several VOTES OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT. DECLARING What Forces shall be continued in the kingdom of ENGLAND, and Dominion of WALES. AS ALSO, What Regiments shall be disbanded. With the manner▪ and places appointed for the same. ORdered by the Lords assembled in Parliament that these Votes be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown, clear. Parliamentorum. LONDON, Printed for John Wright at the Kings head in the Old-baily, june 1. 1647. Die jovis, 27 May. 1647. Resolved by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, THat the Generals Regiment be first disbanded. That the time for that disbanding be on Tuesday next the first of june. That the Town of Chelnisford be the place of the Rendezvous. Resolved, &c. That such as will engage for Ireland be presently taken on, and have a fortnights advance payed them out of their six weeks, besides the two moneths pay of their arrears, and to march forthwith to I●garstone, there to receive orders Resolved, &c. That those that shall disband shall receive their two moneths pay of their arrears, and shall deposit their arms in the Church, and have passes to go to their several homes. Resolved. &c. That the like manner be observed in disbanding the rest of the Regiments, at the several times and places of rendezvous, as followeth( viz.) Resolved, &c. That Col. Hewghsons Regiment be disbanded at Bishop-Stafford on Thursday the third of June next, and that those who engage for Ireland march to Puckridge to receive orders. Resolved, &c. That Col. Lamberts Regiment be disbanded at Wal●en on Saturday the fifth of June next, and that those that engage for Ireland march to Heydon to receive orders. Resolved, &c. That Col. Harleys Regiment be disbanded at Cambridge on Tuesday the eighth of june ne●t, and those who engage for Ireland to march to Stanton to receive orders. Resolved, &c. That Col. Lilborns Regiment be disbanded at Newmarket on Thursday the tenth of june next; and those who engage for Ireland to march to ●ot●sham to receive orders. Of this Regiment there is 580 already engaged now at Evesholm. Resolved, &c. That Col. Sir Hardresse Wallers Regiment at huntingdon be disbanded on Saturday the twelfth of june next, and those who engage for Ireland to march to Thrapston to receive orders. Resolved, &c. That Col. Hammonds Regiment be disbanded at Bedford on Tuesday the fifteenth of june next, and those who engage for Ireland to march to Newport-Pag●ell to receive orders. Resolved, &c. That Col. Ingoldsbies Regiment be disbanded at Woodstock on Friday the fourth of june next, and those who engage for Ireland to march to Chipping-Norton. Resolved, &c. That Field-marshall Skippons Regiment at Newcastle be taken on for Ireland, and march according to his orders. Resolved, &c. That the money for disbanding of all these Regiments, and also for the fortnights pay for those that shal go to Ireland be conveyed under a strong guard to the several places of rendezvous, to be there the day before the day of disbanding. Resolved, &c. That the general be desired to issue out his Orders to the several Regiments to be at the several places and times of rendezvous respectively. And that himself will be there present to see them disbanded. As likewise Field-marshall Skippon, who is then to take on such of them as will go for Ireland. And that in regard the Regiment of Col. Ingoldsby lies off from the rest, and is to be disbanded at Woodstock the fourth of June next, That the general be desired to sand some Officer thither to see them disbanded. Resolved, &c. That the several Captains of every Company bring a List of their company under their hands to the place of rendezvous appointed for disbanding, wherein the name of every soldier in that company shall be expressed. Resolved, &c. That where it shall appear that any of the Souldiers have not two moneths pay due to them, that so much be abated as shall be found to come short of it. Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Army to consider of Instructions for stating the arrears and accounts of the Souldiers of this Army: And how debenters shall be given them for so much as shall appear justly due upon their accounts. Resolved, &c. That all commission Officers shall receive their particular debenters upon their account made by the Committee and Treasurers of the Army abovesaid. Resolved, &c. That the Excise in course shall be the security to be given for the payment of the arrears of the inferior Officers and common Souldiers, and that the commission Officers shall be paid out of the state of Delinquents in the first exceptions, not yet disposed of: And that the Committee of the Army do prepare and bring in Ordinances to this purpose. Resolved, &c. That a Committee of Lords and Commons be appointed to go down and be assisting to the general in this service of disbanding of the Army. Resolved, &c. That the Committee of Lords and Commons appointed to go down to the Army shall in the head of every Regiment at their disbanding give them the thanks of the Houses for their faithful service to the Parliament J. Brown clear. Parliamentorum. Die Veneris, 28 Maii. 1647. Rosolved by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, THat the several Troops in the particular Counties of Leicestershire, Shopshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, warwickshire, and Northamptonshire, do make up one Regiment under the command of Col. Needham, and be one of the Regiments that is to be kept up in the kingdom of England. Resolved, &c. That the Generals own Regiment of horse shall be one of the regiments that is to be kept up in the Kingdom of England. Resolved, &c. That Col. Greaves Regiment shall be one of the Regiments of horse that is to be kept up in the kingdom of England. Resolved, &c. That mayor Twisleton be colonel of Col. Rossiters Regiment; and that that Regiment be one of the Rements of horse that is to be kept up in the kingdom of England. Resolved, &c. That Col. Whaleys Regiment be one of the Regiments of horse that is to be kept up in the kingdom of England. Resolved, &c. That Lieut. general Cromwels Regiment, under the commnnd of mayor huntingdon as colonel, shall be one of the Regiments of horse that is to be kept up in the kingdom of England. Resolved, &c. That an hundred Horse and an hundred Dragoons shall be kept up for the safety of North-wales, under mayor Gen. Mitton, to be commanded in chief by the general, as other Horse kept up in the kingdom are. Resolved, &c. That an hundred Horse and an hundred Dragoons shall be kept up for the safety of south-wales, under mayor Gen. Laughorne, to be commanded in chief by the general, as other Horse kept up in the kingdom are. J. Brown, clear. Parliamentorum. FINIS.