THE Priest's IGNORANCE; AND Contrary Walking to the SCRIPTURES: OR The Practice of the Apostles, who were the true Ministers of Jesus Christ; Together with Thirty Seven Errors of the Priests, Discovered. THe Teachers of this World profess the Scriptures to be their Rule, and Touchstone to try withal, 2 John 4.9. Isa. 8.20. and he that walks contrary to the Scriptures is a Seducer, and hath the spirit of Error. That which makes a Minister of the World, 2 Pet. 1.21. Gal. 1.12. Ezek. 3.1. Jer. 23.33. and 22. is Oxford and Cambridge; and they are so long there, give so much for their Learning, and when they have done, they have so much for their preaching; the Prophets and the Apostles did not so, Christ gave no such Command; and here they act contrary to the Scriptures, and have the spirit of Error; And they will let none preach burr themselves, and such as come from Oxford and Cambridge; here they act contrary to the Scripture: for the Scripture saith, You may all prophesy one by one, and if any thing be revealed to him that stands by let the first hold his peace: here they limit the Holy One of Israel, and show the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world have a set maintenance of the world and if any man refuse them, they sue him at the Law: 1 Cor. 6.6. Acts. 20.23. 1 Pet 5.2, Deut. 4.2. Prov. 30.32. the Prophets and Apostles did not so; there act contrary to the Scripture, and have the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world take a Text, raise Doctrines Uses, Points, Trials, Motives, and have a Clerk to say, Amen: the Apostles did not so, these act contrary to the Scripture, and show the Spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world sing David's Quaking, Psal. 6 5 6, 7. 1 Cor. 14.15. Psal. 13 11. Tremble, Crying●, Wake, Praises, Praying, Prophecies, in Meeter, and ha●e a Glass to preach an hour; and when they read the Psalms, Hats must be on; when they sing them, Hats must be off, but the Priest hath one or two Caps on his head▪ the Apostles did not so when they spoke to the world; these act contrary to the Scriptures, and have the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world say, Let us sing to the praise and glory of God, and give the ignorant profane people words to sing, as, I am not puffed in m●nd, I have no scornful eye, when as they are puffed in mind and have scornful eyes, herein they dishonour the Lord, causing people to lie, showing the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world have the chiefest places in the Assemblies, Mat. 23. 6, 7, Mat. called of men Masters, laying heavy burdens upon the people, stand praying in the Synagogues: Jesus Christ forbade such things. The Teachers of the world now act such things, contrary to Christ's Command and practice; so showing themselves Antichrist, Seducers and Dissemblers, and have the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world holds up outward Temples, 1 Cor. 8.10. calling them Churches; whereas the Church is in God, 1 Thess. 1.1. and calls it the House of God, and thus act contrary to the Scriptures: they are Seducers, having the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world sprinkle Infants, Gal. 3.1. Luc. 1. 26.36. telling people its an Ordinance of God, which is contrary to the Scriptures, never commanded by the Lord; but these hold it up, and so bewitch the people, and are seducers, and show forth the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world call people unto a Sacrament, Gen. 10. Gen. 29.28. for the which there is no Scripture; here they act contrary to the Scriptures teaching people lies, contrary to the Scripture, a Declaration of God: here they are seducers, and show forth the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world marry people, and take money for it, the Apostles did not so: here they act contrary to the Scripture, showing forth the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world take money for burying the Dead, Mar. 10 8. Mar. 8.12. the Apostles did not so: here they act contrary to the Scripture, showing the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world take money for Churching of Women, the Apostles did not so: thus these act contrary to the Scripture, showing the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world have Easter Reckon, and Midsummer deuce, and money out of Servants wages, the Apostles did not so: these act contrary to the Scriptures, and show the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world preach Funeral Sermons over the Dead, and have ten shillings, more or less for their pains, Mar. 10.8. 1 Cor. 16.17, 18. as they can get it, the Apostles did not so: these act contrary to the Scripture, and show the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world agree with the people for so much in the year for preaching, 1 Joh. 2. 16, 17. the Prophets and Apostles did not so, it's contrary to Christ's Command, Rom. 12.2. Deut. 29.12. Freely ye have received, freely give: thus they act contrary to the Scripture, showing the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world go in cuffs, and double Cuffs, and Boot-hose-tops, living in the lust of the flesh, following the fashions of the world, which the Apostles spoke against: here they act contrary to the Scripture, showing the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world take Tithes, Nehem. 10.48. Nehem. 13.13 Neh. 12.44. Neh. 11, 16. the tenth of men's Estates: in the Old time Levi, who received Tithes, the Fatherless, Widows, and strangers were to come and be relieved within his gates: but the Priests of the world do not fill the Fatherless the Widow, and the strangers; here they act contrary to the Scriptures, and show the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world say men shall never be perfect, Mar, 5.48. 1 Cor. 2.6. Phil. 3.15. when the Scripture saith, Be ye perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect; and we preach wisdom to them that are perfect, and every one that is perfect must be as his Lord; as many as be perfect be thus minded, stand perfect and complete in all the Will of God: here they deny the Scripture, and show the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world say, Rom. 6.22. Co●os. 2.111. 2 Co●. h. 17. Men shall never overcome their sins as long as they are here, nor be made free from the body of sin, and the Scripture saith, we are made free from sin, and have put off the body of sin; and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof, and all things are become new; here they act contrary to the Scripture, and show the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the World say▪ that men shall not be sanctified throughout in body, Judas 1. 1 Joh. 3.7, 8. soul and spirit, but in part, so long as they are here; herein they plead for a hold for Satan in them, and are Seducers and Deceivers, for the Scripture saith, ye are sanctified throughout in body, soul and spirit, and he that doth righteousness, is righteous, even as he is righteous. Let no man dece●ve you: He that sinneth is of the Devil, and never knew God. Here they go about to keep people in their sin, when Christ comes to take away sin, speaking contrary to the Scripture, and shows the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the World say, the Letter is Light, Joh. 8.12. 2 Cor. 4.6. when the Letter saith, Christ is the Light: and the Letter is the declaration of the light, which was in them, that spoke forth the Scriptures: here they speak contrary to the Scripture, and show the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the World say, 1 Joh. 1.1. Rom. 8.10. that the Letter is the Word, which is false, for the Letter saith that God is the Word the Letter is a declaration of the Word, which is fire, and sharper than a two edged sword; and the word is nigh thee, in thy mouth and in thy heart, and so they that draw pe●ple to the Letter, telling them it is the Word, are Dissemblers, Seducers, no Ministers of the Word but are in an Error. The Teachers of the World say; 2 Cor. 3.6. Ezek. 13.3, 6.17. that the spirit is the Letter and they are inseparable, when the spirit saith the Letter killeth, and is death, and thou that wouldst raise the spirit out of the dead Letter, thou art a Diviner and Conjurer, following the imaginations of thine own brain; here thou art a seducer, and shows the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world say, 2 Cor. 5.18, 19 that salvation is in the Scripture, and that the power goes along with the Letter, which is death; God is the cause of men's salvation: here thou art a seducer, and shows the spirit of Error. The Teachers of the world say, that the four Books, 1 Thess. 1.5. 1 Pet. 1.19, 20. Matthew, Mark Luke and John, is the Gospel which is but the Letter, a declaration of the Gospel; Matth. 23.27, 28. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world, is glad tidings to imprisoned souls, Rom. 8.14. 1 Pet. 4.6. The Teachers of the world pretending the Scriptures to be their ru●e and guide to walk by, and acting contrary; they show themselves to be seducers, dissemblers and hypocrites, and shows the spirit of Error. For they are the Sons of God, that are guided by the Spirit of God, to live the life that they did, ●hat gave forth the Scriptures. Richard Farneworth. Cease from your Idol Shepherds, for they are the Beasts that all the world worships, and wonders after; hold them not up, Rev. 13. the Lord is against them. Christ is the true Shepherd, and his Sheep hear his voice, but the voice of strangers they will not hear. Tho. Aldam. THe Teachers of the world told us that Hebrew, Greek, and Latin was the Original, and such might open the Scriptures who had that original, and we do see that Pilate had that original and could not open the Scriptures but crucified Christ, Luk. 23.38. Joh. 1.1. and when he had so done, he wrote in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, and set it over Christ, and thus they are contrary to the original showing the Spirit of error, for in the beginning the word was. And Luke a Minister of the word said, that they that was Ministers of the word took in hand to set forth in order, Luk. 1. a declaration, and thus they are contrary to the Scriptures showing the Spirit of error, and go about with a form of godliness to blind people. And the Apostle saith that the Gospel was preached by Abraham, Rom. 1.16. Gala. 3.8. before the letter was written, and this Gospel are they ashaimed of, which is the power, showing that Spirit which is erred from it. And the Teachers of the world saith that Christ hath not enlightened every man that is come into the world, Joh. 1. when as the Scripture saith he doth, and John bare witnsse to it that he did, and thus they are erred from the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, showing the contrary, a spirit of error. And the Teachers of the world have told us that the steeplehouse is the Church, which was in the days of Qu. Marry a place for all her Jesuit Priests, and she made a decree that whosoever did disturb any of her Priests in the time of their service, whilst they was at their Mass or Ministering, as they call it, in their Church or Church-yard, or did deface any Cross or Crucifix, they was to suffer three months' imprisonment, and she was called a defender of the faith who gave forth this decree, which is quite contrary to Scripture and faith, 2 Thesse's. 1. as you may read 1 Cor. 14. which saith, you may all prophecy one by one, that all may learn, that all may be comforted; and thus the Papists and the Priests now are contrary to the faith, and contrary to the Scriptures, and the Church, showing the Spirit of error: for the Scripture saith, 1 Thesse's. 1.1. 1 Cor. 14.3 0. the Church is in God; And the Minister of God saith, if any thing be reveiled to another that sits by, let the first hold his peace. And the practi●e of the Ministers of God and the Church disturbs the Ministers of the world, now in our days, as it did the Papists Priests, which makes them prison and persecute, manifesting the Spirit of error. And the Teachers of the world told us that Cambridge, and Oxford is the two Fountains, and those was the Ministers of Christ that came from thence, Gala. 1. which we see through the mercy of the Lord, that they are the Ministers of the world, made by the will of man, and so are contrary to the Scriptures, showing the Spirit of error. And the Teachers of the world told us that they was Ministers of God, and they was to open the Scriptures, and yet they told us they had not that Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures; so than another, the Spirit of error. The Teachers of the world told us, they was Ministers of Christ, and they do take Tyches of men, 2 Pet. 3.3. Judas. 11. Gen. 4. and if they will not give it them, they sue them at the law, and take triple, but we do not read in the Scriptures that the false Prophets, false Shepherds, false Apostles, and false Teachers, and the persecuting Magistrates, that they ever did use such oppression: and here these Teachers are contrary to the false, and contrary to the true, showing the Spirit of error; therefore you that fear the Lord God, be awakened. The Teachers of the world do manifest themselves to be in the error, for how many Goals in the Nation are the Servants of God cast in, by and through their means, which shows that they are the Teachers that goes in cain's way and Balaams way, and so in the Spirit of error which their fruits makes appear out of the faith of Abel the sufferer. Did ever any persecute that was in Abel's faith, whom God hath respect to, but such Teachers as goes in cain's way, and Balaams' way, as you may read in Judas and Peter, and is not here marks of the world's Teachers, that all the honest hearted may see, that fear God, by their fruits and marks which they themselves do manifest. And do not they manifest themselves to be the briars and the thorns where the Grapes and Figs grows not? And do not the Teachers of the world manifest themselves to be the ravening Wolves, which have gotten the sheep's clothing and by their means many of Christ sheep are cast into prisons, and there almost murdered, and they have made many of their Magistrates without the fear of God to be their Executioners, to cast the Lambs of Christ into prison, but such as fear God see their folly, and the errors of the wicked Teachers are to many too mention. Again, such Priests as preached for hire, and Prophets that divined for money, and heads that judged for rewards, these built up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity, therefore shall Zion for your sakes be laid waist, and ploughed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become as heaps, and the Mountain of the house shall be as the forest: And all consider that be in the light, if this Nation be not brought to the same pass by these builder (which are now cried against with the) light that Micah was in, Mich. but them which be in the error hold up them which be in the error: but them which be in the light cannot hold up them which be in the error, neither ever could in all ages, but the light did them judge and condemn; in which light the Saints have their unity, both with the Son and the Father: and this was given forth, that all may take warning in their life-time what they hold up. The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth, Psal. the Lord shall laugh at him, for he seethe that his day is coming. The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bend their bow to casf down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation. THE END,