The city's Corporations poor Their Founders bless, their help implore. THE glorious Founder of the world Was first in our foundation, The Parliament was next to him In our origination: England's chief City next to these Appears in our Creation, What Hospitals Such Founders have As our poors' Corporation? Their founder's death, gave Life & Breath To hospitals Foundation, Our founder's Life, is Life to us And to our future Station. A happy death we pray for such Whose death breathes Life to others, Long be our founder's life, whose Life Inspires exspiring Brothers. Our first admission was not got By friends, or Rich allies, By great men's lines, by promise made Of grateful Curtesyes: Deep poverty did plead our Cause, The ghost we were up giving, With naked backs, and hungry jaws And worms did eat us Living. Friendless and harborless were we Exposed to wind and weather, And starving under stalls we lay wandering we knew not whither. In filthy rags, we clothed were, Begging about the City, That was our case, than was the time Of our blessed Founders pity. For ever blessed be our God, Blessed be the Parliament, Blessed be our Corporation, Blessed, our Lord President, Lord Mayor, for the time being, President. Blessed be our Friend his Deputy, John Cutler Esq. Deputy President. Our Treasurer; and All, Mr Maurice Gething treasurer. Whose tender hearts, whose hands, whose purse Have quit us thus from Thrall. Our backs, and bellies bless you all And your Posterity; We beg, this work begun by you May have prosperity. Help, help, blessed Founders, build upon This newly laid Foundation, The Generations yet to come Shall bless your Corporation.