AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS assembled in PARLIAMENT. For the true payment of TITHES And other Duties, and for continuance of an Ordinance of the ninth of August, 1647. Die Veneris, 27 Octob. 1648. ORdered by the Lords in Parliament Assembled, That this Ordinance for the true payment of Tithes, and other duties, be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. London printed for john Wright, at the King-Head in the Old-Bayley. 1648. Die Veneris, 27. Octob. 1648. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For the true payment of Tithes and other Duties, and for continuance of an Ordinance of the ninth of August, 1647. THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, Do Order Ordain and Declare, That the Ordinace of Parliament of the ninth of August, Anno Dom. 1647. Entitled, An Addition Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For the true payment of Tithes, and other Duties, shall continue, remain and be, and hereby is continued, to remain and be in full force and strength, from the last day of October, Anno Dom. 1648. until the first day of November, An. Dom. 1650. any proviso of limitation, or restraint for ceasing, or determination thereof therein contained, or to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Provided always that upon all appeals to be brought into the Chancery, the party appealing shall lay down in Money, either with to Justices of Peace, by whom any Order shall be made, according to the purport of the said Ordinance, or in the court of Chancery, the full value of the Tithes adjudged before the said Justices, together with the triple Damages and Costs, the which Costs so to be deposited shall not exceed ten pounds, or in default thereof no appeals shall be received or admitted; And it is likewise Ordained, That the penalty of forty shillings upon Constables, petty-Constables, and other Officers limited and appoined in and by the the said Ordinance for neglecting to do their Duties, shall be leavyed by way of distress and sale of the Goods of such Persons so neglecting or refusing, by warrant from the said Justices of Peace, and by such Persons as shall by them be thereunto Authorized, the same to be employed to the use of the poor of that Parish where such Constable, petty-Constable or other Officer doth inhabit. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. FINIS.