A CRUEL AND BLOODY BATTLE, Betwixt the Weymarish and Hessish, and the Imperialists, the like hath not happened these many years. Fought betwixt Collen and Weasel, the 12.22. of the last month, where it pleased God to give the victory to the Weymarish and Hessish. The names of the Commanders both slain and taken prisoners. The exceeding great fear and danger Collen is now in. A fair opportunity being now offered to recover the Palatinate again, if friends were both ready and willing. LONDON, Printed for NATH: BUTTER. MDCXLII. Hamborough the 28. of Dec. THe new Swedish General Torstensehn is recovered again of the gout, and is to break up now with his Army within few days: The King of Denmark is at Gluckshut. In his Camp before this City remain no more but two Regiments of Foot, and two Companies of Horse, which are changed every month by turns; the other Regiments are gone towards Krempe, Itzeho, Oldensloe, Seaberg, New Munster, and Kuhl, to their winter quarters. The Swedish General Major Stollhans is sent for to come to Sweden, because he hath suffered himself to be driven by the Imperialists out of Silesia. Duke Francis Albrech of Saxon Lawenburg, commands the Imperial Army in those parts, upon whom the Emperor hath bestowed the Dukedom of Sagan. Collen the 6/16 of Jan. ON Sunday last, the Wymarian Army, together with the Hessish Forces, passed at Wesel over the Bridge, which they had laid over the Rhyne. It is reported that they have taken Ordingen, and assault now the City of Linn, at Ments, Orsoy and other places belonging to the States of Holland, great store of bread is baked for them: Mean while the Imperialists draw all their Forces together. Gen: Lamboy with his Forces lies at Huls and about Kempen, expecting there Field-marshal Hatsseld with his Troops. The other day the Elector of Collen sent for Field-marshal Hatsfeld, Bishop of Osnabrugge, and General Vehlen to keep Counsel of War about this business. In all the Spanish Garrisons they renounce the Neutrality with the Wymarians. In Venloe lie 3000. Spanish horse and foot to aid and assist Lamboy in case of necessity. At this instant we receive the confirmation, that the Wymarian and Hessish Army about 12000. strong is passed near Wesel the river of Rhine, and hath taken the City of Ordingen, where they put to the sword 200. Imperial soldiers: the Inhabitants for fear of the Wymarians flee hither from all places. Another from Collen the 7/17 of Jan. IT is most certain, that the Wymarian and Hessish Army is passed the river of Rhine, and have taken by assault the City of Ordingen: They are accounted 15000. strong in all, together with the 2000 horsemen, and 1200. Musquetiers of the Holland Forces that joined with them. Col: Rosa, who went abroad with 3000. horsemen for forage, lighted upon some of Lamboys Troops, that were under the command of Col: Hemmersbach, which he charged, and totally routed. Basel the 5/15 of Jan. IT is most certain, that on Friday last, Gen: Major Erlach, Governor of Bressack, and Baron de Oisson ville, have relieved the Fort of Hohenwiel, for being the Governor in it. Colonel Widerholt sallied at that time likewise out of the Fort, and did great harm amongst the Imperialists, they betook themselves to flight: The high Dutch and French horsemen are yet pursuing after them. They took their retreat towards Zell, leaving behind them six Pieces of Ordnance, great store of ammunition, and all their provision: the abovesaid Erlach is now in the Fort, and provides the same again with all necessaries: Mean while his horsemen run as far as Constance, and pillage all the villages thereabouts. Oisson ville is going by way of Shaffhausen and Solothum for Paris. Collen the 9/19 of Jan. THe other day, the Wymarian Army, after that it had taken Ordingen and Linne, marched directly against Gen: Lamboy, who lay with his Army upon S. Anthony's Plain, with whom they encountered, and totally routed and defeated him: In which battle the most part of the Imperial Infantry was either slain or taken prisoners, the rest fled with the cavalry towards Kempen, leaving behind them nine Pieces of Ordnance. General Lamboy himself is shrewdly wounded, and taken Prisoner. At this instant we receive Letters from Dusseldorp, which were written but yesterday, which cannot sufficiently express the great and miserable fight both of Spiritual and Temporal persons from Neus, Keyserswerth, and other places, all which confirm the total overthrow of General Lamboy, and in such a manner, that his Infantry and cavalry is totally dispersed: Lamboy and the most part of the high Officers are either slain or taken prisoners, and the Wymarians obtained all their Artillery, ammunition, and took above 4000 prisoners, and withal obtained almost as many horses, many Standards and Ensigns. Aaken the 12/22 of Jan. THe Imperial General Lamboy having received intelligence that the Wymarian Army had taken Ordingen, together with the City and Castle of Lin, and were coming from thence towards him, possessed himself, for his advantage, near Huls, betwixt Kempen and Old Kirck, of a fair plot of ground, being surrounded with a very high breast-work, in manner of a trench, where he planted his Ordnance, amongst which were four demicanons, upon some high ground crosse-wise, round about the aforesaid breast-work, lay the Musquetiers and fire-logs, and on the sides of the Camp stood the cavalry in 2 wings, and betwixt both wings 2. Regiments of Infantry, in so brave an order as ever was seen. The Wymarians coming the 7.17. of this month before the Camp, begun about 8. in the morning to charge the Imperialists, and to play with their Canons, and about noon they came with their main body up to the front of Lamboys Army: At which time they fought so furiously on both sides, that it was very doubtful, on whose side the victory would fall: at last the Wymarians, upon nearer intelligence given unto them by a Country man where the breast work was weakest of all, pressed with such a fury thitherwards, that Lamboys men begun to retire; and about three of the clock in the afternoon they were brought into disorder, and then the Wymarians begun to knock them down; those that called for quarter in time, saved their lives: The cavalry found itself environed, that they could not break through; those that fled towards Neet, were all fetched back again; but those that fled towards Gelder and Venloe, saved themselves. It is generally believed, that not above 12. Companies of Horse in all escaped: Those that were slain, amount to the number of about 3000. men, and the number of the Prisoners amounts to above 4000 Of the Wymarians were not above 400. slain, amongst which is Col: Flersheim. At this instant we receive certain avisees, that the Cities of Kempen, Dormagen, Woeringen and Sons are surrendered unto the Wymarians, and that thereupon they have begirded the City of Neus: In the City of Kempen they have obtained above 3000. sacks with corn, besides a very rich booty of other goods, the like was never seen, what flying there is of the Inhabitants from morning till evening into Collen: The Wymarians struggle already to the very gates of Collen: In the said City they beat the drums day and night to take up fresh soldiers, but they can get very few that will serve, because they run all to the Wymarians. The Bishop of Collen himself in person is retired to Hermershein. Collen the 13/23 of Jan. THe great overthrow of Lamboy is confirmed, and it is most certain, that the whole Army, as well Infantry as cavalry is ruinated: The Wymarians have taken Prisoners Gen: Lamboy, Gen: Major Mercy, Baron of Vehlen, Col: Dunckel, Col: Isaac, Col: Hemmersbach, Col: Bicht, Col: Hinderson, Col: Hyacinto di vera, Col: Crysti, Col: Rodoan, Col: Ladron, Col: Eppe, Col: Hennins. The names of those that are slain, are Col: Gonzago, Col: la Riviere, Col: Savery, Col: Paradyser, Col: Franchipanï, the Lieutenant Col: of the old Beckish Regiment, Col: Buttelberg, Col: Grisenay, and Lieutenant Col: Hounds. In a word, all the Colonels, excepting Colonel Zell, are either slain or taken prisoners, besides an exceeding great number of Lieutenants, Colonels, Sergeant Majors, Captains of Horse and Foot, and other Officers, and above 4000 common soldiers are taken prisoners. In this battle the Imperialists lost all their baggage, Artillery, Ammunition, 64. Ensigns, and 40. Standards. It hath been a most cruel and bloody fight. Lamboy hath desired that he might be carried Prisoner first to Mastricht, which Conte de Guebrian granted unto him: From thence he is to be carried to Rotterdam, and so for France. After this victory, the Wymarians came before Kempen, which they took presently, and made the Inhabitants pay 15000. Rixdallers for pillaging. The 10.20. of January, 600. Hessish horsemen went near Hulekrath, through the river of Erfft, surprised at Dormagen 300. Dragooners, that had escaped out of the battle, and totally routed them, that not 18. of them escaped. The other day, they begirded the City of Neus, which as it is reported, hath begun already to parley. Grevenbruck, Caster, and other places are likewise surrendered unto the Wymarians. The Swedish Army under Gen: Torstenson is likewise broke up, and marching towards Garlelen, in the old Marquisate of Brandenburg: which way it will farther take, we shall hear in time. The Imperialists are to take their winter quarter in Misina. Amsterdam the 17/27 of Jan. THe 4000 Imperialists that were taken Prisoners in the battle, have all taken pay under the Wymarians. Since this great overthrow of Lamboy, the Wymarians have likewise taken the City of Nens, and are pursuing now after Field-marshal Hatsfeld and his Forces. 70. Companies of Spanish horsemen are marching now to secure the said Hatsfeld, wherefore 6000. Horse and Foot of the States Forces, which are paid by the King of France, lie ready to secure the Wymarians, as soon as they receive order. Ten Regiments more are coming from France towards Mastricht, which are likewise to join with the Wymarian Army. I received Letters from le Conte de Guebrian, Gen: of the Wymarian Army, who writes that his Army is now complete 16. à 17000. strong, because since the battle their Army is grown above 5000. stronger. In Dormagen, which lies but two Dutch miles from Collen, they have surprised and totally ruinated a Regiment of Dragooners of Hatsfeld his Forces, whereupon the rest of his Army retired towards Coblentz. 6000. Hessish and Wymarian Horsemen are passed by Collen, in pursuit of Hatsfeld. The Swedish General Torstensohn lies with his Army yet about Garleben, in the old Marquisate of Brandenburg. Upon the hearing of this good news, it is not doubted but he will likewise further advance, because the Elector of Collen hath sent to Piccolomini for some aid to succour Hatsfeld, who is not above 4000 strong. Of the restitution of the Palatinate upon fair terms, is little hope. It is said, that the Ambassadors will shortly come back again from Vienna, without any expedition. The Spanish Fleet is ruinated again by the Portugal, and our Fleet, whereof they have sunk 8▪ of the Ships, and the rest fled again into Calis malis. FINIS.