AN ACT FOR THE Redemption of Captives▪ Whereas the parliament formerly taking into consideration the Redemption of Captives, taken by Turkish, Moorish, and other Pirates, did for the accomplishment of that work, by several Ordinances impose a duty on Goods and Merchandizes Exported and Imported into, and out of this Realm, which some time since hath been expired: But the parliament finding that the Moneys already collected on those Ordinances, will not be sufficient to perfect that good work, do therefore Cnact, and be it Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament, That one fourth part of one per cent. which is One shilling in every Twenty shillings paid for custom and Subsidy, according to the now Book of Rates established by the Authority of this present Parliament, shall from and after the first day of April, one thousand six hundred and fifty, be raised; levied and paid over and above the said custom and Subsidy, of and from all and every such Goods, wars, and other Merchandizes, to be Imported into, or Exported out of this Commonwealth of England; the said sum of one quarter of one per cent. to be raised and paid for the space of two years' next after the said First of April, One thousand six hundred and fifty, and received and taken by the Commissioners of the Customs for the time being, their Deputy or Deputies, and by them to be laid out, paid and employed, in such manner as by the Committee of the Navy shall be ordered & directed, whose Order from time to time shall be their sufficient discharge. And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid▪ That if any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, whereof the sum of one Fourth part of one per cent. is or shall be due and payable by virtue of this Act▪ shall at any time hereafter be shipped, or put into any Boat or other Vessel, to the intent to be carried into the parts beyond the Seas, or else be brought from the parts beyond the Seas into any part of this commonwealth aforesaid, and unshipped to be laid on Land, the sum of one quarter of one per cent. due on the same not paid; all the same Goods, Wares and other merchandise whatsoever shall be forfeited and lost, the one moiety of the value thereof to be to him or them that will seize or sue for the same, and the other moiety to be employed for the Redemption of Captives as aforesaid. Provided, That the said duty be not demanded or levied of the Merchant-Strangers, trading upon the Composition Trade at Dover. Provided also, and it is the true intent and meaning of this Act, That no Merchant-Stranger whatsoever, as to this duty, do pay any more than the Merchant-Denizen doth; and likewise that as touching the duty hereby imposed, there be no deduction or defalkation of fifteen per cent. Any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Die Martis, 26 Martii, 1650. ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published. Hen: Scobell, Cler. Parl. FINIS. The RATES. OF merchandise. RATES innards. A ADzes for Cooper's the dozen▪— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Aggets small as a bean, the hundred dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Aggets large the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Alphabets the set, containing twenty four— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Alum the hundred weight, containing an hundred and twelve pound.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Alpisti, or Canary-seed the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.03. S. 15. D. 00 Anber the pound— L.00. S. 07. D. 04 the mast, cont. two pound and an half— L.00. S. 08. D. 04 Beads the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 ●●●es the little barrel— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 Andirons or Creepers of Latin the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 of Iron the pair— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Andlets, or mails the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Anvils the hundred weight, containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Aneile of Barbary the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Annotto the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Apples the bushel— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 the barrel containing three bushels— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 vocat. Pippins, or Rinnets the barrel containing three bushels— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Aquavitae the barrel— L.05. S. 06. D. 08 the Hogshead— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Argall white and red, or powder the hundred weight, cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 03. D. 04 Armour. old the hundred weight containing 112. pound.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Arrows for Trunks the groce, containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Ashes voc. Pot-ashes the barrel contoining two hundred pound— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Wood or Soap Ashes, the last containing twelve barrels L.12. 〈…〉 Aule-blades the thousand— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Aulgers for Carpenters the groce— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Axes or Hatchets the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 BAbies, or Puppets for children, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Babies heads of earth the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Bacon of Ireland the Flitch— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 of Westphalia and Hamborough, or the like, the hundred weight, containing 112. pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Balks great the hundred containing 120.— L.12. S. 00. D. 00 middle the hundred contain. 120.— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 small the hundred, containing 120.— L.02▪ S. 00. D. 00 Bags with locks the dozen— L.02. S. 08 D. 00 with steel rings without locks the dozen— L.01. S. 12. D. 00 Balances vocat. Gold balances the groce, cont. twelve dozen pair— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Ounce balances the groce, cont. twelve dozen pair— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 the sort cont. four dozen— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 Balls voc. Tennis balls the thousand— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Washing balls the groce, containing twelve dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Bandelieres the hundred, cont. five score— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Bandstrings the dozen knots— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Bands vocat. Flanders bands of bonelace the band— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Bands of cutwork, of Flanders, or any other country.— L.20. S. 00. D. 00 Bankers of Verdure the dozen pieces.— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Barber's aprons, or checks, the piece, not above ten yards— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Barlings the hundred, containing an hundred and twenty— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Barley the quarter cont. eight bushels.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Barillia, or Saphora, to make glass, the barrel, containing two hundred weight— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Basket-rods the bundle— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Baskets voc. handbaskets, or sports the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Basins of Latin the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Bast or Straw-Hats knotted the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 or Straw-Hats plain the dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Bastropes the Rope— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 the bundle containing ten ropes— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound.— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Battery, Bashrons', or kettles, the hundred weight, containing 112. pound— L.09. S. 00. D. 00 Bays of Florence per yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Beads of Amber the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of Bone the great groce cont. 12. small groce— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 of Box the great groce— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 of coral the pound— L.01, S. 00. D. 00 of crystal the thousand— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 of glass and Wood all sorts the great groce— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of Jasper square the hundred stones— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Beaupurs the piece, containing 24. or twenty five yards— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Beef of Ireland or Scotland the barrel— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 or pork of Ireland or Scotland per ton— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Bells vocat. Hawks bells, French making the dozen pair— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Hawks bells Norembrough making the dozen pair— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Horse bells the small groce containing 12. dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Dog bells the small groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Morrice bells the small groce, containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Clapper bells the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Bell-metal the hundred weight, co●t. ●12. pound— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 ●owes the pair— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Bits for Bridles the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Blacking or lamp-black the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Blankets vocat. Paris mantles coloured the mantle— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Paris mantles, or others uncoloured the mantle— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Boards, vocat. barrel boards the hundred containing 120.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Clapboards the hundred con. 120. boards— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Pastboards for books the thousand— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Pipe boards or pipeholt the hundred cont. 120. boards— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 White boards for shoemakers the board— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Bodkins the small groce cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Bomespars' the hundred, cont. 120.— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Borratoes or Bombasines narrow the single piece not above 15. yards— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 broad the single piece not above 15 yards— L.07. S. 00. D. 00 of silk the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Books unbound the basket or maund con. eight bales or two fats— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 the fat containing half a maund— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Bosses for bridles the small groce cont. twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Botanoes per piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Bottles of Earth covered with Wicker the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 of glass covered with Wicker the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 of glass with vices covered with Leather the dozen.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 of glass uncovered the does.— L.00. S. 03. D. 00. of Wood, vocat. sucking bottles the gross cont. twelve dozen.— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Boultell rains the piece— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 the bale cont. 20. pieces— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Bows vocat. stone bows of steel the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Bow-staves the hundred containing six score staves— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Boxes fire or tinderboxes the groce, cont. twelve dozen boxes— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Nest boxes the groce, cont▪ twelve dozen Nests— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Pepper boxes the groce, con. twelve dozen boxes— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Spice boxes the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Round boxes, or French boxes for Marmelade or jelly the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Sand boxes the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 13 D. 04 Soap boxes the shock cont. three score boxes— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Touch boxes, covered with leather the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Touch boxes covered with velvet the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Touchboxes of Iron or other mettle, guilt the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Tobacco boxes the groce containing twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Bracelets or necklaces of glass the small groce, cont. 12. bundles or dickers— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Red the small groce cont. 12. bundles or dickers.— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Brass or Laver Cocks the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Pile weights the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Trumpets the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Lamps the dozen.— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Brickstones, vocat. the 10 00. brick stones— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Flanders Tile to scour with, the thousand— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Gallie tiles the foot— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Paving tiles the thousand— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Bridles the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Brouches of Latin or Copper, the gross cont. twelve dozen.— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Brushes, vocat. beard brushes, the groce con. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of Heath course the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 of Heath fine, or head brushes the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of hair called head brushes the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of Heath, vocat. rubbing brushes the dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 of hair, vocat comb brushes the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 of hair, vocat. weaver's brushes the dozen.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 of hair vocat. rubbing brushes the dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Brimstone the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound.— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Bristles rough or undressed the dozen pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Dressed the dozen ponnd— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Buckrams of Germany, or fine per piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of the East country the roll or half piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 of French making the dozen pieces— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 vocat. Carrick Buckrams the short piece— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Buckles for girdles the small groce, containing 12. dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 for girths, the groce, containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 Buffins, Mocadoes, and Lile Grograms, narrow the single piece, not above 15 yards— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 broad, the single piece, not above 15 yards.— L.04. S. 10. D. 00 Bugasins or Calico Buckrams the half piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Bugle great the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 small or seed Bugle the lib.— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Lace the pound— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Bullions for purses the groce, cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Bull Rushes the load— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Burrs for millstones the hundred, containing five score— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Buskins of leather the dozen pair— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Bustians the single piece, not above 15. yards.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Butter the barrel— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of Ireland the hundred weight cont. 112.l.— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Buttons of brass, steel, Copper or Latin the great groce, containing twelve small groce, every groce twelve dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 of crystal the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of glass the great groce, con. twelve small groce— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 of thread the great groce, cont twelve small groce— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of silk the great groce, cont. twelve small groce— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of fine damask work the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of bugle the dozen.— L.00. S. 00, D. 08 for handkerchief the groce, cont. twelve dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of hair the gross cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 C CAbinets or counters small the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 or counters large the piece— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Cables tarred or untarrd the hundred weight. containing 112. pound,— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Caddas, or cruel ribbon the dozen pieces? every piece cont. 36 yards.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Calveskins in the hair the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Cambogium vide drugs. Cameletto half silk, half hair, the yard— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Candles of fallow the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 03 Candle plates, or Wallers of brass or Latin the pound.— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Candlesticks of brass or Latin the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 of wire the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Candleweeke the hundred weight cont. 112. pound.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Canes or reeds the thousand— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Canes of wood the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 the shock containing 60. Canes.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Cant spars the hundred, cont. six score— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Capers the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Capravens the hundred, cont. six score— L.03. S. 13. D. 04 Cap-hookes, or hook ends the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Caps vocat. double turfed, or Cockared Caps the dozen— L.02. S. 08. D. 00 for children the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Night caps of satin and Velvet the dozen— L.03, S. 00. D. 00 Night caps of silk knit the dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Night caps of woollen the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Night caps of linen the dozen.— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Cards vocat. Playing cards the groce, cont. 12. dozen pair— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Wool cards old the dozen pair— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Wool cards new the dozen pair— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Carpets, vocat. of Tonney the piece containing two yards and a half long— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 of Scotland the piece— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 of Cornix the Carpet two yards and a half long— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Brunswick Carpets stripped and unstript the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 China of Cotton course the piece— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Gentish the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Turkey or Venice short the piece— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Turkey or Venice long containing four yards and upwards— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 of Persia the yard square, the yard— L.02. S. 05. D. 00 Carrells the piece, containing 15. yards— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Cases for looking glasses guilt of No. 3. and 4. the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of No. 5. and 6. the dozen.— L.00. S. 07. D. 00 of No. 7. and 8. the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of No. 9 and 10. and upwards the dozen.— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Cases for looking glasses unguilt. of No. 3. and 4. the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 of No. 5. and 6. the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 06 of No. 7. and 8. the dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 of No. 9 and 10. the dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Cases with wooden Combs garnished the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 with small Ivory combs garnished the dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 with middle sort Ivory combs garnished the does.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 with large ivory combs garnished the dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 for combs single the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 for combs double the groces, cont. 12. does.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 for Spectacles guilt the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 for Spectacles unguilt the groce, cont. 12. does.— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 for Needles or Pincases the gross cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 for Needles French guilt the dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Caskets of Iron small the dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 of Iron middle sort the dozen— L.02. S. 08. D. 00 of Iron large the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 of steel the dozen— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Caviar the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Cawls of linen for women the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 of silk the dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Cisterns of Latin the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Chaffing dishes of brass or Latin the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 of Iron the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Chains for keys or Purses, fine, the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 for dogs course the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Chairs of walnut-tree the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Chamlets unwatered or mohairs the yard— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 watered the yard— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Half silk half hair the the yard— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cheese the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Cherries the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Chess-boards the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Chess men the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Chests of Iron small or middle sort the piece— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 of Iron large the piece— L.06. S. 13. D. 04 of Cyprus wood the nest, containing three chests— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 of Spruce or Dauske the nest containing three chests— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 painted the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Chimney-backs small the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 large the piece— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 China Pease the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Chisels for joiners the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Citterns the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Clapholt or Clapboard the small hundred, cont. sixscore boards— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 the ring, cont. two small hundred— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 the great hundred, containing twenty four small hundred— L.18. S. 00. D. 00 Claricords the pair— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Cloaks of Felt the piece— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Cloth vocat. French woollen per yard— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Scarlet cloth of France or Florence per yard— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Cochaneile voc. Sylvester, or Campeachea cochaneile the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of all sorts of Cochaneile except Sylvester or Gampeachea Cochaneile the pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Coals of Scotland the ton— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Coffers covered with guilt leather the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 covered with Velvet the dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 with Iron bars the nest, containing three coffers— L.01, S. 12. D. 00 Plain the nest, containing three coffers— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 painted the Nest, containing three coffers— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 Comashes out of Turkey the piece— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Combs for wool the pair, old or new— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 of Bone the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of B●x the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 voc. light wood combs the groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of horn for barber's the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 of Ivory, the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 vocat horse-combs the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Comfits the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Compasses of Iron for Carpenters, the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 of brass the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 for ships the dozen— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 Copper Bricks or plates round or square, the hundred weight, cont. 112. l.— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Chains, the chain— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Purls or plate the mark— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Copperas green the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cordage or Ropes tarrd or untard the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Cork tacks of Iron the thousand— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of teele the thousand— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Cork for shoemakers the dozen pieces— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of all other sorts the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Coverlets of Scotland the piece— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Counters of Latin the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Crossbow Laths the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Thread the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Racks the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cruses of stone without covers the hundred, containing five score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cruses of stone with covers the hun●red, cont. five score— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Cushians of Scotland the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cushen-cloths course the dozen— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 of Tapestry the does.— L.04. S. 10. D. 00 Cuttle bones the thousand— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 DAggs with fire locks or Snap-hances the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Daggers blades the dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 for children the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of bone for children the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 black, with velvet Sheaths, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 guilt with velvet sheaths, the dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Deals vocat. Meabro-deales the hundred cont. six score— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Norway deals the hundred, cont. six score— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Deals voc. Burgendorp deals the hundred cont. six score— L.12. S. 00. D. 00 Spruce deals the hundred, cont. six score— L.15. S. 00. D. 00 Desks or stays for books the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 for women to work on, covered with woollen the piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 for women covered with velvet the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Dials of wood the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 of bone the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Dimity the yard— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Dogs of earth the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Dornix with caddas the piece, cont. 15. yards— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 with silk the piece, cont. 15. yards— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 with wool the piece, cont. 15. yards.— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 with thread the piece, cont. 15. yards— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 French making the ell— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 French making the yard— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Dudgeon the hundred pieces, cont. five score— L.01, S. 00. D. 00 Du●●●e or Duretty with thread the yard— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 with silk the yard— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Dutties the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Drugs vocat. Acacia the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Acorus the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Adiantum Album the l.— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Adiantum Nigrum the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Agaricus or Agaric trimmed or pared the l.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Agaricus rough, or untrimd the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Agnus Castus seeds the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Alkanet roots the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Alchernes Syrup the l.— L.00. S. 06, D. 08 Con●ectio the ounce— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Aloes-Cicotrina the l.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Aloes Epatica the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Alum Ronish▪ or roch the hundred cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Ambergris black or grey the ounce Troy— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Ameos seed the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Amomi seeds the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Anacardium the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Angelica the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Antimonium crudum the hund. wt. cont. 112. l— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Antimonium praeparatum or Stibium the l.— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Argentum Sublime or limum the pound or Quicksilver— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Aristolochia longa and rotunda the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Arsenic white or yellow or Rosalger the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 Asarum roots the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Aspalathus the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Assa foetida the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 02 Almonds bitter the hundred weight, con. 112. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Alumen plume the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Balaustium the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Balsamum artificial the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Balsamum natural the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Bayeberies the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Barley huld or French barley the 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Bdellium the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Benalbum or Rubrum the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Benjamin of all sorts the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Beazer stone of the East India, the ounce Troy— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Beazer stone of the West India the ounce Troy— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Black lead the 112. pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Blatta Bizantia the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Bolus communis, or Armoniacus the hund. weight, cont. 112. l.— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Bolus verus the pound, or fine bowl— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Borax in paste or unrefined, commonly called tinckull the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Borax refined the pound— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Bunkins Holliwortles or pistolachia the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Callamus the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Camphire refined the pound— L.00, S. 05. D. 00 Camphire unrefined the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Cancri oculus the pound.— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Cantharides the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Caraway seeds the 112 pound— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 Cardamomes the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Carpo Balsami the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Carrabe or Succinum the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Carthamus seeds the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Cassia fistula the pound of all sorts— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Cassia lignea the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Castoreum or Bevor cod's the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cerussa the hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 China roots the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Ciceres white and red the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Ciperus longus & rotundus the 112. l.— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Ciperus Nuts the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Civet the ounce Troy— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Coculus Indiae the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Coloquintida the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Coral red or white in fragments for physical use the Pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Coral whole the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Coriander seeds the 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Cortex guaci the hundred and 12. pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Cortex Caperum the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Cortex Tamerisei the l.— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Cortex Mandragorae the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Coscus dulcis and amarus the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Cubebs the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Cuminseed the hundred and 12. pound— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Cuscuta the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Cyclamen, or panis porcinus the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Citrago the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Cetrach the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Cinabrum or Vermilion the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Copperas White the hundred and twelve l.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Blue, of Dansk or Hungary the hundred and 12. pound— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Cambogium or Gutta Gambae the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Crystal in broken pieces for physic uses per pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Carlina the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Carolina the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 Cortex winteranus the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Daucus Creticus the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Diagredium or Scamony the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Diptamus leaves the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 r●otes the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Doronicum the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Eleborus albus and niger the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Epithemum the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Es Vstum the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Euphorbium the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Fennell seeds the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Fenugreeke the hundred and 12. pound— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Flory the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Folium Indiae the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Fox lungs the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Frankincense of France or Parrosin the 112. pound— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Galbanum the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Galanga the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 General the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Gentiana the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Ginny Pepper the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Grana Pinae the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Green ginger the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Gum Animi the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Gum ammoniac the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Gum Carannae the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Gum Tragagant the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Gum Elemni the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 10 Gum Hederae the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Gum Lack the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Gum Opopanax the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Gum sarcocol the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Gum Serapinum the pound or Segapenum— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Gum Taccamahaccae the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Grana Tinctorum— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Grains of Guiny or French grains the 112 pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Gum Arabeck, or Gum Seneca the hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Gum Sandrake, or gum Juniperi the hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 08. D. 00 Gum Guiaci the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Gum Caramen the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Hermodactilus the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Hypocistis the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Horns of hearts or Stags, the hundred— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Incense or Olibanum the 112. pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Ireos the hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Isonglasse the hundred and twelve pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Jujubes the poun●— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Jolop the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Iuniper berries the ●1●. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Labdanum or Lapadonum the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Lapis (allaminaris the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Lapis Hematitis the pound— L.00, S. 01. D. 00 Lapis Judaicus the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Lapis Lazuli the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Lapis Tutiae the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Leaves of Roses the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 of Violet or Flowers the pound.— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Lyntiscus or Xylobalsamum the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Lignum Aloes the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Lignum Asphaltum the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Lignum Rhodium the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Lignum vitae the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 lethargy of Gold the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 lethargy of silver the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Locust the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Lupins the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Lentils the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 03 Lapis contrayerva the owned.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Lignum Nephreticum the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Madder roots or Rubea tinctorum the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Manna the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Marmelade the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Mastic white the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Mastic red the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Mechoacan the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Mercury sublimat. the pound.— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Mercury praecipitat. the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Mithridate Venetiae the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Millium solis the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Mirabolanes dry the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Mirabolanes condited the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Myrtle berries the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Mummia the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Musk the ounce Troy— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Musk cod the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Myrrah the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Nygella the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Nytrum the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Nutmegs Condited the l.— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Nux de Benne the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Nux Cupressi the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Nux Indica the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Nux vomica the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Nardus Celtica, or Spica Romana the 112. pound— L.05. S. 12. D. 00 Nux pini or Grana pini the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Olibanum or Incense the hundred and 12. pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Opium the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Osipium Huirredum the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Orcant or Almiet the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Orange Flower Ointment the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Water the gallon— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Origanum the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Ossa●de cord cervi the pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Oil of Amber the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Oil of Rosemary the pound.— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Oil de Bay the 112. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Oil of Mace or Nutmegs the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Oil de Ben the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Oil of Spike the pound— L.00. S. 01, D. 08 Oil of Almonds the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Oil de Scorpio●s the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 08 Oleum Petrolium the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Oleum Turpentine the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Orabus the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Orpment, or Auripigmentum, the hundred and twelve pound.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Panther the pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Panis porcinus, vide Cyclamen— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Pearl seed the ounce Troy— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Pellitory the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Pepper long the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Perrosen, vid. Frankincense— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Peony seeds the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Pistachias or Nux Pistachiae the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Pix Burgundiae the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Polium Montanum the l.— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Polipodium the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 Pomegranet pills the 112. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Poppy seeds the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Praecipate, vide, Mercury praecipitat.— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Psyllium the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Prunellays or Pruan's of Brunolia the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Quicksilver, vide Argentum vivum— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Rhapontikum the pound— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Radex Esule the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Red lead the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Rhabarbarum or rhubarb the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Rosalger the pound, vide arsenic— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Rosset the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Radex contra Yerva the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Radex Scorcionera the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Ra ex Peonae the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Sal Alkali the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Sal Armoniacum the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Sal Gem the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Sal Niter the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Sandracha or Gum Sandracha or Gum Juniperi the hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 08. D. 00 Sandiver the hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Sanguis Draconis the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Sarsaparilla the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Sassafras wood or roots the 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Sanders white the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Sanders yellow the l.— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Sanders red, alias stock the hundred and 12. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Scamonie, vide Diagredium.— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Scincus Marinus the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 Scordium the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Scorpions the piece.— L.00. S. 00. D. 03 Sebestines the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Seeds for Gardens of all sorts the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Seler Montanus the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Semen Cucumeris. Cucurb. citrul. melon the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Sena the pound.— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Soldonella the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Sperma caeti fine the pound.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Sperma caeti course oily the hundred and 12 pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Spica celtica, vide Nardus Celtica, or Spica Romana— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Sanguis Hirci the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Spikenard the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Spodium the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Sponges the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Squilla the hundred and twelve proved— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Squinanthum the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Stecados the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 10 Staphisager the hundred and twelve l.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Stibium, vide Antimonium preparatum— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Storax Calamita the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Storax liquida the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Succus Liquiritiae the l.— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Sulphur vivum the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 tamarinds the pound.— L.00. S. 00. D. 10 Terra Lemnia the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Terra Sigillata the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Thlaspii Semen the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Tornsall the pound— L.00, S. 00. D. 08 Trocisci de Vipera the ounce Troy— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Treacle common the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Treacle of Venice the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Turbith the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Turbith Thapsiae the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Turmerick the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Turpentine of Venice, Scio, or Cyprus the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Turpentine common the hundred and 12. pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Talk white the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Talk green the pound— L.00, S. 02. D. 00 Verdigris the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Varnish the hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Vermillion vide Cinabrium— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 Vitriolum Romanum the pound— L.00, S. 01. D. 00 Umber the hundred weight, containing an hundred and 12. pound.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Viscus quercinus the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 White lead the hundred and twelve l.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Wormeseeds the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Zedoaria the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Xylobalsamum vide Lentiscus— L.00. S. 00. D. 00 EArelings the groce, cont. 12. dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Eggs the hundred, containing six score— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Elephants teeth the hundred, cont. five score.— L.06. S. 13. D. 04 Emery stones the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Ebony wood, the hundred weight, containing 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 F Fans for corn the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of paper, the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 for Women and Children, French making the dozen.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Feathers for beds, the 112. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 vo. Ostrich or ostrich feathers undressed the l.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Feather beds old or new the piece— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 Felts for cloaks French making three yards and an half long, one yard and a half broad the felt.— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Fiddles for children the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Fire shovels, the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Fire shovel plates, the hundred weight, containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Figuretto, the yard— L.00. S. 08. D. 04 Files, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Fish, vocat. Codfish, the barrel— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Codfish, the last containing twelve barrels— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Codfish the hundred containing six score— L.02. S. 06. D. 08 Codsheads, the barrel— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Cole-fish, the hundred cont. six score— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Eels vocat. Pimper eels, the barrel— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Shaft, Kine or Dole eels, the barrel— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Spruce eels, the barrel— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Stub eels, the barrel— L.02. S. 06. D. 08 Quick eels, the Ships ●ading— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Gull-fish, the barrel— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Haddocks the barrel— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Hettings white full or shotten, the barrel— L.00. S. 08. D. 04 white full or shotten the last, containing 12 barrels— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 red the cade containing five hundred— L.00. S. 08. D. 04 red the last containing twenty cades— L.08. S. 06. D. 08 Lampreis the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 ling of all sorts the hundred cont. six score— L.03, S. 06. D. 08 Newland fish small the hundred containing six score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 fish middle sort, the hundred, containing six score— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Newland fish great, the hundred containing six score— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Salmon the barrel— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Girls the barrel— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Sealefish, the fis— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Stockfish, voc. Cropling, the hund. cont. six score— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 the last, cont. a thousand— L.06. S. 13. D. 04 Lubfish the hundred con. 6 score— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 the last, cont. a thousand— L.13. S. 06. D. 08 Titling the hund. cont. six score— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 the last, cont. a thousand— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 Whitting the barrel— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Note that all sorts of fish English taken, and brought in English ships ought to pay no custom, as by the Statute of 5. to. El. Reg. Flannel the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Flasks covered with leather the dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 covered with velvet the does.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of horn, the dozen— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Flax, vocat. Spruce Moscovy, and all flax undressed the hund. weight, cont. 112 pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Dressed or wrought flax, the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Fleames to lead blood, the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 02 Flocks, the hundred weight, cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Flutes course the groce containing 12. dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Freeze of Ireland the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 09 Frizado the piece containing 24. yards.— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Furs, vocat. Armins' the timber containing forty Skins— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Badger skins the piece— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Bear skins black or red the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 white the piece— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Beaver skins the whole piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Wombs the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Budge White tawed the hund. containing five score skins.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 black tawed the dozen skins— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 untawed the hundred cont. 5. score skins— L.03. S. 10. D. 00 Pauls the fur containing four pair— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Naverne the hundred legs, cont. 5. score— L.00. S. 08. D. 04 Rumney the hundred legs cont. 5. score— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Calaber untawed the timber containing forty skins— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 tawed the timber containing forty skins— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 seasoned the pain— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Stagg the pain— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Cats skins the hund. cont. five score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 poults the hund. cont. five score— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 the mantle— L.00. S. 06. D. 03 Wombs the pains or mantle— L.00. S. 06. D. 03 Dokerers the timber cont. forty skins— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Fitches the timber containing forty skins— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 the pain or mantle— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Foxes the black Fox skin— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 the ordinary skin— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 the pain or mantle— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Wombs, pauls, or pieces the pain— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Foins backs the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Tails the pain or mantle— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 with tails the piece— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 without tails the piece the— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 raw the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 pouts the hundred containing 5. score— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Wombs seasoned the pain or mantle— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Wombs stag the pain or mantle— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Gray's untawed the timber cont. forty skins.— L.00. S. 08. D. 04 tawed the timber cont. forty skins— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Jennets black raw the skin— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 black seasoned the skin— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Grey raw the skin— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Grey seasoned the skin— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Letwis tawed the timber, cont forty skins— L.00. S. 08, D. 04 untawed the timber cont. forty skins— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Leopards skins the piece— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 wombs, the pain— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Lewzernes skins, the piece— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Martrons the timber cont. 40. skins— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 the pain or mantle— L.09. S. 00. D. 00 Pouts, the pain or mantle— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Gills the timber containing forty skins— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Tails the hundred cont. five score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Miniver the mantle— L.00, S. 13. D. 04 Minx untawed the timber, cont. forty skins— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 tawed the timber cont. forty skins— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Moule skins the dozen— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Otter skins t●e piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Ounce skins the piece— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Sables of all sorts, the timber, cont. 40. skins— L.30. S. 00. D. 00 Weazele skins the dozen— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 Wolf skins tawed the piece— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 untawed, the piece— L.01. S. 03. D. 00 Wolverings the piece— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Fustians, vocat. Amsterdam, Holland or Dutch fustians, the piece, cont two half pieces, of fifteen Yards the half piece— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Barmilians the piece, containing two half pieces— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Collen sustians, the piece cont. two half pieces— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Holmes and Bevernex fustians, the bale cont. 45. half pieces— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Holmes and Bevernenex fustians, the piece, cont. two halfs piece— L.02. S. 14. D. 00 Jeane fustians, the piece cont two half pieces— L.02. S. 05. D. 00 Milan fustians, the piece, cont two half pieces— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Naples fustians, tripe or velure plain the half piece, containing seven yards and an half— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Naples fustians tripe or valour, plain the piece containing fifteen yards— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Naples fustians tripe or valour plain the yard— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Naples Fustians wrought voc. Sparta velvet, the half piece containing 7. yards and a half— L.04. S. 10. D. 00 wrought, or Sparta Velvet the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Osbrow or Augusta fustians, the piece, containing two hal●e pieces— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 with ●ilke the yard— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 of weasel, the piece cont. two half pieces.— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Fusses of Cloves the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 G GAdza of all sorts without gold or silver the yard— L.00. S. 02. D. 08 Gadza stripped with gold or silver the yard— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Galley dishes the dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Garnets small rough, the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 small or great cut the pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Gauntlets the pair— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Garters of silk French making, the dozen pair— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Gauls the hundred weight containing 112. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Gimlets for Vintners the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Girdles of cruel, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 of leather the groce containing twelve dozen— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 of silk, the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of velvet, the dozen— L.02. S. 00, D. 00 of Woollen, the dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 of counterfeit gold and silver, the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Glasses for windows voc. Burgundy white, the chest— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Burgundy coloured the chest— L.03. S. 10. D. 00 Normandy white the case— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Glass for windows Normandy coloured the case— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Rhenish the way or web, containing sixty bunches— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Muscovie glass, or slude, the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Drinking glasses voc. Venice drinking glasses, the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Flanders drinking glasses, the hundred glasses— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Scotch and French drinking glass●● the hundred containing five score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 course drinking glasses the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Glasses voc. Burning glasses the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Balm glasses the groce, cont. twelve dozen.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Vials the hundred cont. five score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Water glasses, the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Looking glasses. Half penny ware, the groce, containing 12. dozen.— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 penny ware, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 of steel small the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 of steel large— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 of crystal small, the dozen under N. of crystal middle sort, the dozen, N. 6.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 of crystal small the dozen, N. 7. 8. 9 10.— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 of crystal the dozen N. 11. 12.— L.45. S. 00. D. 00. Hour glasses of Flanders making course, the groce containing 12 dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of Flanders making, the dozen fine— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 of Venice making, the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Glass stone, plates, for spectacles rough the dozen.— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Glass plates or sights for looking glasses unfyled. of crystal small under N. 6. the do.— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of crystal, N. 6. the dozen.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of crystal N. 7. 8 9 10. the dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 of crystal, N. 11 12, the dozen— L.30. S. 00. D. 00 Glass pipes small, the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 great the hundred weight containing 112. pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Glue, the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Globes small, the pair— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 large the pair— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Gloves of Bridges, or French making, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 of Canary, Millen, or Venice, unwrought, the dozen pair— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of Canary, Millen, Venice or French wrought with gold or silver the dozen pair— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 of Vandon the dozen pair— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of silk knit the dozen pair— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of Spanish plain, the dozen pair— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Gold and silver thread counterfeit, voc. Bridge's gold and silver, the pound cont. 16. ounces Hab: de poiz.— L.00. S. 1●. D. 04 Cap gold and silver, the pound conti 16. ounces Hab: de poiz— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Copper, gold and silver upon quills and rolls or rolls or in skaine, the pound containing 16. ounces Hab: de poiz.— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Collen gold and silver, the mast, containing two pounds and an half at twelve punces to the pound.— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 French Copper, gold and silver, the mark containing 8 ounces Hab. de poiz.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Lion's copper, gold and silver double guilt the mark cont. 8. ounces, Haber de poiz.— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Gold and silver thread right voc. Venice, Florence, or Mi●aine gold and silver, the pound, cont. 12 ounces Venice wt.— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 French and Paris gold and silver, the mark cont. 11. ounces and a half Venice weight.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Gold foil, the small groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Gold pa●er the small groce, containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Grains French or Guiney the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Grain or Scarlet powder, the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of Sevill in berries and grains of Portugal or Rotta, the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Grindle Stones the chalders— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Grocery wares, vocat. Almonds, the hundred weight, containing 112. pound— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Anniseeds, the hundred weight containing 112. pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Cloves the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Corrants the hundred cont. 112. pound— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Dates the hundred wt. containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Ginger of the East Indies the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 of the west Indies the pound— L.00. S. 01, D. 04 Licoris, the hundred weight, containing 112. l— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Maces the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Nutmegs the pound— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Pepper the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Cinnamon the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Reisins great the hundred weigh cont 112. pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 of the Sun, the hundred weight, containing an hundred & 12. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of Smyrna black the hundred weight cont 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 red, the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Figs, the hundred weight, containing 112. pound— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Prunes, the hundred weight, containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Sugar Candy brown, the hundred weight containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Candy white, the hundred weight containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.15. S. 00. D. 00 Muscovadoes, the hundred weight containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Refined double or single in loaves, the hundred wt. containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.17. S. 00. D. 00 Saint Thome and Pannellis, the hundred weight, containing 112. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 white the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound— L.09. S. 06. D. 80 Turkey Grograines, the yard— L.00. S. 03. D. 06 Gunns vocat. Calivers the piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Muskets the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Gunpowder vocat. Serpentine the hundred weight, containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Corn powder the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 H HAlberds gilt, the piece— L.00. S. 13, D. 04 ungilt, the piece— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Hammers with wooden handles or without, the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Voc. horsemen's Hammers the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Handkerchers, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Harness Roses the thousand— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Harness vocat. Corselets c●mpleat the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Curates the piece— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Morions or head-piece graven the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Morions or head-piece plain the piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Harpestrings or Catlings the groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Hatbands the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Hats of Beaver wool or hair, the Hat— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 of Bridges, the dozen— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Dutch felts or hats made of wool, the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Spanish or Potugall felts the dozen— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 of silk French making, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 of Straw, vid. Bast. of Venice, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 of wool or worsted trimed, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Hawks, voc. Falcons, the hawk— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Goshawks the hawk— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 Jerfaulcons, the hawk— L.04. S. 10. D. 00 Jerkins, the hawk— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 Lanners the hawk— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Lannarets, the hawk— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Tassels of all sorts, the hawk— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Hawks hoods, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Hair bottoms for Sives, the groce containing 12. dozen.— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Hair voc. Camel's hair, the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Elkes hair for saddles, the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Goat's hair the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 02 Headings for Pipes, Hogsheads, or barrels, the hundred, containing six score— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Heath for brushes, the hundred containing an hundred and 12. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Hemp, voc. Hemp short dressed, the hundred weight, containing. 112. pound— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Collen and steel Hemp and all other sorts of dressed hemp, the hundred weight cont. 112 pound— L.10. S. 00▪ D. 00 Spruce, Moscovia and and all other rough hemp, the hundred weight, containing 112. pound.— L.00. S. 13 D. 04 Hides, voc. Buff hides, the hide— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Cow hides of Barbary and Moscovia the hide— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Cow or horse hides tanned, the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cow or horse hides in the hair the piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 India hides, the hide— L.00. S. 08. D. 04 Losh hides the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Hides, red or Muscovia hides, tanned, coloured or uncoloured, the hide 00▪ 06.08 Hilts for swords or daggers, the dozen.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Honey the barrel— L.02 S. 00 D. 00 the ton— L.2 S. 00 D. 00 Hoops of Iron for pipes or hogshheads, the hundred weight, containing 112 pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 for Cooper's, the thousand— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Hops, the hundred weight, containing an hundred and twelve pound.— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Horses and Mares, the Horse or Mare— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Hose of cruel, voc. Mantua Hose, the pair— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 I JEat, the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Jews trumps, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Imperlings, blue or red, the dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Ink for Printers, the hundred weight, containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Inkhomes the groce containing twelve dozen— L.03 S. 00 D. 00 of brass the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Incle unwrought the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 wrought the dozen pound— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Rolls, the dozen pieces containing 36. yards the piece— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Indigo of Turkey of the west Indies, or Rich indigo, the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Indigo dust the pound.— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Instruments for Barbers, and chirurgeons, voc. Bullet screws the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Incistion shears the dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Sets the bundle containing sixteen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Paices or toothdrawefs, the dozen.— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Plulicanes, the dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Trepans, the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Iron. Amiss, Spanish, Spruce, and Swethish the tun— L.07. S. 00. D. 00 Backs for chimneys small the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Backs for chimneys large the piece— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Bands for kettles, the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Fire Irons the groce, cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Hoops, the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Stones the piece— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Juice of lemons, the pipe— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Ivory, the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 KEy knops, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Knives Almain, Bohemia & all other course knives, the dicker con. 10 knives— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Butcher's knives, the dicker cont. 10 knives— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Carving knives, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Collen knives, the gro. cont. 12 dozen— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 French knives, the groce con. 12 dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Glover's knives, the bundle cont. six knives— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Pen knives, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Sker knives, the dicker cont. 10 knives— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Stock knives unguilt, the does. stocks— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Stock knives guilt, the dozen stocks— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 L LAce voc. Bone lace of thread, the dozen yards— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Britain lace, the gross cont. 12 dozen yards— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Cruel lace, the small gro. cont. 12 dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Gold & silver lace, the pound containing 12 ounces Troy— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Gold and silver lace, the ounce Troy— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Pomet lace, the gross cont. 12 dozen yards— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Pearl or antlet lace of thread, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Silk bone lace, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.20. S. 00. D. 00 Silk lace of all other sorts, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Ladles voc. melting ladles, the hun. weight cont. 112 pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Lapis magnata falce, the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Latin voc. black Latin, the hund. weight cont. 112 pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 shaven Latin, the hund. weight cont. 112 pound— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Lead oar, the tun— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Lemons pickled, the pipe— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Lemon water, the tun— L.10. S. 13. D. 04 the gallon— L.00. S. 00. D. 11 Leather voc. Basill leather, the dozen— L.20. S. 00. D. 00 Spanish leather or Cordevant, the dozen skins— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Spruce or Dansk leather, the dozen skins— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Hangings guilt, the piece— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Leather for masks, the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Leaves of gold, the hund. leaves cont. five score— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Lewers for Hawks, the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Lime for dyers, the barrel— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Lines of Hamborough for ships, the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Linseed, the bushel— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Linnes blue or red, the dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Linen cloth or Calicoes fine or course, the piece— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Cambric the half piece con. six else and an half— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 the piece contain. 13 els— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Canvas voc. Dutch Barras and Hessens Canvas, the hund. els cont. 6 score— L.03. S. 10. D. 00 French or Normandy canvas and line narrow brown or white, the 100 els cont 120— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 French canvas and line broad for tabling, being an ell and 1/2 quart. and upwards, the hundred els cont. 6 score— L.15. S. 00. D. 00 Packing Canvas, guttings, and Spruce canvas, the hund. els co● six score— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Poledavies, the bolt containing eight & twenty els— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Spruce Elbing or Quiesborow Canvas, the bolt containing 28 els— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Stripped or tufted canvas with thread, the piece cont. 15 yards— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Stripped tufted or quilted, canvas with silk, the piece cont. 15. yards— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Stripped canvas with copper, the piece contai. 15 yards— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Vandalose or Vittery canvas, the hund. els cont. 120— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Working canvas for cushions narrow, the hund. els cont 120— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Working canvas broad, the hund. else containing 120— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Working canvas of the broadest sort, the hundred els cont. 120— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Damask Tabling of Holland making, the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Towelling and napkin of Holland making, the yard— L.00. S. 07. D. 00 Tabling of Silesia making, the yard— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Towelling and napkenning of Silesia making the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Diaper Tabling of Holland making, the yard— L.00. S. 09. D. 00 Towelling and napkenning of Holland making, the yard— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Napkins of Holland making, the dozen— L.01. S. 16. D. 00 Tabling of Sletia making the yard— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Towelling and napkenning of Sletia making the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Lawns the half piece containing six els and half— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 the piece containing 13 els— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 voc. calico lawns, the piece— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 voc. French lawns, the piece— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 voc. Sletia lawns, the piece cont. between 4 and 8 yards— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Flanders Hol. cloth Flemish cloth, Gentish cloth, Isingham cloth, Overisils' cloth, Rouse cloth, Brabant cloth, Embden cloth, Freeze cloth, Brown Holland Bag Holland, the ell— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 British, the hundred els con. five score— L.06. S. 13. D. 04 Cowsseild cloth or plaits, the ell— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Driling and pack duck, the hund. els cont. six score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Elbing or Dansk cloth double ploy, the ell— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Hamborough and Sletia cloth broad, the hund. els cont, 6 score white or brown— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Hamborough cloth narrow, the hund. els cont. 6 score— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Hinderlands, Middlegood, Headlake and Muscovia linen narrow, the hund. els cont. six score— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 Irish cloth, the hund. els cont. six score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Lockerams vo. Treager, grest and narrow or common dowlass, the piece contain. 106 els— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Broad dowlass, the piece containing 106 els— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Ministers, the roll containing 1500 elles at five score to the hund.— L.56. S. 13. D. 04 Ozenbrigs, the roll contain. 1500 els at five score to the hundred— L.60. S. 00. D. 00 Soulthwitch, the hund. els cont six score— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Polonia, ulsters, hannovers, Lubeck, narrow Sletia, narrow Westphalia, narrow Harford, plain napkenning, and all other narrow cloth of high Dutchland, and the East country, white or brown and not otherwise rated, the hundred els con. six score— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Strasborough or Hamborow lin. the ell— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Twill and Tiking of Scot. the hundred els cont. 120— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Lockers or chapes for daggers, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Locks voc. Budget or hanging locks small, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Hanging locks▪ large, the gross cont. 12 does.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Lutes Collen making with cases, the dozen— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Venice making with cases the dozen— L.24. S. 00. D. 00 Lutestrings voc. Catlings, the gross cont. 12 does. knots— L.00. S. 02. D. 08 Minikings, the gro. cont. 12 does. knots— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Litmus, the hund, weight cont. 112 pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 MAdder voc. Crop Madder, & all other bale madder, the hundred weight contain. 112 pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Fat Madder, the hundred weight, containing 112 pound— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Mull Madder, the hundred weight contain. 112 pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Magnus, the hund. weight cont. 112 pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Maps printed, the ream— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Masks of Velvet, the does.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 of Satin, the does.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Masts for ships small, the mast— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 middle, the mast,— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 great, the mast— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Match for Guns, the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 02 Mats of Rusia▪ the mat— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Malt and Barley, the quarter cont. 8 bushels— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Meal of wheat or rye, the last cont. 12 barrels— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Meddlers, the basket cont. 2 bushels— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Mellasses of Rameales, the ton13. 06.08 Messelanes, the piece cont. 30 yards— L.09. S. 00. D. 00 The single piece, cont. 14 yards of Sletia making— L.01. S. 16. D. 00 Metheglin, the hogshead— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Methredate, the pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Mocado ends, the does. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Mortars & pestles of brass, the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Mustard seed, the hundred weight containing 112▪ l.— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Mittins of Wadmol, the does. pair— L.00. S. 09. D. 00 Nalles voc. Chair nails, the 1000— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Copper nails, Rose nails & saddler's nails, the sum cont. 10000— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 head nail, the barrel— L.08 S. 00. D. 00 Harness nails▪ the sum containing 10000— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 small nails, the half barrel— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 sprig nails, the famme containing 10000— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 tenter hooks, the thousand— L.00 S. 05. D. 00 Napkins French making, the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Neat's tongues of Russia, the piece— L.00 S. 00. D. 02 the barrel— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Neckerchiefs of Flanders making, the dozen— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Needles the dozen thousand— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 voc. pack needles, the 1000— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 voc. fail needles, the 1000— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Nutmegs pickled, the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 Nuts voc. small Nuts, the barrel— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Wall Nuts, the barrel— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 OAkeham, the hund. weight cont. 112 pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Oaker, the barrel— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Oars the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 the hund. cont. six score— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Oats, the quarter cont. 8 ●ushels— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Oil voc. Rape and Linseed oil, the tun— L.40. S. 00. D. 00 Seville oil, Majorca oil, Minorca oil, Apuglia, Province oil, and Portugail oil, the tun— L.32. S. 00. D. 00 Salad oil, the gallon— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 train oil of greenland, the tun— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 train oil of new found land▪ and the like sort, the tun— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Olives, the hogshead— L.08 S. 00. D. 00 Onions the barrel— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 the hundred bunches— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 seed, the hundred weight cont. 112 pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Orchall, the hund. w. cont. 112. l.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Oranges and lemons, the thousand— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Orsedew, the dozen pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Packthread in skeins. the hund. l.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 vo. bottomthred, the hund. l.— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Pan's voc. dripping & frying pans, the hund. w. cont. 112 pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 warming pans, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Paper voc. Blue Paper▪ the ream— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 brown Paper, the bundle— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Cap Paper, the ream— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 Demi Paper, the ream— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 ordinary Printing and Copy Paper, the ream— L.00. S. 04. D. 06 Painted Paper, the ream— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 pressing Paper, the hund. leaves— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Rochel Paper as large as demi Paper, the ream— L.00. S. 09. D. 00 Royal Paper, the ream— L.01 S. 00. D. 00 Paste of jene, the pound— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 Pears or apples dried, the barrel— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Pease, the quar. cont. 8 bushels— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Penners, the gross cont. 12 does.— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Petticoats of silk, the piece— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Percer bits, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Pheasants the dozen from Christmas to midsummer— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 pouts, from midsummer to Christmas— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Pike heads, the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Pikes without heads, the piece— L.00. S. 03. D. 06 with heads, the piece— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Pins, the dozen thousand— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Pincers and plyers, the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Pintadoes or calico cupberd clothes the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Pipe or hogshead staves, the hund. cont. six score— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Pipes for Tabors, the dozen— L.00. S. 04 D. 00 Pipes for children, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Pitch voc. small band, the last containing 12 barrels— L.02. S. 00 D. 00 great band, the last containing 12 barrels— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 Plaster of Paris, the mount containing 3000 weight— L.02 S. 00 D. 00 Plane Irons, the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Planks of Ireland, the hund. foot cont. five score— L.00. S. 12. D. 06 Plate silver white or unguilt, the ounce— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of silver parcel guilt the ounce— L.00. S. 04. D. 60 of silver guilt, the ounce— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Plates voc. single white or black, the hund plates— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 double white or black, the hund. plates— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 single white or black, the barrel cont. 300 plates— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 double white or black, the barrel cont. 300 plates— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 Harness plates or Iron doubles, the plate— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Harness plates or Iron doubles, the bundle containing 10 plates— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Playing Tables of Walnut tree, the pair— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Points of thread, the great groce cont. 12 small groce— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of capiton, the great gro. cont. 12 small groce— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of fine silk, the small groce cont. 12 dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Pomystones, the tun— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Pomegranates, the thousand— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Pork the side— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 the ton— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Potatoes, the hundred weight con. 112 pound— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Pots of earth or stone covered, the hund. cont. 5 score— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 of earth or stone uncovered, the hund. cast cont. a gal. to every cast, whether in one pot or more— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 vo. galley pots, the hund. cont. 5 score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 voc. melting pots for goldsmith's, the hund.— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 of Iron, French, or Flemish making, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Pulleys voc. pulleys of Iron, the gro. cont. 12 dozen— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 of brass, the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of Wood, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Punsons and gravers for goldsmith's, the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Quails, the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Quills, voc. Goosequils, the 1000— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Quilts French making, the does.— L.04. S. 16. D. 00 of calico, the piece— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of Satin or other silk, the piec.— L.06. S. 13. D. 04 Quinces, the hundred— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 R RAckets, the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Rape of Grape, the ton— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Rape seed, the quarter— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Rash's voc. Bridges or Leiden Rash's, the single piece cont. 15 yards— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Bridges or Leiden Rash's, the double piece cont. two single pieces— L.07. S. 00. D. 00 Cloth Rash's, the piece— L.18. S. 00. D. 00 Ratles for children, the groce containing 12 dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 with bells, the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Razers, the dicker cont. ten— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Recorders, the set or case containing five recorders— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Ribbon of silk of all sorts, the pound— L.04 S. 00. D. 00 Rice, the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 resin, the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Rugs voc. Irish rugs, the piece— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Polish rugs, the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Rye the quarter— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 the last, cont. ten quarters— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Ryms for Sives, the groce contain. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Rings voc. for Keys, the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 09. D. 00 for curtains, the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 of Wyer, the groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of brass, Copper, or Saint Martin's guilt, the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 small, the bo●● containing two gross, twelve dozen to each groce— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of hair, the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 S SAckcloth the hundred els, cont. six score— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 of single threads, the piece cont. fifteen yards— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 with white thread, the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 with silk, the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Saddles of steel, the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Saffora, vide Barilia Saflore, the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Saffron, the pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Salt voc. White or Spanish salt, the bushel— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 White or Spanish salt, the weigh cont. forty bushels— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Bay or French salt, the bushel— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Bay or French salt, the way cont▪ forty bushels— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Salt-petre, the hundred weight containing an hundred & twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Saws voc. Handsaws, the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Tenant-sawes, the dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 14 Whip saws, the piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Leg-sawes, the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Says Double says or Flanders Searges, the piece containing fifteen yards— L.09. S. 00. D. 00 double Say or Serge the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Mild says, the piece— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Hounscot Saye, the piece cont. 24 yards— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Scamoty, the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Scamoty, the piece containing seven yards and a half— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 Scisers, the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Sea-holly roots, the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Sea-morse teeth, the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 S●arge of Athens, the yard— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 of Florence, the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Shears for Shearemen new, the pair— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 for Shearemen old the pair— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 for glover's, the pair— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 for Seamsters, the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 voc Forceps, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 for Taylo●s, the dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 Shubs' of Calaber, the piece or Shub— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Shumack, the hund. weight cont. an hund. and twelve pound— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Shruffe or old brass, the hundred weight containing an hund. and twelve pound— L.03 S. 00. D. 00 Cider, the ton— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Silk voc. Bridge's silk, the pound cont. sixteen ounces— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Ferret or Floret silk, the pound containing sixteen ounces— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Fillozel or Paris silk, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Granado Silk black, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Silk in colours, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Naples Silk black, the pound containing 16 ounces— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Silk in colours, the pound containing 16 ounces— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Orgasine silk, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.01. S. 15. D. 00 Pole and Spanish silk, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Raw China silk, the pound containing twenty four ounces— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Raw Morea silk, the pound containing twenty four ounces— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Raw long silk of all sorts (except China and Morea) the pound containing 24 ounces— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Raw short silk or Capiton, the pound containing 24 ounces— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Satin silk, the pound cont. sixteen ounces— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Sleeve silk course, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Sleeve silk fine or Naples sleeve, the pound cont. 16 ounces— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 Silk Nubs, or husks of silk, the pound cont. 21 ounces— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Thrown silk, the pound cont. sixteen ounces— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Thrown silk, the pound died cont. 16 ounces— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Silks wrought, voc. Borratoes of silk, the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Caffa or damask right, the yard of all colours— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Counterfeit damask or Caffaes', half silk, half thread, the yard— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 Callimancoes narrow, the yard— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Callimancoes broad, the yard— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Catolopha, the yard— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Chamlets or Tabins narrow, the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 broad, the yard— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 of silk tinseled with gold and silver, the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 China damask, the yard— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Cloth of gold and silver plain, the yard— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 of gold and silver wrought, the yard— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 of tissue, the yard— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Silk curls, the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Grograin of silk narrow, the yard— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 of silk broad, the yard— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 vo. Taby grograin the yard— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 voc. China grograin, the yard— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Philozel●a broad the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 narrow, the yard— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Sarcenettes of Bolonia or Florence, the ell— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 voc. China sarcenettes the ell— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 With gold and silver, the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Satins voc. Bridge's satin, the yard— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Bridges satin, Tinseled with gold and silver, the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Tinseled with copper, the yard— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 China and Turkey satin, the yard— L.00. S. 07. D. 06 of Bolonia, Luke's, jeane and all other satin of like making, and of all colours, figured or plain— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 Tinseled with gold & silver, the yard— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Silk say, the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Silk stockings, the pair— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Tabines tinseled, the yard— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Taffetas voc. China taffetas. the yard— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Levant taffetas, the yard— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Narrow or Spanish, the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Narrow stripped with gold or silver, the yard— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 stitched or stripped narrow, the yard— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 stitched broad, the yard— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Towers narrow and broad, the yard— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 of Mantua, the ell— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Taffeta ell broad, the ell— L.00. S. 18. D. 00 Tufftaffety narrow the yard— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 broad the yard— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Stripped with silver the yard— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Tersonella broad the yard— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 narrow, the yard— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Embroidered the yard— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Velvets voc. China, the yard— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Phelpes and plushes of all colours, except China velvets the yard— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Sipers' voc. Curl Sipers, the single piece cont. ten yards— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Narrow Sipers, the dozen yards— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 10 Scumm Sipers, the does. yards— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Silk or broad Sipers, the dozen yards— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Skins voc. Buck skins in the hair, the skin— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Dressed, the skin— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Calf skins of Ireland raw, the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 tanned— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cardivant of Scotland, the dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Dogfish skins for Fletcher's the skin— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Fox-skins dressed, the dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 Gold skin, the skin— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Goat skins of Barbary, or the East country in the hair, the does skins— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of Scotland and Ireland in the hair, the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 tanned, the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Husse skins for Fletcher's, the skin— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Kids skins in the hair, the hundred containing five score— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Dressed, the hundred containing five score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Portugal skins, the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Seal skins, the skin— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Shame way skins, the dozen— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Sheep skins in the wool, the skin— L.00. S. 00. D. 03 Spanish Sevill or Cordovant skins, the dozen— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Spruce skins tawed, the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Skeets for Whitsters, the skeet— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Slip, the barrel— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Smal●s, the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Snuffers of all sorts, the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Soap voc. Castle or Venice, the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Flemish, the barrel— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Spangles of Copper, the thousand— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Spars small, the hundred containing six score— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Spectacles without cases, the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Spoons of horn, the gross cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 Sponges, vide Drugs. Standishes of Wood, the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of brass, the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 covered with Leather guilt, the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 voc. Pocket standishes the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Starch white the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Staves voc. Barrel staves, the hundred cont. 6 score— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Firking staves, the hund. cont. six score— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Steel voc. Long steel, Wisp steel, and such like, the hund. weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Gad steel, the half barrel— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Stockings of Wad-moll the pair— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Stone birds, or Whistles, the small groce cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Stones voc. Blood stones, the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cane stones, the tun— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Dog stones, the last cont. three pair to the last— L.26. S. 00. D. 00 Stones voc. Millstones, the piece— L.06. S. 13. D. 04 Querne stones small, the last— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Querne stones large, the last— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Slickstones, the hundred contain. five score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Sturgeon the firking— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 the cagg— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Succad wet or dry, the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Sword blades, of Venice, Turkey, or fine blades, the dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 course of Flanders making, the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 To TAble books course, the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 fine. the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Tables voc. playing Tables of Wainscot and all other sorts course, the pair— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Tacks of Iron, the thousand— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Tallow, the hund. weight cont. 112 l.— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Tannets of cruel, the yard— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Tapestry with hair, the Flemish ell— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 with caddas, the Flemi. el— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 with silk, the Flemish ell— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 with gold or silver, the Flemish ell— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 with wool, the Flemish ell— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Terrace, the barrel.— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Tar small band, the last cont. 12 barrels— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 great band, the last cont. 12 barrels— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 Tazels, the thousand— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Thimbles, the thousand— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Thread Bridges thread, the does. pound— L.02. S. 05. D. 00 Crossbow thread, the hundred pound cont. fivescore— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 Lions or Paris thread, the bale cont. a hund. bolts— L.30. S. 00. D. 00 Outnall thread, the does. pound— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Piecing thread, the does. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Sister's thread, the pound— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 whited brown the does. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Thrums of linen or Fustian the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 of woollen the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Tikes Brizel Tikes and counterfeit Brizell the Tike— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Turnall Tikes, the tike— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Tiking of the East country, the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Tikes of Stoad, the Tike— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Tincall the pound, vide Drugs. Tinfoile, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Tinglasse, the hund. weight con. 112 l— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Tinsel with Copper, the yard— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 right gold & silver, the yard— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Tinsh ore, the groce, cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Tobacco vocat * Note that this sort of Tobacco, until the ninth of September, 1642. is to pay after the rate of 2 l and afterwards according to the rate of 3. pound. Spanish and Brazeil Tobacco, or any not English plant. the l.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Spanish or Brazeil Tobac. in pudding or roll the l.— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 S. Christopher's, Barbadoes or any the Carib Islands, Virginia & summer Islands Tobacco, the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Tools voc. Carving tools, the gro. cont. twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Tow, the hundred weight contain. 112 pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Trays of wood, the shock containing 60 trays— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Treacle Flanders Treacle, the barrel— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 of jeane, the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Trenchers white sort common, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 red or painted, the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Treene nails, the thousand— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Trunnels, the thousand— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Tweezes of France, the dozen— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Twine of Hamborough the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 the hundred weight con. 112 pound— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Twist for banstrings, the dozen knots— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 V VAllances of Scotland the piece— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Verditor the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Verders of Tapestry with hair the Flemish ell— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 velum for Table books the skin— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Viols the piece— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Vice hasps the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Vice tongues or hand-vices the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Vinegar the ton— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 visards the dozen— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 Wadmoll the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 09 Wainescots' the hundred containing six score— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Wax the hundred weight containing 11●. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 vocat hard wax the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Whale fins the fin— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Wheat the quarter cont. eight bushels— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Whetstones the hundred stones, containing five score— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Whipcord the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Whistles, cocks, or bellows, the groce— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 Whistles, cocks, or Birds of stone the small groce cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Woad vocat. Islands or green-woad the ton cont. twenty hundred weight— L.15. S. 00. D. 00 Tholose woad the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Wormseed the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Worsteds voc. S. Omers narrow, or half worsted the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 vocat. Russel's worsteds or broad worsteds the piece— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Wood vocat. Box-wood for Combs the thousand pieces— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Brazeile or Farnambuck would the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.03. S. 10. D. 00 Brazelette or Gemeaco▪ wood the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 01. D. 08 Ebony wood the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Fustick the hundred weight containing an hundred twelve pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Lignum vitae, vide Drugs. Planks of Ireland the foot— L.00. S. 00. D. 1●. Red or Genny wood the ton— L.30. S. 00. D. 00 Speckled wood the hundred weight, cont 112. pound— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Sweet wood of West-India the hundred weight containing 112. pound— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Timber of Ireland the ton or load— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Wool vocat. Bever wool the pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Cotton wool the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 Ostrich wool the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 French wool the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Irish wool combed the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Irish wool uncombed the hundred weight containing 112. pound— L.02. S. 16. D. 00 Lamb's wool the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.02. S. 10▪ D. 00 Polonia wool the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Spanish wool for clothing, the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Spanish felt wool the hundred weight cont. 112. l— L.03. S. 00. D. 02 Red wool the pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Wrest for Virginals the groce, containing 12. dozen— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 Wyer vocat. Dagger and quartern wire the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Iron wire the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Latin wire the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.06. S. 13. D. 04 Steel wire the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Strawsborough wire the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Virginal wire the pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Wine-lees the ton— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Yarn vocat. CAble yarn the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 13▪ D. 04 Camel or Mo-hair yarn the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Cotton yarn the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Grograine yarn the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 Irish yarn the pack, cont. 4 00. weight at six score pound the hundred— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Raw-linning yarn Dutch or French the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Sail yarn the pound— L.00. S. 00. D. 06 Spruce or Muscovia yarn the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.02. S. 13 D. 04 Scotch yarn the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Woollen or bay-yarn the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.03 S. 06. D. 08 THE subsidy OF TONNAGE upon all Wines to be brought into the Port of London, and all other Ports of England, and Dominions thereof by Englishmen. GAscoigne and French wines brought into the Port of London, the ton to pay— L.04. S. 10. D. 00 Brought into all other Ports, to pay— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Rhenish wines brought into any Port, the Awme— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Muscadels, Malmesies and other wines of the Levant brought into the Ports of London, Bristol, or Southampton, the Butt or pipe to pay— L.02. S. 05. D. 00 Brought into all other Ports, to pay— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Sacks, Canaries, malagas, Maderaes, Romneys, Hollocks, Bastards, Tents, and Allicants, brought into the Port of London, the Butt or pipe to pay— L.02. S. 05. D. 00 Brought into all other Ports, to pay— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 ALl Merchants Strangers bringing in any sorts of the said wines, are to pay thirty shillings in the ton, over and above the aforesaid rates which the native pays; Including twenty shillings the ton formerly paid to his Majesty, by the name of Southampton duties for Muscadels, Malmsies, and all other wines of the growth of the Levant. For which sorts of wines, the Stranger is also to p●y to the use of the Town of Southampton for every Butt or pipe, the sum of ten shillings. Moreover, the Stranger is to pay the ancient duty of Butlerage, which is two shillings upon every ton. Note, that such wines as shall be landed in any of the Out-Ports and custom paid, and afterwards brought to the Port of London by certificate, shall pay so much more custom, as they paid short of the duty due in the Port of London. The RATES OF merchandise. RATES Outwards. A Labaster the Lord— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Allome English the hundred weight, containing 112. pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Anvils the hundred weight containing 112. pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Apples the bushel— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Apples vocat Pippins the bushel— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Aquavitae the hogshead— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Ashes of English wood the last cont. twelve barrels— L.01. S. 13▪ D. 00 B BAcon the Flitch— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Baggs' the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Barrels for Birding pieces, the barrel— L.00. S. 0●. D. 0● Beef the barrel— L.04. S. 00. D. ●● Beer the ton— 〈…〉 Beer Egar the ton— 〈…〉 Bell mettle the hundred weigh●, containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 bellows the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Billet the thousand— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Birding pieces the piece— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Birdlime the hundred containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Bodies vocat stitched Bodies with silk the pair— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 of whalebones the pair— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Bones, vocat. Oxe-bones the thousand— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Books unbound the Maund— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 bound the Maund— L.13. S. 06. D. 08 Brushes English of Heath the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Buck weed the quarter— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Buttons of hair the small groce, containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Butter good or bad the barrel— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Bayes Barnestable course of twenty pound weight and under, the bay— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Manchester or Barnestable fine and all other single bays not exceeding thirty four pound weight the piece— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Double bays the piece in weight from thirty four pound weight, to sixty pound weight— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Minikin bays containing in weight from sixty pound weight to ninety pound weight, to pay as three single bays— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 And if they do contain above ninety pound in weight▪ and not above an hundred and twelve pound, to pay all duties as for four single bays and no more— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 C Calveskins the dozen of thirty six pound weight undressed, and twenty two pound weight dressed— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 No one skin undressed in any dozen to exceed four pound weight, and no one skin dressed in any dozen to exceed two pound in weight. Cambodium the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Candles The dozen pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 The barrel, containing ten dozen pound— L.03. S. 00▪ D. 00 Canvas English tufted, the piece containing thirty yards— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Canvas Shropshire making the hundred else containing five score— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Caps vocat. Monmouth Caps plain the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 vocat. Monmouth Caps trimmed the dozen— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 Buttoned English making the dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 of wool black the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Cards vocat. Stock cards the dozen— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 Tow cards new the dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Wooll-cards vocat. new the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 vocat. old the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Card-bords the small groce, cont. twelve dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Carpets Northern the piece— L.01. S. 03. D. 04 Catlings or English hat-makers-strings the gross cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 Cheese the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Cloaks old the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Cloak Bags the dozen— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Coals vocat. Sea coals the Chalder, Newcastle Measure— L.11. S. 06. D. 08 Sea coals the Chalder, London measure— L.08. S. 13. D. 04 Sea coals of Wales or the West country, which shall be transported into Ireland, the Isle of Man, or Scotland to pay twelve pence the Chalder water measure. The Officers of the Ports to take good security for the landing of the said coals respectively. The Merchant Stranger to pay double custom if he carry out coals in a foreign bottom, but if in English Bottoms then 18 shillings the Chalder. That if any English transport coals in strange Bottoms, to pay stranger's custom. Cobweb lawns the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Comfits the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Coney hair or wool black or white the pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Cordage tarred or untarred the hundred weight, containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Coverlets of wool and hair the piece— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 of Caddas the piece— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Curricombs the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 Cushions of Yorkshire the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Cottons, Northern, Manchester, Taunton, and Welsh Cottons the hundred goads▪— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Cottons called Welsh plains the hundred goads— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 D DArnix of English making the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 voc. Coverlets English the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Dice the groce— L.00. S. 09. D. 00 Dimity the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Doublets of Leather the piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Dust of Cloves, of Ginger, of Lignum vitae, of Mace, of Nutmegs, of Pepper, of all Spices and the like, are to be exported custom free, having paid at the importation. EMery Stones the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 F FEnnell seed the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Figurettoes with silk or copper the yard— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 narrow the piece— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 broad the piece— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Filozelloes broad of silk the yard— L.00. S. 06 D. 08 Firelocks the piece— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Fitches the Timber, cont. forty skins— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Flannel the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 09 Flasks of horn the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Flox the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Freezes the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Fustians English Milan containing two half pieces of fifteen yards the piece— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 with silk English the piece— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 voc. Venetian English the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 G GArtering of cruel the groce, cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Garters of Worsted the groce, containing 12. dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Geldings or Nags the piece, See Horses. Girdles of Leather for men the groce, cont. 12 dozen— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 for children the groce, cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of Norwich the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Glass broken the barrel— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Glasses to drink in, fine English the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 to drink in, course English the dozen— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Glue English the hundred weight cont. an hundred and 12. pound— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Gloves Plain of Sheep or lamb's Leather the dozen pair— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 fringed and stitched with silk the dozen pair— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Furred with coney-wool the dozen pair— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 of Buck-leather the dozen— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Glover's clippings the Fat or Maund— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Goose-quills the thousand— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Grindlestones the Chalder— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Gunpowder the hundred pound, cont. five score— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Guts, vocat. Oxe-guts the barrel— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Hair voc. Heart's hair the hundred weight, cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 12. D. 00 Horse hair the hundred weight, cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Ox or Cow hair the hundred weight, cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Turkey goat's hair the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Haircloth the piece— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Hakefish the hundred cont. six score— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Hartshorn the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 12. D. 00 Hatbands of cruel the groce containing twelve dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Hatchets the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Hats Faced with Velvet without bands the dozen— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 with taffeta for children the dozen— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Lined & faced with taffeta the does.— L.02. S. 00 D. 00 Lined in the head only, the dozen— L.01. S. 16. D. 00 Plain or unlined the dozen— L.01. S. 00 D. 00 for children the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Hawkes-hoods the dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Hempseed the quarter cont. 8. bushels— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Herrings, voc. winter herrings white full packed the barrel— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 packed the last cont. 12. barrels— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 unpacked or Seasticks the last cont. 18. barrels— L.08. S. 00. D. 00 shotten packed the barrel— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 packed the last cont 12 barrels— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 unpacked or Seasticks the last, cont. 18 barrels— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 red, full the Cade, containing five hundred— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 the last containing twenty cades or ten thousand— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 Herrings, vocat. Winter herrings Red, Shotten, 〈…〉 L. 0●. S. 03. D. 00 〈…〉 ten thousand L.03. S. 0●. D. ●0 Summer herrings shotten white packed the barrel— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 packed the last cont. 12 barrels— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Unpacked or seastick the last con. eighteen barrels— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Red the Cade, cont. five hundred— L.00. S. 03. D. 00 the Last contain. twenty Cades, or ten thousand— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Horns vocat. Blowing horns small the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of Bucks the hundred— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Inkhorns the dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Horns for lanterns the thousand leaves— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Ox horns the thousand— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Powder horns the dozen— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 of Rams the thousand— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 of Sheep the thousand— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Shoeing horns the dozen— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 of Staggs the hundred— L.01. S. 12. D. 00 Tips of horn the thousand— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Horses vocat. Stone-horses, Geldings or nags the piece— L.66. S. 13. D. 04 Mares the Mare— L.126. S. 13. D. 04 Horse tails with hair the hundred weight cont. five score— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Horse collars the hundred containing five score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Hoops for Barrels the thousand— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 IRon the ton— L.16. S. 00. D. 00 Iron wrought the hundred weight cont. an hundred and 12. pound— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 Old the ton— L.16. S. 00. D. 00 Iron Ordnance the hundred weight cont. an hundred and 12 pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Irish Mantles the Mantle— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Knives vocat Shoemakers paring-knives the dozen— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Cutting-knives the dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 03 Sheifield knives the small groce cont. 12. dozen— L.01. S. 04. D. 00 London knives ordinary the dozen— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 L LAce of Gold Silver and silk the pound— L.01. S. 16▪ D. 00 Lace of Velvet the pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Voc. Statute Lace the groce, cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Leatharge of lead the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 Lampernes the thousand— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Loom-work the yard— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Lime the Chalder— L.00. S. 1●▪ D. 04 Linseed the quarter cont▪ eight bushels— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Linsey woolsey vide Stuffe. Linen shreds the Maund or Fat— L.02▪ S. 00. D. 00 Lists of Cloth the thousand yards— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Lead cast and uncast the Fodder, cont. twenty hundred weight— L.20. S. 00. D. 00 Note that every Merchant stranger is to pay for lead double custom. Mustard-seed the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Melasses or Rameales the ton— L.10 S. 00. D. 00 N Nails, voc. Stubnailes the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Nuts small the barrel cont. three bushels— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 OAtemale the bushel— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 the barrel cont. three Bushels— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Oil, vocat. Train oil made in England the ton— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 Oysters the small barrel in pickle— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 Ochre yellow or red the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 PArchment the roll— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Pastbo●●●●he groce, cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 00 Pilchers the ton by strangers— L.20. S. 00. D. 00 Points of Leather the small groce cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 06 Purls of broadcloth the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 04 R RApe cakes the thousand— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Rape seed the quarter containing eight bushels— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Rugs vocat Irish Rug the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Irish Rugs for beds, the Rug— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Russetting for painters the hundred weight contain. an hundred and twelve pound— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Rash's, voc. silk Rash's broad or narrow the yard— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 SAddles voc. Scotch Saddles the Saddle— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Saddle trees the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Sackcloth to make Sacks, the bolt or piece▪— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Saffron the pound▪— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Salt-petre the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Seamorse teeth the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Shagg with thread the yard— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 with thread the piece— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Shovels shod the dozen— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 unshod the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Shreds and pieces of broadcloth the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Shoes new the hundred pair— L.10. S. 00. D. 00 old the hundred dozen pair— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 All Plantations English to be furnished with shoes to pay only half the custom. Silk vocat. English Throne silk the pound cont. sixteen ounces— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Skins, voc. Conney-skins taw and died into colours the hundred cont. an hundred and twenty— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Grey stag the hundred cont. six score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Gray seasoned the hundred cont. six score— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Gray tawed the hundred cont. six score— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Black with silver hairs or without, the hundred, cont. six score— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 Kid-skins In the hair the hundred cont. five score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Dressed the hundred, cont. five score— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Lambskins voc. Morkins, untawed the hundred, cont. six score— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 voc. Morkins tawed with the wool the hundred cont. six score— L.00. S. 16. D. 08 white or black untawed the hundred cont. six score— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 white or black tawed with the wool, the hundred cont. 6. score— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Otter skins raw the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 tawed the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 wombs the mantle— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Sheep and Lamb skin's t●wed with the wool the hundred cont. six score— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 Dressed in oil the hundred cont. six score— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 Pelts the hundred cont. five score— L.03. S. 06. D. 08 Rabbit skins black the hundred— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Hare skins the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 03 Cat skins the hundred— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Fox skins the piece— L.00. S. 00. D. 08 Swan skins the piece— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Dog skins the dozen— L.00. S. 0●. D. 06 Elk skins the piece raw— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Wolf skins tawed the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 00 Badgers skins the piece— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Squirrels skins the thousand— L.02. S. 10. D. 00 Sleeves of Leather the dozen pair— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Soap hard English make the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 the barrel— L.02. S. 13. D. 04 Spanish Sattin● English making the single piece cont. 15. yards— L.01. S. 03. D. 04 The double piece, containing 30. yards— L.02. S. 06. D. 08 Sprats the Cade, cont. a thousand— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Starch the hundred weight cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Steel, vocat. Gad-steele the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Stockings Irish the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Kersie long the pair— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Kersie short the dozen pair— L.00. S. 02. D. 06 Leather the dozen pair— L.00. S. 16. D. 00 Silk the pair— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Woollen for children the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Worsted for children the dozen— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Woollen for men the dozen— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Worsted for men the dozen— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Lower ends of worsted stockings the dozen— L.00. S. 12. D. 04 Stones vocat. Hilling stones the thousand— L.00. S. 03. D. 0● Slate the thousand— L.00. S. 15. D. 00 Stuffs vocat. Perpetuanas and Serges in regard of their coarseness, the pound weight— L.00. S. 02. D. 0● All other stuff made of wool, or mixed with Mohaire or silk or thread the pound weight— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Sugars course of all sorts formerly brought into this kingdom having paid their custom, and after refined and made into loaves and exported by way of merchandise the hundred, cont. 112. pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 To TAllow English the hundred weight containing an hundred and twelve pound— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Thread vocat. Black the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Brown the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Blue, vocat. Coventry blew the pound— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 Thrums the hundred cont. five score pound— L.01. S. 06. D. 08 Tiking English the piece cont. twelve yards— L.00. S. 18. D. 04 Tiffany the yard— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Tobacco pipes the small groce cont. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 01. D. 00 Tuftaffaties English broad the yard— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 English narrow the yard— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 with thread the yard— L.00. S. 05. D. 00 Tin unwrought the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.07. S. 06. D. 03 wrought, vocat. Pewter the hundred weight, containing, 112. pound— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 Note that every Merchant stranger is to pay for tin double custom. V VElures English the single piece, containing seven yards— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Velures the double piece cont. fifteen yards— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Vinegar of wine the ton— L.02. S. 06. D. 08 Virginals the pair— L.01. S. 13. D. 04 Wad-moll the yard— L.00. S. 00. D. 09 Wastcoates of Wadmoll the dozen— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 of Cotten the dozen— L.01. S. 07. D. 00 of kerseys of flannel the piece— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 of Worsted knit the piece— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 of Woollen knit the piece— L.00. S. 06. D. 08 Wax English the hundred weight▪ cont. 112 pound— L.06. S. 00. D. 00 English hard wa● the pound— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Weld the hundred weight, cont. an hundred and twelve pound— L.01. S. 05. D. 00 Whalebone the pound— L.00. S. 01. D. 08 Whalefins the groce, con. twelve dozen— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 Woad English the ton— L.15. S. 00. D. 00 Woadnets the hundred containing five score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 Wood Red wood the hundred weight cont. 112. pound— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Gambray wood the hundred weight, cont. 112. pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 06 Box wood the ton— L.04. S. 00. D. 00 Worsteds narrow English the piece— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 Broad English the piece— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 Wine-lees the Butt— L.01. S. 00. D. 00 Wool Spanish. Yarn, vocat. Grograine yarn the pound— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 ALl kinds of grain which shall be carried out of this Realm (when by the Statute the same may lawfully be done) to pay for custom and subsidy, as in the Statute is limited and not otherwise, viz. For every quarter of wheat— L.00. S. 02. D. 00 For every quarter of other grain, as Rye, Barley, Malt, Oates, beans and Pease— L.00. S. 01. D. 04 For every tun of beer to be exported by Englishmen, to pay according to the Statute— L.00. S. 08. D. 06 For every ton of beer to be exported by strangers, to pay according to the Statute— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 ANd if there shall happen to be brought in or carried out of this Realm, any goods liable to the payment of custom and subsidy, which either are omitted in this book, or are not now used to be brought in or carried out, or by reason of the great diversity of the value of some goods (as of Diamonds and other Stones, and Jewels) could not be rated. That in such case, every Customer or Collector for the time being, shall levy the said custom and subsidy of poundage, according to the value and price of such goods, to be affirmed upon the oath of the Merchant in the presence of the Customer, Collector, controller, and Surveyor, or any two of them. All foreign goods and Merchandizes which shall be carried out of this Realm, and which according to the intent of the Act of Tonnage and Poundage, and this present Book of Rates, and the clauses and limitations therein contained, are to pay subsidy outwards, and are not mentioned amongst the Rates for subsidy outwards, shall be rated to pay subsidy outwards, after the rate of five per Cent, according to the true value and price of such goods, to be affirmed by the oath of the Merchants in presence of the Officers. Directions for the payment of the subsidy upon Woollen Clothes or old Drapery. EVery Englishman shall pay for every short cloth containing in length not above twenty eight yards, and in weight not above sixty four pound white or coloured, by him to be Shipped and carried out of this kingdom, &c.— L.00. S. 06. D. 03 Being after the rate of one penny farthing the pound weight. And so after that rate for all other sorts of clothes of greater length and weight, allowing not above twenty eight yards and sixty four pound to a short cloth; That is to say, for every pound weight over and above 64. pound, to pay one penny and farthing, and for all other sorts of lesser clothes to be allowed to a short cloth as hereafter is expressed, Every stranger shall pay for every short cloth cont. in length not above 28. yards, and in weight not above 64. pound, white or coloured, by him to be shipped and carried out of this kingdom— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 Besides the old 14. pence. And so after that rate for all other sorts of cloth of greater length and weight, and for all sorts of lesser clothes to be allowed to a short cloth, as hereafter is expressed. What and how many sorts of the lesser Woollen clothes hereafter specified shall be allowed to short cloth. Seven Dorset and Summersault dozens rudge washed shall go and be accounted for a short cloth, and shall pay after the Rate of the short cloth before rated, And for over weight one penny farthing the pound Cardinals Pinwhites Straits Statutes Stockbridges Tavestocks Five Tauntons, Bridgewaters, and Dunsters', the five not exceeding 64. pound in weight▪ Devon dozens cont. 12 or 13 yards, in weight 13. pound Four Ordinary Pennistones or forest whites cont. between 12. and 13. yards, and in weight 28. pound Sorting Pennistones cont. 13 or 14. yards & in weight 35 pound unfrized Three Narrow Yorkshire kerseys whites and reds, cont. not above 17. or 18. yards, and in weight 22. pound shall go and be accounted for a short cloth, and shall pay after the Rate of the short cloth before rated, And for over weight one penny farthing the pound. Hampshire ordinary kerseys Newberrie whites, and other kerseys of like making, cont. 24. yards, and in weight 28. pounds Sorting Hampshire kerseys cont. 28. yards, and in weight 32. pound Two Northern Dozens single sorting Pennistones cont. between 13. and 14. yards, and in weight 35. pound frized One Northen dozen double The new sort of cloth called Spanish cloth, otherwise narrow list Western broad cloth, not exceeding 25. yards in length and 43. pound in weight, to be accounted two thirds of the short cloth before rated And for every pound weight exceeding forty three pounds, one penny farthing the pound weight. Cloth Rash's, alias cloth Serges, cont. 30▪ yards, weighing 40, pound to be accounted two thirds of the short cloth before rated. And for every pound exceeding forty pound weight, penny farthing the pound weight. And for any other sort of woollen Cloth of the nature of the old Drapery, and not mentioned in this book, to pay one penny farthing, for the subsidy of every pound weight thereof. Certain Orders, Directions, and Allowances, for the advancement of Trade and encouragement of the Merchant, as also for the Regulating as well of the Merchants in making of due Entries and just payments of their customs, as of the Officers, in all the Ports of this kingdom, in the receipts of their several Fees, and in the faithful discharge of their duty. I. EVery Merchant shall have free liberty to break Bulk in any Port allowed by the Law, and to pay custom and subsidy for no more than he shall then enter and land; Provided that the Master or Purser of every such Ship, shall first make Declaration upon oath, before any two principal Officers of the Port, of the true content of his Ships lading, and shall likewise after declare upon his oath, before the Customer, Collecter, controller or Surveyor, or two of them, at the next Port of this kingdom where his Ship shall arrive, the quantity and quality of the goods landed at the other Port, where bulk was first broken, and to whom they did belong. II. ALl foreign goods and Merchandizes (except Spanish wools or any other outlandish wools, Wines, and Corrants) first imported, shall be again exported by any Merchant English within twelve months, or stranger within nine months. And such Merchant or Merchants as shall export any such foreign goods or merchandise (except before excepted) shall have allowance and be repaid by the Officer which received the same, the one moiety of the subsidy which was paid at the first importation of such foreign goods and Merchandizes, or any part thereof, so as due proof be first made by certificate from the Officers of the due entry and payment of the custom and subsidy of all such foreign goods and merchandizes inwards, together with the oath of the Merchants importing and exporting the same, affirming the truth thereof, and the name of his majesty's searcher or under-Searcher in the port of London, and of the Searcher of any other the out Ports, testifying the Shipping thereof to be exported. After all which duly performed in manner before expressed, the moiety of the subsidy first paid inwards, shall without any delay or reward (more than the duties set down in the table for the certificate) be repaid unto such Merchant or Merchants, who do export such goods and Merchandizes, within one month after demand thereof. III. ANd if there be any agreement now in force, which was formerly made by the late Farmers of the customs and Subsidies, with the Merchants, Strangers or their Factors, or shall hereafter be made by any Commissioners, or Farmers, of the customs and Subsidies, or any other power (except by consent of Parliament) with any Merchant or Merchants, Strangers, or their Factors, for any foreign goods and Merchandizes to be brought into the port of London or any other Port or Haven of this Kingdom of England, or principality of Wales, and to be exported again by way of composition; all other Merchants being his majesty's subjects shall be admitted into the same composition, and not be excluded from any other privilege whatsoever, granted to the stranger by any private agreement or composition, under the same conditions, and with the same restriction, as shall be made with the Merchant stranger. IV. EVery Merchant as well English as Stranger; that shall ship and export any kind of Wines, which formerly have paid all the duties of Tonnage inwards, shall have repaied or allowed unto them all the duties of Tonnage by them paid innards, (except to the Englishman twenty shillings the ton, and except to the stranger five and twenty shillings the tun,) upon due proof of the due entry and payment of the tonnage in wards, and of the shipping thereof to be exported to be made in manner as in the second Article is mentioned, and expressed. V. IF any Merchant, Denizen, or Stranger, shall export any Spanish, or other foreign wools formerly brought into the Kingdom, he shall have no allowance of any part of the subsidy which he formerly paid innards, only shall have liberty to export the same without payment of any other duties more than are limited in the Table of Fees for certificate of the due entry and payment of custom and subsidy, at the importation, and of the shipping for exportation, as in the second Article is directed, and with this further condition, that such Spanish or other foreign wools whatsoever, be not exported in any other Ship or vessel whatsoever, with intent to be carried beyond the Seas, out of the kingdom of England, and dominion of Wales, then only in English shipping, upon pain of confiscation. VI. EVery Merchant as well English as Stranger, which shall ship and export any Currants which formerly were duly entered and paid the subsidy and custom inwards, shall have allowed or repaied unto them respectively, all the custom and subsidy by them paid inwards for the same (except eighteen pence for every hundred weight to the English, and two and twenty pence and half penny for every hundred weight to the stranger,) upon due proof of the due entry and payment of the custom and subsidy thereof innards, and of the shipping thereof to be exported, to be made in manner as in the second Article is declared. VII. IF any Merchant having duly paid all duties inwards for foreign goods, and in regard of guard of bad sales, shall be enforced to keep the same or any part thereof in his hands, without alteration of property after the space of a year shall be elapsed, in this case he is to be permitted to ship the same out for the parts beyond the Seas (if he so think fit) without payment of any subsidy for the same outwards, upon due proof that the same was duly entered, and subsidy paid inwards. VIII. NO Merchant, or other persons whatsoever shall have any allowance or abatement of subsidy made him by bill of store, or otherwise, for any sort of Tobacco, under pretence of being corrupt or unmerchantable, but that in case any Merchant shall refuse to make entry of such Tobacco, and to pay the subsidy of two pence per pound for the same, the principal Officers of the customhouse, or any two of them shall cause all such corrupt Tobacco to be publicly burnt, as not wholesome for use, and the owner thereof is to be discharged from payment of any subsidy for the same. Ix.. EVery Merchant bringing in any sort of Wines into this Kingdom, by way of merchandise; and shall make due entries of the same in the customhouse, shall be allowed twelve per cent. for Leacage. X. EVery hogshead of Wine which shall be run out and not full seven inches or above left therein: And every Butt or Pipe not above nine inches shall be accounted for out's, and the Merchant to pay no subsidy for the same. XI. IF any Wines shall prove corrupt and unmerchantable, and fit for nothing but to distil into hot waters, or to make vinegar, than every owner of such wines shall be abated in the subsidy, according to such his damages in those Wines, by the discretion of the Collectors of the customs, and one of the principal Officers. XII. IF any tobacco, or other goods, or merchandise brought into this kingdom, shall receive any damage by Salt water or otherwise, so that the owner thereof shall be prejudiced in the sale of such goods, the principal Officers of the Custom house, or any two of them, whereof the Collector for the time being, to be one, shall have power to choose two indifferent Merchants, experienced in the values of such goods who upon visiting the said goods, shall certify and declare upon their corporal others, first administered by the said Officers, what damage such goods have received, and are lessened in their true value, and according to such damage in relation to the Rates set on them in this book, The said officers are to make a proportionable abatement unto the Merchant or owner of the subsidy due for the same. XIII. THe Merchant stranger, who according to the Rates and values in this book contained do pay double subsidy for Lead, Tinn, Woollen-cloth, shall also pay double custom for native manufactures of wool or part wool, and the said strangers are to pay for all other goods, as well inwards as outwards, rated to pay the subsidy of Poundage, three pence in the pound, or any other duty payable by Charta Mercatoria besides the subsidy. XIV. THat the Merchants trading into the Port of London have free liberty to lade and unlade their goods at any the lawful keys and places of shipping and landing of goods between the Tower of London and London-bridge, and between Sun rising and Sun setting, from the tenth day of September to the tenth day of March, and between the hours of six of the Clock in the morning and six of the clock in the evening, from the tenth day of March to the tenth day of September, giving notice thereof to the respective Officers, appointed to attend the lading and unlading of goods: And such officer as shall refuse upon due calling to be present, he shall forfeit for every default five pounds, the one moiety unto the King, and the other moiety to the party aggrieved, and suing for the same. XV. THe Merchants of York, Kingston super Hull, and Newcastle upon Tyne, and the members thereof shall be allowed free of custom and subsidy, two of the Northern Clothes and kerseys in ten to be shipped in those Ports in the names of double wrappers as formerly hath been there allowed them. XVI. THe Merchants of Exeter, and other Western parts, shall be allowed free of subsidy, one Perpetuanoe in ten for a wrap, and three Devon dozens in twenty for wrappers, the same to be shipped out of the Ports of Exeter, Plymouth, Dartmouth, Barnestable, or the members thereof. XVII. ALl Merchants transporting any sort of Woollen cloth, called old Drapery, as also bays and Cottons, shall be allowed one in Ten for a wrapper, free of custom and subsidy, as formerly hath been accustomed. XVIII. EVery Merchant shall be allowed upon all other goods and merchandise appointed to pay to any the subsidy of Poundage, according to the rule of this book, to be imported five in the hundred of all the said Subsidies of poundage, so appointed to be paid. XIX. THe Officers who sit above in the customhouse of the Ports of London, shall attend the service of their several places, from nine to twelve of the clock in the forenoon; and one Officer, or one able clerk shall attend with the book in the afternoon, during such time as the Officers are appointed to wait at the water's side, for the better deciding of all controversies that may happen concerning Merchants warrants. All other the Officers of the out-Ports, shall attend every day in the customhouse of every respective Port for dispatch of Merchants and shippers, between the hours of nine of the clock and twelve in the Morning, and two and four of the Clock in the afternoon. XX. FOr avoiding all oppressions by any of the Officers of the customhouse in any Port of this kingdom, in exacting unreasonable fees from the Merchant by reason of any entries, or otherwise touching the Shipping or unshipping of any goods, wares, or merchandise: It is ordered that no Officer, Clerk, or other belonging to any customhouse whatsoever, shall exact, require, and receive any other or greater fee of any Merchant or other whatsoever, than such as shall be established by the Commons in Parliament assembled: If any Officer or other shall offend contrary to this order, he shall forfeit his Office or place, and be ever after uncapable of any office in the customhouse. XXI. EVery Merchant making an entry of goods, either inwards or outwards, shall be dispatched in such order as he cometh, and if any Officer or his clerk shall either for favour or reward put any Merchant or his servant duly attending by his turn or other ways delay any person so duly attending and making his entries aforesaid, to draw any other reward or gratuity from him than is limited in the Table; if the Master officer be found faulty herein, he shall upon complaint to the chief Officers of the custom house, be strictly admonished of his duty, but if the Clerk be found faulty therein, he shall upon complaint to the said chief Officers be presently discharged of his service, and not permitted to sit any more in the custom House. XXII. ALl Fees appointed to be paid unto the Customer, controller, Surveyor, or Surveyor general in the Port of London for any Cockquett or Certificate outwards shall be paid altogether in one sum, to that Officer from whom the Merchant is to have his Cockquett or Certificate above in the customhouse: and after the Merchant hath duly paid his custom and subsidy, and other duties above in the custom house, as is appointed by this book of Rates, he is to be Master of, and keep his own Cockquett or Certificate, until he shall ship out his goods so entered, when as he is to deliver the same to the head Searcher, or his Majesties under searcher in the Port of London, or other Ports, together with the mark and number of his goods. XXIII. THe Lord Maior commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, their Officers or Deputies, for, and touching the Offices of Paccage, Scavage, Baleage, or Portage of any goods or merchandise of Aliens, or their sons borne within this kingdom, imported or exported into, or out of the City of London, or the liberties or Ports thereof, unto, or from the parts beyond the Seas, for or concerning the receiving or taking of any fees or Rates heretofore usually taken, for, or in respect of the said Offices or any of them might and may receive and take the same, any thing in this Act, or book, or any former Act to the contrary notwithstanding. XXIV. ALl ancient duties heretofore lawfully taken by any City, or Town Corporate, their Farmours, Deputies or Officers, under the name of Town customs or the like, for the maintenance of Bridges, keys, Harbours, wharves, or the like, shall and may be received, and enjoyed as formerly, any thing in this or any other Act or Book to the contrary notwithstanding. XXV. THe under-Searcher or other Officers of Gravesend, having power to visit and search any Ship outward bound, shall not without just and reasonable cause detain any such ship under colour of searching the goods therein laden, above three tides after her arrival at Gravesend, under pain of loss of their office, and rendering damage to the Merchant and owner of the Ship. And the Searcher or other Officer of the custom house in any of the out-ports having power to search and visit any ship outward bound, shall not without just and reasonable cause, detain any such ship under Colour of Searching the goods therein laden above one tide after the said ship is fully laden and ready to set sail, under pain of loss of the office of such offender, and rendering damage to the Merchant and owner of the ship. XXVI. NOte, That all Timber in balks, which shall be of eight inches square or upwards, that shall be imported or brought from any part beyond the Seas into the realm of England, Dominion of Wales, Port and town of Barwick, or any of them, shall be rated according to the measure of timber, the foot square three pence for the value thereof, and according to that Rule shall pay for subsidy twelve pence in the pound according to poundage, and all under eight inches square, and above five inches square, shall pay for subsidy according to the Rates mentioned in this Book of Rates for middle balks, and all of five inches square or under shall pay according to the Rate of small balks. Errata in the Book, according to the several folios to be amended, as followeth. fol. 73 TVeill and Tiking of Scotland, and all other linen made in that Kingdom the hundred els containing six score— L.02. S. 00. D. 00 fol. 68 Scottish Canvas called harden for packing, the hundred els containing six score— L.00. S. 10. D. 00 fol. 91. Goat skins of Scotland in the hair the dozen— L.00. S. 03. D. 04 fol. 83 Salt made in Scotland the wey containing forty bushels— L.00. S. 13. D. 04 fol. 41. Scottish Herrings brought in by the natives of Scotland, in Scottish or English bottoms, the last cont. 12. barrels— L.03. S. 00. D. 00 fol. 41. Red Herrings of the same kingdom the last containing twenty cades— L.05. S. 00. D. 00 fol. 41. Salmon of the same kingdom taken and brought in as before, the barrel— L.01. S. 10. D. 00 fol. 41. Codfish of the same taking, brought in as before, the barrel— L.00. S. 08. D. 00 fol. 19 coals of Scotland brought in as before, the Tun— L.00. S. 04. D. 00 FINIS. Faults scaped the press. Pag. 44. line 10. for pair read panes. Pag. 57 line 28. for 80 d. read 8 d. Pag. 78. line 28. for 60 d. read 6 d. Pag. 83. line 22. for 14 d. read 4 d.