A CALL OUT OF FALSE WORSHIPS. Written by one whom the people of the world call a Quaker, whose name is RICHARD FARNEWORTH. Arise out of All your false worships, the Lord is coming to beate up your quarters. 1 John 2.2.27. Ver 20 YE have an unction, and ye need not that any man teach● you, but as the Anointing that dwelleth in you teach● you all things, and is Truth, and is no lye. He that draweth you from this Anointing within, to ●●serve any carnal thing whatsoever, as to hold up 〈◇〉 Idols Temple, * A● 24. 1 Cor. 10. 2 Cor. 6 or to sprinkle Infants, which is a mark 〈◇〉 the Beast( they that worshipped the Beast that John ●●eaks of in the Revelation, did mark them in their fore●●ds, * Rev. 1 16 17, 18 Col. 21, Joh 1 C●● 19, 2 Rev. 2, 3, 4 Rev but neither Jesus Christ, nor his Apostles, did ●●er mark any) He that draweth to observe any carnal ●●ng whatsoever, he is a Seducer, 1 John 2.26. Gal. 3.1. And knoweth not the worship that is spiritual, nor 〈◇〉 worshippers of the Father, who are born again and 〈◇〉 baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire, and have 〈◇〉 names written in the book of life, and worship at the ●emple in new jerusalem. Where, the banqueting house 〈◇〉 the Lords love is, All the children of the Lord 〈◇〉 ●●ght of the Lord, Isa. 54.13. the righteous Law ng within written in the heart, to show sin, and evil, 〈◇〉 written there to be fulfilled, to condemn sin 〈◇〉, Luk. 10.26. and 24.44. Thou mayst say, thou art above the Law in the God, let me ask thee one question, how camest thou to see this gospel manifested? what is killed in thee, by the Law? for the Law is pure and spiritual, and hath power over the fleshly man so long as he lives; now he that doth offend or transgress this new Law of righteousness written in the heart, in one thing, he offends and transgresseth in all, and the Judgement of the Lord is to be inflicted upon the transgressors. Quaer. What are the Acts of transgression of this new Law written in the heart? Answ. Transgression is lusting after that which is evil, as Pride, covetousness, Anger, envy, Malice, Backbiting, Oppression, Revenge, drunkenness, hastiness, Passionatnesse, peevishness and Crosnesse one towards another, Pleasures an● wantonness. In a word, all manner of unrighteousness; now if thou live in any of these, the Law hath power over thee, for these are fruits of the flesh, transgressions of the new Law of righteousness. Cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils, for wherein is he to be accounted of? All your hirelings do deceive you, for they never were sent of the Lord, they ran but he did 〈◇〉 sand them, therefore they shall not profit you at all. Jer. 23. Oh, Cease from them, Cease from them, and wait upon the lord for teaching: he hath promised to teach all his himself; and now the Lord is fulfilling his promises made by his Servants the Prophets, the Scripture is now in fulfilling, and to be fulfilled: Away with all hirelings, the Lord is teacher himself alone. Friends, mind your Teacher within, the Lord is now teaching his people freely himself alone, by his free Spirit of love, according to his promises made 〈◇〉 servants the Prophets, which is now fulfilling; 〈…〉 Lords promise made by his servant the 〈◇〉, Ier. 31.3, 32, 33 34. verses, saith he there, 〈◇〉 Lord will make a new Covenant, and they shall all be 〈…〉 of God, jer. 31.34. and Isa. 54.13. there it is 〈…〉 that all the children of the Lord shall be taught of the Lord, and they shall be established in righteousness and be s●rre from oppression; and see the same again, Joh. ● in John 6.45. and they shall all be taught of God: and again, see Heb. 8.10, and( saith the Lord) I will writ my Law in their hearts, Heb. 11. and they shall not need any man to teach them, for they shall all know me, and I will teach them myself. The Lord is now coming to proffer his love to you freely, if you will embrace it; but if you reject it, and harden your hearts against the truth proffered to you, the wrath of God abideth on you. See John 3. &c. And the wrath of God abideth on all the Children of disobedience; Joh. 3.33 34, 35.36. take heed of despising the proffers of the love and mercy of the Lord, to your souls this day, lest your hearts be hardened, and so you treasure up wrath against the day of wrath, and revelation of the right judgement of God; tribulation and anguish to every soul that doth evil, and especially to them that are contentious, and disobey the truth, but obey an righteousness, tribulation and wrath: but unto them that obey the truth, glory, honour and peace; for God will render to every man according to his deeds. ●om. 2.4, ●, 6, 7, 8, 9. See Rom. 2.4, 5, 6, 7. The Lord is now coming to seek and to save that which was lost, and to teach his people freely himself. See Ezek. 34. For thus saith the Lord God, Behold I, even I, will both search my sheep and seek them out as a Shepherd seeketh out his flock in the ●●y, that he is among them that are scattered; so will I( saith the Lord) seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered, in the cloudy and dark day: and I will bring them out from among the people, and gather them from the countries, I will do 〈◇〉, saith the Lord. See it is the Lords good free love; and( saith the Lord) I will feed them in a pasture, I will ●●ed my flock,( see it is the Lord alone) & I will cause them to lye down, saith the Lord God Almighty, and( saith he) 〈◇〉 will seek that which was lost, and bring again that whi●● was driven away: and I will bind up that which was broken, and I will strengthen that which was sick, and I will destroy the fat and the strong, I will feed them with judgement. I will do it saith the Lord. See the Scripture is to be fulfilled, and it is the Lord alone that will teach, and led, and guide out of all the ways and works of darkness. dear friends, Search the Scriptures, and see how you walk in obedience to them, Mat. 5.17, 18. they are now to be fulfilled, and( saith Jesus Christ) Heaven and earth shall passs away, Mat. 24.34 35. but not one jot or tittle of my word shall in no wise fail, till all be fulfilled. Now see what one Scripture you can witness by experience made manifest in you, from the life and power of the Scriptures, and live not in words, they are but leaves: words without power is as chaff, and what is the chaff to the wheat, saith the Lord God? Is not my word like a fire and a hammer? jer. 28, 29. Heb. 42. Jer. 23.29. that breaketh the rocks in pieces, it is powerful to break all stony hard hearts to pieces. See which of you can witness this, and lay aside all dissimulation, and hypocrisy, all your teachers without do deceive you, away with them, the Lord is against them. Behold, thus saith the Lord, I am against the Prophets that steal my word every one from his Neighbour, Jer. 23.30. as those do that speak a divination of their own brain, which they have gathered out of books and studies, and not from the mouth of the Lord. See jer. 23.16. Behold I am against the Prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say he saith, and cause my people to ●erre by their lies, and by their lightness, yet I sent them not, nor commanded them, therefore they shall not profit this people at all; see what you are profited by them, and hold them not up, the Lord is against them, ver. 32. they are in the same condition that the false Prophets were in among the children of Israel, after they had broken the Covenant of the Lord, and the Lord sent his true Prophets to cry out against them, as you may see in Isa. 16.10, 11. saith he, his watchmen are all blind, Isa. 56.11. and look very one for his gain from his quarter: Do not the Priests so now, look for their gain from their quarter, and place where they are in their Parishes, as the false Prophets did? Obj. You may say, the false Prophets did so in the ●ime of the Law, but that is past. Answ. But do not these false Teachers so now? do not they look for Tithes, Gifts, or rewards, as Baals Priests did? and every one for his gain from his quarter, and place where he is in his Parish? doth he not look for the tenth of the yeares increase of Wheat, rye, and barley; Pease, beans, and Oats, and Hay, which they have no right to by the Law of God? The Children of Israel after the flesh, they were to pay Tithes to the Levites, that had no part nor portion in the promised Land, but the Levites that received Tithes in the time of the Law, in the first Covenant, which were outwardly, to the Jew outwardly: 〈…〉 9 〈…〉 in 〈◇〉 14 Chapter of Deut. 27.28, 29. they had no part of the inheritance with them but the tithes, and with those tithes that they received, they were to feed the poor as well as themselves, they were stewards over them, and their gates were to stand open continually, that received the tithes, and the poor people, and all the widows, and Fatherlesse-children, and strangers also, were to go in thither, there to be filled and satisfied, out of the tithes. The poor people had as much out of them, as they stood need of, but these Tithe-mongers in stead of letting their Gates stand open to fill them, and satisfy them, they take tithes of the poor, and so do oppress them, and burden them, which is odious in the Eyes of the Lord, for he sent his Son into the World to fulfil the Law, and all things that were contained in the first Covenant, and to take off Tithes and Oppressions, and to undo the heavy burdens, and to set the people free; and then and sent forth his servants to declare his Fathers love to the people freely, and said, Freely ye have received, freely give, Mat. 10.8. and those whom he sent into the World, see the Commission that he gave them, saith Jesus Christ to his true Ministers, whom he sen● forth into the World; after that he came to take off op● oppressions, and set the people free from those burthen● that they were oppressed and burdened with by the Scribes and Pharisees, which sate in Moses seat, pretending justice in words, but in actions did not: for Moses was faithful as a servant to execute true judgement and justice, and to take off Oppressions. But after his decease, proud men got up, and sate in his seat, pretending in words that they would do justice, but did not, as in Mat. 23. and they were exalted in pride as these Priests are now that fit in their seat. Jesus Christ came to take off the oppression that was up held by the Scribes and Pharisees, and false Prophets that did look for their gain from their quarters as these do now, looking for their tithes, gifts, and rewards from their Parishes; they have not only tithe Hay, and corn, but they have tithe Hemp and Flax, apple, and Cherries, and tithe pigs, goose, and Ganders, which is odious in the eyes of the Lord; and they have no Rule in the Scripture for it: these take money for Mares and foals, Kine and Calves, and money for Eggs, and money for Reeke passing up Chymneys, which never Jesus Christ, nor those that he sent forth did; there is not scarce any thing but these have an end in it, and without money will they do nothing; like those false Prophets, that Mich a the servant of the Lord was sent to cry ou● against, 〈◇〉. 3. that he spoken of in Mich. 3. when the people pu● into their mouths and gave them money, then they cried Peace, Peace to them, but when they did not put money into their mouths, they prepared Warre● against them; is it not so now? will your Priests do any thing without money? it is odious, and if the● be not fed with money to satisfy their lust, they pre●re War against them; they either sue them, and go to Law with them, or else they prepare a Prison for ●em, and put them there: See if it be not so just now, ●ith the Priests in England, as it was with the false Teachers in Israel in all things, as the Prophet Mical peakes and saith, put not into their mouths and the ●●are war, contrary to the Doctrine of Christ, f●● said to his whom he sent forth, freely ye have rece●●●, freely give, and provide neither Gold nor Silver 〈◇〉 purses; but these must have great benefice, and without money will they do nothing; Micah. 3.11. o he, the Prophets Divine for money, and the Priests 〈◇〉 preach for hire, and lean upon the Lord, and say, is not 〈◇〉 Lord among us? When as( saith the Lord) they run, 〈◇〉 I did not sand them, therefore they shall not profit the 〈◇〉 at all; is it not so now? jer. 23. saith the Lord 〈◇〉, by the Prophet jeremy. A filthy and a horrible 〈◇〉 is committed in the Land, the Prophets prophesy( false●●d the Priests bear rule by their means, and the people 〈◇〉 to have it so. Jer. 5.30. but saith the Lord, what 〈◇〉 ye do in the end thereof? Jer. 5.50. It was so then amongst 〈◇〉 false Prophets, but is it not so now? do not the ●●●sts preach for hire, Mat. 5.17, 18. contrary to the Command of 〈◇〉 Lord Jesus Christ? after that he came to take off 〈◇〉 oppressions, and satisfy the Law, and said to his, Joh. 10.8, 9, 10, 11. 〈◇〉 ye have received, freely give, Mat. 10.8. do not 〈◇〉 false Priests bear rule over you by their means; 〈◇〉 their Wives go in their Hoods, and Vailes, Isa. 16, 17. and 〈◇〉, and changeable suits of apparel( and the ●●e are in want) to satisfy their lusts? as it was 〈◇〉 those that were proud and haughty, and did grinned faces of the poor as these do, and if they have not ●●ve them, then they threaten them to go to the Law them, and so are contrary both to Christ and his ●●●les; for Christ saith, go not to Law, Mat. 5. 40. Mat. 5.4 ●ith he, if any man have a quarrel against another, forgive him freely, Colos. 3.13. And the Apostle who●● was a true Minister did abide in his Doctrine, and h●● gave them the same exhortation, see 1 Cor. 6.1, 2. bu● those that either go to Law, or threaten to sue people 〈◇〉 Law, are contrary both to Christ and his Apostles 〈◇〉 ●●nd he that professeth Christ, and acteth contrary to ●●●rist, he is Antichrist. And he that abideth not 〈◇〉 Doctrine of Christ is a devil, as saith the Scrip●●●e. Now these act contrary in all things, and are ●●ords and Rulers over the people; their Wives going 〈◇〉 their silks, and Scarves, Hoods, and Vailes, and ●●●ngs, and gaudy Attire, as those did that the Lord ●●●nt his true Prophets to cry out against. red Isa. 3.11 ●o the end of the Chapter. See if they be not in that state and condition tha● the false Prophets were in. 6, 17, 1. Do they not look for their gain from their quarters, as the false Prophets did? Isa. 56.10. 2. Do they not speak a divination of their own brain, what they have gathered out of books and studies as the false Prophets did, and make the people vain and light, and Run, but the Lord never sent them, a● the false Prophets did? therefore they do not profit th● people at all, Jer. 23. 3. do they not teach for the fleece, and feed themselves with the fat as the false Prophets did, teaching fo● tithe Wool, and lambs, as those did that Ezekiel was sent to cry against; but the Lord will feed them with judgement? 4. Do they not preach for hire, as those false Priest did, that Micah was sent to cry against? and do the● not bear Rule over the people, as those false Priest did, that jeremiah was sent to cry against? jer. 5.30. 5. do not they live in Pride, and covetousness, an● Envy which never Jesus Christ nor his did, and so ac● contrary to him and his Apostles? 1.7, 8. as in Tit. 1.23, 4. 6. do they not sit in the seat of the Scribes a● pharisees which were enemiss to Jesus Christ, and hold up those things that he came to throw down, 1 Tim. 3 1, 2. Mat. 23. as Tithes and Oppressions, and to set the people free; and saith he, feed the hungry, cloath the naked, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, let your love be without dissimulation, Rom. 12. and if any man have a quarrel against another, forgive him freely, Rom. 12. Col. 3.13. and do unto all men, as ye would be done by, and be not ye as the Scribes and Pharisees, neither be ye called of men Masters, but he that is greatest among you, let him be your Servant, and freely ye have received, freely give, Mat. 10.8. and provide neither bag nor scrip, nor Silver nor Gold in your purses, nor take no thought what ye shall eat, nor what ye shall drink, nor wherewith ye shall be clothed, and into whatsoever City or town ye shall enter, inquire in it who is worthy, and there abide till ye go thence, for the workman is worthy of his meate. Mat. 10.10, 11. The true Ministers of Christ were not Lords and Masters, neither had they great benefice as these have, 1 Cor. 9.16, 17, 19. but they did abide in his Doctrine in all things, and saith the Apostle, My care is to make the gospel of Christ free, and myself servant to all. But these are Lords and Masters, and act in the same state that the Scribes and Pharisees did, they have the chiefest place in the Assemblies, as they had which were enemies to Jesus Christ; the Priests they go in long robes as the Scribes and Pharisees did, they love the greetings in Markets as the Scribes and Pharisees did, they are called of men, Masters, as they were, they lay heavy burdens upon the people as they did, and so are enemies to Jesus Christ as the Scribes and Pharisees were; and the same woes are to the Priests, they are Kings of pride, and are exceeding covetous, and are evil examples to the people, walking contrary to Iesus Christ and his Apostles in all things. 7. They grind the faces of the poor, and their tormenting is coming upon them for it. 8. do not their Wives go in their Hoods, and Vailes, and Scarves, and Rings, and changeable suits of apparel as those did, that the Lord sent his servant the Prophet Isaiah to cry out against? red Isa. 3. and see if it be not so with the Priests wives now, as it was with the Daughters of jerusalem, and with the Priests as it was with the false Prophets in all things; but their tormenting is coming. Behold thus saith the Lord, a whirlwind is coming forth from the Lord, ●er. 23. even in fury, a grievous whirlwind, and it shall fall upon the head of the wicked, the Anger of the Lord shall not return until be have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart, in the latter dayes ye shall consider it perfectly, ●er. 23.19, 20, 21, 22. see jer. 23.19, 20, 21, 22. There shall be but one Shepherd and one fold, the Lord is but one, and his name one, he is a holy and apure God, Ezek. 34.23. he is of purer eyes then to behold Iniquity, no unclean thing shall stand before him, he is now coming to judge the heathen; In righteousness, he will gather together all the dispersed ones, Ezek. 34: 12. that have been scattered by the proud Priests in the cloudy and dark day, you had scattered them by your greek, latin, and Hebrew, and your high notions of fleshy wisdom and Imaginations, into customs and Fashious, Inventions and Imitations, Imitating ways of Worships according to your wills, but not according to the mind and will of the Lord; for the onely true God is a spirit, 〈◇〉. 4.23. and now he will be worshipped in Spirit and in truth, he is seeking such to worship him, Joh. 4.23. Away with all false ways and worships, the Lord is Risen, & is a Rising out of all forms, to gather his people by his spirit out of all shadows and husks, 〈◇〉 2.27, and outside teachings of men, that he alone may teach them himself, for the teachings without do but exalt and feed the fleshly man, and keep that alive which must be destroyed; the highest form and gathering without by men, feeds but upon wind, and chaff, they live in Words and high notions, and gilded pretences, but the ground of all their forms is earth, and that which is brought forth is but grass, high notions and glorious expressions, and the curious mindes are feeding upon novelties, Dives like; partial mindes, esteeming one man above another, Rev. 17.13, 14, 15. he that is highest in his fleshly wisdom is set up; and there is a running from mountain to mountain, from one man to another, and he that is puffed up in pride and braine-knowledge, is in the highest esteem with the men of the world; because he can make a cover by his imaginations, to cover over all deceits, that the kingdom of Antichrist may be ●pheld. There is nothing but Pride, and Oppression, and covetousness, and pleasures, Jam. 5.5. and heady high-mindedness, and lust, and excess, amongst the highest forms; living in Pleasures and wantonness upon earth, despising the cross of Christ, and counting that contemptible and base, because it comes to cut down all their Pride and haughtiness, and earthly delights, and earthly enjoyments. For the first man is of the earth, earthly heart, earthly mind, earthly disposition, Rom. 8.6, 7, 8. earthly affection, earthly enjoyments, and so covets altogether after the earth, to be Great, and Rich, and Honourable, and set up in esteem, and honoured by the men of the world, but your kingdom is earthly: Oh, men of what form soever, but the kingdom of God, is not of this world, and all your glorious notions are but gross, Rev. 16.2. Rev 8.6, 7. Phil. 3.17, 18, 19. and your heavenly enjoyments are earthly, pride, and vain glory, and you are ●xalted up on high, sitting decked above the cross; Jesus Christ is without form or comeliness, he is not therefore had in any esteem by the men of the world; his wisdom is counted foolishness by you, your curious mindes cannot digest his teachings, his counsel is rejected by you all ye lustful ones, he is counted a Blasphemer by you, because he comes to testify against all your false ways and worships; the little book that is sealed to the wisdom of the flesh, is bitter to your strong stomacks, you cannot eat it, Rev, 13.6, ●, 8. Rev. 10.1, ●, 3, 4, 5, 6. but it will destroy you all that feed upon it; but saith he, my flesh is meate indeed, and my blood is drink indeed, it is hard to be received by you, which causeth you to be so proud and haughty, for it is so sharp a bit to eat the passeover, it is sharper to the fleshly man then a Sword, that it will cut him assu●der, and make him to die, and kill him for ever; it is good to be killed, for without death there is no life; you must all come to an account, the Lord is coming to pled with you all, high and low, rich and poor, bond and free, male and female, he is coming to look for fruits; and every three that bringeth not forth good fruit must be hewn down and cast into the eternal fire of Indignation; Thes. 2. ●, 9, 10. Mat. 7.19. ●sa. 66.15, ●6. th● Lord is coming to pled with all flesh, by his Sword and by fire, all must now be tried by fire, the fleshly man must be now cut down, the glittering Sword is drawn and made ready for the great battle of the Lord; Rev. 19. ●1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. ●oel. 2.1, ●, 3. the Trumpet beginneth to sound, to forewarn you all of the Judgements; Thus saith the Lord, blow ye the Trumpet in Sion, sound an Alarum in my mount, let all the Inhabitants of the land tremble: Tremble all earthly carnal ●earts, be ashamed and confounded all ye proud and lofty ones, the great day of the Lord draweth nigh, he is coming to beate up all your quarters under what form soever; the ground of them is earth, and the enjoyments of them are earthly, and all your fruits are fleshly, and fleshly man cannot please God, he is a Spirit, and none knows him, but they to whom he doth reveal himself; pride is a fruit of the flesh, and proud men they can speak much of God and Christ, but you must be tried now by fire All your glorious notions are but grass, All flesh is grass, fleshly delights, fleshly pleasures, fleshly ●●●mes, fleshly Enjoyments, fleshly Ordinances, and ●●e fleshly man feeds upon them; all your forms ●ust be shaken, the Lord is coming to shake ter●●bly the Earth, there shall be Famines, and Earthquakes, ●●d Pestilences in divers places; Nation against Nati●n, the Kingdom of Antichrist standeth up now against the Kingdom of Christ, he is coming to shine in ●lory and brightness, his glory is revealed and revealing, awake, awake and stand up to judgement, the Lord is ●●r at hand to pled with you; all your forms must be ●●nt up, all flesh is grass, Mal. 3.1. 2. Pet. 3.10, 11, 12. the Spirit of the Lord is ●●e, fire is coming down from Heaven to burn up ●he Earth, the Earth shall be burnt, and the Elements ●hall melt like Wax before the presence of the Lord God Almighty, The Sun must be turned into darkness, Mat. 24.29, 30. Isa. 2.21. Rev. 18.4.5, 6. ad the Moon into blood, and the Foundations of the Earth must shake; the Lord is coming to shake terribly the Earth: Awake, awake out of carnal security, Come out of Babylon, come out of Babylon my people, saith the Lord, lest ye be partakers of her plagues; Come out of the Idols Temple, come out of the beastly worship, come out of all forms whatsoever, the Lord is come ●o sit as Refiner, Mal. 3.3. Rev. 13.8, 9. for all the World wonders and worships the beast, but those that have found their Names written in the Book of Life, and they that have their Names written there, Rev. 14.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. and their Fathers Name written ●●n their foreheads, they are redeemed to the Lord God, and to the Lamb, to worship him in his holy Temple at new Jerusalem, new come down from Heaven, Rev. 21.2.3. there to worship him in spirit, and in truth, for ever and ever. All that have their Names written in the book of Life, Rev. 20.1 Rev. 14.4 their worship is spiritual, unknown to the World, their food is eternal: those that worship at new Jerusalem, are those that are risen from the dead, and have come through great tribulation, and are washed by the blood of the Lamb, covered with the righteousness of Saints, and are come out of egypt, Rev. 1● through the Sea of many tribulations, and past through the wilderness where were fiery serpents and scorpions, and much drought, and are gone through all the Countries of the Amalekites, Rev. 18.20 and the Hittites, and the Perizites, and all the Kings of the Earth are taken and cut down by the man that sate upon the white Horse, with the glittering sword in his hand, and those that were with him, Rev. 19: 15.16. Rev. 21.3. ver. 5, 6, 7. Rev. 22 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ●. Rev. 19.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. and have overcome, are just, faithful, and true, and are got up to Canaan the promised Land, where there is fullness of all things, and there they meet at new Jerusalem, to worship the Lord God Omnipotent, and sing praises to him for ever and ever, who hath made them conquerors, singing hallelujahs to the highest, because the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. hallelujah to the highest. All friends that are yet uncome up, mind where you are, sit not down by the way, but mind the light that shows you darkness, and the vanity of your minds, and your roving thoughts and wandering desires, and wicked imaginations, that which checks you when you speak a wry word, or when you tell a lye, or swear, or when you are angry, or envy, or hate, or backbite one another; or when you do any wrong to any, see if something within you do not tell you that you should not do so, if you harken to that, it will ruin your mindes within, and set a watch over all your thoughts, words, and actions; and so it will cross your earthly wills, when they would go forth into the Earthly delights and vanities, and that light within arising out of the earthly part through into your understanding, it will show you all how you have spent your time, and it will bring you into the true fear of the Lord, and standing in his fear, there will be a continual watch kept over all your thoughts, words, and actions; and the righteous Law will pass through you, and the eternal judgement will be set up within you, and all things that arise out of the first nature will be brought to judgement by this light within you, and loving this light, it will teach you to deny yourself in all things, obeying this light within you, it will cross your wills in all things, and will not suffer you to conform to any thing but that which is pure: and this light leads to the sword, and that will cut down all lusts, and vain delights, and crucify the carnal corrupt part in you, and so purity will grow; but disobeying this light within, then your wills will get liberty, and so led you into the earthly delights, and earthly vanities again, and getting from under the cross, the carnal part will get strength again; but being kept in the cross, this pure light is the cross to the carnal part in all things, being guided by it, it will bring you always to stand in the council of the Lord, and not suffer you to consult with wisdom and reason, and this will led you out of all the ways and works of darkness, and it will bring you to be what you speak in all things, it will not suffer you to speak a vain idle word, being obedient to it; but if you disobey it, it will condemn you for it; here is your teacher present with you continually, this light within obeying it; here is your condemnation, this light disobeying it, he that loves this light within, that doth convince him of sin and evil, he loves Christ, Joh. 8.12 Know ye not that Christ is in you, except ye be Reprobates? 1 Cor. 13.5. And( saith he) I am the light of the World, he that followeth me shall have the light of Life, John 8 12. Christ within is this light, obedience to this light leadeth out of darkness, it will led you out of all the Worlds ways, out of all the Worlds customs, out of the Worlds delights, out of all the Worlds vanities, up into purity, to holinesse, to uprightness; without which none shall see the Lord, profess what they will, and here is your Teacher, this light obeying it; here is your condemnation, this light disobeying it, John 3.19, 20, 21. FINIS.