An Order of the Committee of the Lords and Commons at Guildhall for the defence of the Kingdom, for the disarming and securing the persons of such as are disaffected to the Parliament and Commonwealth; with city of Lodon and Westminster, and the Suburbs within three miles of the city. With a Proclamation by the Lord Maior of London. IT is this day ordered by the said Committee of the Lords and Commons, that the 〈◊〉 hereafter mentioned, shall be disarmed, and their persons secured; That is to say, First, all of ability and estate, who have not contributed to the defence of the kingdom, upon the propositions heretofore issued for that purpose, whose names are contained in a Roll hereunto annexed under the hand of the clerk of the Commons House of Parliament. All such as by name have been voted by both or either of the Houses of Parliament, to be disarmed or to be delinquents. A Roll whereof is hereunto annexed under the hands of the foresaid Committee. All Popish Recusants, or justly suspected of Popery, or whose wives are Popish Recusants, or whose children are Popishly bred: all that have contributed to the wars against the Patlirment. The arms and Horses to be found in the Houses of any Bishops or Deane, and Chapters, or other suspected places to be seized and brought to any of the places hereafter appointed, and the persons that are to disarm and secure the parsons hereby intended to be disarmed and secured shallhereb have power and authority to enter into and search the houses of the said Bishops, Deans and Chapters, and all other towns and places where any suspected persons do usually lodge or abide, and to seize and secure the said suspected persons. For the effecting of the premises, the several and respective Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, captains, and other Officers of the trained Bands of the several Wards within the city of London, are hereby authorized and required to disarm the persons before mentioned within their several Wards, and other their places within their Liberties; and to take and seize all their Horses, arms, and Ammunition, or other provision of war, and to seize upon and secure their persons. The several Aldermen and aldermen's Deputies, common council men, Constables, and all other persons are required to be assisting and aiding to the said several Officers and trained Bands in the execution of the premises. That the premises may with the better effect and speed be executed, It, will be convenient that the trained Bands in each Ward be divided inth three or more several Companies, which is hereby required, unless the respective Officers and persons entrusted with the service upon the place, and upon emergencies shall find cause to do otherwise. The Lord Mayor and the sheriffs of the city of London, Sergeant Maior general Skippon, together with such persons as they shall think fit to call to their assistance, are hereby required to use all care and diligence that the premises be executed according to the intent of these presents. The persons of such as by intent of this Order are to be secured, shallbe brought unto the places hereafter mentioned, that is to say, unto Gresham college, and Crosby House in bishopsgatestreet, Winchester house in or near the burrow of Southwark.; the house of the Bishop of London, near the Church of S. Paul's; Lambeth house, the house of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and Ely house. And it is left to the discretion of the Officers of the respective trained Bands, to which of the said houses they shall carry the persons of those whom they shall apprehend. The several houses and places where the persons apprehended shall remain, shall have guards set about them of such number of the trained Bands, or others, as the said Lord Maior and Shariffes of the City of London, and Sergeant Maior general Skippon, or any of them shall appoint. And those that shall be appointed to make those guards, shall have allowance of one shilling fix pence per diem, during the time they continue in the said services, the same to be paid at the charge of the persons so restrained, in such manner as by the Lords and Commons shall be appointed. For the better effecting of the premises about the Suburbs of London, and within the city of Westminster, the Burough of Southwark, and other places within three miles of the city of London, the several Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, captains, and other Officers of the trained Bands of the several Wards within the city of London, and of the respective Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, captains, and other Officers of the trained Bands of those respective places without the city of London, are hereby authorized and required to disarm the persons before mentioned therein residing, and to take and seize all their Horses, arms and Ammunition, and other provisions of war, and to seize upon and secure their persons. The Lord Lieutenants, and Deputy Lieutenants, and the Knights and Burgesses serving in this presont Parliament, for the Counties, Cities, and Burroughes in the said several places; as likewise all Constables, Headburroughes, and other persons abiding therein respectively, are required to be assistant and aiding unto the several Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, and the trained Bands in the execution of the premises. In respect that it may so fall out, that in some of the Wards within the city of London, and some other of the places without the city of London, there may not occasion of use for the full number of their trained Bands, but that they may be spared and sent into other places within the respective limits. The Officers of the trained Bands therefore respectively within the city of London, and without the city, are required to be aiding and assisting unto each other in the execution of the premises, whereby the service may with greater speed be performed. The arms and ammunition, and other provision of war, shall be ceized in any the places aforesaid, as well without the city of London as within, shall be brought to such of the Halles belonging to the several companies of the city of London, as shall be nearest to the places where such seizure shall be made only fittest for that use, and the horses with their furniture shall be brought to such places as the Lord Maior and the sheriffs of the city of London, Sergeant Maior Skippon, or any of them shall appoint. All the horses, arms or ammunition and provision for war, which shall be seized by virtue of this Order, or to be Inventoried and listed by the Captains and Lieutenants of the respective companies of the teained Bands, and certified under their hands to the Lord Maior, to the end it may better appear where such horses and ammunition remain, and to whom they belong. And authority is hereby given to the said Lord Maior of London, sheriffs, lieutenants, Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, captains and other Officers, and to every of them, before or at the time of the execution of the premises, to make proclamation in the several Wards within the said city of London, and likewise in such several places within the suburbs thereof, the city of Westminster, Burrough of Southwark, and other places and precincts within three miles of the city of London, as they or any of them shall think convenient thereby commanding all and every the person and persons, which according to the true intent and meaning of this Order, are to be disarmed, and their persons secured, that they and every of them from and after the time of the making of the said proclamation, shall repair unto, continue and abide, in their several houses, lodgings, or places of their usual abode, until the premises shall be duly executed and performed, and during such time only and in such manner, as by the said several proclamations shall be enjoined. Proclamations to be made at or before the time of disarming and securing the Malignants in and about the city of London and the Suburbs, in the form of words ensuing. ALL Popish Recusants, or whose wives are Papists, or wwhose children are Popishly bred,: All that have contributed to this present war against the Parliament. All of ability and estate, who have not contributed to the defence of the kingdom, upon the Propositions heretofore issued for that purpose, together with such others as shall receive particular directions for that purpose. Ate by the authority of both Houses of Parliament, commanded to repair unto, remanie and abide within their several houses, lodgings, and usual places of abode, until they shall have further directions from both Houses of Parliament, upon the pains and penalties that may ensue thereupon. London printed for I. Jackson, G. Tomlinson, and T. Homer, and are to be sold in the Old Baily, 1642.