A SALE of His MAJESTY'S Prize Goods by the Arms of Rotterdam, to be made at the East-India-House, on Thursday the 14th. of May 1674, at Eight of the Clock in the Morning; the particulars are, VIZ. To reduce them to yards, by the Measure that is upon each piece; and to allow a yard upon a piece; or to measure them, and allow nothing. 1 Case, No. 125 Containing 7 pcs. Scarlet, from No. 1, to 7, cont. 229 yards, or thereabouts; at 13 s. per yard, to advance 2 d. per yard, in 1 Lott. 1 Case, No. 128 Cont. 7 pcs. Crimson, from No. 22, to 28, cont. 234 yards, or thereabouts; at 12 s. per yard, to advance 2 d. per yard, in 1 Lott. 1 Case, No. 132 Cont. 7 pcs. Crimson, from No. 50, to 56, cont. 209 yards, or thereabouts; at 8 s. per yard, to advance 2 d. per yard, in 1 Lott 1 Case, No. 133 Cont. 7 pcs. Red Cloth, from No. 57, to 63, cont. 223 yards, or thereabouts, at 7 s. per yard, to advance 1 d. 3 Remanants 9 Cont. 41 yards of Scatlet and Crimson, at 10 s. per yard, to advance 2 d. 2 Small Cases of Amber at 5 s. per l. to advance 1 d. 180 Barrels of Mum, 50 50 50 30 Brown Holland's Beer, or what it is, at 13 s. 4 d. per bar. to advance 2 d. in 4 Lots 10 Leadgers and 1 Punch of Spanish Wine, 3 No. 1, 2, 3, or what it is, at 19 l. per 236 gall. in 3 Lots, 4 No. 4, 5, 6, 7, advance 4 s. per Tun 8 Leadgers of Rhenish Wine, 3 No. 8, 9, 10, 11 a punch. at 5 l. per Aume, in 2 Lots, to advance 12 d. 4 No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 No. 5, 6, 7, 8. 21 Punchons of Vinegar, at 12 l. per Tun, in 1 Lott, advance 2 s: 5 Roundlets of Rack, at 16 d. per gall. in 1 Lott, at 1 d. 4. Firkins of Butter in barrels of Pickle, at 23 s. per Firkin, 1 Lott, to advance 6 d. 15 Roundlets of Oil, at 2 s. per gall. in 1 Lott, ro advance 1 d. 1 Chest, No. 135, cont. 220 New Testaments of the Malaw Language, at 12 d. each, in 1 Lott, advance 1 d. 1 Chest, No. 134, cont. 6 Bundles of Small Books, and 283 Prayer-Books, at 6 l. 13 s. 8 d. to advance 6 d. 1 Chest, cont. 150 bundles of Rushes, at 3 d. per bundle, advance 1/4. 10 Drum hhds. and 1 butt of Pruens, at 7 s. per Cent. Tear 84 l. per hhd. and 1 C. per butt, to advance 1 d. 2 Terces of Glue at 16 s. per Cent. Tear 70 l. each, to advance 2 d. 3 Roundlets of Spruce Beer, cont. 40 gall. or thereabouts, at 2 s. 6 d. per gall. to advance 1 d. 2 Cases of Isonglass, count. about 1 C. 0, 13, at 3 s. 6 d. per l. to advance 1 d. In 1 Lott, to advance 1 q. on each Parcel, as they stand. 1 Chest of Cooper's Tools, count. as solloweth, 47 Round Shaves, at 8 d. each, 42 howel's, at 6 d. each, 16 does. of Percers, at 3 s. per does. 5 Boxes of Gilt Leaf, 4 s. per Box, In 1 Lott, to advance 2 d. each paracel. 2 Chests, cont. 100 Iron Plates, at 18 s. per C. 20 Tew Irons cast for bellows, at 4 s. per C. 5 Beak Irons for Smiths, at 20 s. per C. 1 Pair Woodden Screws, at 20 s. In 1 Lott, to advance 12 d. per C. 23 Copper Kettles, at 5 l. 10 s. per C 21 Copper Plates or bottoms, at 5 l. per C. In 1 Lott, to advance 1 d. upon each price. 6 Does. and 3 p. of Pinchers, at 3 s. per does. 2 Drills, at 2 s. 6 d each 8 Does. and 4 small Brushes, at 1 s. 6 d. per does. 13 Does. Carpenter's Brass Compasses, with Iron points, at 10 s. per does. 3 Iron Collars for Turner's, at 3 s. each 36 Handvices, at 12 d. each 30 Brass Cocks at 12 d. each 30 Small Bells, at 9 d. per l. In 1 Lott. to advance 1 d. upon each. 1 Chest, No. 2 of Sea Compasses, etc. 2 Does. and 1 Sea Compasses at 30 s. per does. 2 Boxes, cont. 34 Square Glasses for Compasses, at 1 s. 6 d. per does. 1 Box, cont. 6 does. Cards for Compasses, 4 s. per does. 1 Box, cont. 18 Round Glasses for Compasses, 12 d. per does. 1 Chest, No. 3. count. 2 Does. Sea Compasses, at 30 s. per does. 46 Half-hour Glasses, at 4 d. each 16 Round Glasses, at 12 d. per does. all at 31 s. to advance 6 d. 1 Chest of Cardis 1 Chest of Wormwood 1 Cask Roots in Sand 4 Empty Cases lined with Sheet Led