HER APPEAL FROM THE COURT TO THE CAMP. Dan. 12. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried: But the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand: But the wise shall understand. Printed in the year 1649. The Word of the Most High: To the Lord General, Lord FAIRFAX, From the Lady Eleanor. THe generality or scope of this command touching Prophecy, though ceased a time, the Church bidden expressly, Despise it not, but to try the Spirits, needless to be insisted on. Let it seem not therefore strange or hard what is here desired, since nothing too hard for him whom ye serve, The Lord of Hosts, that you the Commander of the field, prayed to send forth Harvest-laborers, to be pleased to appoint some faithful by name, the truth of these things for to examine, no true peace without it, concerning what she hath been a sufferer so many years for; no less than the burden of his word to Great Britain (Anno Dom.) 1625. bearing date first of the present Reign, Three and twenty years since; showing what year in as it were the general Judgement, speaking as through a Trumpet from Heaven: So that the Prophet's testimony, the Scriptures which accords therewith, may no longer wait for their resurrection; that have by Antichristian authority been crucified and buried hitherto, like that golden wedge or tongue, hidden by him Achan, author of so much trouble: Even the Prophet Daniel, that greatly beloved man; and John, whom he loved, that bosom Disciple; both testifying of great Britain's visitation at such a time, as from his own mouth also (Mat. 24.) after such fearful denounced Judgements, the like never afore or again, bidden therefore, watch, etc. shows of that blessed Manna their meat in due season, when to be given them, doubtless something to be revealed, a forewarning plain enough. As from the Kingdom of Heaven being likened unto those virgins, five wise, and five foolish, shall show you a mystery, how points to the aforesaid acceptable year 1625. gins with the blessed Virgin's feast (Five and twentieth of the month) witness when made at midnight that cry before the Bridegroom; which as betokens the word of God in such a year so to such a Reign directed, that began then; and his marrying with such a one, with the late hour of wedding nights, etc. (Mat. 25.) where the five Talents account given up, a touch gives of the same year too; and for her wisdom anointed with her lamp-oil spent so much: Marry likewise by name much like that, had a name, She lives, but was dead (Rev. 3.) brought with her a curse in stead of a blessing, Pestilence, never such, and Sword Great Britain's portion; as blessings great set light by, unaccompanied with no small corrections, where again upon his Prophetical Reply to our Saviour Christ (Luke 14.) Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of heaven (as much to say) lives to see him reign, his foes put under his feet for ever: also Zion, whoso toucheth her, toucheth the apple of his eye, puts forth this Parable, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many; and at supper time sent forth his servant, that entrusted servant, saying, All things are ready (to wit) the Prophet's wait, their visions are awake; when the unworthy wretches with one consent and voice, all began to make excuse, one this, etc. another that had married a wife, could not come without her leave; as by the five yoke of Oxen, paints too unto his being Crowned and married such a year, in whose room the maimed bidden, etc. enough of whose company may be had (Luke 14.) in plain English, The careless Stuart by name, justly turned out of Stewardship, what Trust to be reposed in such a ONE? unto this day not weighing the many Caveats entered, and sacred Statutes, Matt. 24. Noah's days, knowing not his own house, when he sees it either: as, had the goodman of the house known at what hour etc. would not suffered his house to be broken up, his banqueting house especially, etc. And again, like as in days of old what do, when the Son of man is revealed, thus and thus it shall be; marrying, etc. bidden Remember Lot's wife her looking back: and where Lord being asked, shall be revealed that secret, and these things be? wheresoever the body is, thither the eagle's resort. The body of an army, those spacious quarters; Therefore what I say unto you, I say unto all watch, have your lights burning, loins girt, like men expecting, &c of which Oracles not so obstruse hitherto as obvious now. His farewell the prophet daniel's on the house top proclaims it, bidden Go thy way etc. (Dan. 12.) showing, And from the time the Daily shall be taken away; and the abomination that maketh desolate set up; Altars adored; giving to understand, As any have eyes may see; Paul's no little one, thus computes the time, There shall be a thousand two hundred & ninety days: Blessed is he that waits, and comes to a thousand three hundred five and thirty: whereby taking 1000 rests (the year of grace) 1625. calling unto this Jubilee year 1649. even Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and sup with him, and he with me shall sit, etc. By your leave Sirs, which bars any more kneeling at the Table not only, but from those words, The daily taken away, shows the Lord's Supper how that taken away, unto the foorenoon translated: putting no difference between his and their own Suppers: well presaging the evening of time how discerned: what looking for and hastening, etc. would follow it, Pet. 3. Resting, My Lord, The humble Servant of your Excellence, ELINOR. january: 1648. FINIS.