Die Jovis 24o. Julij, 1645. ORdered by the Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT, That in regard those soldiers taken prisoners by Sir Thomas Fairfax, which have cheerfully listed themselves for the Service of the Parliament against those bloody and barbarous Rebels of Ireland, could not possibly be yet transported into that kingdom, have for their necessary sustenance all that charitable benevolence collected for them, by virtue of the Order of the Commons assembled in Parliament of 27o. Junij, 1645. That upon Sunday next, being a day of Thanksgiving and great rejoicing, for several blessings bestowed upon this kingdom; That all the Ministers of the several Churches and chapels within the Cities of London and Westminster, Lines of Communication, and the Weekly bills of Mortality, be especially desired, both in the forenoon and afternoon of the next Lord's day, to move effectually their respective Congregations, to contribute their Charity towards the relief and transportation of those soldiers, which are willing to adventure their Lives in so pious and honourable employment. And all such moneys as shall be collected by the respective Officers and Churchwardens for this Service, shall be paid over on Monday next, to Alderman Bunce, Alderman Kenrick, and the rest of the Treasurers appointed to receive the fourscore thousand Pounds upon the late Ordinance for Ireland. And the Committees for the Adventurers for Ireland, sitting at Grocers-Hall, are desired to give their best assistance for the advancing of this charitable Contribution, which shall be issued out for the relief of the said soldiers, in such manner as by warrant from the Committee of Prisoners shall be from time to time directed. Hen. Elsing. Cler. Parl. D. Com.