THE Saving Grace OF GOD Owned, and Scripturally ASSERTED. To Remove Dark and Atheistical Contradiction thereunto. For Particular and General Information. For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all Men. Titus 2.11. LONDON, Printed for Thomas Northcott, in George Yard in Lombard-Street. 1693. My near Relations, and other Kindred, and loving Neighbours, and other Friends,( living in and adjacent to, this City of Gloucester; who are in Community with, and Hearers of, your Pastor and Teacher, James Forbes; This following Treatise, is to you in a particular manner Directed and Recommended; desiring that the same, in the Love and Fear of the Lord,( and voided of prejudice) may be Received, red, and Considered. FOrasmuch as some opposite Writing happened here to be, concerning the Saving Grace of God in Men, and herein, I being charged, as holding a grossly ●rronious, yea Heretical, Atheistical, and ●lasphemous Principle; because denying the ●aid Grace to be a Creature; and which not ●et in the least being convinced of; but still firmly believing it of right belongs to my Opposer( the person abovementioned, your Teacher) and who still standing in the same Belief, as he lately signified. Therefore,( not in Envy to him, but being hearty desirous that Truth may take place and prevail) it hath seemed good to me,( and could not otherwise be well clear in myself, it resting so with me) to Transcribe the said Lines, and so give forth( for your Information, Contemplation, and Satisfaction) a true Relation, methodically of the Rice, and present state of the Case; which hereafter follows, with some other Lines added in unfeigned Love, and the same( though my Love is Universal to all, and so no one is excluded hereby, yet) thus more especially presented to you, my near Relations in the Flesh, &c. whom my Soul loves, and for whom, my Hearts desire, and Prayer to God for you( as for myself) is, that you may be saved, and come unto the Knowledge of the Truth, as it is in Jesus; or rightly to Believe in, and know Christ by his Saving Divine Grace, or Holy Spirit to be within you, your Hope of Glory and Crown of Rejoicing. Now then first as to the occasion of this said Writing, you may briefly hereby understand, that upon Joseph howel and his Wife, their leaving your Society, and coming over to, and in some degree joining in Fellowship with us, the People called Quakers( for she as yet was not fully( as I take it) resolved in her self) And two of your Members, viz. Daniel Bryan and Jonathan Green giving her a Visit( as they( and others) had some time before her Husband) to Discourse with her, to endeavour ( its like) to satisfy her doubts, and recover her, and so not to fully forsake your Fellowship of Breaking of Bread, &c. And two of our Friends( not of this City) coming into the House at the same time, and Discourse about some points of Religion, arising between them; it was by Jonathan Green( when treating then of the Saving Grace of God) declared, that the same was but a Creature, which being zealously opposed; and J. G. after his return home, upon turning to his Author, finding it in Print Asserted; and reckoning it sufficient to do the business, he thereupon transcribes it, and the next Night comes to my House with it, inquiring for our two Friends( they Lodging here) and I signifying to him, that they were gone out of Town, he thereupon spoken, that whereas last Night there was some Discourse about the Grace of God, he had farther considered upon it, and here are some Lines to prove it to be but a Creature, which he brought that they might see it, &c. but since they are gone, here you may have it, if you will,( or to this effect) making offer of the Paper to me; who taking it of him, and after our parting, reading it, and turning to the Texts cited to maintain what was asserted, and not finding them answer at all( that I conceived) the end thereof; and considering thereupon, I did a few days after go to his House; who soon after I came in, and some short Discourse first passed, he began to speak again of this point, signifying, that whereas he was not when the Discourse was first, very positive of the matter he then mentioned touching Grace, but afterward he finding it so laid down in a Book, therefore he did writ them Lines out, that he delivered before to me; I thereupon asked him to let me see that Book, who at that instant refused, but soon after, his Wife( who was present) saying the Book was in the House, he then reached it, and delivered it to me, showing me the place, where I found it to be according to his Copy; I then viewed the Title page., where I found it styled, The Touchstone of Sincerity, or the Signs of Grace, &c. being the 2d. part of The Saint Indeed. By John Flavell, Minister of Christ. Devon. So speaking something of the Man that I knew him— and that I supposed he was a noted Preacher among them, ( viz. independents) and Jonathan Green and his Wife owning he was, and that he was a very good Man, &c. I then spoken, whatever he was in other things, I did believe he was greatly out in this point, of asserting the Saving Grace of God to be a Creature, &c. But they both still Believing that it was, because so said in this Book; I thereupon produced his Paper,( which he copied out, and before delivered me) and( there being no Name to it) proposed to him( since he was of that Belief) to put his Name to it; and if Daniel Bryan was of the same Faith, that he would carry it to him, that he may also Sign it, and likewise that if Ja. Forbes was one with him in it, that he would get him to Subscribe it, and then an Answer to it they might expect; so he took the Paper, and said he would do something therein, &c. And so a few days after, he came to me again, speaking that he had done according to his promise to me, and here( saith he) is the Book; The Book I have seen already,( I replied) but where is the Paper with your Names to it, which he not producing, I thereupon Queried, whether he D. B. and J. F. were of the Belief that the Grace of God given to Men( according to the Lines in his Paper) was but a Creature; he acknowledged that himself, and D. B. were, and at last, upon our parting, upon further urging it, did also, that J. F. was; so upon my sending to him after for the said Paper, he sent it me( but not Signed) which is Verbatim as follows, Viz. IS Saving Grace more Precious than Gold, let them that have it, bless God for it, and not boast; Mens Hearts are as apt to puff up, and swell with spiritual, as with material Gold; It is hard to be owner of much of this Gold, and not to be lifted up with it, to keep down thy Heart, and preserve thine Eyes from being dazzled with these thy gracious Excellencies. It will be needful for Thee Christian sometimes to consider, that although Grace be one of the most excellent things that ever God Created, yet it is but a Creature, a dependent Thing, 2 Cor. 5.17. Yea it is not only a Creature, but a very imperfect Creature, yet in thy Soul labouring under many Weaknesses, Phil. 3.12. And sometimes ready to die, Rev. 3.2. Though it can do many things for you, yet it cannot justify you before God; you cannot make a Garment of it, to cover your Guilt, nor pled the Dignity of it at Gods Bar, for your Discharge, it is not your Inherent, but Christs Imputed Righteousness must do that for you, though in other respects it be very necessary. Nay, remember how excellent soever it be, itis not the Native growth and product of your Hearts, all the Grace you have, it is Foreign to your Natures, and what you have is received, 1 Cor. 4.7. And lastly, Remember he that is most Proud and Conceited of his own Graces, will be found to be the owner of least Grace, and hath most cause to question whether he have any or no; It is the Nature of Grace to humble, abase and empty the Soul; and itis the strength of our Corruptions, which thus puffs us up with Vain Conceits. These few Lines( adds Jonathan Green) are suitable I think, to convince all of you, what was discoursed on last Night. So, shortly after I sent some Lines in reply thereto, and by word of mouth, by my Servant to J. G. premised, and desired, that if an Answer was returned to mine, and Ja. F. concerned therein, that he would put his Name thereto,( expecting that what was done would be by his Authority) that so in plainness I might be sensible thereof; which Reply, was also as solloweth, viz. Loving Neighbour Jonathan Green. THe Lines thou delivered me,( which thou didst think suitable, to Convince all of us, what was discoursed on lately by us) I have perused, and not finding them satisfactory, nor so much as suitable, with respect of Proof, That the Divine Grace of God is a Creature; therefore have returned some Lines in Answer thereto, in order that you, that hold the same, who were then our Opposers, may be convinced of that Enormous, and( I believe) grossly Blasphemous Opinion; and come( not only to talk a great deal of Grace) but really to have true Faith in it, as the perfect Gift of God; and thereby see him, whom you have pierced in his Spiritual Appearance, and Mourning for it, and for the future Obediently following of it, may Witness Mercy from God, and the pure Virtue thereof, truly sensibly, to replenish your Souls to your Divine Satisfaction in the Lord, that so you with us, and we with you, may acceptably praise him together, who is right worthy thereof for Evermore. Amen. Is Saving Grace( say You * It being in the Paper and Book you own and stand by; therefore I say YOU. more Precious than Gold, let them that have it, bless God for it, and not Boast. Answer. Yea certainly Saving Grace is more Precious, and infinitely more Valuable than Gold; and it is not comparable thereto; yet God in the Riches of his Love to Mankind, hath made it common to all, that thereby( through true Faith therein, and Obedience thereto) they might Die to Sin, and Live to him; who therefore ought to be Blessed for it, and so not vainly to Boast, yet may plainly in Humility, confess and bear Testimony thereto, on behalf thereof. Mens Hearts( say you) are as apt to puff up, and swell with spiritual as with material Gold; it is hard to be owner of much of this Gold, and not to be lifted up with it, to keep down thy Heart, and preserve thine Eyes from being dazzled with these thy gracious Excellencies. Answ. Though Man is apt to be puffed up with what he knoweth and witnesseth; and that its hard( by reason of the strong and cunning workings of satan, that envies our Happiness, &c.) to keep the Heart down from being lifted up, &c. and that Man of himself cannot do it, yet the aforesaid Divine Grace of God, is able to do it for Man, and doth it, as Man truly keeps under the Government thereof. It will be needful for thee Christian, sometimes to Consider( say you) That although Grace be one of the most excellent things that ever God Created, yet it is but a Creature, a dependent Thing, 2 Cor. 5.17. Yea it is not only a Creature, but a very imperfect one; yet in thy Soul labouring under many weaknesses, Phil. 3.12. And sometimes ready to die, Rev. 3.2. Answ. Indeed I here stand amazed, that any one Professing Christianity, and the Holy Scriptures( which we dearly own and honour) to be their only Rule, should be so unlike a true Christian, as contrary thereto, to Assert,( and others to believe) that those three foregoing Texts cited, proves the Divine Grace of God given to Man, to be a Creature, yea a very imperfect Creature, and ready to die; and yet own it to be Saving; when in Truth, they are so far from being pertinent to the point, that they have not direct relation thereto, neither of the Ver●es making mention thereof; the first speak●ng of the New Creature in Christ, which is not the Grace itself, for that is a distinct Thing, and by and through the Divine assistance thereof, the Creature, who is a depen●ant Thing, comes to be made new. The ●econd Text makes not mention neither of ●his Grace, as that it is a very Imperfect Creature; but speaks only particularly of ●auls then attaimment, and what he then fol●owed or prest after. Neither doth the last Text( which was written to the Angel( o● Minister) of the Church of Sardis) wherein he is exhorted to be Watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to Die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God) make out,( or prove) that this aforesaid Grace is sometimes ready to Die,( it being of, and from God, and in itself, perfect, and purely Divine and Immortal) But that those good Things,( and not that one Thing, the Grace or Spirit of God) that remained in that Church, that were ready to Die, might, through Watchfulness( and Obedience to the Grace appeared) be strengthened, and so they therein, Live, and Prosper to the Glory of God; For to that end the Grace of God that bringeth( observe) Salvation, hath appeared to all Men, Titus 2.11. For by Grace ye are Saved, through Faith( in it) and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, Eph. 2.5.8. And in it are accepted in the Beloved, chap. 1.6. which Gift is perfect, Ja. 1.17.( and so not imperfect) And the Apostle Paul, by the Lord was assured, it was sufficient for him, 2 Cor. 12.9. And therefore it was beseecht, not to receive the Grace of God( observe) in vain, 2 Cor. 6.1.( which was received from Christ, who was full of Grace and Truth, John 1.14, 15, 16.) Nor fall from your steadfastness, but grow in Grace, &c. 2 Pet. 3.17.18. Singing with Grace in the heart to the Lord, Col. 3.16. Which places, I desire may be perused seriously, and considered weightily, and the Lord clear up your Understandings therein, unto a right sensible Experimental knowledge thereof, unto real Consolation, and assured Satisfaction. Though( say you) it can do many things for you, yet it cannot justify you before God. Ans. This is quiter contrary also to your professed only Rule, red Titus 3.5.6, 7. You cannot( say you) make a Garment of it to cover your guilt.( Who saith we can? say I) Nor pled the Dignity of it( say you) at Gods Bar for your Discharge. Ans.( So say I) except we Answer the end of this Spirit of Grace being given us; which is to be lead thereby, Titus 2.12. Rom. 8.14. which if we do in faithfulness, then Christ hath promised, that he will confess us before his Father which is in Heaven, Mat. 10.32. It is not( say you) your Inherent, but Christs Imputed Righteousness, must do that for you, though in other respects it be very necessary. Ans. Its very necessary that we have the Righteousness of Christ wrought in us through our Subjection to this Grace and Spirit of God( who worketh in us, both to will, and to do, of his own good Pleasure, Phil. 2.13.) Otherwise we cannot justly expect, that Christ Righteousness will be imputed to us, to our Discharge. Nay remember how excellent soever it be( say you) it s not the Native growth and product of your Hearts; all the Grace you have, it is Foreign to your Natures, and what you have, is received, 1 Cor. 4.7. Ans. This being true, therefore herein we agree, but then why as before, was Grace and the Creature jumbled or joined so together, as if it was but one thing. The Grace given by God, and received by good Men is acknowledged not to be of or from our own Natures; but of a Divine and never Dying Nature; And as none became Sons of God, that did not in the Love of the Truth, receive Christ, and believe in his Name, in the days of his appearing in the Flesh, Jo. 1.12. So none doth now, but such as so receive him in his Spiritual Appearance, and are lead by the same, Rom. 8. And lastly( say you) remember he that is most Proud, and Conceited of his own Graces, will be found to be the owner of least Grace, and hath most cause to question whether he hath any or no; It is the Nature of Grace to humble, abase, and empty the Soul; and itis the strength of our Corruptions, which thus puffs us up with vain Conceits. Ans. Therefore then that we may not be so puffed up, or be Proud or Conceited of our own Graces and virtues( as you say) how necessary is it, to rightly and fully believe in this Divine Grace, which God giveth for a Guide; and is of his own Holy Nature, to humble, abase, and empty the Soul, &c. which that I may unto the End; and you may now so begin; and we all constantly in Obedience follow the same, are the sincere desires of Thy real Friend herein John eliot. 18th day 3d Month called May 1692. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines, for it is a good thing, that the Heart be established with Grace, not with Meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. Heb. 13.9. But Receive with meekness the engrafted word,( or the word, that is grafted in you) which is able to save your Souls. James 1.21. Now about a Month or Five weeks after, J. G. comes to me with this following Answer( but first called upon the above Joseph Howel and his Wife, and reads it to them, just before it was delivered to me; and I then desired to know whether Ja. F. was the Author of it( or concerned in it) but he would not let me know, signifying he would not Answer thereto, &c. Viz. Loving Neighbour John eliot, I have diligently and carefully perused thy Paper, which thou didst intend for an Answer to, and a confutation of what I sent unto thee; I cannot in Conscience but let thee know, that I am so far from embracing thy Sen●iments and Apprehensions, concerning the nature of Grace, that I am at a greater distance from them than before; and by Divine Assistance am fully fixed in my purpose, to Live and die in my present persuasion, as to this particular, to wit, That whatever Grace is inherent in any Mortal here below, is a mere Creature; yea it is and will continue in a state of Imperfection, during our Pilgrimage in this World; And I will lay before thee some few Scriptural Considerations, which are to me Demonstrative Proofs of the Truth which I Assert and Believe. The Lord make them useful, for giving thee a sight of that grossly erroneous, yea Heretical, and Atheistical Principle, that Grace in Man, in all Men, is not a Creature. 1. The Angels in Heaven, when first they were made by the Great and Glorious Jehova, had Grace in Perfection according to their Capacities; some of them have persevered in that Estate in which they were Originally placed: Others of them have Irrecoverably and Eternally Lost all the Grace they had, 2 Pet. 2.4. judas 6 verse. The Angels which kept not their first Estate, but left their own Habitation, he hath reserved in Everlasting Chains, under Darkness, unto the judgement of the great Day. Therefore Grace is a Creature, a mere Creature, and an imperfect Creature, that could not secure the Possessors thereof, against a Total and Final apostasy. 2. Adam who was the First Man that God made, had such a Perfection of Grace, as was suitable to his Primitive State: He had more Grace than any mere Man that hath been from that day unto this, yea more than All of them put together; and yet he lost all that Grace that he had, there was not the least grain of it remaining, after his eating the Forbidden Fruit; And that ever to be Lamented grand Fall of his, proved not only Fatal to himself, but also to the whole Race of Mankind; compare Gen. 1.26. with Eccles. 7.29. God made Man upright, but they have sought out many Inventions. Rom. 5.12. By one man Sin entred into the World, and Death by Sin. Rom. 3.10. There is none Righteous, no not one, v. 23. All have Sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. 3. If Grace that is in Man be not a Creature, then it is an Increated Being, and consequently God, for there is no middle Being between Created and Increated. There is but one Increated Being, the Lord Jehova, the Living and True God; This one Increated Being was from Eternity, the sole self-existing Being, whose Being was from himself; and from whom, all in Heaven and Earth have their Being, Gen. 1.1. As in the Beginning of Time, this Increated Being, gave Existence to All in Heaven and Earth, so he upholds all things by the Word of his Power, Heb. 1.3. Its in him we Live, Move, and have our Being, Acts 17.28. He is the supreme governor of the Universe: He humbleth himself to behold the things that are done in Heaven and in Earth, Psal. 113.6. The Eyes of his Providence run to and fro throughout the Earth, and he shows himself strong in behalf of them, whose heart is perfect toward him, 2 Chron. 16.9. The Heaven is his Throne, the Earth is his Footstool, Isa. 66.1. Heaven, yea the Heaven of Heavens, cannot contain him, 1 Kings 8.27. All virtues, Graces, Excellencies, and Perfections which are in Creatures, are from him, James 1.1. But his Infinite, Incomprehensible Essence, is Incommunicable to Creatures. The highest and best of Angels and Men, are but Creatures, originally near akin to nothing, but when advanced to the highest degree of Dignity and Perfection they are capable of, they cannot be Increated Beings, for then they would be Gods, which is impossible. Whatever Grace or Perfection is in Angels and Men, is from God, and in its kind an excellent Gift of God; but all such Things are only Emanations from the only Infinite Ocean of Goodness, God himself; but they cannot become Increated Beings, for then they would be Gods many, which to Assert, is plain down right Blasphemy, 1 Cor. 8.5, 6. For though there be that are called Gods, whether in Heaven or in Earth, as there be Gods many, and Lords many; But to us, there is but one God the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. 4. If there be not enough in all this, to convince Thee of this gross Error and Blasphemy of thine, but thou wilt still Exalt something within Thee, unto an Equality with God, and that it must be No Creature, but an Increated Being; Call it by what Name thou wilt, The Grace of God within Thee and others, the Light that is in Thee and others, Christ or the Spirit within Thee and others, I will take leave to make an Address to this Great Nothing within Thee and others, Thus, O Thou Grace that art in John eliot and others, Thou assumes and arrogates ●o thyself, the Honour of being an Increated Being, and canst not bear to be called a Creature, ●ouldst thou have me and others to give Credit ●nto what thou sayest of thyself, and believe in Thee, as the Eternal Jehova? We make bold to ●cquire some Proof of thy Divinity; If thou art that thou dost Vauntingly give out thyself to and, then thou art both Omniscient and Omnipo●ent; thou knowest all things, and thou canst do ●ll things; Resolve us some few Questions, which ●f thou dost, we will Honour Thee more than yet and have done; if thou cannot, be advised for the ●uture, to debase thyself to the Dust, lay aside by Luciferian Arrogance; be content to move in be Sphere and Orb of Creatures, yea ever after his, acknowledge thyself to be a poor Imperfect ●reature; O Thou who exalts thyself to be an Increated Being in John eliot and others; if thou art in reality what thou art a Pretender to, Let us know it by this; Tell us if thou canst the Names, and the exact Number of the Stars in the Firmament. 2. Tell us the Names of all the Men, Women and Children that have been, are, and shall be on the Earth. 3. Tell us the most Secret Thoughts of all in the World at this Instant. 4. Dost thou understand and can speak all Languages in use among all Nations; let us hear thee speak Hebrew, Syriack, arabic, Greek, Latin, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian. 5. Tell us if thou canst the Names, and Virtues, of all Herbs, Vegetables, Minerals, and Precious Stones. 6. Canst thou work Miracles, show us thy Power, in causing the Sun to stand still, or go backward, raise some one or other from the Dead. 7. Canst thou unfold all the Mysteries of Religion contained in the Sacred Scriptures; and give us an infallible Interpretation of all such difficult Texts as are hard to be understood; Bless the World so as to give them an Interpretation of the last 10 Chapters of Ezechiel; of Daniel 2. from ver. 31. to the 46. of the whole 7 and 8 Chapters of Daniel; of Daniel 9 chap. v. 25, 26, 27. of the whole 11 Chap. of Daniel. Of Daniel 12. v. 11, 12. What is understood by the 1290 days, and 1335 days, when did they begin, and when is their End; what are we to understand by the 42 Months, and 1260 days, Rev. 11.2.3. when did they commence, and when is their period, declare to us if thou canst, the Mystery of the 7 Vyals, Rev. 16. We are told 2 Pet. 3.10. that the World that now is, will be destroyed with Fire, as the Old World in Noah's time was destroyed with Water; The day is a coming, in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great Noise, and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burnt up; what Year, what Month, what day of the Month will this prophecy have its accomplishment. If thou dost consider the way that Elijah took to convince the Priests and worshippers of Baal, that the God whom they worshipped was no God, 1 Kings 18.23, 24. Thou hast no cause to be offended with me, for posing that within thee, with such hard Questions, v. 27. And it came to pass at Noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud, for he is a God, either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a Journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be Awaked. I will conclude this Head, with the Recital of Isa. 41.21, 22, 23, 24. Produce your Cause saith the Lord, bring forth your strong Reasons, saith the King of Jacob; let them bring them forth, and show us what shall happen, Let them show the former things what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come: show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are Gods, yea do good, or do Evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together. Behold ye are of nothing, and your work of nought, an Abomination is he that chooseth you, Psal. 82.6.7. I have said ye are Gods, and all of you are Children of the most High, But ye shall die like Men, and fall like one of the Princes. If that which is in Thee, Teaches Thee no better in other things than it doth in this, as to the nature of Inherent Grace, I may very pertinently and to good purpose, make use of the words of Christ, Mat. 6.23. If therefore the Light that is in Thee be Darkness, how great is that Darkness. Jonathan Green. Now I upon consideration of the Style, &c. of this Answer, concluding it to be above J. G. attaimment, and to be the work of Ja. F. himself, thereupon went to a Neighbour Friend, and desired him to go with me to J. F. and when come to Speech with him, I told him, that three days before I received some Lines Signed by J. G. the last two days my occasions called me forth of Town, but now being at leisure, have thought good to come to him, desiring of him to be so plain, as to let me know whether he was not the Author of them. To which he refused to give me a plain Answer; but owned the matter contained therein; and furthermore declared, that show it to all your Friends( or to whom I would) he would stand by it, &c. So then this ensuing Rejoinder I shortly after drew up, and sent to him, viz. James Forbes, As I was in myself satisfied, that the former Lines, or at least Book, out of which they were Transcribed, was delivered to me( if not by thy Direction) with thy Approbation,( as being one in Belief therewith) though thy Name was not thereto; so was I likewise with respect to these last Lines, that thou thyself was the Author of them; though still lay hidden, and not fairly appearing, signing thereof,( as was desired that thou wouldst, if an Answer was returned to my Lines, and thou concerned therein) but the same only Signed as if only written by J. G. who, itis probable, according to the Old Proverb, too much Pins his Faith upon thy Sleeve; and was not I suppose first( if since) truly so concerned in Conscience( as itis written) to certify me, that he was at a greater distance than before, from my Sentiments and Apprehensions concerning the Nature of Grace; but he as a poor Sheep lead and governed by thee his shepherd( if not Oracle) in doing what thou thought needful, or most convenient; and so supposing I say the Case to be, therefore have I judged it most proper, to leave him, that so moves by, or under Thee( that art I question not, the principal person concerned therein, though upon applying to thee, for an acknowledgement thereof, thou wouldst not freely or plainly in Honesty confess thereto,( as became thee) but endeavoured to wave it, and undiscover thyself, though afterward in Discourse, sufficient was spoken, to satisfy that thou wast what,( as aforesaid) was believed of thee) and particularly to writ to thyself, to vindicate my former, and Answer thy late Lines. Now then, whereas in your first Paper, it was written( as asserted long since by thy Deceased Brother Preacher; and concurred with now by you) That Saving Grace was a Creature, &c. And some Scriptures were cited to prove it, I upon Consideration on the point, and examination of the Scriptures produced, not being Convinced( according as the last words in that Paper thought( as 'tis expressed) suitable to do) that the said Principle was consonant to Christianity,( but rather grossly Blasphemous( nor the said Scriptures cited, pertinent to prove it,( but rather grossly wrested therein) therefore did draw up them lines, to manifest( in some measure) the same; wherein I believed according to that little Understanding and Experience God hath been pleased to give me, I had sufficiently done it: proving the contrary plainly, by divers express pertinent Texts,( without far fetched Consequences) and by thy reply thereto, am not in the least yet otherwise minded; but looks upon it, that thy own Ignorance, yea, I believe gross error, heresy, Atheism, and Blasphemy therein, in relation thereto, is greatly manifested, instead of the same( contrariwise) upon me in the least proved; Thy Lines in substance, being in my account so very weak( though in thy own, I find very weighty) that I look upon them, to be but little of an Answer to mine,( much less so full a one, as might have been expected from one of thy Age, Parts, and Profession, if thou wast in the right, and I in the wrong) They not so much as particularly touching upon, much less not making appear, that I was clearly out, with respect to my sense, and plain pertinent Scripture places, produced to prove, what I hold to be a certain glorious Truth( even the Life of Truth) and thy own to be a gross error, &c. Viz. That the Holy, Ever-blessed, Divine, Saving Grace of God in Men, is not a mere Creature. But to prove that it is, Thou Writest,( for so I believe( and thou hast not denied it) which if it be otherwise, if thou writ a Reply hereto, be pleased then to signify it) that thou wilt lay before me, some few Scriptural Considerations, which are to thee,( and not to J. G.) demonstrative proofs of the Truth which thou dost Assert and Believe. The first Consideration( and the second is near alike) is from 2 Pet. 2.4. and judas v. 6. The Angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness, unto the judgement of the great day. Therefore( sayest thou) Grace is a Creature, a mere Creature, and an imperfect Creature, that could not secure the possessors thereof, against a total and final apostasy. Now this Conclusion from the said Texts, is, to me, as wild and foreign, as the three Verses that were laid down in the former Paper, out of the Book, were there, to prove the same; and both deemed not at all pertinent to the purpose,( which as to the former three Verses I demonstrated, and the same still stands over thee, not being in thy Answer Opposed, much less Confuted) For if it be Irrational to conclude, that a Master is unable to teach his Scholars what he knows, because they obstinately refuse, or not regard to be taught by him: But in their self-wills, choose rather wickedly,( or in some respect otherwise) to be exercised, and concerned; so is it likewise as unreasonable,( not to say much more) that Saving Divine Grace in Men, could not sufficiently Instruct, or was incapable to secure the possessors thereof, against( or from) a total and final apostasy. The Cause being( as not in the Masters disability, so) not in the Grace it's insufficiency, to have taught, and secured( or preserved) them in their first Estate,( or State they were first placed in) but as it's plain from the said Verses, through their Sinning; or not keeping their Habitation, but leaving it, in harkening to, and following of satan, the Enemy of the Souls salvation( who inwardly also, endeavours to draw from God, or from Grace, which is his inward Spiritual Appearance) and turning the Grace of God into Lasciviousness, ( or from the Grace of God into Wantonness) which some are said in the very same Epistle of judas, vers. 4. to have done,( as innumerable others at this day do) whereas, if they had( on the contrary) kept their Habitation they at first were placed in, through their keeping in obedience to the Grace that had appeared to them,( and was in them) according to Titus 2.11. They undoubtedly, with the same Apostle Paul, would then have witnessed, that the said Grace would have been sufficient for them, as he did that it was for him, 2 Cor. 12.9. Therefore Man's apostasy, and Destruction is of himself, through rebelling against the Light, or disobedience to the Grace Hos. 13.9. Job 24.13. And not in God,( or defect in his Grace) who will( or would) have all Men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the Truth, 1 Tim. 2.4. The Third Consideration is, If Grace that is in man be not a Creature, then it is an Increated Being, and consequently God, &c. And so, so many Persons that have it, even so many Gods, which to Assert( saith he) is plain down-right Blasphemy; and to prove it, cites 1 Cor. 8.5, 6.( For though there be that are called Gods, whether in Heaven or in Earth, as there be Gods many, and Lords many, &c.) Which neither is not, that I see, relative to the Case; except thou canst prove, this pure Grace of God, testified to, to be an Idol, or wholly distinct or altogether separate from God( which having not yet done; thou mayest try what thou canst do, to do it better in thy next, if thou writ again) Therefore in the interim, I rest in my Belief; That the said Grace is not an Idol, nor a Creature; but Increated, being of, and from God, the great Creator: and of his Divine Saving Nature, Ephes. 2.5.8. Tit. 2.11. But yet, not the only entire God, Eternal Jehova, or whole, Infinite, Incomprehensible Essence,( for if so, then indeed there would be Gods many) But as he is the high and lofty One, that inhabiteth Eternity, he also dwelleth with him that is of a contrite and humble Spirit. Isaiah 57.15. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you, 1 Cor. 16.17. and 6.19. and 2 Cor. 6.16. and John 14.20. You in me, and I in you. I in them, and thou in me, John 17.23. And that( observe) by the Spirit of Grace,( as worded) Zech. 12.10. Heb. 10.29. Or( which is one and the same) the Comforter, even the Spirit of Truth, John 14.16, 17. Therefore God is a Spirit, John 4.24. 2 Cor. 3.17. And as he gave not his Spirit to his Son Christ Jesus by measure, John 3.34. But he was full of Grace and Truth, John 1 14. And of his fullness have all we received, ver. 16. Col. 1.19. For the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every Man to profit withall, 1 Cor. 12.7. And it shall come to pass in the last days( saith God, Joel 2.28.) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flesh, Acts 2.17. And this is known in the Hearts of the Sons of God, Gal. 4.6. And if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,( in Belief and Unity with it) he is none of his, Rom. 8.9. But a Reprobate( it's said) 2 Cor. 13.5. If he hath finned out the day of his Visitation. Till then, this measure of the Holy Spirit poured forth, or given to profit with, doth reprove( or convince) the World of Sin, John 16.18. And to Instruct the Rebellious, Neh. 9.20. Which Reproofs of Instruction( the Wise Man said) are the way of Life, Prov. 6.23. ☞ Now by these Scriptures( not to mention many more that might be enumerated, that are of the same tendency) it is very apparent, that though this Measure, be not the fullness: or the whole entire Essence; yet it is of God, in a measure of his own Spirit( which is not distinct therefrom, but is one with it, 1 Jo. 5.7. And therein Communicable to men) and so not a Creature, but Increated, proceeding from God, the Infinite Ocean of Goodness( that can never be drawn dry) And such an Emanation I own it to be, as flowing or issuing therefrom: and so consequently is the same in quality: As the Stream of a River from the Spring-head, or Fountain, is in quality with the River or Fountain from whence it proceeds: And as the outward Sun gives Light, or shines upon all Persons to their Benefit, and yet remains in his Essence; so much more doth the Son of Righteousness, inwardly by his Spirit, shine in the Hearts( in some degree) of all Persons for their Advantage; and yet is God's Being in Heaven, yet not only Circumscribed there, for the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him, 1 Kings 8.27. And as the first of these Comparisons are in both respects natural, or of one and the same nature; So is the latter, of one and the same Nature also, viz. Divine Nature; and so Divinely Spiritual; the least being so in its Degree, as well as the greatest: As the Water( as abovesaid) is one with the Fountain it flows from. And as Man believes in, and obeys, this Spiritual Appearance of God within, he thereby becomes truly Spiritual( and cannot without it be so) so if he do, yet in it's highest advance in Dignity,( as it's owned, that all Perfections, Excellencies, Gifts, Graces, or Virtues, as Faith, Hope, Charity, &c. that are the Effects, or Product of the Spirit of God, or of Grace, are not Increated Beings: So is it likewise acknowledged, that the best Mortal Man in being) is but a Creature; and therefore it was very superfluous, and shallow to mention( as if it was otherwise believed by me) that Angels or Men, could not be created Beings: But then it doth not follow, that the aforesaid Divine Grace, is a Creature: or cannot be an Increated Being; That being a different Thing, and of another Nature, viz. Divine: The which being in this, and my former. Paper proved, though not( as thou wrongs me) exalted to be Equal( in Degree) with God( as in thy Fourth Consideration) And also, not being yet ever the more convinced by thy lines, of gross error, Blasphemy, in holding that the aforesaid Grace is not a Creature; but believing that those that are really Spiritual( that through a Belief in it, and Love to it, have known the precious Virtue that is in it) will readily concur with me, that rather it is really on thy part: Or thou art the Person that ought to be charged therewith, as guilty thereof. Therefore these things considered( with thy Nature, and Spirit thou art in, and acted by, in further Blasphemously( and Disdainfully) calling this Grace, Great Nothing in me, and others,( and verbally in our late Discourse together, saying, That what was in wicked Men, or any Heathens, was nothing else but what was of the Devil) And also, by the Paper, If I mistake thee not, Thou art in thyself of that mind( in some measure) concerning us( and so secretly smiting at us) as the Prophet Elijah was to them in 1 Kings 18.23, 24. mentioned by thee, and so consequently I take it, therein comparing us to the Priests and Worshippers of Baal: And this Grace and Spirit of God in us, to Baal their God; as if this was our Idol, as that was theirs; and so as if the Case were alike, as the Prophet justly mocked them: Thou ventures thus( so far) to deride us; thereby showing thyself not to have right Sentiments of, nor truly( as thou oughts) to be lead by the Spirit of Grace; but following thy own Spirit, &c. in thy own Will; somewhat( if I may so speak it without offence) like thy Predecessors, the Pharisees of old, who as they were strict about outward things, so art thou: And as they would not receive Christ, or believe in his Name, when come in the Flesh, so wilt not thee( with others) now receive as thou ought, or believe in his Spiritual Appearance: Therefore would have thee consider, Whether that which Christ declared to them then, may not be now spoken to thee: For I say unto you, that except your Righteousness shall exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Matth. 5.20. And if thou dost consider what is before noted; and how I take( or understand) thee,( and that I reason not without good ground) touching the Reflection on us, and unequally and ungodlily comparing of Baal to God's Grace, as Idols equal, and both to be alike derided: Thou hast not sufficient or just cause I judge, to be offended with me, for thus expressing myself to thee) I say, all things aforesaid together considered, I may not herein, answer either of thy Interrogatories,( which are Mysteries, and not of necessity to Salvation to be known) but replies, that it will be more reasonably required: And that i● will be time enough to do, what Freedom is then to do therein, when thou hast plainly proved that the Saving Divine Grace of God, is a mere imperfect Creature; which I am satisfied, as thou hast not yet, so thou never canst; If thou thinks otherwise,( and will not forbear writing) then as it's expressed, Produce your Cause, saith the Lord: Bring forth your strong Reasons, saith the King of Jacob, Isa. 41.21. For these brought by you already, I'll assure thee, to me appears to be so weak, that I wonder at thy Ignorance in accounting them strong. That God who is Light, and dwells in the Light, would be pleased to convince thee of thy Darkness; and cause through thy right Belief in his Light, and following of it, that thou may become a Child of the Light, Jo. 12.36.( And so a better Obeyer of his Saving Universal Grace) is sincerely, fervently on thy behalf desired by me: who more properly( I believe) may very pertinently, and to good purpose( notwithstanding thy Learning, and long Teaching touching the nature of Inherent Saving Grace) make use of the words of Christ against thee, that in the Paper is against me; and more reason for it seeing thou dost not rightly believe in the Light,( and so must needs be in Darkness, though account thyself Light in the Lord) but highly vilifies it, and Blasphemes against it. Mat. 6.23. If therefore the Light that is in thee be Darkness, how great is that Darkness. John eliot. 20th 4th Month. 1692. The very Life of Christ, the Word, which was( and is) God, is the Light of Men: yea shining in Darkness uncomprehended.( viz. Christ) who is the true Light, illuminating every Man that cometh into the World. Compare John 1. and Verses. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to writ to you of the common Salvation, it was needful for me to writ unto you, and exhort you, that ye should earnestly contend for the Faith, which was once delivered to the Saints, judas 3. Quest. 1. If the Spirit of God( as thou verbally owned) is not a Creature; and some of the same Spirit be in thee( as thou confessed) then how is the same consistent with that Principle of thine, That there is nothing in Man that is Increated? Quest. 2. Since thou acknowledges, that thou hast some of the Spirit of God in thee, how wilt thou prove plainly, according to thy Notion therein, that the said Spirit comes to change, or be altered in its self, by being in thee? Quest. 3. Since thou rightly saith, That God is an Increated Being, and seeing the Scripture saith, That God by his Spirit is in Men; whether consequently it be not very plain, that something there be is Men that is Increated? Now I ordered my Servant to call upon J. Green, and let him know, that an Answer to the last Paper I had writ, and was going to be delivered to J. F. and that I would have him to go then with my Servant, and do hear it; who then not being at home.— And Daniel Bryan the next day( if I mistake not) passing by my House, I therefore told him of my last Answer, and I desired him to call upon J. G. and they go together to J. F. and hear it; who thereupon spake, as that he was satisfied, it was not what might properly be called an Answer; their Paper being unanswerable, &c. So since upon Speaking to my Mother, &c.( and her to my Uncle her Brother) and not understanding from her, or any other Person, whether or not, J. F. was still like minded herein: and somewhat expecting,( having desired) to be satisfied plainly; after long time, was told in substance, as that my Paper was looked upon, not to be worth taking notice of; but being still desirous in myself, to know certainly how it was with him, did therefore think good, he having two Books of mine, and I one of his,( after he sent to me for his Book) to sand to him( which was about the 20th of the precedent Month ( March) these Lines, Viz. JAmes Forbes, I have now here returned thy Book,( writ not from the tender Spirit of the Lamb, or in that Love that envieth not; as by the same it doth appear, and is by the Answer to it proved) and desire thee by the Bearer to sand Back my two, and a Line to satisfy me, whether thou art yet otherwise minded; or still fully fixed in the persuasion, that whatever Grace is in any Mortal here below, is a mere, and an imperfect Creature. Thy Friend John eliot. To this he replied by word of mouth to my Servant, that there was no need of writing, and that he was still the same Man( or of the same mind) for all my Books, which he then returned me. Relations and Friends, This I have faithfully transcribed to the best of my knowledge, what on either hand was written, not altering any part of J. F. his Lines; although that place where the Grace, Light, &c. is called Great Nothing, be incredible( to those his Hearers, that so spake to me) that ever he should so writ) As also,( though it's true, have for Brevity left out much of what was mentioned) have not that I remember given neither any thing of a false Relation of what was spoken) and now being hearty sorry, that so fundamental a Principle, viz. Christ within, by his Light, Life, Power, Spirit or Saving Grace( which are One; and inseparable from him the fullness) should be so by your Teacher rejected, disdained, scoffed, contemned and vilified, accounted an Idol, and called Great Nothing, instead of truly Believing, highly Esteeming, and faithfully following of it; as is by the holy Scriptures, Recommended, and Required; and is our indispensible Duty to be found in, as we tender God's Glory, and our everlasting Felicity. And being I wish well to the Souls of you, earnestly desiring that you may have right Sentiments, and greater Experience of this Divine Gift of God's Grace manifest within; and not to have Unity with such a pernicious Principle of his, nor harken to such false Doctrine that is held forth therefrom: Therefore in a fervent Zeal for the Lord's precious Truth, with desire for the Exaltation of it amongst you, through your Belief in it, Love and Obedience to it; I have now upon further Consideration, freedom to add something more in relation to the precedent Matter; and the same together, shall leave to your tender Consideration, for the Witness of God in you, to answer to the truth thereof; Which that it may, be pleased in Meekness; and without Offence, Prejudice, or Disaffection to me,( as a mean Instrument) to peruse these Lines, and well weigh the Matter therein contained, that so it may in some measure redound to your Edification, which is the End of my thus appearing, with the clearing of my own Conscience: For truly, for some time, I have been concerned in Spirit, considering the Case in several Respects, but by reason of divers Obstructions, and some Consultations in myself, of my own meanness as to this weighty Undertaking, &c.( for truly, whatever Thought any one may let in against me, I may( without boasting) speak, that this proceeds not from a haughty spirit, or in prejudice to any one, but in love to all of you,( and to whom else it may come) I say through some hindrances) I have been deterred from beginning thus to writ, till lately, so I have not been over-hasty, or very forward herein; but on the other hand, could not contentedly let it pass over, or be so at a period; since the Case is of so great and important concern, as the glorious Truth( that shall have the victory) and holy manifestation of the blessed Spirit of Grace within, is so in Writing notoriously denied, and blasphemously exclaimed against; and you my near Relations and Friends dwelling under his Ministry that so doth; and highly esteeming, or magnifying of him, who still continues in the same mind; which, if he now had been otherwise, might have prevented these thus being public. Therefore in the Name and Fear of God, in good earnest, I desire you, very seriously consider it: And be you all( for some of you are I understand in yourselves already) satisfied, that this Divine Principle above Treated of( held by the People called Quakers) is no Creature; much less Great Nothing, as it's by him contemptuously in Blasphemy, and Self-contradiction specified;[ for before he saith, Grace,( by which I take him to mean Saving Grace, for that's our Subject,] as by the first words of the first Paper appears; and in his Writing he makes no Exception to the contrary) is an excellent Gift of God; and an Emanation from the only Infinite Ocean of Goodness, God himself; and in confusion before called it a Creature( for how can it be Nothing: then a Creature, and another time an Excellent Gift) Now this excellent Gift it is, that we pled for, and press the necessity of Obedience to, in order to obtain Peace with God; and Life Eternal, through Regeneration, and born again thereof; for to that End is appointed, and given of the Father: And truly blessed are they that do delight to harken to, and be governed by it, for such it is, that knows of the divine efficacious virtue that is in it, to their Souls sensible comfort, and certain satisfaction. And though it may not be so much and clearly known as it ought; yet I doubt not, but many of you do experience true comfort( in some measure;) in that I believe you are well-meaning in your way: Because those persons that walk according to a good Conscience, or( rather) answers( in some degree) the Light of Christ, or Grace of God therein; peace and comfort doth attend them so far, in their so doing. According as it is written, Acts 10.35. In every Nation he that Feareth God and worketh Righteousness, is accepted with him. But we are to grow in Grace, &c. And so he that is faithful in a little, shall be made Ruler over more. For saith the Lord by his Prophet, Then shall we know the Lord if we follow on to know him, &c. Hosea 6.3. But saith Christ, Mat. 11.27. No man knoweth the Son, but the Father, neither knoweth any Man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will Reveal him; And where must that be? in the Heart. And how? by the Spirit: For as no Man can say( rightly) that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12.3. So thereby truly can the Sons of God cry Abba Father, Gal. 4.6. Because ye are Sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your Hearts, &c. So this Holy Spirit of Grace in the Heart, is the way to the certain Divine knowledge of God, and Jesus Christ our Lord, whom to know is Life Eternal, Jo. 17.3. And as the Wise and Learned outwardly, that were not in Unity with; but erring from( through Unbelief and Disobedience to) the Light of this Spirit in them, did not know Christ when upon the Earth, but despised him, &c. So such as certainly do not now rightly know him, as they ought,( though in a common Overly way they may own the Spirit) yet deny this his Holy Internal Gift( or his Light and Grace, which is One thing, though variously denominated.) And it is this very Spiritual manifestation within, that I( with my Friends) thus contend for. And it is the very same thing, that J. F. calls Great Nothing, for saith he to me, call it by what Name thou wilt; the Grace of God within Thee and others, the Light— Christ, or the Spirit within Thee and others; I will take leave to make an Address to this Great Nothing within Thee and others thus, O thou Grace, &c. O grossly Abominable; I desire the Lord to forgive him, for this his Great Impiety, and give him true Sentiments, and clear Apprehensions of, and a Heart rightly fixed, more to Love, and faithfully follow Saving Grace within; And not so to Scoff, &c. at it, or to be still so weak, as to think himself Wise; and that he hit the Mark( and so his Piece made unanswerable) in his so Addressing himself to it, or posing of it, in order to demonstrate its self to be an Increated Being, and no Creature, as to Answer divers hard Questions, and show such convincing outward Signs, as to work strange Miracles, unfold all the Mysteries in Religion, contained in the Holy Scripture, or give an Infallible Interpretation of all such difficult Texts, as are hard to be understood, as the last Ten Chapters of Ezekiel, &c. All which, altho' it be well known is God, Christ, and the Gracious Spirit of Grace, For the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God, 1 Cor. 2.10.) or the Holy One, from whom this Saving Grace, or Spiritual Light, comes,( or is one with, and in Nature of) as also the Holy Scriptures proceeded; and by whose power( viz. Christ, 1 Cor. 1.4.) were the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and all things else made, John 1.3. And to whom, no Sign to show, or Miracle to Work is impossible; yet he is not to be commanded by J. Forbes or any other, whatever at sometimes was done of old, in that outward, miraculous and Sign showing manner, or method, so to appear, nor is it( I say) of necessity for us, the same to see, or understand, with respect to our Salvation; And by the Scriptures are we Instructed,( and which should satisfy such that own it to be their only Rule) That secret Things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us, Deut. 29.29. As also itis absolutely needful for us to know( according to the ancient Prophecies: and the after Blessed Experience thereof by the Primitive Christians) Christs Kingdom come, and that to be within us( according to Luke 17.21.) as well as he formerly came without us; And he the Prince of Peace, and King of Eternal Glory, to Rule with his sceptre of Righteousness therein; and thereby we be his Subjects really. And now how those his Questions, and demands, may be retorted upon himself; or they( to show his Wisdom, or rather weakness) may be justly upon the same ground returned back; be pleased to observe, That this Saving Grace hitherto spoken of, and which he allows me to call, Light, Christ, or Spirit, and which the Scriptures so much makes mention of( as above, and furthermore hereafter may be added to) meant by me is Christ in his Spiritual Appearance,( which in Holy Scripture is so variously denominated, and often repeated,) and he himself declaring, and owning, that he hath in him some measure thereof; Therefore itis very evident that what he speaks of, and I pled for, is one and the self same Thing; And the same in contradiction to himself, is acknowledged by him to be no Creature: Again: It is here observable, how directly like he is to the Jews, Matth. 12.38. which were with Christ, and did not believe in him, as then outwardly come; as he doth not( as by his Writing appears) rightly now in this his inward and spiritual Appearance: For they, though strict Professors, and who did( as Christ himself elsewhere said) make clean the outside of the cup and platter, and outwardly appeared righteous unto men, Matth. 23.25, 28. yet notwithstanding, not rightly knowing Christ; be in another place said plainly to them, Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape,( speaking of the Father) Joh. 5.37. yet these professing Jews required a Sign of Christ. Like this my strict Opposite,( but in whatever he be truly Christian-like, I would not wilfully condemn, or censure him, &c.) who now requires the like of Christ's Grace in me: But as Christ answered, and said to them; An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the Prophet Jonas, Math. 12.39. So say I now here, in the words of the Apostle Paul, in 1 Cor. 1.22, 23, 24. For the Jews( the strict Professors) require a Sign; and the Greeks( the worldly-wise) seek after Wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. And as the same Apostle hath it elsewhere, viz. Col. 1.26, 27, 28. Even the Mystery, which hath been hide from Ages and Generations, but now is made manifest to his Saints. To whom God would make known, what is the Riches of the Glory of this Mystery among the Gentiles: Which is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory; whom we Preach, warning every Man ( mark) and teaching every man in all Wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. So this is our Gospel, as it was the Apostles, and it's said, ver. 23. was Preached to( or rather in) every Creature which is under Heaven, and is the power of God unto Salvation, Rom. 1.16. to every one that Believeth; that is, of that Faith which worketh by Love, Gal. 5.6. viz. the Love of the Truth, 2 Thess. 2.10. namely, Christ the Truth, Joh. 14.6. who is the new and living way: and, saith the Apostle, in 2. Corinth. 13.5. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the Faith; prove your own selves: know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates. Again, The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy Brethren, like unto me, unto him shall ye harken. Deut. 18.15. So Moses here directs unto Christ; and Christ, when come in the fullness of time; and it drawing near for him to be offered up, He to his Disciples in Joh. 14.( and several other following Chapters) directs them to the Spirit; for that to be after his departure their Leader, &c. making mention thereof: Assuring them for their comfort, That though he must go away, yet it was expedient for them; for if he did not go away, the Comforter would not come unto them. A little while, and ye shall not see me; and again; A little while, and ye shall see me. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you. Which to me appears exceeding full, with respect to our Principle: I believing that it was not only the peculiar privilege of the Primitive Saints, but it's also extensive to the Children of God now. For as many as are lead by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. Rom. 8.14. And with respect to such that are not Children of the Lord, as taught of the Lord, and in Righteousness established, but are yet unconverted, &c. God is good and gracious unto them, having not left Himself without a Witness in them,( though J. F. saith to the contrary.) But I hope ye will believe the Scriptures, rather than him.) For, saith God concerning Christ, I will give thee for a Covenant to the People; a Light to the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my Salvation to the Earth, Isa. 42.6. and 49.6. And when seen by Simeon, who waited for the Consolation of Israel, he, answerable thereto, expresseth himself thus, Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace, according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy Salvation, which thou hast( observe) prepared before the face of all people; a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of thy people, Luke 2.25, 29, 30, 31, 32. Which very clearly shows that he enlightens, or is the Light of the Gentiles; as well as he is the Glory of Israel. And Christ himself saith, Joh. 8.12. I am the Light of the World( which is not to be understood, so as only to be restricted, either to that his outward Appearance; or with a Natural Light,) and then next after it is said,) He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life; the Light shall become his Light. It shall not only be( as at first it is) his Light( as shining in Darkness; and showing him the Just Man's Path) but also his Life( or Glory) to comfort and uphold him therein. For it is to be noted, that it is expressly said in relation to this very same Light, That it shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not, John 1.5. and Verse 9. That the same was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the World. And Ver. 4. It's very positively and plainly affirmed, That this Light of( or in) Men, is the very Life of Christ, the Word of God; and therefore Divine, and Universal. And, saith John the Divine, The Nations of them that are saved, shall walk in the Light, Rev. 21.24. And now with respect to the manifesting, and Reproving Property of this Light, Grace, or measure of the Spirit of God within. It's recorded, Amos 4.13. For lo, He that formeth the Mountains, and createth the Wind, and declareth unto Man what is his Thought— the Lord, the God of Hosts is his Name. And Micha 6.8. He hath shewed thee, O Man, what is good; And what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. Because that which may be known of God, is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it unto them; even to them who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness, Rom. 1.18, 19. And that is by this universal Principle; For all things that are reproved, are made maniest by the Light; for whatsoever makes manifest, is Light. Eph. 5.13. And the Deeds of every one that doth Evil are reproved by it. Joh. 3.20. And this is the Condemnation, That Light is come into the world, and men loved Darkness rather than Light, because their Deeds were Evil, vers. 19. and chap. 16.8. when Christ was speaking of this Spirit of Truth, under the name of a Comforter to the Saints, he declares, That when he is come, he will Reprove the World( observe) of Sin, of Righteousness, and of judgement. But howbeit, when the Spirit of Truth,( or Comforter) is come, he will guide you,( viz. Believers) into all Truth, vers. 13. and Proverbs 1.23. Wisdom exhorts, saying, Turn you at my Reproof( which is the way of Life, chap. 6.23.) and in so doing, it's promised, Behold I will pour out of my Spirit unto you; I will make known my Words unto you. So the principal thing is, to be rightly acquainted with this inward Principle of Religion, that shows Sin, and leads out of it, those that obey it; and so thereby come really to walk in this Light, 1 Joh. 1.7.( not grieving the Holy Spirit, Ephes. 4.30. nor doing despite unto the Spirit of Grace, Heb. 10.29.) Walk in the Spirit, Gal. 5.16. After the Spirit, Rom. 8.4. Obey this universal Grace of God that bringeth Salvation, Titus 2.11. For it's written with respect to wicked unregenerate Men, or the World, those that love Darkness rather than Light, and do Evil; they that hate the Light, and cannot receive the Spirit of Truth, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him;( for the World by Wisdom knows not God;) and the Things of the Spirit of God, such wicked Natural Men cannot receive, neither know them: And the Reason there given is very full, In that they are foolishness unto such, and Spiritually to be discerned; and so they hating this Light, and continually rebelling against the Spirit, and not being united unto it; how is it possible they should rightly understand the Things thereof? 1 Corinth. 2.14. and 1.21. Joh. 14.17. Take that Observable Passage of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinth. 6.9, 10, 11. Know ye not, that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor Abusers of themselves with Mankind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God: and such were some of you; But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. And in order to this Great and Glorious Work of Regeneration, and Sanctification throughout: We assert, That a Measure of this Light, and Grace, is given to every Man to profit withal, 1 Corinth. 12.7. But,( by J. F.) said, That the same only relates to the Church, or Believers, and not to others. But we say, That the appearance or manifestation of Christ's Light,( which is one with it) showing Sin, and Reproving for it, is more generally, yea universally extended. And I hope, in these Lines I have sufficiently proved it, to the satisfaction of such of you, that will acquiesce to the righteous judgement of the Spirit of Truth in you; and are not wilfully opposite thereto, through prejudice, or wrong and partial Opinion. Yet we also distinguish between the Spirit's being in a Good Man, a Child of God; and an Unregenerate Man. For in the first, through his Love to God, in hearkening to, believing in, waiting upon, panting for, union with, and following of the Spirit: His Talent is improved, his Measure enlarged, the good Seed in him, in growth witnessed; and so the Lord more abundantly experienced, through the Aboundings of Grace. While the other, viz. the wicked, unfaithful, and slothful Man, instead of knowing it's increase,( having time given him to do it) have in time that taken from him that was committed to him:( for observe, something at least was given to every such person.) And as the Appearance thereof is comely and desirable; ●t's Operation pleasant and profitable, and Effect joyous and glorious to the former. The other on the contrary, knows, sees, ●nd feels, it greatly troubles and condemns, and yet a measure of the very same Spirit in both. I hope there is enough said to show you this gross error of J. F. of holding that Saving Grace,( or Christ, the Light or Spirit within) is a Creature and Great Nothing: So his speaking that Adam had more Grace than all the mere men put together, that have been since his days, is run by him very high; But he presently brings him very low, when he says there was not the least Grain of it remaining after his Eating the Forbidden Fruit. Which( if he means that it was his State always, is more than he can prove, and seems to be contrary to Scripture. Gen. 3.15. See also Wisdom, chap. 10.1.2. Verses, where I observe itis Written, That he was brought out of the Fall, and Power given him to Rule all Things. So also his Recital of Isa. 41.— which was spoken against the Vanity of Idols. And Psal. 82.— which was against unjust Judges, doth further manifest by these comparisons( judged by him pertinent and proper, to conclude this Head with( touching Grace being a Creature) and Confirm, his above Mockery; and mean Thoughts, &c. of this Internal Saving Grace. As also his last come off, concerning what's mentioned in Mat. 6.23. which also he thought that he added very pertinently against me( but I say very imprudently) shows moreover his Ignorance with respect to this Divine Principle, and great mistake of the right meaning of that Text,( being like his former Expositions of other places) My Reason is, Because this Light of Christ Pleaded for, can at no time( by any means) be Darkness: But Men may in their Understandings be in Darkness( through Unbelief) concerning this Light, as with a Witness herein, he hath confirmed it, and therefore very pertinently( it being to the very purpose) may be returned upon him, Matth. 6.23. And now therefore whether I may not very pertinently,( as Christ upon another occasion said to the Sadduces) add seasonably here touching him, and such( if any be) that stand by him herein, Mat. 22.29. Ye do Err not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God; by reason he so wrists and misapplies the former; and thus opposes, and fights against the latter, in its manifestation within,( for that which is to be known of God is manifest there, Rom. 1.19.) As also moreover bring that of Christ to the great Professing Jews, Jo. 5.39.40.( Who like many in this our day, thought to have Eternal Life in the Scriptures) but were not Justified, but rather reprehended by reason thereof) Search( or ye search) the Scriptures, and in them ye think to have Eternal Life, and they are they which testify of me: And ye will not come to me that ye might have Life. Now the Holy Scriptures we truly own, and greatly esteem; and are not for diminishing ought from them; but all that ought to be, do give, or ascribe to them, They( as here mentioned) truly Testifying of him,( who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, John 14.6.) But we say, that Eternal Life is not to be had in them, and that they cannot give it( though itis a Blessed help thereto, as they are red with a good Understanding; the which comes from the Inspiration of the Almighty, Job 32.8. For Eternal Life is in the Son, and given by him,( and not the Scriptures) to those that own, and believes in, not only his outward Appearance in the Flesh, but also now in its Spiritual Appearance in the Heart; for there it is that it must be Witnessed, as is above demonstrated; And those that rightly, and fully so Believe, and truly be Guided and Governed by it; They certainly experience that which the World are Strangers, to wit, Eternal Life: And that through their Eating and Drinking of the Flesh and Blood of Christ, according to his own many sayings in Jo. 6. Which be pleased to peruse, and weightily weigh, It being very material to this matter; and is our chiefest concern to know; namely through his Dwelling in us, and we in him, a Eating of his Flesh and Drinking of his Blood Spiritually, and so to Live by him; The same being known to the Satisfaction of the Souls of such, from that inward Divine Nourishment it yields, as outward Food is Witnessed to be to the outward Man, upon feeding thereupon; And the sweetness of it, is Experienced, as it is truly hungered for and Thirsted greatly after; and such can and doth livingly and feeling say, Lord, evermore give us of this Bread; for the more it is partook of, the more it is desired. And Behold I stand( saith Christ) at the Door and knock, if any Man hear my Voice, and open the Door, I will come in to him, and Sup with him, and he with me, Rev. 3.20. And thus the True Supper of the Lord in the Substance being participated of. And also Christ with his Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire, Mat. 3.11. being known, Viz. a being Baptized by the Spirit into the Death of Christ, Rom. 6.3. And so to the putting on of Christ( not making Provision for the Flesh to fulfil the Lusts thereof, Rom. 13.4.) for so it really is with such, that are truly Baptized into Christ, according to Gal. 3.27. Of which Baptism, it is said thus. The like Figure even Baptism, doth also now save us( not the putting away the Filth of the Flesh but the Answer of a good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is gone into Heaven, 1 Pet. 3.21.22. And Dyed for us while Sinners, Rom. 5.8. And Rose again for our Justification, Rom. 4.25. And Paul( saith to Titus) not by works of Righteousness which we have done; but according to his Mercy he Saved us, by( observe) the washing of Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he shed on us abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Saviour; That being Justified by his Grace, we should be made Heirs, according to the Hope of Eternal Life, Tit. 3.5, 6, 7. I say we the Contemned People, in derision, called Quakers, whose Life is hide with Christ in God, Col. 3.3. In a good measure this one Spiritual Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord, certainly knowing and partaking of, in the Substance. Therefore we see it not required of us( though once it was commanded for a time) to observe those outward Signs, Shadows, and Types thereof, now; whatever was done at some times, as to these( as well as other such like) Things, in condescension by the Primitive Christians. And we are not forward to judge those who are conscientiously concerned in them, and see no farther: But hearty desires that all such( not excluding others also) might come to know the Truth as it is in Jesus; the Substance, to wit, in the Spiritual feeding upon the Substance, through a clear Belief in, and Obedience to this saving Principle of Grace within, by which it's truly known. Nevertheless,( as saith Paul the Apostle) Whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same Rule; let us mind the same things, and press after Perfection; and so sincerely and constantly doing. If in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you, Phil. 3.15, 16. For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature: And as many as walk according to this Rule, Peace be on them, and Mercy upon the Israel of God. Gal. 6.15, 16. So as Peace and Mercy is measurably known to attend all, according to their Sincerity, and growth in Grace; so let us all( while we have a day, as in duty bound) mind, love, and follow this Spiritual Gift in us, in order to our perseverance and greater growth: It being this Principle that is further to Reveal Things, and to make truly a new Creature. Touching which Appearance of Christ thus within us, as it cannot be supposed reasonably, that those are so clearly and fully sensible,( whatsoever they at some times may be in part, because of their sincerity, according to present knowledge) of the Life and Virtue of it, that are Unbelievers in it: So it's probable that to many of you the Saying of Jacob may in this Case be applied by yourselves: Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not, Gen. 28.16. Which therefore that ye might believe in him, as in you appearing, and thereby may have in you Life more abundantly, is the Cause of my being here now thus Concerned; Which is in Cordial Love, a Friendly Invitation of, and True Visitation to you: And hope that hereby I have not in the least given any one occasion justly to be offended against me: Or I to become to you as your Enemy, for thus standing for, and Telling you the Truth. Thus my Relations and Friends, have I from some Experience, written somewhat) and yet much more might be still added) concerning the Blessed inward Gift of Gods Spirit, Light, and Grace; and of its Operations and Effects, and Scripturally confirmed it; and herein been very Tender towards you: But you indeed perhaps may judge, that I have been too plain( or born too hard upon him you esteem your particular good Friend; But since he so in Writing did Assert what was sent me, in Answer to my first Lines( beforementioned) and the same being( I yet believe) grossly erroneous, and still stood to by him: And it falling to my Lot, thus to Declare and Bear Testimony of this Holy and Ever Blessed Truth of God to you, in Opposition to his Gainsaying; Therefore in Christian Love I had freedom thus to appear in plainness for the Truth, as held forth by us; and therefore conclude, all things considered, I have a sufficient Apology for this my Undertaking, and so doing. Being to draw to a Conclusion, I earnestly desire in my Soul, that this my Labour of Love may not be lightly esteemed, or in a wrong Spirit rejected by any one of you; And that the same, by the Lord, may be blessed, to the proving of some Service to you, and so my real End answered, And thereby, God through Christ, in and by, this Spirit of Grace, Light, Life, and Power within us, may be truly Feared, Acceptably Worshipped, Livingly Praised, and Greatly Glorified: And so our Souls Immortal, be more abundantly, Rightly sensible, of True Peace, overcoming Consolation, and Divine Satisfaction, Amen. I am in Sincerity herein Your Certain True Friend John Elliott. The 24 day of the 2d. Month( called April,) 1693. Consider what I say, and the Lord give ye Understanding in all Things, 2 Tim. 2.7. ( In Order to it) I Commend you to God, and to( Christ) the Word of his Grace( within) which is able to Build you up, and to give you an Inheritance among all them that are Sanctified, Acts 20.32. THE END. BOOKS Printed for, and Sold by Thomas Northcott, in George-Yard in Lombard-Street. THE Works of that faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, Robert Barclay, in Folio. Price bound 13 s. Truth Exalted, in the Writings of that Eminent Servant of Christ, John Burnyat, in 4to. Price bound 2 s. 6 d. Robert Barclay's Apology for the People called Quakers, in 4to. Price 4s. Francis Howgil's Works, in Folio, 10 s. Samuel Fisher's Works, in Folio, 12 s. The Spirit of the Martyrs revived, in 4to, 4 s. George Keith's Visible Churches, in 80, Price bound, 1 s. 6 d. — His Way to the City of God described, in 80, Price bound, 1 s. — His Fundamental Truths of Christianity, by way of Question and Answer, in 80. 8d. — His True Christ owned, in 8vo, 4 d. Stephen Crisp's Epistle concerning the present and succeeding Times, 2 d. Robert Barclay's Possibility and Necessity of Inward and Immediate Revelation. Price 3 d. Just 〈◇〉, in an Epistle of Peace and Love, by G. W. Price 1 d. ob. Buds and Blossoms of Piety, 1 s. G. W's Charitable Essay, Price 1 d. Some Fruits of Solitude, in Reflections and Maxims, relating to the Condition of Human Life. Price bound 9 d. A Key, opening a Way to every Common Understanding, How to discern the Difference betwixt the Religion professed by the People called Quakers; and the Perversions, Misrepresentations and Calumnies of their several Adversaries. Price 3 d.