An ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT FOR The continuance of the weekly Assessment for the relief of the British Army in Ireland For six months longer, to commence the first of May, 1646. ORdered by the Lords Assembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. LONDON, Printed for john Wright at the King's Head in the old Bayley. 1646. Die Lunae 9 Martii 1645. WHereas the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, have by their Ordinance of the 18. of October 1644. (which in some Printed Copies beareth date the 16. of October, 1644.) Ordained, That a weekly Assessment should be had, made, and levied through the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, for the relief of the British Army in Ireland, to commence from the first day of September than last passed, and to continue for one whole year, as by the said Ordinance more at large appeareth. And whereas the said Lords and Commons, have by another Ordinance of theirs, dated the 15. day of August, 1645. Ordained and Declared, that the before mentioned Ordinance of the 18. of October, 1644. for laying the said weekly Assessment for one whole year, should after the time limited therein, for continuance thereof be revived, and have continuance for the space of six Months longer; to commence the first of November, 1645. and to end the last of April, 1646. with the alterations, limitations, and provisoes therein mentioned. As by the said Ordinance of the 15. of August, 1645. (relation being thereunto had) more at large may appear. For as much now, as it is found most expedient, that considerable numbers of Horse and Foot be added to those that are already in Ireland, and that supplies of all sorts be further provided, and sent thither for the carrying on of that War this next Summer, which will require a further expense of moneys than can be raised by the said weekly Assessments for the time set, and limited in the Ordinances aforesaid. Be it hereby Ordained by the said Lords and Commons in this present Parliament, That the said weekly Assessment first to be charged, rated, taxed, and levied for one whole year by the aforesaid Ordinance of the 18. of October, 1644. entitled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for an Assessment through the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, for the present relief of the British Armies in Ireland; and since revived, and continued by another Ordinance of the 15. of August, 1645. for six Months longer, to commence the first of November, 1645. and end the last of April, 1646. shall after the time limited in those Ordinances, have continuance for the space of six Months longer; to commence the first day of May, 1646. and end the last day of October than next following, and shall be Assessed, levied, collected, and paid according to the true intent and meaning of the aforesaid Ordinances. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. Hen. Esing Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.