Die Jovis 29. Febr. 1643. AN ORDINANCE OF The Lords and Commons Assembled IN PARLIAMENT, Enabling the Commissioners of the Customs to make sail of certain Parcels of Currants formerly seized upon by Order of Parliament: And that the moneys so arising be paid to Sir WALTER Earl for the use of Reformado Officers. WHEREAS several Parcels of Currants have since the last day of September 1642. been brought into the Port of London, and several other Ports and Creeks within this kingdom, contrary to an Ordinance of Parliament made the twenty sixth day of August 1642. In which respect they have by the Officers and others thereunto authorised, been Seized upon, as forfeited; But not being put to sail, or otherwise disposed off, do begin to perish, and if some course be not taken for the disposal of them, are likely to become of no use. It is Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Commissioners of the customs do take accounts of the said several Parcels of Currants within the Port of London, or any the Out-ports; And do forthwith nominate and appoint certain persons of trust to make sail thereof, to such as will give most for them, allowing one fourth part of the Money raised thereby, to such persons as did Seize the same, and reserving the Remainder for such uses as are hereafter expressed: And whereas over and above the Zant Currants brought into the River of Thames in the Ship falcon, now lately arrived, diverse other parcels of Currants which were taken out of the Ship lion, and the Ship angel, lately arrived in the downs, and since gone for Holland, to the quantity of thirty Tuns, or thereabout, are likewise brought into the said River in barks, and other Vessels. It is further Ordered by the said Lords and Commons, That the Commissioners and Officers of the customs, do make Entries thereof, and suffer the same to be Landed; The Merchant or Owners paying six shillings for each hundred weight, over and above the customs and Excize due for the same: And that all and every the sums which shall be raised by any the ways or means aforesaid, excepting the said Customs, and the fourth part of the Seizures before mentioned, shall by the said Commissioners and Officers, be paid over unto Sir WALTER Earl, for and towards the Payment and satisfaction of the arrears due unto Reformado Officers. Jo. Browne Cleric. Parliament. London Printed by L. N. for LAURENCE BLAIKLOCK, and are to be sold at his shop near Temple-bar. March 13. 1644.