretence of cowardice or falseness. In England the Parliament Voted a Commonwealth Government, make Cromwell; Deputy of Ireland, the young King comes over Sea by agreement into Scotland, & is Crowned by them; Fairfax refused co go against the Scots, but Cromwell was Voted General, who at Dunbar with a weak sickly Army overthrew the Scots, took 15000 Arms; Kings, Bishops, and banished persons Lands was sold, money was Coined with the States Arms, & Edinburgh yielded. In Holland, the Prince of Orange attempted to seize Amsterdam by horse and foot, coming in the night, but it was frustrated by Post letters, giving knowledge, and the Sluices let open. A civil war overspread France, by some Princes standing up for the servile people therein; Cardinal Mazarine was banished, but after the stir he was admitted, and Condie slited; the Venetian in the haven of Fogio takes from the Turk 72 Oaregallies, 18 other ships, and 60 laden, also a Bashaw, and 7000 men, all with the loss of 9 men: upon which the Turk brings the Christians to whips and chains but by the French Orator appeased him, but he stops English Ships, comes again, but the Venetian slew 1500: This year the Sulton had seven sons in one month borne to him. The King of Britain gets a great Army in Scotland, but some English landing at Queens Far, beat a party of the Scots of about 4000, and took B●r●twood; the King steered towards Worcester with about 15000 the Presbyterian joined with the Northern Army, and Love taken at a meeting in London, was after beheaded by a high Court of Justice; the King was Proclaimed King of great Britain at Worcester, Cromwell leaving Monck in Scotland, hasted to Worcester, where several forces met him, after he had with a sharp conflict gained a pass over Severn and Powick bridge, overthrew the Scots, who fought stoutly, than he run into the Town killing in the streets and elsewhere about 3000, took ●000, Hambleton dying of his wounds, the King got into an Oak in a wood, 500 l. was offered to any that should detect him, but cutting his hair and disguised in habit, he with the assistance of a Lady got beyond Sea; the Earl of Derby who had got about 1400 was routed by Lilburnes Regiment; and after beheaded, many of the Nobility in Scotland was apprehended; the Parliament reward Cromwell, make an Act of Navigation, which enrageth the Dutch. In France, Condie arms, could not be appeased, who with the Parliament of Paris urged the Decree against Cardinal Mazarine; the Cardinal with Arms opposeth him by the King's order. The English fight with the Dutch at Sea, for refusing to strike the Topsail, and to allow the tenth herring; while an Ambassador from Holland, and a Treaty was at London, Trump came with 42 sail towards the British Sea, where he lost one and forty men by the English, after which followed several more fights, in one of which Trump was slain, above 20 men of War sunk, 1000 prisoners. About this time the French going to relieve Dunkirk, was by the English, by reason of the breast men taking English Ships by the King's Commission scattered, and Dunkirk yielded to the Spaniard; Cromwell dissolved the Parliament, fearing their too long sitting, declared a Counsel of State, nominated a Parliament, many of which being high for Tyhes, and against toleration, the other part incensed went out of the house with the Speaker, delivering their received power into the hands of Cromwell, who the Officers of the Army made Protector, with a Council of 21 who made peace with the Dutch, put the Papists in Ireland all to one Province. Powel and Gerrard was executed for a plot to seize the guards; he summons another Parliament, agreeing with the Sheriffs that they should not alter the Government, reserving liberty to Adjourn them at such a time, after which he dissolved them, broke with Spain, sent an Army to Hispaniola, who grew faint when they landed, and was easily repulsed, but after seized jamaica Island. There was several risings now in Arms; Penruduck and others was executed, Cromwell appointed Major Generals in the Countries, who took the tenth part of the Estates of those that assisted the King; Cromwell makes a peace with the French, that they exclude the King of England. Condie for hatred of Cardinal Mazarine, falls from the French Court and joined with the Spaniard. The Moscovite falls upon the Pole, upon matter of honour, the Pole desired the Swedes assistance, upon which he would not lay any claim more to Swedeland; the Queen of Swedeland resigned up her Crown to her Cousin, and was by the Pope's Nuntio in the Duke of Tyrolls Country, upon her owning the Catholic Religion, with a deal of Pomp and ceremonies absolved of all her sins. At Cullen in Germany many was distraind for not strowing flowers on a Sacrament day. Colonel Doylie wrote of the good condition of jamaica; the English hd surprised there 6000 Spaniards who had hid themselves. In the Magulls Country there is a City called Nagracus, where there is a Chapel paved of Plate of pure gold, where is placed an Idol called Matta, visited yearly by thousands of Indians, who cut off part of their tongues to offer in sacrifice to it. Also in the same Province they go to jallamack, where out of cold springs, and hard Rocks are daily seen uncessant eruptions of fire, before which they fall down and Worship. In the year 1655. the Duke of Saxony condemned a man for stealing a Deer, to be bound in chains upon a Stagg, his feet fast under the beasts belly, with an Iron Chain soldered, and his hand also in the same manner chained to the horns, and so set loose to run away with him; the Stagg having run near a hundred English miles, upon a direct line, in twenty six hours time, coming near some waggoners who came out of Silesia, fell down, wherefore the poor man sitting on his back, told them the business, and earnestly begged of them to shoot him, to put him out of his pain, but they durst not, fearing the Duke; in the mean time the Stagg getting up run away with all his might, so the miseries that poor creatures undergone, if the Stagg killed him not in running, cannot be expressed. In England the Protector calls another Parliament, who would have made him King, but he could not take it upon him: The English Fleet much spoiled the Spanish Indian silver Fleet. Sir Henry Slingsby, and Dr. Hewit was now beheaded for a conspiracy. Cromwell according to agreement with the King of France, sent over into Flanders 6000 foot, which did the French great service in taking Mountmedi, St. Venant, and the fort of Mardike: Now the King of England had 2000 English, Scots, and Irish unemployed, which the King of Spain with consent sends with some others commanded by the Duke of York to assault Mardike, but they after six hours' conflict was forced to retire, upon which the English and French straight besieged Dunkirk; to oppose them, the Dukes of Austria, and York, and Condie assembled 16000 horse and foot; 300 English foot gave the first onset, who routing the Spanish foot, the horse fled, and the French pursued them, till the Duke of York resisted, but he was overpowered, and 2000 of the Spaniards fide was prisoners: after which, the Governor of Dunkirk, the Marquis of Leda being slain in a sally, Dunkirk was surrendered upon conditions, and by the King of France and Cardinal in person, put into the hands of the English. About this time the Protestants of Piedmont was by their Duke of Savoy, through the instigation of the Priests, cruelly forced into the woods; the Protestants in many parts, especially England, contributed largely to them, and at last Cromwell Protector of England got the King of France to mediate with the Duke for peace with them. The Swede gathers a great Army, having made a league with Brandenburg comes into the Poles Country, taking divers places as far as Wsee without a blow; the Pole rendezvous 36 miles from Warsow, had a hallowed sword sent him, but the Swede giving him a great overthrow, the King of Poland fled to Cracovia, which yielded to the Swede; and the Pole fled towards Hungary. An Envoy came from the King of Poland's Standardbarer, in his name, and other of the Nobility, that seeing their King was fled out of his Country, they submitted to the King of Swedeland as their Sovereign. Elbin yielded, and the King of Swed. made his Chancellor Governor of Prussia; the Swede followed the King of Poland in Silesia, beats him, taking seven Standards, and sends to block up Danzick, gives the Pole a great overthrow at Warsovia, and now when the Pole in a manner lost all, the Moscovite comes into Liesland against the Swede, & besieges Riga, and the Emperor of Germany became the Swedes open enemy; the Dane also came against him by Sea and Land, and besieged Bremerverden, from whence (the Swede coming) quickly drove him to jutland, the Swede goes then to Hulsten, also takes frederick's Ode, after by the frost gets Funen Island, the Poles now took Lisna, destroyed many Protestants, went into Prussia to Thorn: the Swede and Dane make peace; an Envoy came to the Swede from Cromwell Protector of England, to assure him the Swedes enemies should be his enemies. The pretended Lord Protector of England with fourteen day's sickness died, the Ducth demanded of the Portugal the Isle of St. Thomas, & commerce with Brazeel. The Turk demands double custom of the Christians at jerusalem. The French and some English enter Ostend on a surprise, but are beaten out. The Swede return upon the Dane, get into Zealand, and besiege Copenhagen where was the King and Nobles of Denmark, Corenburgh Caslte was yielded to the Swede; the Dane in a sally had 1500 dispersed; the Dutch fought for the Dane near Shoven, where they lost eight Ships, 100 men, with Witty Wittiens that died of his wounds, the Swede only losing two Ships, but attempting to storm Copenhagen lost many valorous Officers and Soldiers, in the tedious time of the Legure; the King of Swedeland fell sick and died, advising his Counsel to peace. The K. of France marries the K. of Spain's daughter, & concludes a peace, who had been long enemies. Ambassadors come to the King of England from France, Venice, Holland, to desire Amity; & Peace is supposed to be between England and Spain; war being made only by Cromwell. The Turks with an Army of 80 thousand Tatrars now marches towards Germany, subdues Transilvania, places Soloni Gàber Prince, carries away many thousand Christians Captives. King Charles' the Second of England, his Restauration. Richard Cromwell immediately after his Father's death, was by the Council Proclaimed the Lord Protector, who not long after summoned a Parliament, which was very ready to settle the Government by a single person; but in their proceedings, being much for Tithes, settling the Church, and the Presbyterial Ministry, without the liberty others expected, the Officers of the Army in consultation with some others; resolve to bring again the Government to a Commonwealth, which Richard, Colonel Goff and others sought to oppose, by drawing forces together, who presently instead of fight with, run to Desboroughs and Lambert's party, than the Officers of the Army put out the Parliament, dethroned Richard also, the Soldiers in Ireland falling in with those in England, Henry Cromwell is deprived of his Deputyship, than the Army bring in the remaining part of the long Parliament of the year 41 excluding the secluded Members still, who preently place all Officers for a Commonwealth, put out others, but people being now weary of the toss of Government inclined to arms; Sir George Booth appeared with an Army of above 6000, but the Parliament sent Lambert who subdued him, he endeavouring to escape in women's apparel was taken prisoner; the Parliament upon Lambert's return gave him 1000 pound; not long after lambert's and Desboroughs friends in the Army Petition to the Parliament for a general, for which (the Parl. percieving a single person again aimed at) put out Lambert, Desborough, and seven Officers of the Army more; Colonel Morlie guarding the Parliament, Lambert with a party stops their going to the house, Morlie requires their admission, they stood one against another with their guns cocked, ready to fight, but the Counsel of State, perceiving that the Soldiers would all be of Lambert's side, ordered the guards to go home; the Parliament sitting no more, the Officers of the Army at Walingford house, make Fleetwood General, Lambert Lieutenant General, Desborough major-general of the horse, and Monk of the foot, and erected a Committee of Safety; but upon dissatisfaction, by letters Monk complained of their turning out the Parliament; Lambert goes with an Army of 10000 against him, Monk sent Commissioners to treat at London, but on their return being not satisfied with what his Commissioners had done, he marching towards England desired another Treaty at Newcastle, and called a convention in Scotland, who assisted him in his motion. Hazlerig and Morley seize on Portsmouth, with whom many of the Soldiers joined, for the Parliament and the Navy also declare against Lambert, the Soldiers about London fell in also for the Parliament, the Parl. now sitting, Lambert's Army, deserted him; Monk marches towards London, the Counties and London by Commissioners hinted their desire privately to him, the Parliament sent Commissioners to him, who satisfied the Parliament in him, he gave uncertain hopes by his carriage and letters to all, but promised he would be for the Parliament, and against Lambert; the Parliament entertain him coming to London, and grant his desire that the old soldiers may go out of London, of which City the Common Council not long after Vote to pay no more taxes without a free Parliament, upon which the Parliament imprison some, and ordered Monk to pull down the gates, Monck his Commission being within a day or two out, draws up his forces by morefield's, came into the City, telling them his intentions, and writ a letter to the House about filling them up, but they tedious in the qualifications of Members, the Members formerly secluded pressing Monk, he admitted them to sit, who made Monk General, released Sir George Booth, appointed a Council of State to govern till a new Parliament came as they had provided, and so dissolved themselves; the Parliament assembled, the Lords also sat, who, as also the General received letters from the King at Breda, about a general pardon and liberty, the Parliament invite the King to return to his Kingdoms, ordered General Moùntague to attend his commands, Proclaimed him sumptuously in London, and sent divers Lords and Commons, and of London several Aldermen and others go beyond Sea to him; the King arriving, General Monk met him at Dover, who kneeling to kiss the King's hand, the King took him up into his Coach; at Canterbury, the Magistrates presented the King with a cup of Gold; Major General Browne, and the Lord Major with divers Citizens with Gold Chains, went to bring him into London, where rich Tapestry was hung out; with the Companies Streamers, and the Conduits run with Wine; at White-Hall the Speakers of both Houses congratuled his well coming home to his Throne, and the King assuring them that they should not be more ready to ask what is fitting, than he to grant, it retired to his lodgings. The Parliament proceeded on an Act of Indemnity; the King makes Proclamation for all those to come in that had a hand in his father's death, at last, the Act past to pardon all but the King's Judges, and those that came in upon the King's Proclamation not be executed without the Parliaments consent; after which all in possession was tried, Harrison, Scot, Scroop, Peter, Jones, Carie, and others was hanged and quartered. Martin, Titchburne, Lilburn, Penington, and others that came in reserved in the Tower, Okey, Holland, Hewson, Lile, Goffe., Whalie, was never taken; the Parliament having also past an Act for disbanding the Army, one for Rolemony, and about twenty more, the King in his Speech at dissolving them, called them a healing Parliament. In London about seventy persons rose in arms one night to pull down the Monarches of the earth, as Antichristian, who meeting with resistance, fled to a wood, yet came two days after early in the morning when the City guards was five times stronger, but was soon scattered, but above twenty killed first and last, most themselves, and those who were taken was tried and hanged. The King sends out writs for another Parliament, before they met, he was Crowned, making General Monk Duke of Albemarle, Montague Earl of Sandwich, Hollis, Sir George Booth, & others Barons, the first day of Coronation besides the Judges, the Nobles rod from the Tower before the King in rich gilt embroidered Suits of apparel & hors-trappings, with rich Pages and Liveries; the second day the Peers went on foot from Westminster-Hall to the Abbey, Barons, Viscounts, Earls, Marquesses, Dukes, with their Robes, and distinct Coronets, some of the Bishops in rich Copes; after assembled the King's second Parliament, who passed an Act to confirm several Acts of the former Parliament, who was not summoned by the King's writts, news came of the trial & execution of the Marque of Argile, & Goutherie a Minister in Scotland: The Parliament of England passing an Act for the preservation of the King, and another for a free present of moneys, another for repealing an Act for disabling persons in holy Orders, to exercise Temporal jurisdiction, & several other Acts, & proceeded on an Act about conformity, & using the common prayer, was adjourned 3 months; about 7 weeks after a Proclamation was made in the King's name for establishing Bishops in Scotland, another for appointing the money Stamped with the Cross and Harp, the State's Arms, in the time of the late Commonwealth, to be brought to the Mint for other money, allowing for Coinage. Colonel Hewson one of the King's Judges, died in Holland. In October 1661. Malaga was visited with a rain that swollen to such a height that it carried away whole Bridges of B●ick and Stone, whole houses with the people in them, and abundance of wood and other materials were driven into the Sea; and a part of the City wall was overthrown, the houses spoilt were about twelve hundred, the people that perished thirteen hundred, the damage of Oil, Wine, and Rasons and otherwise, to the value of about three millions of Gold. About the same time at St. Malo happened (its uncertain how) a fire which burned three days, and consumed three hundred houses. About this same time the Spanish and French Ambassadors Coaches skirmishing for precedency, at their attendance, of a Swede Ambassador through London, the Spaniard getting the better, and about five of the French slain, the King of France sent to the Court of Spain for satisfaction, but receiving little, and the Marquis of Cartena being informed of the French Commissioners not proceeding in the limits according to the new peace, took Rantie, but the Governor of Arras by a small fight, many being wounded, regained the former post, but the King of Spain sending a great present to his Daughter the Queen of France, and the new borne Dolphin. The King of France resented this gift so kindly as that he declared there should be no war, but wrote thanks to his Catholic Majesty, for the twelve China dishes and Diamonds sent to the Queen and Dolphin worth 50000 Crowns; but the Prince of Spain now died notwithstanding the body of St. Diego was brought from Lizna to his Chamber, who as one wisely or other wisely observes, hath done great cures for the Princes of Spain. About this time the Turks pretended to the Emperor of Germany if he believe it that he will come no further than Transilvania, and is ready to make peace with the Emperor: it's supposed only because he finds the Christians gathering so great strength against him, that he had better than to come on towards Germany, join with the confederate rebellious Army of the Popish Subjects against their King, and make sure if he can that Kingdom. In England King Charles the Second being sure to the Infanta of Portugal, she is generally prayed for in the Churches under the name of Queen Catherine. In Spain there is a Prince borne to Comfort against the loss of the new diseased Prince. In England the King appoints several learned persons of the Episcopal and Presbyterian persuasions to reveiw the Liturgy, who after long debating about the Common Prayer and Ceremonies, come no nearer one another then at the beginning. The Confederate Army in Poland under their Marshal Lurumbskie have sent Articles to the King of Poland, that they intent not to employ their Arms against the King or Country, but against the Usurpers of public liberty: and secondly, do exhort the King and Gentry to defend themselves. Thirdly, that the Estates of the Gentry shall be freed from Winter quarters. Fourthly, the confederates will deliver up to the King, those that have administered the King's revenue, who have been nought but thiefs: Fifthly, all taxes agreed on by the Country, are not to come to the King, but to their use. Sixtly, They will deprive Prince radzivil of all his Lands except Beirse● and Keidaw, and they will have Colonel Bremer and Remer called to give an account why they delivered Mitow to the Duke of Curland: Seaventhly, the confederates if their be no necessity will not be obliged to keep the Camp longer than Martin's Mass. Eightly, if peace be not concluded according to the confederates wishes than they shall have power to agree upon a cessation of Arms; But the King of Poland will rather use all means to subdue the confederates, then to condecend to such demands. In England, on the twentieth of November 1661. the Parliament comes again to Westminster, after their three month's Adjournment, when sat with the Lords in their house, the Bishops of England, as of old, who went first into the Painted Chamber, and put on lawn sleeves on their black silk Gowns, and their scarlet Robes faced with rich white fur, after that black Caps, and so went into the house, and took their places, several of the Lords congratulating them, their coming thither; after this his Majesty came by barge with Trumpets sounding from Whitehall to Westminster, where being seated with his Impepiall Crown on his head in the house of Peers, the Commons coming thither with their Speaker, the King presented them with their ensuing Speech. My Lords and Gentlemen of the House of Commons. I Know the Visit I make you this day is not necessary, is not of course; yet if there were no more in it, it would not be strange that I come to see what you and I have so long desired to see, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons of England met together, to Consult for the Peace and safety of Church and State, by which Parliaments are restored to their Primitive Lustre and Integrity: I do heartily congratulate with you for this day. But, My Lords and Gentlemen, as My coming hither at this time is somewhat extraordinary; so, the truth is, the occasion of My coming is more extraordinary; it is to say something to you on My own behalf, to ask somewhat of you for Myself, which is more than I have done of you, or of those who met here before you, since My coming into England: I needed not have done it Then, and upon My Conscience I need not do it Now; they did, and you do upon all occasions express so great an affection and care of all that concerns Me, that I may very well refer both the matter and manner of your doing any thing for Me, to your own Wisdoms and Kindness; And indeed, if I did think that what I am to say to you now, did alone, or did most concern Myself; if the Uneasy condition I am in, if the Straits and Necessities I am to struggle with, did not manifestly relate to the public Peace and Safety, more than to My own particular, otherwise then as I am concerned in the Public, I should not give you this trouble this day; I can bear My Necessities which merely relate to Myself, with Patience enough. Mr. Speaker, and you Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I do not now importune you to make more haste in the settling the constant Revenue of the Crown, then is agreeable to the Method you propose to yourselves, to desire you seriously to consider the insupportable Weight that lies upon it, the Obligations it lieth under, to provide for the Interest, Honour and Security of the Nation, in another proportion, then in any former times it hath been obliged to: I know well you have very affectionately and worthily taken all this into your Thoughts, and will proceed in it with as much Expedition as I can reasonably wish; But I come to put you in mind of the Crying Debts which do every day call upon Me, of some necessary Provisions, which are to be made without delay for the very Safety of the Kingdom, of the great some of Money that should be ready to discharge the several Fleets when they come home, and for the necessary preparations that are to be made for the setting out new Fleets to Sea against the Spring; that Revenue being already anticipated upon as important Services, which should be assigned to those Preparations; These are the pressing Occasions which I am forced to recommend to you with all possible Earnestness, and do Conjure you to provide for as speedily as is possible, and in such a manner as may give Us security at Home, and some reputation Abroad. I make this Discourse to you with some Confidence, because I am very willing and desirous that you should throughly examine, whether these necessities I mention be Real or Imaginary, or whether they are fallen upon Us by My fault, My own ill Managery, or Excesses, and provide for them accordingly. I am very willing that you make a full Inspection into My Revenue, as well the Disbursements as Receipts; and if you find it hath been ill managed by any corruption in the Officers I trust, or by My own Unthriftiness, I shall take the Information and Advice you shall give Me very kindly; I say, If you find it; For, I would not have you believe any loose Discourses, how confidently soever urged, of giving away Fourscore thousand pounds in a Morning, and many other Extravagancies of that kind. I have much more reason to be sorry that I have not to Reward those who have ever faithfully served the King My Father, and Myself, then ashamed of any Bounty I have exercised towards any man. My Lords and Gentlemen, I am sorry to find that the general Temper and Affections of the Nation are not so well composed, as I hoped they would have been, after so signal blessings from God Almighty upon Us all, and after so great Indulgence and Condescensions from Me towards all Interests, There are many wicked Instruments still as active as ever, who labour night and day to disturb the Public Peace, and to make all People jealous of each other: It will be worthy of your Care and Vigilance to provide proper Remedies for the Diseases of that kind; and if you find new Diseases, you must study new Remedies. Let Us not be discouraged, if We help one another, We shall with God's blessing master all Our difficulties: Those which concern Matters of Religion, I confess to you, are too hard for Me, and therefore I do commend them to your Care and Deliberation which can best provide for them. I shall not need to recommend, or put you in mind of the good correspondence that ought to be kept between you, for the good of yourselves and Me, and the whole Kingdom; and I may tell you, It is very necessary for Us all: You will find, whoever doth not love Me, doth not love you; and they who have no Reverence for you, have little kindness for Me. Therefore I pray let us adhere fast to each other, and then We shall, with the help of God, in a short time, persuade, or oblige all men to that Submission and Obedience to the Law, as may constitute a full measure of happiness to Prince and People, and persuade Our Neighbours to that esteem and value they have formerly had for Us. The next day after the Speech, the Parliament Voted Twelve hundred thousand pounds to be speedily raised; and ordered the pretended Judges of the late King to be brought before them, to show what cause they can, why they should not be executed, who generally alleged nothing but the King's Proclamation. FINIS. Short Stories escaping the Book. THE Emperors of Constantinople on their Coronation day, had a Mason to present to them Marble Stones, useing these words, Choose Mighty Sir under which of these Stones, Your pleasure is ere long to lay your Bones. Panopion flying, his Bondman changed apparel with him, and lay down in his bed; I willingly yielding the Soldiers should stay him (as they did) for his Master. A Court Parasite commending the Emperor Sigismond to his face, the Emperor gave him a sound box on the ear. In China they use to whip their Gods, if they help them not when they pray unto them. Francis King of France consulting how to lead his Army over the Alps, his Fool sprang from a Corner, saying, rather take care how you shall bring your Army back again. The Romans ready to join battle with the Albans, three Champions was chose on both sides (to avoid bloodshed) to end the battle, two of the Romans being slain, the other fled, but the three Albans pursuing him slowly by reason of their wounds, and being at a distance from one another, he returned and slew one after anonother, so the day fell to the Romans. Solon was so humble, as he could not by the Athenians and friends be persuaded to accept of the honour of Sovereignty. The Cretans brought up their sons from their youth in difficult labours to prevent idleness Scandenbtrg used to sleep but two hours in a night. Mithridates' King of Pontus killed his Mother, Brother, Three Sons and three Daughters to get the Crown, who was after slain by another Son. Alexander most ingratefully in a Feast slew Clitus whose mother had been his nurse, and who a little before saved Alexander's life: and Muleases King of Tunis tortured to death Mes●ar, and Maenifet, by whose means he had obtained the Kingdom, grieving to see them alive, to whom he was so much beholding. Vortigar King of the Britain's, being in Wine was ensnared by the Daughter of Hengist the Saxon, to the undoeing of the British Nation. Lewis King of France used three days in a week publicly to hear grievances, and right the wrongs of his people. The King of Poland when his servant lost his hand in the wars, he sent him a golden hand. Two of Dr. Usher's Aunts was blind from the Cradle, and never saw Letter, yet taught him to read, and could repeat any part of the Bible. When many Turks in assaulting Alba Regalin had got upon a fort, a Hungarian woman thrust in among the soldiers, and with a Scithe struck off two Turks heads, which so encouraged the soldiers, that the Turks was repealed. The Daughter of Tarpia betraying her Father, and Tower that he was Governor of, to the King of Sabins, for all the Sabin soldiers wore upon their left arm, aiming at their bracelets, coming for her reward, King Tatius ordered the soldiers to throw bracelets and shields both from their arms upon her, and so crushed her to death. Among the Turks, the grand Signevor is not exepted from a trade. Mahomet the great made wooden spoons; another Sulton made notches for Bows. The Egyptians made a law that those which could not show how they lived should be put to death. King Perses being overcome by Emelus, grew into such passion as to slay two of his Nobles that came to comfort him. A Germane falling into the hands of Thiefs, said to a company of Crows, you are witnesses of my death, the Thiefs three years after being merry together, seeing some Crows, said, yonder be the witnesses of our Murder, which words overheard, they was examined and executed. In the East-India they use to sing the praises of the King when he goes abroad, calling him Lord of the Sun and Moon, King of Land and Rivers, in every thing great, great witch great lion, and so great any thing. In the first year of King Charles of England 1625. died in London of the Plague, within the Bill of mortality, threescore and three thousand persons. Many Dutch men in Joppa being drunk on St. Martin's day, the Turks came suddenly upon them, and cut the throats of twenty thousand. Alexander the great drank himself to death. A young King of France scoffing at William the Conqueror's great belly, when he was sick, saying he lay in at Rouen: William recovered, marched to Paris, to show him his up rising, also sacked Nants. Henry the third of France would have his jester between him and Cardinal, at solum processioning. Caesar Burgia used to say, aut Caesar, aut Nullus, but not long after was slain, and Menorates a Physician curing some desperate diseases, would be called Jupiter. One Averny forswaring himself, could not speak a word till by inward repentance, his tongue untied. Pope John the 22. left in his treasury to his Heirs two hundred and 50 tuns of Gold. The ancient Romans used when the Moon was eclipsed to make a great noise with basons and panns to call her again. Becket a Traitor to King Henry the second being murdered, was first obscurely buried, but after was made Martyr by the Pope, and laid in a sumptuous shrine, to which many great persons came in Pilgrimage with most rich offers, the prints of their kneeling to his Tomb is to be seen at Canterbury to this day. Philip King of France ordained that men that swore or blasphemed should be drowned. Cicero, though he was not rich would not take a fee at pleading any cause. The Spaniards will be rich in apparel, though poor in purse, and if he hath a Capon to supper, the feathers must be strewed before the door next morning. Titus said, he had rather perish by others, then destroy them; and two of the Senators convinced of affecting the Empire, he told them that was at God's disposal, but if they asked any thing else he would give it them. Dionysius the Tyrant punished a Physician because he could sing, and Plato the Philosopher because he could dispute better than himself. Cineus the Orator won for the King of Ipyrus more Towns by his eloquence, than the King himself by the sword. The son of Croesus' seeing one running at his father with a drawn sword, through strong affection, though dumb all his life before, cried O kill not the King. The rich Cardinal of Winchester that procured the death of the good Duke of Gloucester, King Henry the sixth being struck with an incurable disease, cried fie will not death be hired, will money do nothing. An Earl that used commonly to say, let me be drowned in a privy, if such a thing be not so, was so drowned at St. Peter's Monastery at Erford. Sila put to death all he could remember and caused it to be registered, that he had precribed and put to death 4700 Citizens of Rome. Contentions was so great in Constantius time between the Bishops, that they brought whole bundles of Petitions against one another to the Emperor, who (desirous of Peace) burned them without reading. Cardinal Langi acknowledged that formation of the Mass was needful and liberty of meats convenient, but that Lather should reform all that was not to be endured. Cato's Daughter being married to Brutus, who conspiring against Julius Caesar, being troubled in mind, and not imparting it to his wife observing it, she being grieved, took a razor and wounded her thigh, and losing much blood fell into a Fever, and after, at hearing of her husband's death, killed herself. The first Christian King in the world was Lusius of the Britain's. The first Christian Emperor Constantine was borne in England. England is called the Granery of the Western world, the Pope formerly received yearly from hence more than Ten tuns of Gold. Cleobis and Bilon brethren in Greece loved their mother so dear as they harnessed themselves to draw her Coach when she was to go to Juno's Temple. Some Elephants the Magull keeps to execute Malefactors, some they pash to death presently, others they break their joints by degrees as they are bid. William the Conqueror gave a manor and certain yard-lands in Buckingamshire, to one upon this condition, that the possessor thereof should find litter for the King's Bed when he came that way. Rubenius Celer would needs have it engraven on his Tomb, that he had lived with his wife Ennea forty three years, and yet they never fell out. In a battle when the Persians was overthrown by the Turks, many women was slain that being armed followed their husbands in the battle. Cleopatra Queen of Egppt, at a banquet drunk up a pearl dissolved worth fifty thousand pounds, and one dish at second course was valued at two hundred and fifty pieces of gold. When the bloody Danes raged in England, they coming to a Nunnery at Coldington in Scotland, Ebba the proresse with the rest of the Nuns, cut off their own noses and lips, choosing rather to preserve their virginity, than their beauty, yet the Danes burned the Monastery, and them in it. Godfrey of Bulligne with his followers in four years conquered all the goodliest Provinces of Asia, in one fight his men stood in blood to the ankles; in another he slew a hundred thousand Turks or Infidels. Two brothers, followers of Phythagoras loved so entirely that Dionysius condemning one, the other offered to die in his stead, which the Tyrant seeing, desired to be a third in their affection. Pericles was so patient as he dispatched much business, and after came softly to his house at night, and ordered his man to light home a fellow that had been railing at him all the day. Theomesticles by the strength of his memory, could call all his soldiers by name. King Romulus was first a Shepherd, Priscus a banished stranger, and Servius a Bond slave as his name imports. Calvin an eye witness testifies that when Geneva embraced the Gospel, the Magistrates found by visiting the relics, that what was adored as the brain or St. Peter, was a Pummis stone, and Anthony's arm was the sinew of a Stag: the parcel of wood in Europe which the Papists say, are parts of Christ's Cross, will load a ship, though the Cross was no more than a man could bare. Boca di porco or Swinsmouth being chose Pope, changed his name Sergius, which precedent his successors follow, if one be a Tyrant, he is called Clemens, if unjust, Inosent. Micypsa on his deathbed caused all his sons to write this sentence in golden letters, by concord small things are increased, by discord, great things are overthrown. Ten Noble virgins delivered by the Romans as hostages to Parsonna, upon Peace with him, being abroad without guard, escaped home, but Publica Consul to the Romans returned them again, though his own Daughter was one of them. De Thermes a French General knighted a soldier for first mounting a bulwark, and an hour after hanged him for doing it without command. Henry the fourth K. of England, when his eldest son Prince of Wales was committed by the Lord chief Justice for afronting him on the Bench thanked God he had a Judge so impartial, and a son so obedient to submit to Justice. The Egyptians being relieved with Corn by King Apis, and the Corn being done by the labour of the Ox, they worshipped Apis under the form of a pied Ox. In Poland there was bred a stinking disease, by reason of a vicious humour, glewing together the hair of the head, in the form of little Serpents full of nastiness, yielding if pricked blood, and the cutting of this hair at first would cause the humour to torture some other part of the body. Erostratus a young man, to make himself famous, and to perpetuate his name, set on fire Diana's Temple at Ephesus, one of the Stateliest fabrics of the world. Eunomius the heretic, boasting he knew God, Basil to convince him of his ignorance, gravelled him in twenty one questions about the pismire. A Spanish Cobbler lying on his deathbed, laid a special charge upon his eldest son, to retain the Majesty worthy his family. The Mahomitans pray with a still voice, useing many words, which set forth the omnipotency, eternity, and other atributes of God, and acknowledge themselves burdens to the earth, poison to the Air, daring not to look to heaven, but comfort themselves in Mahomet, and pray five times a day, at and 6. at night. King Sapores straight besieging Nisibis, upon the prayer of a devout man God sent an Army of Gnatts and Flies that tormented away the Persians. A Varlet betraying the Isle of Rhodes to the Turk, to have his daughter, was after told by the Turk, that if he should be his son in law, he must not be a Christian, but a Musleman within and without, and so flayed off his baptised skin; and put him in a bed strewed with salt, to get a new skin, killing him with shame and torment. Judge Morgan Lord chief Justice of the Common pleas, refusing any witness to speak, or any other matter to be heard in favour of the adversary, her Majesty being party, the Queen declared that her pleasure was, that whatever could be brought in favour of the Subject should be admitted. Micithus servant to Tyrant Aneuxilus was left by his dying master to be Viceroy during his children's minority, who behaved himself so gently and justly, that the people thought him fit to rule, but notwithstanding he resigned to the Children at age his power, and therewithal the Treasures he by providence had heaped up, and contenting himself with a small pittance, he went and lived privately, but with great respect. Aristides the Athenian would not favour any man's cause, because he was his friend, or do injustice to any, because he was his enemy, once seeing an enemy that the Judge was so angry with as to hear no more of his cause; Aristides begged at the Judge's feet, that his offender might make his defence. Aristides being at another time Judge between two private men, one of them said, Sir, this man hath done you wrong also, to whom Aristides replied, friend I am here to do thee right, not myself. M. Cato prised every Citizen's goods, and rated their apparel, coaches, wives chains, and Jewels, to the end that those which were so superfluous in those things, should pay the more subsidy to defray the charge of the Commonwealth. Demosthenes' being banished by his ungrateful Citizens departing out of the City, persuaded the young men, not to meddle with matters of State, assuring them that if they had offered him two ways at first, the one to go into the assemblies, to make Orations to the people, the other to be put to death presently, and that he had known as he now did the troubles that man suffers that medles in the affairs of the Commonwealth together with the fear, envy, accusations, that attend the same, he would have chosen death rather than the other. Archimedes was so hard at his Mathematical study when Syracuse was taken that he heard not the noise, yea, not heeding even when the soldiers broke upon his study, they thinking he slited them, a soldier run him through. Pithagorus lived a whole year in a Cave, that being sequestered from the society of men, he might the better study philosophy. Cato Vlisensis did so industriously addict himself to the study of Greek Authors, that as he set in the Senate house shadowing his books with his gown, he was upon all opportunities reading of them. King James coming into the Library at Oxford, seeing the chains by which the books was fastened, wished that if ever it was his destiny to be a prisoner, that the library might be his prison. Philip King of Macedon besieging Abydos when the people saw that they could not escape, they first cast their goods into the sea, and then killed their wives and children and themselves, leaving an empty City for him. Antigonus observing one of his soldiers very valiant, ready to adventure on desperate services, and yet looking pale and lean, would know what he ailed, and finding he had a dangerous disease, Antigonus using all the means he could, got him recovered, but perceiving after he was less forward then formerly, the King demanding of him the reason, he ingenuously confessed that he now felt the sweetness of his life, and therefore was loath to lose it. Zalucus the lawmaker having made a law that the Adulterer should lose both his eyes, not long afar his own son was proved guilty before him of than sin, whereupon to show the love of a Father, and sincerity of a Judge, he put out one of his sons eyes, and one of his own. Mercurius Trismigistus was in such respect among the Egyptians, that in reverence of him, it was not lawful to pronounce his name commonly and rashly, how then should we never use God's name, but to purpose and with seriousness. If any of us Jews (saith Josephus) be asked of any point of the Law, we answer it as readily as if we had been asked our own name. The Venetians punish with death those that misimploy but a small matter of the public stock to their own private profit. Phil: Melancthon tells of a play that was to be acted of the death and passion of Christ, he that acted Christ's part on the Cross, was wounded to death by one that should thrust his sword into a bladder of blood, and he with his fall killed one that acted a woman's part, lamenting under the Cross, his brother that was first slain, seeing this, slew the murderer, for which himself by the order of Justice was hanged. Theodorick and Frederick slew their own brother Thrasima●d King of the Visigothes, to get his kingdom, and after Theod: had reigned thirteen years, he was served in the same kind by his own brethren, who slew him to get his kingdom. Cato Major accused (threw envy) for his virtue was forced to plead for himself forty six times before the people. Charles the fifth, bestowed (when the King of Tunis came to him) such perfume upon his dishes, that one Peacock, and two Pheasants dressed, cost 100 Ducats. Balisarius having obtained many great victories against the Vandals, and engraven them on a pillar he erected of 100 pound weight of gold, had after through the malice of the Empress, his eyes put out, and driven to such want as to beg in the way side, pray give a halfpenny to poor Balisarius. Mahomet the great being murmured at by his Captains, as doting upon a Lady, a wondrous beauty, he called them to see her in most rich attire, who they admired, but he to show he preferred not his private affection before the public, drew out his cemiter, and immediately cut off her head. In the Magulls country, where men's bodies dead are burned, many of their wives to gain the repute of loving ones, will burn with them, and will not be persuaded from it by great proffers, from the King. The Mahometans by their law are enjoined to make restitution of ill gotten goods, if they cannot presently satisfy, they give bills, if they know not to whom to restore, they bequeath it to Hospitals, Baths, or Churches. Cyrillus loving an only son unmeasurerably giving him liberty to do what he list without correction, at last his son came to be so vile, as to offer violence in his drunken humour to his Mother with child, killed his Father, and woundead two sisters to death. Morgan Bishop of St. Davis, who condemned Martyr Farras, and usurped his Bishopric; not long after strucken by God's anger, his meat would not go down, but picked up again, either at his mouth or nose, in a horrible manner till death. There was such a Tempest at Cardinal Wolsy's Funeral, as blue out all the Torches, and his black body so stunk, that they was fain to throw his body in his Tomb, and there leave him. Alexander besieging an Indian City, the people within set fire of it; and the soldiers breaking in laboured not more to quench it and save the people, than they did to increase the flame, rather than be captives. Madam Charlot de Vrsnes a French Lady published at Paris her homilies, as they are called upon the obscure Epistle on the Hebrews, with the approbation of two Doctors, Marois and Tenot, and with the privilege of the King. Mazentius the barbarous Tyrant would tie dead and living bodies together, and say let men fell themselves die. Dead bodies to the quick he joined, and Composing face to face and hand to hand. Flowing with putrid filth (strange torment) by Embraces foul he slowly caused to die. A Governor under the Duke of Normandy not effecting his desire in abusing a gentlewoman imprisoned her husband, and cut off his head, upon which, complaint being made to the Duke, he sent for both parties, & the Governor tremblingly confessing the truth, the Duke asked him if he would marry the Gentlewoman, and give her his estate, who yielded to it, than asked the Gentlewoman if she was willing, who advised by her friends, the Governor being a great man in his Prince's favour, she consented, and the Duke saw them married, and then asked the Gentlewoman whether she was satisfied, yes said she, but said the Duke so am not I; and so sent the Governor to prison and beheaded him. Dyogenes the conceited Philosopher, being one day washing of herbs was told by Plato, if you could court Dyonisius you need not wash herbs; Dyogenes replied, if you could wash herbs you need not Court Dyonisius, and seeing an untoward wrestler, undertake to cure diseases, asked him whether he had now means to cast those to the ground, who had before worsted him. The invention of Printing. Laurence Jans a rich Citizen at Harlem in the Low Countries, walking into woods for recreation, cut in pieces of wood the letters of his name, printing them on the back of his hand, which pleasing him, he cut three or four lines, and putting Ink upon them he printed them upon paper, and joining hereat, he determined to find out an Ink more fastening, and with his Cousin Tho: Petresse got a way to print whole sheets, but of one side only, after he changed his letters of wood into lead. A profane wretch swaring he believed not that the Soul survived the body, and that he would sell his Soul, which after the Devil in man's shape buying of him for wine, he was in the presence of several persons carried away and never heard of. FINIS.