A TRUE TESTIMONY Against the Pope's Ways, etc. In a Return To that Agreement of 42. of those that call themselves Ministers of Christ (but are proved to be wronger's of Men and of Christ) in the County of Worcester, and some Adjacent Part, who subscribe their Agreement and Catechism with the Names and the Places where they are Pastors, Teachers, and Rectors, etc. as they say: or as followeth: Richard Baxter Teacher of the Church at Kiderminster. John Boraston Pastor of Ribsford and Bewdley. Richard Eades Pastor of Beckford Glocestershire. Charles Nott Minister of Shelsey. James Warwick Minister at Hanley-Castle Thomas Evans Minister at Welland. Tho. Wright Teacher at Hartlebury. John Nott Teacher at Sheriff Hales in Staffordshire. Henry Osland Teacher of the Church at Bewdley. John Hill Minister at Clifton upon Thame. Tho. Baldwine Minister at Wolverley. Rich. Wolley Minister at Salwarpe. Joh: Freeston Minister at Hampton Lovet. Richard Sergeant Preacher at Kiderminster. Andrew Trusteram Pastor of the Church at Clent. Tho. Bromwich Minister at Kemsey. Tho. Francke Teacher at Wanton-beachamp. John Tailor Minister at Dudley. Will. Spicer Minister of Stone. Humphrey Wolden Minister of Broome. Sam: Bowater Rector of Astley. Benjamin Baxter Minister at Upton upon Severne. Will: Lole Minister at Priton. Tho. Francis Minister at Doderhill. Tho: Jackman Minister at Barrough. Will: Durham Pastor at Tredington. Tho: Easton Pastor of Batesford Glocestershire. Giles Collier Pastor of the Church at Blockley. George Hopkins Minister at Evesham. Tho: Matthews Minister at Evesham. Joh: Dalphine Pastor of the Church at Honiborne. Joseph Triple Pastor of Church-Lench. Will: wiles Preacher at Littleton. Rich. Beeston Preacher at Breedon. Will: Kimberly Preacher at Ridmerley. Joseph Baker Preacher in the City of Worcester. Rich: Fincher Preacher in the City of Worcester. Jo: Willmot Preacher at Pershore. Fra. Hyatt Minister at Eckington. Robert Brown Minister at White Lady Aston. Gervice Bryan Pastor of the Church at Old Swineford and Sturbridge. Joh: Dedicote Preacher at Abbotesley. London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle at the West end of Paul's, 1656. To the Subscribers of the Agreement, etc. YOu say, you are made Overseers by the Holy Ghost, etc. Pag. 1. But I say, that such as are dead in sin, and alive in miscarriages, growing worse, and running yet further from God, wronging Christ and Men, they are not made Overseers by the Holy Ghost, but rather are Wolves that spare not the flock, Act. 20.29. 2 Pet. 2.3. and you confess that you are such: as your Agreement and fruits doth witness, as will hereafter more clearly appear; and therefore (are you liars against the Holy Ghost, and) are not made overseers by him: being such as act directly opposite to him, who are as the Wolves that spare not the flock, but are turned, as you say, wronger's of Christ and of Men: and therefore in wronging him and them, you are not doing his Work; for such as are Labourers for him, 2 Cor. 6.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. and abide in his doctrine, they wrong him not: but you, say you, are wronger's of him, and growing worse, who are running yet further from God: and therefore in running further from God growing worse, and wronging his Son; you make it manifest that you neither abide in his Doctrine nor labour for him; and so are not made overseers by the Holy Ghost; for they that are made overseers by him do not as you have done: but to confute yourselves, you go on and say you preach and teach in all wisdom, that you may present every man perfect in Christ, page 1. Then it seems in words you are grown preachers up of perfection, the doctrine which before you so much hated, opposed, contradicted and denied, and so are preaching up that which before you preached against, opposed, contradicted, crossed and denied, to wit, the doctrine of perfection, to show your self-contradiction as well as self-opposition: and therefore let your people and others mind, if you deny it not again; for if you do any more preach and teach against perfection, you will further confute yourselves, (and teach your own confutations, and self-contradictions) and preach against that which you call your Warrant, and also deny the same, and cut yourselves out by your own rule (as is here done): for such as are in the miscarriages and growing worse, wronging Christ and Men, and running yet further from God, (as you say you are) such are not yet come to repentance, (according to your saying) that are not throughly turned from the world, the devil, and the flesh, etc. and therefore are unfit to preach up perfection. You say in page 2. You have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the Oracles of God; and I say the same: for you have made manifest your Ignorance therein, who are not yet quickened, but (as you say) naturally dead in sin, growing worse and are yet running further from God: and where you say, Let a man account of us as the Ministers of Christ, and Stewards of the mysteries of God: but I say, that such as are dead in sin, not quickened by Grace, who are in the miscarriages unturned out of them, but growing worse, and running yet further from God, wronging both Christ and men (as you do) they never were to be therein accounted so: and therefore you that say you are such, are not to be accounted as you would be; Titus 1.6, 7, 8, 9 to wit, neither Ministers of Christ, nor Stewards of the Mysteries of God: for they was blameless, but you are , accusing and opposing yourselves, therefore you are not they that are to be obeyed, neither do you watch for souls, but for your own ends; who are, as you say, in the miscarriages growing worse, and so it appears both by your fruits, and way also be seen in this Return to your Agreement, and Catechism. A Short Answer, to that called, The Agreement of the 42. Teachers, Pastors, Ministers and Rectors, etc. In the County of Worcester, and some Adjacent parts, etc. YOu two and forty Teachers, Pastors, Ministers and Rectors, as you call yourselves in your Agreement, dated (in page the 33.) May the 4: 1655. I have read over your Agreement, and weighed the same in a Balance of truth and equity: in which you are found wanting, and in confusion. And now since the Lord hath sent some of his servants and messengers, amongst you (to awaken you) you are made sensible of your negligences, and your miscarriages, and how little your people are profited by your preaching; and you are reviving your old former works, and setting the people, as it were to make Brick without straw: rather than you would have them to come from under your unprofitable Ministry, to wait upon the teachings of God; And you set up a worship in your wills, and is it not the same that was set up by the Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Prelates, and old Episcopals, (if not by the Pope)? and that you say is for the kill of ignorance, which your preaching could not do. And yet it hath been used by (the Popish Race, and) your forefathers the Bishops, and Prelates, and were not killed thereby; but is found living amongst you, their children and offspring. And you are found in the deceit, and would keep people, in the same, by your flatteries, and inventions, which will all be to no purpose, that is acted by the spirit of deceit and miscarrying nature; which you are in; And leaves the same ignorance unkilled, by your familiar, and personal Instructions, as your forefathers have done: you being in the miscarriages wronging men and Christ, and not guided by the true spirit, but by the false, as your fruits, as well as your Agreement, maketh it manifest. Concerning your warrant. You have gathered certain verses of the Apostles words, and calls them your warrant from God, when you are found our of the Apostles practice and order, and not at all warranted by them, to wrong men and Christ, as you have done, and confessed the same; you also are in the miscarriages and disobedient nature, neglecters of the great works of God, and therefore you being in that deceit, are out of the counsels of God, and liars like the false prophets, whose examples ye follow, that stole the true prophet's words, and were ready (like you) to call them their warrant from God, or saying they spoke from the Mouth of the Lord, when the Lord did not warrant them in it, no more than he doth you) but witnessed against them by the true Prophet; And said, he had not spoken to them, but they ran unsent (as you have done) and therefore they should not profit the people at all (no more than you shall) though they spoke the true Prophet's words (as you may do) yet they was not guided by the true Prophet's spirit (no more than you are.) And though they spoke their words for their own ends (as you do) yet for all that they were without Warrant from God, (as well as you are) and also found out of his Counsel in their inventions, and speaking for their own ends, and for money, as you do, and they caused the people to err by their lies, and by their lightness (as you do) and the Lord by his Spirit in his Servants witnessed against them, as he doth against you, saying, I sent them not, nor commanded them, and so they were without warrant from God (as you are) though they could speak the true Prophet's words (as you do) yet running unsent as you have done. The Lord said they should not profit the people at all, (Jer., 32. There cah. 3.5.11.) No more do you, who are as you say neglecters of the works of God, and in the miscarriages unpardoned, as well as wronger's of men and Christ: as you yourselves in your Agreement have all so acknowledged, therefore your gathering of Paul's words, and the true Prophet's words (being out of their life and spirit) to paint and garnish yourselves withal, and are found persecuting the truth, as your forefathers the false Prophets, and Scribes, and Pharisees did their words gather together, with your dark minds, and no warrant to you from God so to do, nor to be called of men Masters, Matth. 23.8.10. Nor to preach for tithes, or hundreds a year, Paul did not do it, but preached freely coveting no man's silver or gold, but hath showed an example, which you refuse to follow, Act. 20.33, 34, 35. therefore his words is no warrant for you to do as you do; As in pag: the 1. or 2. of your Agreement. neither did Paul go to take a ground from the Pope, or sixth general Council, held either at Trent or Trull, and say from thence, that they that are baptised aught to learn the Belief, and on the fifth day of the week say it over, to the Bishops, etc. as you do, which you lay down as the ground of your Catechism and familiar and personal instruction, and so build upon the Bishops and old popish root, as you have done; But Paul as he was a Minister of Christ, Act. 26.16, 17, 18. he was sent to turn people from darkness to the Light, and from the power of Satan unto God, and not to keep them in darkness and sin unturned to God, as you and your Minister doth; therefore you are out of this life and not guided by the Spirit of God as he was; And Paul as he was a Minister of Christ and the Gospel, he were called of God, and appointed to preach, by the power of the holy Ghost, Gala. 1.1. Gala., 16. Act. 13.2, 3, etc. Act. 18.9, 10, 11, etc. Act. 16.9, 10. Colo. 1.25, 26, 27, 28. who was not made a Minister by the will of man (as you are) but by the Will of God, Gala. 1.1, 2. in which his Ministry stood, who had the mystery of godliness, and Christ the Son of God revealed within him, Ephe. 3.2, 3. etc. Gala. 1.15, 16. And so had his warrant from God, and after Christ and the Ministry were so revealed in him, than he went forth immediately (and not before for) to preach him, as he hath certified to the brethren, Gala. 1.11, 12. And he preached the Light, 2 Cor. 4.5, 6. Law, Rom. 8.3. Hebr. 8.10, 11. And heavenly treasure within, 2 Cor. 4.6, 7. And the word in the heart, Rom. 10.8. by which, faith is wrought, and Christ the Mystery and hope of glory within them, Col. 1.25, 26, 27. And they that believed, and were baptised into him, they put him on, Gala. 3 27. As Paul the Gospel-Minister hath certified, but he did not make a ground of Catechism and familiar personal instructions, from the Pope, or general Counsels, held at Trent or Trull (as you do) for the cutting down of Ignorance, Heresy and wickedness (as you pretend you will do); but Paul was to turn people from the darkness, in which error, heresy, and wickedness was, and so turning them from that, he turned them to the light, and power of the Spirit of God which was the way and means whereby Ignorance, Error, and wickedness, was to be cut down, crucified and killed, which you are yet ignorant of, as your Agreement doth manifest as well as your fruits, who lives in ignorance, Miscarriages, Error, Heresy, and wickedness, uncrucified or killed; And was not the same way and means, which you pretend to kill it by, used, (by the Pope) Bishops, Prelates &c. (or at the Council at Trent, or Trull) and by your forefathers the old out-rooted Bishops, and Episcopals before you, and yet it left the Ignorance, Errors, Miscarriages, Heresies, and wickedness, amongst you Living, and had no power to crucify the same, and you say your preaching this many years, hath not yet killed it; and therefore you have agreed, to use the same, (Antidote or) means for the kill of it, (as they did, and if it could not expel, and kill it, by them useing the same before you, as you also have done) do you think to blind people by casting a mist before the eyes of their understanding, seeking to insinuate into them by flatteries and garnishing your flatteries, with colourable glosses, to cause them, to think that, your reviving, that which hath been used amongst them with outside, Matth. 23.27, 28.30▪ 31, etc. will now from you receive life, to do that which it could not do, neither, by the (Pope or) Bishops, nor by you (their offsprings). And with the Light are you seen, (at your wit's end) and troubled that you cannot have your wills fulfilled, who are the enemies of the Living truth, and wronger's both of men and God, as you also in your Agreement, acknowledge, and therefore all your Evasions, and Colourable glosses must fall with your Image, and Imaginary worships, (as in your forefathers before you) and the Ministry that stands out of man's will, which you are yet Ignorant of, must through the cross cut down, and crucify, and kill that which your Ministry doth not, nor your forefathers (or the Pope or Bishops) before you, and that Ministry which comes forth from the Light, and power of the Spirit of God, is for the discovering, and killing of the Error, Heresy and Miscarriages, (which yours hath and doth leave people in): and so as it kills that and the Ignorance, Gala. 3.4, 5. Eph. 2. john 8.12. 1 john 3.8, 9 1. Pet. 1.18, 19, 22, 23, 1 john 4.16, 17: john 14.20. it quickeneth, and raiseth the soul out of death, destroying the Ignorance, Error, Heresy, and Miscarriages, and all the works of the Devil, and so bringeth souls out of death, and from under the power of darkness: to live in the life of the Eternal truth, in the Enjoyment of the Father's love, and to Enjoy and walk in the liberty of the Sons of God: And saith John, We know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding to know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ, and this is true God and life eternal, 1 John 5.20. Whose Ministry without your familiar personal Instruction, discovereth, and killeth, sin, Error, and Miscarriages, which you live in unkilled, and therefore out of his Minstiry, who killeth that, and quickeneth the other that hath suffered under it, raising that, and them together with it, saving them by grace, and causing them as they at Ephesus did, to sit with Christ Jesus in the heavenly place; Ephe. 2.1, 2, 4, 5, 6. For by grace were they saved, ver. 8th. Through faith, and not of themselves, nor of works lest any should boast, Eph: 2.8, 9 As Paul the Gospel-Minister, doth witness, in his Affirmation, who did not (as you do in your confusion) set up a form of words without Spirit and Life, grounded upon the Pope's practice, or general Council held at Trent or at Trull; And bid people get these to say and be catechised, etc. And say them over to the (Pope or) Archbishops, Persons, Priests Rectors, and Curates, upon pain of damnation, neither doth his words warrant you so to do: Therefore are they not your warrant from God for that work. Neither did Paul (go and) writ out a few words, out of the 20. Chap. of Exodus. and the 6. Chap. of Matthew and set the people to get them upon pain of damnation and salvation. Which words he had before you, and witnessed the life in the spirit and power of Christ, for the kill of Ignorannce Sin, Error and Miscarriages: Eph. 5.13. Eph. 6.10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Gal, 2.19, 20. and to quicken the mortal body, Rom. 8.10, 11. as well for the purifying of the heart, and the soul: 1 Pet. 1.22, 23. Which you have showed your Ignorance in, and to be out of; And therefore Paul's words, is not your warrant from God, who are out of that righteous life: And Paul said they were delivered from the law, that being dead, wherein they had been held, their service stood in the newness of the Spirit, and not in the oldness of the Letter; Rom. 7.6. But your service stands in the oldness of the Letter (and the old Law) and not in the Gospel and newness of spirit, Rom. 1.16, 16. as your fruits and agreement doth manifest: Therefore you that serve in your wills, and set people to serve in theirs, and in the oldness of the Letter, without the [Gospel and power of God to salvation, and the] newness of Spirit, Clo. 2.21, 22, 23. Eph. 2.14, 15, 16. Rom. 1.26. you are not by Paul's words warranted from God to do it: who was himself a minister not of the Letter, but of the Spirit, as he hath witnessed, 2 Co. 3.6. etc. Therefore your garnishing yourselves, with his words, and wanting his ministry and spirit, to guide in the ministration, and worship of God: that spirit John 4.23, 24. 2 Cor. 3.17, 18. you are but as founding Brass and tinkling Cymbals, being in the envy, and out of love the of the Father, as the false Prophets was, therefore let Paul's words rest where they are, 1 Cor. 13. H s 16.9. Mic. 3.11. jude 11. till you depart from your lusts (and go make restitution) for the Lord is against you, (and all such) who are yet without warrant from God, for all your stealing of words to garnish yourselves, as your forefathers did. But thus saith the Lord, therefore behold I am against them that steal my words from his neighbour, I sent them not, nor commanded them: Therefore they shall not profit the people at all, jer. 23.30. etc. And now that you are without warrant from the Scripture, being out of the life of truth; and reviving your forefather's works, taking a ground from the sixth-Generall Council held at Trent or at Trull, in the time of the (Pope or) Bishopps: Matth. 7.15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 22, 26, 27. ver. 2. and are you not also left without warrant from them, then where are you now, and what ground do you stand on: are you not without ground, or bottom, and on the Sandy foundation, ready to be washed away when the floods come etc. Whose fall, as Christ saith, therefrom, is like to be great, and as may be Read, Math. 7.26, 27. Let the Priest's mind and see, If they know From whence they came. BEhold and see from whence you came, and mind your return: was not your Original I head, root, and foundation the (Pope or) Archbishops, and Bishops? amongst which was not the Bishop of Rome, called the Pope, Chief Supreme head, etc. Until the time, or reign of Henry the 8. Late King of England, as by the Laws of this Nation may appear, etc. And the Called Arch-Bishopps, and such, as received Orders from them to be Priests, Ministers, Deacons, and Clarks, etc. Were they not called the body Spiritual, and were and are they not called the English Church. etc. And after the Pope was put out of Tithes (and that which he had begot) by Henry the 8; the Arch-Bishopps (your fathers) Priests, Ministers, Deacons, Rectors, Clarks, etc. called the body Spiritual and the English Church etc. Were they not endowed with Tithes, &c, (or the Pope's honours) and such Parochial rights etc. As the Pope had begot, and were put out of, when your forefathers, (and you) his offspring entered into his seat, and were they not (adorned, as well as endowed) with the Pope's Bringing forth into Parochial rights, etc. And your forefathers (the called Arch-Bishopps: and Bishopps) and (you and) such as received orders from them to be Priests, Ministers, Deacons, Rectors, Parsons, Vicars, Curates, and Clarks, were they not (as before is said) called the English Church, as by the statute of Henry the 8. may appear: and did not the Kings and Nobles endow the said Church both with honours, 24 Hen. 8.12.25 Hen. 8. Cham 20. and possessions (the Pope's ornaments) viz. Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, etc. to keep them from corruption and sinister affection: which it hath not done (as you confess that are in the miscarriages, Neglecters of the work of God, and wronger's both of men and of Christ, as your Agreement witnesseth Page, 3, 4, 19, etc. And the Pope and the See of Rome, had the Trial (amongst other things) of the right of Tithes, Oblations, and Obventions etc. And by that statute, The Statute. 24 Hen. 8, Cap. 12.26 Hen. 8. Cap. 1. is it not ordained and declared that all spiritual Prelates, Pastors, Ministers, and Curates, etc. as they are called, may Use, Minister, Execute and Do, all Sacraments, and sacramentals, and Divine service unto the subjects of the same: and is not there the (ground of your sacraments, or) proofs of calling them so, The Pope had the Peterpence pensions, etc. till the time Hen. the 8. who endowed the Bishops, and Priests, etc. in the Pope's pensions, peterpences, fruits, suits etc. See yourselves and read 25. Hen. 8. Cap. 21. and not the Scriptures, in which there is not one word that speaks of Sacraments and Sacramentals, as they are called, and is not King Henry the 8. and his Successors declared there the only Supreme head in earth of the Church of England. And by the Statute of the 25. Hen. 8.20. Is it not said, that the Annals or first fruits, which were paid by the Arch-Bishopps of England unto the Bishop of Rome, called the Pope, etc. should cease and not be paid to him, etc. And by the Statute of the 26, of Hen. 8. Chap. 3. Is not the first Fruits and profits of every Archbishopric, and Bishopric, Parsonage, Vicarage, etc. said to be taken, & given to Hen: 8. and his successors, and ever and besides a yearly Tenth of all spiritual live, etc. as they are called: And did not the Bishopps, etc. receive their places and rewards from him etc. See more at large in the 26. Hen. 8. Chap. 3. How they did Proceed to the Election of an Archbishop. FOr by the statute of the 25, of Hen. 8. Chap. 20. Is it not said, to be Ordained and Established, that the King and his successors, may grant to the Prior and Covent or the Dean or Chapter of the Cathedral Churches, or Monasteries, a licence under the great seal, as of old time hath been accustomed to proceed to the election of an Archbishop at every Avoidance of any Archbishopric or Bishopric, within the Realm of England with a Letter Mislive, containing the name of the person, which they shall elect and choose, etc. See more at large concerning the same, in the 25. Hen. 8. Chap. 20. aforesaid. The Ordination of a Priest, or [pretended] Minister, etc. BY a Statute made, the 13. of Eliz. Chap. 12. Is it not said to be ordained that every person, under the degree of a Bishop, which doth or shall pretend to be a Priest, or Minister of God's holy Word and Sacrament, etc. shall in the presence of the Bishops, declare his Assent, and subscribe to all the articles of religion, which concern the confession of the true Christian faith, and the doctrine of the Sacraments, in a book imprinted, entitled Articles; And whereupon, was it not agreed, by the Arch-Bishops, and Bishops, and the whole Clergy in the Convocation holden at London in the year, 1562. And that none should be made Minister, or admitted to preach, or adminster the Sacraments in England, under the age of 24. years, or unless he be approved by the Bishop of the Diocese, being a Deacon at the least, etc. And all admissions to benefices, etc. And all licences, or tolerations, made to the contrary to be merely void in law, as if they never were, etc. Therefore mind where you are, and see if you know, A Manifestation of your Down-fall, etc. or, your Foundation shaken and razed, etc. FOr, is it not manifest, that the Foundation of (your forefather's) the late Arch-Bishops and Bishops, etc. here in England, was man, etc. viz. Kings and Queens of England, with the Priors and Covent of Monasteries, and the Deans, 3 Elizae Cap. 1.12. and the Chapters of the cathedrals, And that the ministers, Pastors, Rectors, Parsons, Preachers, Vicars, Curates, and Clarks, etc. as they call them, were Members and Branches arising from that root, and body, viz. The Arch-Bishops and Bishops, of which the Bishops of Rome called the Pope, was head till Henry the eight: and King Henry the eight, put him out, and let him in, etc. Which Arch-Bishops and Bishops, by a Late Ordinance of Parliament, were, and are taken away, and also rendered useless. And by another Ordinance, or act of Parliament, is not the Kingly Power and Government (by which they had been set up) taken away? etc. And is it not therefore manifest, by the laws, statutes, and ordinances afore said that the called Priests, Ministers, Rectors, Pastors, Preachers, Vicars, Curates, and Clarks, etc. were Members and Branches of the late Arch-Bishopps, and Bishopps of this Nation: and had their rise and sprung from that root and body, and of that root and body were members and branches: and that the Arch-Bishopps and Bishopps themselves, were made and had their Rise from the Kings and Queens, Priors, Covents, Monasteries, Deans, and Chapters: Arch-Bishops and Bishops, Root and Branch, and their power and Authority being disannulled, rendered and declared useless, abolished, and taken away as afore said, etc. Doth it not clearly appear, that all the Priests so called, and is it not manifest, that they and the ministers in England, with the called Rectors, Parsons, Pastors, Preachers, Vicars, Clarks, and Curates, being branches and members of that body and root, are (or aught to be) as branches taken away, disannulled and abolished, and the Root of their root, The Kings and Queens of England, etc. And it being clearly made manifest and proved that their foundation (and yours) is of man, and from man, and them, and their foundation; and the root (of their root) by man razed, taken away, made null, and rendered useless: are not they (and you) left without foundation and bottom? etc. Who were not one amongst themselves, 24. H 8.12. and the 25.8.20. neither (are you) the same this generation, that was the last before, but altars and changes, with times, and men, etc. As your forefathers, and Priests of England, and their predecessors have done, and is it not▪ manifest that in the time of Henry the Eight, the late King of England: their predecessors, denied the Pope for their head; 2. and 3. of Ed. 6. Chp. 1. and owned Henry the Eight for their head, etc. (viz. the Priests) Arch-Bishops and Bishopps etc. And in the time of Edward the sixth, did not their predecessors (viz. the Priests) and your forefathers deny the Masse-Book, and instead thereof received the Common prayer-book; at this hand, &c, And again in Queen Marry her time, they denied the Common prayer-book, and received the Mass book, etc. Sessio secunda Anno Mariae primo. Chap. 2.3. And after that in the time of Queen Elizabeth they denied the masse-book, and again received the common prayer-book, etc. 1 Eliz. Chap. 2. And in the time of the late Parliament; was not the Common Prayer Book denied, and the Directory received (by you), rather than you would deny your worldly honours, and possessions, and what you now own is manifest to all the Children of light, etc. And how that you are setting up your forefather's works, and though you be made sensible of your deceits, and the unprofitableness of your Ministry, yet rather than you will deny yourselves, of what you have received by tradition, from your forefathers, and forsake your deceits, you rather would keep people still, by force as it were, under your dead dark, cold, barren Ministry, (and destroys their souls) for your own ends, who are wronger's, both of them, and of Christ, and are made sensible of it, as you say: pag. 19 and fears lest God require their blood at your hands; etc. And Richard Baxter and the other 40. and odd, who calls yourselves Ministers of Christ, and are the untaught teachers (out of the doctrine of Christ) and are in the miscarriages, growing worse as you say, you have, in the grounds and reasons in your Agreement and Catechism, acknowledged the same, and so hath made yourselves also manifest to be both the untaught teachers, and the unprofitable servants, and wants your pardon, (and then you must needs want your warrant) from God, for the same: therefore (as you are proved by Law and Gospel to be without warrant) you are also proved by your own confession, so to be, in your Agreement: for you say page 3, We the Ministers of Christ, whose names are under written, etc. do humbly bewail our too great neglect, that we have not employed our care, and time, and labour, on so great a work, according to the strict and holy precepts and patterns in God's word, etc. We earnestly beg of God to pardon this our great neglect, etc. Here you have proved yourselves to be the untaught teachers, that are neglecters of the work of God: Act. 6.4. Act. 20.20, 21, 22,, 27. for such as are taught of God, and abide in his doctrine, are diligent in the work of the Lord, and do not neglect it as you do, who are the idle loiterers, and now you idle loiterers, and unprofitable servants, are you made so far sensible of your idleness and negligence in that work, which, as you say, is according to the strict and holy precepts & patterns in God's word, and yet you would shelter yourselves under the name of Christ whilst you are such, and also wronger's of men, and of Christ, page 19 etc. And calls yourselves the Ministers of Christ, whilst you are acknowledging your idleness, negligence (miscarriages, page 4. &c:) and the wrong you do to men and to Christ, and yet without a pardon for the same; Be ashamed of your idleness, and negligence in that which you have professed and for which you have taken people's moneys; for your idleness and negligence, miscarriages, and wronging men and Christ (which you yourselves also confess) therefore be ashamed of your deceit, and of your miscarriages (and the wrongs you have all this time done to men and to Christ (and have taken their money for the same). Go and restore , and cease your deceive, be ashamed also of your lies, never call yourselves the Ministers of Christ whilst you are the idle loiterers, wronger's of men and Him, and such as neglects his work, as you do, and have all this while done, and that according to your own saying too? If you have all this while been in the miscarriages unpardoned (as you say) you must needs be the untaught teachers (as you are) and if you have all this time been wronger's of men, and of Christ (as you say) and unpardoned for the same, you must needs be the enemies of God and good men, and so no Ministers of Christ, for he doth not teach his Ministers to live in miscarriages as you do, nor to wrong him, and men (as you do) who are not taught yet to deny and forsake the same: therefore you are out of his doctrine, who receive not his teachings, and so are ye untaught teachers, as well as the unprofitable servants (and cursed deceivers) for if you have all this while been in the miscarriages; doing wrong to God and Men, and also idle, and out of the work of God, and now being sensible of it confessing the same, and bewailing your idleness and negligence, and wants yet your pardon for the same; whose works have you done all this while, Mica. 3.5.11. Isa. 56.10.11 Jer. 5.30, 31. Isa. 55.2, 3. Ezek. 34. (the Devils or your own)? and for what have people spent their means and money on you, for your idleness and negligence, keeping them in blindness and ignorance, and for doing God and them wrong, who have confessed the same, and that you have been idle and neglected to do the great work of God according to his word, therefore in neglecting that and being idle therein, and instead of doing the same, Your third Answer agreeing with page 3.4.17. have been wronging both Men and Christ himself, you have cleared yourselves from being his Ministers, and proved yourselves (to be the cursed deceivers, and are found and proved) to be the unprofitable servants, being idle and neglecters of the great work of God, by you left undone; and than you must needs have been doing the works of your Father the Devil (John 8.44.] and your own; who are wronger's of God, and men, and so hath deceived their souls, and taken their means, and money for the same, and for that which is not bread, as the false Prophets, and idle Shepherds aforetime did, therefore you that are such, your judgement and condemnation will be the greater, Mark. Have you both wronged men, and of them sought your own ends and gains, and lulled them asleep in security, and taken their money and means for sleeping therein, and as you confess have not awakened them out of the same, nor yet turned them from darkness to light, that have them yet unturned from sin unto God, as your Agreement doth witness: therefore be not offended at others, who are sent from the Lord, to tell you the same, and for that your work of deceiving, and wronging Christ and them, take you the shame and give over deceiving souls for your own ends, and earthly gains; for you are those that labour in vain, being wronger's of God and Men, and idle and negligent (as you say) in the great work of God, according to his holy word; and so you have proved yourselves to be none of Christ's Minister, but enemies, and cursed deceivers, for it is written, cursed be such as do the work of the Lord, deceitfully or negligently, and as you have done, therefore that curse stands upon you and them that with you remain under the same; Jer. 48.10. Jer. 11.3. And now that you are discovered, witnessed against, and made manifest to be deceivers, wronger's of God, and wronger's of Men, and to be idle negligent and the unprofitable servants, you have also confessed (since you say you were yourselves awakened unto the same) yet you make flatteries and excuses, and false glosses to hid your deceits under? Promising amendment, but doth not regard to forsake your false Ministry and worships, and turn to the truth in the life of it, being found out of the life in the lust, and miscarriages, wronger's of God and Men, and hath your people asleep in security, etc. But if any should have been sent of the Lord, into your market places or steeple-houses, where you sell your ware, and use your trade of deceit, to deceive souls, and wrong Christ and them, for your own ends, and if they had but told you that which you have confess, you would have been all on an uproar, and have had your disciples, ready to fight for you with clubs and fists, and after have sent the messenger of God, to Prison for it, as at Kidderminster and Worcester, were made manifest, when there was not so much spoken against you, Titus 1.16. 2 Tim. 3.8.9. and 12. as since, in your Agreement, you have confessed; but yet continue in and rather grow worse and worse, as deceivers (like you) evil men and seducers in former ages did; 2 Tim. 3.12▪ but your folly is made manifest as theirs was, who professes God in words, but in works deny him as such did that did so before you, who were reprobate concerning the true Gospel purifying faith, (as you are) and to every good work abominable and reprobate: therefore behold your blindness and folly made manifest, and for the time to come bear your reproofs, and take shame to yourselves, if any be moved again by the Lord to come into your steeple-houses, and tell you that you have confessed the same; and that your own mouths witness against you and your hearers, as in your Agreement, is also made manifest. That you are wronger's of God, and of your hearers, page 19 and in the miscarriages liven formerly in (page 4.) unpardoned, and that you are bewailing your negligence or idleness, in the great work of God according to his word, page 3. and saying you will amend, and beg pardon for the same; And if any be moved of the Lord to come amongst you, seeing you still continue as you was, and asks why you do not come out of your miscarriages, and give over deceiving of souls, and cease to wrong God and Men, for your own ends, and say unto you, why do you not perform your promise, but say and do not, as hypocrites and the false Prophets do and aforetime did, as the Scripture witnesseth; or if there come any amongst you, and ask you, If you have yet got a pardon, etc. granted for your former negligence, miscarriages, and wrong done to Christ, and to Men, or to ask you (seeing you go on in the same) if you have any toleration or warrant from God so to do, etc. Will you not cause them that so do come to ask you or speak as the Lord shall more them) to be haled out of your Steeple-houses, and had to prison for the same (as formerly some of you have done) and, If any be moved of the Lord, to come to your Steeple-houses, and ask If your hearers be awakened, out of their sleepiness, and to ask also If you be turned out of your Miscarriages, from preaching for hire, and being called of men masters, and from wronging others, and also from your Idle Lazy Negligence, John 16, 2, 3. Act. 17.5.6. etc. Act. 22.27, 28, 29, 30. etc. Will you not be offended at them, for it, as Richard Baxter was with me, when I spoke to him in the Steeplehouse in Worcester, who caused me to be haled out, (as Anti-Christian-Ministers afore time did) and afterward the same day, when he was spoken to, in the Street would not stand, but fled as the Hireling useth to do, John the 10. And suffered the prison, to be a place of security to keep truth shut up into those bonds, rather than to be at liberty to reprove his deceits, which is evident by his fruits, which now also under a cover he hath confessed, and is in that Agreement of his and 40. odd, Priests, Pastors, Ministers, Preachers, Rectors, and Curates and Teachers, further made manifest. And, Cursed is he that doth the work of the Lord Negligently, but Richard Baxter thou hast done it Negligently this many years; and above 40. Priests with thee, according to your Confession, in your Agreement, and therefore you are under that Curse. And now, O ye Priests, this Commandment is for you; If ye will not hear, to give glory to my name, saith the Lord of hosts; I will even send a curse upon you, and will curse your blessings, yea I have cursed them already, therefore will I make you contemptible, and base before the people, according as ye have not kept my ways Mal. 2.1, 2. and ver. 9 Mal. 2.1, 2, 3, 4.8, 9 Behold saith the Lord I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it, Mal. 2.3. Your agreement in which you have confessed your wrong to Christ, and to men, and your former miscarriages then continued in, and in which you have confessed your negligence, etc. It was dated the 4. of May 1655. And then you wanted your pardon both for your wrong done to God and men, and your negligence in the work of God also: as also for your former miscarriages, etc. as you have confessed, and therefore are guilty, and must come under condemnation for the same, but, (To flatter and dissemble with the people) you say, you will resolve for the time to come to amend, but doth not yet do it, being still in the old nature and will-worships, perfection, miscarriages, and doing wrong as you did, yet you say you and all the adjacent-churches will set apart a day publicly, to fast and pray for a pardon, etc. I say; the church in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes. 1.1. Which is the pillar & ground of Truth 1 Tim. 3.15. doth deny you and all wronger's of God and men; and persecuters of the Innocent, and such as are called of men masters, professing themselves Christs-Ministers: and all such as deceive souls for dishonest gain, and lives in perfection, and such, and the like miscarriages as you and your generation do, and the prayers of the wicked are sin, & such as turneth their care from hearing the Law [in the heart, and of God, Jer. 31.33.] their prayer is an abomination to the Lord God, Pro. 28. and 9 ver. And such as you that neglect the work of God, and lives in persecution, (the work of the Devil) and in the miscarriages wronging God and men, as you do, they are those that turns their care, from hearing the law, and their hearts from receiving the truth, standing in opposition against it (as you do); and therefore their prayers are abomination to the Lord, as yours and all that work such wickedness, as you do, is: for thus faith the Lord unto such; Isa. 1.15. when ye spread forth your hands I will h●de mine eyes from you; yea when you make many prayers I will not hear, your hands are full of blood and (hearts as well as) houses are full of deceit, and over passeth the deeds of the wicked, jer. 5.26, 27. and such like, and they that neglect the work of the Lord are cursed children, having hearts exercised with covetous practices, 2 Pet. 2.3, 13, 14. And what Churches are you, and you that are such, who are in the cursed nature, and wicked practices in sin, and unturned to God, Isa. 59.2? What is your fasts worth that lives in strife and debate, persecution and wickedness, behold in the day of your fasts do you not find pleasure? And are you not bringing forth persecution, as in this Nation is manifest, (as well as you exact all your labours) Isa. 58.3. behold do not ye fast as hypocrites and persecuters do, that fast for strife and debate: Matth. 23.4, 5. etc. who smite with the fists of wickedness, causing your voice to be heard on high, afflicting the soul for a day, and hanging down the head as a bulrush, and, instead of losing the bands of witkedness, you strengthen the hands of evil doers; & instead of undoing the heavy burdens, you bind them Pharise-like upon men's shoulders and will not yourselves touch them with one of your singers (sueing some for Tithes and taking triple damages &c.) And instead of letting the oppressed go free, you and your generation cast the Innocent into prisons-holes, and dungeons, as your prisons in these parts against you may sufficiently witness: and are not these the fruits (of Jezabel, and) of the Hypocrites fast, and not that which the Lord doth require, Isa. 58.3, 5, 6, 7. Wherefore be ye witnesses against yourselves that you walk in the false Prophets and Pharisees your forefather's steps, as your fruits make you manifest: and as you may read, Math. 23.31, 32, 33, 34. &c and you have under a cover confessed the same, who wants a pardon for your negligence (in the work of God) as you say, & for your former miscarriages [which was before the 4. day of May, as aforesaid] and therefore you want a pardon for your perfecting and imprisoning of Tho. Goodaire, once in Kiderminster, & twice in Worcester, before that time, and some others hath been imprisoned at Worcester, and in Worcest▪ Anne Himing: Richard Ke●bey for Tyths, etc. and many at Evesham since your hypocritical false hearted and deceitful confession, promising amendment, and rather grows worse and worse, so manifesting your hypocrisy and filling up your measure of iniquity, as your forefathers did, & leaving both your words and actions to be standing witnesses against you, as they did; that it may appear for all your Evasions and Colourable glosses that you are their offspring and beareth their marks by which you are known, Ma●th. 7.20. Matth. 7.15. etc. And seeing that your ministry takes little place in working any good effect in your hearers, but leaves them ignorant in matters of salvation, page 19 of your Agreement, you are resolving in your wills and miscarrying womb or nature and Spirit, from whence your continued miscarriages proceeds, to revive your forefather's work, and set up a form of words for them to get to say over to you, as was used to be done to the Bishops at Trent or at Trull, and you promise salvation upon the performance, and threatens damnation upon the refusal (Pope-like) saying that that way of using Cathechising], familiar and personal instruction, and to have the people to get the Creed, the Lords prayer and ten commandments or any other * And is not those (which you call any other Orthodox Catechism) such as were set out by he old Bishops and their offspring that were in the miscarriages as you also are etc. And confess page the 4. of your Agreement. Orthodox Catechism, and your expositions, to say over to you; and so that will be a means you say to kill ignorance. But the same means hath been used by the Bishops and Prelates, and yet it hath not done that which you would have it to do, and do you think that if it did not do it by your forefather's applying, that it receives any more virtue or power from you, to do it by your revieing their work, and useing the same means, and with the same miscarrying nature, and wrongful Spirit, which they did make use of it with all: but your covers are too narrow, and leaves you bare, and ignorance remains still amongst your hearers, Math. Act 4.11.12. Heb. 7.25. and the miscarriages amongst you their untaught teachers, (as it did with your forefather's.) And you say the diligence of Papists and Sectaries will condemn you, if you will not do half so much in a right way to save men's souls, Math. 6.24. Math. 7.13.14. ●5. 16.17.18 ●9, 28▪ as they will do in a wrong way to pervert them; would you not here have people to set you up as their saviour, and so cause them to neglect coming from you to look unto Christ for teaching, who is a true Saviour, and teacher of his people, and perfectly able to save all that come unto God by him (without you): but your design is seem; and all your covers will not hid you, who seeks to cast that off from you to the Papist and Sectaries, which yourselves are guilty of and found in, for if the way of neglecting the work of God, and living in miscarriages, wronging Christ and Men, growing worse, and running yet further from God, as you do, and have done, be not the wrong way, and destructive to men's souls, what is? for there is but two waves the right and the wrong etc. If you walk in that wrong way, wherein you miscarry, and wrong God and Men, growing worse and running further therein; do not the Papists the same, and are not you and they therein one, and so walk with them in that way, whose actions proceed from one ground and Spirit, though in some words and formalities you differ, but in the evil (and wronging God and Men, etc.) are Joined together; and therefore may stop your mouths of condemning others, for that which you are found guilty of: your words as well as your actions bear witness against you, and your bitterness and persecuting the servants of Jesus, as your Prisons (and barbarous or cruel usage) at Evesham and other places may witness for the truth, and against your deceit, and wrong done to men and God (as you say in your agreement) therefore you and the Papists goes on in one nature together: the Papists you say bring all ●he people to confess their most secret sins unto their Priests, and do not you labour to bring the people to do so unto you, the Parish Masters, idle Shepherds, and hireling Priests, and then are not you and the Papists therein both one in nature, and property, Ez●k. 3●, ●● & ● though differing a little in words and colourable clauses. And where you tell of creeping into houses; who more than you creeps into the Pope's houses, which you (with and from them) call Churches? but let me ask you that run so out of them (from whence you sprung) wherein do you and they differ in worships and practise therein? Whether in manner or matter? if in manner only you differ, and not in matter, then do you not agree in the main? if so, then are not you and the Papists in religion, and worships as well as nature and property one, though differing in some words & formalities etc. but both in the vain traditions, and observing your fancies, and brain imaginations as the Serpent's seed did in all ages. You resolve in your wills to set on a work (in your imaginations) promising salvation upon the performance, and damnation upon the refusal, page 30. and so would merit Heaven by your actings, in the nature from whence ariseth negligence, and miscarriages, page 3, 4. and wrong to men, and to Christ, page 19 and do not the Papists hold the same? thinking to merit Heaven by their own actings in that nature, and spirit of deceit, which guides them to neglect the work of God, and also into miscarriages, and to wrong men and God, (like you and persecuters, and seed of evil doers.) If so, then are not you and the Papists one therein, and why do you cry out against that so much in others; yourselves being guilty of and found in the same, and doing their work; only differing here and there in words, formalities & some colourable glosses, etc. You say page 23. you have all need to join heart and hand, to help one another safe to heaven, and all little enough you say; I answer, yea and too little too, for in that nature in will not be done, which teacheth you to wrong Christ and Men, for if in that nature you could do it; why might not the Papist in the like nature with you, do the same? and are not you therein with the Papists, one? or if any get out of your ignorance and come from under the wrong, and out of the miscarriages in obedience to the teachings of Christ the true teacher and Saviour whom you wrong, that they get into Heaven before you, or sit with Christ Jesus in heavenly places, whilst their bodies are on the earth, as the Saints at Ephesus did, whilst their bodies were there: and such as are saved by grace having their souls purified in obeying the truth through the Spirit, where self is denied, are not you (through ignorance of the way that leads out of error, heresy, miscarriages, Popery, and darkness) ready to call such heretics as are come out of that, and into the glorious light and enjoyments of the sons of God, to worship the Father in Spirit, I say, are you not ready to call such heretics; who are come out of it (viz) the darkness, E●he. 1.6. Co. 1.13. 1 Pet. 1.22.23, 24. Reve. Joh. 4.23.24. 2 Cor. 3.16.17. Gal. 4.4, 5, 6, 7.8. 1 Cor. 4.6.7. and heresy which you live in, and would rank them with the Papists under that denomination, to cover and shelter yourselves, thinking to cast that upon them which they are freed from, and you and the Papists are found in union with, and guilty of, being both of you out of the right way and in the wrong, that are neglecters of the work of God and wronging God and men, and living in the miscarriages, and so in the heresies, error, and disobedience to the truth, following your own Spirits, and obeying the imagined fancy, form up in your own wills, and living in the vain traditions and customs of the Heathen, as you and they do; but your mist dazzles the eye of none but the wilful blind and such as are in sleepy security, and in sin unturned to God, who are already deceived, and the eye covered or blinded, by which they should see both delusion and heresy, in which you and they therein agree, who grow worse, and run yet further from God, etc. For the Papists believe they shall never be free from sin here in this life: and therein they are reprobate concerning the true Gospel soulsaving and purifying faith: and you believe the same [viz] that you shall never be freed from sin here in this life; and then must not you with the Papists have a purgatory? seeing that nothing which is unclean shall in any wise enter into the holy City, Rev. 21.27. and the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, as it is said, and by the Ambassador of Christ declared, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. and are not you reprobate concerning the true Gospel, Gal. 5.20, 21. soulsaving and purifying faith who denieth the property of it in denying purity of heart; and abiding in darkness, and the nature opposite to the true light believing, or saying you believe, you cannot or shall not be free from sin here in this life, and therefore are not you and the Papists both one, and your faith and theirs in nature and property (being dead and corrupt) therein agreeth together; but I deny the Papists and you, the wronger's of Christ and Men, and that faith which doth not purify the heart, & witnesseth that faith and power which doth, Act. 15.89. H●b. 2.10.11. and as the Saints did, as the Scripture witnesseth, and God which searcheth the hearts beareth me witness as he did them who (giveth the holy Ghost that) purifieth the heart by faith: and we know that we were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold, from that vain conversation which had been received by tradition from your fore Fathers, etc. Who received Silver and Gold, and did not the work which they and you pretended, who took and taketh the dishonest gain, but we were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish, 1 Pet. 1.18.19, 20, 21, 22, 23. The Papists, they say they believe in one God & three persons, & in your Agreement, in the exposition of the Creed, you say the same: but neither you nor the Papists believe in that God that freeth from sin without your tradition & vain imagination; who say you are in miscarriages growing worse and running yet further from Him: but by what part of Scripture the Papists and you prove your three persons I know not; for the Scripture speaketh not so, but saith there is three witnesses which three agree in one, & are one, Joh. 14.20. 1 John 5.7.8. Joh. & he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son, 2 Joh. 9 and the holy Ghost remaineth within, Joh. 14.15, 16, 17. 1 Joh. 3.24. which you have showed your ignorance of and both of that doctrine, union and faith▪ that in the same power doth stand, where the flattering and enticing words of man's wisdom (like yours and the Papists) are judged and condemned, Statute 2. Mariae 1. Chap. 3. as well as shut out by that which doth the world comprehend. The Papists they call Steeple-houses Churches, and there sell their inventions, and brain-imaginations for their own ends, deceiving souls with their traditions and vain observations, Stat of 2. & 3. Edw: 6. Chap. 1. who wrong them and Christ himself: and do not you the same, and such as are in ignorance of the foundamentals of true religion, being ignorant of, and out of the way of salvation, in the vain traditions, familiar and personal instructions, arising out of the miscarrying nature, It seems that which is call●d Communion or the Sacraments so called, were commonly called the Mass, as appears by the Stat 2. & 3. Edw. 6. Chap. 1. and are in sin and sleepy security as you and your hearers (as you say) are: therefore in that are not you and the Papists both one? The Papists they sprinkle their Infants, and holds that infant's baptism (as they call it) came in the room of Circumcision, and you hold the same; therefore in that as well as persecution and other things, are not you and the Papists both one? but what Scripture proof without your imaginations have you for the same, and seeing that in the order of Circumcision they did but circumcise the male Children only, and not the female, and, if Infant's baptism as you and the Papists affirm, came into the room; why do you break that order, etc. in baptising not the males only (as you call it) but the femnles also; what trick hath the Pope taught you and them to make a cover for that? And do not the Papists worship that which they have received by tradition from their forefather's and also set up an image according to their fancy, and imaginary worship in their own wills, and the miscarrying nature contrary to God: binding all they can to submit to their fancies, and worship their Image, and vain conceivings, Banbury, Bristol Exetor, Maidstone, Colchester Bedford, &c, and those that cannot for conscience sake towards God submit with them to the same, but oppose their deceit and false worship, those they persecute and imprisson; and cause them to suffer affliction, distress, and necessity, etc. and did not you so at Kedderminster, Worcester, and Evesham; as well as they in your nature do at Northampton, Oxford, and Cambridge, and other places, who (do and) have done the same; Therefore in that are not you and the Papists both one, or guided by one Spirit, and in union together with the deceit, & c? and would cast it upon the innocent whom you persecute, that denieth the Pope's ways and your false worships, and stands a witness against all deceit in Pope and Papists and all the false worshippers, who are jarring and jangling about words and formalities, & joineth together to oppose and persecute the life and power of truth, but it is in vain for you to strive against the stream, or hard for you to kick against the pricks, Statute 1. Mary 1 Cap. 3. without getting an inward wound or maim, if not broken and dashed to pieces by so doing. The Papists have sacraments and sacramentals, as they (and you) call them, which there is no Scripture for, and you have the same; then wherein do you and they therein differ, except in the manner, and agree in the matter, and so therein become one: and yet you cry out of those, who ranking you with the Papists deny both you and them and your will worships, and the deceit and miscarriages which you and all such live in, who are wronger's of God and Men, and worships their fancies form up in the dark mind, and the imaginations of their own brain, and so are without Scripture proof, and warrant from God for the same, as you and they therein are. John Stelham Preacher of the Gospel, at Edinburgh as he saith in Scotland, P. E. etc. Doth not the Papists hold that the bread which they receive at a Sacrament so called, that though it be bread before in the nature & substance: yet notwithstanding, would they not have it to be Spirit and Life in the institution at the receiving, after their consecration? and if they do so, there is of those that call themselves Preachers of the Gospel, at Edinburgh in Scotland, which Church you speak of; that holds the same, as I can produce under their hands, and if you own it with them do you not go against the oath of Abjuration, and also agree and join with the Papists therein, and though you may differ in manner, yet owning that; is there not an agreeing in the matter: and if so, then do not you and the Papists agree therein? and are you not one in the main, and yet are not ashamed, some of your generation as well as you, to accuse others for Papists, and Jesuits, that deny all their ways and false worships in manner and matter, and denies their deceit and yours and stands to witness against the same, turning that upon you and them again, that you may see your casting the name of Papists and Jesuits upon them that denies both their deceits and yours, neither proveth them to be as you say they are, nor clears yourselves from the old relics of Popery: and if you take the oath to renounce it all? and yet live in it; are you not forsworn, and perjured persons, or any that do so: consider well of it. And what difference is there betwixt the call of the Papists, Priests, Mimisters, Rectors, and Curates, etc. to the Ministry which they live in, and the call of you the Priests, Ministers, Pastors, Teachers, and Rectors, as you call yourselves, to the Ministry which you live in? Are not they called of men? And is not your calling the same? For had not they the rule of creating of Priests, Ministers, Pastors, Teachers and Rectors, or ordering amongst them, etc. (until the reign of Henry the 8th.) in this realm, and then did not he cut the Pope out off that which he had brought forth into Parochial rights so called, as Tithes, Obventions, etc. And did not he set up Archbishops and Bishops, and they created or called your forefather's the Priests, Pastors, and Rectors, and Teachers, & c? And were not the Arch-Bishops, their and your Creators or Callers, cut off by the late Parlirment, and rendered useless; and do not you now call and create one another; and if so, are not you selfe-callers to selfish Ministry? and how can you clear yourselves from being instead of young, Popes, or like the young Bishops that were before you, creating or making and calling, Priests, Pastors, Teachers, and Rectors, and so self-callers of self-seekers, putting out and in at your pleasure & displeasure, & so are creating, & begetting, or calling one another for your own ends, & now are found (as you say) wronger's of Christ and men, and therefore may well fear that God will require their blood at your hands, and so you are on uncertain grounds, men also (as you say) of miscarriages, growing worse, and are yet without pardon for the same: The papists sets up a worship in their wills, and in that nature which teacheth them to neglect the great work of God according to his word, and do not they excommunicate such as will not walk with them in their inventions, and worship their Imaginary worship, set up in that nature, out of which ariseth all Miscarriages, etc. and do not you promise the same? And then wherein do you and the Papists differ but only in the manner? if you do so agree in the matter, and be all one in the main, etc. It is not your calling others Papists that are not, that can clear you from that root; neither doth your saying that you are the Ministers of Christ prove you to be so: who are found out of his doctrine and not knowing his commands, or call, his ministry and worship; that refuse his way and walk in the practice of his ministers, who yourselves are Lords and Masters, and called by man, approved, set up, and are receiving your wages of the world, and persecuting Christ's messengers that are sent to witness against deceits, and deceivers, and would think to make people believe you to be that which you are not, by casting that upon others which is yours, received from your forefathers, and returns upon you and Papists again, to remain from whence it came, and the burden you are like to bear, and judgement from God expect for the wrong against him and men which you do, and have done. And now that your deceits is made manifest and testified against, you are seeking to revive your former work, & to deceive people by your flatteries and false confessions and Colourable glosses: for you set up your will-worships, in the nature which is contrary to God, and hath taught you to neglect his work (as you say) according to his word, & in that nature by which you have been led into your miscarriages [and promiseth salvation upon the performance and damnation you threaten upon the refusal] and say you shall proceed with those that refuse, and deal with them as the obstinate despisers of Instruction ought to be dealt withal (but are not you the obstinate despisers of the Instructions of the Lord who have neglected his work etc. and lives in the miscarriages wronging Christ and men & c? then expect to be so dealt withal in the first place yourselves) for all this you say you will do to others, etc. whilst you are bewailing your own negligence in the work of God, and confessing your Miscarrigaes, and wrong by you done to God and men, and telling of the little effect which your ministry hath wrought, and of your people's sleep in security, and being in sin unturned to God: and you had then to go a begging for your pardon, May 4. 1655. And yet you being in the old birth and the fall, in the evil nature bringing forth such evil fruits, and whilst unpardoned, you frame your Image, resolves to go on, and states your time, lays your penalty, and promise how you will deal with those that refuse to (worship your Image, set up in your wills & the old nature) and will not submit, you threaten to deal with them as obstinate refusers of Instructions, but is but such instructions as proceeds from your obstinate spirits, which hath kept you in the Miscarriages and neglect of the work of God, Luke 16.11, 15. Luke 12.45, 46, 27. Math. 25.41, 42. Matth. 7.21, 22, 23. etc. wronging both Men and his Son, and wants your pardon then, as you say, for the same: and I say you cannot tell whether the Lord in the first place will deal with you as obstinate refusers of his Instructions and cast you out as unjust stewards for both your obstinacy, negligence, and wrong done to men and to Christ his Son he hath good grounds to proceed against you on, and needs little evidence from others: for your own mouths and tongues hath confessed the same, and it had been wisdom to had waited till the trial had been over; and to know whether you should have a pardon or be cast out for what you in the rebellion of your hearts, (against the Light and Living truth of God, etc.) have already done: And to see how you should have been dealt withal yourselves for the same, before you should have threatened what you would do to others, Rom. 2.5, 6, 8, 9 Rev. 14.9, 10, 11, Rev. 20.10, 13, 14, 15. that refuseth your Instruction. Remember, That when you so said, you was not then in the counsel of the Living God, and therefore you spoke it without the fear of God, rashly, out of a reprobate sense, presumtuously saying so, before your pardon for your high contempt, that wronged Men and Christ, etc. and knew not but that you might be condemned at the judgement seat, and cast out as reprobates and neglecters of the work of God, [and for your Miscarrariages etc.] into perdition and receive according to your deserts, and into the pit which for others you have digged you yourselves to be cast and be tormented for, Joh. 16.13. Heb. 5.8, 9 at the last. In page the 4. you set up your will-worships which you call Catechism end personal familiar instruction not being then pardoned, nor knowing the Spirit of Christ to guide you [out of your Error, Heresy, Miscarriages, and Wrong by you done to men and to Christ, page 19 & to guide out of deceits & flatteries] into the truth, which spirit is for instruction, & to guide all that obey it you say that Catechism & personal Instruction is for the kill of Ignorance, and quickening the understanding, and so puts that instead of the Spirit, Eph. 2.1. Col. 3. Rom. 8.13 14. 1 Joh. 5 20, Joh. 14.26. which is to Instruct and kill Ignorance, and quicken the understanding▪ by bringing the things of Christ to remembrance, as Christ hath said, Joh. 14.26. but wanting the Spirit you set up your personal and familiar Instruction to do it, as it appears by page 21. you Entreat them there to come for some familiar conference and personal instruction, for the less they know and remember the more help they need; and you are there calling them to come to you that are untaught, to deny your Miscarriages, etc. And coming from the spiritual teaching to your personal Instruction they come from the true means and helps: and that is the cause why they do not profit, andy on set up your paper and personal Instruction instead of the spirit of truth, which is the guide into all truth; John 16.13. and the remembrancer also, killing Ignorance; and is the means that prevents and keeps from it, etc. but you say your Catechism and familiar and personal Instruction is so (because you are Ignorant of the same) you say you observe that the younger, when they are once married, will come no more to be Catechised publicly, and too many forget that which before they had learned, which this course you say may prevent but it hath not prevented you [the personal familiar structers] for running into miscarriages and doing wrong to others, neither doth it lead you out of it, who are therein, and without pardon for the same, etc. and is people so silly to think it will do it in them, your hearers, when it hath not yet done it in you their teachers, and wronger's, whereby you manifest yourselves to be mere deluders, and also deceivers; though the blind see you not, yet are you seen and your ways and wind with the true light are discovered, comprehended, and with the light, which you act contrary unto, Joh. 8, 12. stoh. 14.6. Joh. 15.6. Heb. 5.8, 9 Heb. 7.25. are you to be condemned. You say page 4. that Catechising and personal Instruction is the doctrine of salvation? You speak you know not what, and without understanding of the way of salvation, putting that in the room of Christ who is the way to salvation, John 14.6. he is the way to the father? Then your Catechism and familiar personal Instruction is not the way, for it is not Christ, and no man can come to the Father but by him, John 14.6. And he is perfctely able to save to the utmost all those that come unto God by him, Gal. 1.9, 10. Heb. 7.25. without your Catechism or personal and familiar Instruction: which is set up in your old evil and miscarrying nature, Prge, 19 and 29. who yet know not the way of salvation that are setting up a way of your own, and turning thereby people as much as in you lieth from Christ the true way: to walk in yours, who are cursed Children, neglecters of the work of God, and in your miscarriages, wanting your pardon for that and your wrong done to Christ and to men, etc. (when you so said) and then you set up your Image, and stayed your time, saying, you would set a convenient stated time for that work in your Parishes, telling people you will grant their desires, and examine some privately, some openly, or as they please, and so manifest yourselves to be men pleasers, and time-servers, when you will, and as you will to please people for your own ends; rather than lose your gain: and if their souls perish you will take their monies and means and tell them on their death bed, when you visit the sick, that you dare not speak a word of Comfort unto them; yet you dare take their money in their life time for your deceiving and dead dark, dry, barren and uncomfortable doctrine, and now that your preaching is found so useless you cry up your Catechism and personal & familiar Instructions at a very high rate, saying it is that which life or death must depend upon (page 10.) but what will it effect more than your preaching hath done? even leave people as they was: except in conceits higher, and grow into Ignorance of the power of truth and way of salvation [for all that] when they have done, as they yet are, and also Ignorant of what you your solves have many years taught them, whose doctrine deceives their souls and deprives them of understanding the same. And if they perish in their Ignorance, are not you the cause of it? who says (in page 11.) you find by experience that the people understand not your public preaching; though you study to speak as plain as you can: Isa. 55.2. Jer. 23.30, 31, 32. etc. but do you not take their money for the same, and so for that which is not bread, neither doth it profit their souls, and that after many years too; many you say can scarce tell any thing you have said: therefore you, and they may see how little they are benefited by you, and what little use your studied stuff is of, and how useless that is which you study and invent in that old miscarrrying nature, which doth deprive people's understandings (of knowing the truth) and so keeps them in blindness and Ignorance of the only true God. And therefore as you say in page 19 you are wronger's of Christ and of them, and may well fear that God will require their blood at your hands, who make it manifest that you have run unsent, and your ministry doth not profit the people at all? And how should it be otherwise being untaught yourselves (to come out of your self-ends) but are in the negligence of the work of God, and the miscarriages, etc. ministering from the same spirit your forefather's [time servers and men pleasers] did, Jer., 21, ver. it appears by the Statute, of 25. H. 8. Cap. 21. The Pope cast out for his miscarriages and usurpation and beguiling the people, &c, that were not the servants of Christ, and now you are mainfest to be the unprofitable servants and ministry (for to be accounted or rendered useless as theirs is) or be holden accursed as it is said in Gal. 1.8, 9 2 Cor. 16.22. The Pope that had the rule amongst Tithes and such like things &c. [till Hen. 8.] here in England, was not he put out for his miscarriages, and after the Pope was put out by Hen. 8. did not then the Arch-Bishops bear rule [in his stead,] and set up Priests, Rectors and Curates, and did not they as you do [and all their Branches as Prelates, Episcopals, Priests, Rectors, and Curates, etc.] open their mouths wide to speak first in their own cause and behalf, to cry up themselves by the name of the Ministers of Christ, as you do? and did not they cry up their ministry and means as Jure divino, but they were discovered and made manifest that they was not so. And your forefathers the Archbishops, & Bishops etc. were found in Miscarriages, & was they not both wronger's of men and of Christ, and cut off, (or turned out) for their Miscarriages, & c? And by the late Parliament they were dis-annulled and rendered useless, and they are cried down and their mouths stopped (viz.) the Arch-Bishops and Bishops, etc. who cried themselves up with as wide a mouth as you can do saying, they was the Ministers of Christ, (and Jure divino etc.) and were ready to call all heretics, and the like, that dissented from them, and witnessed against their deceits: and how did they punish & afflict them for the same? And have not you learned to walk in their steps? And did not the Episcopals, and Prelates, & those that were branches of the Bishops (as you are) ●o as you do? and cried up themselves by the name of the Ministers of Christ, and counted others Heretics and were ready to rank them with Papists as you do? But was not the Prelates, and Episcopals, sound to be in the Miscarriages, and wronger's of God and Men as you are, and was not they cut off and turned out for their Miscarriages & c? And are not they silent and their mouths stopped and cried down, though they were forward to cry up themselves as you do, and to call others Sectaries and Heretics that are not so as you are, but though you now open your mouths wide to cry up yourselves, as your forefathers did, (being a bough or branch from them) yet with the Light you are now seen: and if they was cut off (or turned out) for their miscarriages and wrong done to Christ and to men; do you deserve to stand who are found in, and confessing the same? But when you have filled up your measures and comes by all to be seen in the same, must not you then descend, and turn back from whence you came and be as you are, men in miscarriages and neglecters of the great work of God, wronging men and Christ as you say, and your fruirs with your Agreement stands witness against you: but in patience let all that see your deceits possess their souls and praise God for the riches of his love that hath led them out of your miscarriages, and from under your mist or popish darkness, into the pure and glorious light, and teaching of Christ, wherein they are growing in grace, Col. 2.3, 4, 5, 6. Eph. 3.17.18, 19, Col 2.7, 8, 9 Col 3.12, 13, 14 15. Ephe. 5.11, Rev. 3.9. being rooted and grounded in the true Gospel, soulsaving purifying faith, in which their souls are purified, whose loves runs out unto the brothers, from a pure heart, being of the new birth, 1 Pet. 22.23. and denying your deceits and dead doctrine, who witness against the works of darkness and all that which proceeds from your Miscarrying nature, and from the popish root and that spirit of deceit by which you wrong men and Christ, and are neglecters of his work, and without pardon for the same, etc. Rev. 14.9, 10, 11. Growing worse and running yet further from God, as you also say. And you say page 19, It astonished you many times, when you have occasion to talk with your hearers, page 19 to perceive that they know very little of the doctrine which you say you have been preaching to them so many years there? The people may take notice of the unprofitableness of your preaching and ministry, and that they have spent their money upon you for that which is no bread, and doth not after long time hearing and living under (little or) not at all profit them: Luke. 16, 15. but how should it profit Them, when it hath not taught You to come out of your miscarriages, and that cursed nature from which your wrong to Christ and men doth proceed, in which wrongful and miscarrying, nature your ministry stands, and therefore is not like to profit the people. But you speak in your own behalf, as self justifyers, pharisees, false Prophets, and Hypocrites use to do: and you say you know that they must understand it or perish; & yet though they have made use of you, and spend their time and money upon you, you have not, nor doth not bring them to understand it: and then with you their miscarrying and untaught teachers, them to understand it: and then with you their miscarrying and untaught teachers, they (accordingly as you say) are like to perish, yet you cry up your own way at a very high rate for your own ends, and sets the price of a perishing condition without the understanding of [your brain Imaginations, which you call] your preach [or your humane Inventions] and poor people your hearers, etc. that after they have spent their labour and means or money upon you this many years, yet want their understanding, and benefit from you: therefore it is high time for them to cease from you and hearken to the light of Christ in their conscience, that calls to repentance that it they may obey and thereby come into the teaching of God, Isa. 54.13. Joh. 6.46. which causeth all to profit, 1 Cor. 12.7. that obey the true light and follow the same, joh. 8.11. Heb. 5.8, 9 But people have many years heard you and are yet little (or nothing at all as you say) benefited by you, for they remain yet in Ignorance etc. you say, and are like to do so for you, I say: Whose ministry stands in your wills, and not in the will of God, and can alter and change as times and men's wills alter and change, but now that you see your ministry doth not kill Ignorance, etc. you are using the same means which your forefathers did, to do it, but left undone: and is found with you in the Error, Heresies, and Miscarriages, but you say that Catecthisme and personal Instruction is a great means to overcome that kill Ignorance, etc. page 9 If so, how was it that the same means viz. personal Catechising and familiar Instruction from the same spirit, that led into miscarriages and to wrong men and Christ as you do, did not kill that kill Ignorance in the time of the Pope, Prelates, Episcopalls, and old outcast (or) rooted out Bishops, whose branches from that body (are you)? and did not they set people on the same work, and to use the same means as you do? (which did not kill it, etc.) they set them to get the Creed as you call it, and the same Creed as you do, and the Lords prayer, ten Commandments, and those Catechisms which they as well as you call Orthodox Catechisms, and their old Expositors as you do, and yet the kill Ignorance is unkilled amongst you their offspring, that grows a little more into subtlety, and gets words to talk of, and sets people to get a few words, by you [summed together to talk of] but are out of the life of them: and are in pride, covetousness, vain glory, self conceitedness, Error and Heresies, persecution and commiting abomination in as high a degree as your forefathers did, though under a refined subtlety, who pretends much in words, but brings forth the same evil fruits from the same old birth, and evil Spirit as they [and such did] that drew near to God, Isa. 29.10.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Isa. 59.23, 4. etc. with their mouths, and lips, when their hearts were far from him: and devising mischief, and bringing forth cruelty, and wickedness like you, and your hearers that are asleep or in the sleepy security, and in Ignorance, in sin unturned to God, and you their teacher's neglecters of the work of God and in the miscarriages, wronger's of them and of Christ, as you say; and yet, in yourself commendation, you are not ashamed to call yourselves the Lords labourers, when you are wronger's of him and the people; and neglecters of his work, also living in the miscarriages: and where you tell of a land of light, and a garden; you are found to be out of both, and in darkness, and the field of wickedness, in whose hearts the miscarriages and weeds grows: and where you say, The Lord hath not dealt so with every Nation? I say, Mark. 7.21.22▪ 22. Rom. 1.28, 29▪ etc. not so much yet: as to discover to the inhabitants their teacher's abominations and miscarriages, and cause their own mouths to utter, and their pens to write the same against themselves, and their fruits to confirm it, as in this Nation you and yours doth, and hath done, which is but the forerunners or first discovered, and so much made manifest before other Nations, who have not yet heard and seen what we have done. Most of the world you say, page the 17. do lie in the darkness of, Heathernisme, Idolatry, Infidelity, and Mahometanisme; and too much of Christendom in the darkness of Popery and Heresy. True all the world lieth in wickedness I say, and so saith the Scriptures I Joh. 5.19. but we know that we are of God, and you (in that wickedness and Popish darkness) that are in the miscarriages are of the world, etc. And what can Heathenism, Idolatry, Infidelity, Mahometanisme, Popery, and Heresy, (though by pretended Christians) bring forth more against the honour of God, etc. then to live in the miscarriages, keep alive in killing ignorance, wronging both men and Christ, and neglect the work of God, according to his word, etc. growing worse and yet run further from God (as you do) and if Papists, Idolaters, Infidels, Mahometans, and Heretics can bring forth nothing more against the honour of God, (and destruction of souls) then to live in kill ignorance unkilled, and in miscarriages unpardoned, and in sin unturned to God, in sleepy security, wronging both God and men, and neglecting the work of God according to his word, growing worse and running yet further from God: than you and your hearers are found in the same, and so agreeing in that old nature from whence ariseth negligence, miscarriages, Idolatry; Popery, Infidelity, Heathenism, and Mahometanisme, Heresy, etc. and being out of the new birth in the old, & guided by that nature and Spirit, do you not with Heathens, Popes, Turks, Heretics, and Infidels agree in the main for they can but live in the miscarriages, asleep in security, works of darkness, in sin unturned to God, & in kill ignorance unkilled, neglecting the work of God according to his word, to wrong Christ & men, growing worse and running futther from God, which you and your hearers are found in, and doth the same as your fruits and book (called Agreement) doth against you stand witness, etc. and here (by your fruits spirits and your words) you are left amongst your own (with infidels, idolaters, Popes, Turks, and Heretics) that are of the old birth and wicked seed, out of the way of salvation, neglecting God's work, and persecuting or doing the work of the Devil, in a high measure, amounted so high as to turn wronger's of Christ and of men, and so are deceivers of souls, and therefore instead of a pardon, expect judgement & greater condemnation, like such, Mark. & Math. 23.31.32, 33. etc. Behold! are you not left desolate, being shut out of Christ's Ministry, and from amongst Christians, and are in the nature of Popes, Papists, Idolaters, Infidels, Heretics, and the Mahometans, etc. that are upon the same evil root, living on the evil tree, and bringing forth the evil fruit, though you differ in some words and Colourable Glosses, Math. Isa. you are of the cursed root, and bears that fruit that is accursed, and can deceive none but the deceived, such as are of that evil seed, bearing evil fruit, who are strangers to the new birth, and without the true knowledge of the living God, and now your vizors or covers are too narrow, and all your garnishing and Colourable Glosses will not mask nor hid you, Act ver. Act 26, 26. 1 Tim. 3. Tit. 1.7. 1 Pet. 2 Cor. 6.3.4 5.6. but leaves you naked and bare; In that which you call your Warrant; you say, the Holy-Ghost made you overseers, etc. but you have proved yourselves liars, for the Holy-Ghost makes those overseers that do not neglect the work of God, and such as are out of miscarriages, that eat not to declare the Counsel of God freely, and covets no man's Silver nor Gold, who are not persecuters nor wronger's of God, but such as are blameless as the stewards of God, etc. Tit. 1.7. But you that are wronger's of men and of Christ, and neglecters of the work of God (according to his word) growing worse, and running yet further from God, 2 Cor. 41.2. 2 Tim. 3.10, 1 Th●s. 4.7. you never were made overseers by the Holy-Ghost, & therefore you have lied of or against the Holy Ghost, & so are liars against God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for in page. 3.4. you tell of your unfaithfulness or negligence, and are bewaileing the same, as you say, and wanting a pardon, and yet you confute yourselves in uttering your lies, for your own ends, where you are seeking your praise in that, called your Exhortation, etc. page 17.18.19. etc. Saying, it hath pleased the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into this part of his Harvest, though you confess too weak and imperfect, yet more numerous, and faithful, and diligent, than most of his Churches elsewhere, proportionably can show. That God hath sent forth labourers into his Harvest, is true; and they are strengthened by him to labour against your deceit, and they are both diligent and faithful in his work, who neither wrong Christ nor men: but if you mean that you are those labourers or would have people to believe that you are; your own words and fruits do witness against you, that you have not labourers in the Lord's Harvest, nor sent by him, that are neglecters of his work; and in miscarriages not pardoned for the same, and then not sent: neither are you faithful and diligent, that are in the miscarriages, and negligent, your own words are your contradictions, and self confutations, and if ignorance be the cause that thousands perish; if your people perish, are not you the cause of it? that hath your people in such ignorance; that though they can talk understandingly about the matters of the world, yet they can scarce speak a word of sense about the matters of salvation as you say, (page 19) and upon the experience of their ignorance, you have been b●ought to consider of your negligence, and to know how you have wronged Christ and them, in fear lest God should require their blood at your hands: though you would put off with flatteries and excuses; be sure the Lord will call you to a swear before his judgement seat for it; your trial is not yet past: and your pardon you have not, and where you say he hath wonderfully dispelled (or expelled) the mists of Popery: I answer yea that he hath, and therefore those that dwell in his light sees you in those mists undispelled, that are such deceivers and wronger's of men and of Christ, page 18.19. and you say many of God's servants have laid down their lives in flames in witness against it, I answer so they have; but what is that to you that are in the miscarriages and wronging Christ and men, growing worse and running (as you say) yet further from God, etc. who are casting or causing to be cast into Prison, and persecuting the Lords faithful witnesses, that are sent to witness against your deceits, and gaainst all the Popish mists of darkness, in which mists and darkness are such as are wronger's of God and men, in the heresis and miscarriages as you are, who being in that mist of darkness and the miscarrying nature, which hath taught you to lie against God and his work (page 18.) saying, he writes his law in the hearts of his living witnesses imperfectly. I say you are ignorant of the living witnesses; being yourselves dead branches and persecuters of his living witnesses, as the filling of your Prisons & cruel usage at worcester, Evesham, Banbury, Oxford, Northampton, and other places may witness, which persecution and cruelty (proceeds from that Popish mist, or the miscarring nature) being works of darkness and are reproved by us Ephesians, 5.11. and as you have showed your ignorance of the living witnesses in whose hearts the law of God is written, so have you showed that you are ignorant of the writing of the law in the heart, and ignorant of the law written therein, that accounteth the work of God an imperfect work, and accounteth God to be an imperfect writer of the law in the heart. If he have written his law in the heart of his living witnesses imperfectly as you say, who must perfect it? would not you be the perfecters of it? or make people believe in you to do it, who are the transgressers of it, being in the miscarriages growing worse, etc. And, as you say you are wronger's of men and of Christ; so are you wronger's of God himself, that calls his work an imperfect work, and accounts God himself to be an imperfect worker, and to do his work imperfectly; when he is a perfect worker and his works are perfect, and so doth he write his law perfectly in the hearts of his faithful living witnesses, as both they and the Scripture bear a true testimony, though yours be false and not true (therein). And here I charge you (42 Priests Teachers, Pastors, Ministers, Rectors,) in the presence of the Lord to be false witnesses, and liars against God and his work, and his law which he writes perfectly in the hearts of his living witnesses, as the Scripture witnesseth, Jer. 31.33. Heb. 8.10.11. The Lord is a perfect worker, and his law is perfect, so doth he write it perfectly, to do its work: Give ear o ye Heavens and I will speak saith the Lord God (whose words witnesseth against you, and all false witnesses that are known by your false testimony, therefore saith he) hear o earth the words of my mouth. Deut. 32.1.2 my doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herbs, and as the showers upon the grass, because I will publish the name of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness unto our God, He is the Rock, his work is perfect, Deut. 32.34. As for God, his way and work is perfect, the word of the Lord is tried, he is a buckler to all those that trust in him: for who is God save the Lord, or who is the Rock save our God? It is God that girdeth me with strength, faith David, and maketh my way perfect, Psa. 18.30, 31, 32. And this the living witnesses, in whose hearts the law of God were perfectly written, witnesseth, against you 42 false witnesses, that saith It is imperfect; but your folly is made manifest (as well as your false testimony) in your Agreement. But this is but like thy former writing, Richard Baxter (in that deceitful book of thine which James Nayler answered in print, as I did in writing, and sent to have come to thee, before I knew of the printing of thine, or James his answer to that called the Quakers Catechism) wherein thy deceit was (to some purpose) made manifest, in which thou poured forth the venom and filth out of thy old bottle: And didst thou not say that when (such as you) the Ministers were overtaken with a lazy fit they could preach without study, as well as a woman fit for the gumble stool: and hath not the lazy fit overtaken thee, and you 42 Ministers, that you have declared your laziness or negligence, and preached in your Agreement (or therein declared) your ignorance of God and the truth, and of the law in the heart, perfectly written in the heart, by the true and perfect writer of the same, in his faithful witnesses, who bears testimony against your deceits and filthiness, which you daily make manifest, who (as you say) grow worse, and are running yet further from God. You say in your Agreement, page 26. that repentance is a through turning from the flesh and the world to God, etc. then they that throughly turn from the flesh and the world to God, they turn out of imperfection unto perfection: and art not thou here in words become a Preacher of that which thou Richard Baxter in thy book called the Quakers Catechism, there, called the doctrine of the Devil, for thou called the doctrine of perfection in that book the doctrine of the Devil: and here, in thy agreement thou Acknowledged covertly that which thou therein denied openly, and saith in that called your Warrant that you are to present every man perfect, &c: And if it was the Devil's doctrine to preach perfection; and the Papists dung to feed on, as therein (to wit the book called the Quakers Catechism) thou said it was: Then art not thou either denying in your agreement, what in the other thou asserted, and so art thy own confuter and self contradicter; or else if thou do not so, dost not thou now preach that which thou therein said, the Devil bred, Christ detested, and none that had any spark of true grace ever believed or received. And besides, dost not thou endeavour to feed people with it which thou therein called the papists dung? Consider well of it, and where thou said in thy scorn, when you have rubbed your eyes give us leave to smell the Pope in your endeavours; but now behold thou thy folly, and that Popish mist or darkness, which thou art in, how it hath blinded thy mind, and led thee into self contradictions; and to manifest the mote thy confusion who art speaking thou knows not what, but by imagination that art not yet to repentance come, and therefore art very unfit to preach † Repentance or Perfection either: for if repentance be (as thou says and the 41 more in consent and approbation with thee) in that Agreement (viz) a through-turning from the flesh and the world to God, page 26. than you are not yet come to repentance, that are not throughly turned from the world, & the flesh unto God, but are in the world & the sleshin the miscarriages & negligence, page 3. & 4. & wronger's of men & of Christ, page 19 Therefore behold your folly made manifest, 2 Tim. 3.8.9. who say you grow worse and so it appears (and that you are in confusion) and that is a clear Character to know evil men and seducers by, as the Scripture saith; for they shall grow worse and worse, 2 Tim. 3, 13. And remember, Richard Baxter, in thy book of slander called the Quakers Catechism thou didst not only slander us and all the Saints and servants of God and Ministers of the Gospel (to prove thyself to be none of them) but thou also slandered God himself, and Christ his Son: as well as in thy Agreement thou says thou have wronged both Christ: and men, and yet continues therein (growing worse and running on) a though thou use words of flatteries to make Colourable Glosses for thy own ends, yet art thou comprehended and seen, as in thy other thou was▪ who wronged God and Christ, and all the Saints and Ministers of the everlasting truth and Gospel of God, (showing thyself to be ignorant of them, &c:) for thou said the doctrine of perfection was bred by the Devil, thou believed: and here thou art reprobate concerning the faith that stands in the power; where thy enticing words are shut out and all the deceivers: for God himself bred or brought forth first that doctrine of perfection, and not the Devil as thou hast said. And here Richard Baxter I charge thee in the presence of God to be a false witness against the eternal truth, and also to be a slanderer of the truth, and art against God himself, who first preached that doctrine of perfection, viz. the doctrine of sinless perfection, and said to Abraham when he appeared to him at the age of 99 years, or when Abraham was 99 years old, and preached the doctrine of perfection unto him, when he promised to make a covenant with him, and multiply him exceedingly: he said unto him at that appearance and in his doctrine, I am the Almighty God walk before me and be thou perfect, Gen. 17.1. But Abraham did not cross the doctrine of perfection preached by the Almighty God, (at 99 years old) and say, he could not be perfect; as many of the Priests disciples and such in the old nature of miscarriages (like you) do now, that say you cannot be perfect (though God and Christ commanded it) neither did Abraham say that the doctrine of perfection was a doctrine of the Devil, or first bred by him as thou Richard Baxter hath said (in the book called the Quakers Catechism) but art without proof for the same; Genc. 17.1. Math. 5.48. and hast thou not called the doctrine of Almighty God the doctrine of the Devil? and besides hast thou not called the Almighty God (a Devil) as the Jews, chief Priests, and such in thy nature called Christ a Belzebub or Prince of Devils, in that wicked slander of thine? where thou said thou believed the doctrine of perfection was first bred by the Devil, Joh. 8.48, 49.50, 51, 52, 53. Mark 3.22. when it was first bred or brought forth and preached by the Almighty God himself: and how wilt thou clear thyself from the sin against the Holy-Ghost, who art not a wronger of men only, but of God and Christ, also? and now hath in thy Agreement with the 42. Priests, Ministers, Pastors, Teachers, and Rectors, (under a cover appeared and) confessed the same, to wit, thy wrong to Christ and to men, and so to God himself, and is here made manifest, etc. And you say, you are growing worse and running yet further from God: than you do not amend, but bears the marks of evil men; and seducers (as the Scripture saith) which shall wax worse, and worse deceiving and being deceived, 2 Tim. 3.13. as may be read, 2 Tim. 3.13. so fulfilling the Scripture therein. And again, that doctrine of perfection was preached (but not bred by the Devil as thou says) where it is given forth by command saying, Thou shalt be perfect, with the Lord thy God, Deuter. 18.13. And, the way of the Lord is perfect, Psalm. 18.30. his law is perfect, Psalm. 19.7. his work is perfect, Deut. 32. and God himself was the Preacher of the doctrine of perfection, Gen. 17.1. and also did command it, Deut. 18.13. than it was neither the breeding and bringing forth of the Devil: nor the Papists dung (as thou, Richard Baxter, hath said) except thou would dare to call the Almighty God by the name of the Devil, and his truth and doctrine (by him brought forth preached and commanded to be walked in) by the name of the Papists dung: Jam. 2.7. and if so, then behold thy blasphemy, as well as the Popish mist of darkness which thou art in, to wrong God himself and both Christ and men. And as thou said in that book called the Quakers Catechism, thou believed the doctrine of perfection was bred by the Devil the greatest sinner, and detested by Christ, and never believed in hearty by any man that knew himself, or had any spark of true grace or Christian experience, etc. page 24. Here thou hast done wrong to Christ and the Saints, and to the Ministers of the everlasting truth, and Gospel of salvation, and thy say as aforesaid agreeth against thee, with thy false confession, wherein thy lies are fastened upon thee, and thou art confirming them in that Agreement of you 42. Priests, Ministers, Pastors, Teachers and Rectors, wherein you say you are in the miscarriages unpardoned, page the 4. and wronger's of Christ and men, page the 19 and therefore growing worse, and running yet further from God, it is no marvel that you preach against the doctrine of perfection, which is the doctrine of the Father and the Son. For as God himself preached the doctrine of perfection, and said to Abraham, Walk before me and be thou perfect, and said to the Children of Israel, Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God, Christ himself did did not detest it, (as thou says he did) for he was so far from detesting it that he highly approved of it viz. the doctrine of perfection, and when he was upon the mount, he so far shown his love, estimation, and true approbation of it that he (viz. Christ himself) did preach the same and gave it forth by command upon the Mount to his Disciples, saying, Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect: Math. 5.48. And here thou hast wronged Christ and lied against him, saying, he detested it: thou blind guide, and false accuser of the truth; behold thy absurdity! If Christ had detested the doctrine of perfection as thou says, wouldst not thou have had him to have gone against the command of the Father? and to have detested his own doctrine? but none will believe thee, except the wilful blind, and such as are wrapped up in deceit with thee, and hereby instead of ministering, and maintaining the truth, thou hast both ministered and maintained lies, slanders, and deceits, and wronged Christ: therefore art thou no Minister of his. And if the Devil should have bred the doctrine of perfection, would not he have bred a doctrine against himself, to have rooted out his own Kingdom? But are not you and the Devils disciples so much against that doctrine that you labour with all your skill to preach it out; Gen. 17.1. Math. 5.48. Joh. 14.20. 2 Joh. 9 Joh. 14.15. 1 Joh. 5.3, 4. 1 Joh. 2.3, 4.5.6. Joh. 14.23.24. and keep it for taking place in the people's hearts? and is there any that are against the doctrine of perfection (which is the doctrine of the Father and the Son) but such as are against the Father and the Son, and as you are, who are wronger's of Christ and men; and do not all those that deny the doctrine of perfection, deny the doctrine both of God and Christ and so are neither Gospel-Ministers, nor true Christians; seeing they both do command it: and he that loves Christ, keepeth his command, but such as love him not keepeth not his command, and so are out of his doctrine, and without God, 2 Joh. 9 in the iniquity and self separation, and in sin unturned yet to God, Isa. 59.1, 2. and yet in the Heresies, Errors, and Miscarriages, in the kill ignorance unkilled, filthy dreamers that defile the flesh, or in the sleep of security, wronging Christ and men, as in your Agreement you confess you do, and says you grow worse and are running yet further from God: and so it appears. And as thou, Richard Baxter, ministers against the Father and the Son, and hast wronged them; so hast thou wronged the servants of God, and Ministers of Christ, and all the Saints and Sons of God: saying the Devil thou believes bred the doctrine of perfection, & saying Christ detested it, when God Almighty bred or brought forth the same, and both he himself and Christ his Son, did not only bring it forth and preach it; but commanded it to be obeyed and walked in: and thou says thou believes that none that had any spark of true grace did heartily believe in or receive the same: and so hereby with thy false doctrine or reprobate faith thou would exclude all from grace that received the doctrine of perfection, viz. the doctrine of God and Christ; and so the doctrine of the Father and the Son: but let me tell thee, that such as doth not transgress but abide in the doctrine of Christ they had and have grace, for they had both the Father and the Son, eternal life, and the holy unction abiding in them; and this the Scripture with me doth stand a witness against thee and thy lies, false doctrines and deceits, and let those that please read 2 John▪ 9 1 John 2.20, 27. 1 John 5.10, 11, 12. and 20. verses. to be witness for them that had grace (and received the same) against thy false testimony and lying Spirit by which thou art acted and guided. Also several of the servants of God received the father's doctrine in the time of old, viz. the doctrine of perfection and walked in it, and wouldst thou exclude them all from grace? What a devilish doctrine is thine, and cross unto the Scriptures, and contrary to the true Gospel ministers? Therefore is both it and thee that brings it for to be holden accursed. Gal. 1.8, 9 Noah was not without grace, and he received the doctrine of God the Father, and were accounted perfect in his generation: who found grace in the eyes of the Lord: and being a Just and a perfect man he received the doctrine of the Father: and walked with God, Gen. 6.8, 9 Abraham was not without grace, and he received the doctrine of perfection, taught him by God almighty: when he appeared to him when he was 99 years old, etc. And God blessed him, and made a covenant with him, Gen. 17.1. Gen. 6.18. etc. job 1.8. Heb. 13.20, 21. as he did with Noah: and they both had experience of his goodness, and found favour in the eyes of the Lord: job 1.8. was not without grace, and he were accounted a perfect and an upright man, being one that feared God and eschewed evil, as the Lord hath said. King Hezekiah was not without grace, and experience of the Lords goodness who walked before him in truth and with a perfect heart, and did that which was good in his sight, 2 Kings 20.3. And David that said, Mark the perfect man, for the end of that man is peace, Psal. 37.37. was not without grace, and he exhorted or rather commanded his▪ Son Solomon to serve the Lord with a perfect heart: 1 Chron. 28.8, 9 And, as David said, The way of God was (and is) perfect, Psal. 18.30; So Solomon saith that the path of the Just is as a shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day, and they are not without grace that walk therein: Pro. 4.18. Christ, the way to the Father, Joh. 14.6. and to salvation to all that obey him Heb. 5.8, 9 he commands to be perfect, Math. 5.48. And his command ought to obeyed: his ministry is to lead to a perfect man, Eph. 4.12, 13. The ministers of the Gospel preached wisdom amongst them that were perfect, 1 Cor. 2.6. And as many as are perfect be thus minded Phil. 3. ●5. that the man of God may be perfect, 2 Tim. 3.17. to press others on to perfection Heb. 6.1. that they may attain Heb. 12.22, 23. And the God of peace make you perfect, saith the minister of the Gospel to them he ministered unto, and exhorted to go on unto, it. And another of the Gospel ministers said to them he ministered unto, The God of grace make you perfect, 1 Pet, 5.10. Go on to perfection, Heb. 6. finally my brethren farewell, and be perfect, 2 Cor. 13.11, saith the Ambassador or of Christ, Having these promises cleanse yourselves from all filthiness of flesh and of Spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. And Christ prayed to his Father for those that were given to him that they might be made perfect in one, Joh. 17.23. And all these had grace and Christian experience, that both received the doctrine of perfection, and walked in it: and some preaching it, and some pressing after it, and some attaining it; their words and fruits and the Spirit by which they were guided, [who had grace, and Christian experience, with such as received the doctrine of the Father and the Son having grace and abiding therein] doth witness against thee Richard Baxter, and thy false doctrine, who garnisheth thyself with their words and calls them thy Warrant from God, when thou and you 42. Priests are without their life and not in their practice, but are in your miscarriages, wronging others, and growing worse, etc. Therefore are you without your warrant from God, and are none of Christ's ministers, but enemies of the truth, and are against the doctrine of the Lord Jesus, but you are made manifest and your deceit and false doctrine is denied by the Children of Light, and in and with it, you are reproved and against testified. You say you receive the public maintenance to this end, that you may be enabled to lay out your endeavours for the good of the whole parishes from which you do receive it, etc. page 13. of your Agreement. But have you not made it manifest, to have received the public maintenance of your parishes & whom you receive it for your evil endeavours, that are men of miscarriages unpardoned, growing worse and running further from God, whose work is by you neglected according to your own say: and your people understanding little you have said (or many years preached to them) who can scarce (as you say) speak a word of sense concerning the matters of their salvation and here you are witnesses against them for their Ignorance, etc. as: well as you are witnesses against yourselves for your miscarriages and wrong done to Christ & them: and is not your negligence one chief cause of their Ignorance, and Ignorance the cause of destruction, and for runner of eternal perdition? who say you have wronged Christ and them, page 19 Therefore may it not be concluded from your own confession, that you are a chief cause of souls destruction: and by your confusion have you not run into self-contradictions, and makes it manifest, that you take the public maintenance of your parishes, not for good endeavours but, for your miscarriages, and so for evil endeavours; who hath not profited the people that are so Ignorant of the work of God and their souls good, that they can scarce speak a word of sense in matters of salvation, as you say, and you are the wronger's of them and of God according to your own say, and so deceives souls for your own ends: but the Lord hath shaken his hand against your dishonest gain: and such as through covetousness maketh merchandise of people: Ezek. 22.12, 23. your Judgement of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not that (with you) are such: as you may read: 2 Pet. 2.3, 13▪ 14, 15. But let me ask you, From whence you and those that pretend themselves ministers of the Gospel, who receives Tithes or Hundreds a year etc. took their first example? and by whom to receive Tithes, by compulsion, and that which they and you call their public maintenance, etc. had you your example so to do from the practice of the Apostles of Christ, Observe, Though Priests was very scant after the (rot or) pestilence spoken of, in the time of Edw. 3. yet then the parish Priests, was not by any manner of colour to receive above 6. marks wages by the year (without the Bishop's dispesnation and suspension &) & the pain of people of holy Church so called giving above 5. or 6. Marks wages a year to a Parish Priest, they was to pay the double of that which they gave more to any parish priest then 5. or 6. Marks wages in the year: and it was to be converted to the use of Alms at the arbitrement of the Diocesan, &c, Anno. 36. Ed. 3. Chap. 8. or from the constitution and decretal epistle of the Pope etc. For the ministers of Christ, had no command to take Tithes nor hundreds a year for preaching the Gospel, but freely they received and freely they gave according to Christ's command. And I read in the law of England, that Tithes after the Apostles time were free: for the people was not bound to pay them so far as I see, till the Council of Lateran in Pope Innocents' time: and then by his constitution and decretal epistle, etc. the Tithes, it seems, became bound, etc. and were to be paid by the subjects of the Realm: and so came Parochial rights, (as they call them) etc. to the Priests or Patrons of the Churches, so called: Then it is clear to me that you have your ground to take Tithes and maintenance of the World, for preaching: etc. not from the Apostles practice and order, but from the Popes, etc. And that missed of Popish darkness is not so far dispelled (or expelled) from you, as to cause you to forsake the Pope's Constitutions: or your Tithes and masteries and follow the example of the Apostles and Ministers of Christ; and to leave your Miscarriages, great parsonages: and give over wronging God and men for your own ends, and to deny yourselves and your preaching for filthy lucre, and cease bearing rule by your means: And if any of you receive the word and command from God, become servant to all and minister freely as the ministers of the Gospel (who dwelled & dwell in the Light) do & afore-time did: but before you do so, you must turn from the broad way, where the Lust, Pride, Pomp, Covetousness, earthly-mindedness, and vain glory of the world hath so much liberty in you: and cease persecution, take up the cross to your wills: Learn to know the bridle for your tongues: And let the Issue of lies, and slanders be stopped, etc. that the stone may be set upon the neck and head of deceit. Cook in his second part Institutes saith, Before the Council of Hateran, Tithes were free or (then) any man might have given his Tithes to what spiritual person he would, and it was provided at the Council (of Laterean) etc. that Tithes etc. should be given to the Rector or Parson of the parish, etc. (under pretence) that he that gave spiritual food should reap temporal, so far as I gather: see Cooks second part Institute about fol. 641. Here the Popes and their Priests, Rectors, etc. it seems (like you) they could call themselves spiritual men and Ministers, Rectors, etc. as you do, and they claimed or took Tithes and public maintenance under pretence of Ministering spiritual things as (you and) their of spring from that succession now do, when they was carnally minded, etc. as you are. And Tithes by a decretal epistle of Pope Innocent the 3. dated at Lateran directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, etc. in or about the year 1200. It is said by Cook that then Tithes became lex terrae and the subject, became bound to pay them etc. Cook saiths that of Ancient time before a new Constitution made by the Pope, the patron of one Church might grant his Tithes to another parish: and saith Cook, second part Institutes, thus began portion of Tithes, that the parson of one parish hath in another: vide Concilium Leteran. Anno Domini 12 15.17. of Jo. regis. So that Tithes it seems were free for any man to give etc. till the time of Pope Innocent▪ and were they not then divided into portions to the Priests, and Rectors, etc. from Pope Innocent the 3? For since, saith Cook, that which is called parochial right of Tithes were established, etc. And Pope Innocent by his Bull discharged those of the order of Praemonstratenses of the payment of Tithes of such lands as were of their own manurance, or other Improvement: and Pope Adrian the 4. said, all Orders should pay tithes, etc. And so it appears, Tithes sprang up the second time by one Pope: and so from one to another: and did not they spring from the Popes to the Bishops, Rectors, and those parish Priests: Consider well of it, and see if you know your succession. And had not the Popes the ordering and rule amongst Tithes, and other things, till the time of King Henry, 2 Hen. 4.28. Hen. 8. Chap. 16, for saith Cook by the statute of Henry 4. not only Cisterciences but all other religious and seculars, which put any of the Pope's bulls in execution for discharge of Tithes of their lands, in the hands of their farmers, should be in danger of a praemunire, as saith Cook second part Institures. And by the statute of the 28. of Henry the 8. Chap. 16. saith Cook there it is Enacted that all Bulls, Brieffes, Faculties, Dispensations, of what names natures or qualities whatsoever they be of, had or obtained from the (Pope or) Bishop of Rome or any of his predecessors, or by authority of the See of Rome, etc. should from thence forth by that Act be clearly void, and never after that, to be used admitted or pleaded, in any places, or Courts of this Realm (as they had been, etc.) or any other the King's Dominions upon pain contained in the statute of praemunire, etc. See Cooks second part Institute Fol. 641. and 652. etc. And doth it not appear hereby, that the Pope, etc. (that had begot Tithes by his constitution, to be distributed into parishes by his decretal epistle, and council, etc.) were himself thrust out of those Parochial rights of tithes, (as he called them) which he had begot and by his constitution, and council brought forth, etc. And as the Pope was thrust out of Tithes etc. in England, did not the Bishops, Priests, Pastors, Teachers, Rectors, etc. their offspring from that root enter in their stead, and was not they let into the same? And being grafted or let in, did not they take the Pope's places, and rewards, at the hands of him that disinherited them, (viz the Pope's &c.)? Consider and see where you are: And was not the Bishops, Priest, Pastors, Teachers, and Rectors, etc. adorned or endowed (by Hen. the 8, etc.) with honours and possessions (or with the Pope's ornaments) viz. Tithes, oblations, obventions, etc. And was they not said to be given to God and holy Church, etc. and to keep them from corruption and sinister affection, etc. 24. of Henry the 8.12. Cap. And seeing that Tithes etc. by the laws and statutes of this Nation, were (said to be) given to God and holy Church, etc. And being that both by God & the holy Church Tithes are denied as the Scripture under the Gospel dispensation doth witness; And seeing that the called Church of England the body spiritual as they call it and by them called the spirituality, who receive Tithes, are now found to be unholy, and not being free from corruption (but pleads for sin and so for corrption for term of life, etc.) and sinister affection; and stands in need of (the worlds) honours, and possessions to keep them (which rather corupts them the more, and cannot nor doth not keep them) from corruption and sinister affection, for which end they (viz. Tithes &c.) are said to be given, as by the statute of Henry the 8. it appeareth: therefore by the laws and statutes of England (it is clear to me that) the called Priests, Ministers, Preachers, Rectors, etc. (which names you bear) who are unholy and corrupt, etc. have no right to Tithes, etc. for by the laws of the Nation, they are said to be given to holy Church, etc. and you are unholy▪ that are in miscarriages, and neglecters of the great work of God (as you say): and are mongers both of men and of Christ, growing worse and running yet further from God, therefore you are unholy and corrupt, (and are not running for God, that runs further from him as you say): and so are cut out of Tithes, & his ministry by your own rule and confessions, etc. And now stop your mouths and do not cry up yourselves to be ministers of Christ and neither plead for old Levi his right that neglects his work? Nor for any of the Saints privileges? (Nor for Tithes from the law of the land) till you come out of Miscarriages, and give over wronging Christ and men, and become holy, free from corruption and sinister affection, 2 Tim. 3.11, 12. Heb. 11.36, 37, 38. etc. And as you come off from the old rotten root, and out of the old nature and be born again, etc. when you are made Christ's Ministers, you will deny your Tithes, and masteries, and be content with what he sees meet for you: and instead of persecuting be persecuted: and suffer of the world, and that generation which you are yet in union with, as the Ministers of Christ do now: and aforetime did. Whose approbation etc. was not of the men of the world, but of God 2 Cor. 6.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 2. Cor. 11.23, 24, 25. etc. And as you are neglecters of the work of God, page 3. and yourselves in the Miscarriages unpardoned, page 4. your hearers can scarce speak a word of sense about the matters of salvation, 1. Thes. 1.1. 1 Thes, 1.1▪ and you are wronger's both of them and of Christ, page 19 So you say there are many untaught Children and families, page 29. Therefore you make it manifest, that you are unholy, and corrupt, and that you are not the holy Church, who are unholy and profain, teachers and people, and therefore have no right to that which is said to be given only to God and the holy Church, which is in the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and both without corruption, and sinister affection, whose ministry is free and not put to sale as yours is, which is not the true Church but the false, whose Teachers are men of miscarriages wronging Christ and men, growing worse, prone to do more evil as well as their people: running yet further from God, and so themselves making manifest, or rendering their ministry to be unprofitable and useless: and how should you choose but have untaught Children and families where there is such untaught Teachers, and men of miscarriages, &c: as you are? And you may see what disorder you are in, now that you begin (as you say) to be awakened. It doth appear you were asleep in security, or in the sleepy dreaming condition desiling the flesh, which Judas speaks of, and in sin unturned to God, Judas, 7.8. Isa., 6. like those the Prophet Isaiah speaks of, (that saw it not before) and did not the Lord send his servants to awaken you, and complain against you for it, and for your own disorderliness first before you confessed the same (which since you covertly have done) but when will you amend and return? for as there is untaught Teacher's men of miscarriages, and growing worse, etc. so is there untaught Children and Families also in other places under the same professed Ministry of yours: Children, howling and yelling like young bruits, casting stones and dirt at Christians in the streets, and parents looking on, countenanceing the same; and some of those untaught Children confessing that there was of the magistrates also that did encourage them in it, and likewise some of the Teachers hath been heard to say, when boys stoned, and abused the servants of Jesus (which were sent to declare against their deceits) Let the boys alone with them and they will order them etc. when they were stoning and abusing the Babes and Lambs of God? And is not these boys, and untaught Children, and families (you speak of) encouraged in their miscarriages, unmannerliness, and misbehaviour, etc. both by their parents, as well as Priests their teachers, and also by some of the magistrates? and doth not those that are the moult untaught Children and families, who lives in unmannerliness, disorder, misbehaviour, and miscarriage, like you their teachers that therein groweth worse, and runneth further from God; the most act with club and fist (stoning and reviling) for you the Parish Masters and untaught teachers; and are they nor a great help to you, and such as are in union with deceit, (unmannerliness, misbehaviour, and miscarriages) to help to support the Kingdom of darkness, and to help to carry on the work of Antichrist? but when will you teach them better? or indeed how should they do otherwise, whilst they have (and follow for their example) such untaught teachers, and men of miscarriages, etc. that are the chief actors themselves in persecution, and lives in miscarriages, growing worse therein, and wronging Christ and them, as you say you do, and therefore the Scripture is fulfilled upon you, where it saith, The leaders of the people cause them to err, and they that are led of them are destroyed, Isa. 9.16. For there is like Priests, like people as saith the Prophet, Hosea. 4.9. therefore the Lord will have no joy in their young men, neither will he have mercy on their Fatherless, and widows, for every one (In the miscarriages wronging Christ and men, growing worse and running further from God, etc.) is an hypocrite and an evil doer, Isa. 9.16.17. like you the blind leaders of them, and evil examples that causeth them to err, who yourselves are in the miscarriages (as you say) wronging Christ and them, etc. And so it is manifest as your Agreement doth declare as well as your fruits, who yourselves say, (instead of amending and turning to God) you grow worse, and run yet further from him, therefore may it not be concluded that the Lord will have no joy in you, nor mercy on you; whilst you do so, who are the hypocrites and the evil doers? And you say, when you come to visit the sick, you would feign speak a word of comfort to their departing souls [but dare] not do it, page 29. of your Agreement: but had it not been more honest for you to have dealt plainly, and say when you go to visit the sick, you would speak comfort to them but [cannot] do it, because you were never appointed for it; being in the miscarriages, and growing worse, and wronger's both of them and of Christ. But you say, you dare not do it because you find them so carnal and ignorant, therefore I say they are most like unto yourselves, naturally dead in sin as you say, prone to do more evil, daily growing worse, and running yet further from God. Therefore as the people are carnal, Isa. 9.15.16. Hos. 6.9. Hosea. 4.9. and ignorant, so are the Priests, and like unto like; being of one evil nature, and guided by a wrongful Spirit: likewise your people they may see, that though they fight with club and fist for you, yet you cannot help them nor speak any comfort to them, when they are on their death beds, (and stand most in need of you, if you could do them any good, but cannot) who in that miscarrying nature and Spirit, by which you wrong Christ and them, never were appointed for it. And as your ministry hath not profited them in their life time, so it is as useless to them on their death beds, and yet you would not dare to take Wages and Tithes, &c, of those that were and are so carnal and ignorant which you cannot speak a word of comfort to on their death beds, because you want it for them: and therefore you make it manifest that instead of preaching for the good and comfort of souls, you preach for Tithes, and your own ends; and if they perish, so that you have but your own ends accomplished, and earthly gain advanced what matter you? even nothing at all; for when they are on their death bed you come off with a shuffle, or a shifting trick, saying you dare not speak a word of comfort to them, when indeed you cannot: but when did you say, you durst not take Tithes, and hundreds a year (because your people are carnal and ignorant) but you dare take that, though jour ministry profit them nothing, neither in their life-time nor at their latter end. Therefore it is high time for (them) to look about them, and cease from you, that they may forsake the evil, and turn to God the teacher of his people, and wait upon him▪ for instruction, the manifestation festation of whose Spirit is given (to such as obey him) to profit withal 1 Cor. 12.7. though your ministry be uncomfortable useless and unprofitable, yet his is useful, comfortable, and profitable, and also free without sale, and to be had without money or mony-worth, Isa. 55. Mat. 10. And you say page the 9 it is undeniable, that the everlasting perdition of multitudes is caused by their ignorance: and I say are not you (the untaught teachers) the cause of their ignorance, and then are not you guilty of the blood and loss of those under you, and the souls of those multitudes, that through ignorance go into perdition? whose negligence [and wrong done to God and them] is a great cause of that ignorance, etc. Therefore you say you are brought to a deep consideration of men's ignorance through your neglects, and now you say you apprehend you have wronged Christ and them, page 19▪ but what are they mended by your confession, if they go into perdition? and wherein do you amend since your confession? but seeing your preaching to be useless or profit (little or) nothing, but to deceive souls, keep people in ignorance, and wrong Christ and them, you pretend that you will use some personal and familiar Instruction, as a means to prevent that kill ignorance, Page the 9 and that you call Catechism, setting the people to get the Creed, Lords prayer, ten Commandments, or any Orthodox Catechism, with your expositors: the same means which hath been used by Bishops, Prelates, Episcopals, your forefather's, if not by the Pope, and yet the kill ignorance is left unkilled amongst your hearers, and you the untaught teachers: and when they have followed you in that, you will leave them where they are, and so the ignorance (being unkilled amongst you and them) is left and doth remain, etc. To the People, &c: that are put upon it, to get the Lords Prayer, Western Creed, and Ten Commandments, &c: and are yet in sin unturned to God in the self separation, Jer., 29, 30, 31. Isa. 9.14.15 16, 17, Isa. 59.2.3, 4, 5, 6. MInd the light in your consciences that reproves for sin and evil, Joh. 1.9. Math. 5.20 Job. 3, 3.5. Ephe. Col. 3.5.6. Joh. 8.12. and obey that, to be led out of deceit, and filthiness, for if you get all the words your Priests requireth of you, and do not come to forsake the evil, and embrace the good, and so witness the crucifying of the old nature, and be borne of God, it will little or nothing avail: therefore mind the light of Christ in your consciences that discovereth ignorance, error, and miscarriages to you, to follow the light, that thereby the ignorance may be killed or works of the Devil destroyed, and you by following the light end Counsel of Christ may be led out of darkness, ignorance and miscarriages, into the light of life, Joh. 8.12. And remember that the Ambassador of Christ (2. Cor. 5.20.) the Councillor that declared the Counsel of God, Acts 20.27. in his message and counsel co the Church said to them, Pray with the Spirit and with the understanding, etc. 1 Cor. 14.12.13, 14, 15, therefore when you pray and say our Father and be not begotten by, and borne of the Spirit of God, how can you pray with the Spirit and true spiritual understanding? for some are bastards and not sons (Heb. 12.8.) therefore if the bastards pray to God as their Father they are without the true understanding, 1 Joh. 5.20. and without the true Spirit guiding therein, and though your 42 Priests, Pastors, Rectors, [and untaught teachers and in the miscarriages] let you to act in your own wills; and bid you get these words to say over, and some other which they have gathered together, promising you salvation thereupon, and they themselves without pardon for their wrong done to Christ and to you as they themselves say, yet let me tell you, that the Lord Jesus hath said (Math. 7.20.21.) that the tree is known by its (evil) fruits? wherefore saith he, By their fruits you shall know them: Math. 7.15. &c: and to you I say that the Lord Jesus hath said, that it is not every one that saith, Lord Lord that shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven, so that you may get words, and yet be without the life, and not one jot nearer Heaven, and it is at postible for you and hypocrites and evil doers to get words to repeat without spirit and true spiritual understanding, and live still in the kill Ignorance in you unkilled, as before: though you may get all the words, and have them ready to say over, which your Priests, and Pastors, in their miscarriages [untaught teachers or Popish Rectors] hath imposed upon you, and yet for all that remain hypocrites, Bastards, and be Ignorant both of the new birth: and out of the way to salvation: and yet ye may say Lord, Lord, and use the words: saying, Our Father which art in Heaven, when your hearts are from him, Isa. 29.13, 14, 15, 16. And may also for all that be Bastards, (Heb. 12.8.) and neither son's servants, nor Children of God, but like such as Christ said was of their Father the Devil, and be for condemnation as it is said, John 8.44. Matth. 23.33. Mark. 12.38, 39, 40. And yet may use scripture words: and be [Proudly, Covetous, Persecuting, Envious, Mat. 6.5. Mark. 12.38, 39, 40. and] Children of the Devil, John 8.44. 1 John 3.15. Math. 4.5, 6. For all that not being born of God; and being out of the eternal life: and without the true spirit and spiritual understanding and also may be under the wrath of God; And in a stare of condemnation, and being unrighteous shall be shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven, and so go into perdition: take notice of that 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Rev. 21.8, 17. Job. 1.6.7, 8, 9, Jer. 23.1. Jer. 21.30. Joh. 8.40, 41, 42, 43.44, 45.47, 48. And it is possible for the Devil to preach the letter of the Scripture, in his disciples, Proud, Covetous, Persecuting, and Selfseeking, Priests, Pastors, and Rectors, and set people in the evil nature to get the same: and not change it by repeating them over in the Miscarrying, and wrongful nature: and being in the old birth and under the curse untaught of God, and without the true spiritual understanding, or the good spirit guiding them, and may be for condemnation for all that? Did not the Devil preach Scripture to Christ, when he came to tempt him, and say, As it is written, etc. Matth. 4.5, 6? Yet Christ rebuked him knowing his voice: and said, Get thee behind me, or Go hence Satan: Matth. 4.10, 11. So ought all Christians to say to the Satanical Ministers, knowing their voice, and their fruits to be from the Serpent: that lives in Miscarriages doing wrong to God and Christ, [as yours say they do] witness their own words in their Agreement, page 4.19. etc. But when Christ reproved Satan, and denied him, than he fled from him: who came to have wronged him, 2 Cor. 6.17. Math. 7.23. Eph. 5.11. 2 Joh. 9.10, 11 2 Pet. 2.3. Judas 11. as your teachers do him and you, but your duty is to deny them and bid them departed, because they are Satanical for all their colourable glosses, being in the miscarriages: charging God with an Imperfect work, page 18.19. of their Agreement wronger's of him, of men, and of Christ his Son, but they are seen and made manifest, and woe will be your portion (that knowingly in their deceits joins with them & doth uphold them) and did not the chief Priests or the Devil in them, and in the Scribes and Pharisees, preach the letter of the Scriptures, Isa. 9.15, 16. Isa. 3.11. Hos. 6.9. Joh. 5.39, 40. Isa. 2.12. Luke 20.12.19, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 45, 46, 47. verses (but wanted the life of them) as your Priests do, who are wronger's of Christ and of you, (as they say) and made use of it to tempt Christ withal: but they and such like were and are for the greater condemnation, as Christ hath said, Mark 12.38, 39, 40. And doth not the Devil now in the chief Priests, Persecuters, Proud, Covetous, Envious ones, and their disciples, preach the letter of the Scripture; and are out of the life of them, seeking honour one of another, as the enemies of Christ did, that had the letter but wanted the life, Joh. 5.39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44? And do not they make use of the letter that are out of the life: & make use of it to oppose the naked truth withal? Do not Proud ones preach the letter of the Scripture, & yet live in Pride, and covetousness, or in union with the life of the Devil who is the King of Pride, and enemy of all unrighteousness, etc. And doth not the Devil in Proud and Covetous ones, as well as Envious, and persecuters, etc. teach them to wrest the Scriptures for their own ends, and to plead for pride, & c? under such covers, (which are not with the spirit of the Lord) though the woe from God be against them denounced, Isa. 3.11. Isa. 20 Isa. 30. 2 Pet. 3.16. Isa. 30.1. etc. And doth not the Devil in Covetous ones teach them to break the command of God, which forbids covetousness? And doth not the Devil in Covetous ones and self-seekers, etc. 2 Tim. 3.1, 2. etc. now in these latter days teach them for their own ends, to make use of and preach the letter of the Scripture, when they are transgressors of the commands of God, and persecuting [and kill] the Innocent, for he that (persecutes and) Envies the righteous seed, he is a murderer and is out of the life of the Spirit of God; as faith the Scriptures, 1 Joh. 3.22, 15: And so in the lust of the Devil, Joh. 8.44. And in union with the Image of Pride; in proud flesh, and bowing to it with cap and knee, as well as worship an Imaginary, and false worship: and transgresseth the commands of God, and therefore must drink deep of his wrath, Rev. 14.9, 10, 11. And if covetousness is Idolatry, than both Covetous, Priests, and People, are Idolaters, and therefore are they and all false worshippers, and bowers to the Image of Pride, one in another; who are persecuters of the righteous seed, both transgressors of the commands of God, and out of the new bath, new nature, and out of the new Covenant and life of God, and in old envy, Wrath, Lust, Self-Love, pride, vain glory? and than are they not still in union with the life of the Devil, which evil fruits floweth there from? and doth not the Devil in Pope, Papist, as well as in prelate's, persecuting, selfseeking Priests, Pastor's Vicars, Rectors, and Proud painted Antichristian Ministers, make use of, and preach the Letter of the Scripture, being without the life of truth, and in the nature of the Devil? and are not you (that are wronger's of Christ and in Miscarriages, etc.) and they, guided by an evil spirit, Joh. 8.39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48.52. verses and in union with that evil nature, as the Jews and chief Priests, and such was, that persecuted Christ Jesus? yet they preached the letter, and spoke of Moses and the prophets, for their own ends, by the Spirit of the Devil, Joh. 8.39. and would not receive the truth nor forsake their Sins, Pride, Will-worship, Self-love, Covetousness, self-righteousness, vain glory, and honour of the world: but refused to deny self, take up the daily cross, and come unto the life, and power of truth: so that Christ complained against them Joh. 5.40. and (letting their visitation slip) he wept over them: Joh. 5.40, 41, 42, 43, 44. and therefore that you may come to understand the truth, & learn to pray and preach aright; mind, to be obedient to the Light of Christ in your consciences which reproves in secret for evil, and doth convince you of sin, self righteousness, unbelief, Pride, Covetousness, Persecution, the love and honour of the world, unrighteousness and your Miscarriages, and of the wrong you do to Christ and men: and as your duty is to departed from iniquity, so you are to yield unto the light, and follow the same, that you may come out of your miscarriages, and cease doing wrong to Christ & men: & forsake the evil of your ways (by the light) discovered; cease to do evil, and learn of that which is good, for to do well; which reproves you for the evil, that you may come out of the wrong way unto the right, and know the power of truth manifested, and Christ at work in your hearts and souls, destroying the Pride, Lust, Covetousness, Self-love, vain glory, unbelief, and so all unrighteousness as it is discovered to you: and also beget you [obeying and following the light] into righteousness, pure unfeigned love, and out of the Hypocrisy, into the faith unfeigned, and true patience [perfecting his work that it may possess your souls] and dispossess impatience and distrust, that your souls may come into joy and peace, through the working of the power of God killing sin and quickening you by his spirit, begetting and bringing forth that which is pure, holy, just and good, to be your rule and guide: as in such it is, where the birth is known that is of the spirit of Gods than might you call him Father by divine right, and so in truth and righteousness [with the spirit and true spiritual understanding] might you pray with such a right: as of Christ are taught, and are guided by the Spirit of God, etc. to say, Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name, and then would you hollow, and so Sanctify (the name of) the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready thereby (without your Miscarrying priests) to give an answer to every man that shall ask you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear, 1 Pet. 3.15. having a good conscience as the Saints and Children of God the Father hath, and aforetime had, 1 Pet. 3.16. in which the mystery of faith is held 1 Tim. 3.9. and not in your Miscarrying nature, or a piece of paper from your untaught teachers, that know not God, nor his eternal Living word: but are wronger's (as themselves confess) both of you and Christ; and because they transgress and abide not in the doctrine of Christ they have not God, 2 Joh. 9 but are under condemnation: condemned by that which their dark mind cannot comprehend, and whilst they and you wrong men and Christ, and so regard iniquity in your hearts, God will not regard your prayers, Psal. 66.18. And let those that use the words and say, Our Father. etc. learn to know whether or no, they yet be Children and Sons of God. For if liars and wicked ones say, Our Father which art in Heaven, they are in the Miscarriages; and speak without understanding: And if Enviers,. Drunkards, Proud, and Covetous ones, such as are persecuters and in the old nature, not born again, say, our Father which art in Heaven; do not they show their Ignorance of their Father [who hath begotten them into Pride, Covetousness, Drunkenness, Lying, and Dissembleing, Isa. 28. Mal 4. Rom. 1.18 28.29. verses and into all unrighteousness, and the perfection of wickedness] and do they not pray without understanding? for saith Christ to such Ye are of your Father the Devil, take notice of that: also read, John. 8.44. And know you not that the unrighteous ones are shut out of the Kingdom of God▪ 1 Cor. 6, 9.10. And the unclean, abominable, and liars shall not in any wise enter, as you may read, Gal. 5.19, 20, 21. Rev. 21.8, 27. And remember that the Devil who is the King of pride, and Father of the unfaithful, such as are neglecters of the work of God, and they that are wronger's of men and of Christ, such as are in the Miscarriages, Persecuters, and unrighteous, and the Father of liars, he is cast down out of Heaven. Therefore when you that are such, prays as you say, to a Father in Heaven, do you not pray without, (knowledge of your Father, Math. 25.41. to the end Psal. 9.17. and so without) understanding, for the Devil is the Father of persecuters, seed of evil doers, and of liars; do you not know that he is in hell, and the wicked, as well as all that forget God must be turned in thither, Psal. 9.17? And when you say, Hallowed be thy Name: such as do not sanctify the Lord God in their hearts, do not hollow his Name; for to hollow is to sanctify, but liars, swearers, cursed speakers, stoners, revilers, persecuters of the children of God, and all covetous and malicious ones, and such as are in the miscarriages, wronger's of Christ and of men, etc. that lives and acts in ungodliness, deceit and filthiness, dishonours the Name of the Lord, and therefore they do not hollow it: but as James saith, they blaspheme the worthy Name (who have the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect or persons) and being out of the truth and partial, Jam. 2.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. become Judges of evil thoughts: who despise the poor and oppress the saints, and servants of God, drawing them before the judgment-seat, and blaspheming that worthy name, by which they are called, as it is written, Jam. 2.7. And do you not know that when the name of the Lord is polluted and blasphemed, that he is highly dishonoured, and sore offended: and Christ Jesus hath said, that the sin of blasphemy against the holy Ghost shall never be forgiven, neither in this world, nor that which is to come; therefore look to it all that are such, and you that lives in persecutions and miscarriages, who are wronger's of Christ and of men, etc. And when you say, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; I say, such as are in the miscarrying nature, and without the true Spirit, and spiritual understanding, and wronger's of the Lord Jesus, how should you know it, when and where it is both come and preached? for it consisteth not in pride and vain glory, persecution, miscarriages, wronging God and men, and eating and drinking to satisfy the lust, nor in unrighteousness; for that is the kingdom of the devil, which consisteth therein. See if you know not that kingdom come, and set up in your hearts (though you be strangers to the other). And how can you believe that seek honour one of another, and doth not deny your wills, and worldly honours, etc. to seek the honour that cometh of God only and do his will, Joh. 5.44? Who instead of seeking his kingdom, and doing his will, are doing your own, and seeking the kingdom of the world, and the unrighteousness thereof, and not the kingdom of God which consisteth in righteousness, peace and joy in the holy Ghost, and not in the miscarriages, persecution, and wronging men and Christ, and growing worse, etc. And when you pray that the will of God may be done, on earth as it is in heaven, see that you do his will as it is of you required, and bear not false witness against any (the Lord doth forbid it) nor envy in your hearts, that is a kill and murdering; & the Lord is against it, Matth. 19.18, 1 joh. 3.12.15. and if you do the will of God, persecution and lying will cease amongst you: and so will the issue of slander and deceit be stopped, and if you do the will of God, swear not at all, jam. 5.11. then will oaths be cut off: for remember that the Lord Jesus repealed oaths, Matth. 5.34. And such as swear, by the Lord shall be cut off, Zepha. 1.4.5. And lie not one to another, Col. 3.9. then will truth take place: Do not oppress, nor use any defraud, nor deceit: but do that which is altogether just, for this is the will of God, 1 Thes. 4.3, 4, 5, 6. And if you would have the will of God done, it is his will that you should obey him and deny yourselves, and see that you do his will as it is required of you; for he saith, Let every one that names the Name of the Lord depart from iniquity [and that is his will] 2 Tim. 2.19. He hath so determined it in heaven, left upon record in scripture, and witnessed to with that in your consciences, which calls for purity and equity, and reproves for your miscarriages sin and iniquity: but you, and such as you are, are ready to plead for iniquity, and say, they cannot departed from it here in this life, etc. though God requires it, and command it. And such as so rebelliously refuse to do the will of God are in danger of being guilty of the sin against the holy Ghost, and their case is dangerous that sins wilfully after grace received: who refuse to do the Will of God, Heb. 10.26, 27. And if you or any say, Who hath resisted the will of God? I say there is a question asked: and it is answered, that such as resists the holy Ghost, resists the will of God: but the uncircumcised in hearts and ears, always resists the holy Ghost, Acts 7.51, 52. Therefore [they in that nature who wrong Christ and men, and lives in miscarriages, knowing the same and gainsays the Counsel of God, in refusing to deny their miscarriages, but only tell of them and the wrong they do to Christ and men, refusing to deny the same, and to amend and make restitution to whom they have wronged, and cease wronging any, and refusing to forsake the evil and cease persecution, to turn unto God, they refuse to deny their wills, that they might obey the will of God, and therefore] such are resisters of the will of God, as your untaught teachers are, and the Jews in nature like them was: whom Christ would often have gathered and they would not, Matth. 23.27. therefore saith he [ye that depart not from Iniquity, Pride, covetousness, Vain-talking, foolish Jesting will-Worships, the love and honour of the world, persecution and miscarriages] ye will not come to me that ye might have life, Joh. 5.40.44. and saith he, Why call ye me Lord, and do not the things that I say? Luke 6.46. And whereas you say, Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts or trespasses, as we forgive our debtors, or them that trespass against us, etc. I say, that they that Christ teacheth to pray, and them that he taught that prayer, and did him obey; exhorted others to do so: but when your wills are crossed, are you not ready to destroy and devour such as crosses your wills? and yet you pray sort your forgiveness upon that account, and so if you do not forgive others, you pray for no forgiveness, according to that account: and if you would have God to forgive you as you forgive others, see that you do forgive them that trespass against you, or else if you seek revenge (persecute, etc.) and do not forgive them, if they do trespass against you: do you not pray that God may take vengeance of you, and not forgive you, when you trespass against him; because you do not forgive them that trespass against you, and prays for your forgiveness of God, as you forgive men, and so when you do not forgive them, you pray that God may not forgive you, but do to you as you would do to them that offend and trespass against you: and you that do not cease your persecution, and also forgive them that trespass against you, you do not act according to the will of God, nor regard your own words, and vows made to God in Prayer, and if instead of forgiving those that trespass against you, you rather seek their destruction, and ruin; do you not pray that God may destroy and ruin you, and to do by you as you think to do to them, and is not all this according to your Prayer? Consider well of it, and If you do not forgive them that trespass against you, doth it not appear that you are not of Gods elect, that you have not yet learned the doctrine of the Apostles and of Christ; for saith Christ to such as he taught, if you forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will forgive you, your trespasses, Math. 6.15. And if you would follow that you might cease persecution, quarrelling, and jangling, and put on, as the elect did & do, bowels of mercy, humbleness of mind, long suffering, forbeareance, forgiving one another; and if any have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgiveth, learn of him, and do ye so, for the elect, and such as are taught of him, and abideth in his doctrine, doth so Col. 3.12, 13, and exhorts others to do the same, but it appears that you, or such as do not so, viz. forgive them that trespass against you in obedience to the will of God, and doctrine of Christ and his Apostles, you show thereby that you resist the will of God, and are not of the elect, but out of both the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles, and doth it not plainly appear, that you and persecuters that wrongs God and Christ, and are not yet forgiven, and therefore you do not forgive nor regard what you pray for, as to perform your vows, etc. Therefore doth your hypocrisy more appear, and so you make use of the Scriptures only to talk of, and garnish yourselves withal (as the Scribes and Pharises did) that you may oppose the truth, and paint yourselves with the words as they did, but comes not to the life of truth to walk in, but are shut out as they was, and now it is manifest for the light is risen and sprung up in the hearts of many, praised be the Lord, and your deceits and deeds of darkness must be found out, and laid open the Lord hath his fanners and he will fift the Nations, and the day declareth every man's work of what sort it is: and now the Lord looks for fruits, for that tree is cursed that makes a great show in leaves and brings forth no fruit unto Christ, as the figtree was: read and understand if you can; I desire of the Lord for you that you may, and to your soul's profit: but let the Serpent be famished, dust is his meat, but the Father Almighty feedeth his Children, and their souls doth taste of his Manna, and knows the daily bread, and the sacrifice which is offered up, and is the living sanctified soul's nourishment, and daily food; for which he is not only prayed unto, but also praised for: glory and honour be to him for evermore. And when you say, Led us not into Temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever, Amen, Concerning Temptation, etc. I say, God doth not lead into Temptation, neither doth he tempt any with evil, Jam. 1.13. but he suffereth Temptations to come, that he may try his, Joh. 1.12. and blessed is he that endureth Temptation, for when he is tried, he shall receive the Crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him: but you are hardly sensible of a Temptation, who are asleep in security, and ignorance, that can scarce speak a word of sense in matters of salvation, as your teachers say, and in carnality (deep in the iniquity) or in sin unturned to God, etc. but such as are convinced with the light of Christ in their consciences; and are awakened out of security, having their minds turned with the light from darkness, and sin towards God, to wait upon him, who are taught by Christ the true Teacher of his, they are by him supported and taught from a true sense how to pray, and they know that he whose the Kingdoms true power and glory is, Math. 11.27, 28. who giveth them rest, doth teach them to watch and to pray, that they by his power may be kept for entering into Temptation, as they take his Counsel and abide therein, Heb. 2.18. who himself was Tempted, Luke 22.28. but did overcome, and did not enter into the same, Math. 4. who is the way to lead out such as him follow (Joh. 14.6. Joh. 8.12) and obey, Heb. 5.8.9. and it is no sin to be Tempted, but to enter into the Temptation, which the rich fall into, and are snared, for the love of money is the root of all evil, and whilst you are coveting after that you are in danger of peirceing your souls through with many sorrows, and to fall into perdition, as such did that erred from the faith, 1 Tim. 6.9.10. therefore beware (any one that have set their faces Sion-ward, wherever you are) of that, and give not way to that which inclines to the Temptation, for the enemy both knows what to work upon and how, as well as he knoweth what will receive him, therefore with the light that lets you see the Temptation, let your minds be gi●t up, and stand in the cross to that inclination which would entertain the Temptation, and abide in the measure and proportion of faith, Rom. 12.3.6. Rom. 12.3.6. and stand steadfast without wavering in that which supplies the faith, as well as discovereth Temptations: and there is the gift known, and power given to resist the Devil, and judge the evil, and the increase both of faith and patience will through the Cross and Judgement which crucifyeth the lust be at work in your souls, and be support to you in time of trial, that you may stand and be kept, as you in the Counsel of the pure light of Christ wait and abide, for he is faithful who will not suffer you to be Tempted above your measure, as you therein stand, but doth and will with the Temptation make away to escape, 1 Cor. 10.13. who is the deliver, for many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all (as he did Paul, &c:) 2 Tim. 3.10.11, 12. though the unrighteous, and persecuters, evil men, and seducers be ignorant of it, yet we know and are sure, that as the Lord delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked, and punished them, condemning them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those (like you the wicked, and persecuters, seed of evil doers now, and such) that after should live ungodly, but the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of Temptations (and afflictions) and how to reserve persecuters, seed of evil doers, wronger's of Christ, and of men, (be they Priests and their followers that lives in such miscarriages) and all the unjust unto the day of Judgement for to be punished, 2 Pet. 2.4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 Therefore all that are not hardened, and seared in sin and iniquity, give ear to the cry of the just, and departed from the evil of your Priests and yourselves, and wait to receive the teachings of God, that you may profit, sear the living dreadful Lord God; stand in awe of him, and sin not, for the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself, Psa. 4.3.4. but the transgressors, shall be destroyed together, the end of the wicked shall be cut off, Psa. 37.38. And you that are wronger's of God, and men, in your miscarriages unpardoned for the same, that sets people to get that which you call the Creed, you say you believe in God the Father Almighty; & in Jesus Christ his Son, who suffered under Pontius Pilate etc. I say, that such as believes in him, loves him and doth not him wrong, it was Pilate and the Jews that did him wrong, who loved him nor, and are not you found in their nature, persecuting him in his Saints as Pilate and Herod did, that are in the miscarriages (as they was) wronging Christ and men, and therefore it is manifest how little you believe in him, or love him, such as are wronger's of him, and liars against him, are out of the love and faith towards him, but you confess you are wronger's of him, and therefore out of the love and the faith, he that loves him keeps his say; but you neglect and keep them not, and therefore you love him not, that are as you say neglecters of his work, and wronger's of him, in the miscarriages growing worse, and therefore you are out of his faith, and doing the work of your Father as Pilate and Herod did. And thou Richard Baxter, art a grievous slanderer of him as before is proved, that saith he detested (his own doctrine, viz. the doctrine of sinless perfection, Math. 5.48.) blush with your deeds of darkness made manifest, who are out of the faith and doctrine of Christ, and turned persecuters of his, and wronger's of him, but it is given to us and them in his faith (not to persecute his, and wrong him, as you and infidels do) to suffer for his names-sake, as well as believe in his name, as the Saints and faithful in Christ-Jesus did, Phil. 1.29.30. and are nothing terrified by you and our adversaries, Phil. 1, 28. though we have the same conflict as our brethren had (that suffered under Pilate, the Jews and chief Priests that crucified the just) and as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation aboundeth by Christ, 1 Cor. 1.5. knowing also that such as (you persecute and cause to) suffer for his namesake (whom you confess you wrong) they shall partake of the consolation, as of the sufferings they have done, 2 Cor. 1.7. that are steadfast unto him, but woe unto the wicked and you painted Tombs, and all the false worshippers as well as persecuters of his, and wronger's of him, it shall go ill with you and them, Isa. 3.11. and all your guilding, and painting flatteries, and Colourable glosses will not save you, and such from the wrath of the Lamb, the cup is prepared [as you may read] for all such, Reve. 14.9, 10.11. and great will be their torment, as well as yours, who are out of his faith, in the old birth and miscarriages growing worse as you say, who are persecuters of his and wronger's of him, but you are seen and your design is known and are left naked and bare, that to the single eyed you may appear, and that others may see your deceits, and of them and you be ware lest they with you come under the same condemnation, they are warned, and I am cleared, though by your generation falsely accused, to be Popishly affected, but have left my Testimony against the Pope and his brood, and stands to witness against that, and all other deceit, and hath not the least affection to it, but stands a witness through the strength of my God against it, and therefore that accusation is proved false, and left co return from whence it came till it return into the Pope's breast, or where it first had its rise. And though the author (being in outward bonds) have outward helps taken from him, and kept from him, yet truth is not bound, but stands free, and leaves against the deceit (from a servant of the Lord) this same testimony, and returns praise to the Lord for the riches of his love, and remains therein: A faithful witness against Pope and Papists, and all deceivers, but a lover of all the honest hearted, such as are not wronger's, but lovers of the Lord Jesus. The 8th day of the 11th month, in the year 1655. Richard Farnsworth. To the Catechism, etc. Set forth by the 42. Priests, etc. ANd in your Catechism, you say you believe there is one only God in 3 persons. I answer; That there is one God is true, and you are proved, and have confessed that you are wronger's of his Son Christ Jesus, and then of him, for he and his Father is one, Joh. 10.30. And there is three that bear witness in Heaven the Father the word and the Spirit, and these three are one, 1 Joh. 5.7. but where is those three persons you speak of (are you not liars therein) for he that abides in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son, 2 Joh. 9 and the Holy Ghost remains within, in the Saints, Joh. 14.15, 16, 17. and these three are one, and agree in the unity, 1 Joh. 5.7, 8. and as Christ hath said, I in them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, Joh. 17.23. and the unity stands in the eternity, which is shut out of the reach of your carnality, that are out of the unity, and in the enmity and self separation, wronger's of men and of Christ (as you say you are) therefore you speak of things which you are not in the true knowledge of, and feeds people's fancies with your conceivings, and imaginations: you say also that God made man for himself, but you are gone far from the end, for which you were made, that are turned wronger's of him, in wronging people and his Son, and in running further from him, as yourselves confess, and so under the curse: for you say that he gave a law, requireing perfect obedience upon pain of death: and if he requires you perfectly to obey him, upon pain of death, are you not under that penalty and liable to that pain and punishment, that instead of yielding perfect obedience denieth it, in denying perfection, and so perfect obedience, who live in miscarriages growing worse and worse, and running further from God, and saying that the doctrine of God the Father and his Son, viz, the doctrine of (Sinless) perfection, were bred by the Devil, and detested by Christ, and never received by any that had grace, etc. When the same doctrine was preached and commanded both by God and Christ, and both believed in, and received by such as had grace, guiding them: and such as yield perfect obedience to the divine will and law of God, them you revile, and are not ashamed to call them heretics, and cast them into Prison, if they do but walk up into the same things which you preach in words, and speak of, and seeing you out of the life of the same tell you of it, though now you have confessed it, that you are of what you set others to get instead of owning perfection, and yielding perfect obedience to the law and will of God, you persecute them that do, and lives yourselves in the disobedience to the divine law and will of God, (and are in your covenant with sin and imperfection & in the miscarriages, and (as you say) wronging both Christ and men, as thou Richard Baxter and you 42 hath done, but thou and you all are seen and your covers will not hid you, but leaves you bare, who are out of the doctrine of Christ, and under condemnation, and in danger of stverlasting pain and death due to the disobedient, except you consider betime and truly repent, give over deceiving of souls, yield perfect obedience (as you say) that you may come out of imperfection and persecution, and forsake your miscarriages, and give over wronging Christ and men, make restitution, and humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, and make it manifest [not by your flatteries and excuses serpentlike, and still continue or grow worse and worse in the miscarriages and wronging God & men etc. but] by ceaseing your persecution, and your preaching for hire, and beareing rule by your means, etc. and turning to that of God which reproves in secret, for your miscarriages, and forsake them and your lusts, and make your amendment and return manifest by your fruits; and live not in your flatteries, but as you have confessed your wrong to the people, and promised your amendment, make good your word, and go make restitution for them for the same, and give over your trade of deceit: there is many Scriptures which you have summed together, and set people to get over, mixing your deceit and imaginations amongst them; and hath not the Pope and Bishops (as you do) garnished and painted themselves, (in their mass books, Pulpits, and Catechisms, etc.) with the Saints words, when they was as far from the Saints Spirit, life and practice as you are; and you for all your painting and garnishing yourselves, are as far from the Saints life and practice as they were. And if the people get all your words to say over, will that change their nature, which hath not yet changed yours? and did not your Forefathers use it before you, and yet left you where they was, except more painted outwardly, and grown more subtle, but within full of venom, cruelty, and persecution, and out of the life and power of truth, as is made manifest: for you say in your third Answer▪ (where you speak your own condition) that as men did wilfully sin and fall from God and happiness you say in your 19 page, that you are wronger's of Christ and men, and in the neglect of the work of God, and in miscarriages, &c: page 3.4. in your Agreement; then are not you in that condition, entered (wilfully into them) through Satan's temptation? and are not you in that condition, under the wrath, in the fall under the curse? nay do I say any more herein than you have confessed? for you say that man being tempted did wilfully sin (and I say, you that are wronger's of Christ and of men, you have done the same) and so fell from God, and happiness (into miscarriages persecution and wickedness) under the wrath of God, and curse of the law, and the power of the Devil, (through disobedience, as you are, so say you in your third answer) we are by nature dead in sin, I say then you are not by grace yet quickened, (who are from the divine life) and what can dead men act in that death and life of sin for God, but against him? and is not that the cause that the kill ignorance you speak or remains yet unkilled amongst you, and your people that are asleep as you say in security, in sin unturned to God (ignorance of that which concerns their salvation) and therefore doth make it appear that you are strangers from the life of Jesus, and the covenant of promise, and knoweth not the life of truth nor the quickening of the soul, nor yet how to kill the kill ignorance, that remains amongst you unkilled, and dead men (that are dead from the divine life) set up dead Papers, and dead words without life, for dead minds to feed on, which will neither kill sin, nor quicken the soul, and so your dead Catechisms will work as little effect as your dead Sermons have done, and that is so little (and as you say) that people are so ignorant that they can scarce speak a word of sense abort matters of salvation: and how should untaught teachers teach to perfect, who manifest you are not sent of God, that are as you say in the third Answer of your Catechism (you say) you are by nature dead in sin, and therefore not quickened by grace, for they that are quickened are not dead, but you are not quickened, and so dead: but those the Lord sends he quickens before he send them, but you are not quickened and therefore not sent, who are Children of wrath and naturally are as you say (in the present time) dead in sin: so servants to divers lusts and pleasures, and from thence proceeds miscarriages and persecution (wrong to Christ and men) which are the fruits of wrath, and disobedience, and how should it be otherwise (whilst you continue therein) seeing you are naturally dead in sin, and so the natural men, who knows not the things of the Spirit of God, 1 Cor. 2.14.15. neither do you receive them because they are spiritually discerned, and that is known after quickening for they that are quickened by grace discerns in the gift: Eph 1.4, 5, 6. 1 Joh. 5.20. whereby they understand salvation and happiness; therefore saith the Apostle to such as were quickened and knew the salvation, By grace you hath he quickened who were dead in sin, and are raised up together and made to sit with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places, who gave them an understanding to know the same, that wore so quickened and knew the matters of salvation: which you and your hearers are ignorant of, which things are known after quickening: but you are not quickened, and therefore to you they are not known but as you say in your third answer, you are not only dead in sin, but you are prone to do more evil continually (and so are Children of wrath, and servants of divers lusts as is afore said) and so growing worse: then where is your amendment, ye flatterers and hypocrites that do not grow only worse and worse, but you say you depart further from God also: And I say, ●hat needs not to be; for you are far enough from him already, that are dead in sin, wronging Christ and men, living in Miscarriages promising amendment and yet says, you grow worse; and so are of those that oppose themselves, saying and unsaying, confuting and contradicting your own say, in your Agreement: and growing worse and running further from God, Jer. 5.27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Jer. 6.13, 14, 15. you must needs be of those that turns the grace of God into lasciviousness, Judas 4. and of them that runs further from Goodness into Miscarriages and wickedness, Jer. 5.25. And so dead men cannot quicken, and how should they that run from God, lead unto God, but you run further from God as you say; & then how can you lead unto God? And how should they that live in Miscarriages & grow worse lead others out of them into the truth, to grow in grace, & so become better? but you live in miscarriages and grow worse, as yourselves confess, in your Agreement: and your fruits make manifest, who are naturally dead in sin: etc. And how should the blind and dead, lead others into the way of truth, and into the life thereof, that are out of it themselves, as you are? and how should you lead others from under the curse whilst you are in the fall, under the wrath, etc. and how should you turn people from darkness, and from the power of Satan, that are yet in and under the same: according to your third Answer? And how should you be examples and leaders of others to come out of the Miscarriages and evil, who yourselves are in the miscarriages, and prone, you say, to do more evil continually, and to grow worse, and departed yet further from God; and than whilst you are doing that and departing from him you are not amending not yet leading to him, and therefore you are very unfit to disciple the undiscipled, and to be leaders of others from evil unto good, that are yourselves dead in sin, and not alive in grace: being in the self-separation, and in Miscarriages, continually prone to do mere evil, and grow worse and departed further from God; therefore you are very unfit to lead out of the evil unto God, and that is the cause your people are so Ignorant (as you say) and in sin unturned to God, because their teachers are so: and the Scripture fulfilled which saith, like Priest, like people: Hos. 4.9. Whose teachers instead of turning to God, run further from him: and therefore you being untaught to come out of Miscarriages, etc. and abide not in the Doctrine of Christ, are very unfit to teach others the way of God, or lead into the covenant of light: and as you say you grow worse continually, it appears so, by your fruits daily; your actions doth declare it, as well as your words: but how should it be otherwise whilst you continue therein; and run on in the same, seeing as you say, you yet departed further from God, and so from grace and goodness, into persecution, and your Miscarriages, etc. And are you not under that saying of the Prophet, like such that are grievous revolters, Jer. 6.28, 30 walking with slanders, where lie saith, Reprobate silver shall men call them: because the Lord hath rejected them, who trusted in lying words, and were given to wickedness, and though they said, The temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, they did not amend their ways, and their do, but lived in oppression, Wrath, Envy, and the, Miscarriages growing worse and worse; and ran further from God, tor they neither obeyed the voice of the Lord nor received correction: truth was perished and cut off, from their mouths, as appears by the saying of the prophet Jer. 7. Chap. Jer. 7. Chap. For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them, every one is given to covetousness, and from the Prophet unto the Priest every one doth falsely Jer. 6.13. Like such as you who live in miscarriages growing worse and prone to do more evil continually, and running further from God, as your Agreement doth witness against you: therefore thus saith the Lord, I will lay stumbling blocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them, and the neighbour and his friend shall perish, Jer. 6.20. And in your fourth Answer you tell of God's love, and giving his only son to be a redeemer, etc. I answer; yea so he did, though you be Ignorant of it, that are dead in sins, and not quickened (than not redeemed) yet such as are quickened and taught by him to come out of Miscarriages, and out of the evil and lusts of the Devil (which such continue in, who are dead in sin and departed from God, yet ● Pet. 1.18.22, 23. notwithstanding) they that are quickened and by grace saved, they witness God's Love and redemption from the vain conversation (and from the Miscarriages which you live in unredeemed from) and they that witness God's Love in sending his Son and redemption from the va●n conversation & Miscarriages, etc. they also witness deliverance from the power of darkness, as they that writ to the Saints Col. 1.12, 13, 14. at Colosse did; who were delivered from the power of the Devil, and were translated (when they writ to the Saints that were at Colosse) into the kingdom of the dear Son, by whom redemption came: and were then giving thanks unto God the Father who had made them partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light as such are now giving thanks that are in the inheritance, and are quickened as the writer to and the Saints at Ephesus was, that were made to sit with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places, Eph. 5.8, 10, 12. Eph. 2.1, 6. Who walked in the light, & reproved darkness after they were quickened by grace, and called into it. But what is that to you that lives in Miscarriages doing wrong to Christ and men, and are persecuters of the redeemed, who witnessed the love of God in sending his Son to redeem them, for whose sake they suffer: and walking in the light are made to reprove your deeds of darkness, and you that say you are redeemed, and are not, but lives yet in Miscarriages growing worse, and people as well as you in sin unturned to God: yourselves wronging them & Christ (in deceiving souls for your own ends &) persecuting those that are redeemed, and witness against your deceits; and you that are not redeemed but under the curse of the law, wrath of God, and the power of the Devil, so that you are by nature dead in sin, and prone to do more evil continually, and to grow worse and departed yet further from God, (as you say you do) and therefore are neither redeemed nor turned to God, nor come to repentance, which you say is a through turning from the Devil the world and the flesh, unto God. And what have you to do to call yourselves Saints and Ministers of Christ, and tell of redemption, etc. who are not yet come to repentance; than not to redemption? that are not yet quickened, than not saved, sanctified, and sent, nor so much as yet turned to God: but instead of turning to him, are running on in the broad way (and as you say) further from him, (and do not the Papists and Heretics the same?) and what have you to do to talk of the Scriptures to be your rule, that are out of the life of them, and in Miscarriages growing worse, which the Scripture forbids? And what do you talk of the new birth and Saints life for? that are out of their practice and yourselves dead in sin, and in the old birth? or doth the new birth consist in Miscarriages, death in sin, unquickened, in growing worse, and yet running further from God, and wronging both Christ and men as you do: wherefore be ashamed and blush, your deeds of darkness are now come to light. And you say, in your Fifth Answer, that the Lord Jesus Christ hath ordained that all they that receive him by a true effectual faith, and by true repentance, are obliged (or bound) to forsake the Devil, and the world, and the flesh, and hearty turn from them unto God, that they may receive the pardon of their sins, and become Sons of God, and heirs of everlasting life; than it seems you grant that such as are to repentance come; who receive Christ by an effectual faith, and therein abide, who hath forsaken the Devil and the world, and the flesh, and are hearty turned out of them unto God (such you account to be, and grant that they are) the Sons of God, and heirs of everlasting life. And I say, Are not such in a state of perfection? or will not you deny this again and persecute such as in spirit and truth witness the same? But admit it to be so, and also as you therein say; yet what is that to you, that are not turned from the Devil and out of the world, nor from the flesh unto God, but are in the Miscarriages growing worse, and therefore in the world, and not turned out: who are wronger's of Christ and men, and therefore in the flesh bringing forth persecution and the fruits of the same, and are yet dead in sin, (than not alive in the effectual faith; and being under the curse of the law than not under the grace of the Gospel: and being under the wrath of God, you are in the disobedience: therefore being in the disobedience, the wrath is that which is your desert for the same: and being in the disobedience and under the wrath (as in your third answer, etc.) than you are not in the new covenant but out of the love of the pure God: and being o●t of his love in your Miscarriages, and growing worse, you are not forsaking them to become better: and therefore you grow not in grace, who are in Miscarriages and growing worse, and so you do but dissemble and flatter, when you promise amendment and doth not amend, nor regard to perform what you have promised, but instead thereof, are accusing yourselves, where you say you wrong Christ and men, and are growing worse as well as departing yet further from God: therefore you do not receive the effectual faith nor come to repentance (which you say is a through turning from the flesh and the world, &c unto God) neither do you forsake the Devil (that labours for him in doing wrong to Christ and men, etc.) nor the world and the flesh who continues in your Miscarriages, fruits of the same, who are therein growing worse and worse (as you say) and you do not yet turn unto God, who are opposite to him and running further from him, and therefore according to your own words, fruits, and say, you that are such are not Sons of God nor in the effectual faith: and being without repentance arid remission, therefore you are not heirs of Salvation, but in danger of damnation, according to your fifth Answer (but to this you add) etc. And you say, they that sincerely Love the Lord Jesus, and obey him to the death, they shall be glorified; and they that will not do all this (to wit) forsake the Devil, the world, and the flesh, and (not feignedly but) hearty turn from them unto God, and sincerely love and obey him to the death, they that do not all this (you say) they shall be damned: here be you witnesses against yourselves, that you do not do it all, and as you say, that are neglecters of the work or God, page 3. and in your former and present Miscarriages unpardoned, page the 4. and people in sin unturned to God, who scarce can speak a word of sense (as in your accusation against them you say) about the matters of Salvation: and you are the wronger's of Christ and them, page the 19 who eaten dead in sin, and prone to do more evil continually, (promising amendment, but instead of amending are accusing yourselves) and says you grow worse and departed yet further from God, (Answer the third, of your Catechism): therefore you do not truly repent that doth not hearty return out of your Miscarriages, and from the flesh and the world unto God, than you do not believe nor receive Christ by an effectual faith, who are turned wronger's of him: and therefore in not loving the good, and forsaking the evil to turn out of your Miscarriages and from the world unto God, you that are wronger's of men and him, and lives in such disobedience, you are not doing all that which yourselves say, is to be done, the which being neglected and undone is cause of damnation; then, are not you in that condition (consider of it) that neglects the work of God and leaves it undone? and instead of doing it, continueth in your miscarriages, the works of the Devil, growing worse as you say, and are running further from God, therefore you are not running for him, nor doing his work: take notice of that. And if your people get the words which you set them to get, will those say bring them into the effectual faith, and out of their Miscarriages unto repentance and throughly to forsake the Devil the World & the Flesh, and hearty turn them therefrom unto God, & c? Or, may not an Hypocrite and a dissembler get the words to say over; and, for all that, remain an Hypocrite and a dissembler still, and so be a child of the Devil, and if you and they get the words to repeat or say over, and tell of forsaking the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, and of turning from them unto God: and do not (turn from them unto him nor) come out of Miscarriages, but grow worse & doing wrong to men and Christ as you do: who are also running further from God, etc. saying in words and feigned flatteries, they will turn from the evil to the good, etc. and do not forsake the Devil, the World, & the Flesh, Joh. 8.34. Math. 23.14, 16, but refuses to turn from them unto God, are not such Hypocrites, and Dissemblers, who are sayers, and not doers? And are not such, threefold more the servants of sin and children of the Devil consider of it and deceive not yourselves with shows, and pretences, flatteries & colourable glosses. And do not you, both tell the tale, and give the answer? and must not the people be bound by you to say as you say, and speak your condition, whether they be so or no: for you speaking your own conditions, & saying you are dead in sin, & continually prone to evil, growing worse, & yet running further from God, you would have all others to (be or) say so, if they be not so: but if they through the experience of grace and goodness received from God, make reply and say, we are quickened by grace; and are growing in the same, having received Christ by an effectual faith which purifieth our hearts: and therefore we have forsaken the Devil, the World, and the Flesh, and are unfeignedly turned from them unto God, and being born of God: 1 Pet. 1.22.23. and guided by his Spirit; we are made the Sons of God, 1 Joh. 3.1. and so are heirs of Salvation, Rom. 8.14. and are made partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in light, for which we give thanks unto the Father who made us meet to be partakers thereof Col. 1.14. and are come to the Spirits of just men made perfect: and as we have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so we walk in him, rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as we have been taught: Heb. 12.22, 23. Col. 2.6, 7. Col. 1.3, 9, 10. verses. a-abounding therein with thanksgiving; in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge: for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily: and the Saints are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and powers as the Scripture witnesseth: and if they say so, and say they witness with them, would you not call such heretics, and say it were delusion: or blasphemy, and the like, & c? And do not you in your Catechism preach up the same in words; as the condition of the obedient, etc. and if any witness the same condition, which you tell them of, and say, I am a Son of God, and heir of Salvation, & grow in perfection, say, you are out of the life of what you exhort to, but are as you confess wronger's of Christ, & neglecters of his work: and therefore have not received him by the effectual faith, neither have you forsaken the Devil, that lives in perfection; nor the flesh, that are in Miscarriages; nor the world, that are prone to do evil, and growing worse continually, neither are you hearty nor in the least me a sure turned from them unto God, who are as you say running yet further from him; and therefore, running from him, are not sent of him, and so cannot profit the people at all, and in disobeying his law and wronging of him in wronging his Son: and being still in the Miscarriages, and growing worse, etc. you are not doing what you say is to be done upon pain of damnation: and therefore not doing it, but, neglecting and leaving the same undone, (may it not be concluded from your own words being found in the neglect, that you are for the damnation you speak of in your Agreement) but would you not persecute them, which witness the same in life and power, which you speak of, (as the condition of the obedient who are Sons of God, etc.) and tell you that you are out of the life of the same and are neither Sons nor Servants of God, but wronger's of him and his; who are in your Miscarriages and growing worse, etc. To speak Truth against deceit is no railing, And this is but according to what yourselves say (who are witnesses against yourselves & both accusing yourselves & your people) in that called your Agreement who have fully laid open your deceit, if you did but see it: but is not the Serpent now as blind as ever he was, & Ignorant in the things of the Spirit of God: Joh. 8.44. & doth not well know his Father's work, and what he bringeth forth, who assumed to call Abraham his Father, when Christ sharply reproved him for it, and said to the Serpent's seed You are of your Father the Devil, and his works you will do; yet though he so said, he did neither rail not revile, neither were his say un Gospel like, being thereunto guided by a Gospel-Spirit: yet you will be ready to call that railing, which is in reproof to your deceit, (which you live in: and have confessed in your Agreement) and say, 1 Joh. 2.4. Math. 23.27. Math. 23.24. 1 Joh. 1.18, 16. Phil. 3.2. Acts 10.29. Luke 3.7. Math. 23.33. it is Censorious, and un Gospellike: yet notwithstanding the Spirit of truth, and they that were guided by it, called the Serpent's seed, by names proper to their nature, as Liars, Hypocrites blind-guides, Seducers, and Antichrists, as well as Dogs, Wolies, Foxes, Serpents, and Vipers: and if it were not un Gospellike in them so to do being thereunto guided by a Gospel-Spirit, and how comes it to be more un Gospellike now, in them that are thereunto guided so to say by the Gospel-Spirit? or was not the Serpent's seed then, as well as now, offended at it, and raised persecution against them that witnessed by the Spirit of truth against their deceits, as the Serpent's seed now doth: consider of it, and Judge yourselves, for the tree is known by its fruits. And in your sixth answer, you are telling how Christ proved his doctrine: but I say, you do not prove by your fruits that you are in the same, but out of it, and confesseth as well as proveth that you are (none of his Ministers but) wronger's of him, as your words and actions against you witnesseth, and therefore you should first by your fruits and practice have proved yourselves to have been following his example and the practice of the Gospel Ministers, and then you had done something, for both he and his, to wit true Prophets and Apostles, have sufficiently (thereby) proved theirs without you, whose lives and the Spirit by which they were inspired, stands to witness against you, Joh. 14.6. Heb. 7.25. Heb. 5.8, 9 1 Tim. 3.15: Joh. 14.17. Job. 1.6. Gal. 4.6. Rom. 8.14. 1 Joh. 2.14, 20, 27, and such as are out of the way of truth, and running yet further from God: who through ignorance sets up the letter, and your Catechism as the way into the truth, and knoweth not that Christ is the way to the Father, and to salvation (without you and wronger's of him, etc.) as the letter witnesseth, and so is his light, Joh. 8.12. and Spirit the way out of darkesse, and guide into all truth, Joh. 16.13. (and is the standing rule in his Church the pillar and ground of truth): and that the holy Spirit doth enlighten men's hearts is true, but the letter doth not so, nor your Catechism as (in your 7th answer it seems) you would have it, neither hath it yet turned you from Satan unto God, who are in miscarriages growing worse, and as you say continually prone to do evil, and are running yet further from God, and therefore you are neither in the faith, nor joined to Christ that are running from God and turned wronger's both of men and of Christ; neither are you justified therein, but are unpardoned for the same (as yourselves confess) and so are not made the Sons of God, that are not borne of him, nor quickened by grace, but dead in sin, and living in your former and present miscarriages, growing worse and worse, and so are neither sanctified nor that peculiar people you speak of: in Answer the seventh, in that called your Catechism. For you say, The peculiar people are made the Sons of God, and sanctified unto him, overcoming the world, the flesh and the Devil: and are Zealous of good works, serving God in holiness and righteousness, etc. But I say, you make it manifest that you are not sanctified nor justified, then according to your sayings you are not made the Sons of God, nor that peculiar people (which are persecuted by you who live in the miscarriages) growing worse and worse: your deeds proves your say therein against you, that are yet running further from God, and turned wronger's of Christ and of men: but his peculiar people that are justified and sanctified, they do not so, but witnesseth against those that live in miscarriages that are wronger's of Christ and his: whose blind Zeal carries them forth into persecution and unrighteousness and therefore are Zealous in an evil work (like you as both your writing, casting the innocent into Prisons, and your actions, against you declare). And where you tell of the end of the righteous and wicked, in Answer the eighth of your Catechism: In reply thereunto, Let me tell you that you have sufficiently proved yourselves to be the wicked, and therefore expect their reward, or that which is due for the same: for there is no respect of persons with God. who will render to every man according to his deeds, even Indignation and wrath unto them that are contentious, and obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness, as you do, that live in Miscarriages and grow worse and worse, Rom. 2.6, 8, 9, 10, 11. verses. like such who after their hardness and Impenitent heart, are running further from God, are treasureing up unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous Judgement of God, and as you may read: Rom. 2.20, And you say, in your Ninth answer of your Catechism, that Christ hath appointed that fit men should be Ordained his Ministers to disciple the undiscipled: but I say you are out of that Royal ordination, and are not those fit men, therefore are not appointed to be his Ministers: for those that are chosen by Christ and so fitted and appointed, they are his friends, and do his commands, and he hath ordained that they should go and bring forth fruit, & that their fruit should remain and because they are not of the world but chosen out of the world to witness against the evil of it, Joh. 15.14, 15, 16, 19, 20. Joh. 7.7: therefore are they hated of the World, as Christ himself was: but instead of being hated of the World, and suffering for Christ, & bringing forth fruit to God, you are beloved of the World, and in your Miscarriages are growing worse, and bringing forth fruit to the flesh, who are running yet further from God, and turned persecuters also of his, who are wronger's of Christ and them; and therefore you have made it manifest, that you are neither fitted nor appointed of him, whom you so wrong, and run further from: and therefore are you unfit, to disciple or teach others to walk in the right way yourselves, being still in the wrong, continuing therein, and are yet running further on, that are running from God, and so run unsent, and therefore are out of the Royal Ordination, and Gospel appointment; who are yet dead in sin, continually prone to do evil, and therein growing worse, and so under a state of Condemnation; your painting and garnishing yourselves with the Saints words, and living out of their practice in your continued Miscarriages, and growing therein worse, makes it manifest; that you have not learned the lesson of self denial, to come out of them: that you might follow Christ through the daily cross, and Minister in the same: and so you have proved that you are very unfit to teach others, who are not yet taught or have not submitted to the teachings of Christ yourselves: and your bare say that you are Ministers of Christ is not sufficient to prove you to be so, when your fruits witness the contrary against you, as well as your words, and self-accusations: who says, you are wronger's of Christ and are growing worse, and running further from God, and as you run further from God, you run further from grace, and goodness, into persecution, wickedness, and your Miscarriages, which is by your fruits daily made (and will be more and more) Manifest: There was no necessity that you should have told us of it, for we knew it before, and the tree on which that evil fruit grows, but seeing you have done so, and also accused and confuted as well as contradicted yourselves, your words will serve to witness to succeeding ages against you with your fruits, as they are left upon record, &c: And in your tenth answer of your Catechism: you tell of secret duties of holiness, but you make it manifest that you are out of them, and so are sayers and not doers: and therefore hypocrites, and they serve you to talk of, but still lives and goes on in your miscarriages as well as in hardness of heart, Pride, worldly mindedness, flesh-pleaseing, and hypocrisy, which you speak of in that answer, and so have laid open some of your fruits therein, arising from that evil nature, in which you grow worse, who are the flesh-pleases, will-worshippers, and time servers. And where you tell of watching against temptations; instead thereof, do you not for the love of money fall into temptation? and so watch for large augmentations, and how to ensnare and imprison such as are sent to tell you of your miscarriages which you now have confessed, but are running yet further on in them, and thos● private duties you say is in your 11 Ans. that Masters & Parents must teach their Children & Servants the word and fear of God & hinder them from sin: the which if they could do, I say it were well, but before they do that, they must know another spirit guiding to teacth, and hinder them from sin, who are yet without the fear of God, that are yet asleep in security, and in sin unturned to God, and untaught as you are, who lives in miscarriages therein growing worse, etc. And how should they teach that (to wit, the word and fear of God) to others whilst they are untaught yet themselves, as well as you their untaught teachers. And in your last answer you tell of the necessary duties of righteousness: but it appears that you are out of them, that are in miscarriages, growing worse and therefore are servants of sin and unrighteousness. 1 Tim. 6.9.10. ver. Rom. 13.3, 4. Isa. 56.9, 10, 11. ver. But you say, superiors must rule for God: so say I, and then they will fear God and hate covetousness, as saith the Scripture: Exod. 18.20, 21, 22. and also be ready to relieve the oppressed, and punish evil doers, and then how should you escape the punishment that are in the miscarriages, and doing wrong to others: and you say it is your duty to love your neighbour as yourselves: but I say such as are wronger's of them are not lovers of them (no more than for their own ends) but you are wronger's of them according to your say as well as your do, and therefore it is manifest that instead of loving them, you are wronging their soul's, and from your quarters are seeking your own ends and earthly gains, as your brethren the false Prophets, the blind watchmen, and greedy dumb dogs, as well as both the beasts of the field and the forest, that came to devour, did and do wrong to others then in their times, as you do now in yours, that are in the miscarriages wronging Christ and men, who neglects that necessary duty you speak of, and therefore be conviced that you leave undone that which you say is your duty as well as necessary and needful, and aught for to be done; and so (according to your own say) you leave that undone which you ought to do, and so you say it is your necessary duty to do as you would be done by, than I say, if you did your duty which you say is needful to be done, you would not persecute, and cause the innocent (causelessy) to be cast into Prisons and Dungeons; nor to suffer such hard usage by your means, (as they do), for you would not be so done unto yourselves, and not doing to them and others as you would be done unto yourselves, you both transgress the royal law, and also neglects and leaves undone that necessary duty you speak of, but it serves you to talk of, (hypocrit-like) though you leave it undone, and regard not at all to perform the same as by your fruits is now largely made manifest: and you say it is your duty to behave yourselves towards all men in lowliness, than I say you must forsake your miscarriages, and lay aside envy, pride, and haughtiness, if you intent to perform your saying, who also saith, It is your duty soberly to behave yourselves in meekness, and harmelesly, not wronging any in their bodies, etc. Then I say, you must come out of your suttlety if you come into harmelessenesse; and you must come out of your wrath and passion, before you learn meekness: and if it be your duty not to wrong any in their bodies, than you leave it undone by filling of your Prisons, who instead of being lowly and meek, are pro●de, covetous, and haughty, filled with envy and cruelty, as your fruits doth demonstrate; who instead of being harmless are wrongful, and growing worse in the miscarriages, and instead of not wronging any in their bodies, you both wrong their bodies (that without cause by your means are made to suffer, in Holes, Prisons, and Dungeons, as well as to be beaten, stoned, and abused in your streets, that in obedience to the Lord are sent to witness against your deceits, and as you cause wrong to be done to the Saints bodies, (according to your say in your Agreement and (as you do wrong to them in their bodies) so likewise do you wrong to the souls (you deceive) under your unprofitable ministry, that says you are not wronger's of them only but of Christ himself also: Therefore you leave undone that necessary duty, who leaveth that undone which you say you should do; and instead of doing that necessary duty, you make it your business to wrong Christ and men, so doing that which you ought not to do, according to your own say, and therefore do you act against the Scripture as well as neglect your necessary duty you tell of, making it your work to live in flatteries and miscarriages, growing worse therein, as well as to run further from God, and do wrong to Christ and men as your fruits with your words against you do witness, and also in a large measure doth show forth the same? Take notice thereof, and bear your own burden, as well as cover your faces with shame. How are the Parish Priests exalted in their Pride and their pay, and likewise you! IN your (pretended) warrant, where you are speaking in your own behalf, yond say, The Priests lips should preserve knowledge: here you call yourselves Priests for your own ends, and yet are offended at others for calling you so: but if you deny the name of Priests, do you not deny your own warrant, where you call yourselves so? whose lips instead of preserving true knowledge, is uttering your confusion as well as your people's ignorance, and your wrong done to Christ and them, who are accusing yourselves both of the same, and also of your miscarriages, wherein you grow worse, and run further from God, and therein you declare that you are not his messengers, who are in such miscarriages, and instead of being those Priests whose lips should preserve knowledge, are of those Priests that preach for hire, and bear rule by their means, which the Lord by his Prophets complains of, Mica. 3.11. Jer. 5.30.31, And you Parish Priests that preaches for hire, who receives 2. or 3. hundreds of pounds by the year, & c? are you not highly exalted above your Forefathers, or the Parish-Preists which were before you, Parish Priests and their Pay. 36. Edw. 3 ch: 8.50. Edw. 3. Ch: 5. 2 H. 5. chap. 2. which Priests and their Clarks with them, &c, were said to bear the sweet body of their Lord Jesus Christ to sick people, with divers other persons of the holy Church so called, as appears by the statute made at Westminster the 50 year of King Edward the third, and it is contained in the statute made the thirty sixth year of King Edward the third, that no Parish-Priests nor yearly Priests should take but 5 marks or 6. at the most, for their wages by the year, but afterwards (the Parish Priests) in the time of Henry the 5th, the Parish-Preists would not serve under 10 or 12 marks by the year, which was against the form of the said statute, to the great damage of the King's liege-people; therefore it was ordained and established by Henry the 5th, that the Parish-Preists which then was and should be from thenceforth should not take above 8. or 9 Marks for their whole wages by the year, but how are the Parish-Preists exalted since, both in their pride and their pay, & c? You Priests that are offended at the name of Priests, were you not so called by your forefathers? Read, and see if you know your Succession, etc. 37. H. 8. Chap. 21. and 24. SUch Priests, that are made Priests by man, are you not called Priests in the law of man: then why are you grown so Proud and high minded as to scorn to bear the name of Priests, 27. H. 6. Cap. 6. Parish Priests, 2. H. stat. 2. Chap. 2.37. H. 8. Cap. the 24. 1 Mary. Chap. 3.27. H. 8, Cap. 20. and 21.5. and 6. of Edw. 6. Chap. 1. Priests 1 Edw. 6. Ch. 14 marriage of Priests, &c: 2 Edw. 6. Chap. 21. and 5. and 6. Edw. 6. chap. 12. Priests, etc. 13. Eliz. chap. ●6. by which you are called, who are offended at those that calls you Priest's, (Curates, and Clarks, etc.) Which names the law calleth you, and which names they gave you, that made you Priests, (Curates, & Clarks, etc.) & were you not called to your places & benefices, by the name of Priests, Curates, & Clarks, etc. If so: then in being offended at such as calleth you Priests, etc. are you not offended at the law which calleth you so, and therefore if you deny the names of Priests, (Curates, and Clarks, etc.) do you not deny the names by which you are called, (that are so) to your Places and Benefits; and if you deny your names why do you not deny your Benefits: and that which attends your names, as you are called Priests, (Curates and Clarks, etc.) in and by the law of man? and if you be offended at the name of Priests, or for being (your selves) called by that name, are you not offended both at the law in which you are so called, and also at them that made you Priests; and therein called you so: and therefore being offended for being called Priests, (Curates and Clarks, etc.) are you not offended at your call, and them that called you, and gave you your means w●th your names: and if you change your names, must you not chance your old nature and means: or when you ground an Action in Law for to sue for (that which you call) your parochial rights, as Tithes, Easter-Reconings, and Mids-Summer-dues, &. And can you sue for them in the name of the Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel of Christ, or must you not sue for them in the name of Priest, Curate, or Clark, etc. then if you deny them names, must you not deny sueing for Tithes (and preach without them freely as the Apostles Ambassadors and Ministers of Christ and the new covenant did): but rather than you will part with your ornaments or that which attends your names, as Tithes, Faster-Reconings Midsumers Dues, etc. (as you call them) will yond not stick to your old natures and names, (of Priests, etc.) and yet notwithstanding, is not Pride so high in you, that you scorn at other times to be called by the name of Priests, (Curates, and Clarks, etc.) Except when you make use of them for your own ends? And if you deny your names by which you were called at first to your Benefits, and means, must you not deny your Benefits and means that were given unto you, when and by whom you received such names: but will not you deny some of your names (under a colour) and yet hold your means; except you fly to your old names, when you seek your own ends; therefore if you let the one fall, let the other go with it: if you be offended for being called Priests, Rectors, Curates, or Clarks, etc. (tho●gh professed Ministers of Christ, etc.) why are you not offended at Tithes Easter Reconings, Midsummer Dues, as you call them, and those means which you received or had stated upon you under such denominations or names? will not the beast soon blush because of the number of his names (which is as the number of a man) and the mark which he receives in his hands, or rather cry down some of his names, and (under a colour) seek to hold up his other marks and him means, but in the end must they not all down together? and though you Priests (Curates and Clarks, &c:) that were so called to your places and benefices, seek to change your names under a colour, you still labour to uphold your old nature and means, and instead of sueing under the names of the Apostles and Ministers of Christ for your Tithes, Easter rcconing, etc. do you not sue under the names either of Priests, (Rectors, Parsons, Vicars, Curates) or Clarks, &c: And yet after you have taken upon you such names to compass your ends, would you not throw off your names when your ends are accomplished: and if you be called by them, art you not ready to be offended till you have need of them for yourself ends, and will you not then take them upon you again, rather than take up the daily Cross therein to follow Christ, and both deny your Tithes, preaching for hundreds a year, &c: and also deny for to be any more selfended, and as you are and have been, and yet for your own ends and earthly gains though you be offended at the name of Priests, &c: you will rather stick to your names, then forsake your self-ends (and earthly gains, Tithes, Easter-reconings, etc.) and seeks to take upon you a cover from the Levitical Preist-hood, to hid you under, saying: The Priests lips should preserve knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts, Mala. 2.7, 8, 9 But I say, that such as are in miscarriages wronging Christ and men growing worse, and yet run further from God, they are not those whose lips preserves knowledge, neither are they those that the people should seek the law at, nor they are not the messengers of him, and growing worse in miscarriages, and yet are (as you say) running further from him: and they that run from God run not for God, and such as are in the miscarriages, and neither amend nor yet come out of them, and so are unfit to be the Lords messengers, but you are in miscarriages growing worse you say, and so you make it manifest that you do not amend nor come out of them, that r●ns on in them and growing worse therefore are you unfit to be the Lords Messengers, and such as are in miscarriages, growing world and run further from God, they run from grace, goodness, and from the law, and preservation of true wisdom and knowledge, and such are not to be enquired at, neither doth their lips preserve knowledge nor keep the law of the Lord, who is to be enquired at, and obeyed, but they living (as you do) in miscarriages growing worse, and yet running further from God: such are out of the way (as you are) and also corrupters of the covenant as well as transgressors of the law of God, and therefore their lips doth not preserve true knowledge, neither keep they the law, therefore unfit to teach others in it, no more than you are that cast it behind your backs to run into miscarriages and grow worse, and still run further from God, such was those that the Lord sent his Prophets to cry out against. And in the levitical Preisthood, God did ordain Priests under the law by which they were then made, and were set apart for the service of God, under that dispensation and the Lord had a covenant of life and peace with them, the law of truth was in his, (viz, Priests Levi's) mouth whilst he walked herein, iniquity was not sound in his lips, but he walked with the Lord in peace, and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity, and then the Priests lips (that with God did walk and abide in that covenant or life and peace, in whose mouth the law of truth was) did preserve knowledge, and the people sought the law (not the Gospel) at his mouth, under that legal dispensation, abiding in Covenant according to ordination, etc. he was the messenger of the Lord of hosts, Mal. but you are not such Priests, (and yet pretends to preach the Gospel) not the law, but lives in your miscarriages and Legal transgressions, growing worse and running yet further from God, you do not go on in iniquity only, but leads others therein, and teacheth them to plead for sin, term of life? then you do not turn others from iniquity, but runs further into it that runs into your miscarriages and grows worse, neither do you walk with God that runs (as you say) further from him: therefore you are not his messengers, neither are you those Priests whose lips preserves the true knowledge, and at whose mouth the people sought the law in that Legal dispensation and administration, for they walked with God in a Covenant of life and peace, and the law of truth was in their mouths, so was the fear of God in their hearts, and turned many from their iniquities, but such as transgressed the Covenant and went from the life thereof, and from the law and the truth they went into miscarriages, and grew worse, and run further from God, preached for hire, bare rule by their means, caused many to stumble, and corrupted the covenant (as you do) and such the Lord was against and he is against you, Jer 5.25.27, 28, 29, 30, 31. and their lips did not preserve true knowledge, though they was Priests and Preached for hire, Mica. 3.11. and bare rule by their means, and lived in miscarriages, Jer. 5. as you do, neither doth your lips preserve true knowledge, though you be Priests and preach for hire, and bear ●ule by your means, and lives in miscarriages (as you say) and as they did that corrupted the covenant: and so you may see where you are; you would bear the name of Priests for your own ends and yet both be offended at them which call you so, and tell you of your miscarriages which you now confess, but instead of forsaking run further in them, in running from God, therefore your mouths instead of preserving true knowledge, utters your confusion, and your people's ignorance, and sleepy security, that are as you say so carnal and ignorant, that they can scarce speak a word of sense in matters of salvation, and so it is manifest by their and your fruits, cruelty, end persecution, that you are ignorant of the Gospel, and knoweth not the way to salvation. ANd unto you 42. Priests, who are found in this state of separation from God and in those works upon which his curse remains, from the Lord Isay unto you (and to all your generation who are found in the same state, and working the same works with you) Return and repent; and seeing you have confessed the same, viz. your miscarriages and wrong done to God to Christ and to men, it is your duty to amend and come out of the same: make it manifest by your return, not in flatteries and feigned hypocrisy, but by ceasing persecution, and cruelty; give over preaching for hire, and beareing rule by your means; forsake your covetousness, Pride, Pomp, and vain glory; and cease seeking your own ends, and make not a prey upon the innocent and harmless, but give over your wronging Christ and men, and learn to fear him, do not go about to make pleas for sin, and covers for your miscarriages, but deal honestly and come out of them, for it is hard for the Camel, the rich man's figure, to enter the eye of a needle, except he be broken and bruised, &c: so is it as hard for the rich man to enter the Kingdom, except he be stripped of his riches, Pride, Pomp and Vainglory, and be thereunto fitted to enter, by being made poor in Spirit, and so it is said, Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God: therefore before you enter the Kingdom you must be stripped of self righteousness, and come out of your miscarriages, Math. 5.3. Math. 5.20. cease wronging Christ and men, and be borne again before you can enter the same, Joh. 3.3.5. Joh. 3.9.10. therefore do not seek to cover yourselves, and hid your miscarriages, now that you have confessed them, but come forth and forsake them; for he that hides his sin shall not prosper: and it is not sufficient for you to confess your miscarriages, and run on in them, but after confession to forsake: for he that confesseth and forsaketh, shall find merry, but so shall it not be with them that only confess and grow worse, who do not forsake them but run further on in them: therefore consider and let truth and equity enter, and do not account and reckon yourselves to be dead unto sin, and alive unto God, whilst you are naturally dead in sin, and alive in persecution, lust and miscarriages, therein growing worse, who are running yet f●rther from God, lest you make a wrong account and reckon amiss: and though the man be blessed to whom the Lord doth not impute sin what is that to you, to whom sin is imputed, who are bewailing your negligence, miscarriages, and people's ignorance, who are growing worse and r●nning further from God? except you forsake your miscarriages, and obey that which convinceth you of them, that you may be led out of sin and turned to God; and do not account the righteousness of Christ to be yours, whilst you are holding the truth in unrighteousness, which the wrath from God is revealed against: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? therefore turn to the light which shows you your darkness, sin and miscarriages, and come out of fellowship with sin and unrighteousness, as well as forsake your miscarriages, and wait upon the light to know the righteousness revealed from faith to faith: Rom. 1.18. 2 Cor. 6.14. 2 Co●. 4, 5, 6, Rom. 16.17. Coll. 3. Rom. 5. ●7. Isa. 55.6, 7. for you must put off the old man with his deeds and come out of unrighteousness; and put on the new man which after God is Created, if you intent to be made partakers of his holiness, and the righteousness which is the gift of God: therefore let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts and turn to the Lord and he will have mercy on them; but if you run on in your miscarriages, and grow worse, you run on in unrighteousness and forsake the mercy, who instead of turning to God runs further from him: therefore do not seek to hid your sins any longer but come out of them, and forsake them, and think not to hid yourselves, and to make a cover for your miscarriages that you may grow worse and continue therein, with saying, Peter denied his Master, and after found mercy: but remember that when the Cock crew to put Peter in remembrace of what he had done, he wept bitterly, and made his return manifest by coming out of his sin, who did not afterward run on in the same, nor any more deny Christ as he had done therefore if you take Peter for your example, mind to follow his practice now that you are made sensible of your miscarriages, weep bitterly as Peter did; humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, be separate from your sins, and touch not the unclean thing, make your return manifest as Peter did, and cease doing wrong any more to Christ and men, and instead of running from God, turn to him that you may stand in awe and not sin, and this is love to your souls, if you can receive it. The Vizard and Cover plucked off from the Wolves back, under which he deceived and spoiled the sheep; so that his envy and fury appears: or, The tree is clearly known by the fruit which it bears, etc. You guilded Tombs, and whited walls who have heaped up all the imaginations, of all the generations of disobedience, that have gone before, who exceed in Arts and Notions and changeable religions, who in your Towns have set up your several likenesses, so that of Images you have choice, which you contend about, and fight for, and some of them you have set very high, above the Gods of your Fathers, their Surplesses, Tippits, and Altars, Math. 7.15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. etc. But when will you behold what you have brought forth more than another form and likeness in the same power? is this all that you have been doing all this while, to throw down one Image and set up divers in the stead, but no more life? if theirs had less show, and as much life, shall not they be your Judges? when will you begin to judge the tree by its fruit, Jer. 23.10, 11.12. Isa. 3.15. Jer. 5.1, 2. Jer. 5.25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. and manifest your God in power, and not in words only, when shall it appear that your God is not an Image? that he hath power in you, over your wills, and perverse ways, your lusts and pleasures, and cursed covetous practices, that the land may no longer mourn because of oaths, not the poor groan because of oppression, that the works of God may praise him through you in the streets, and that it may he once said again intruth, The Lord liveth even the Lord our righteousness, Immanuell who worketh all our works in us and for us, and not your practices to testify against you to your faces. And you Teachers of all sorts who are trying one another in your selfish natures, when will you try your own hearts, Isa. 56, 9, 10, 11. and Judge and suffer the light of Christ to lay open your abominations to your faces that you may see and forsake that for which you have been so often reproved, Mica 3.11. Jer. 29. Ezek. 34. Math. 23. and for which you are so much offended to hear of: you that pretend to be in place to reprove others, do you not reprove your own selves, who are in the steps of the false Prophets, Scribes and pharises. Is it no sin to be called of men Masters? nor to seek for your gain from your quarter, to bear rule by your means, to preach for hire and p ophesie for money? will you live in these things which did ever burden the Spirit of God? And is this all your confession & amendment, to call them railers who tell you of it? Are these ways less horrible since the Scriptures did witness against them, than they were in your forefathers which had none or is it more raling now then it was before the Scriptures were written? can you stop the cry of God against you with these words? or do his messengers delight more in these words in repeating these abominations then formerly? Or which of the Prophets, Christ, or the Apostles that could be silent in the sight of such wickedness? Mica 3.5, 11. Hos. 6.9. and will this excuse you to say you love not these things, and yet live in them, and contend for them and imprison your brethren (as you have called them) and spoiled their goods, if you have them not? are ye seeking their souled while you are casting them into Prisons? Had Christ ever such a ministry? and yet your hearts be filled with rage and madness that you cannot bear it to be told of it, Joh. 15.18, 19, 20. Math. 6.24, 25. etc. John. 16.1, 2, 3. Heb. 11.36, 37.38. 1 Cor. 9.16.17, 18, 19 2 Cor. 2 Tim. 3.10.11 1 Pet. 3.18, 19 1 Pet. 4. by such as seek your return, and not your destruction: And all the return you make, is to complain to the magistrates that you are disturbed, and that they must protect you in your peace (which is not in the doctrine of Christ nor way of his Ministers) but if any of you be Christ's Ministers come forth in his life and power, and do his work, and receive of him what is meet, and not from the world, and so make proof of Christ in you by his fruits, and then let him be accursed that rails against you: come out of your stately houses, your tithes and great parsonages, and with Christ and his Ministers wander in the desolate places of the Nations, and preach to the people that sit in darkness, who have souls but no parsonage: leave your masterships and come to be servants to such for Christ's sake; cease bearing rule by your means and rule by the spirit of the lamb; seek the souls and not the gain, cloth yourselves with Christ's suffering and not with the wool; cease to hale their bodies into Prison, and minister to the souls in Prison, to the opening that eye your Fathers have blinded with their daubing, and to the quickening that which they have quenched and slain, that you may present them living to God, Ephe. 5.4.5, 6. & 12. 1 Pet. 1.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Act. 17.16, 17, etc. Act 17.24, 25. Act. 7.47, 48, 49. Math. 6.25, 26. spiritual men and women, that you may become makers up of the breach, that is made by the lying divinations of those that went before you, let us see you in the streets of your Towns and Cities declaring against wickedness, who are not ashamed to act abominations, before the Sun: come out to witness against your stage plays, and curious arts which you call pastimes and recreation, the Devil's invention to steal away the minds of people from their God; come into your markets and concourse of people and witness against all sweareing, lying, idle words, and foolish jesting, which to hear doth vex the soul of the righteous; and all that know the condemnation that must come upon such things: this was the Ministry of Christ in Prophets and Apostles, which if you were called to, and faithful in, you would cease to lay snares for him that doth reprove sin in the gate, nor will you then coun●●● breaking the peace; cease casting one another out of your live to put your friends or some of your form in their stead, and go forth and declare against all the Idols worship performed in the Idols Temple, and all forms crept in by the man of sin, since the Apostles; and lead to the same form and foundation without adding diminishing or wresting that the Saints were, who were led out of the Idols Temple to cry out against them and the hirelings therein, then will you cease to beat in your Synagogues, and hale before rulers and partake with them that are so used: then the Scriptures will justify your practice and preaching without meanings, and the life will answer the words which came from it; and when the sheep's clothing is on the sheep's back, and the nature of the sheep guiding in the inward parts, than such as call you wolves, your practice will prove them liars, and the Scriptures will to you witness, and you to them without meanings: then may you lay by your (Heathenish) expositors, and commentators and imitaters too, when with the same Spirit you are acted in the same way and so become examples to the people in something of selfe-deniall besides your words: you have long told your hearers of your faith, and believing God for your souls, but let them see how far you have learned to trust God for your bellies, and that you have some faith at present and not all in another world, for that faith which leadeth not to cast all care upon God for the body, ill but do little good for the soul, in time of need, for the body is more than raiment, and the life more than meat, Math. 6.25, 26 so that which will not carry above the carnal will never bring you to the eternal, and little do they know of faith who take that for it: and now let your faith be tried in the life, before the world to whom you preach, for the truth is come and tried you must be, and that faith which will not over balance the world will be found too light in the sealed balance, and so will that practise that will not hold with the Scriptures without wresting, for the evil tree cannot bring forth the good fruit, Math., 18. nor will that which was spoken by the Spirit of Christ bear witness to the ways, worships and works of Antichrist, and herewith are you tried, all you Parish (Masters) Teachers of the Nation, your doctrines your meanings, your means, your maintenance, your preaching and profiting of the people, and how the Scriptures is your standing rule to walk by, and whether you be of the unchangeable Preist-hood, that changeth not as the times change according to the preferment and estates politic, or you be of those who have no other rule for your way of worship, than people have for the form of their habit: and so you are rightly called national Ministers, as every Nation hath its several kind so this also, and all pretend Scripture, and by wresting it can make them all lawful, (in their account) and count all heretics that speaks against them, so long as the eatthly powers takes their part; but when they change, the face of that Ministry falls: and thus it is with all sorts whose Ministry the Scriptures will not own both in matter and form, and maintenance, without the least adding diminishing or w●esting, Reve. 22.18.19. for the Ministry of the Gospel changeth not, and whosoever God appointeth to rule in the Nations, or what laws ever they set up, the law of Christ stands in his servants, who have received the law giver in Spirit, so when the wicked reign such rather suffer then change from the truth, who worship and serve the Creator, more than the Creature, and these were never ordained by the world, but by their own Master Christ Jesus by whom the world was made, who agrees with his servants about what he sees meet, but never made use of the hireling, who takes his wages from the world for it is not like that the world who loves their evil deeds, should uphold that Ministry which brings them to light, so with the light you are seen, and what you have been doing these many years, and what you are now doing: and your works and your fruits are come to light, you Parish masters who have given your servants which attend you your liveries, who serve and worship and bow to you, and they are: Joh. 8.3.4. 2 Pet. 3.3. Act. 17.5.6. worn in your streets, and by them it is known whose servants they are, they are your servants, who are now found scoffing and scorning, and dirting the simple, innocent, harmless Lambs of Christ, punishing beating and haling in your synagogues, and haling before rulers, and swearing against, and false accusing, to add to the afflictions of the afflicted, & strengthen their bonds, whereby the Scriptures is fulfilled upon you and them, the sweareing, lying, filthy communications, & drunkenness that is seen in your streets, Rom. 1.28, 29. etc. the stage plays, and foolish sports, invented for no other end but to fulfil the lust, & draw the minds of people from their God, which you have invented fine names for, calling them pastimes, and recreations which the Saints never did, nor lived in; the vanity pride and oppression that abounds in your Towns; cozening, fight, and suing, and all abominations is found in your servants, and you are their Masters, which they who have no master but Christ abhors to live in: so your livery is worn, and your mark is received, and known you are in the light; and read your names and the number of them, your servants and service with the work they are found in, which you must own, though you rage when you are told of it, yet all these belong to some of you, Reve. 13.18. Reve. 12.7. Reve. 12.7.8, 9, 12, 13. and by this thus gotten are you maintained, and you own them and their Prophets, their service and worship, and the servants of Christ they are seen, who cannot worship any but him, and so they suffer with him all those things to be done unto them as was done unto him, and in the light they are known, and the enmity is begun, and is great between the seed of the woman, and the seed of the Dragon, and there is no more hiding place for the Serpent, nor in Heaven have they any place; so to the earth they are cast, and there they are raging disquieting the inhabitants thereof, and stirring up the powers thereof, against the lamb to battle, and many are gathered and gathering, and the numberless number is making up, to go out against a scorned and contemptible weak and foolish people, with envy and in great rage, with all manner of lying divinations, that they may beset them round, and smite them on every side, and the masters, and their servants are all at work: some, they are laying snares, and setting gins for the innocent, who is set by the Lord to reprove sin, openly in the gate, and they are ready to swear against them that they are peace-breakers and turbulent pestilent fellows, when they have almost murdered them in the streets, all blood and bruised, dirted, and stoned yet they to prison must for offenders for the words they have spoken: and if any be moved to go to the Idols Temple amongst them you call the Churches, to speak a word; or if they speak not a word, Act. 17.5, 6, 7, 8. Act. ver. Act 24.5.6. Joh. 15.18, 19, 20. Joh. 16.1, 2, 3. if they be but known to be of that seed which will not bow in the house of rimmon, there they are haled, and beat, and teared, and pulled by the hair, and beat with their Bibles, and struck down, so that your Churches are more cruel than your markets; as they are further from God, so they are further from mercy justice and Judgement, not one of you once to consider, that for this very thing it was that the servants of God, Prophets and Apostles did formerly suffer beating, whipping, imprisonment, bonds and death, but as though all this was nothing to you, who are the Masters of this work; you still cry out (like men stark drunk with blood) to the rulers for greater punishment to be infflicted upon those who have none on earth to plead their cause: So that having prevailed to the filling of most of the Prisons in the Nation, more than ever your forefather's the Bishops did, so that such a list may be given of your inprisoning, stocking, beating, whipping, and blooding, in these three last years, since the Nation had outward peace, as will not be produced in three score years of your Forefathers, and further to blood you are hasting as fast as you can prevail with the Magistrates to fulfil your thirst; how many petitions have been form by you Parish masters, to the Magistrates, against the despised people under the names of heresies and errors, and blasphemies, and as envious names as your envy could invent, to incense people and powers against them, but never yet could convince us to our faces thereof by the Scriptures, and the Saints lives without wrest; neither did you ever deal so Christian like as to desire, that your practice and ours may be brought face to face before the magistrates, and the Scriptures to stand as judge betwixt us and you; as it is a declaration, against heresies, error and blasphemy, but if you may not be our Judges and your own and the Scriptures too, you cry out of heresy, and fall a raging, and false accuseing, showing yourselves to be of the generation of backbitters. who will not come to the light to convince nor be convinced, but cry out to the Magistrates that they must prepare greater punnishments against us, showing to all, that you seek more to destroy the bodies than save the souls, crying out to men to Judge us and censure us, but will not bring us to be tried by the Saints lives and practice: how many of us have been censured by drunkards and swearers, and carnal men by your means? but did you ever bring the Scriptures to lay before us, and out and of that censure and Judge us, as it is without your meaning added to it? but this you know would fall upon your own backs and condemn your own practice: if we be such heretics as you call us; why are we not convinced before authority by the Saint's practice and judgement? can any law judge of heresy but the law of God, and is that which we do now more heresy then formerly, being the same both in pure life and judgement: you use to accuse us falsely, saying we deny the Scriptures, yet are we denied the benefit to be proved and judged thereby and because you say (we are) so, that is sufficient in your account whereon to pass sentence, and upon this account hath Christ suffered all along, by your generation, and doth at this day, who have erred after the error of Balaam, for gists and rewards, and go after the way of Cain in envy and murder, and both these are one Spirit, the covetous, the murderer, seducer are one against the light, which shows your evil deeds, and the ground of your envy is the same; wherefore did Cain hate Ids' brother, because his deeds were evil, and his brothers good? so for declareing freely the way of truth, for reproving sin in Priests and people, high and low as we are moved, now we bear the envy of all whose deeds are evil and cannot endure reproof. For them whom the world reproacheth under the name of Quakers who are hated and persecuted for the Testimony of Jesus.