OP blazon or coat of arms ❧ By the Protec●or. A PROCLAMATION Giving notice that the remaining differences betwixt the English and Dutch Merchants stand referred to Commissioners appointed on both sides, who are to assemble at Amster●am in Holland, the 20. of July 1655. OLIVER LORD PROTECTOR of the commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions ther●o belonging, To all and singular the persons whom these presents concern, Greeting▪ Whereas in the thirtieth Article of the Treaty lately made and concluded betwixt 〈◊〉, and the Lords the state's General of the united Provinces, it is Agreed, That Commissioners or Arbitrators be nominated on both sides, Authorized and empowered to examine and determine the losses and injuries which either side alleges to have sustain●● from the other since the year 1611. unto the eighteenth day of May 1652. old stile; The particulars of which were to be delivered in to the Commissioners so nominated, befor● the eighteenth day of May 1654. Which time was afterwards by mutual consent enla●ged to the thirtieth of the said month; And if the said Commissioners should not within three months' space▪ to be accounted from the said thirtieth day of May, come to an Agreement concerning the differences aforesaid, That in such case the aforesaid differences be submitted to the judgement and Arbitration of the Protestant Canton of Switzerland, who should be desired to take upon them that Arbitration, And appoint Commissioners empowered an● instructed to give final judgement thereupon within six months' next following after expiration of the three mo●eths aforesaid. And whereas the Commissioners on both sides have met in London and received sundry demands, delivered to them within the time prefixed, and have examined and determined divers of them, according as i● contained in an Award of the said Commissioners published under their hands and Seals the thirtieth of Augu●● 1654. Old stile: And whereas several Demands and Differences, the particulars of which were delivered within the time aforesaid, do yet remain undecided, which according to the said Thirtieth Article ought to be remitted to the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, to the end they might be decided by such Commissioners as they for that purpose should nominate and appoint; which Nomination and Appointment not being by them made within the aforesaid Time of Six months, and it being necessary that the said remaining Controversies and Demands be judged and determined, and all appearance of Difference for the future removed, It was further agreed and concluded betwixt us and the Lords the state's General of the united Provinces, That all Demands delivered within the Time aforesaid, viz. the Thirtieth of May One thousand six hundred fifty four, and not comprehended and determined in the Award aforesaid, be referred and submitted to the judgement and Determination of the said Commissioners▪ or of such others who shall hereafter be nominated and appointed on both sides; which Commissioners shall assemble together at Amsterdam in Holland, instructed with the same Powers as before, and shall proceed in the same order, manner and method to a final Determination of all and singular the Differences and Demands aforesaid▪ within Three months after their first Meeting, which shall be upon the Twentieth of July instant One thousand six hundred fifty and five, and that public notice of the said Day be given to the people of either Commonwealth; And whatever the said Commissioners shall Award and Determine within the said Three months, shall oblige both Parties, as appears by an Article agreed upon betwixt Our Commissioners and the Ambassador of the Lords the state's General, and ratified as well by us as the said Lords the state's General, by Our respective Letters Patents under Our Great Seals: To the end therefore all such of the People of this Commonwealth, whose Claims and Demands for the said Injuries and Losses by them sustained from the People of the united Provinces, remain yet unsatisfied and undetermined, may be ready with their Proofs, writings and Evidences concerning the premises, to attend the said Commissioners at the time and place appointed, that so they the said Commissioners may be the better enabled effectually to proceed to a Final Award and judgement thereupon as appertains to Right and justice, We have thought fit to give public notice, as We do by these Presents, of the Day and Place prefixed, to the intent the persons interessed may have timely knowledge thereof, and prepare themselves accordingly. Given at Whitehall this 12th day of July, 1655. Published by His Highness special Command. LONDON: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness. MDCLV.