The Gloucester shire Ministers TESTIMONY TO THE Truth of Jesus Christ, AND TO The Solemn League and Covenant; AS ALSO, Against the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these times, and the Toleration of them. Sent to the Ministers within the Province of London, Subscribers of the former Testimony. Together with a Letter annexed, from a faithful Minister, to a Friend of his in London. March 28th LONDON. Printed by John Clowes. 1648. THE CONCURRENT Subscriptions of us Ministers of the Gospel in the County of GLOUCESTER, with our Reverend Brethren, the Ministers of Christ, within the Province of London. To a Testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ and to our solemn League and Covenant: As also against the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these times. Reverend, and beloved brethren, WE have lately seen, and seriously perused a Book entitled as above, and subscribed by you, with a great deal of satisfaction, and contentment; wherein you have spoken the very thoughts of our hearts, and our Judgements freely and fully concur with you, and shall be ever ready to discharge, and acquit ourselves, and our Consciences, with you, with the hazard of our very lives, both in mainetaining our solemn league and Covenant, as also in prote●ing in our places and callings, against these inundations of Errors and Heresies, which all other our endeavours and addresses, are not able to hinder. I subscribe with the reservation of my Brethren of the Assembly in the testimony. William Mew. Tho: jackson Minster at Gloucester. Io: Trap Minister of Welford. William Edward's Minister of Tedbury. William Dolman Minister of Hampton. Alexander Gregory Minister of Cyrencester. james Sta●field Minister of R●dborough. Richard Britten Minister of Bisleigh. Rich●● Kent Minister of Wotton, Subedge. William Hall Minister of Aveninge. Richard Hall Minister of Beverstone. Geo: Vaen Minister of Vleigh. Thomas Gwinne Minister of C●wley. Obadiah Higgins Minister of Weekewarre. Richard Fowler Minister of Westerleigh. james Stephensen Minister of Tormarton. William Sheeve Minister of Oldsodbury. Robert Greenehald Minister of Dodington. Thomas Sar. Minister of Redford. Henry Hurst Minister of Mickleton. Jo: Riland Minister of the Gospel. William Albright Minister of Clifford. Io: Bachelor Preacher of the Gospel. William Cooper Minister at Marston Sitra. Timothy Wharton Sen. Minister of Child-Wickam. Timothy Wharton Iu. Preacher of God's Word. Jonathan Davis Preacher of God's Word. Richard Davis Minister of Buckland. William Pilsworth Minister of Ozelworth. Samuel Hieron Minister of Horsley. Io: Pell Minister of Hawks bury. Henry Heane Minister of Olveston. Giles Workman Minister of Alderly. john Barnsdale Minister of Chipping-Sodbury. Io: Nelme Minister of michael's, Gloucester. Tho: Easton Minister of Battleford. Rob. Wickins Minister of Todenham. William Real minister of Stowwold. William Tray Minister of Odington. Giles Oldisworth Minister of Bunton Supra Mont. James Rutherford D. D. Minister of Nympsfield. Helye Fox Minister of Wood chester. Walter Prichard Minister of Frocester. Tho: Wallas Minister of Stonehouse. William Hodges' Minister of King stauly. William Hodges' Minister of Newington Bagpath. Ben: jones Minister of Christ's Gospel. Richard Eedes Minister of Beckford. joseph Malden Minister of Asckurch. Anthony Palmer Minister of Burton supra aquam. Ezra grail Minister of Lassington. William Edward's Minister of Barnewoode. George Dorwood Minister of Painsweeke Tho: jenning's Minister of Matson. Walter powel Minister of Standish. Richard Cox Minister of Boxwell. Thomas Worrall Minister of Stanley Leonard. Ios. Wordward Minister of Dursley. Bristol Henry Stubs Lecturer at Phillips. Io: Paul Minister at james. Constant jessop Minister of Nicholas. We likewise whose names are here subscribed, to whom the Covenant was never tendered, do notwithstanding concur with our Brothers to the Testimony of jesus Christ, against all Errors and Heresies. William jones Minister of Christ in Tedrington. Richard Cooper Minister at Tewksbury. Richard Beesten Minister of Tyrley. Benjamin Baxter minister of Forthampton. A Letter from a faithful Minister to a friend of his in London. Dear Brother, I Have sent the Concurrent subscriptions of the Ministers of GLOUCESTER-Shire, and thus much they assure you that they could largely expatiate in their affections to you, if they did not desire to be of the number of them that act much and speak little, and truly they as earnestly desire to be found faithful in this cause (to which they are so solemnly engaged) as they desire the Lord jesus to plead for them in that great day; and they have all set up their resolutions with God, that it is better to die Martyrs then Mongrels. Wherefore they desire you to go on in the name of the Lord, and the Lord help you to abound in this glorious work, in as much as your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. The people are so taken, that as I understand, they are seconding their Ministers Subscriptions with a Petition to the Parliament, for a settlement in government, and they all say the breach of Covenant will ruin them and their posterity, without speedy repentance, neither can they be ever brought to believe that the fruit of all their prayers, sighs, tears, and sufferings, yea the very blood of their friends and children shall produce nothing at last, but a cursed and monstrous Toleration. Blessed be the God of heaven who hath set you upon such a work as this, 'tis the very alarm of God to awaken the whole Land, we look upon it as a pledge of the Lords favour to this wretched Kingdom, as the arrow of the Lords deliverance, as the blessing in the bunch, as Manna in wilderness, as water in the Desert, as that which shall be abundantly rewarded to you. The Lord jesus be with your spirits. Amen. The most unworthy of the Servants of jesus Christ. I.W. FINIS.