A DISCOVERY, What God, the supreme judge, Wised. 6. 1 john. 3. through his servant hath caused to be manifested unto the regents or Rulers in England, concerning their Cain-like, fierce, Habac. 3. Apoc. 16.20. jerem. 30. Psal. 89. 1 Cor. 12. nay Diabolical contentions and furious distractions, by which they bring themselves with all their land and subjects in utter destruction. Besides, Gal. 5.16. Esai. 51. Deut. 32. Psal. 9: 75 96.97.98 that they have left their distressed fellow-members and brethren in Germany stinking in their perdition and misery, which all God will judge. Rom. 1: 2. 2. Pet. 3. Printed in the year of our Lord and Saviour jesus Christ, 1643. In the behalf of God the Supreme judge, these are directed to the King of England, and the Parliament. THe eternal God, Ies 40.66. Psa. 89.95. to whom chief both heaven and earth doth belong, doth require the King of England and his Parliament, jer. 30. that if they will escape his fierce anger and hot displeasure, Esai. 34. Rom. 1. jesa. 25.29. they do not so cruelly and tyrannically bring the subjects in their Countries with their own sweat and blood-monies, Amos 5. Mich. 3. Ephe 4. 2 Tim. 3. jesai. 1. jere. 7. Galat. 5. Ezech. 14. Apoc. 6.20 Matt. 7. joh. 10. 2 Thess. 2. Apoc. 16. 2 Cor. 11. which they by force draw & extort from them, in the ignorance of God, unto all ruin & perdition, as those insolent, wicked and inconscionable thiefs and murderers in Germany have done, who like dogs have torn and devoured, & like unto the wild & bruit beasts have killed and destroyed one another, and then afterwards in the behalf of the salvation of their souls, yet trust and rely upon those ravening wolves and hirelings, by whom Satan, the very Devil, himself is transformed into an Angel of light. Behold, God cometh as a thief in the night, with the day of vengeance, and his fiery judgement upon those who do not spare the very righteous amongst them. A DISCOVERY Of the Cain of this present world in his generation, namely, how the Beast hath ascended again out of the pit of darkness. Revel. 17. Whose Members have forsaked God in their Conscience, after the Communion and obedience of faith, and being entangled in the vanities of this world, have separated themselves from one another, and for as much as every one of them will maintain his vanity and Religion, only after his pleasure, they have taken up Arms, to destroy and root out one another in a horrible and bloodthirsty way. THe people of the second, 2 Tim. 4, Rom 14. Eph●s. 2. or new Testament, should have been taught, not to rule themselves, and live only after their own will, but should have suffered the grace of God our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, Luc. 1.17. to chastise, rule and reprouve them inwardly in their hearts or consciences: Tit. 2. Rom, 1. Mat. 24. but for as much as they have forsaken God in his throne of grace, and are become vain in their devices, & have like unto those in the days of Noach, Genes. 6, 7.19. Epist. jud. 2 Petr. 1: 2. Apoc. 17. Matth. 24. 4 Esdr. 5.19 and 16. Apoc. 6: 12. and 16. jac. 5. Heb. 10. Apoc. 3: 16 Gal. 4.5. Ephes 4.5. Thess. 5. jerem. 8. and Loath, builded up and multiplied themselves, only according to their fleshly old Adamicall will, therefore they have set God behind them secretly in the ground of their soul, have forgot him, are with the powers of the body & soul gone forth into the nature: and have for to maintain their liberty and Religion, begun wars one against another, by which they destroy and ruin one another, and bring the poor to utter destruction. But when God cometh with his grace, & according to the spirit of filiation knocketh on, to the end, that his children should open their hearts, and enter into their consciences, and mark this present and last time, and observe the rights of the Lord; then cometh the ungodly Cain in his generation, or children of Belial, and will censure God in his judgement, 1 joh. 3.5. maketh it worse than his brother in former times, 2 Pet. 3. Gen. 4. Gen. 3. (who yet fell into the fear of desperation) and Adam, who fain would have been hid from the face of God. In summa, 2 Pet. 2. 1 Cor. 3. the Devil hath wholly possessed the people in their Sectarian Religion, with will & insolent deeds; to pass by, 2 Tim. 4.3. 2 Pet. 2. Psal. 14. Epist. juda Apo. 16: 19 Esai. 9 and that their false teachers and prophets besides, do wholly deny and blaspheme the judgement of God, concerning the redemption of the poor and distressed, and are the very first of all that stir up men to all wickedness, wherefore also God shall bruise the head of the old serpent, and execute vengeance upon his corporal and spiritual enemies. 2. Thess. 1. Mich. 5. The shepherd's and teacher's which every one hath loadet himself withal, in his sect, jerem. 23. Zach. 10. 2 Tim. 4. Matt. 24. 2 Perr. 2. Matt. 7. Apoc. 20. 2 Tim. 3. Zach. 14. Gen. 18.19. jer. 5 and 8. and 9 Psal. 36.119. Ies. 28.42.59. Sapient. 5. Amos. 5. Psa. 4: 89. Luc. 18. Zach. 14. Ps. 12.125 Es. 40 50. Apoc. 16. Mich. 7. 2 Pet. 3. D●●t. 2.7. I●rem 8. Rom. 8. 1 Pet. 4. I●cob. 4.5. Amos 5. Ezech. 22. Mich. 3. Es. 40.45. Psal. 33. Esai. 8.30. Hos. 10. Epist. judae have seduced the whole world into errors and darkness of conscience, and brought them away from the narrow way of life, unto the brood way of eternal damnation in hell, & do chief resist the truth. If there were but five Godly and Righteous men in a Land or Kingdom, like as God sought such at Sodom and Gomorrha; I leave not of to denounce the right of the Lord, and to witness of his eternal righteousness, which for to maintain the honour of his word or holy name shall be manifested as a strong stream. But what Faith, hope and conscience in this regard God findeth & hath found in all places Countries and Kingdoms, upon his eternal infinite Omnipotency, that shall be plainly discovered and judged, by reason of the confusion and ruin, which the children of man have brought to pass, which, like unto the mockers and despisers of God in former times know nothing of his Kingdom, right, judgement and righteousness, but will only maintain their vain, old, former confused do and worldly deeds, with the revenue of the Countries, sweat and blood-mony of the poor Subjects, from whom they have extorted them. Wherefore there shall also be a judgement, for the God of Israel liveth yet, and his counsel and thoughts stand for ever, against the do, counsels, or vain and idle thoughts of all men: which vain counsels and thoughts are come forth from themselves, to maintain their divided Sects. Our God is Unto the unbelevers, Heb. 10.12 Deut. 32. Rom. 9 Ies. 8.28. a consuming fire, a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence. 1. Petr. 2. CONCERNING The Cainlike, fierce, bitter, 1 joh. 3. Haba 4. Hebr. 10.11, 12. Psa. 94. Mare. 13. Rev. 13.16 job. 17. Es. 42.45. Ps. 10.68. Mich. 3. Malach. 3. Amos 5. james 5. Esai 5.59. jerem. 7.22 nay Diabolical revengefulnesse of the Heathen, or false Christians, who go about to thrust God out of the throne of his judgement, and will deprive him of all power and honour in heaven and on earth, in bringing both Country and people, viz. the poor Subjects, with their own sweat and blood, into extreme calamity and utter destruction, and besides defiling the Land with innocent blood. Ezech. 22. GOd hath now for a long time in all places and Countries beheld the people and nations of this fourth or last Monarchy of the world, Dan. 2. and 7. Chap. Rom. 11 Matt. 21. Psa. 33.53.89. Luc. 21. jer. 23.30. Eze. 21.22 Amos 5. ●● Esai. 9.45.50. jam. 5. Dan. 27. Psal 36.89 97.98.119 4 Esd. 6.7.16. Rev. 16.19. 20, 22. namely the heathens or false Christians, and that both from heaven above, from his high and firm throne, and also through his servant David, whom he hath raised of and from among their own selves, by reason of this present misery, distress and great calamity: who through their designs in every place, have effected nothing else but kindled the fire upon themselves, and hindered the redemption (or deliverance) of Israel with the utter destruction of the poor: all which must yet be judged: for God with his Kingdom, judgement, and eternal divine Righteousness, will not give place, so much as a hair, to the Devil in all his members in the whole world, nor yield to them the least from his own right. But woe unto them, Esai. 8. or those in the fiery pit of everlasting hellish damnation, who in this cause oppose themselves against God, Mat. 24. Marc. 13. Rev. 12.16 Es. 34.66. 2 Cor. 5. and will prevent, nay wholly annihilate the counsel of the Lord: for as every one doth and behaveth himself against God, in regard of these present wars and commotions, and thereby is the cause, and guilty of the destruction of mankind; so accordingly he shall be rewarded both here in time, and there in eternity: which no shepherd, false teacher 2. Petr. 2. or prophet can hinder, or shall be able to remedy in any way. Actor. 20. Mat. 7.23. joh. 10. 2 Tim. 3. Es. 28.57. Ezech. 13. Epist. judae For those horrible ravening wolves and hirelings, who have seduced the people to such insolent prevarication against God, and moreover do absolve them in their presumptuous persevering sins and damnable courses, & strengthen the hands of the impenitent and wicked ones, thus turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and insolence: 2 Petr. 2. Zeph. 3. Those, I say, shall principally above all be sent to hell, and the everlasting darkness, by reason of the destruction, Marc. 11.13. Lucc 19 jere. 7. jere. 23. Ezech. 13. Matt. 21.24. which now for a time hath been caused and brought to pass in all places and Countries in the murdering den of this false Christendom, through the hypocrisy and lies of such unclean spirits, frogs and spirits of the Devil. The whore of Babylon must indeed be destroyed before the end of the world, Rev. 16. but it must not be done otherwise, then by, Rev. 17.18 Ps. 89: 97.119. Gala. 5. Rom. 8. joh. 8.10. jer. 7.8. Mat. 12.21 Marc 3.12 and according to the afore determined counsel of the Lord, namely, according to his justice, judgement and everlasting divine righteousness, which especially the people of the second, or new Testament, aught in the spirit, and through Faith to have waited and hoped for, and in no wise so as the jews did when their King came, whose life they sought above all others, in regard of their outward Temple worship and false Religion. Lucc 6.11.19. 2. Petr. 3. Epist. judae Matt. 13. Deut. 32. Psal. 94. Rom. 1.2. Pet. 2. Esai. 1. jer. Therefore a fiery judgement is before the door, by reason of the mockers and despisers, who in this regard will not only hinder the harvest of the Lord, but endeavour also wholly to annihilate and abolish it, by entrenching upon the vengeance belonging to God, and going about to maintain, protect and defend their vain worldly Sectarian courses and Religions. Whereby they do but kindle the fire in the wrath of God, upon themselves, Esdr. 15.16. Those heathens or false Christians, Marc. 13. Gal. 4.5. Rom. 9 james 4. Matt. 24. Luc. 17. Rom. 1. Esai. 1.5.30. Ezech. 7.21 Levit. 26. Revel. 9.13 16.19.20. Luc. 19 Genes. 19 Epist. judae Ezech. 16. 2 Pet. 2. Gal. 5. Psalm. 12. jerem. 23. Zach. 10.14. Hos. 4.10. 1 joh. 3. Psal. 2.99. Ez●ch. 22. jerem. 2: 22. Mich. 3.6. jer. 46.50. Esa. 30 31. Amos 5. who as concerning the spirit of grace and adoption (or childship) of JESUS CHRIST, within their hearts or consciences, are not other wise subject and obedient to God, than those in the times of Noah and Loth were, and will protect themselves in their vain and wicked courses, without the counsel of the Lord, and against God & his spirit endeavour to set themselves at liberty, those I say must be ruined through their own enemies, and subjected to the Devil and all wild beasts, which God shall raise and stir up against them, and they shall have at last as little deliverance from the everlasting hellish damnation, as in former times the jews in the horrible destruction of jerusalem; and those at Sodom and Gomorrha, whom God also ever for their own Resractarinesse was forced to destroy with fire and brimstone from heaven. For God will not have the Sectarian contentions and bitings, the hypocritical and Schismatical do of the shepherd's, by which there is no light, no faith, no love, no uprightness nor righteousness any more left, within the hearts of these men, maintained and defended in this fierce and Cain-like manner, with rage and fury, murderings and bloodsheddings, of the poor innocent souls, which now also for a time hath been plainly seen and known, by lively experience, namely, how God hath thrown down one tyrant through the other, and brought a desolation upon the Champious and strong-ones. Deut. 32. Esai. 12. Rom. 12. Psa. 10.94. Habac. 3. james 5. Amos 3.5.8. Psalm 33.76.93. Those that go about to deprive God of his honour and vengeance, and entrench upon his judgement against their enemies, do first and foremost, burden themselves with great unquietness, trouble and labour in vain to no purpose. Secondly they bring their country, people and subjects with their revenus, sweat and blood into utter ruin: and then thirdly and consequently (which is the worst, greatest and heavest of all) they presume to alter or pervert the eternal counsel of God: Esai 30.33 1 Thess. 5. 1 Corint. 3.6.11. Hagg. 2. and thus will utterly abolish the gouvernement of God in heaven and on earth, especially within their own conscience, and also outwardly amongst themselves: Wisd. 6.12. all which the same God, who in former times hath thrown down the Thrones and Seats of Kingdoms, will not suffer. Esai. 49. A Servant of the Lord serving God in his justice and judgement. Psalm. 17.18.