To the King's most Excellent Majesty, The humble ADDRESS of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May it please Your Majesty, THE grateful Sense of the Goodness of GOD, in blessing us with such a gracious Sovereign, and the Duty and Loyalty toward Your Majesty, which so justly fill our Hearts, oblige us to show the deepest Concern for every Thing that affects the Safety of Your Majesty's Person and Government: And therefore, tho' with the greatest Satisfaction, we do understand, that the Commission of the late General Assembly did, according to their Duty, present a humble Address to Your Majesty, upon Occasion of the happy Discovery of the late horrid Conspiracy, which Address we hearty approve, as expressing the most sincere Thoughts of our Minds; yet we cannot omit laying hold of this first Opportunity of our Meeting in a General Assembly, to declare, in the most public and solemn Manner, our utmost Detestation of that most wicked and execrable Design, and to express our great Joy, that it hath pleased God to assist Your Majesty, in making a seasonable Discovery thereof. A Design so bloody and detestable in itself, and so pernicious and fatal in its Consequences, raises in our Hearts the greatest Horror and Indignation. We have for a long Time observed, with Astonishment, the restless and impudent Malice of Your Enemies, endeavouring to misrepresent Your Majesty's just and gracious Administration, in order to diffuse their own Disaffection to Your Person and Government, into the Minds of others of Your Majesty's unwary, though well-meaning Subjects. With this View have they charged upon Your Reign▪ those Evils, to which none but themselves gave Rise. They have set forth the most innocent, necessary and prudent Steps of your Administration, in the falsest and blackest Colours, and have even denied and ridiculed Your Royal Goodness and Mercy; to which Multitudes of themselves, and of their nearest Relations, own their very Lives and Fortunes. So monstrous is their Disingenuity and Ingratitude, and such is their ●naccountable Fondness to have your Kingdoms again enthralled under all the Miseries of Popery and Arbitrary Power. Your Enemies are abundently sensible, that there is no accomplishing this their most wicked Desire, so long as the Throne is filled by a PRINCE so Wise and Steady in all His Measures, and so powerful a Protector and Guardian of the Protestant Religion, and the Liberties of His People, as Your most sacred Majesty. But, how shall we express our Amazement and just Indignation, that any of Your Majesty's Subjects, especially such as call themselves Protestant's, should have contrived to destroy Your Majesty's sacred Person and Your Royal Family, and to cut off many of Your best Servants and Subjects, by the complicated Wickednesses of Perjury, Murder and Parricide, in order to set a Popish Pretender upon your Throne? This we look on, as striking at the Root of the Religion and Liberties of a Protestant and Free People, and of all that is valuable and dear to us, both as Men and Christians, and as a horrible Evidence to what barbarous Wickedness, an incurable Malice can drive Men of abandoned Spirits. Had God, for the Sins of Your Kingdoms, permitted this hateful Conspiracy to take Effect, it must have been attended with such a dismal Train of fatal Consequences, as makes our Hearts to tremble: And therefore, while, with Hearts full of Joy and Thankfulness, we adore the Wisdom and Goodness of our gracious God, in discovering and disappointing such an execrable Design, permit us, Great Sir, with the greatest Loyalty and most dutiful Affection, to congratulate Your Majesty upon the Success of Your prudent and watchful Administration in this Matter. The Opening up so much of this deep-laid Plot, and tracing it through so many of its various Mazes and Wind, the stripping it of these Vails of Darkness, which were so industriously spread over it, by Men of the most artful Cunning, and the Deliverance thereby wrought for Your Majesty's sacred Person, and Your Royal Family, and also for the dearest Privileges of all Your faithful Subjects, and of this Church in particular, will, we hope, be remembered by latest Posterity, to the Honour of God, and as One of the Glories of Your Majesty's most auspicious Reign. We humbly presume, upon this Occasion, to assure Your Majesty of the Continuance of our Loyalty and Affection, and of all that Duty and Fidelity, which is owing from the most faithful Subjects, to the best of Kings; and, that we will use our utmost Endeavours, to instil into the People, among whom we have Charge, the same Sentiments of Duty and Loyalty to Your Majesty's Person and Government, and the same Zeal for the Protestant Succession in Your Royal Family, which we ourselves esteem it our great Happiness to entertain. May the same wise and merciful God, who brought You so seasonably to the Throne, and who hath hitherto so graciously preserved Your sacred Majesty, continue His watchful Care over You: May He lay open to the very Bottom, and effectually disappoint all the dark and malicious Designs of Your Enemies, and turn their Counsels into Foolishness: May the Crown, wherewith He hath adorned Your Royal Head, sit long and easy and flourishing upon it: And may all Your Subjects be made sensible of the valuable Blessings which they enjoy under Your happy Government. May He eminently bless their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, and their Offspring, and make them the happy Instruments of much Good to the World, and to the Church in their Day: May Protestant Sovereigns, of Your Royal Line, always inherit Your Crown, and these illustrious Qualities with which Your Majesty does now adorn it: May You be long honoured to do eminent Service to God on Earth, and at length enjoy a great Reward in Heaven. So pray, May it please Your Majesty, Your Majesty's most faithful, most obedient, and most loyal Subjects, The Ministers and Elders met in this National Assembly, Signed in our Presence, in our Name, and at our Appointment, by JA. SMITH, Moderator. Which Address His Majesty received graciously; and was very much pleased with the Assembly's seasonable Expressions of Zeal for His Government, as well as Concern for the Preservation of His Person, and Prosperity of His Family.