CHRIST THE christian's CHOICE. OR A Sermon preached at the funeral of Mr JOHN Caws one of the MAGISTRATES of the famous CORPORATION of plymouth. March The 29. Anno Dom. 1645. By ALEXANDER GROSSE. B.D. and Pastor of Bridfoad. Phil. 1.21. To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain: Psal. 73.24. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Psal. 73.25. Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth, that I desire besides thee. Psal. 73.26. My heart and my flesh faileth, but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. LONDON Printed by R. B. for John Bartlet at the Gilt Cup under St. Augustine's Gate. 1645. Philippians Chapter. 1. verse. 23. Having a desire to depart, and be with Christ which is far better. NOah left the earth to enter into the ark, The children of Israel left the land of Egypt for the fruition of the land of Canaan: Every santified and believing soul is willing to leave all that it may fully enter into Christ, that it may have a complete fruition of Christ, who is all in all. Better than all, infinitely more than all to every regenerate, and gracious soul. No prisoner but is willing to leave the prison-house, for the enjoyment of his own house; No excile but is willing to leave the land of banishment for the repossession of his own Country: No soul that knows its own bondage under corruption, it's own alienation, and exilement from Christ, (in part at least,) during the days of its abode in this earthly tabernacle. but with Paul, hath a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better. This our deceased Brother making use a little before his death of these words to his wife, almost to the same purpose Saint Paul made use of them to his Philippians. having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better; nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you. Is that which invited and moved me, to treat of these words, in this hour of his funeral, and from them to deduce some instructions for the profit and consolation of the living. The words propound unto us, and present before us, the choice of a gracious soul the Paradise wherein it desires to dwell, the Sun which it desires to behold, the pearl which it desires to possess, the Haven wherein it desires to harbour, the Tree whereon it longs to feed, and the Fountains whereof it doth desire to draw and drink a full and everlasting draught, even Jesus Christ, and nothing else, having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better. In the words there is. 1. Motus, a motion, the internal moving, stirring, longing, and working of the soul, excited, assisted, enabled, acted, moved, framed, and disposed, bent, and inclined, thereunto by the gracious presidential, active, and mighty power of the holy spirit; Like the motion and stirring of the heart of a prisoner, longing after, and looking out at the prison windows for some tidings of liberty and freedom-: like the motion of a man in darkness, waiting for the appearance of the light; like the motion of a wife, in the time of her husband's absence, looking for, and expecting her husband's return: a motion raised, excited, quickened, and strengthened, by a collation and comparison of the souls future felicity, with its present misery. as the husbandman compares, the joy of his future harvest, with the labour of his present winter. The soldier the glory of his future crown with the difficulty of his present battle; The traveler the comfort of his future paradise; with the sadness of his present wilderness: lively sense of present misery, sweet and powerful apprehension of future, and ensueing glory, fill the soul truly gracious with longings of unwearied, and sacred vehemency. Assurance of future happiness makes a good man restless under the presant burden of his corruption. Here is Movens. The party longing desiring to depart; and that is Paul a chosen vessel, afaithfull servant of God a living member of Christ. None can truly desire to be dissolved but he that is sure to be saved. No man willingly leaveth his present habitation, but he that is assured of a better dwelling. No wise man willingly to cast of his present garment, but he that hath another, a better to put on: No man can be upon right grounds willing to be dissolved, but only that man who is truly fanctified: he who is not throughly interested in Christ, cannot willingly leave all for Christ: Eleazar Abraham's servant, put a jewel upon Rebeccaas face, Gen. 24.53. and bracelets upon her hands, and gave her jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment, and then she was willing to go with him, willing to leave all, and enjoy Jsaac for her husband. That soul alone which Christ beautifieth with the saveing gifts of his spirit, the love tokens of Christ, better gifts than jewels of silver, and gold. Is the soul, the only soul, that can forsake the dearest things of this life, that can readily leave its habitation in this mortal flesh, and take up its everlasting abode with Christ. Here is Termin●s, the term whereunto this gracious foul moves, and that is double the one Privative, the other Positive the first Privative a desire to depart or be dissolved, exprossing the nature of death not an Annihilation. but a dissolution, a separation of the foul and body, the foul is now in the body as a bird in the cage, a prisoner in the prison house; a traveler walking under a cloud, and therefore much desires a discharge, and exemption from his fad and burdensome condition; No child of God desires death under the naked and simple notion of death, it is in itself, the King of terrors, repugnant, and disstructive to nature, a thing never desired for itself, but for some other thing, therefore here is Secondly a Positive term wherein this motion, and desire of the foul ends; that is in the fruition of Christ, that he may be fully and everlastingly with Christ; that he may come out of the prison of the flesh, to be clad with glory to sit down, and reign with Christ as Joseph came out of prison having his prison garments taken from him, a gold ring put upon his finger, royal apparel put upon his back, and made the second person next to the King in the kingdom of Egypt: that he may come out of all the servitude and slavery bondage and troubles of this life to triumph with Christ leaving sin, Satan, and the world behind him, conquered, subdued, destroyed, as Israel came out of the waters of the red Sea, triumphing, leaving Pharaoh and the Egyptians, Exo 15, 1. there drowned behind them. The fruition of the Lord Jesus makes death desirable, and lovely in the eyes of all truebeleevers. Here is, Motivum. The motice, which sets the soul on work, thus to desire to be with Christ; and this is drawn Ab V●●●. From the fruit, and benefit thero: It is fore better. To be with Christ then live here, to enjoy Christ then all things else, it is not only better, but far letter, a thousand degrees better, for the sa●ctity, for the liberty, for the Safety, for the Satie●y, for the sweet Society and for the fullness of all Glory there to be enjoyed. The present felicity of God's children is very little, even nothing, incomparison of the future glory which shall be put upon them. I cannot, time will not give me leave, to insist upon all the particular branches of these words, though every one of them present, before us and offer to us respectively, variety of useful, sweet, and comfortable fruit; had we time and leisure but to gather them; I shall therefore for the present, give you one general observation from them. St. Paul so Loved Christ, so Prized Christ, so Delighted in Christ, so Longed after Christ, and Apprehended the fruition of such a plenitude and sweetness, such duration, and continuance of all foul ravishing, and heartcontenting excellencies in the full enjoyment of Christ; that he was willing to leave all, to depart with all, even with his very life, for the full enjoyment of Christ. whence observe. That there is nothing so dear and precious to God's faith full servants, Doctrine. Noah not their very lives, but they are willing to leave and lay them all down for Christ's lake; for the present, and future enjoyment of Christ: thus it was with St. Paul, and thus it is in proportion, in degree, according to the measure of grace received, with every child of God: the wife leaves all to enjoy matrimonial communion with the husband; Sarah left all, Psa. 45.10. and went with her husband Abraham. True believers are the Bride and spouse of Christ: they forget their own people and their father's house to enjoy their husband Christ: they so love, they so remember, they so delight in, and so long after Christ, that they love nothing remember nothing, delight in nothing, prize nothing, desire nothing in comparison of Christ Jesus; Mat. 13 44. be it otherwise never so dear & precious: the merchant in the parable sold all that he had for the precious pearl, true believers are spiritual merchants, they trade, and traffic for Christ; Christ is to them a pearl of that price, that they joyfully sell all, leave all for the present, and future enjoyment of him: this truth is carried by way of command in the injunction laid by our blessed Saviour upon the Angel of the Church of Smyrna. Rev. 2.1. Be thou faithful unto the death, and I will give thee the crown of life. Whatsoever trouble do arise, whatsoever storm do toss and shake thee, whatsoever cloud of contumely do seize upon thee, whatsoever band of violence be stretched out to rob and spoil thee, yet be thou faithful in thy covenant with Christ, in thy profession of christ in thy undertaking for Christ in thy dependence upon Christ, in thy love unto Christ, in thy defence of the cause of Christ be thou faithful to the death let life, and all go, rather than let go Christ; lay down all for the crown of life, for the sweet, the full, and everlasting enjoyment of Christ. Thus the Apostle peter having declared the vanity and mutability of the whole frame of the creature, argueth and urgeth from thence the necessity of looking out for Christ, of hastening unto Christ, of making Christ sure unto our souls. 2 Pet. 3.13. Seeing then (saith he) that all these things shalb● dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness. Looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God. Looking for the coming of and full enjoyment of Christ as a husbandman looketh for the coming, Luke 12.36. and gathering in, of the harvest; Looking and preparing for Christ as a good servant waiteth, and prepareth for the coming of his Lord and Master: thus have the servants of God ever lively expressed the sadness of their condition without Christ, their high prising of Christ's gracious presence in his ordinances for the present, though they enjoy him herein but in part, a farreof, and obscurely, as we enjoy a friend in his letters, the Son in the stars. A bird the bridegroom in his love tokens. Yet when Christ hath at any time in his behalse estranged himself from them, Psal. 63.1. they have been as dry ground without water, in an Incessant thirst, as a chased Hart without the water brooks, full of restless motions, and ardent cries after Christ: As the hart panteth after the water brooks so panteth my soul after thee O God. my soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God. They follow him as sttai David whether in life or in death, Rev. 14.4. the Virgins follow the Lam wheresoever hoe goeth whether in a codition of honour, or ignominy, of pierce or trouble of loss or gain they follow him: Psal. 84 10. David accounts One day in the Courts of God better a thousand, and prizes the place of a door keeper in the house of God above the choicest habitation among the tents of wickedness Preferring the poorest condition with Christ, above the highest condition without Christ: what was Moses his choice? did he not choose to endure affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Did not he refuse to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter? did not he esteem the enjoyment of communion with Christ, and his members, though in the wilderness, above the fruition of fellowship with the greatest profane worldly Nobles. though in a Paradise of all earthly pleasures? did not the primitive Christians take the spoiling of their goods joyfully knowing they had an abiding substance in heaven: were not they contented to be spoiled of all, rather than to be spoiled of Christ, and what is the glory of God's dear servants, but this They loved not their lives unto the death; If they do all this for the present enjoyment of Christ, where they enjoy him a far off, and but in part, how much more will they do it, for an immediate and complete enjoyment of him in the next life: having their conversation now in heaven, from whence also they look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, being turned unto God from Idols, to serve the living and true God: and to wait for his son from heaven. By all which it plainly appears that there is nothing so dear and precious to God's faithful servants no, not their very lives, but they are willing to leave and lay them all down for Christ's sake, for the present and future enjoyment of Christ. For the fuller understanding, and clearer discerning of the extent and latitude of this truth there be four things considerable, first the matter left, secondly the persons leaving it. Thirdly the manner how they leave it. Fourthly the end or final cause for which they leave it. First the matter left things most dear and precious to them, things of greatest price among the men of the world, things in their kind for their quality most eminent as riches, Math. 9 ●. honours, pleasures favour credit countenance and applause amongst men: Luk. 19.8.9. they are contented for the enjoyment of Christ to be men of no name, of no repute, of no wisdom, Mat. 4.22. of no authority, of no wealth among men: things for their use most necessary as calling station and instruments of livelihood, Mat: 10.37. things for their relation very sweet and pleasant as friend's father, mother, and things for their number, the very all which they possess, Mat. 19.27. things for their Intimacy and nearness the most dear and precious, as life itself, so Paul here the traveller willingly leave all lamps, Luke: 4.26. candles, torcher, the greater and the lesser stars to enjoy the sun: the true travellers in the way to God in Christ, willingly leave all other comforts to enjoy Christ Jesus, the sun of all true consolations: Secondly the persons leaving all, laying down all for Christ, Paul, and such as have the spirit of Paul: none have these desires besides the truly gracious: none but the bride leaves all for the bridegroom, It is not Orpah, Ruth 1.15.16. 2 Tim. 4. ●. phil 3.7.8.. but Ruth that cleaves to Naomi in the day of her distress, it is not Demas but Paul that esteems all but dung and dross in comparison of the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, it is not the Coward but the valiant soldier, that willingly lays down his life for his captain in the battle; 1 Tim. 19.20. Hyminoeus and Philetus are no sooner shaken with a tempest, but they forthwith make shipwreck of faith and a good conscience, only Paul is the man that fights the good fight, that finisheth his course and keeps the faith: he alone that is a true partaker of Christ is the man that will leave all for Christ. Thirdly, 2. Tim. 4.7. the manner how they leave all willingly, it is their desire it is their choice, the bird willingly leaves his cage, to soar and sing aloft in the air. Israel willingly left Egypt to free their shoulders from Pharroahs' heavy burdens: the Lords' faithful servants, the Israel of God indeed: willingly hazard, leave and lay down all for God and Christ, to case themselves of the burden of corruption, and to enjoy communion with God and Christ, this they do with desire as Paul desired to depart, and this desire carries in it. First, a sensible apprehension of the misery and troublesomeness of their present condition, the sense and feeling which Israel had of the sadness of their estate under the heavy burdens which Pharaoh imposed on them, Exod. 3. and cruel taskmasters which he set over them made them willing to leave the land of Egypt, Rom 7, 24 and desirous to go to Canaan: 2 Col. 12.7.8. sense of the burdensomeness of man's own corruption, and of the violence and bitterness of the buffetings of Satan, fills the soul with sad complaints of its present misery and ardent prayers, for the enjoyment of full freedom from them and entire rest, and acquiescence in Christ's bosom. Secondly, an high prising of Christ, as the only glorious and shining sun, whence discend all the beams of spiritual consolation, as the appletree, Mat. 4.2. Cant. ●. 3. Col. 2.3. Cant. 3.10. whereon grows all sweet and desirable fruit for the noufishment of the soul, and under whose shadow it can repose, and rest it sell with much delight: as the store-house whence is derived all celestial treasure for the fouls enrichment: as the fairest of ten thousand in whom all soul ravishing, and heart admiring excellencies are discerned: he alone that takes the true measure of the worth of Christ, is the man that can leave, and lay down all for Christ. Thirdly, servant and unfeigned love to Christ, She●h●ms love to Dinah made him willing to undergo the pain or Circumcision for her, Gen. 34. Jacob's love to Rachel put him upon a hard service, in the heat, and in the cold, in the day, and in the night for her; servant love to Christ, 2. Cor. 5.14. puts the gracious soul upon a ready undertaking of the hardest servie or Christ, a patient toleration of the greatest difficulties in the way of Christ, and a che refull effusion of its dearest blood for the exaltation of Christ, for the fruition of full communion with Christ: true love to Christ resteth in nothing, Cant. 2 5. but in the fruition of Christ; all desires after Christ which spring not from unfeigned love to him, are fruitless have no acceptance with him never reach him, 1 Cor. 13.3.4. never work the soul into the possession of him. Fourthly, Psa. 42.1, 2. vehement longings after Christ, a holy restliness of the soul, and spirit until it doth come to Christ, as the Bee until it comes unto the Hive: the River until it emptieth itself into the Ocean: and as the Dove did fly up and down, and found no rest for the sole of her foot until she entered into the ark. The soul which truly desires Christ meets with contentation nowhere but in Christ; the thirst thereof is never satisfied until it drinks a full draught of Christ, the heavenly Oecan, in whom are all soul-refreshing waters; the motion thereof is never terminated until it comes fully home to Christ, the paradise in whom dwell all spiritual comforts. Fifthly, Cant. 3.1. diligent Inquisition after Christ, careful use of all means to enjoy Christ; these desires are no lazy, sluggish, weak feeble, and fleeting desires; Cant. 5.3 4. but strong, active, and stirring desires, desires knocking at the door of the heart, and awakening it as a loud sounding trumpet rouseth a man out of his sleep; desires quickening man, like spurs in his motion unto Christ; desires drawing a man like a loadstone unto Christ, 1 Sam. 23.15. David desired to drink of the water in the wells of Bethel, and his Worthies broke through the army of the Philistines, and brought waters thence: true desires after Christ neglect no means leading unto Christ, break thorough all oppositions between them and Christ: their souls are set upon an unwearied inquiry after him, a constant use of all means to enjoy him, when Joseph and Mary had lost Christ they went up and down, and sought him sorrowing, never ceasing from their inquiry until they found him; Luk 2 46. the soul which knows what it is to loose Christ, what the sadness of the soul is without Christ: never ceaseth seeking until he hath found him, never ceaseth from his mourning, till Christ returns with sweet consolations again unto him. Sixtly, delight, he that ardently desires Christ, joyfully leaves all For Christ, accounts it all joy to fall into m nifold temptations for the cause of Christ: Ia. 1.2. Heb. 10 34 Acts 16.23. Dan. 3. takes the spoiling of all joyfully, sings in prison, is cheerful in the wilderness as in a paradise: walks like the three children in the fiery furnace of great adversities as in a Palace: and comes when God calls him to the stake and fiery trial as the hungry to a feast, the soldier to the crown: or Bride to the marriage of the bridegroom, and unto death itself through many temptations, weaknesses and disasters as Mariners to the haven thorough a violent and stormy tempest The way of the soul to Christ Jesus is not such a way of sorrows, but that it is mixed with man, sweet and secret pleasures. Seventhly, a confident Resignation into the hands of Christ, he that truly and unfeignedly desires Christ, doth not die as a man uncertain where he shall go, ●●t cometh as a Bride to the Bridegroom, as an obedient child to his loving father's house, with much assurance of gracious acceptation, of a sweet and everlasting entertainment and welcome, though he sometimes feel the wind of temptation blowing with much violence upon him: and dismal fear now and then furprizing him, yet with Teter in another case he cries Mast r save me, and immediately see Jesus stretching out his hand, Mat. 14.30.31. and saving him from sinking in the waters ready to swallow him: he beholds the wind ceasing, and an everlasting calm ensuing, upon the fall of this house of his flesh he sees a glorious habitation provided for him; he knows that if his earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed, 2 Cor 5, 1 he hath a building made of God, an house not made with hands, but eternal in the heavens. Fourthly, here is the end or final cause, why the gracious soul doth leave all, and desires to go hence: it is for Christ's sake, that it may have the full fruition of Christ, that it may mount aloft and come to Christ: as the bird when the cage is broken or the prisoner when the prison house is beaten down, and thrown into the dust have liberty, the one to fly, and the other to walk abroad and meet their companions. 〈◊〉 4 17. Thus the Lord's servants desire to depart; to leave this mansion of the flesh, that they may meet the Lord and so be ever with him, the ultimate end of every good man's desires and endeavours is the full fruition of Christ Jesus. Having seen what it is that this observation carries in it, let us now descend to the reasons conducing both to the further illustration, and confirmation thereof; Reasons. now the reason why God's servants do so willingly leave and lay down all for the enjoyment of Christ is. In regard of the evil adherent to the present condition of God's children though they be a red●●ed people a people translated out of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear son, Col. 1.13. yet they have some fetters still upon them, Esa. 54.13. though they be an instructed people, a people taught of God yet they have some ignorance remaining in them though they be a ga der enclosed, an ●rchard of pomegranates with sweet fruits yet they have some weeds, Cant. some thorns and briars, there sprouting and spreading: there is a manifold evil yet adherent to God's children. First an evil of darkness the day-star●e indeed hath appeared, 2. Pet. 1.19. but the sun is not yet fully risen in their souls is butday dawning they know but in part, 1 Cor. 13. 1●. there is some ignorance mingled with their knowledge. Secondly an evil of bondage, though they be not led away captive at the will of Satan as voluntary slaves without reluctance and resistance: 2. Tim. 2.26 Rom. 7.14. yet they are sold under sin, as a man led captive against his will. Like Lazarus they are risen but yet they carry some of their gravecloathes about them which do in part still fetter and tie them. Thirdly an evil of opposition, sickness opposeth health in men diseased Esau opposed Jacob in the womb of Rebecca, Saul opposed David and made continual war against him, Sam. 3.1. the flesh opposeth the spirit, corruption opposeth grace in God's children: fleshly lusts war against the soul in the best of God's people. Fourthly an evil of uncleanness, Gal. 5 17.1 Pet. 2.11. though they be washed, and sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God, Job, 13.10. yet this is but in part, they are indeed perfectly justified but imperfectly sanctified: he saith our Saviour that is washed, needeth not save to wash his feet but is clean every whit, and ye are clean, but not all. Fiftly an evil of Temptation Egyptian Pharaoh pursued Israel after they were gone out of Egypt, the infernal Pharaoh pursues God, Israd after they are escaped the plenary servitude and slavery of this world, Zech 3.1.2. and their own corruption, Satan stands at the right hand of Josua the high priest to hinder his supplication: 2 Cor. 12.7 8. and he buffets Paul to disturb and vex him, Satan now and then obtains commission to tempt and try the best of God's children. Sixthly an evil of burdens, there lies on the shoulders of God's servants a burden of corruption a burden of contumelies; a burden of manifold afflictions, Israel in Egypt had cruel taskmasters over, and heavy burdens imposed on them: God's Israel in this world still travels under heavy burdens, travelling like Israel thorough the wilderness of many troubles, and red sea of many sorrows and sufferings, afmore or less, will rest as a burden on God's people, as long as they carry corruption about them. Seventhly an evil of close and conscience-accusations, of heart smiting and self-judgings, David's heart smites him for touching Saul's garment, Ioh 2 6. Job sees enough amiss within him to make him abhor himself below the dust and ashes: Esaiah is sensible of so much uncleanness, Esa 6.5.6. that he is forced to cry out, woe is me for I am undone, because I am a man of polluted lips: no man walks with such exactness and circumspection, but that his conscience now and then, brings matter of accusation against him: Eightly an evil of sorrows, for temporal or spiritual losses for their own or others failings, for their own or others' miseries: the Lord's people are seeds men sowing in tears now reaping in joy: Psa 126.5. hereafter God's children like Israel of old have such Canaanites like thorns in Judges 2.2. their sides and pricks in their eyes that they are full of lamentation, and mourning Ninthly an evil of Commerce and communion with profane people who prick like thorns, Ezek. 2.3. and sting like scorpions, and pierce and wound like arrows, vexing the righteous souls of God's people, and making their very lives a burden to them. Tenthly an evil of Absence, they are not yet come fully home to Christ, they are at much distance from him; have not the full enjoyment of him while they are at home in the body they are absent from the 2. Cor. 5.6. Lord: and therefore are willing to leave and lay down all that they may be discharged from this manifold evil. In regard of the Termination of a gracious soul's motion in Christ, every thing terminates its motion, in its proper, Christ is the soul's centre, the rivers move and stop not, till they terminate their motion in the sea: the gracious soul is restless till it cometh unto Christ, Naomi said of Boaz unto Ruth the man will not be in rest until he hath Ruth. 3. ult. finished the ma●ter this day: the soul intending wedlock with Christ, will not, cannot be in full and thorough rest, until it hath finished, and fully perfected its wedlock with Christ, psal 104.34. 1 Cor 2.2. Col 2.7. the whole or a gracious man moves to Christ: the motion of his imagination is to the thought, and meditation of Christ: the meditation of Christ is sweet unto him; the motion of his und●rstanding is to the knowledge of Christ, he desires to know nothing but Christ, and him crucified, the motion of his faith is to the all-sufficiency, Cant. 5 10. Cant. 2.5. worth and efficacy of Christ: be i● rooted, and built up in Christ, the motion of his love is to the beauty and excellency of Christ: he is the fairest of ten thousand in his eye, and his soul is sick o● love to Christ: every way the motion of a sanctified is to Christ, the traveller's motion is to his home, the the thirsty man's motion is to the fountain, the good man's motion is to Christ, he never attains his desired perfection until he hath gotten the full possession of him: and therefore leaves all to enjoy him. In regard of that union which a gracious soul hath with Christ, by saith and love, he is not so united unto any thing, as to Christ, he is so united to him that he is be come one with him box of his bone, Ioh. 17.21, Ephes. 5.29. Ioh. 15.19. ana flesh of his flesh he is united to Christ with a separating and singling union, with an union separating him from the world as a woman joined in with an union separating him from the world as a woman joined in wedlock is separated from her own people, and her father's house, with an union crucifying the world unto him and him again unto the world: Gal. 6, ●. he is united unto Christ with a deriving and enriching union, drawing from Christ grace for gra●e, Ioh. 1 15. filled with Christ's fullness and made complete n him: he is united unto Christ with a translating and transforming union, an union transforming him into the very image of Christ, making him pure as Christ is pure; he is united to Christ with an inflaming and soul ravishing union: 1 Ioh. 3.3. Cant. 8.6. kindling a fire in his heart which no waters can quench & many floods cannot drown: he is united to Christ with an indissoluble union, Math. 15.18. Ioh. 10.28. so united, that neither the powers of hell, nor earth can dissolve it; he is united unto Christ with a victorious union, an union overcoming all the proffers, 1 Ioh. 5.4. Ioh. 3.30. and oppositions of the world: a prostrating union, casting a man and all his gifts and abilities down at the feet of Christ, making a man willing to be nothing in the eyes of men that Christ may be exalted: Ephes. 4.12.13 an aspiring union ascending unto more and more perfection never ceasing until the soul is wrought into a full communion with Jesus Christ, making a man willing and industrious to cast away whatsoever may hinder his enjoyment of Christ, to break prison to come to Christ, 1 Kings 19 ●. to leave all to be with Christ, as Elisha left his yokes of oxen to follow Eliah In regard of that pre-eminence which Christ hath in the heart of a gracious man, above all other things he giveth Christ pre-eminence: First in his choice, he chooseth Christ rather then all or any other thing whatsoever, the traveller chooseth the Sun rather than any other light to guide him; the builder chooseth the rock, rather than the sand to build upon: and the wise merchant the pearl, rather than the pebble to enrich him: the gracious man preferreth Christ as the only wise counsellor able to advise him, the ovely rack able to support him, and the only ●ear●e wherein is all worth to enrich bun: he chooseth the gifts and graces of Christ before all other treasures: bee preserreth the love of Christ, the light of his countenance, above all other pleasures, and earthly abundance: there is nothing without this can give him contentation. 2 ● 31, 32. Absalon thought it a small thing that he lived at Jerusalem, nay he esteemed his life as nothing, unless he might see the King's face: a good man esteems it a little thing to live at Jerusalem, I mean to have all God's ordinances, unless he enjoy the face of Christ with them: Psal ●3. 3. Psal. 4.6. his very life without this seems but a burden: when the face of Christ shines there is exceeding great joy and rejoicing, when this is hidden there is a cry, much mourning and lamentation. Psal. 30.7. Secondly in his fear, men give pre-eminence in their fear to their sovereign, above the subject, children to their fathers above the household servants: wives to their husbands above strangers: good men fear Christ as their sovereign as their fathers, as their husband with an awful, a spiritual, a filial, an affectionate and submissive fear, choosing rather to offend all the world then to offend Christ: they fear the command of Christ, Acts 4 19 Mat. 10.28. Dan. 3.17. more than the command of man: the wrath of Christ more than the wrath of men: the loss of Christ favour, more than the loss of any, or all men whatsoever: they choose rather to expose themselves to man's greatest rage and indignation, then to provoke Christ in the least syllable of voluntary and witting deviation from the rule which Christ hath prescribed to them. Thirdly in his love, the wife prefers the husband in her love above all other persons; he that is married unto Christ loves Christ more than all creatures, he loves him not carnally but spiritually, his love ariseth from a seed of grace sown in the heart, it is a fruit of God's Spirit, he loves him not constrainedly but freely, his love moves to Christ like water flowing from a living spring: he loves him not with a niggardly but a bountiful love, with a love moving him to give all that he hath to Christ: he loves him not with a sinister but a sincere love; not in a show but in truth not in word but in deed; he loves Christ not with a faint and languishing love, but with a strong and victorious love; a love overcoming all opposition a love carrying him home to Christ, a love causing him to abide with Christ in all changes, 1 Sam. 18.1.2. to rest upon him in all conditions, a love like the love of Jonathan to David, Jonathan so loved David that he was contented to run the hazard of his father's displeasure, to be abased that David might be exalted, and disrobe himself for David's sake: the gracious soul so loveth Christ, that he is ready for Christ's sake to incur the hatred of his dearest friends according to the flesh, to humble himself below the dust for the exaltation of Christ, and to put oft this garment o● the flesh, that he may honour and enjoy Christ. Fourthly in his possession, he had rather possess Christ then all things else; all other possessions are but an empty vessel to the posessing of Christ: Gen. 14.21. the King of Sodom sometime said to Abraham give me the persons take thou the substance: the gracious man is ready to say to his neighbour, give me Christ, and take the goods, house honours, body, and whatsoever else he that will: all other possessions are but a wilderness to this paradise: a b●amble to the vine, the figtree and the olive-tree as Jotham in another case expressed himself Judges 9 9 in this parable. Fifthly in Communion men of generous disposition prize communion with princes above communion with beggars: wives preserre fellowship with their husbands above fellowship with servants: fellowship with Christ is the longing desire of every gracious soul they say of this as Peter did of the mount it is good being here, Math. 17.4. the desire of their souls is to dwell with Christ: to live continually in the blessed presence of Christ, and as they give him pre-eminence in their choice, fear love possession and communion, so they are willing to leave and lay down all for him. Fifthly in regard of that gain which cometh to a gracious man by leaving and laying down his goods, liberty, or life for Christ's sake: the more he leaves for Christ the more he shall receive, the greatest losers for Christ are the greatest gainers by Christ: Math. 19.29. it is our saviour's promise whosoever shall lose father or mother or house or lands &c. for my Names sake shall bare an hundred fold more in this life, and life everlasting hereafter: the seed thus sown returns with a plentiful harvest: this is the best adventure to make a rich merchant the least gain of Christ is recompense enough for a whole world's loss: Phil. 1, 23. the having of Christ make every condition gainful, Christ saith St. Paul is both is life and death advantage. Israel by leaving Egypt, got a land flowing with milk and honey. Mose● by leaving the honour of Pharaoh's Court, got greater honour in becoming both a leader and a wonder-worker before the children of Israel in the wilderness: Peter by leaving his nets became a fisher of men, the Lord hath many ways to make the greatest losses of his servants most advantageous: by death itself a gracious man hath a gain o●much light he beholds the Sun in the fullness of his rising: 1 Cor. 13.12. 1 Ioh. 3.1.2 3. he sees face to face, and knows even as he is known: he hath a gain or complete purity, Ephe. 5.26. Act 12.7. like Absalon in another respect, having no blemish from the crown of the head, unto the sole of the font, a man without spot or wrinkle: he hath a gain of liberty, he cometh as Peter out of Herod's prison, all his setters smitten off, as Israel out of the red sea leaving Satan, the world, and his own corruption there drowned behind him. Lastly he baths gain of the greatest honour communicable to the soul of man, Rev. 2.10. 2 Tim. 4 8. a crown of life and glory given him: and hence it is hat such are willing to leave and lay down all for Christ, that they may leave the full fruition of him. This by way of reprehension reproves two sorts of men: use. First such as are so far from leaving and laying down all for Christ, for the present and future enjoyment of Christ; that they will neither lay out, nor lay down any thing for Christ: so far from being willing and desirous with Paul to be dissolved from their bodies, that they will not be dissolved from the least part, or parcel of their possessions, honour, riches, pleasures, liberties or privileges amongst men for Christ's sake: but when Christ, the cause of Christ, the church of Christ in the course of God's providence, call for help, relief, supportment, comfort, and encouragement, at these men's hands as sometimes David did at the hands of Nabal these men like the sons of 1 Sam. 25.11. Nabal, answer Christ as Nabal their father answered David, who is David and who is the son of Jesse; there be many servants now a days that break away every man from his master, shall I then take my bread and my water and my flesh which I have killed for my shearers, and give it unto men whom I know not whence they be: thus they are ready to answer who is Christ, and who is the church of Christ, there be many that rebel and without cause draw troubles and calamities on their own heads: shall I then take my bread and water, my possessions and riches which I have provided for me and mine, and give it to I know not who: and of these may Christ truly say as David did of Nabal surely in vain have I kept all that these fellows have, for they have requited me evil for good: and as David was full of wrath against Nabal, and resolved the utter extirpation of him and his house, so no doubt the indignation of Christ is kinled, and burns like fire against such merciless and cruel caitiffs: neither can they expect a blessing but a curse on themselves and their posterity after them the sentence of our Saviour against such is very dreadful, and such as may make them act Belshazar living, in the midst of their great possessions. Matth. 25 Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire which is prepared for the devil and his Angels, for I was an hungered and ye gave me no meat thirsty and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger and ye took me not in unto you. I was naked and ye clothed me not: sick and in prison, Iudg. 8 5.6, and ye visited me not: verily (saith Christ) in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me, and these shall go into everlasting pain: you may please to call to mind the story between Gideon and the princes of Succoth: Gideon and his men were weary and aren't in the pursuit of their enemies, and Gideon said unto the men of Succoth, give I pray you morsels of brean unto the people that follow me for they be weary that I may follow after Zeba and Zalmunna Kings of Midian: to whom the princes of Succoth answered, are the hands of Zeba and Zalmunna now in thy hands that we should give bread unto thine 〈◊〉: to whom Gideon replied, therefore when the Lord hath delivered Zeba an Zalmunna into mine hands I will tear your flesh with thorns of the wilderness and with briers: which upon his victory he did accordingly: Gideon was a type of Christ, and Christ is the captain of the Lord's host: Ios. 5.14. when his soldiers his people at this day are weary and faint in fighting his battles, in defending his cause, in pursuing his and their enemies, Christ speaks to many amongst us, as Gideon to the men of Succoth: give I pray bread, flesh, lodging, clothing, to these men that follow me, that stand for me, that fight for me and my truth; that lay down all for me and my cause: to whom many men answer as the men of Succoth answered Gilead, are the cavaliers now in thine hands? hast thou vanquished and overcome them: it is yet doubtful which side will prevail; why then shall we give our bread unto, or make provision for thine army: but let these men look to it, when Zeba and Zalmunna when the public and open enemy shall be suodued, Christ hath thorns and briars, fearful judgements for them that withdraw their assistance in the day of the church's distress, judgement merciless is the portion of them that show no mercy. Secondly, Mat. 1.20. it repr●veth such as will spare something, but not the best things like them of old in the prophet, that would spa●e the blind the lame and the sick for sacrifice, but not that which was sound and without blemish: Iam. 2.16. Ezek. 33.31. they will spare the tongue, but not the hand their bodily presence but not their hearted soul presence: they will spare some but not all for Christ, when they are put upon this, to leave all, and take Christ alone, Mat. 19.21. they go away sorrowful: some will spare their goods but not their lives, they will not with Paul be dissolved, Peter once left all, but he would not at that time leave his life for Christ, but denied his Master to save his life: now these men do herein, and hereby plainly discover. First an overprizing of the creature, so esteem it, M●t. 8. that they value the unworthlest of their possessions as the Gaderines did their swine above Jesus Christ: so love it, that upon the loss, or likely hood of taking it away, they go weeping after it as sometimes ●haltiel went weeping after Mical to Bahurim: so adore and serve it, so rest and rely upon it, that when it is gone they run up and down like Mica after his idol, Iudg. 18.24. and cry out as men undone. Secondly a shameful underprizing of Christ: he that will not leave a pebble for a pearl, a broken bottle for a river, a barren branch for a fruitful tree, under values the pearl, river, tree, all creatures excellency is nothing in comparison of Christ's glory: they very wickedly, and shamefully disparage Christ, that prefer or equalise any thing to Christ; Luke 14.8. let such men with the invited guests in the parable, never look to partake of Christ with comfort, whose love unto, or delight in the creature withholds them from giving their hearts unto Christ. Thirdly, hereby they hazard the very loss of what they retains, and get by leaving Christ, their loss is ever greater than their gain, usually they lose the very thing which they withhold; Ioh. 12. he that will save his life shall lose it, he that will save his honours, his riches, his liberty his favour with men shall lose the same: how ignominious to all succeeding generations hath been the name of the Scribes and Pharisees who for the maintenance of their own name and honour, studied and consulted the eclipsing and obscuring of the name and honour of Christ: how odious is the name of Judas who laboured his own gain, more than gaining of honour and souls to his Master Christ: take this for thy portion whosoever thou art that seekest to make thyself rich and honourable, with the loss and dishonour of Christ, thy name and riches both shall be everlastingly buried in the dust of dishonour and reproach. Fourthly, hereby they draw a curse on themselves and on their possessions, 2 Sam. 6. ●. they having of Christ like the ark to the house of Obed Edon makes all to prosper, like the ●rce to the waters of Marah, it makes the bitterest condition pleasant and comfortable: Exo. 15, 25. the denial of Christ the loss of Christ turns all into a curse, like the evil herb that turned the prophet's pot into a pot of death: 2 Kings 4.40. all that men get against Christ, all that men keep with the dishonour of Christ, proves like achan's golden wedge and Babylonish garment, Ios. 7. a curse and ruin to their whole possession, therefore thus saith the Angel of the Lord, curse ye Meroz, Iudg. 5.13. curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, because they came not to the help of the Lord against the mighty Fifthly hereby they contract shame, raise a cloud of dishonour upon their own heads, that never shall be blotted out: is it not the shame of all shames, to a wise to forsake her husband for the love of an unworthy servant; for a son to leave his parent, and with the prodigal to run a rioting with loose and dissolute companions, to a soldier to leave his captain, and betake himself unto the enemy's quarters: is Christ your husband, your father your captain; will you leave him for the gain the honour, the pleasure of the world? will you leave him and enter consort with profane people; will you fly from him, and join with his enemies, be assured then your memory shall rot, your name shall go out like a candle: leaving nothing but an unsavoury smell behind it Your honour shall lie in the dust, your name shall everlastingly perish. This by way of counsel should advise all men to work their hearts to allow prizing of their present estate, and every thing they have here, incompart on of the enjoyment of Christ's God's children desire to be dis●ed, they know it to be better to be with Christ, then to continue here therefore look on all your outward privileges, and prerogatives as on d●gand dross in comparison of the excellency of Christ, Phil. 3 8. nay look on the gift, and on all the best things of God which you have here in this ●●e, in comparison of the full enjoyment of Christ, even a few gleani●●s●n comparison of the full vintage as on the daw●ing, in comparison of the noonday, as on some small love-tokens in comparison of the complete enjoyment of the bridegroom: 2 Cor. 1.22. we have the good things of God now as waters in a bottle, than we shall have them as waters in the fountain, now we have them as an earnest penny, than we shall have them in the full sum. This ministers matter of sweet and singular consolation to the surviving friend of all the godly deccated: it was their desire to be dissolved, Iudg. 8.2. it is better, yea far better for them, they have a possession now, the least mite whereof is better than all the possessions of the earth we may say of this as Gideon did of the gleanings of Ephraim: the gleanings of Ephraim are better than the vintage of Abiezer here they were as ●itors now their mairrage is consumm●●e, here they were as men walking in setters, now they are as men walking in chains of gold: here their bread was mingled with grav●ll, and their drink with gall, now they have a sumptuous and a costly feast, here they were as soldiers in the battle, now they have a glorious crown put upon them, here they were 〈◊〉 seed-men sowing in tears, now they are as harvest men reaping in great job: here they were as runners in a race, now they have obtained the prize: here they were as wor●s and no men, obscured with many clouds, now they have a name as glorious as the Sun, here their dw●lling was as in a dungeon, as in a house continually dropping thorough and ready to fall, now they have a glorious ●al●ce wherein to dwell here they had consortship with men who were as thorns in their sides, Rev. 14.13. now they have communion with God, with Christ, with the glorious Angels and glorified Saints: in a word now they are ceased from their labours, and heir works follow them: therefore as we sorrow at our own loss, 1 Thes. ●13 14. so let us rejoice in their gain remembering that of the Apostle. I would not brethren have you ignorant concerning them which are a sleep, that ye sorrow even not as others which have no hope, for if we believe that Jesus is dead, and is risen, even so them that sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him. 4. This by way of Excitation should persuade and move men to a singular willingness to leave all for Christ to lay down life, and all, and be desirous to be dissolved, for the enjoyment of Christ, to suffer wrong for Christ, to abide in any low and sad condition with Christ as Ruth with Naomi: to long for Christ's coming; to say with the Spouse, come Lord jesu: But how shall we work our hearts to this, to be willing to suffer for Christ to work for Christ to lay down, Answer 1. Psal 51.8. Iob. 33.19.20. & leave all for Christ. Be experienced in the bitterness of sin, how it breaks the bones How it causeth man to abhor his bread, and his soul, dainty meat, how it makes his flesh to fail: Rom. 7.14. that it cannot be seen, and his bones to shiver, How it strikes with sorrow, and makes man to cry, O miserable man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death, be experienced in the misery of this bondage, and thou shalt not much fear any prison whereinto man can cast thee; be sensible of the weight of this burden, and the imposition of Pharaoh's burdens shall not much molest thee: know thou the hideousness of a tempestuous and accusing consciences, and all the accusations of men shall not much perplex thee, be sensible of the bitterness of God's wrath against sin, and the declination of the wrath of men shall never prevail with thee to draw thee to do evil, be acquainted with the loss which cometh by sin, and thou shall be willing to lose all rather than fall into any sin, be sensible of the troublesomeness of this Inmate sin, and thou shalt be willing to go out of this house of thy flesh that thou mayest cease from sin, the more the soul is afflicted with the burden of its own corruption, the more it is experienced in the bitterness of the fruits of sin the more it longs to depart from this tabernacle of the flesh and to be with Christ. Col 3.11. Secondly get a through taste of the goodness and sweetness of Christ, taste what Christ is to the soul when all is gone, even all in all, a Sun in darkness, a 〈…〉 in drought, and a store house in every want: and without Christ all worldly fullness is very vanity and emptiness, a body without a soul a s●mpe without oil, a bone without marrow. Every high thing without Christ is base, every strong thing without Christ is weak, and every full thing without Christ is empty: it is Christ that filleth all in all he is the fullness of our knowledge, he that knows not Christ is very blind and ignorant, he is the fullness of our faith, if we apprehend not Christ our faith is all empty hand; he is the fullness of our Love, love is never perfect, never resteth until Christ is embraced, he is the fullness of our joy, if we joy not in Christ, we rejoice in a thing of nought, he is the fullness of all our possesions, if we possess not Christ with them we have but a barren possession, like the dry ground which Caleb gave unto his daughter Achsa without the wither springs, Ios. 15.19. therefore get a full and thorough taste of Christ, of the sweetness and pleasantness of Christ, as the eye the sweetness of the Sun, the palate the sweetness of the wine, satiate thy soul in Christ, in the goodness, fullness fatness, and sweetness which cometh from him, marry thy soul to him, take up thine abode and dwelling with him; fill thine eyes with the beholding of Christ's beauties, and say as Peter when he saw the glorious transfiguration of Christ on the mount, It is good being here. Feed thy soul on Christ and say with them John 6. John. 6. Lord give us evermore of this bread. Let thy heart so love him, so admire him, so choose, so cleave unto him, that thou mayest be able to say of Christ as David of Goliah's sword, there is none to that, there is none to Christ; and this will make thee willing to leave, and lay down life and all for Christ. Thirdly got assurance of glory with Christ, be sure of reigning with him, and thou shalt be joyful in suffering and laying all down for him were the soldier sure of the conquest and the crown, he would never fear to enter the battle, assurance of the crown of life exceedingly sweetens man's passage through the valley of death. Get clear and invincible evidence of God's love, and of interest in the first resurrection, and then as Joseph willingly put of his prison garment, so shall you this garment of your flesh, and as Israel went joyfully through the sea to Canaan, so shall you through the deep waters of all sorrows, troubles, changes yea death itself, unto heaven. You shall have a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better. Now concerning this our deceased brother; There are in the course of divine providence, some acts of God towards him worthy of observation; and some acts again of his, in themselves worthy of imitation, If you cast your eye on God and behold him in the way of his providence and dispensation you may observe. 1. An act of God's liberal and bountiful communication; from small beginnings the Lord increased and multiplied his outward and earthly stock to a great abundance: he might have said as old Jacob did. I am less than the least of all the mercies, Gen. 32 101 and all the truth which thou hast showed unto thy servant: for with my staff came I over this Jordan, I now have gotten two Bands: you must know that riches are the Lords, and he doth with his own what be please: Mat. 20.5. it is not the naked having, but the well using of riches that makes them truly comfortable to them that have them. 〈◊〉 2.5. It is not the rich in worldly goods, but the rich in faith are heirs of the Kingdoms which God hath provided for them that love him, riches without grace and holiness are but as a lamp in a foolish virgin's hand without oil, therefore as Christ charged his disciplet not to labour for the bread which perisheth but for the bread which endureth to everlasting life: John 6. so labour you not for fading and perishing riches, but for that riches, Heb. 10 34. which is an abiding substance: when God makes men not only rich in goods, but in true and saving goodness, there goes the character of God's undoubted loving kindness. Secondly, You may here of serve God's act of Exaltation; the Lord raised him from a low condition, to the highest pitch and step of outward dignity this place could afford him; wherein you may see that of Hanna verified, 1. Sam. 2.7.8. The Lordmak the poor, and maketh rich bringeth low and exalteth, be raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and ●o make them inherit the throne of glory: you may here see that of the Palmist made good. Psal. 7 5.6.7. Promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South, but God is the judge, he maketh low, and he maketh high: Yet this observe, that when God doth not only exalt a man in civil jurisdiction over his brethren but in spiritual jurisdiction over his corruption, Satan and the world, that is the man whom God makes truly honourable: that man alone who honours the place of eminency wherein God sits him, by his wise and gracious deportment in it, and faithful discharge of it, is the man that shall be everlastingly honoured. The Lord gave him not only wealth and dignity among the people, but also knowledge and understanding in the things of this life and partly in the things of a better life: now there is a knowledge historical, and a knowledge my●icall a knowledge speculative and a knowledge experiamentall, a knowledge discussive and a knowledge practical: that man that doth not only know the way of God but all walk in it, is the man that shall be surely blessed, that knowledge alone which is affective, submissive, and communicative argues a saving illumination i● them that have it, much knowledge in the understanding without suitable obedience in the conversation, doth exceedingly aggravate man's condemnation There are also some acts of his, which in themselves are worthy of Imnitation. First, An act of Ministration he was not a sealed fountain, he kept not all unto himsel●, but for divers years together laid aside a certain some every day for the poor: simply to give of what a man hath, is not enough: he alone that gives in love to God, in pity to them that need, Heb 23.13. and for the glory of God, is the man that shall not lose his reward: thus to communicate and to do good, is a sacrifice well-pleasing in the sight of God. Secondly, His discourse and communication was often of the best things, he knew how to speak to edification; and usually according to that of our Saviour, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, and so I suppose we are to conceive it, unless we know the contrary to it. Thirdly, It was observed by such as were very near him, that he seldom did set himself about any weighty undertaking, but he first addressed himself to God by prayer for council & a blessing: barely to pray is insufficient to argue any man to be a child of God; that prayer alone is acceptable, and returns with a blessing which proceeds from faith and unfeigned affection. Lastly, you all know that he was a zealous maintainer and stout defender of the Jurisdiction authority dignity and privileges of this Incorporation; and as touching the common controversy of the kingdom I am very confident by what I have heard him speak, and seen him do that he was very really and cordial to the Parliament, however some jealousies to the contrary were raised. But why or for whose sakes is all this spoken, but for yours that are living: shortly to let you see the vanity of all outward things, how then like Jonah's gourd that came up in an evening and wither in the morning, to let you see that richer profit not in the day of wrath, only righteousness delivereth from death. 2. To move you to a faithful employment of that talon wherewith the Lord hath entrusted you, notwithstanding all your wealth and authority your body like this your brother will lie shortly in the dust, & you shall appear before the Lord's tribunal there to receive according to that which you have done in the body whither it be good or evil: therefore like good nurses draw forth now your full breasts to nourish the Lord's hungry servants cast out the beams of consolation upon them that set in sorrow and sadness, as the Sun casteth out his light for the direction and comfort of poor travellers, and the clouds their rain for there freshing and making fruitful of the dry and barren ground. 3. To stir you to be men of prayer indeed, to pray not like Mariners in a storm, not formally, customarily, coldly, and for fashion only as many do, like a company of canting beggars that pray for custom and not for conscience, but understandingly, sensibly affectionately that Christ may hear and help you, and that Christ may abundantly bless and prosper you, acquaint yourselves with God by prayer daily, sweetly, throughly that peace, and mercy may be upon you. 4. To persuade you to consecrate yourselves and all your abilities unto God to be active and lively indeed for God, to be faithful in keeping Covenant with God, to be full and fruithfull in every good way and work of God; to work and keep your soul in such an understanding, holy, humble, penitent, believing, heavenly, sincere, circumspect, and universally gracious frame and temper, condition and posture, that you be able at all times and seasons, in all estates and conditions every one for himself to say with the Apostle. I have a desire to be dissolved and be with Christ which is serve better. FINIS.