THE Rise, Growth, and Fall OF ANTICHRIST: Together with The Reign of CHRIST. By Edw. Haughton Minister. LONDON, Printed by R.W. for Francis Titan, and are to be sold at his Shop at the three Daggers in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple Gate, 1652. HAving perused this Discourse concerning the Rise, Growth, and Fall of Antichrist; together with the much desired and waited-for succession of the Reighn of our Lord Jesus Christ: I conceive the publication of it in Print, very useful and seasonable for these Times; both to settle the minds of some, about the Great Motions and Changes (through the wonderful Providences of God) lately made among us; and to stir up the spirits of all to higher actings and more earnest prayers towards the accomplishment of that more glorious Change. Octob. 10. 1651. joseph Caryl. To the Reader. IF thou art learned and studious in Divine things, these * Thursday Lectures at Horsham in the county of Sussex. Country-pieces were not intended for thee. That they now appear in the Light, must be ascribed to that, commonly, pretended (but true in this, no so) Midwife of Friend-Sollicitations (drawing me much beyond my first Purposes) who hearing them preached, were at a stand, as if so be some new and strange things had been brought to their ears, (such is the darkness of these parts, in the great things Christ is about to do) but freely and frequently confessed, they brought the evidence of truth and certainty in their very foreheads: and so divers of them grew impatient to feed also their eye with them, that whetting them upon their spirits by study and meditation, they might come more fully to understand these ways of God, and grand Designs Christ hath in hand. Here thou hast the Picture of the Pope Rampant (I would it were more in the hearts and mouths of the People, that he is the great Antichrist) his strange but certain ruin, and the application of both. Thou hast a Discourse engrafted concerning Kings (the Subject fairly leading to it) particularly, of the last Race of the English Monarches, and upon what account the late Charles fell, these Wars on foot being indeed part of the Battle you read of in the 16. and 19 chapters of the Revelations: I say the begun quarrel between Christ and Antichrist, and that he with his Armies fell, as the Pope's second: Howbeit they neither did, nor yet do think so, the Devil having put other glosses and interpretations upon things. I pray God open men's eyes more generally, to see into the devices and depths of Satan's delusions in playing his game. A Tract also of the so much talked-of, & desired Kingdom of our Lord; (some oppose it, by forcing the streams of Prophecies to run in other channels, thereby sufficiently discovering both their wilful blindness (for they say they see) and dis-affectation to Christ and Holiness) which God will build up and establish upon the ruins of the Man of Sins Kingdom. Therefore I thought I had not done my Work, till I had spoken something to that also, enough only to provoke abler Wits and Pens. And now if thou shalt make (by these my Labours) any addition to the Stature of thy Knowledge, Zeal, Resolution of contending for the Faith delivered to the Saints, and Kingdom of our Lord, against the Common Enemy, as thou'lt answer it another day, banish me out of thy thoughts in giving Glory to Him who sits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb. These two things are enough for me. 1. That a few Saints confessed their bowels refreshed by them (yet nothing thence is due to me.) 2. That I have the clear Testimony of my Conscience, in this undertaking (both in the Preaching and Publishing) I had no Design above or equal to this, the Advancement of Christ and his Kingdom in the World: 'tis the constant breathing of his Spirit at the Throne of Grace, who is, Thine, E. H. TO MY Godly, learned, and reverend Friend, Mr. Edw. Haughton, Upon his Book called The Rise, Growth, and Fall of Antichrist; With the Reign of Christ. SEe, see what desolation now appears In many Countries! mourn and shed thy tears, O wretched Rome! thou blind and bloody place! For thy foundations God intends to race. What mean the Wars of England; and the fall Of Kingly, Lordly, and Episcopal Power? I pr'e thee see what alterations Are lately made in three adjacent Nations. Read Stories both Profane and Scriptural, Thou shalt not find such Conquests in them all, As GOD hath given to his Servants here: Canst thou know this, and not be filled with fear? Surely this Cup of Trembling maketh haste Unto thy palace; thou (O Pope) must tasaste The dregs of God's displeasure: Thou hast slain The Saints of Christ; and this will cause thy pain. That we may sing for joy, now Babylon Is like to mourn; let's often look upon This Book of Comfort; for it doth contain Antichrists Ruin, and Christ's Gospel-Reign. Randolph Yearwood. Carmina quaedam Latine, De opere Autoris optatissimo. PErdite Papa, precor, quo vades? nonne coronane Christus habet? nunc est Romaruina tua. Descendit regnum Domini nunc omnipotentis In terram; praese flectet & omne genu, Christ, venito, veni! sic Spiritus orat, & omnes Sancti, cum toto corde precantur. Ego Amen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dico, Randolphus Yearwood THE Rise, Growth, & Fall OF Antichrist, etc. 2 Thes. 2.3. That day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition. THe Devil transforming himself into an Angel light, brought some into the Church of the The ssulonians who taught, [the day of Christ, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Was just at hand.] would take them in the flesh. This shakes their hearts exceedingly that they are in danger of denying, and casting off the whole faith of Christ. Now for the clearing up of their understanding in the point, their confirmation in the Doctrine and work of Christianity; the Apostle doth beseech them, as brethren; yea adjure them by the coming of Christ, and their appearance before him to receive rewards of glory, that they would not be shaken in their minds, or troubled at the Doctrine broached amongst them, what plausible pretences soever they had for it; though they pretended the [spirit] for many false spirits are gone out into the World, whereof this is one; though they pretend the [Word] i. e. that we have imparted this Doctrine privately to them by word of mouth, as if it were an Apostolical tradition; No nor yet though they show you [a letter] for it, as from us; believe it not, 'tis a forgery. Thus the Apostle plucks up every foundation-stone those false teachers could possibly buid upon, Spirit, Word, Epistle; though they offer to confirm their Doctrine by any or all these ways or testimonies: yet be not deceived by any wile, by any means, be not moved or troubled at it, 'tis all false. And to his assertions and exhortations he adds (as a back of steel) a strong convincing argument taken from God's decree concerning the order of transactions, For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of perdition. The text branches itself thus. 1. The delay of Christ's last coming; that day shall not come. 2. A preceding general defection from the faith; Except there come a falling away first. 3. The unmasking the detection of the great Antichrist, or ringleader of that Apostasy; The man of sin revealed. 4. His doom, The Son of Perdition. For that day shall not come, except etc. My purpose is not to speak any things concerning Christ's putting off his last coming to judgement; nor yet to give you the Common-place of Apostasy: but that which I aim at, is to discover Antichrist to you in his own colours; for all writers, both Popish and Protestant, say, that by [Man of sin] here is meant the great Antichrist; by [Son of Perdition] his most remarkabe destruction. Well then, without any more ado, the point I hold forth, and undertake (by God's assistance) to make good to you, is this; The Popes of Rome are the revealed man of sin, the [now] well known Antichrist, of Whom Daniel, Paul, and the Apostle John, have spoken such vile and fearful things: I say in all they have said of the great Antichrist, they have pointed the singer at the Popes of Rome. To make this good, first, thus, Daniel in Chap. 7. ver. 2. saw the four winds of heaven strive upon the great Sea. i. e. great commotions in the States of the World, out of which there came four great beasts, the first like a Lion, shadowing forth the Babylonish Monarchy with its Pride and Violence; the second like a Bear, of a churlish and ravenous disposition; such a one was the Persian Monarchy; the third like a Leopard, having upon his back four wings, very subtle, and very swift upon the prey; such was the Grecian Monarchy set up by Alexander the great, but he saw a fourth exceeding terrible and dreadful, having Iron teeth, and it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet, and 'twas divers from all the rest, and had ten hons upon his head. Who these beasts were, you have the Angel's interpretation, Dan. 7 17. These great beasts Which are four, are four Kings Which shall arise out of the Earth: but so monstrous was the fourth, that Daniel would needs know the truth of him; the Angel speaks to that ver. 22. and 24. The fourth beast shall be a fourth Kingdom upon Earth, which shall be divers from all Kingdoms, and shall devour the whole Earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces; and the ten horns out of this Kingdom, are ten Kings that shall arise, and another shall arise, etc. 'Tis well known, that the Roman Monarchy hath been the fourth great Kingdom of the World, then in its greatness and glory of domination, when Saint John writ his Revelation, who will tell you yet more of this beast and business. Rev. 17.3. I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, having seven heads and ten horns. ver. 9 [the seven heads are seven Mountains] the Palatine, Capitoline, Aventine, Esquiline, Quirinal, Viminal, and Janicular, Mountains, upon which Rome in its greatness stood. And the seven heads are expounded also to be seven Kings, ver. 10. There are seven Kings, five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a short space. [Seven Kings] i. e. seven Supreme Kings or forms of governments in Rome, which made good the saying of Daniel, that the last beast was divers from all the rest; Now says St. John [five are already fallen] Kings, Consuls, Tribunes, Decemvirs, Dictator's, these five were all fallen and gone in Saint John's days, [one is] viz, government by Emperors, which made up the sixth head of the beast, [The other is not yet come] he doth not say, the seventh, but the other, (as one hath very well observed) pointing doubtless at the Christian Emperors, who did not differ from the Heathen Emperors, as a distinct form of Government, but only in the quality of their persons, the one persecuting, destroying, Christianity, the other protecting, advancing, Christianity [and when he comes he must continue a short space] for the Christian Emperors did not reign in their full strength and greatness above seventy or eighty years, as Historians make it evident. It follows, ver. 11. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven. [The beast that was,] The Papacy was in respect of the body of the Empire, but [is not] in respect of any present being, for it was not in Saint John's time; [Even he is the eighth] if you reckon the Christian Emperors for one; but in that you ought not so to reckon [He is indeed of the seven] or one of the seven; for there have not been eight but seven forms of Governmnt at Rome, the last whereof is called the beast by way of eminency, the great whore, the false Prophet, Antichrist himself. So then, find out the last head to the Roman Empire, and you may say of him, this is [the man of sin the great Antichrist.] Now who is he? why, le's reckon again, the Kings had their time of Governing, that's one; the Consuls theirs, that's two; Tribunes theirs, that's three; Decemvirs theirs, that's four; Dictator's theirs, that's five; Emperor's theirs, that's six. All these are fallen and gone; and if I should put the question in this Congregation, who is the seventh head of that beast, or who since Emperors, have Governed Rome, I am persuaded the most ignorant man or woman could tell me, they are Popes; therefore ye Popes of Rome are the man of sin, and the great Antichrist. And with this agrees that of the Apostle Paul a little after my text, 2 Thes. Ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work; only he who now letteth will let, till he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked be revealed. That the Papacy was working in St. John's time, is evident, if you search Scriptures what errors were then taught, and what Doctrines the Church of Rome doth now teach; Antichrists Limbs and Joints were then a framing, a knitting; the Pope was then a young Embryo, and was still growing in the womb, but could not break forth till the Emperors had made way for him, by removing from Rome, and seating themselves at Byzantium, or Constantinople. Tertullian, Hierom, Chrysostom, and the more judicious of the ancient Fathers, have still thus expounded this place. When Constantine had endowed Churchmen with indeed too much temporal greatness, especially the Bishops of Rome, they then began every day to look more and more like Popes, i. e. like the great Antichrist, and play Rex, which you know they could not do while the Emperor's seat was at Rome; the Imperial presence and greatness withheld them; but when the hand of Providence took them out of the way, than they became Popes, and manifested themselves to be the seventh distinct Roman Government, the last head of that beast. Thus you see how both Saint John and Saint Paul were guided by one Spirit, when they describe Antichrist, to point the finger at the Popes of Rome. Take it thus. He that succeeds the Emperors in the Government of the Roman State, or he that is seventh head of daniel's fourth beast, he is the great Antichrist: but the Popes of Rome succeed the Emperors in the Government of the Roman state, or they are the seventh head of the fourth great beast; therefore the Popes of Rome are the great Antichrist. Secondly, Antichrist is the man that sets himself above all Rule, and all authority. 2. Thes. 2.8. then shall the wicked be revealed; that's our translation, but the Greek is, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the lawless man. v. 4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. How must men forfeit their Intellectuals to fasten all this anywhere but upon the pope's? For first they are Churchmen, their seat is in the Temple, or reputed Church of God. The great Turk, let his pride and domination be what it will, yet he sits not in the Temple, he's no Churchman, but the Pope is. Secondly he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lawless man. PopeGratian in his decrees, reckons up several Laws, public, private Laws, the Laws of Nature and Nations, written and unwritten Laws, civil and canonical, the Laws both of God and man; but the conclusion of all he makes, is this, that they are all subject to the Pope's interpretation and dispensation, and that he is the spiritual man who judgeth all things, and himself is judged of none. He allows such marriages as God hath forbidden; You all know he allowed Henry the eighth of England to have his brother Arthur's wife, which God expressly forbids, Levit. 18.16. Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife. And when the sinfulness of it was discovered, he would not untie the knot, or allow a divorce (though it got him nothing) and so justified the sin of uncleanness, and the trangression of Gods Law. He absolves people from the Laws of obedience to the Powers that God hath set over them, contrary to that, Let every soul be subject to the [High powers] so the Greeks, or the Powers that are set up on high, Rom. 13 To kill a Protestant, is no murder; to blow up a Parliament, is meritorious; nay though he carry plures animarum currus ad tartara. none may say unto him cur ita facis? Thus he puts all Rule and Law under his feet. Thirdly, He apposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or is Worshipped, meaning all civil Powers and Rulers of this World; the beast hath lift up his paw at them all; yea and fetched them under too. Rev. 17.12.13. The ten horns are ten Kings, those have one mind, and give their power and strength to the beast i e. he had conquered them, and they yielded themselves his slaves; their power, their strength, their all should be at his service, vigorously to promote his designs. Bellarm, in his fifth Book de Rom. Pontif. hath these words, Omnes Imperatores Pontifici Romano debent suum imperium, all Kings and Emperors owe their Crowns and Sceptres to the Bishop of Rome; And hereupon the Pope styles himself Rex Regum, Dominus Dominantium, King of Kings, Lord of Lords; and 'tis not bare words; but he acts accordingly in deposing Kings, and giving away their Kingdoms. Pope Innocent the third deposed King John of England, and gave this Land to Philip Augustus' King of France, but at last he absolved him, upon condition he would hold his Kingdom in Fee of the Church of Rome, and that he should pay yearly a thousand Marks of silver in token of his subjection. Pope Alexander the sixth gave the West Indies to the Spaniard, the East Indies to the Portugal, and set them their Limits. Pope Pius the fifth pronounced the sentence of degradation and deposition against Queen Elizabeth. The Monks whipped Henry the second of England, upon the death of Becket, and when he spoke some angry words to them, Domine (say they) noli mirarii; nos enim nullas minas timemus, qui de tali curia sumus quae consuevit imperare Regibus & Imperatoribus; never threaten us, we fear no threats, we are of such a Court as ruleth our kings and Emperors. I think I could have furnished you with a hundred stories of like nature. Fourthly, he sits in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Non ait dicens, sed ostendens (says one.) hoc est, operibus, signis & miraculis nitens ostendere quod sit Deus; He doth not say it in words at length, that he's God; but his carriage, and the prerogatives Royal he claims, are such, as if he were God himself. This they stick not to speak out, idem est dominium Dei & Papae, the Rule of God and the Pope are the same, & Jus ecclesiasticum est jus divinum, their ecclesiastical Law is Divine, and must bind the conscience as well as any Laws of God: Hereupon one expounds it (methinks) very well, in templo conscientiarum, he sits in the Temple of men's consciences. He forgives sin as God doth, he makes Articles of faith as God doth, he takes to himself the Names and Titles that God doth; the Council of Lateran styles him [tu es alter Deus in terris] another God upon Earth, [Dominus Deus noster para,] our Lord God the Pope; he takes Divine worship to himself as God doth; they bow before him, and kiss his feet, which an Angel of heaven would not receive of John, Rev. 22. see you do it not, Worship God; Nay he takes upon him to do that which God will not do, to dispense with Laws moral and natural, (as I said before) to give Indulgences to sin for time to come; there have been Leases granted for years. Schoolmen affirm, Deum non magis homini indulgere posse, ut 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sese gerat, quam justitiae suae ordinem overtere, & seipsum negare, God can as soon destroy his order and course of Justice yea deny himself, as give men Indulgences to transgress his Laws, to walk disorderly; but the Pope hath not so bound his own hands; he can be Dominus Deus, and yet (upon good consideration and advantages) indulge men to violate any or all the laws of God and Nature; He takes upon him to deliver souls out of Purgatory, to Canonize Saints at his pleasure; so that what is said of God, is said of the Pope, and more also. Take the sum of all thus; He who is the great Churchman, above all Law, and above all Earthly power, and who carries himself as if he were God, he is the man of sin, the great Antichrist; but the Popes of Rome are seated in the temple, have subjected all rule and Authority to themselves, and behave themselves as if they were God; therefore the Popes of Rome are the man of sin, the great Antichrist. Thirdly, Antichrists Name is written in his forehead Rev. 17.5. [Mystery] Brocard a Venetian doth avouch it, that the word [Mystery] is written in the Pope's Mitre; and many others who have been at Rome, do profess to have seen it, as Dr. james the late keeper of the Library at Oxford, will further satisfy any man in his Dedicatory Epistle to his Treatise of the corruption of the Scriptures. What mystery 'tis that is written upon his forehead. Saint Paul tell you 2 Thes. 2.7 [Mystery of iniquity:] As the Doctrine of the Gospel is a Mystery of Godliness, so the Papacy is nothing else but a Mystery of iniquity. The Pope pretends to be more for Christ then any man in the World, Christ's Vicar, Christ's Vicegerent, the visible head of Christ's Church, Saint Peter's successor, to feed the flock of Christ, and still he hath Christ in his mouth, and who but Christ with him? I tell you he pretends to be more for Christ then any man alive; but let me tell you withal that there is no man alive so much against Christ as he is; and therefore most properly called [Antichrist] which signifies both [for] and [against] Christ, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greek is [pro] as well as [contra] joh. 1.16. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Grace for Grace. The great Antichrist is one that is pretendedly for Christ, but is really against Christ; which cannot be affirmed of the great Turk, or of any other beside the Pope; but of him it may most clearly. That he bears the World in hand, he is Christ greatest friend, I need not prove; I suppose we will all take that for granted; but let me show you how in truth he is Christ's greatest Enemy in all points. One mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus 1 Time 2.5. There are other Mediators, says the Pope, both for satisfaction and intercession; for satisfaction, the propitiatory sacrifice of the Mass, the blood of Thomas, the merits of the Church; for intercession; the Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels are intercessors to God (even as to our particular necessities) for us, there's but one says Christ; there are more says the Pope. Christ alone is Prophet of his Church, to be heard in all things whatsoever he shall say. Act. 3. and for this end he opened the sealed book, bids every one of his, search the Scriptures, grow in knowledge, walk in the light of Gospel-truth: the Pope expressly contradicts this, and tells you that the Doctrine Christ hath left in the Scriptures, is not sufficient without his daily supplements of unwritten Traditions, which are of equal Authority with the word of Christ, and must be believed upon pain of damnation. Of the written word, what he pleaseth he makes authentic; what he pleases he cancels; he teaches and interprets all by an infallible unerring Spirit; He hath sealed up the book or Bible which Christ opened to them, forbidding the people the use of Scriptures; Latin Scriptures, Latin Service, all must be to them in an unknown tongue; he tells them that ignorance is the mother of devotion; and to believe as the Church believes is knowledge and faith enough. Christ hath forbidden all kind of pictures and Images in the Worship of God, Deut. 4.15.16. Take good heed unto yourselves (for ye saw no manner of similitude in the day the Lord spoke unto you in Horeb) lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make a graven Image, etc. John 4.23. The true worshippers worship the Father in Spirit and in truth; the Father seeketh such to worship him: No says the Pope, you shall make Images of the Trinity, and pictures of the Cross, and shall kiss and worship them with the worship of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the same worship ye give God & Christ. You shall make Images of Saints and Angels, and shall worship them with worship of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a religious worship, though not the highest, you shall pray unto them, and fill all your Churches with them, for they are laymen's books. Christ hath taught us that our own righteousness is as menstruous rags; upon our best performances we are unprofitable servants; that we are justified by faith without the works of the Law; 'tis not so, says the Pope, good Works are meritorious: there is a merit of congruity in them before conversion, and a merit of condignity in them after conversion; nay that some men do works of supererogation, more than the Law of God requireth, or is their duty to do, whereby they are not only justified themselves, but the overplus of their merits helps to justify others. Christ saith, he will have the Sacrament of the Supper administered in both kinds. 1 Cor. 11 23. to 27. I have received of the Lord that which I delivered unto you, that the Lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, take, eat, this is my body; after the same manner he took the cup, saying, this cup is the new Testament in my blood; this do ye as oftenas ye eat this bread and drink this cup, etc. This St. Paul received of Jesus Christ, delivered it in charge to all and every of the Churches of Corinth, both what and how they were to receive: It shall not be so says the Pope: the Priest shall receive in both kinds: the People shall have nothing but the bread. Christ teaches that marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled. Heb. 13. No says the Pope, 'tis not honourable in the Clergy (so they call them) 'tis not lawful for a Priest to marry. Christ says, Let no man judge you in respect of meats, or drinks, or an holy day Col. 2. You are now freed from the observation of days and meats; every creature of God is good if it be received with thanksgiving; No says the Pope, ye shall observe Saints days; and for meats, touch not, taste not any flesh on such and such days and weeks of Lent. But to what end should I thus go on? I profess I can hardly name one Doctrine of Jesus Christ, but the Popes of Rome have thwarted it, either directly or indirectly, and quite subverted it. The Pope may see himself in those old Heretics, the Antitactae, as in a glass, who held it religion to contradict the Laws of their Maker, and instead of God's Laws, brought in their own inventions and fooleries. Take it thus. He on whom such a mystery of iniquity is found as to pretend to be wholly for Christ, and yet in every thing crosses and opposes Christ, he is the man of sin, the true and great Antichrist; but upon the Pope is this mystery of iniquity found, to pretend to be wholly for Christ, and yet in every thing he crosseth and opposeth Christ; therefore the Pope is the man of sin, the true and great Antichrist. Fourthly, Saint John Rev. 13. having described the Roman State under six of its heads or Governments, ver. 11. he brings forth the last head viz. Antichrist (that beast) by himself: of him he saith [He had two horns like a Lamb, spoke like a Dragon, and exercised the power of the first beafis that was before him.] How this Description agrees to the Pope, you shall see. 1. He hath two horns like a Lamb; two horns in his Mitre, two Keys in his hand, a twofold Power, Sacred and Secular, Spiritual and Temporal, as being both King and Priest of the Church. Boniface the eighth in the year one thousand three hundred, who instituted the first jubilee, came out one day in his Pontifical habit; the next day in his Robes imperial having two swords carried before him, he caused the Herald to cry, Ecce duo glady, behold two Swords; he might as well have caused him to have cried, Ecce duo cornua Antichristi, behold the two horns of Antichrist. Secondly, as like a Lamb as he looks, yet he hath the Dragon's tongue in his mouth, he speaks like a Dragon i. e. like a raging Devil, swelling words of great terror, Rev. 13.5. There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. Herald speaks on this wise, whosoever will not worship the beast and his Image, and receive his mark in their hand or forehead, they shall not buy nor sell, they shall be killed; he will shut heaven against them, and pass sentence of Damnation upon them, they shall go to Hell. That furious Dragon, the Devil, speaks nothing but terror to Saints; hath the Pope a good word for any that do truly fear God? He calls them Heretics, he thunders out his Bulls and Excommunications against them; he speaks nothing but Inquisitions, Blood, Death, Hell unto them. Truly the Pope speaks as like the Dragon, as if he had been spate out of his mouth. John 12. ult. Our Saviour saith of himself, Whatsoever I speak, even as the Father said unto me so I speak: the Pope may take up the words thus, Whatsoever I speak, even as the Dragon said unto me so I speak. Thirdly, He exerciseth all the Power of the first beast that was before him. Look what Power was in the hands of any or all the Roman Governors, Kings, Consuls, Tribunes, Decemvirs, Dictator's, Emperors, the Pope hath got it all to himself, and hereupon is called the Image of the first Beast. He hath brought Kingdoms and People under him as the former did; Rules over them with as much Pride and Tyranny as the former did; hath suppressed the preaching of the Gospel as much as ever they did; is as great a hater, persecutor, shedder of the blood of Saints as ever any or all of them were; Lives in as great sensuality, pompous glory, as any did that were before him. So then, He who hath two horns like a Lamb speaks like the Dragon, and exerciseth the Power of the first beast, he is the great Antichrist: but the Pope hath two horns like a Lamb, speaks like the Dragon, and exerciseth the Power of the first beast; therefore the Pope is the great Antichrist. Fifthly, Antichrist shall comfirm his Doctrine, Laws, Kingdom, by Miracles, Rev. 13.13, 14. He doth great Wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men; And deceiveth all them that dwell upon the earth by means of the Miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, etc. This none in the World attempts to do beside the Pope. Heb. 2.3, 4. Christ did sufficiently confirm that Doctrine, Gospel, Kingdom he set up, by Signs, Wonders, and divers Miracles so that Austin long since said, If any man looked for Miracles, he himself was a Miracle. And therefore 'tis evident, the Pope hath another Doctrine, Gospel, Kingdom to establish and advance in the World; that to persuade men to receive and submit to, he must be put to the working of new Miracles; Miracles are so in esteem with them, that they are made a mark of the true Church; and ours is a false Church, because we can work no Miracles, whereas indeed our Saviour makes them a note of false Christ's, and false Prophets, Mark 13.22. False Christ's and false Prophets shall rise, and show signs and wonders to seduce, if it were possible, even the Elect; The Pope hath come as near seducing the Elect as any man did that ever lived. And Saint John here makes them a mark of Antichrist and his Church, so also doth Paul, 2 Thes. 2.8, 9 Then shall that wicked be revealed; even he whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all Power and signs, and lying wonders. In Gregory the great his time, when Antichrist was near to be revealed, Miracles of all sorts began to be multiplied; there were apparitions for confirmation of purgatory, praying to Saints, praying for the dead. I have read many stories of their Miracles, which here I will not trouble you with; they'll serve well for winter-tales; Only this one word, 'tis said of Pope Hildebrand (called Gregory the seventh) that he would as oft as he pleased, shake fire out of his Gown sleeus, to the great terror and astonishment of the People. Their own Historians tell us, that above twenty of their Popes have been abominable Nigromancers, who by their sorceries and devilish wonders have deceived the World, so gaining credit to their way. But it may be some will ask me, what shall we think of the many and great Miracles that are amongst them? I'll tell you, Those Miracles Papists say they now do, are done with the Antipodes, in the furthest parts of the world; for my part, I am resolved I will not go to disprove them; I believe the most of them are mere feigned lies: or else they are but mira, not miracula, as applying activa passivis may produce very wonderful effects: sometimes the senses of men are bemisted add deceived as Pharoahs' Magicians did their Spectators: Many times the fancy is deluded, they persuade some People they are possessed, and then persuade them they are dispossessed: but they do it by Holywater, Crosses, Exorcism, not by the Power of the word as Christ did; and Christ did cast out devils by daylight, before many witnesses, yea his very Enemies; but Priests cast them out closely in their chambers, in the night, and will have no spectators but such as are their sworn friends. Our Saviour did other Miracles, He gave legs to the lame, eyes to the blind, he raised the dead to life, but these can do nothing but only this about devils; therefore I am assured there is some gross delusion or other in it. But well, gloria Miraculorum is their badge; and 'tis most evident, if Saint John may be believed, 'tis a mark of Antichrist and his Church: Take it thus. He that since the Apostles and first primitive-Christian times will confirm his Doctrine, and set up his Kingdom by Miracles, is the great Antichrist: But the Pope (and none in the World else) since those times, confirms his Doctrines, and sets up his Kingdom by Miracles; therefore the Pope is the great Antichrist. Sitxhly, Antichrist shall challenge to himself a Power over all Nations and Churches upon the face of the Earth, in reference to Christ, as being his Vicegerent, Rev. 13.7. Power was given him over all Kindred's, Tongues, and Nations, ver. 16.17. He causeth all, both great and small, rich and poor, bond and free, to receive his mark, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, etc. This Power the Pope assumes to himself, and hath had it; for no man in the World lays claim to it but he; though the great Turk lays claim to all, yet not in reference to Christ, as his Deputy; but the Pope doth. It is Antichristian to challenge Power over the faith and conscience of one man or Church; 'tis more Antichristian to challenge Power over many Churches, as Bishops do; 'tis a further degree of Antichristianism to claim a Power over whole Provinces, as Arch-Bishops do; 'tis yet more, to Lord it over the faith of many Provinces and Kingdoms, as Patriarches do; but to challenge such Sovereignty over all the Churches in the world as the Pope doth thats the great Antichrist of Antichristianism. And (as one wittily saith) lest he should wrong himself by too modest a claim (for you must know he's a modest soul) he doth not only challenge a Power over all this world, but in Heaven & Hell also where ever Christ hath power, yea and even in Purgatory too, where Christ hath no Power. Mr. Fox in his book of Martyrs records Pope Leo the tenth his Bull against Luther, where he charges all Patriarches, Metropolitans, Primates, Arch-Bishops, Bishops, and all other Ecclesiastical Orders downwards, even to the begging Friars: and then all Kings, Electors of the Empire, Princes, Dukes, and so on, and at last all men throughout the universal World upon pain of the great excommunication, that they do not embrace Luther's Doctrine, adhere to, or favour his person. Judge you now, if this Language be not the very same with that of the great Antichrist, Rev. 13. And let me tell you, the Popes of Rome have exercised this supremacy for many hundred years. Before I close this in hand; let me in a word answer a quaere or two the Church of Rome are still putting to us: Where was your Doctrine, and where was your Church before Luther? Why, as for our Doctrine, my Answer's thus, It was where theirs never was, in the Scriptures. And as for our Church, where that was, my Answer runs thus. I. Our Protestant-Divines have abundantly cleared it to them, that in all Ages there were some (they have named the men, and the junctures of time in which they lived) that opposed Pope and Popery. Secondly, if we had none before Luther, how came they to have so much work for their Inquisitions before Luther, for their Armies against the Albigenses and Waldenses five hundred years ago? and how came Thomas Arundel Arch Bishop of Canterbury, and his fellow Bishops in the reign of Henry the fourth and Henry the fifth of England, to condemn and execute so many of the followers of Wickliff; and amongst the rest, that gallant and famous Saint, Sir john Oldcastle. 'Tis strange there were none of our Church before Luther, when there were (its well enough known) so many in every Kingdom apprehended and executed for opposing the Pope, for denying and rejecting popish Doctrine and worship. Surely all they may very well be reckoned of our Religion; for they would die beforethey would be of theirs. Thirdly If by this they mean, where was your Church visible, 'tis a Nonsense quaere; for Rev. 11.2. the holy City (meaning the visible Church of Christ) shall they tread under foot forty two Months i e. all the time of Antichrist; and Rev. 13. He had Power given him over all People. Nations, and Languages, and all the World wondered after the beast. 'twas an impossibility and inconsistent with Gods eternal counsel and decree, that we should have a visible Church during the [height] of Antichrists reign. It is enough for us that there have been two witnesses in every age Prophesying in sackcloth against him, some few haters & opposers of him, (very closely and secretly; you might hear of two or three Heretics in a Kingdom or in a County; but perhaps you should not know, many times, where to find one of them, the Beast had so got all the World under his paws) Take it in this Syllogism. He that usurps Authority over the faith and conscience of all the Kingdoms and Churches in the World, he is the great Antichrist; but this the Pope hath done, and doth do at this day (at least presumptively and intentionally; he'll tell you, 'tis his right,) therefore the Pope is the great Antichrist. Seventhly, The Holy Ghost hath (upon the matter) named him to us. Rev. 13. and last verse, Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six. As if the spirit of God had said, 'tis not over difficult to find out his name, seeing 'tis the number of a man, a number that a man may find out or reckon: Then he commends the finding of it out for a special piece of wisdom and understanding, that so every one might be encouraged to set himself to work, it being natural unto men to desire to be accounted wise. In the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Romagnosh Romanus, a Roman, the numeral letters make up six hundred sixty six. In the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 (the man that useth the Latin tongue so much.) the numeral letters make up six hundred sixty six. You know no expression pleaseth but this, ecclesia catholica [Romana,] and the Latin Tongue, Latin Bible, Latin Service, all must be in Latin; out of this number (says Saint John in effect) find out his name that is so much for the Latin. In the Latin tongue, this [Generalis dei Vicarus in terris] makes up six hundred sixty six. And to give him not only the name he desires, but the name he deserves, In our English [The Pope by superiority is the devil's Lieutenant] the numeral letters hereof make up six hundred sixty six. This number may be found in such names and terms as do rightly set him out in divers Langaages. But the Jesuits object, that this number may be found in many other names: We shall easily grant it may, without weakening what hath been delivered: for they can bring no other name to whom all the other properties of Antichrist do agree. The Holy Ghost doth not send us here barely to find out a name, but such a name out of them as will grasp in all the other descriptions of Antichrist, such a name as suits to all that is said of him in the Rev. or elsewhere; such a name as will hold forth [the man that succeeds the Emperors in the Government of the Roman State, or that is the seventh head of daniel's fourth beast; that sits in the temple of God, as the great Church man, Lording it over the Faith and Consciences of all men in the world; and (in ordine ad spiritualia) subjecteth all civil rule and Authority to himself; that highly pretends to be for Christ, and yet in every thing crosseth and contradicteth Christ; That looks like a Lamb, speaks like a Dragon, and exerciseth the Power of the first beast, viz. King, Consuls, etc.] When we put them to find a name out of this number, that points out a man to whom all these particulars do agree, they are at a stand, they cannot give us one, though their Kingdom, and their All lie upon it. Wherefore I conclude; That that name whereto all the descriptions of Antichrist do agree, is that Saint John bids us here seek after, and is the name of the great Antichrist; but the names before given (pointing out the Pope) are such, as in every one of them all the descriptions of Antichrist do meet and concentrate; therefore this is the name; and consequently the Pope is the [man of sin,] the [great Antichrist.] Thus you have a sevenfold-scripturall demonstration of the point. It's good to make sure-work, when we have to do with so unruly a beast. But why did not the Holy-Ghost speak expressly who it was? might not he as easily have said, the [Pope's of Rome] are [the man of sin,] the great Antichrist, as expressed it thus darkly, and left it so liable to doubt and controversy? I answer, 'tis not for us to teach God how he shall speak, but duty, when he hath spoken, to set ourselves, with reverence, to spell out his mind; I might put you off with this. But yet think, I may with safety venture to give you some reasons, why God carried it on thus, in the clouds and in the dark. I. 'Twas out of a tender respect he had to his People, the prevention of their utter ruin; for had he said, that the Bishops of Rome, and consequently Christians, should be Lords of Rome, yea make Kings and Emperors bow before them, nay be Masters of the World; this (inhuman conjecture) would have armed the Heathen Emperors (as one man) against the Christians; and Christians talked so much of a Kingdom, that they had some thoughts and jealousies in their heads and hearts of them already; therefore certainly if Saint John had spoke out, their jealousies had kindled into a flame against them, that they would have set themselves to have destroyed the name of [Christian] from of the Earth, which was this way prevented. Secondly God would show himself to be the God of secrets, and depths of wisdom above weak shallow man. This book of the [Revelation] hath brought many great and learned men to let fall their plumes, the high thoughts of their own wisdoms and sufficiencies, hath set them a studying, hath exercised their best Intellectuals, brought them upon their knees to God in prayer, that he would be pleased to give them a Revelation of the Revelation; the things he hath opened in this book, that he would open them more, and give them his own key; for none else can unlock the Cabinet. How hath it set men of admiring, that if there be such hardness, such depths in Gods [Revelations,] what unsearchable secrets and depths of Mysteries are there in the heart and bosom of God himself infinitely above the reach of the understanding of all Men and Angels? God loves to lay vain proud men low; he loves to bring them to the knowledge of themselves; and 'tis a great mercy to us that he doth so. Thirdly, God sent Antichrist as the greatest judgement on men that ever was in the World. Rev. 6.2. God there sends forth Christ in his Apostles, Evangelists, and others riding swiftly on the white horse of the Gospel, and you know how quickly they rid clean through the world, (Psal. 19.34. with Rom. 10.18.) but the world did generally despise the Gospel of Salvation offered to them. In the following verses of that chapter God sends out The red horse of War, The black horse of Famine, The pale horse of Pestilence: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed him, verse the twelfth, There comes a great Earthquake, which (upon the same account) shakes down all the heathen Gods and Monarchies, brings Constantine the great into the Throne, sets up Christianity in the World, and now (Regis ad Exemplum) every one turns Christian; but yet the mere formality of name and notion served their turn, the generality of men received the Christian faith, but not in the love of it; they held the truth of God in unrighteousness; and this (doubtless) angered God more than the Heathens open contempt of the Gospel; whereupon God set himself to bring forth some greater judgements on the Christian world than he had on the Heathenish, when first he had secured his own By sealing the servants of God in the forehead Chap. 7. In the eighth Chapter the Trumpets sound, whereby all Expositors agree, haereses & corruptelas verae Doctrinaepraesignificari; In the four first, chiefly, Heresies & Corruptions of sound Doctrine are presignified, (Temporal miseries not excluded) but 'tis something hard, I find, to assign the right heresy, and who was the broacher, to every Trumpet. Chap. 9.1, 2. That fifth Angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven, and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit; And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun, and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. Here Hell breaks loose upon them; and now, in the Popes of Rome, or the great Antichrist, was wrath come upon the Christian World to the uttermost; there were all Judgements in this one, 2 Thes. 2.8. to 13. Then shall that wicked be revealed, whose coming is after the manner of Satan, with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that Perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be sved; for this cause God shall send them strong delusions, that they should believe a lie, that they [all might be damned,] etc. Now if God had named the Person, and time of Antichrists coming, there are such fearful things spoken of him, that all the World would have set against him, and so God had crossed the decree of Divine Justice: but being expressed thus darkly, the Pope hath been able to corrupt and deceive all the Nations of the Earth, whereby the determined wrath is come upon the souls and bodies of Hypocritical and ungodly Christians. This kind of revealing of him was most suitable & serviceable to the great design God had upon the base, rotten Christian World. Fourthly, The revelation of him in this Book and elsewhere, is sufficiently clear to all the Elect who have set themselves to find out Antichrist. As it fared with the Jews concerning Christ, Rom. 11.7. so also with the Gentilish Churches concerning Antichrist; The election have obtained knowledge of him when the rest are blinded, by their own wilfulness, by their self interest; and God holds their eyes, (in a just judgement) that they shall not see and know him. Dan. 12.10. None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand; If the sense of the Context be rightly drawn down, it speaks to this present business concerning Antichrist, and bringing in the Kingdom of our Lord; the men of the world will be blinded to the last, but the spiritually wise do discern and judge of all things. Rev. 15. ult. The Temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his Power; and no man was able to enter into the Temple till the seven plagues of the seven Angels were fulfilled. This verse will bear a double Interpretation; one of them is this; the Temple or Church of Christ (gained out of the hands of Antichrist) hath the glorious presence and Power of God abiding in it; for the smoke that filled the Tabernacle and Temple upon their dedications, had that signification, whereto the Holy-Ghost here alludes: God hath been powerfully and gloriously present amongst his Saints since the Vials began to be poured out. The other, (which I aim at) is This, the Temple or Church of Christ to the eye of the Antichristian Party, (as a powerful and just judgement of God upon them) is full of the smoke of Apostasy, smoke of Errors, Heresies, the smoke of Schism, the smoke of Treason, the smoke of Rebellions: the Church of Rome and Popish Faction can see nothing of Righteousness, Equity, Honesty, in any or all those ways the Saints take against them; their Assemblies and Counsels, their Doctrines and doings are the darkness and grievance of smoke unto them, and will be so yet a while; for none of them (says the text) can come into the Temple; To be true members of the Church of Christ, to own the Assemblies of the Saints in their worship and ways, till the seven plagues of the seven Angels be fulfilled: I say till then (such a smoke is in their eyes) they will not be able to get any clear vision of things, though there be the light of noon day to guide us in our work and way. The whore hath laid Kings, mighty men, Merchants, and all them (both great and small) that dwell upon the Earth, (except two poor witnesses, dead-drunk with the wine of the spiritual fornication. Rev. 14. Those who are drunk with Heresies, Errors, their own Inventions, and Opinions, can have no right understanding or discerning spirit in them, neither of themselves nor of the great Antichrist, nor of the true Church, nor of God in Christ; God in his works or worship; they know no body, they know nothing, but what their drunken fancy and strong delusions suggest to them. Popery is a mystery, 2 Thes. 2. Rev. 17. and do you wonder if Papists and carnal impenitent People, do not, or cannot understand mysteries? See but one text more, Hos. 14.9. Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them; but the transgressors shall fall therein. This Scripture can hold truer in nothing then in this business between Christ and Antichrist; wicked men are blinded in it; they stumble at it and fall, but the Saints of God being wise and prudent, they discern, they know, & go on in the right ways of the Lord. I am persuaded there is no man in the World that hath the Spirit of Jesus Christ in him, that is a Saint indeed, but if he set himself to study this point, which Humility, Diligence, Faith, and Prayer, he shall be led into the very City of Rome, and there comparing predictions with the Pope's actions, (for Paul had no other way mightily to convince the Jews, that that same Jesus who was born of Mary, suffered so ignominously under Pontius Pilate, was the very Christ, but by laying his birth in the circumstances of it, his manner of Life, Doctrine, Miracles, Death, Resurrection, to the Prophecies that went before of him; and this did it) I say when he shall have taken a full view of things. there, comparing the Pope's carriage with what Daniel, Paul, and the Apostle John have spoken of him, and see how fully they join and close one with another, he shall be forced to sit down satisfied that the Popes of Rome are the great Antichrist; and the oftener he reads this Chapter of Paul to the Thessalonians, and Saint John's Revelation, he shall wonder at the clearness of this truth shining and breaking in upon him more and more, and marvel that any who ever read Saint Paul and Saint John, do not see it. Though God hath expressed things darkly in this point, yet clear enough to all the Elect; if the rest be deceived and perish, he matters it not; 'tis the Elect he intends, to Communicate secrets, Mysteries, and do good unto. But the Bishops of Rome that were once (by common confession) such good men, some of them even Martyrs for Christ; they were planted (as Jeremiahs' expression is) wholly a right seed; how were they turned into the degenerate plant of a strange Vine, into the Vine of the Earth? Rev. 14.18. How came they to so much vileness, as to make up the man of sin, the great Antichrist? For satisfaction to this; 1. Those of them that were truly good, righteous and holy persons, doubtless their seed abode in them; so they lived and so they died; their Righteousness, Holiness, Services, Sufferings went along with them. Secondly God hath not so annexed grace to any Function or Rank of man, not yet to any one place in the World, but in process of time that Function may fail, that place basely degenerate. Sure if God had Entailed grace and goodness on any succession of men, it was Aaron, and those that followed in the Priesthood; but how it was with them, may be known if you read 1 Sam 2.12. to the end of that Chapter. The Holy Ghost spoke nothing bad, but all good of the Angel and Church of Philadelphia; yet now 'tis the Synagogue and habitation of Turks and Devils. But a most ominous Prophetical Warning did Paul give the Church of Rome, Rom. 11.17. to 23. If some of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wild Olive-tree wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the Root and Fatness of the Olive-tree: Boast not against the Branches; if thou Boast, thou bearest not the Root, but the Root thee. Thou wilt say then, the Branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in: Well, because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith; be not highminded, but fear; for if God spared not the natural Branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God; on them that fell severity, but towards thee goodness, if thou continue in his goodness; otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. Are these Bugbears, windy Bladders? Can these words possibly import less than that God and Grace were not so made over to them, but time might produce a change both in Pastors and Church, from good to bad, from bad to worse; and that if they did not walk humbly, and watch to the keeping of the Faith, they should certainly be cut off. Thirdly, Together with Constantine's large Endowments and Immunities, there arose abundance of Idleness, Errors, Images, Superstitions, Pride, Affectation of outward greatness, especially in the Church of Rome; and thus she forsook her first Love; and the spirit daily quenching, yea dying, in them, they knew no way to keep up, but by supporting themselves with a carnal and outward strength. Socrates, in his seventh book and 11. Chapter, saith, Now began an ill name to stick on the Bishops of Rome, who beyond their priestly bounds, have stepped into principality. This was in the days of Theodosius the younger, scarce fourscore years since their low poor condition, which Constantine raised them from. The next remarkable thing we read of, was this; Philippicus & Leo, with some other Emperors after them (not without the advice of Pratriarks and a whole Eastern Council) threw Images out of Churches, as being decreed Idolatrous: Whereupon the Bishop of Rome seizes the City and Territories about into his own hands, makes himself Lord thereof, which till then was Governed by a Greek Magistrate, absolves all Italy of their Tribute and obedience due to the Emperor, upon this goodly occasion. Then to bear himself out in these pranks, he takes upon him by Pap●●● sentence to unthrone Chilpericus, gives the Kingdom to Pepin, and so made him his fast friend and Champion; for by him he presently got all Ravenna, and annexed it to the Sea of Rome as lawful prize to Saint Peter. I must not now stand to tell you, how, throughout the fifth and sixth hundred years after Christ, divers of the Bishops of Rome did openly contend for supremacy, but were suppressed in several Counsels, of Carthage, and Chalcedon. 'twas not long after when Phocas murdered his Master, the Emperor Mauritius, and then (says the Historian) Bonifacius obtinuit a Phoca, ut Rom. Ecclesia esset caput omnium Ecclesiarum. Pope Boniface obtained of Phocas, that the Church of Rome should be head of all Churches. From that time forward, that Antichristian Jurisdiction and Supremacy grew still more and more, till it became an overgrown Monster, even to give Laws to all the Kingdoms and Churches in the World. Fourthly, It is said Rev. 13.2. The Dragon gave him his Power, and Seat, and great Authority. The Pope hath the Keys of the bottomless pit (Rev 9) in his hands; the devil freely bestowed them on him, and made him the great steward of his house; his heart rests securely in him. Fithly, God made them Antichrist, in that sense which he's said to harden Pharoahs' heart: They not receiving the truth in the Love of it, but holding the truth of God in unrighteousness; for this cause God gave them up to what you have heard, to receive in and upon themselves that recompense of their Errors and sinfulness which was meet. Thus you have the cause of his Rise, and Growth. But haply, some man will say to me, Is not the Pope Saint Peter's successor? My Answer's this. That he is the great Antichrist, hath been (I think) sufficiently cleared; then whether he is Saint Peter's Successor, or no, I leave thee to judge. But for your clearer light in this point, what if Saint Peter were never Bishop of Rome? as for my part, I verily believe he was not. And because here is the very foundation of their Papacy, give me leave to speak to it: not doubting but I shall say enough to convince thee; there is no just Warrant to make it a point of thy Faith, that Peter was Bishop of Rome. Whatsoever Bellarmine saith concerning Peter Journals (for he speaks as punctually as if he had traveled with him from first to last) hath no solid ground to rest the sole of its foot upon at all. He says, in the fifth year of Christ's passion, Peter was made Bishop of Antioch, and continued in that Bishopric seven years: Then he went to Rome the second year of Claudius, ibique sedem fixit ann. 25. there he pitched, and Bishoped it, five and twenty years; Et ibidem vitam finivit, there he ended his days. But that ever Peter was seven years Resident at Antioch, (for that's required in a fixed Bishop) and twenty five at Rome, or most part of those years in those places, he brings not one text of Scripture to prove either; you have his bare word for it; but who'll take that for good proof in his own cause, I wonder. For the former of these, we read concerning the Church of Antioch, who gathered and constituted it. Act. 11.19.20, 21, 22. ver. 25.26. We find also who were the chif Prophets and Doctors of it, Act. 13.1. We do not find in all the Scripture that Peter was at Antioch, but in one place, Gal. 2. and that in transcursu, he took it only in his way. Is here sufficient ground to conclude him Bishop of Antioch for seven years together? I have stood the more upon this, to show you, that if upon such slender grounds they have concluded him Bishop of Antioch for such a space of time; certainly they will catch at small things to constitute him Bishop of Rome; whereby their own turn is so much served: Search all the New-Testament from one end of it to another, and where ever you find Rome named, if you find mention of Peter's being there twenty five years, or ten years, or one year, or one day, then let me pass for a liar. Yea says Bellarmine, 'tis evident he was at Rome, Ex eo quod fuit in babylon, in that he was at Babylon. 1 Pet. 5.13. [the Church which is at Babylon salutes you.] Roma autem in Apocalypsi passim vocatur Babylon, Rome in the Revelation is still called Babylon; his very words. 1. Let God have the glory of his own truth out of his Enemy's mouths. Rev. 17.4, 5. The woman was arrayed in Purple, and Scarlet colour, and decked with Gold, and Precious Stones, and Pearls, having a golden Cup in her hand etc. And upon her forehead was written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of Harlots and the abominations of the whole Earth. All this then by Bellarmine's own confession must be understood of Rome; and the great whore or Antichrist is not to sit at Jerusalem (as he says in another place; liars had need of good memories) but at Rome. The Holy Ghost tells us, He must reign in Babylon; Bellarmine interprets, and says, that is at Rome. Secondly, Though by [Babylon,] we must always understand Rome in the Revelation, doth in therefore follow that by [Babylon,] we must understand Rome in all other places of the New-Testament? because John in his mystical and typical visions by [Babylon] points out Rome: must therefore Peter needs in the bare salutation of an Epistle, by Babylon, mean Rome? is there either Example or reason of speaking mystically, and by a figure in a mere Salutation? (The Church that is at Babylan salutes you) conclude who will from this, that therefore Peter was at Rome; I am loath upon such easy terms to forfeit my Intellectuals, though a thousand Bellarmine's should say it. But briefly to give you my reasons (beside the Scriptures deep silence in this point) why it cannot be thought that ever Peter was Bishop of Rome. First, Peter (we all know) was an a Apostle, and consequently had an unlimited commission in respect of place, (according to that Mat. 28. Go teach all Nations) and to be a Bishop also fixed to one place, is not this (diminutio capitis) to fetch him a hole lower than Christ had set him? are not these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, utterly inconsistent? Did Christ make him an Apostle, and dare they degrade him, and make a fixed Bishop of him? It seems they dare dishonour Peter (after they have given him a Compliment or two) if they can thereby Honour themselves, and pull down an Apostle to set up a Pope. Secondly, That Paul was at * Ann. Christi 66. Ann. Neronis. 11. Rome, and that in the reign of Nero, when Peter was fixed Bishop there (as they say,) that's evident from Scripture: but in all Paul's occurrences and transactions, we can nowhere find either expressions or hints concerning [Peter] being there, much less Bishop there. Of those who first saluted and congratulated Paul's coming to Rome, see Act. 28.14.15. So from Puteoli we went towards Rome. And from thence when the Brethren heard of us they came to meet us as far as Appii forum: Here's all; surely had it been as the Church of Rome teaches, Paul would have used more civility towards the prince of the Apostles, and universal head of the Church, then to have jumbled him in undiscernably among the [Brethren] Then after three days Paul sends for the chief of the Jews ver. 17. to clear his innocency and honesty in coming thither; yet no mention of Peter, unless they can find him in that expression [Men and brethren.] It is said ver. 30. Paul dwelled two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him: but we read not that Peter ever gave him visit at his own house or elsewhere. During the time of Paul's abode at Rome (how long 'twas in all we are not certain,) he wrote divers Epistles, but in none of them doth he speak aught of Peter's being there, but seems rather to hint the contrary, 2 Tim. 4.16, 17. At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me; I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, that by me the preaching might be [fully] known, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of the mouth of the Lion. 'tis strange, did Courageous Peter desert him? but suppose him not to be at [that time] at Rome; had he with all his faithfulness and pains no better learned them Christ and Christian carriage, then to forsake one another in suffering times? nay to leave an Apostle in his trial to the merciless paws and teeth of a Lion: But 'tis more probable, Peter had never taken pains with them at all, from the following words, [that by me the preaching might be fully known,] there having been nothing of Christ and his ways known but what the brethren who were there occasionally, set on foot. Paul made the Gospel [fully] known to them; he revealed the whole Counsel of God to the Jews at Rome, and in the ears of all the Gentiles also. Had Peter been fixed Bishop there, surely Paul could not have carried this honour from him. Peter long before this would have, [fully] preached the Gospel of the Kingdom to all, both Jews and Gentiles; the work had not been to do when Paul came. Col. 4.7. to 13. He there reckons up a few names, whereof Peter is none; These (says he) are of the Circumcision, and these [only] are my fellow-workers unto the Kingdom of God, which have been a comfort to me. From Paul's first arrival there, to the time of writing this Epistle, Peter could not be at Rome; if he had, of a certainty he had made these lines false; for he could not but have been a chief fellow-worker with and comforter of Paul. Whence an argument may be drawn from the less to the greater (which is more than argumentum ab authoritate negative,) that if Paul mention inferior persons, those whose welfare and respects 'twas of less concernment to speak of at present; then much more would he have mentioned Peter the Prince of the Apostles, him to whose care and charge they were all chiefly committed (being made universal head of the Church) had he been there at any of those times that Paul writ either to, or from Rome; But he doth not once name him, neither in that Epistle he wrote to the Saints at Rome, nor yet in these he afterwards wrote from Rome to other Churches; therefore surely Peter was far from being fixed Bishop there. And let me tell you, this hath more Authority and prevalency to determine my faith in the Point, than all that Papias, a suppositious Clemens, and Higisippus, the first Authors of Peter's Episcopacy there, have; men ('tis well known) much given to unwritten traditions, deceiving and being deceived thereby (as the Apostle speaks,) which is manifest from that discord and contradiction in those authors who do assert this, not only to the Scriptures, but among themselves. Thirdly, For Peter to have been fixed Bishop of Rome, contradicts the voice or conclusion of Divine providence in the eminent success of his Ministry. Gal 27, 8. The Gospel of uncircumcision was committed to me (says Paul,) the Gospel of circumcision unto Peter: For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles. And when 'twas evident to them all, that God would work effectually & mightily with Peter's ministration for the good of the Circumcision or People of the Jews: is it likely that Peter would or durst so thwart the spirit and mind of God, as to fix his seat among the Gentile? were they not bound to lay forth themselves best for the advantage of the Gospel? yes doubtless; and therefore you may find them giving one another their hands and solemn Engagements that Paul and Barnabas should be preachers to the Gentiles: hereupon says Paul Act. 19.21. After I have been at Jerusalem, I must also see Rome: and God confirmed this conclusion of their, Act. 23.11. The Lord stood by him, and said, be of good cheer, Paul; for as thou hast testified of me in jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome: And at Rome you find him, Act. 28. I profess, had they taken the Rise of their succession from Paul, they had puzzled us more than now they have; for Paul was at Rome; and the Spirit speaks expressly, That he was not behind the very chief of the Apostles, spoke with more tongues than they all, the care of all the Churches lay upon him: I say, had they made themselves a Church, and claimed Supremacy from Paul, they had put us more to't: but God hath befooled them in their Counsels; they lay claim to all from Peter's fixed Episcopacy there, contrary to the mind and spirit of God in that eminent success Peter still had in laying forth Christ to the Jews; as also contrary to that solemn and well-grounded Covenant among themselves, that he together with James and John should be minister of the Jews. Oh says Bellarmine, 'tis meant principaliter Judeorum chiefly of the Jews. 'Tis very true, but I would it had been considered by him, that at this very time Peter, (supposing him twenty five years' Bishop of Rome) had already spent some years of his fixed Episcopacy, and presently after this Engagement was to return to his seat and office, and there spend out his days: how could such an Engagement stand with wisdom or honesty of Spirit? his in accepting, theirs in putting it upon him? Therefore what an errand dissembler and Covenant-breaker do they make their first Bishop and head of their Church? But for my part, I verily believe Peter did take the Engagement with much wisdom and honesty of Conscience; it so nearly concerned the greater Growth and Advantage of the Church, that he did lay forth his ministration (though now and then as occasions were started to the Gentiles) principally, and for most part, to the Jews. And indeed consider Fourthly, how Scripture looks with a full face towards this, to make it good. Gal. 1.18. Then after three years (meaning of Paul's conversion) I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. Paul found him there and left him there, and this was Anno Christi thirty seven. Eight years after this he was at jerusalem; for Herod had him in Prison. Act. 12. and this was the forty fifth year of Christ, and third year of Claudius. Six years from that he was at jerusalem; for Paul writes Gal. 2.11. then fourteen years after, (that is, from the third year of Paul's conversion mentioned Gal. 1.) I went up again to jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also. Where he found Peter, ver 7.8 9 and this was in the year of Christ fifty one; At which time, the learned say, that council spoken of Act. 15. was held viz. in the eighteenth year of Christ's passion: but if that famous council was after the time that Paul came up by Revelation Gal. 2.2. it still makes more against them; for Peter was at the council. Act. 15.7. From the council he did not return to Rome (for thence all the Jews were Banished by Claudius) but traveled up and down those Countries, teaching the scattered jews, to whom he had writ his former Epistle, and in this peregrination he came to Antioch, where Paul withstood him to his face. Gal. 2.11. In the sixty third year of Christ and eighth year of Nero, Paul wrote his Epistle to the Romans, where he salutes by name all his familiar friends and acquaintance, but not a word of Bishop Peter: was [he] not one of Paul's dear friends; or was he not there at that time? No say they, he was gone to visit and confirm the Churches; but are they sure Paul knew as much, that upon that ground he should forbear to mention him? but suppose he had known of his absence, it would have stood both with wisdom and piety to have saluted and sent commendations to him. For, First, It would have manifested to them all how worthy Peter was of Remembrance, and very dear to Paul, and provoked new flames of affection on in their hearts towards their absent Pastor, which Paul was used to do. 1 Thessa. 5.12.13. etc. Secondly, If this Salutation could not have been conveyed to him by letter from some of the Church: yet upon Peter's first return to Rome he had doubtless met with it, which could not but have been a great refreshing to his wearied spirit. Four years after this Epistle was written, Paul himself came Prisoner to Rome the sixty sixth years of Christ, and eleventh year of Nero; he lived two whole years in his own hired house (as I showed before,) and was there some time more in another way; that's implied; Now Bellarmine tells us, both Paul and Peter suffered under Nero, the last year of his reign; he reigned in all but thirteen years, eight months; when his thirteenth year and somewhat more was expired, 'tis evident Peter had not been at Rome. A strange fixed Bishop who is never mentioned in any of the letters either to or from Rome; none that ever were there could either see or find him there; no nor yet he himself left any [indubitable] testimony of [his) Episcopacy amongst them. Therefore I am satisfied that Peter made-good his promise and Engagement, laying forth his Apostleship principally and generally to the Jews, and at jerusalem; and so neither was nor could be a fixed Bishop of Rome at all, much less for twenty five years together. But In the next place, suppose (and I do but suppose) it that Peter had been at Rome yea had lived and died Bishop there, what ground or warrant can they show which necessarily infers, that he must have a Successor in that Prerogative and Dignity? There is no Law or Command in all the Book of God for it; and was there ever any Kingdom or Sovereignty Spiritual or Temporal, (and this of theirs is both) without Laws made touching the Succession thereof, and forms of Election? but here is no such thing. Besides, Peter wrote his second Epistle to the Universal Church [indefinitely, to them that had obtained like precious faith with him, and the rest of the Apostles, 2 Pet. 1.1.] I cannot but wonder why he did not then declare to all the Churches in the world, that the Bishops of Rome were to inherit Successively, his place and honour of Universal Supremacy; and willed them after his death, to receive and own the Bishop of Rome still under that Name and Notion; especially when he had so handsome an opportunity of bringing it in, 2 Pet. 1.14. [Knowing that shortly I must put off this my Tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed me.] Might he not have brought it in very patly here? But you see he did not; for doubtless there was never any such thing in his head or heart. Christ had showed nothing of that. But further; Suppose we grant a necessity of a Successor in that Dignity and Office; did it not of right fall to S. John, who was an Apostle, and lived many years after S. Peter's death? The Apostle whom Jesus so loved. Certainly if any one could have been found fit and worthy to have been left Universal head of the Church, 'twas he: but Peter did not at his death confer it upon him, willing the Church of Rome to signify so mcuh to him, and bring him to that See: for surely Peter was acquinted with no such office, much less necessity of such a Succession. Whereunto add but this one word. They themselves confess an Apostle to have been above any Bishop ('tis a truth more clear than could ever yet be denied;) now, how could Linus if he succeeded Peter in the place of universal Supremacyship, but be above the Apostle john? and yet with the same breath they say, an Apostle is above a Bishop. But you know it is a Mystery of Lying Iniquity, abovo admalum, from the root to the very fag end of it. But well: In the last place, the Pope will needs be Successor to an Apostle. I confess I think he is; but 'tis to judas; and my reasons are these following. 1. The Pope continued a great while in the Church undiscerned; a close Hypocrite, but a real hater of that he did profess to love, as judas did. 2. He's a Thief as judas was, and bears the bag too. I told you how he first came to possess himself of Rome, and all Italy; and presently after, of all Ravenna: just as a thief gets a purse on the high way. Do I need to tell you what vast Treasures of wealth their Sorceries, and Legerdemain of Pardons, Indulgencies, Purgatory, Canonization, and the like, have brought them in yearly? they make Merchandise of men's souls; Vendit Alexander claves, Altaria, Christum; and what is this but mear cheating and thievery? judas (you know) was such a thief and lover of the bag, that he grudged his Master the Ointment the good woman poured on him; the Pope, 'tis the grief and vexation of his heart, that a drop of mercy or comfort falls upon Christ in any of his Members. 3. He is as perfect at Hail Master, and kissing Christ, and then betraying him in his Truths, Worship, Saints, Discipline, Kingdom, to be spit on, reviled, crucified, as ever judas was. 4. Our Saviour calls judas the son of perdition, Joh. 17.12. which very expression the Holy Ghost here takes up, and calls him also the Son of perdition. It is said, judas went to his own place, Act. 1. The same is said of the Pope, Rev. 17.11. He goeth into perdition: And Rev. 19.20. The false Prophet was taken and cast alive into the Lake. The Pope in the pride and baseness of his heart, makes himself S. Peter's Successor; but God in Wisdom an Justice, declares him to be judas Successor; and this (indeed) is the true foundation upon which the present Rome, or stately Babel of Papacy is built. We. I shall now make some improvement of the point by Application; and first be informed, That as the jews have framed a Messias to themselves: so the Popish Clergy have framed an Antichrist that God never made mention of; for the Descriptions they give of him, when applied to the True One, are all of them most false and frivolous. 1. One of them is this, That the Great Antichrist must be a single individual person, as the Article o e denotes; therefore the Pope cannot be he; for there have been many Popes. Reader, it thou thinkest there is any thing in this, be pleased to take better information; The Article o e doth not enforce any such thing, Mark 2.27. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not [Man] for the Sabbath. Luke 4.4. It is written, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that [Man] doth not live by bread alone. 2 Tim. 3.17. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that the [Man] of God may be perfect. Will any one who is Master of Common Reason, say that the Aricle oh e in these places denotes an individual single Person? Therefore the prefixed Article cannot enforce it upon us, that Antichrist is one single man. 2. All the Rulers of the four great Monarchies are set out by Daniel, as if every Kingdom had had but one, Dan, 7.17. These great beasts which are four, are four Kings, whereas we know there were more in every one of them. The last Beast or Kingdom had seven heads or Rulers; seven Kings make up the first, and they are all called one head, and so one. The Emperors, S. john moulds them all into one, Five are fallen, and [One] is, speaking of government by Emperors. The seventh head of this fourth Beast, is the Great Antichrist; and why should he be thought a single person, rather than any of the other six? As each of the former must be taken Collectively, so doubtless must this be, unless better reasons be given against it then Bellarmine, or any other of his way have yet held forth. 3. Jesuits themselves call the whole bulk and succession of Popes, One visible head of Christ's Church; therefore give us leave to learn of them, and call the whole bulk and succession of them, that one Antichrist, or one head of the Antichristian Church, which was arising in S. Paul, and S. john's time, and is not yet fallen: and tell me what single person can be head of a body of such continuance. The second thing they fancy of Antichrist, is, That his Seat must be at jerusalem. 'tis needless to speak much to this; can any man read the 17. chap. of Rev. where the Angel tells john, That his Seat is the City built upon seven Mountains, and that hath seven distinct forms of Government; and the great City which in S. john's time Ruled over the Kings of the earth? Of courtesy tell me, can any man understand this of jerusalem? was jerusalem built upon seven Mountains? had ever jerusalem seven heads, or distinct forms of Government? did jerusalem in S. john's time reign over the Kings of the earth, or was it not rather itself in Vassalage. 2. Whereas it is said, 'Tis the City where our Lord was crucified, Revel. 11. this will not carry it in their sense. For first, Let them reconcile this to the former description, which I am confident they can never do. 2. Antichrists seat is called jerusalem, Spiritually or Mystically, as 'tis also called Sodom and Egypt; Erroneous, Profane, Murderous jerusalem, take it in that state or posture, and jerusalem was a Type or Shadow of Rome Antichristian. Antichrists seat is at jerusalem not Literally, but Mystically. 3. When Christ was crucified, jerusalem was one of the streets of Rome; for there you should hear the fear of Caesar swaying all, [If you let this man go, you are not Caesar's friend.] You should see a Roman Judge, Roman Soldiers, a Roman Death, and all Canaan within Rome's boundary; and so upon the matter, Christ was Crucified at Rome; therefore Anti-christs Seat must be also at Rome. The Third thing they weakly, or rather wilfully say of him, is this, That his whole reign is but for three of our years, and a half. 1. But doubtless this must be understood of Angels years, according as daniel's seventy weeks, and threescore and two weeks are meant of weeks of years; this is spiritual counting by Gods own direction, Numb. 14.34. Ezek. 4.6. I have appointed thee each day for a year. 2. Is there any likelihood in reason, that in the space of three of our years and a half, he should compass all that the Scripture speaks of him? First, he must seduce from Christ (by corrupting their judgements) all the world, except two witnesses, a small number of the Elect; and what time must this take up, set the shortest for it in reason that you can? Secondly, He must teach them his own Doctrine and Worship, and make them all drunk with the wine of his abominable fornications. Thirdly he must build a great and stately Temple to sit in, and there be worshipped as God (say they;) but suppose all the materials at hand, it would spend most, if not all that time before it could be finished; and his sitting times surely will be but short, considering what his work must be, if his whole should be but three years and a half. Fourthly, He must wage war, and fight great battles, bring down mighty Kings and Kingdoms, and make himself drunk with the blood of all the Saints. Fifthly, He must have a flourishing reign without any visible or considerable opposition. Rev. 11.2. The Court which is without the Temple, measure it not; for it is given to the Gentiles, and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty two months. Rev. 13.7. Power was given him over all Kindred's, Tongues, and Nations. ver. 3. All the World wondered after the Beast and ver 4. Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with the Beast? Tell me now, that likelihood in reason is there that all this should be effected in three years and a half? Thus you see they who wilfully left God, have left, yea lost both Religion and common reason, in that which most nearly concerned them to be quick-sighted in. But I wonder not, if they that are dead drunk, ravingly talk their own irrational Fancies. Other fond and groundless descriptions they give of that Antichrist they have framed to themselves; but these three being fallen, the rest cannot stand. 'Tis not worth while to trouble you or myself any further with them, as those who will search after them cannot but confess; and I judge it better to say enough, then all. Use. 2. Is the Pope Antichrist? You see then, First, what a sad case they are in, who of Protestants turn to be Papists; they submit themselves to the Beast, and stand engaged to fight against Christ, his Kingdom, and their own Salvation; and what the issue of that will be, you shall hear upon the next Subject, and they shall feel hereafter. Secondly, You may hence gather what it is to be an able, a learned Papist; this; a grown strong man armed, a Goliath, defieing God, the Israel of God, and the Gospel of God with all its grace and hopes. We use to say of Jesuits, quo meliores, eò deteriores, the better they are, the worse they are; it holds true of all Papists whatsoever. Thirdly, the Pope being Antichrist, you may easily know what all Popish Ordinances are, their Doctrines, Auricular confessions, Pennances, Holy water, Crucifixes, Beads, Extreme Unctions, Altars, Bloodless Sacrifices, Merits, Satisfactions, Images, the Worship of Saints and Angels with Invocation of them; Indulgences, Pilgrimages, Burying in a Franciscans-hood, Purgatory, Canonization; all this will all other appurtenances of their Religion, are all Antichristianism; the Holy-Ghosts expression of them, is, They are the blood of a dead man. Rev. 16.3. No better than the polluting, Choking, Killing blood of a dead man: therefore take heed and beware of their Religion; hate it with a right perfect hatred, even all those forms of worship, Formalities, Ceremonies, any thing, every thing that is a kin to it, as you would hate, when you are athirst, drinking blood. Fourthly, You may hence also learn what healing balm for a wounded Conscience, what true comfort for him that is weary, and burdened heavily with his sin, the Church of Rome and their Religion can afford; Alas what balm, what heart-consolations can Antichrist, Antichristianism hold forth? They themselves are so far convinced of this, that they have made it a Doctrine and point of Faith, that to talk of assurance of Salvation is presumption; only Apostles and extraordinary Christians have attained to assurance; but 'tis presumption and boldness for the People to think of it; to believe as the Church believes is enough. Cold comfort, this, the Lord knows, for an enlightened and wounded Conscience at the hour of Death, to have nothing to take off the guilt of sin, to break the power of lust, to appease an angry God, and deliver the poor soul out of the jaws of Death and Hell, but a few Beads and Crucifixes, and Relics, and the menstruous rags of creature-righteousness, and performances, a few empty wishes, and hopes, and believing as the Church believes; how may all such cry out, as one of them did, O animule, quo vadis? Poor despicable miserable Soul, whither goest thou? Cornel. E. Lapid. in his Comment on the eleventh of Numbers tells this story of Pius Quintus who Excommunicated Queen Elizabeth, Cuus essem religiosus, sperabam bene de salute animae meae; Cardinalis factus, extimui; Pontifex creatus, penè despero. When I was in Religious Orders, I hoped well of the Salvation of my soul; being made a Cardinal, I was sore afraid of it; but since I was created Pope, I e'en despair. Rev. 9.5. And to the Locusts was given that they should not kill men, but that they should torment them five months; and their torment was as the torment of a Scorpion when it strikes a man. Natural Locusts come in April, and continue till September, five months; whereto the Spirit of God here alludes, and says, those mystical Locusts that came out of the smoke, the bottomless pit, should torment men five months, that is, throughout their whole duration: and their torment is as the torment of a Scorpion when he striketh a man; Now the sting of a Scorpoin, is not at first perceived: but when it is, it works after such a linger manner that it affords some hopes of life, yet doth certainly bring death in the end. When the poor soul is enlightened, and conscience stirred with appredension of Divine displeasure, Popish Ordinances and Administrations prove no better than the stings of Scorpions to them; afflicted and vexed they are with them; yet some faint hopes they have from them; but at last finding themselves deluded, they vainly wish Death itself, as if that would help them, ver. 6. They shall desire to die, and Death shall fly from them, leaving them still to the mercy of Popish racks and torments. Know assuredly that Pope and Jesuits by any thing that is in their Religion, are not, nor can they be, but skinner's over (at the best,) slight healers of the wounds of Conscience; miserable Comforters, Physicians of no value: the Lord in mercy keep all his own out of their hands. Use. 3. The next Use is exhortatory, that every one of us would admire and bless the Lord and his goodness, that he hath brought us forth in such a juncture of time, and cast our lot in such a place, that we are not constrained to receive the mark of the Beast in our hands or in our foreheads. I desire to bless God every day, that God did not bring me forth in Spain or Italy, but that I am born an English man, and at such a time when Popery is not the Religion of the Nation, but the light of the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ shines amongst us, and into us. Troubles I confess we have seen and felt, but put them all together with their utmost aggravations, (so far as concerns the outward man,) and they are not worthy to be compared with the exceeding great happiness we enjoy in our deliverances from the Egyptian darkness and bondage of popery; especially if you take in the light and comforts of Christ's blood and Gospel-truths we walk in. What would have become of thee (poor soul) hadst thou lived in times wherein the Sea of Ordinances were no better than the blood of a dead man? The Lord grant every one of us to know our Gospel-happiness and privileges, to rejoice in the light and work the works of him that sent us (while we have the light) even comfort and Salvation to ourselves, glory to Christ, advancement to his Kingdom; and all this by receiving the truth in the love of it, and holding forth the word of life. Use. 4. Is the Pope Antichrist, and Popery Antichristianism? Why then, let it not trouble you, when ever, or where ever you see Christ and his Armies (in the greatness of their strength and fury) marching out against them. The Pope hath long time been Apollyon, a destroyer of others, even of the Church and People of God; but he himself shall be destroyed, Filius perditionis, the Son of perdition. 2 Thes. 2.3. That day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition. IN the former Treatise, I held forth the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 also, both the Rise and full Growth of Antichrist: It remains that I now show you his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the Ebbing or declination of that proud Tide; the many several paces and degrees whereof, from first to last, do make up his total ruin, and give him his name [Filius Perditionis] the Son of Perdition. Taking him in his largest capacity, the Point will be this; The Pope and his Kingdom are appointed of God to most remarkable destruction. First, God hath foretold and threatened it. Rev. 13.9.10. If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity, shall go into captivity: He that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword. Here is the Patience and Faith of the Saints. God hath proclaimed it to all who have spiritual ears to hear, that he hath captivity and a kill sword in store for those who have been such cruel enemies to his People. And he would have all his Saints act their faith in believing this threat, and their patience in waiting the full Execution of it. Secondly, Christ (into whose hands all power in heaven and Earth is committed) hath sworn it; I say, God hath not only threatened it, but Christ hath sworn it, Rev. 10.5, 6. The Angel which I saw stand upon the Sea, and upon the Earth, lifted up his hand to Heaven: And swore by him that liveth for ever, who created Heaven, the Earth, and Sea, with all things that are therein, that there should be time no longer. The Angel of the Covenant, set one foot upon the Sea, the other upon the Land (Sea and Land, you know, make up the terrestrial Globe) whereby is prefigured his throwing Antichrist out of all, and taking possession of all the World himself. He lifts up his hand, the ancient ceremony of an Oath. The thing he swears, is this, That there should be time no more; not simply, but for the Man of sin to reign, havocking and destroying his Church. Look upon the structure of the Church of Rome, the power and policy of its constitution and Government; and who could in reason conceive that Babylon should ever be destroyed? Says Christ, you have my word for it, you have my Oath for it, it shall shortly come to pass, that the time of their domination shall be no more. I will certainly ease you of her; God willing, more abundantly (as the Apostle speaks Heb. 6.) to show unto the Heirs of promise, the immutability of his Counsel, confirmed it by an Oath: that (by two immutable things (his Word and Oath) in which it was impossible for God to lie) we might have strong consolation in the assurance of Rome's headlong downfall. Thirdly, The Holy-Ghost brings it in as fully performed, as either said or sworn, in the Gross or Lump, and also in the Particulars of it. First in the Gross and Lump. Dan. 12.1. At that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy People, and [there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a Nation, even to that same time;] and at that time thy People shall be delivered. You have a Parallel to this, Rev. The seventh Angel poured out his vial into the air, and there came a great voice out of the Temple of Heaven, from the Throne, saying, 't is done. And there were Voices, and Thunders, and Lightnings, and there was a great Earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the Earth, so mighty an Earthquake, and so great. And the great City was divided into three parts, and the Cities of the Nations fell, and great Babylon came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the feirceness of his wrath. Such an Earthquake will God raise under them, such showers and storms shall God send down upon them (as 'tis in the last verse of that Chapter. There fell upon men a great hail out of Heaven, every stone about the weight of a Talon, that made them curse and blaspheme; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.) I say such terrible Earthquakes and plaguing Storms of troubles will befall them as never any Kingdom in the World felt or heard of. Rev. 14 19, 20. And the Angel thrust in his sickle into the Earth and gathered the Vine of the Earth, (the Church of Christ is a Vine of Heaven, its root is in Heaven, all its fruitfulness is from Heaven, and for Heaven; whatsoever constitutes or completes it, is from God out of Heaven, Ezek. 16.8. to 15. But the Church of Rome is the Vine of the Earth, its origination is of the Earth, Earthly Head, Earthly Members, Earthly Doctrines, Earthly Worship, Earthly Discipline; whatever is peculiarly theirs, is of the Earth Earthly.) The Angel thrust in his Sickle, and gathered the Vine of the Earth, and cast it into the great Winepress of the wrath of God; And the Winepress was trodden without the City, and blood came out of the Winepress, even unto the horses bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. This speech of the Holy Ghost is doubtless hyperbolical; the import of it is this [a slaughter that hath dimensions, height and depth, length & breadth in it.] Rev. 18.8. Her plagues shall come in one day, Death, Mourning, Famine, and she shall be utterly burnt with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. Take one text more for it, Rev. 10.3, 4. He cried with a loud voice as when a Lion roareth; and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write; and I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. I take it, this Scripture contains as much terror in it against the Antichristian State, as any in all the book of God. Most fearful and stupendious things are written against Antichrist; but as the Church of Rome would not content themselves with written Doctrines, but would have also their unwritten Doctrines and Traditions to fight against Christ and his Church withal, for more full execution sake: So God will not content himself with Judgements upon them that are written in this book (though they be exceeding many and great) but he hath Judgements also that are not written, for more remarkable execution and ruin of them; even seven Judgements, every one whereof is clothed with thunder, sealed up and kept close in God's armoury, to be certainly brought forth in that day, beside all men's thought and expectation. Go as far in Imagining the terribleness of their destruction as the line of your Fancy will be stetched to, and the event or issue will surely exceed whatever formidable things you have Framed to yourselves; the thunder of a sevenfold wrath and displeasure from God will come upon them over and above. Secondly, the Holy-Geost gives you his ruin in the particulars of it. Antichrist shall be so smitten, ut sentiat se mori, he shall feel himself die, for more full revenge sake. And here I must have recourse to the seven Vials, which are called (Rev 15.1.) the seven last plagues in which is filled up the wrath of God, that is upon the Romish Antichristian State. Concerning [Vials,] I know, that several learned men say of them, they are vessels wide beneath, but of narrow mouths; & so, though they contain much, yet what they contain falls out guttatim, drop by drop, & soaks deep. It is very sure, that where a Vial of God's wrath falls, it peirces deep, & wounds deadly: But I am more inclined to their judgement, who say they are drinking vessels: wide-mouthed Vessels. Phialae dicuntur, says Primasius, quia haec supplicia non occulta futura sunt, sed manifesta omnibus, & Phialae patent; they are open-mouthd, plain drinking pots; when you turn them up, what's in them comes forth violently and e'en all at once, manifest to every eye; hereupon the Angels command is, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, not distil out, or drop out, but [pour] out upon them. And indeed most evident it is, that wherever a vial hath fallen, there hath been much [remarkable] wrath upon that part of the Antichristian State. It fares with us in handling Divinity, as it doth with travellers in certain places of their way, where the follower must set his foot in the very place of his leader, lest otherwise he step in: he that comes after in handling somepeices of Divinity, must speak or write, (in some particulars thereof,) the very words of him that went before; else he's sure to fall into Error, if not Heresy. I cannot tell what material thing can be added to that holy and judicious Tract of Mr. Cottons upon the sixteenth Chapter of the Revelations. I find that whoever have touched upon the Vials since that piece appeared, have light their candles at his torch. Wherefore I shall give you but hints upon them, nor scarce stand to clear up the reason of interpretations; for if thou be'st a scholar into whose hands these papers of mine are fallen, I persuade myself thou hast read him, (for few Divines and men of learning have not:) but if it be otherwise with thee, I [purposely] say no more than will be enough to whet thee an Appetite to get him (the price being but small,) from whom upon this Subject of the Vials, thou mayst have Ample and full satisfaction, what wages God devised for Antichrist from all Eternity, and hath been for above this hundred years a working out against him, and is still vigorously going on with, not to cease but in his utter Ruin. The first Vial falls upon the Pope's mystical Earth or footstool, (Rev. 16. ver. 2.) the common sort both of Laics and Clergy. The Martyrs in the times of Henry the eighth, and Queen Marry, in England and elsewhere, did discover what a dangerous state (in reference to Eternity,) Common ordinary Catholics were in, that so living and so dying, 'twas not their Beads, nor Almesdeeds, their good Hospitality, nor their ignorant devotions, and believing as the Church believed, would save them; if they died in the faith and worship of the Church of Rome, they would prove no better then damned Reprobates. This was a grievous botch and soar upon most of the People, to be told, and (in effect) convinced, that they were in a state of deep damnation; hereupon they strove which should make most haste with Fire and Faggot to burn those who testified such dangerous things concerning them. But they made a further discovery of such as were in religious orders, their parish-Priests, that their lives were very base, giving us themselves to ease, Idleness, Pride, insatiable Avarice, and serving their own bellies, and so were fitter to have been swineherd's then Preachers, or to have followed the Plough then lived in holy Orders. The Martyrs of those times did not at all blush or fear to tell them all this to their faces; and they themselves being convinced that what was laid to their charge, was both very base, and yet very true; mend their lives and manners they would not; keep off this Vial the poor souls thus fiercely poured out upon them, they could not; whereupon they were filled with as much vexation and Torment, as if the noisome grievous sores of Egypt had been upon them from head to foot. This was a plaguing judgement upon Antichrist, thus to have the Element smitten that did so strongly support him. The Second Vial [Rev. 16.3.] is poured out upon the Antichristian Sea. In this, God came nearer to him then in the former; for the sea is above the land, as 'tis the proper place of the fire to be above the air; the place of the air to be above the water; so 'tis proper to the water to be above the earth; 'tis kept from overflowing all by the power of that word [hitherto shall thy proud waves go, and no further.] Upon the pouring out of the first vial, finding themselves in a decaying state, they lay their heads together how to plaster their soars, and heal themselves of the noisome botches and boils that had lately broken out upon them, and were so visible in every one's eye; for which end the Council of Trent was called, where all the streams of Popish doctrine, Popish worship and discpiline were brought together, the confluence whereof the Holy Ghost there calls [Sea.] Upon this there did appear in the Reformed Churches, men of most eminent Godliness and Learning, who did abundantly discover this Sea of theirs both by writing, and preaching, to be a sea of blood, the blood of a dead man, and no better. In the true Gospel Ordinances there is to be had the living, purging, saving blood of Jesus Christ; but Popish Trental Ordinances were not such blood; they were a sea of blood of a dead man; clotted congealed blood; polluting, choking, kill blood; this is the Best word God affords them; and no marvel, when the death of souls was all their operation and effect [Every living soul died in the sea] All those who contented themselves to abide and swim in that Popish Sea, that had no other life but what was begot and nourished in the Romish religion, died and perished eternally. This Vial turned their religion inside out, and showed it to all the World in its native colours and baseness; till this time, Every one took it, that it was the bad Lives of the Common sort of people, and worse Lives of the Parish-Priests that were in all the fault; their Religion in itself good enough; but now 'tis made apparent to all that will nor shirt their eyes, that even the Religion itself is naught, and base and Antichristian all over; And this was yet a hotter Vial of wrath and torment upon them. The Third Angel. (Rev. 16.4, 5, 6, 7.) poured his Vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; that is upon Seminary Priests and Jesuits who compass the earth to and fro, conveying the salt of Popish Trental doctrines and worship, to people, nations and languages; [and they became blood] the meaning is, they had blood given them to drink. Now to give a man blood to drink, is to kill him. They were executed (by virtue of Queen Elizabeth's Law, enacted with consent of Parliament, in the year 1581.) as Traitors, hanged, drawn and quartered. A Book entitled [Justitia Britanniae] was publised in several Languages, to clear the Christian equity and justice that was in such her proceedings with them. The United Provinces of the Low Countries, come from under the Altar of Persecution for Christ and Truth, (1.) being freed from the fearful Tyrannies of Pope and Spaniard, took at her in the year 1586. and made a Law to the same effect against them; That if any Priest or jesuit, whether Forreigner or Home-born, should come into any of the Provinces, it should be death to them being apprehended, and so they said [Amen] to the Law and Justice of Queen Elizabeth; Let it be even so, Lord God; true and righteous are thy judgements. For the Pope to have capital punishment executed upon his Emissaries, (the supporters and advancers of his Kingdom and Glory) could not but be a tormenting vial of wrath upon him; as clearly speaking what measure he himself might look for, if he should fall into their hands; even he that had drunk the blood of others so freely, to have his own heartblood given him to drink, with a [Satia te sanguine] take your fill of blood and murder. The fourth Vial is poured out upon the Sun, Rev. 16.8, 9 Papacy is resembled by an Antichristian world, where there is earth, sea, rivers, fountains, and a Sun shining gloriously. If we take this Mystical and most Illustrious light, according to their conceits and fancy, then 'tis the [Pope's Supremacy in Temporals;] Papists will tell you, The Pope is as far above the greatest Monarch in this world, as the Sun is above the Moon; and the several glories of the Kings of the earth, are but lights derived from him; Temporal glory being in the Pope, as light is in the Sun. But how is the glory of the Pope's Supremacy in Temporals everywhere darkened, and in many Kingdoms quite put out? You do not not now hear in any of the Popish Nations of his Excommunicating Kings, Deposing Kings, and giving away their Kingdoms; since Henry the 8. God hath exceedingly darkened, almost quite destroyed that Sun of the [Pope's Supreme power in Temporals,] which hath been a scorching Vial of wrath to him and his Clergy, and drawn from them sufficient blasphemies. But if you understand the Holy Ghost speaking of things, as indeed they be, then doubtless 'tis the house of Austria, or the Germane Emperor. It is well known that the Emperors (before the Pope set up his Kingdom of Temporal greatness) were the Sun and glory of the Political world, they being the sixth head of the fourth, or Roman Beast, were wounded deadly by the incursions of Goths and Vandals, Rev. 13.3. But the Pope growing up to his height, vouchsafed to be their Surgeon; his skill failed him not; for he quickly healed that deadly wound by setting up an Emperor in France, and after that, translating the Empire into Germany. Taking things as they really are, of a certainty this is the earthly Sun that shines most illustriously in the Pope's Antichristian world: It matters not whether the Pope will own the Emperor as above himself, or no; we know he set him up instead of the old Emperors, or sixth head, who were (by all men's confession) the Sun of the Political world, and the Bishops of Rome but Stars, Revel. 9 God and Scripture have still made the supreme Magistrate (in Temporals) the greatest lustre and splendour of any State; and therefore with very good reason may the Emperor be here pitched upon, who hath been the greatest Light and Glory of the Popish world for hundreds of years. The King of Sweden was the Angel out of the Temple, who poured this Vial upon the Popish Imperial State, as if scorching flames of fire had light upon them. And here give me leave to insert a discourse concerning Kings. I am not ignorant that he who follows truth too near the heels, may chance to have his brains dashed out; at least may derive a great deal of spite and odium upon himself, which a politic wise man would not do; but that of Solomon prevails with me, The uprightness of the upright shall deliver him. I find upon search, That when Christ is going in good earnest to set up his Kingdom, in the name and glory of it, there is a great hazard, I may say, downfall of Kings. I shall make this good to you from four scriptures. The first of them is Psal. 2. ver. 2. The Kings of the Earth set themselves, and the Rulers take council together against the Lord, and against his Christ. This Peter saith was fulfilled at Christ's apprehension, trial, and death, Act. 4.25, 26, 27. Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Chief Priests, and others, consulted, and set themselves against him, when he had but given out some hints of his Kingship. This was that which stirred them up so against him, [Tell us, art thou the King of the jews:] And when Pilate was minded to let him go, they cried out, [He that makes himself a King, speaks against Caesar:] whereupon Pilate went and passed Sentence upon him. When there was but some talk that Christ would set up a Kingdom, they presently band themselves against him, and he dies for't; and so they think they have broke the Cordes of his Government asunder, as 'tis vers. 3. In the 4. verse, God laughs at them, being wroth. verse 5. Speaks that which vexes them, [Yet (or notwithstanding all their combined powers, and policies against him) have I set him up King of Zion, verse 6.] And says God, I will declare the decree, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee, verse 7. This was fulfilled in his raising him up from death to life, Act. 13.33. God hath passed an Eternal Decree concerning his Son, That when they should kill and bury him, he would the third day bring him forth out of the womb of the grave, and own him for his Son, and set him at his own right hand, there to intercede, and his intercession should not be in vain: [Ask of me (says the Father to him,) and I will give the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession, ver. 8.] As if he had said, I will set thee in possession of thy inheritance, which shall have the uttermost parts of the earth for its boundary, (according to that Psal. 72.8. He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth.) For God to declare the Decree, is to act it; for Dei discere est facere. When the time is at hand, he must be thus set in actual possession of all the Dominion, and Greatness, and Glory that God hath promised him; if the Kings of the earth did set themselves, and the Rulers took council together against him, when he did but speak somewhat of his Kingly Office: how much more will they do it then, when they see his throne a building, and his Kingdom a going up to the no small prejudice of their Interest? Revel. 11.15, 17, 18. When he begins to put forth, and act his Great Power, and do something towards taking the Kingdoms of this world into his own hands and reign, then [the Nations are angry] at him, that is, they act against him in their anger, wherein Kings are chief, as you may see, Rev. 16.14, 16. But do they carry it? no; and [thy wrath is come, Rev. 11.18.] Christ in his wrath fights the battle with them in (Armageddon) that is, where he gives them a most remarkable overthrow and destruction, which this 2. Psal. expresses plainly, Thou shalt break them with a rod of Iron, and dash them in pieces like a Potter's vessel, v. 9 Be wise now therefore (O ye Kings) be instructed ye (Judges) of the earth, v. 10. as if he said, look (You) well to yourselves; be his servants (without Compliment) and rejoice with trembling when he comes about this work, v. II. Kiss the Son (with kisses of Reverence, kisses of Obedience) lest he be angry (and then a little thing will provoke him) and so ye perish in the midway (in the midway of your plots, enmities, oppositions of him;) for if his wrath be kindled but a little, blessed are all those (those Kings and Rulers especially) that have Wisdom and Faith to get interest in him, and be of his side; those that have not, the fire of his wrath will certainly consume them, ver. 12. The second Scripture is Isaiah 24. ver. 18.19, 20. Marlorat who professes to have taken the marrow and substance of his Comment out of Vatablus, Luther, Musculus, Calvin, Oecolampadius, Pagnin, etc. hath these very words upon the latter end of the eighteenth ver. pertinet autem proprie hic contextus ad Papistus nostros, Christ in this Prophecy, says he, chiefly intends the Popish State. Upon a following verse he hath these words, ‛ hoc vaticinium proprie ad Christi regnum pertinet, this other part of the Prophecy doth chiefly respect the kingdom of Christ; he means his glorious kingdom, expressed in the last words of the Chapter. The Popish and Gospel-opposing World is here set out by the [Earth] as it is also in divers places of the Revelations, Rev. 14.19. Chap. 16.1. Here is mention of [heavy transgression] according to Rev. 18.5. Her sins are reached up to heaven. The transgression is said to be [so heavy] upon it, that the foundations of the Earth shake, reel to and fro, yea are utterly broken down, fall, and rise no more; the same you may read Rev. 16 18, 19 and Rev. 18.21. And it shall come to pass in that day, (that is, in the day of the Earthquake) that the Lord shall punish the (Host of the high ones) that are on high; Who are they? I take the next words to be Exegetical; why the Kings of the Earth upon the Earth ver. 21. The most of the Kings and high Ones of the Earth will be Engaged against him, enough to make an Host, whom Christ will fall upon and punish (upon the Earth) with temporal judgement (according as you have heard) when he is about to Reign before his (Ancients gloriously) as 'tis ver: 23. If this Prophecy have been at all fulfilled, it will doubtless be much more fulfilled in that day; for Prophecies many times have a gradual fulfilling.— The third Scripture is Psalm 110. Sat on my right hand, till I make thy Enemies thy footstool, ver. 1. Concerning those Enemies, you may get some light out of Luke 19 ver. 14. the Citizens hated him and sent this message after him, We will not have this man to [Reign] over us, and ver. 27. Those mine [Enemies] which would not that I should [Reign] over them, etc. The Father speaks of those who were Enemies to Christ (as a King,) Enemies to his Reigning. When Christ had cast down heathenish Idols and Government, Rev. 12. in all reason he might have expected (in Constantine, and following Emperors, and ages) to have set up his Kingdom; but then upstarts the Pope, that Beast with his ten horns or Kings, who by their smiting and pushing, keep Christ out of all; Whereat (to speak after the manner of men) Christ seems to be discontented; but the Father appeases him with these words, Son, sit you down on my right hand, I will make all your Enemies your footstool. I will send the rod of thy strength (that is, the Gospel) out of Zion i. e. from among my Saints and Churches, into all Nations, and thou shalt rule in the midst of the Enemies i e. the power of thy Sceptre shall prevail amongst them: and it shall not be a forced subjection, Thy People shall be [willing] in the day of thy Power; (Rev. 11.47.) they shall then come in to thee wittingly. But shall they be Saints indeed? says Christ, my heart is set upon such; Yes, they shall come in to thee in the [beauty's of holiness.] But their number will be but small, as hitherto it hath been? Nay, from the womb of the morning thou hast the dew of thy youth; as if he had said, the number of them shall be as the drops of dew in the summer's morning, innumerable. But how shall all this be effected? Why, the Lord hath sworn and will not repent; thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec, ver. 4. the blood and intercession of thine everlasting Priesthood shall merit and effect it. But Father, where's my footstool? to this 'tis answered in the following verses, Thou shalt strike through Kings in the day of thy wrath. ver, 5. Thou shalt fill the places with dead bodies, that is, make great slaughters amongst thy Enemies; and shalt wound the [heads] of many Countries. ver. 6. and shalt drink of the brook in the way, (of the water next at hand, being in the heat of pursuit,) and so shalt lift up thy head: As if the Father had said unto him, thou shalt have a footstool made up of Kings, and the heads of many Countries, and thereby shalt lift up thy head i. e. to a great height of Rule and glory of dominion. I have thus brought down the sense of these several Scriptures, from verse to verse, the more clearly to convince that I have quoted them properly for my purpose.— The last proof of it shall be undeniably clear, Rev. 16 14 16 with Rev. The Kings of the earth and of the World are gathered to battle against him, in Armageddon; there cannot be a better gloss or comment on [Armageddon,] then that Rev. 19 Christ feasteth the fowls of the air with the flesh of (Kings,) Captains, mighty men takes the (Beast) and false Prophet, and throws them alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And doth not the storm beat violently at this day upon all the Kings of Christendom? You know how Christ hath lately trampled upon the Royal glory of this Nation. What by the Rules of common law and reason may be said for, or against the Instruments thereof, I shall not stand to dispute; I am no Statesman; but (as a Divine) I am sure I may say, that God hat sometimes given men Commissions that all the World knew not of, nor any in the World beside themselves could read or understand. Let me clear up this to you (else I do nothing, as to the present state of things amongst us) Act. 7.23. When Moses was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his Brethren; [It came into his heart,] that is, from God; God reachd him down a Commission into his heart, that no eye was aware of but his own. In obedience to this Commission he sets to act. ver. 24. Finding an Egyptian beating and Israelite, he smote the Egyptian and slew him; supposing, ver. 25. that his Brethren would have understood that God by his hand would have delivered Israel. [That God by his hand would have delivered them] not in the same way he did deliver them; that doubtless was the furthest thing in Moses thoughts; for you know when God called to him out of the burning bush, and told him he must go deliver his People Israel, what a quarter had God with him before he could bring him to't? God is put to work two Miracles to create belief in him; else it had been soon enough to have wrought them in Egypt before Pharaoh. God is put there to answer five Objections; and further is fain to drill him on with carnal Arguments; Aaron thy brother he's an eloquent man, can speak well, he'll meet thee at Horeb, and when he seeth thee he will be glad in his heart; that's one of them. Fear not, go into Egypt, for all that sought thy life are dead, there's the other. Yet still Moses hangs off, till (the text saith) the anger of the Lord was kindled against him: then he yields. Read the third and fourth Chapters of Exod. and you'll see all this. Therefore when Moses supposed his Brethren would have understood, that God, etc. He ne'er thought of the way in which he did deliver them. How then? Why, you know he was called the Son of Pharoahs' Daughter, he was heir apparent to the Crown and Kingdom of Egypt; and upon Pharoahs' decease he himself should have been Pharaoh (as is hinted) Heb. 11.24.25, 26. he was in some pause and dispute with himself, whether he should use means by Pharoahs' Daughter and others, to get his pardon, and so come at last to the honours, riches, and pleasures of Egypt, or he should fly, adhere to Christ and a good Conscience, and suffer in this World, as the rest of God's People did. It is implied that if he had gone about it, he might have effected the former; but being acted by a principle of Grace he chose rather to fly and suffer. Moses supposed, they seeing him thus venturously kill and Egyptian to revenge a poor Israelites quarrel, would have easily gathered and comforted themselves in this, that if ever he came to be King, he would soon deliver them from their slavery and oppressions. This is the true sense of the verse, and not that any spirit of Prophecy was then upon Moses. Well, in the following verses you'll find by the next days visit and occurrence, that it was known; then (the text says) Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh; well knowing that as to men, and Law, he was guilty of murder; for they could not see, nor understand the Commission by which he acted; men should not have condemned him, but been better informed by him; God owned and justified him in it, he killed a Tyrannical oppressor; he had his Commission for what he did, but 'twas an underhand Commission. But you'll say, this was an extraordinary case, and therefore not to be brought down to transactions of our times. Whoever thou art that repliest this, 'tis but thy, I, and my no; and my denying is as good as thy affirming, unless thy affirmation be backed with a stronger reason than my negation. I have cleared it, that when 'tis said, He supposed they would have understood, etc. this was no spirit of Prophecy upon him. Beside, had Moses cursed him in the name of the Lord, and he fallen down dead, or the ground had opened and swallowed him up alive; or had Moses called down fire from heaven and consumed him, or the like, then indeed it had been an extraordinary case, an act above nature, yea an act above the power of ordinary grace; but 'twas neither so nor so; therefore certainly the case was but ordinary, and was recorded, and transmitted to aftertimes for instruction. Will you please to consider the case of Phineas. He finds Zimri and Cozbi committing uncleanness, and with a javelin kills them both at once. Now what could, as to men and Law, be said for this man's act? surely nothing that I can bethink myself of, but much against him. He was Phineas the Son of Eleazar, the Priest; what had he to do with the civil sword of Justice? but suppose he had, was he to do Justice in a private way, when Justice might have been obtained easily in a public way? Had it not been Charity to have caused them to have been apprehended, their sin laid home to their consciences; peradventure they might have repent; though their bodies had fallen, yet their souls might have been saved. Had it not been both wisdom and Piety to have brought them to public Trial, and public condemnation, and thereupon all the People to have stoned them, that so others might have seen and feared and done no more so wickedly? But Phineas steps out of his place, makes himself Judge, Jury, Witness, Executioner, all; in a heat, stabs them both through the guts to Hell. How the Law and men of those times looked upon him in this act, I know not; but this I know, he had a Commission for what he did, that no man in the World knew of, or could read beside himself. Numb. 25.10. [And the Lord said unto Moses] for doutless Moses was at a stand, and knew not what to think or judge of this Act of his thus Circumstanced; but God instructed him concerning it, that Phineas in the sparklings of his zeal, had done well, and excellently well, and he would reward him and his for it, as you may see, ver. 11.12, 13. Behold I give unto him my Convenant of peace. He shall have it, and his seed after him, even the Covenant of an everlasting priesthood, because he was zealous for his God. If you shall say this was extraordinary, I deny it; what extraordinariness can there be for one man with a Javelin to kill two that lie along before him? Whether God gave these men that are now in place and power with us [this kind of Commission] for that eminent and exemplary piece of justice, as I will not affirm it, so I will not deny it; but this is granted of all, they were the Instruments in the hand of Divine providence [whose dispensations are always just and righteous.] But what might be the reason that Christ hath such an eminent and incensed quarrel at Kings? a Vial of wrath is reserved peculiarly for them. My answer in general is that which a wise man of this Land once said [Kings of all men have been most beholding to God, and God hath been (of all men) lest beholding to Kings.] Why do you think did God call the four great Kingdoms of the World, Dan. 7. four great beasts, but because the Kings and Rulers of each of them, were as so many wild, raging, untamed beasts, preying upon the poor People's estates and persons at their pleasure, setting up their own wills for a Law; and none of them so cruel this way as the Roman Monarchy. Dan. 7.7. Behold the fourth Beast was dreadful, and terrible, and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth, and it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with its feet, and it was divers from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. These ten horns are ten European Kings, and who ever reckons them up, I find, brings in the [Kings of Britain] for one of the horns of this terrible and fearful Monster. See yet more of these European Kings, Rev. 17.12, 13, 14. The ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings. These have one mind and shall give their power and strength to the Beast; These shall make War with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. To have gone on in ways of violence & oppression towards any sort of people, had been enough to have set Christ against them; but when these ten Kings of Europe successively have one mind for the Beast, give their power and strength to the Beast, to make war with the Saints and with the Lamb: do you marvel at that which follows? the Lamb falls particularly and after a special manner upon them, i. e. upon the European Kings, as being resolved to have this known in the World, that [he] is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. History tells us, that in the years four and five hundred after Christ, the Barbarous Nations of Goths and Vandals, broke the western Empire all to pieces, at which time the Saxons were settled in England, Franches in Gall, the west Goths in Spain, the East Goths and Longobards in Italy, the Almains in Germany; these growing into civil States, together with their manners change their religion, close with the Pope, settle their Governments so as was most suitable, yea serviceable to his Interest. And the Pope got in upon their Consciences, and brought them into Oaths and Obligations to defend the Rights and Privileges of holy Church, that is indeed of Rome Antichristian against the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. And now when the time of Christ's taking the Kingdoms of this World into his own hands draws dear, the most of these European Kings are yet professedly for the Pope, in opposition to Jesus Christ, to keep him out. Do you all know this? and do you ask a reason why Christ pours out wrath upon the Political fun of every Nation of Europe, why he makes the thrones of Kings to totter? But you'll say, the Kings of England cast off the Pope long since. I answer, Henry the eight (it cannot be denied) did cast off his Supremacy, but Jehu like (as Calvin hath observed of him) so far as served his own, turn, in Temporals only, but was still zealous upon the six Articles of the Church of Rome, that whoever denied any of those Articles of Popery, they were burnt for it. Then came that blessed child, and doubtless now glorified Saint of God, Edward the sixth, into the Throne, who repealed the six Articles, threw Images out of Churches, and furnished the Land with an English Service-boook or Liturgy: He had Wars with Scotland, Insurrections at home, a plain War in Norfolk, his time very short, his age very green; We cannot blame him for reforming no more, but must wonder at him, and bless God for his reforming so much. Queen Mary (you know) brought us again full sail into the Pope's arms or bosom; but let her Reign pass in a red Parenthesis. Next came Queen Elizabeth, and, to give her her just praise, made some increase or improvement of King Edward's Reformation; but yet for all that (if the real truth might be spoken out) Rome and England were still fast tied together by the tails of Episcopacy, Ceremonies, and form of worship, the waters whereof swollen high in King James time, and became a Land flood all over the three Nations after his decease, drowning some, carrying others full Tide back again to Rome. I'll tell you if you'll hear me with meekness and patience of spirit, what satisfies me; that he fell for the Popish Antichristian Interest, (which if well understood, People's spirits would more acquiesce in his fall, then now they do.) 1. There was this upon his account, the profanation of the Lords day by a Law; I mean, by that wretched book of ungodly Sports and Liberties. The day which our Lord Christ and the reformed Laws of the Land had set apart for all sorts of People to have studied the Scriptures, increased their Spiritual knowledge, and their faith, against all false Doctrine and Worship; and for the People to be authorized and instigated by the edict of a King to gaming, sporting, mixed danceing on that day; (as you know they were,) what could the Pope himself, had be been in England (considering the state of the Nation) have done more, or been more Popishly politic for the undermining, for the undoing of our religion, as the best and speediest means of ushering in his own? Had the Sabbath taken its name according to his desire in that edict, it might rather have been called Dies Daemoniacus, then Dominicus, the Devil's day then the Lords day. Secondly, Never was any man a more stiff upholder of Episcopacy than he was, which indeed is nothing else but the Pope's Supremacy (only under another name) multiplied, or broken into so many pieces, everyone whereof hath the form and nature of the whole. Was not every Bishop in his Diocese a little Pope lording over both the flock & his co-presbyters? This piece of Popery he held fast to his dying day. Thirdly, He suffered the Bishops so to manage and improve the relics of Rome in this Kingdom, the whole rabble of Ceremonies, (Calvin called them tolerabiles ineptiae, by give me leave (as woeful experience hath taught) to call them intolerabiles ineptiae, intolerale fooleries) I say to improve them so to the Popish interest, that many hundred precious witnesses of Jesus Christ were imprisoned, persecuted, forced into strange Countries, yea many of them to take up their dwellings in a Wilderness amongst wild beast, and more savage men; Nay some blood was shed in a public and juridicial way; by Gallio cared for none of these things, stood an idle unconcernd spectator, I fear I am too benignus interpres, more favourable to him, as to this particular, than he deserved; We use to say (you know) qui non vetat peccare etc. He that doth not forbid, yea suppress sin, when he's able, commands it. Fourthly, There was Mass, and Mass Priests, Idols and the worship of the Beast, I might say of devils (for so Saint john speaks Rev 9.20.) set up by conjugal promise and Covenant, and accordingly kept and observed; I mean, the French Court amongst us, from whence went no small animation and protection to Priests and Popery clean throughout the Kingdoms. Fifthly, I cannot but lay at his door, that new common prayer book that had first been at Rome (I have had it from some of deep inspection into State-affairs) and was there confirmed by the Pope's own hand, and then sent by that Arch-prelate into Scotland, about fourteen years ago. Their throats being too narrow to swallow it, they were presently proclaimed [Rebel's] in all the parish Churches and Chapels in England, proclaimed [Rebels.] Observe, the [King] was affronted and disobeyed in their rejection of it; Whereupon an Army was raised against them, thinking to have forced that English Mass upon them, but at Barwick God gave him the Check. Sixthly, His arming Papists by Proclamation to destroy his Parliament of England, and his making peace with the Irish rebels, and proclaiming them his good Catholic Subjects, (what other language could have come out of the Popes own mouth?) Thus he openly professedly joined interest with the Antichristian Party. You may be sure, Papists in both Kingdoms would never have run the hazard of their Lives and Estates with him in so desperate a war, but that they well saw and knew (if the day were his, whereof they made no question) how to make no small advantage to themselves against the true Protestant, yea and had promises and assurances thereof from him. Seventhly, That title of Defender of the faith (for which I know I shall be much wondered at) was found upon him, as likewise upon his Predecessors. First, He for his part, had been a sorry defender of godly zealous Protestants (the Lord knows) from first to last. Secondly, that it is a Mark set upon the Kings of England by the Pope's own hand, is better known than can be denied. King Henry the eighth wrote a book against Luther, (I have seen it,) he inflicted death upon divers that owned Gospel light and disclaimed Popery; whereupon the Pope sent him this Title (Defender of the faith) with a great sword, to slaughter (indeed) the true servants of Jesus Christ. Let any man judge whether this was not a mark of the Beast upon him, and 'twas ambitiously derived one from another. King Edward and and Queen Elizabeth should have cast off this as soon and as zealously any of the rest. I remember Luther says in one place, That if the Pope, as Pope, should command him to read the Scripture, or preach to the People, he would not (therefore) do it. Christ would not suffer the devils to call him the Son of God, (though indeed he were so,) yea he would not own his own name and Titles out of their mouth; he took it as no honour at all to him. Thus our Kings, when this Title came to them from the Pope, they should have thrown his title at his face again, and told him that God had given them the civil sword which they would not bear in vain, but zealously and constantly defend the true Gospel faith of Jesus Christ, without his command; and for his Title, they looked upon it as no honour at all to them, but a dangerous dishonour. Well, now that Christ is gone forth to make Inquisition, not only for Popery itself, but even for the least dregs of it in all places of the world, this mark of the Beast also was found upon him, yea and actions tending to the Pope's mind and sense upon it. Where Christ finds the least signs or marks of the Beast, such shall certainly feel his wrath; much more cause had Christ to pour out a Vial of wrath and justice on him, upon whom so much of Antichrist and his Interest was manifestly found; and if one Instrument will not do it, another shall. I am persuaded, had not our neighbour Nation owned & proclaimed him whom they did, the hand of providence had never raised this storm against them. I do not lay this down as a certain Conclusion (for, Judicia Dei non sunt temere discutienda, sed formidoloso silentio veneranda,) 'tis only my persuasion, which you may receive or reject, as God shall guide your hearts. Yet I am not more confident, that this book of the Bible came out of the mouth of God, then that the child is born who shall see a general tottering and shivering to pieces of Thrones and Sceptres; and that-upon this account; the quarrel that is already one foot between Christ and Antichrist. Begin at forty one, or thereabouts, and make up a Century, and observe it in your days, and then leave it to your children to be observed by them, if this now current Century, I say, be not more fatal to most or all that hold Sceptres in their hands, but especially to European Sceptres, than ever any was since this World began. The text is express Rev. 16.14 16.18. Chiefly in reference to Kings, who (being confederate in a crafty war, having fair pretensions but exceeding bad intentions) marched in the head of their Regiments against, (indeed) Christ and his Kingdom: but a Divine Anathema or curse falls upon [them;] there is an Earthquake raised, such as was not since men were upon the Earth, so mighty an Earthquake, and so great; to answer the greatness of the adversaries engaged against him; to shake to pieces those great and mighty ones of the Earth, which an ordinary Earthquake could not have effected. But how can this be? for 'tis said Rev. 17.16. The ten Horns which thou sawest upon the Beast, these shall hate the Whore, and shall make her desolate, and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. The Pope falls by them, and not they by adhering to the Pope. First, I answer, what I have said to this particular, you see, I have built upon plain Scriptures, and I think according to the sense and mind of the Holy Ghost in them. Secondly, by [Horn's] here, it is not needful to understand Kings in the strictness and formality of the Notion; and my reason is gathered from Rev: 17.9.10. The seven Heads are also seven Kings, five are fallen, and one is. Here, Consuls, Tribunes, Decemvirs, Dictator's are called by the Holy Ghost [Kings.] when as we know, strictly, they were not so, only they had Supreme power in their hands. Thirdly, What Protestant, whose eyes are open, doth not see that most or all the Kings of Europe in their present posture, are directly framed for the Pope's interest. Indeed his and their [now] interest, make up one Linsey Woolsey piece; they are so interwoven and mixed, that Christ must be fain to open the whole fabric of Kingly Government to the very foundations thereof, before the cursed roots and seeds of the mystery of iniquity will be got out. Will you tell me, that he who lately swayed the Sceptre here, and he that now endeavours to succeed, would ever have been persuaded, so to hate, as to make war against Pope and Papists, for the setting up in the World Gospel-Ordinances in their purity and power? and if it cannot be expected from the present Protestant Princes, can it in reason be hoped for, from the present Popish Princes? therefore they are in no small danger, most or all of them, to be shaken quite to pieces by the Earthquake. Fourthly, the strength of a beast, to do his greatest hurt, lies in his horns; they are the highest and most eminent parts of him; and so by [ten horns,] is meant only, [the supreme power of the ten Nations, by what names or Titles soever they are called.] Christ by the Earthquake will shake down those powers in whom are found a deal of carnal & Popish dregs, and set up those in their room that are men of other spirits, pares negotio, fit for such a business as Christ hath in hand. Doubtless, the ten horns, are the [ten Supreme Powers] of Europe, who shall do the deed, that is so much desired and prayed for of all the Saints. And now if any man herein differ from me, let him differ, I judge him not. God forbid that in ruining Antichrist, I myself should be so Antichristian, as to attempt to Lord it over the faith of any man; Why should I be offended, that thou canst not see that which I see; nor believe as I believe? (if God intends thee good, I doubt not, but he'll find a time to reveal even this unto thee, that one civil Government is no more of Divine right then another, and that thy Conscience ought not to engage or give itself up in perpetuum to any one of them, but thou art free from Oaths & Convenants when 'tis sufficiently clear God hath laid aside that civil power to whom thou didst so swear or Covenant.) Only I think it but reason to entreat this of thee, that fancy, Conscience void of argument, custom, novelty of the things delivered, private ends and aims, self interest, may not be laid in the balance against me; these are poor, beggarly, chaffin, irrational things; be careful to start from me upon some solidity of reason. I do profess in the sight of God, that as I have balked nothing for fear of any man's displeasure (for though I respect and honour many men: yet, so far as I know my own heart, I fear no man) so neither have I brought in or delivered any thing purposely to grieve or provoke any man's spirit. I hope, I have otherwise learned Christ; You have it in the singleness of my heart, so as God brought it to my hand. The fifth Angel poured out his Vial upon the seat of the beast, (Rev. 16.10, 11.) Here Expositors do generally pitch upon the City of Rome, to be [this seat] of the beast; But sure, 'tis not sense to speak of the destruction of Babylon, till Euphrates be dried up, which is under the sixrh Vial; and you must know that the Vials are placed in this Chapter according to the order of events or transactions; and therefore the Pope's material seat cannot be destroyed by this Vial. The Greek is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, he poured his vial upon the [Throne] of the Beast. By [Throne] in Scripture is often meant that Government with any person or state sitting upon that Throne, do set up and administer, as Ps. 89.29. So then, consider that form of Government the Pope sets up, and exercises in all his Churches throughout the World. A throne (you know) admits but of one; find a Government where one alone doth rule, and what can this be but Episcopacy? Episcopacy is a is a Government where one and no more hath the Throne or Seat; all the rest keep their distance and are under Command. There were holy and learned men, as Beza, Cartwright, Bains, Parker, who cast some drops of wrath upon this Seat; but 'twas not long, ere all Scotland got the Vial into their hands, and poured it out upon Episcopacy to some purpose. Then came the Parliament of England, and rooted up Episcocal Government by the very roots; and in both Nations it was done with a great deal of Judgement, Wisdom, Courage, Piety. [And his Kingdom was full of darkness.] So our translation; but the Greek imports but this, [his kingdom was darkened] what Scotland had done in a judicial way, and the Parliament of England had done in a judicial way, I say, when the news thereof came to the Pope's ears, to the ears his Cardinals, Jesuits, and all his religious orders, and Churches in Europe, can you imagine less but it was black and sad news to them, and news of a dangerous consequence, and a shrewd persage to all the lovers and upholders of that Government? what a deal of Popish lustre and glory was there in the three Nations by reason of Episcopacy, East, Host, Altar, Tapers, Copes, Surplesses, dressing up of Chapels with the Pictures of Christ, Virgin Mary, Apostles, Adorning Church-Widdows with the stories of the Bible in time to have become Laymens' books, Altar-adoration, Sacrament-adoration, Organs, Singing of service; that travellers, from beyond Seas, when they saw the posture of things, would say one to another, we are at home, were but the service in Latin as 'tis in English. And what great hopes had the Pope of the reconciliation of these Kingdoms to himself again? and all by means of that height of Episcopacy amongst us. But when a Vial full of wrath was poured out upon it (according as you have heard) how was the popish lustre and glory in England, Scotland, and Ireland, quite put out? and a very considerable degree of loss, sorrow, and darkness brought in upon the Pope's whole dominions, so as made them generally by't their tongues for madness, and blaspheme. The sixth Vial is poured out upon the great river Euphrates. Euphrates must be here taken mystically, for that which is the maintenance and defence of Rome Antichristian, as that river was anciently of old Babylon. There are five streams of baseness that run into one, and so make up this great Euphrates. Saint John mentions them Rev. 9.20, 21. Images, Murders, Sorceries, Fornications, Thefts; by these Rome hath increased her wealth, and by these Rome hath been upheld and secured. Now when the ten Christian Kings or Supreme Powers shall be so far converted to God, and have the eyes of their understanding so far enlightened, as to see all this their perverting of Religion, and these gross abuses, out the Christian world, their hearts will then rise against her, so as to dry up, and withdraw these streams of base revenues, by which they have been so enriched and defended. They'll pull down Images, whereby the simple people have been deluded; severely punish their Sorceries, whereby they have so awed and terrified the World; their fornications and whorish stews, whereby so many have been daily drowned in sensuality and undone eternally; they'll put an end to their Inquisitions, whereby so many precious Servants of God have been cruelly murdered; an end also to their spiritual Thefts, and Robberies, when they perceive the merits of the Alsufficient sacrifice of Jesus Christ is held forth to them freely for the remission of sins, according to that Isaiah 55.1.2. They'll refuse to trade with them any more for their rotten creature-righteousness; their Pardons and Indulgences shall bring in no more treasures into the Pope's Coffers; they'll part with no more moneys to have the souls of their departed friends prayed and sung out of Purgatory, and will cast all their Trumperies out of their dominions. And thus shall the great river Euphrates be dried up; [That be way may be prepared for the Kings of the East,] that is, that the ten Kings or Supreme powers, now finding (in the eye of reasons) the ruin of Rome feasable, may encourage one another to the work, and dispatch it: they are called Kings of the East, in allusion to Cyrus, who came East from Babylon, and took it. Or thus, [that way may be made for the Kings of the East] i. e. for the bringing home the People of the Jews, who are here called Kings. You may see another notable interpretation of this Vial in Mr. Reynolds Sermon preace before the House Aug. 28. 1644. page 41. The seventh and last Vial is poured out into the Air. The Air in which the Antichristian world lives, is the smoke of the bottomless Pit, Rev. 9 or the darkness of Ignorance; for out of this came their Locusts, all their hellish Doctrines and Worship. Upon the pouring out of this Vial, the Glory of the Son of Righteousness, and of Gospel Ordinances doth so break forth, as quite prevails against that Infernal Darkness, and Spiritual Ignorance which bred Papacy, and in which Papacy had so long breathed and lived: and so the Antichristian Air being destroyed, they fall a gasping, and the pangs of Death come upon them: for immediately there comes a voice from Heaven, saying, ['tis done] there's an end of the Pope and his Kingdom, and all the Mystery of iniquity. Let me speak a little to the following verses. Verse 18. [There were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings] and (as it were) the sound of Trumpets upon men's Spirits, that make their hearts quake and tremble within them: and also a great earthquake; such a one as was not since men were upon the earth; so mighty and so great. These will be sad days with the Antichristian party; such thunderings, voices, lightnings from above; such an earthquake from beneath them; the face of things threatening as if Heaven and Earth would come together. Do you marvel if at their World's end, they be at their Wit's end? The effects of these lightnings, thunders, earthquake, follow verse 19 First, [The great City was divided into three parts.] But by this Great City, I understand Rome itself, which was shaken into three factions, and so became weak, that it could not defend itself against the Besiegers. There have been three factions amongst us, (I call them Factions, only because each have so esteemed of other) peradventure it will run upon a threefold Party of Faction to the end of the War. [Then the Citits of the Nations fell] i. e. fell off from her, and left her dosolate of all former help and comfort; and so [Babylon the great came into remembrance before God, [to give unto her the cup of the wine of the feirceness of his wrath.] See how this is expressed Rev. 18.8. Her plagues come in one day, Death, and Mourning, and Famine, and she shall be utterly burnt with fire. The latter end of that nineteenth verse doubtless looks as far as the great battle of God Almighty, the issue whereof is set down, Rev. 19, 20. the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet, and were both cast alive into the Lake of fire burning with brimstone. Yet all this contents not Christ; he still goes on to pursue his Victory, Rev. 16.20. [Every Island fled away, and the mountains were not found.] Nothing so remote as the Islands, nothing so strong as the Mountains; but the Antichristian Islands fled and perished before the stroke of Christ; the Mountains were beaten to dust: Christ will not leave Papacy so much as a Mountain to fly to, or an Island to hide itself in; he'll leave no piece of the frame of Antichristianisme standing in any part of the World. And yet still he goes on, ver. 21. [There fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a Talon, and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.] Here is an Allusion to Ezek. 13.11. to 16. I conceive the genuine sense of the verse to be this. Those ten Kings or Supreme powers who follow Jesus Christ in this Expedition, have Commissions, or Commands from the God of Heaven, (though Rome be burnt, yea and the great battle of God Almighty fought and finished) to go on with their braining, destroying judgements, upon all those everywhere, woe are found to have had any interest in the Pope's cause or Kingdom, in worshipping the Beast, or any way been engaged for his preservation and defence. They shall be pursued and destroyed with such plagues and judgements as that it shall be evident, they are from God, and that heaven itself fights against them, to root out that accursed race to the last man from off the Earth. I suppose by this time you are all willing and ready to set your seals to this truth, that, [The Pope (who is the great Antichrist) and his Kingdom shall be destroyed with most remarkable destruction.] But now I know, the first Quaere you'll make within yourselves upon what hath been delivered, and desire some satisfaction in, will be that of the Disciples Mat. 24.3. tell us when shall these things be; and what shall be the sign of their coming? I confess these are marvellous hard Questions; but I shall freely tell you my thoughts upon them. I find the time of Antichrists reign set down Rev. 11.2. The Holy city shall he tread under foot forty two months, & also Rev. 13.5. and it was given him to continue forty and two months, (by the way, let me tell you, his reign is reckoned by the moon, which rules the night, to hint thus much to us, that Antichrists works are night works, his whole reign is a reign of darkness) but, to the thing itself. Forty and two months, allowing thirty days to a month (for they are Lunar months, I told you) make up a thousand two hundred and thereescore days, the just time of the witnesses prophesying in sackcloth, Rev. 11. or three years and a half. First, I understand these numbers of a certain and determinate time, because every one of them is a broken number; round numbers as we call them, ten, a hundred, a thousand are put most times indeterminately, a certain for an uncertain number; but this is not a round, but a broken number. 2. These 42. months, or three years and a half, cannot be taken strictly for 42. of our months, or three of our years and a half; because (as I showed you before) 'tis an utter impossibility that the Rise and Growth, the Glory, and all the business of his Kingdom, should be compassed in so short a time. Therefore Thirdly, they must be taken according to that, Ezek. 4.6. I have appointed thee each day for a year. Every day in these 42 months being put for a year, the whole amounts to 1260 years, the just reign of Antichrist. But when the time of his reign did begin, confident I am, there is no man alive (without extraordinary Revelation) can speak certainly, and to a day: and hereupon it is that all divines are at a loss as to a punctual certainty for his fall and ruin. Concerning the time of the seetting forth of this Giant to run his course, there are two or three opinions, and I shall quickly tell them unto you. 1. Some begin it as high as Constantine when he left Rome, about the 19 year of his reign, and seated in the East. 2. Others place it as low as about the year 455. when Gensericus the Vandal took and burnt Rome, at which time the Empire was broken all to pieces, and utterly extinct. There are a third sort who pitch it about the year 410. or 412. when Alaricus the Goth came and conquered, and ransacked Rome. Now they who say his 1260 years began when Constantine left Rome, pitch his fall about Luther's time, something above 100 years ago. They who say it began at 455. make his fall and ruin 65. years yet to come. They who affirm it began 410. or 412. lay him on his Death bed about twenty years hence. It may be you will ask me my opinion amongst these. Truly in a business of this abstruseness, 'twould be wisdom to put you off with other men's judgements, and conceal my own; but I still find that the sigleness of my spirit gets the predominancy of my Politics. 1. I like their opinion well who reckoning from Constantine, pitch his fall in Luther's time; for indeed Luther laid the foundation of his manifest ruin. It is not unusual with Scripture to say, a work is done (if it be of God) when 'tis but begun, Revel. 16.17. for it shall be as certainly done, as if it were done already: God calls things that are not, as if they were. 2. I think their Conclusion may be right, who counting from 455. spin out his life to threescore years hence and upward; but sure 'tis to be understood of that great battle of God Almighty, mentioned Rev. 19.19, 20. I verily persuade myself, they who live threescore and ten, or fourscore years hence, shall neither see Pope, nor form of Popery established by a law, defended by a power in any Kingdom in the world. 3. They most take with me, who counting from 410. pitch his fall 20. years hence; for about the year 410. or 412. the ten Horns or Kingdoms (as Historians generally tell us) were fairly appearing; and surely the sixth head was going off at least, if not quite off, when some of the horns that grew on the seventh head, were so visible. The Pope must of necessity be before them; for he is the seventh head upon which those horns grew; it is said, Rev. 17.12. They receive power one hour, or (as the Original might be better rendered) the first hour [with the beast.] But some read it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, and not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, not [with] but somewhat [after] the beast. And indeed about this time the Popes showed themselves openly to all the world, and spoke out what they wounld have, that the censures of Bishops, and all other causes of moment, aught to be reserved to the Audience of the Bishop of Rome, calling themselves the Father of Fathers, and Firmament of Bishops. When the Council of Carthage, in the year 413. scent and acquainted Pope Innocent with their Acts, desiring him That he would add his Authority; his Answer was to this effect, That they had due regard of the Sea Apostolic, and of him who had the care and charge of all the Churches; the very language of the Beastly Antichrist, Rev. 13.7. So that at this time we may safely conclude him actually set down in his Chair of Pestilence; and thence may as safely conclude, that his Throne, to wit, the City of Rome, and the glorious visibility of his reign and Kingdom, will be laid in the dust twenty years hence. In a business of this Nature, you ought in reason make some grains of allowance to our guess: possibly it may fall out three or four years either under or over; and what will you say if it fall out that Rome will be begirt and burnt too, about 16. years hence? I'll tell you what my opinion is built upon; that of Revel. 13. verse the last, Let him that hath understanding, count the [number of the beast,] His number is six hundred threescore and six. Observe 'tis indefinitely called the number of the beast; the Holy Ghost may perhaps speak much in a little, two things at once: thus, that 666. is the number of the Beast, his name, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 etc. and the number also of his reign expired, that his Seat and Throne shall be pulled down and burnt, his formal visible reign shall be at an end about the year 666. But in this (I confess) I have no man to stand by me; 'tis only my opinion, which started up in me upon my poring upon that Text: yet I have this to countenance me; the Holy Ghost tells us, The Earthquake that must shake his Throne and Kingdom all to pieces (when once it begins, and for my part, I am satisfied 'tis begun) will be a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty and so great, Rev. 16. And this may be some Answer to those who think there's more work than can be done in so short a time: When God sets upon it, he will make quick work with him. The Earthquake being so mighty and so violent, may possibly reach the Walls of Rome by that time; after which Popery will have a being for some years. Rome is burnt in the 18. Chapter of the Revel. But the Beast and false Prophet, with their Armies, their destruction is described in the 19 Chapter, as being (I suppose) to be done some space of years after. I doubt not but there are divers of you who hear me this day, that shall outlive Rome's ruin; and that your children's children will most certainly outlive the great battle of God Almighty, wherein both Pope and Popery shall be utterly destroyed. But what shall the sign of these things be? Why, let me tell you, Scripture hath given a sign of his approaching ruin, and that's the kill of the witnesses: Concerning which, I shall briefly premise a few things, as, First, that they are not to be restrained to any sort of men; for 'tis said of them Rev. 11.4. These are the [two Olive-trees,] and the two [Candlesticks] standing before the God of the Earth. In calling them the Olive-trees, the Holy Ghost doubtless alludes to Zach. 4. Where Zerubbabel and Joshua, the Magistrate and the Priest, are in the vision, the two Olive-trees, in the interpretation, the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole Eaarth: the witnesses Comprehended all those Magistrates and Ministers that have in any juncture of time (out of a principle of Religion and Conscience for God) any way set themselves against the Pope. By [Candlesticks] we are taught from Christ's own mouth, to understand [Churches,] Rev. 1.20. The seven Candlesticks which thou sawest, are seven Churches. The rest of Saints and Churches added to Godly Magistrates and Ministers, make up the witnesses. And we must needs take them thus; for the Holy Ghost divides all throughout the reign of Antichrist into but two witnesses (or Prophets) and the Gentiles, Rev. 11. So that all beside those of Antichrists Party or Faction, are witnesses, or are of the witnesses. Secondly, They are said to be two; First, In relation to Moses and Aaron who brought Israel out of Egypt, to Zerubbabel and Joshua who brought the People of God from their Babylonish captivity: So these bring the Church of Christ out of the more than Egyptian Babylonian bondage of Popery. Secondly, They are said to be two in reference to the legality of their testimony, two being a sufficient number in Law to bear witness against him: and so God to be justified in their condemnation as being clear and righteous. Thirdly, For their paucity; those who witnessed against him were but a very few in every Nation in respect to those droves and innumerable Multitudes that followed him; all the World wondered after the Beast, though toward the end of their Prophecy they grow apace (Rev. 14.6, 7, 8.) I saw another Angel fly in the [midst] of heaven having the everlasting Gospel to preach to every Nation, Kindred, Tongue, People, saying fear God, give glory to him; for the hour of his judgement is come. And there followed another Angel saying Babylon is fallen, that is, hath begun to fall, since Luther and others have so publicly and openly preached the Gospel. Bellarmine confesses that since we have called the Pope Antichrist; his Kingdom hath wasted and been incomparably less than before; the witnesses have increased, the Gentiles have decreased; but throughout the most of his reign they were but two; very weak and inconsiderable was the number that set against him. Thirdly, Antichrist hath been killing witnesses all along, Rev. 11.2. The holy City shall they tread under foot [forty and two months] throughout his whole domination hath he been been stamping Saints to dust, in every age, in every Kingdom; but that slaughter of the witnesses the spirit of God so largely describes, and points the finger to, as the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, the indubitable sign or forerunner of his sudden downfall, I take to be done at one time, and in one place. It is notoriously known what our Prelates did in England, how for a long time they set themselves against the zealous Protestant; and by means of their Courts, Canons, Ceremonies, book of sports, new etc. Oath, they silenced, made to hide in Corners, drove into strange Countries, Wildernesses, thousands upon thousands. At last there rose up two or there somewhat more bold than their fellows, whom they took and made them high Examples off their Popish justice and cruelty, cut off their ears, and sent them to prisons, far distant one from another. How much they glorified and pleased themselves in this their Conquest, you all know: and doubtless this fact of Protestant Bishops (for so they were called) was an universal token to the Popish World that the day was theirs. If Protestant Bishops (say they) have done so valiantly for Rome's Interest, surely the day is ours, and perfect Victory is got. Now let me show you (but very briefly) how the Circumstances of that Providence stand in joint with the Text, both the thing itself, and the sequels of it. For the thing itself; First, The Beast set upon them when they had finished their testimony, ver. 7. The strictest sense may not be put upon this; for when they have quite finished their testimony, the beast will be absolutely ruined, he and they being contemporaries, Rev. 11.2.3. they both begin and end together; else Christ should have none to be for him during some part of Antichrists reign: therefore it must be understood, when they were [about] to finish their testimony, had brought it [almost to a period] because the [Beasts] reign and Kingdom was come [almost to a period.] This war is to be when Antichrist is near upon his fall; may it not then be looked for in our time, when he is grown so old and gray-headed, of his 1260. years having run up a 1240. or little less: Seeing that from Daniel, Paul and the Apostle john we understand the ruin of the man of sin to fall into the lap of the Century wherein we live; the more safely may any man conclude, that what hath fallen out in our times, may be the kill of the witnesses, and signal token of his ruin. It consists well enough with the Text for the time wherein the Witnesses are to be killed. Secondly, The text well looked into and considered, doth clearly give it to be not a bloody, but [mystical or civil slaughter] ver. 7. compared with verse 11. their resurrection is not a proper, but a civil or Mystical resurrection (as shall anon be made good) therefore it must needs follow (to those who love not to be contentious) that such also must be their death (there being still the same reason of Opposites,) turned out of their places, silenced, disabled from speaking, moving, or acting in a public way: but thus we know, the men spoken of, were killed and lay dead. Thirdly, They thus lay dead (the text saith) In the street of the great City, which is spiritually called Sodom, Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified, ver. 8. Rome is elegantly here described to be Sodom for uncleanness, Egypt for idolatry, Jerusalem for murder, Oh jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets, etc. It is called the [great City] as being made up of its ten Kingdoms; and in the [street] ('tis not streets) but in the street or in that Kingdom where they shall be killed, there they shall lie, that whole Kingdom or dominion being a street of the great City so made up, whereto agrees the slaughter of these men being killed in one place, which then was within Rome's boundary, and that in divers respects. Fourthly, In the street they lay [unburied,] they were not suffered to be put in graves, ver. 9 (this also must be expounded mystically) those that are put in graves, are out of every one's eye; these dead men their friends were not suffered to afford them graves, that is, to allow them any harbour or hiding place; all must shut them out of doors; but they lay there where their Enemies might feed and glut their eye upon their miseries. Fifthly, They were in this condition for the [space of three days and a half] ver. 9 Which (being a broken number) do certainly point out a determinate time; neither can they be taken strictly for three natural days and a half; for in that time the news of their kill could not be sent throughout the Antichristian World; and what space were that to congratulate, and solace themselves and one another in the slaughter of them? and besides how little is half a day perceived in such feasting and jocand solemnity? and therefore they must be understood prophetically, three days and a half for three years and a half: and 'tis well known that these men were under the bands of Confinement, or power of their civil death just so long, neither more nor less, three years and a half a die ad diem. Sixthly, It is said, They that dwell upon the Earth, shall rejoice over them, make merry and send gifts one to another, because these two Prophets tormented them that dwelled upon the Earth, ver, 10. All the witnesses did torment them, but these last especially: whom having conquered and killed, the Popish, Prelatical party please and content themselves in this Conquest exceedingly, as those of old upon their Pompous Solemnities and Feasting days did use to do; they made merry and sent gifts, to which the Holy-Ghost here alludes, and says, they rejoiced over them; observe, rejoiced [over] them; for they had these men still in their clutches. Seventhly, At the end of the forementioned time [the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stagger up again] ver. 11. God by unexpected means did lose the bands of their death; they are suspended no longer, silenced no longer, kept in Antichristian clutches no longer; and after three years and an half (through a principle of life from God bestowed upon them) they get upon their feet again; even those same men that were killed; had the space of their lying dead been an Age, or 2. or 3. Ages, I should have sought this Resurrection in their Successors, or men of such like Spirits risen up after them; but it being but three years and a half, I can easily believe that those same numerical men that were silenced, suspended, and so killed, might have their suspensions taken off, their mouths opened, and they set upon their feet to Prophesy again, and so 'twas a Mystical or Civil Resurrection. Eightly, They heard a voice from heaven, saying, come up hither. The Decree or Vote of Parliament calling them out of their low and dead condition, into Liberty, Freedom; to a competent Maintenance, and comfortable Estate, wherein they also protected them in the sight and spite of Antichrist, and all their enemies, so that they were as secure from those that had lately killed them, as if they had been taken up into heaven itself. Ninthly, They ascended up to heaven in a cloud, Heb. 12.1. There a multitude of Believers are called a cloud of witnesses: When these men returned from their imprisonment, 'twas wonderful to see what a cloud of witnesses they were accompanied withal, rejoicing greatly at this their unexpected and happy Freedom, every one helping, and lifting them up into their Heaven, what they could. Tenthly, [Their enemies beheld all this (but could not hinder it) and great fear fell upon them] As easily apprehending, that being tormented with them before, they should be now much more plagued by them, for the late injury done them (to say nothing of old quarrels;) and besides, a fresh and more full supply of the Spirit of God was come upon them; and now are days fear, swallows up and devours their whole three years' joy and more, so that there is no sign left of it amongst them. You perceive how this piece of Providence agrees with the Text in all the joints and creeks of it. The like you shall see in the sequels of this business: they are four, all set down ver. 13. The first of them, this, [The same hour the witnesses rose, there was a great earthquake] A violent shaking of Church and State, even of the whole Kingdom, in the breaking out of these late Wars between King and Parliament; there have been such Commotions amongst us, as may well be called a [great earthquake] and it began presently upon the quickening or return of these men. The second this, [The tenth part of the city fell.] Conceive (as I touched before) the great Mystical City made up of the ten Kingdoms, that gave their power to the Beast: and when one of these Kingdoms fell off utterly and irrecoverably from Rome, by means of the earthquake, than the tenth part of the city fell. If you would know which, peradventure the Greek may give some hint of it; the Holy Ghost seems to lay a great Emphasis upon the Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, [that] tenth part, where the last of the Witnesses were killed, in so different and signal a way: [that] tenth part, that is so easily discernible from all the rest, Et penitùs toto divisi ab orbe Britanni; in plain terms, England. You'll say, was England but shaken off from Rome by this late Earthquake? I answer, it was in part, but not wholly; in Doctrine, but not in Worship and Discipline: for (as I told you) Rome and we were fast tied together by the tails of Episcopacy, Ceremonies, and Forms of Worship, though their bodies were loose, and heads looked several ways: Yet truly, let me tell you this, that in our times the heads were turning and looking one upon another with marvellous benign aspects, and were working their bodies together again as fast as such great and unwieldy bodies could be moved: There were such Popish Doctrines, Popish Practices, and Popish ordering of Church-affairs (to say nothing of the State) in most points and places, that the Pope had good cause to assure himself of England's return into the Bosom of the Roman Church. But when the Parliament arose (for Parliaments themselves rose from the dead; you know how long we had been kept without them; and at last a Proclamation set forth, that men should not [think] of a Parliament) and quickened the dead Witnesses, Voted down Episcopal Government with all the Appurtenances of it, and (being forced to't) took up Arms, resolving to live and die in the defence of those Votes; then, and not till then (I dare boldly say it) did England, a tenth part of those Kingdoms that had given their power to the Beast, utterly, totally fall off from Rome; that in reason they can have no hope of ever fetching it back again, to serve the Popish Interest. The third is this, [In the earthquake were slain of men 7000.] This being a round and perfect number, you need not understand it of just so many and no more (for indeed 7000. is not a proportionable number for such an earthquake, but it may be a certain number for an uncertain [and in the earthquake were slain 7000.] i. e. thousands upon thousands. But searching the Original, I find That runs thus, [In the earthquake were slain, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, names of men] that is, men of name, men of renown: the like Hebraisme you have Gen. 6.4. So in this Fall of the tenth part of the City, were slain men of name, note, quality (besides the common sort of People) 7000. meaning of the Witnesses enemies; some lost their blood and lives, others their places, powers, livings, livelyhoods; and thus there were slain of noted Statesmen, and noted Churchmen 7000. which in reason may be conceived a competent number in this late earthquake. The fourth sequel is this, [And the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of Heaven.] Observe, 'tis not said the remnant repented, but were terrified; and indeed, nothing is more evident than that an awe and terror is fallen upon the spirits of those that remain; and (as Joshua exhorted Achan to confess and give glory to God) so, they are constrained; it bursts out of their mouths (fore against their wills) that since the restoring of those men every Providence of God hath fought against them. And though they speak evil of dignities and instruments (as Jannes and Jambres did against Moses) yet they will confess that this is digitus Dei, the just handiwork of God upon them: they have nothing to accuse God of, for such his Dispensations to them. Whatever they think or say, concerning men and present Powers, yet being terrified, they confess, and give glory to the God of Heaven. Tell me now in the singleness of your Spirits, have not Providences suited marvellous patly to the Text? Hath not something fallen out in our days, that may with more perspicuity of Reason be called the [signal] killing of the Witnesses, then hath in any Kingdom you can name, all Circumstances complying fully with the standard of the Word? Confident I am, that since the quickening and Resurrection of these men, there can no Kingdom in the World be named where the Beast hath prevailed against the Zealous Protestant party, so, as it may be said he is yet kill Witnesses; he hath enough to do to hold his own, and in many places is apparently on the losing, sinking hand. Wherefore if I may draw the conclusion, it shall be this, [That which we all so much fear, is passed,] and let Antichrist, and those of his Faction, take what follows. I remember what our Saviour said to his Disciples, Mat. 24.32, 33. When the Figtree putteth forth her leaves, you uknow that Summer is nigh: Likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door. So say I to you; When something hath passed before our eyes, which we cannot in reason but call the kill of the witnesses, and resurrection of the witnesses, from that time, from that sign, know that Antichrists utter ruin is near, even at the door. Use. The first use shall inform you of the ground and cause of God's thus severe proceeding with them. A Vial of wrath is poured upon every thing that belongs to Antichrist, and the latter still more hot and scalding then the former, till he's utterly burnt up and ruind by them: Why? it lies in this, [The justice of God.] God hath a nature that constrains him to give to every one according to their works; but such have been Antichrists works and carriage, that it is the equalest thing in the world that God should execute and pour out upon him, all those fearful things which Daniel, Paul, and the Apostle john have foretold, and threatened him withal. He who hath made himself [the Man of Sin,] God can do no less than make him [The Son of Perdition,] as 'tis in the Text, Rev. 18.2. An Angel cried with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; the reason is laid down in the 5. ver. Her sins have reached unto heaven. We commonly call it the See, but it may well be called the Sea of Rome, for the streams of all the wickedness of all the world have run thither, and have there been swallowed up. 1. The Apostle says of the Cretians, They are always liars, Tit. 1. but of these he saith, They speak lies in Hypocrisy, 1. Tim. 4.2. The very first rise of Popery was from a lie, Hypocritically, and against their Conscience: they challenged Appeals in difficult matters to themselves, and forged a Canon of the Council of Nice for it, which the sixth Council of Carthage did with much diligence search out, and found to be a very forgery, a very lie; but for all that, they had the face to go on, adding one lie to another, till they had made up their Religion, which indeed is nothing else but a great knot and bundle of lies. Their Doctrine of Merits, their Doctrines of Purgatory, Transubsantiation,, very lies, as our Reformed Divines have made appear sufficiently: show me one point that is truly and peculiarly theirs, and I will pawn my life upon't, I demonstrate it to be a lie: a taste whereof you had in the first Sermon, showing you his contradictions of Christ. 2. There is the greatest pride found in them that ever was found in men. Suppose thou hadst been at Rome this year, being the year of jubilee, (but you must know that he is not such a proud and pampered Beast now adays, as he was in foremen ages) hadst thou been at Rome this year of jubilee, but especially any of those jubiles that were some hundreds of years before Luther, and there seen the Pope arrayed as the Holy Ghost describes him, Rev. 17.4. In purple and scarlet colour, decked with gold, precious stones, and pearls, with a Triple Crown upon his head, set in a golden chair, carried on men's shoulders; his Princely Cardinals about him, his Breaden God, Crucifixes, Relics carried before him, opening the gates of Paradise (as they call them) with the touch of his golden hammer; great Ambassadors (sometimes Kings themselves) bowing before him, and worshipping of him, the common people begging pardon of sin, and eternal life of him, scarce suffered to kiss his feet; I say hadst thou been at Rome, and seen all this, couldst thou have thought or said less of him, then hic est ipse primogenitus diaboli, this is (doubtless) the first born Son of Lucifer, the eldest Son of the devil. Pope Innocent the 4. Ann. 1253. in the 37. year of Henry the 3. of England, being set in his Conclave, in the midst of his Cardinals, after much advisement upon a small occasion, broke out into this language, Anon Rex Anglorum noster est vassallus, & (ut plus dicam) mancipium, qui possumus eum nutu nostro incarcerare, & ignominiae mancipare. Is not the King of England our Vassal, nay to say more, our slave, whom we can imprison at pleasure, and condemn to everlasting ignominy? Pope Alexander the 3. set this foot upon the Neck of the Emperor Frederick the first, blasphemously using those words of the Psalmist, Super Aspidem & Basiliscum, Upon the Adder and the Basilisk shalt thou tread. The Pope hath made Kings to wait at his Gate, and hold him his stirrup. I could have furnished you with many stories of like nature, speaking aloud the pride of their Spirits: says Basil long since, Odi fastum istius Ecclesiae, I hate the pride of that Church of Rome. And lest you should think we speak out of Spleen and Envy against him; hear what the Holy Ghost saith, 2 Thes. 2.4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, for that he as God, sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 3. The greatest truly and blood guiltiness lies upon them, that ever was upon any: 'tis impossible for me to convince you of the ten thousand part of their murders. Historians do generally with one mouth tell us in that one Kingdom of France, 400. years ago, they slaughtered ten hundred thousand of those godly Waldenses, and Albigenses: The Duke D'Alva boasted, He had destroyed above 18000. Heretics in the Netherlands, in the space of six years. In the first 30 years after the Order of Jesuits was set up, 'tis found that above fourscore thousand were slain. The Spanish Inquisition in the space of 30 years, made away no less than one hundred and fifty thousand. In the year 1572. was the Massacre at Paris; in a few days space there were above 30000. treacherously and basely murdered. In our Queen Ave-maries days, in less than 4 years, were consumed with fire and faggot, 277 persons, every one whereof it might be strongly presumed were true Members of Jesus Christ, his Saints indeed. In the late rebellion in Ireland (to speak with the least) one hundred thousand were murdered before we could get so much as one Breast-work against them. And now by these hints I have given you, can you make any guess at the number of those that have been slain in all those ten Kingdoms, who submitted to him throughout the space of above 1000 years? Certainly they do exceed all humane Arithmetic, Rev. 17.12, 13, 14. The ten horns which thou sawest, are ten Kings, these shall give their power and strength to the Beast, these shall make war with the Lamb. The ten Kings of Europe with all their power and strengths, were nothing but the Pope's instruments of blood and cruelly. I may be bold to say it, the Pope's little finger hath been heavier upon the people of God, then were the Loins of the ten Heathenish Persecutions. To shed the innocent blood of any man, is a sin that cries to God, and will certainly prevail with him for vengeance; how much more than to shed the blood of an Innocent Saint? I am confident if one had shed the blood of a hundred thousand men, that were indeed Reprobates, and the blood of but one true Saint of God, he should find a harder task and pull of it to come off with Divine Justice for the blood of that one Saint, then for all the other hundred thousand: there's reason enough for it, they being but Chaff, Briars, and Thorns, Dung, Scorpions, and worse than naught; but 'tis said, the death of a Saint is precious with God. A Saint is a Member of Christ, helps to make up that body which is the fullness of him that fills all in all; is the pupilla oculi, the very apple of God's eye; yea so dear to God, that the very hairs of his head are numbered; and therefore no marvel if he have a harder pull of it. But the Popes of Rome have shed the blood of more than one Saint; indeed no other blood relishes with them. Rev. 18. and last verse, In her was found the blood of Prophets and of Saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. A vein of cruelty & bloodshed went down from cain's days, even to the Pope's times, who was so far from putting a stop to it, that he eagerly closed with it, made it wider and deeper than before; and his actions have justified all the murders of the Saints that ever were yet committed in the world. There hath not been a war in Christendom for this thousand years and upwards, but a Priest, or some eminently of the Popish Faction, hath been the incendiary; and they have so taken up their cups, that they have made themselves dead drunk. Rev. 17.6. I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of the Martyrs of jesus; and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration: as at their sin, what that was, so at their punishment, how great in justice and equity it must needs be when it should come upon them. To be drunk is a great sin; to be drunk with blood is monstrous; but to be drunk with the blood of the Saints, and Martyrs of Jesus, is strangely hellish. I could tell you how at Burges they buried one Marion alive; how in Queen mary's days a woman being delivered at the stake, and the Infant by its sprawling like to get out of the fire, they threw it with their forks into the fire again; they digged up Wickliffs' bones and burned them forty years after his death; Peter Martyrs wife at Oxford, Mr. Bucer and Paulus Phagius at Cambridge were served no better. We use to say, Vrsinon saeviunt in Cadavera, savage Bears will not rage against dead Carcases. Now Lord, if these be Saints, who are Scythians; if these be Catholics, who are Cannibals? Fourthly, The Bishops of Rome are the star that's said to fall Rev. 9 from Heaven to Earth. Their falling away from Christ and the Faith is called the great Apostasy of the latter times 1 Tim. 4. as Learned Mr. Mede hath judiciously observed. Fifthly, It is said Rev. 13.5, 6. That he had a month speaking great things and blasphemies, and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and Tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven. They take those Titles to themselves that are peculiar unto God, and so blaspheme his name; They call the true Doctrines and worship of Jesus Christ, Heresy and Schism, and so blaspheme his Tabernacle. Those that God hath damned they canonize, and affirm them to be in heaven; and those that God hath glorified in heaven, them they affirm to be damned souls in Hell, and so they blaspheme Heaven and the inhabitants thereof. One of them would eat his Pork in spite of God; another of them, if God were so angry with Adam for eating an apple, might not he much more for his Peacock? & says a third quantas nobis divitias comparavit ista fabula Christi, what a deal of wealth hath that Fable of Christ (speaking of the Gospel) broguht us in? A Bishop here in England, when one he knew well, was brought before him for meddling heretically with Scriptures, what a devil (said he) made thee meddle with Scriptures? Sixthly, We read of their Fornication Rev. 9 and last v. 'tis true enough, there was once of shee-Pope, Ego non dubito (says Functius the Chronologer) quin divinito ita sit permissum, ut faemina fieret Pontifex, & eadem Meretrix; I make no question of it, but that God in his wisdom permitted a notorious strumpet to be advanced to the Popedom, that he might, in her, show to all the World, what the Popes of Rome were, even that great whore with whom the Kings of the Earth committed Fornication; I say 'tis true enough, there was once a shee-Pope, who cried out (I mean, fell into the pangs of travel) as she was going on procession, (which afterward occasioned their Porphery Chair,) and so God openly declared her to be not only mystically, but even literally the whore of Babylon, Rome calls herself, the Mother of all Churches, but the Holy Ghost much truer calls her the mother of Harlot's Rev. 17. Common notorious stews are upheld in the Holy City if self. Seventhly, Their covetousness is so base, that they make merchandise even of men's [souls] as you may see, Rev. It is storied of Pope John the twenty two, that when he died, there was found in his treasure two hundred and fifty tuns of gold. And 'tis recorded of Boniface the eight, that he was able to show more money than all the Kings in Christendom. Surely God hath long since smitten his hands at their dishonest gain, and that endless wealth, the inventions of their covetousness (Pardons, Indulgences, Pugatory, etc.) hath brought them in. Eighthly, We read of their idolatry Rev. 9 and last verse; worship a piece of bread, kneel before the Cross & kiss it, & also the Images of Saints. Boniface the 4 th': in the year 610 begged of the Emperor the Pantheon; he presently throws out the Heathen Images, and sets up the Image of the Virgin Mary as chief, and fills it with the Images of all the rest, and thereupon instituted the Feast of all Saints. Ninthly, we read in the same place of their Sorceries. Their own Historians tell us (as I touched before) that two and twenty of their Popes were abominable Negromancers, of whom Bellarmine faith, they were parum probi homines, scarce to be called honest men; but Platina speaks out and calls them Monstra et portenda hominum, devils clad with flesh, and shapes of men only. Tenthly, They have kept Christ out of his brithright and lawful inheritance above a 1240. years already, and he shall never have it but by strong hand. If it went so hard with Ahab for taking Naboths Vineyard awhile, what will become of them who have seized Christ's own inheritance so long a time, and killed those he hath sent unto them to demand his right out of their hands? Lastly, They are the most impenitent wretches that ever breathed upon God's ground; they have had the witnesses to call them to repentance from the very beginning; and God reaifed up the Turk as a scourge of Popery, yet the rest of the men (says the text Rev. 9.20.21.) that is, they of the West repented not. God gave the old World a 120. years to repent in before the brought the Flood upon them; he hath given these as much since Luther first preached the Gospel; but they are as far from repenting as the old World was when Noah entered into the Ark. Rev. 16. ver. 9 When a Vial was poured upon the Sun, they blasphemed the name of God; they repented not. ver. 10.11. the fifth is poured upon the Throne of the Beast; they gnawed their tongues, blasphemed God, and repented not of their deeds, but prepared war against God, ver. 14. When great hailstones fell upon them out of heaven; You read not of their repenting ver. the last, but that they blasphemed God to the last, because of the plague of hail. Impenitent blasphemous wretches they have lived, and impenitent blasphemous wretches (for the generality of them) they'll certainly die. Now when God shall empty his last and hottest Vials of wrath upon her, and all her plagues come in one day, Rev. 18. Death, Mourning, Famine, and she's set all on a flaming fire, not to be quenched, for 'tis said, her smoke goeth up for ever and ever, those who shall then wonder why God deals so hardly and severely with her, God may answer them, are not my ways equal, have I done unto her without cause all that I have done unto her, have not her sins reached up to Heaven? Do not you know that I am a just God, and reward every one according to their works, judge I pray you between me and my enemies, if I have not done the thing that's right? Use. 2: The Second use shall instruct us in a point of wisdom, this; to hear and obey that voice Rev. 18.4. Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. This is the voice of God in all the streets of the great City, that is, in all the ten Kingdoms (especially) that either now do, or formerly have submitted themselves to the Beast, Come out from amongst them my People. Oh, we are no Papists, ay, but art thou none of the Popish Faction, is not thy heart with those that have joined hands with Papists in one common cause? if so, in God's interpretation thou art a Papist, and if thou dost not come out from amongst them, expect a share in their plagues. And as for thy not going to Mass, 'tis true, I think thou dost not love a Latin Mass, but peradventure thou lovest an English Mass, but peradventure thou lovest and English Mass with all thy heart; How welcome would the old Common prayer Mumpsimus be to thousands and Millions in this Nation, before any minister of Christs-praying, or worshipping in the Holy Ghost, as Saint Judas expresses it. And dost not thou love and allow thyself in some sins? lying is a Popish sin; Swearing, Blaspheming are popish sins; Apostasy from Christ and the faith to follow our own Fancies, and Delusions, a Popish sin; Pride and self-conceitedness, a Popish sin; hating and fight against God and his Saints, a Popish sin; slighting the power and purity of Ordinances, and profaning the Lords day, theft or any known dishonest gain, the sin of Uncleanness, Adultery, Fornication, and Impenitency; all these, yea many more that might be named, are Popish sins; The Israelites though they went out of Egypt, yet took too much of Egypt along with them, their sins in the Wilderness were indeed Egyptian sins; We of the reformed Churches, though we left Rome behind us, yet we brought too much of Rome along with us, most or all those vile sins that are practised amongst us, our Ancestors found and learned them in the bosom of the Romish Church; and though they did let go their Doctrines and forms of worship in a great measure, yet they held fast very much corruption of manners, which we have inherited and improved (I fear) to a greater pitch and stock of Impiety by far then when 'twas left us; the Eternal God be merciful to us. I say if these or any other Popish sins be found amongst us, God will put little difference between us and Papists; these Popish sins, if they be not put away from amongst us, will surely bring Popish plagues on us sooner or later. In this late Earthquake amongst us, many (because they were of the Popish Eaction, and Popish sins were found in them) were shaken all to pieces, and as much of the Vial fell upon them as did upon Papists themselves. But perhaps thou'lt tell me. thou hast escaped, as many others also have; I advise thee then, sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee; repent, or else (believe it) that wrath which is due to a Papist will one day find thee out. Therefore friends, let all of us have our ears and hearts open to this voice from heaven, and come out from amongst them; those sins any Papist lives in, do not thou live in; especially the ways a Papist walks in, let not us walk in; that party or design a Papist ever did or will own, let us hate and disclaim as we love ourselves; and so we shall not only escape their Plagues, but share in the Peace of God, and blessings of his own People. Use 3. The third Use take thus. I remember what commendations the Holy-Ghost gives the men of Issachar, 1 Chron. 12.32. That they were men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. O that this could be truly affirmed of us, that we did but know the times, and what we have to do; that we could come once to understand our true Interest, and prosecute it vigorously all of us, according to our places and power. The grand Interest of all the People of God this day in Christendom, is, the ruin of Pope and Popery: till that be done, I dare deliver it, Firm and Blessed Peace and Happiness, in any Church or State, there will be none. 1. In this great quarrel of the times, between the Zealous Protestant, and Popish Faction, hate that wise indifferency, and neutrality of some men. Judg. 8. ver. 4, 5, 6, 7. And Gideon came to Jordan, and passed over, he and the three hundred men that were with him, faint, yet pursuing them: And he said unto the men of Succoth, Give I pray you loaves of bread unto the people that follow me, for they be faint; and I am pursuing after Zeba, and Zalmunna kings of Midian. And the Princes of Succoth said, are the hands of Zeba and Zalmunna now in thy hands, that we should give bread unto thy Army? And Gideon said, therefore when the Lord hath delivered them into my hands, than I will tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness, and with briers. You may read ver. 12. He took the two Kings, discomfited the whole Host, and by a guide he light on, came to Succoth, learned out the Princes, and ver. 16. It's said, He took the elders of the city, and thorns of the wilderness and briers, and with them he [taught] the men of Succoth: He taught them how to stand Neuters when the Cause was a disputing between the People of God and the Common Enemy, Judg. 5.23. Curse ye Meroz (said the Angel of the Lord) curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, because they came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Meroz did not help the mighty against the Lord, nor yet help the Lord against the mighty, but would be wise, and save their own stake, what way soever the game went: But the Angel of the Lord, the Lord Christ, did curse, and curse, and curse them bitterly, effectually; and gave all his People a charge that they should pray down curses upon them, because of their Neutrality. Let me tell you, this quarrel that now Christ is engaged in, 'tis of the nearest concernment to him to prosper and speed well in it, that ever any was in the world, and therefore be assured he will interpret manifest Neuters to be close Enemies; those that are not with him of them, he will conclude they are against him, which cannot but end in a bitter destructive curse. 2. Gather we courage and valour to ourselves, though the enemies, and difficulties of this work be never so many, never so great, and make up the number of those Called, Chosen, Faithful ones that go forth after Christ, upon this expedition, Rev. 19 Let Magistrates dispense Justice, Ministers dispense Ordinances, every man do the duty of his place, as much as possibly we can, to the difadvantage of Rome's Interest. More particularly; 1. Let us wait with patience, Rev. 13.10. He that leadeth into captivity, shall go into captivity; he that killeth with the sword, shall be killed with the sword; here is the [Patience] of the Saints (saith St. John) to be exercised in waiting for it; For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Give Christ his own time, and when it comes, it will come with so much advantage every way, that thou wouldst not for any thing it should have come sooner. Christ times his People's mercies, and his time is still the best; blessed are those that wait for him. 2. Get Faith, believe all that God hath said in this business, that he will fully execute each title of his threats upon him. Let thy Faith trade daily in the blood of Christ for the more effectual speeding of it: for 'tis said, They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, Rev. 12.11. that is, by exercising their Faith in the blood of Christ. 3. Endeavour to be skilful in the Word, especially in all the windings and turnings of this business made known. It is both sin and shame that Christians, especially we Ministers, study and understand no more of the Book of Revelations than we do. I am sure the contents of it are of as near concernment to us, as any are in all the Book of God; and I am sure God hath given out an encouragement to it, in the beginning of it, such as he hath not for the reading of any other in all the Bible, Rev. 1.3. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things that are written therein: that reads and studies them himself; that hears others expound, and preach the Word, and keeps the weighty things thereof in his heart to support & comfort him in these troublous sinking time, to direct and guide him amidst these many cross ways, and strange turns of affairs. And he hath given out a command for it in the latter end of the Book, Rev 22.10. Seal not the sayings of the Prophecy of this book; for the time is at hand that they must be acted; therefore let the book lie open for every one to read and study, that they may have understanding of the times, and know what they have to do. The Word is the sword of the Spirit; 'tis a hammer, a helmet; 'tis a fire, an engine of Battery; 'tis any thing thou canst stand in need of in this expedition against him, Rev. 12.11. They overcame him by word of his testimony. 4, Give thyself much to Prayer; by Prayer thou mayest shut Heaven upon Antichrist and his Factions (as the Witnesses, Rev. 11.6.) that they shall get no showers of refreshment, no help, no mercy, no hope from God. By Prayer thou mayst arm all the Hosts of Heaven and Earth against them, Psal 18.6, 7, 8. In my distress I called upon the Lord, I cried unto my God, he heard my voice out of his Temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. Then the earth shook and trembled, the foundations of the hills moved, and were shaken, because he was wroth; There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured; coals were kindled by it. David's praying undid Saul; Much more will the prayer of Faith unanimously put forth by all the Saints, raise Heaven and Earth up in Arms against him. Prayer-blast him, i'll warrant thee thou mayest do it. 5. Carry thy life in thy hand, Rev. 12.11. They overcame him; how? Why, they love not their lives unto the death. A dying time thou must have; thou canst never lose thy life (if I may call that a losing, which is indeed the greatest gaining) so gloriously, comfortably, safely, as in this quarrel for God against Antichrist: say with Paul, I count not my life dear unto me, so I may but finish the work, Rev. 14.13. I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. The sense of this verse as it stands in conjunction with the former verses, is a Cordial, reached forth to those who shall lay down their lives for Christ in the quarrel, thus they die in the Lord, blessed are they; they rest from the labours, strifes, combustions, terrible broils that are in the World, for the pulling of him down; their services and sufferings shall not be in vain, they shall follow them in the rewards of them, triumphal Crowns, exceeding eternal weights of glory. Happy are the men of this generation, according as they lay forth their parts and power for Antichrist his ruin; it is the great work and business that God hath cut our for these times into which we are fallen, and blessed are they who know their Master's Work, and earnestly pursue his and their true Interest. They are deaf that do not hear this voice from the mouth of Christ, Who will rise up for me against the evil doers, and who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Psal. 94.16. Cursed is he that doth work of the Lord deceitfully; and cursed is he that keepeth back his sword from blood, Jer. 48.10. You will say, none of all this was spoken concerning Antichrist; true; for they were spoken concerning far inferior enemies, and left upon Record, to be an alarm to us, then especially, when Christ should be up in Arms against his greatest adversaries; if any should then withhold his sword from blood, or do the work he engages for, deceitfully, and is not in good earnest for the utter ruin of Pope and Popery, surely such shall be cursed of God, and cursed again. And do not say that in this I am cruel, lest you charge God foolishly, from whose mouth (you are witnesses) I speak, Rev 18.6. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works; in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double: as if he had said, spare her not, who never spared the dear Saints of God; give her judgement without mercy, who did never know to show mercy; you can never give her more than her iniquities have deserved Reflect we, every one of us, upon ourselves and carriage, and see what we contribute to this great design Christ is gone forth upon. Do ye so dispense Justice and Judgement, so administer Gospel-Ordinances, Word and Sacraments, so act your Faith, so Pray, so Fight, as may help to shake out the remaining Vials of wrath faster and faster upon them? There is never a man or woman in this Congregation, but may carry the matter so, as when Christ hath got the day and conquest, may without lying, or vanity of spirit, say, Through the goodness of God upon me, I was a weapon, a poor instrument in the hand of Jesus christ for the effecting of it; when Rome is all on a flaming fire, may say, I was one that helped to set it on fire; when Babylon is fallen, I was one that helped to pull it down: which if thou hast done (not Jehu-like, out of pride, and for thy own ends) but as service due to Jesus Christ, and for the bringing in of his Kingdom, doubtless thy seed shall be blessed upon Earth, and great shall be thy reward in Heaven. Use 4. The last Use is to you who in reason may live to this great day of Rome's ruin, when you shall see the great Earthquake shaking their Political Heavens and Earth all to pieces, and the greatest temporal glories now in Christendom brought down, laid low, and trodden under foot; let it not trouble you at all: for, let me tell you, those in Rev. 18. That shall tament her burning, are none of Christ friends, but carnal wretches, and indeed his enemies. Your duty upon it, is of a clean contrary nature. Rev. 18. you read of Babylon fallen, as when a millstone is cast into the bottom of the Sea; of the smoke of her burning, and that in one hour she is made desolate; saith the Holy Ghost, Rejoice over her, thou Heaven, and ye holy Apostles, and Prophets, for God hath avenged you on her. Rev. 19.1. After these things (that is, after Rome burned, and laid in ashes) I heard a great voice of much People in Heaven (in the true Church of Christ) saying, Allelujah, salvation, and honour, and glory, and power unto the Lord our God, ver. 2. For true and righteous are thy Judgements; for he hath judged the great whore which did corrupt the Earth with her Fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. ver. 3. And again they said, Allelujah, and her smoke rose up for ever and ever. ver. 5. A voice came out of the Throne, saying, [praise our God] all ye his servants, ye that fear him both small and great. It was one of S. Augustine's three wishes (that he could have rejoiced greatly in) to have seen Rome in her glory, though but heathenish; but I am confident were he upon earth now, one of his greatest wishes wherein he would most please and solace himself, would be to see Rome all on a flaming fire, and burnt to ashes, O quam pulchrum spectaculum! And truly there is cause why you should rejoice in it with exceeding great joy. 1. When the Witnesses were dead in the streets, you know what was their carriage, Rev. 11. They rejoiced over them, made merry, sent gifts; and God will have you to tread forth the law of retaliation; as they rejoiced over your misery, so Gods tells you, 'tis an equal thing, and he requires it as a duty of you, to rejoice greatly, over their miseries. 2. You know what postures they stand in, in reference to Christ and his Church; they provoke God daily with the highest hand that ever any did (as I have showed you) they wrong Christ strangely, keeping him out of his just rights; they are the proudest enemy, the cruelest enemy, and enemy of the longest continuance, the most hopeless of ever being brought in by repentance, that ever the Church had any; and therefore if ever the people of God might rejoice in the downfall of an enemy, you may certainly in this. 3. Consider the sequel of their ruin, which will be this, A Kingdom that cannot be shaken, as the Apostle speaks Heb. 12.27, 28. and if the Text be rightly understood, it speaks to this very time and business. Out of the ruins and ashes these wars shall make, Christ will bring the most glorious frame of Government that ever the world saw; and let men and States do what they can, it will not be brought forth till then; but than it shall; and can any Saint but rejoice in that which ushers in those good and blessed times, Scripture is so abundant in promising? which shall be the subject of the ensuing discourse. THE REIGN OF CHRIST. By Ed. Hawghton. LONDON, Printed for Francis Titan. 1652. TO THE READER. I Would not have any one think that I am able (no, nor any man now alive) to set forth the so-much-expected Kingdom of CHRIST in the true worth and glories of it: let it suffice, if I give you some rude draughts of it. The Prophets of old did speak very clear and excellent things concerning the Messiah, his Birth, Life, Miracles, Doctrine, Death, Resurrection, and what was to follow thereupon; insomuch that Isaias is usually called by Divines, the Evangelical Prophet: But when John was come, our Saviour saith of him, Mat. 11. He was the greatest of those that had been born of women, meaning in respect of his knowledge of the Messias; nay, that he was was more than a Prophet, i. e. he had more abilities to speak of Christ's nature, offices, and excellencies of his kingdom, than any or all the Prophets that had been before him: But yet, says he, The least in the kingome of God, is greater than John the Baptist: After the ascension of Christ, and descension of the Holy Ghost, the meanest Minister of the Gospel was able to hold him forth, in all points, more excellently than John the Baptist was. To bring this home to the present business: We that now speak concerning this great, this blessed Kingdom of Jesus Christ, only as Prophets, (yet not by any private spirit, but groundedly from the Word) may speak very clear, undoubted, and (in their ears especially to whom this subject is somewhat strange and new) very wonderful things, almost incredible: but when Rome shall come to be buried in its own ashes, and after that the great Battle of God Almighty fought and finished, and Christ hath his Kingdom actually upon the Anvil, hammering and working it out; those whose lot it shall be to stand forth Ministers of the Gospel then, and be eye witnesses of Christ so at work, of them it may be said, They are the greatest of those that have been born of women, in respect of their distinct knowledge of the Kingdom of our Lord; nay more than Prophets, men far more accomplished to speak of the parts, government, glory of his Kingdom, than any or all the most holy learned men that have been before them, who saw it only at a distance, through the Prospective of the more dark and general Promises, and spoke of it by way of Prophecy: But they who shall be so far honoured and blessed of God, to be called to the marriage-supper of the Lamb, (as the expression is Rev. 19) to see this Kingdom drawn forth in all the just parts and lineaments of it, set up to the height of its greatness and glory; I say, the least of them will be greater than John the Baptist; my meaning is, will be far more able to preach forth the excellencies of that Kingdom in all the dimensions of it, than were those who were spectators of Jesus Christ when he was but at work upon it. Therefore (Reader) I say again, since you ought in reason, let it answer your expectation, if I set before you only some unpolisht draughts of it: The Church of God will have more knowledge of this business, ere it be long. Dan. 12.4. Shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. The context rightly under stood clearly gives it thus: That when the time of Antichrists reign, and the Jews captivity shall draw towards an end, men and matters will be hurried to and fro, there will be great stirs in the world; but then the sealed Book will be opened; the knowledge of the Pope's ruin, calling of the Jews, the starry lustre of Christ's kingdom will break forth, increase, and shine more and more unto the perfect day. Which is the daily and fervent prayer of Your true Friend, and Servant in the Lord, E. H. The Reign of CHRIST. Rev. 19.6. The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. THe four and twenty Elders we read of, ver. 4. are the Representative of the Church of jews and Gentiles, arising out of twelve Patriarches and twelve Apostles. The four Beasts there also mentioned, are the Ministerial Emblem, who are elsewhere said to have the face of a Lion, of an Ox, of a Man, and of an Eagle; that by their special courage, laboriousness, wisdom, speed, the work of Jesus Christ, in its time, might be effectually carried on in the four parts of the world. These four Beasts, and four and twenty Elders, something they do, and something they say: that which they did, was this, [they fell down and worshipped him which sat upon the throne;] that which they said, was, [Amen, Allelujah] be it even so as God hath done; and, praise and honour and glory be given to God. Two grounds they lay down for this their posture and carriage; the first this, that he had judged the great Whore, which did corrupt the earth, he had pulled down Babylon; the second this, he had set up himself, as 'tis in the text, The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. There needs but little explanation of the words. [The Lord God] that is, the Lord Christ; for Christ is truly God, 1 Joh. 5.20. This is the true God; as might abundantly out of other Scriptures be proved, yea the next word makes it good, an incommunicable Attribute is given to him, Omnipotent, the Lord God omnipotent; he is elsewhere called the mighty God, Isa. 9.6. which is of no less import then Almighty or Omnipotent. [Reigneth] (i) he is King: Why, was he not King before? yes, but not so as he is now; now he reigns to some purpose. The words thus opened, and relatively taken, afford us this point; Upon the breaking to pieces of the Church of Rome, the Lord Christ will reign, and King it so as he never did in the world before. Christ hath reigned from everlasting by God's decree; he hath reigned actually since man's fall; he hath reigned eminently since his ascension, and mission of the Holy Ghost; but he will reign gloriously upon the expiration of the reign of Antichrist. The wonderfulness of this Kingdom we speak of, appears to us many ways: First, from those Scripture-epithites and adjuncts of him and his then-government. In the very text, the Lord God omnipotent reigns, [Omnipotent] such a rule and government shall be set up, that all shall be convinced, and say, Nothing under, nothing less than the Omnipotency of the Lord Christ could set it up. Rev. 11.17. Thou hast taken to thee thy [great] power, and hast reigned; then Christ's great power will be seen in his reigning. Isa. 24.23. Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of Hosts shall reign in mount Zion and in jerusalem, and before his Ancients gloriously. You remember what I have spoken to the immediately preceding verses; there is the great Earthquake, v. 18 19, 20. see Rev. 16 18. the ruin of the Kings of the earth and of the whole world, v. 21. (see Rev 16 14.16) the visiting and calling forth of the imprisoned Jews, v. 22. the reign of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, v. 23. Take [Sun and Moon] how you will; Politically, for the supreme powers of the Nations; or literally, for the great lights of heaven; the Sun and Moon will be ashamed of themselves and confounded, as not being the greatest glories and admirations of the world. When his Ancients the Jew's shall be fully brought in, Christ will reign [so gloriously] as shall cast shame and darkness into the face of Sun and Moon. If you say, this Scripture hath been at any time fulfilled, I will not deny it, but affirm this, that a prophecy may have a gradual fulfilling. (Jer. 31.15. A voice (of an old Grandmother raised out of her grave) was heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children, refused to be comforted, because they were not. This was fulfilled, when Israel went captives into Babylon; which will be undeniably clear, if you read on to the 22 verse: and yet when Herod killed the children, upon his search after him that was born King of the Jews, Mat. 2.17, 18. then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the Prophet, saying, In Ramah was a voice heard, lamentation, etc.) If Isaias prophesy of Christ's reigning before his Ancients, hath been at any time fulfilled, much more will it be fulfilled in the day may Text points at; than it will be fulfilled to the uttermost, fulfilled gloriously; you see 'tis epithited, A glorious reign. Secondly, Christ his then-mannagement of affairs, the Holy Ghost sets it forth in such high language (to answer the reality of the Kingdom) as hath deceived many thousands, as if it should be a glorious personal reign. 2 Thes. 2.8. Then shall the wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. The Lord hath two ways to bring down Antichrist. First, He consumes him by the spirit of his mouth, i. e. by the ministry of the Word; ever since Luther, the Pope hath been in a Consumption; you might see it in his face. The second, is, by his own coming, the brightness of his coming; some take it for a personal appearance to give him his death's wound. Rev. 1.7. Behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all Kindred's of the Earth shall wail because of him; even so, Amen. That this cannot be meant of the day of Judgement, is evident, because, the mourning here spoken of, is a penitential mourning, and is taken out of Zach. 12.10. at the last day, all the Saints shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory; all the wicked shall be hardened in impenitency, and though they may howl over their own misery, yet not mourn after Christ; there will be no penitential mourning in that day; and therefore Christ will appear in the clouds before that day, and every eye shall see him, especially the people of the Jews. I could give you other Scriptures that speak to the same effect: But yet these (as express as they are) with the rest which look that way, are not fully convicing, as I conceive; for, 1. I find often in Scripture, what's carried on by Instruments, ascribed to God as if the had done it personally, without the use of any such Instruments. Rev. 16.456. The third Angle poured out his Vial upon the Rivers and Fountains of Waters, and they became blood; and they say unto God, Thou art righteous O Lord [who hast judged thus, and thou hast given them blood to drink.] All grant that this Vial was poured out (as were also all the rest) by men, holy and spiritual men; yet they speak to God, and say, [thou] haste judged thus, [thou] haste given them blood to drink. 1 Chron 16.13. Let the heavens be glad, and let the Earth rejoice, and let men say among the Nations, the Lord reigneth. ver. 33. The Trees of the Wood shall sing out at the presence of the Lord, because he cometh to judge the Earth. Ps. 22.28. The Kingdom is the Lords, and he is governor among the Nations. Isai. 33.22. The Lord is our judge, the Lord in our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King: but none of all this immediately by himself, or personally, but in the use of Instruments. So that thought it be said, he shall destroy Antichrist with the brightness of his coming (at which time also he'll set up his Kingdom and reign) yet may it well enough be understood of a coming in those ten Kings or Supreme powers that Scripture saith shall hate the whore and burn her flesh with fire; and he may as well set up his kingdom, and reign also in and by them, and such like. 2. How can a circumscribed body (as Christ hath) be personally, visibly in all and every of his kingdoms at once? When he shall reign visibly, personally on mount Zion or at Jerusalem, he cannot at the same time reign personally and visibly here in this Nation, but must rule it and all others by his Deputies: therefore 'tis safer to let him keep his place at God's right hand in heaven, then bring him down to sway an earthly sceptre, seeing he may do it in his Spirit by some special Instruments; and comparatively, in respect of those he hath formerly ruled in, it may be said that Christ himself reigns, not personally upon earth, but after so eminent and wonderful a manner, in certain select servants, as he never reigned in the world before. 3. Christ will usher in his kingdom with the most glorious conquests over earthly powers, that ever were known. I have spoken much to this already; it was the subject of the last point; yet for method sake give me leave to speak a word to it here. Rev. 6.12. to the end. I beheld when he opened the sixth seal, and lo there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as figtree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when 'tis rolled together, and every mountain and Island were moved out of their places. And the Kings of the earth, and the great men, and rich men, and the chief Captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman hid themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? The most and best reformed Expositors, do (with one mouth) tell us, that upon the opening of the sixth Seal, Christ in Constantine did pull down Heathenism, set up Christianisme; and the victories were so great, so terrible, that by their description you would think them to be the end of the world: The terrors of Jesus Christ were so upon the spirits of Kings, Captains, mighty men, as that had the earth shaken under them, the mountains and Islands moved out of their places, had the sun turned to darkness, the moon to blood, stars fallen from heaven, had heaven and earth come together, and the world been at an end, there could not have been greater fears, greater outcries to the rocks and mountains, to be hid from the wrath of the Lamb; some poisoning, some hanging, some drowning themselves, some flying and fell by the sword, all at their wit's end. Thus Christ set up Christianity by Constantine: But (as I showed you at large) it soon degenerated into Antichristianism or Papacy, (the most Politic and strongest consitution against Christ that ever any was) the very foundation-stones whereof the must and will pluck up, that so he may build up himself a sure throne and kingdom. But you will say, 'Tis impossible Christ should bring in his worship and kingdom with greater and more terrible conquests over the Kings of the earth, than those he got over the Heathenish powers. Let me tell you, Nothing is impossible to the Lord God omnipotent; He tells us, he'll bring in his Reign with far greater. Rev. 16 17.18. When the seventh Angel poured out his Vial into the air, there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake [such as was not since men were upon earth] so mighty an earthquake and so great. To the same purpose understand that of Dan 12.1. At that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people, and there shall be [a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a Nation, even to that same time] and at that time thy people shall be delivered. These matchless troubles should be at that time, when daniel's people, the Jews, all the twelve Tribes, that are now lost in the dust, should be sound out and delivered: which Scripture tells us in places enough, shall be upon the breaking of Antichrist. Dan. 2.44. And in the days of these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall [break in pieces all these kingdoms] i. e. all these kingdoms of the world, putting all rule and authority (that is carnal, and stands in opposition to this designs) under his feet. Many and mighty victories (you know) make a Kings reign glorious; why, Christ himself never got such victories over men in this world, as then he'll do. Fourthly, Scripture sets it forth as the day of his marriage solemnity. The Lord God omnipotent reigneth; so my Text; the next verse expresseth it thus, [The marriage of the Lamb is come;] and v 9 They who are called to have a share in this kingdom, are blest of God, being called to the [marriage supper of the Lamb] to a continual and the most sumptuous Feast that ever was. You may be sure that Christ on that day will appear in no mean royalty and glories, which may be gathered from the description of the Bride; for 'tis said v. 7. She hath made herself ready, arrayed finely, v. 8. In Solomon's time she was brought in raiment of needlework, nay her clothing of wrought gold, so the King did greatly desire and delight in her beauty, Ps. 45. But the Bride is described (upon the fall of Antichrist) at a higher rate. Rev. 21.2. I saw the holy city, New-Ierusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. Not dressed with needlework, or cloth of gold, things here below of the earth earthly; but she's prepared and dressed as if she had dropped out of heaven, clothed with the glories of heaven, and this only to fit her in some measure for the Bridegroom. If the Church shall be so glorious in that day, shall not the King upon the throne in the height of his state and government, be more exceeding glorious in all eyes? Fifthly, His reign will be wonderful and unparallelled, in respect of the extent of his domination. Rev. 10.1, 2. And I saw a mighty Angel come down from heaven, and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot upon the earth; (Earth and Sea, make up the whole Globe) thereby signifying that he would (when time served) take possession of all the world; the power and majesty of his throne and sceptre should be extended over sea and land. Psal. 2.8. Ask of me, and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Psal. 72.8. He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. Rev. 15.3, 4. Thou King of Saints, who shall not fear thee? [All nations] shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgements are made manifest, viz. upon the Pope and his kingdom. Isa. 2.2. And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, aod all nations shall flow unto it. The generality of the Nations shall come flocking in as Doves to the windows. First, those Ten Kingdoms that had given their power to the Beast; all ties, all bands of peace and amity between them shall be strangely broken and dissolved; nay, such a spirit shall come upon them, that they shall hate the whore, and even burn her flesh with fire, Rev. 17. This (you must confess) is a great, eminent coming in, and giving up themselves to and for Jesus Christ. Secondly, He will find out and bring home to himself his old dear people. Rom. 11.25, 26 I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in, and so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from jacob. I like their interpretation best, who by [fullness of the Gentiles coming in] understand the fullness or most part of those Nations that had given themselves to Popery, when then eyes shall be opened to see what they have done, and then (giving themselves to Christ) in an holy indignation shall set Rome on fire, yea quite destroy Pope and Popery; this will mightily work upon the hearts of the two Tribes, in time on the ten Tribes. The fullness of the Gentiles being thus come in, than all Israel shall come in and be saved, as 'tis written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: Now [jacob] (you know) comprehends all the twelve Tribes; for the twelve Patriarches, from whom all the twelve Tribes descended, came out of Iacob's loins. Isa. 11 11▪ 12. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again [the second time] to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the Islands of the sea. He shall gather together the dispersed of judah, and assemble the outcasts of Israel, from the four corners of the earth. God had gathered them from all the nations, from all the places whither he had caused them to be carried away captive once before, as you may see jer. 29.14. He had fetched them out of Babylon and out of all the Provinces round; but this is a second time, and he'll gather together the outcasts of [Israel] and the dispersed to [judah] (which since their great division, 2 Chron. 10. he never yet did) and make them one, as you have it Ezek. 37.19.21, 22. Thus saith the Lord, behold I will take the stick of joseph which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the Tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of judah, and make them one stick and they shall be one in my hand. And thus saith the Lord, behold I will take the children of Israel from among the Heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: And I will make them one nation; and one King, viz. Christ, shall be King to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all. This hath not been yet fulfilled, but will be in the day of Christ's kingdom. Take one place more Hos. 1.10, 11. And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, (as at this day we know it is) there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God. Then shall the children of judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land, (i. e. out of every land where they haven been lost) for great shall be the day of jezerel. [jezerel] signifies both [scattered] and [the seed of God.] Great shall be the day of jezerel, (i. e.) great shall be the day of bringing in the scattered, the scattered people: Or thus; Great shall be the day of jezerel, (i. e.) great shall be the day of the seed of God, of springing up of the seed of God's people: they have lain a great while under the clods, as if they had been lost or quite dead; but God hath a day wherein his seed shall spring up into a harvest of joy, and all that see them shall acknowledge they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed, as it is Isa. 61.9. Thirdly, after these, the residue of the Nations shall be the Lords, Zach. 8.22, 23. Many and strong Nations shall come to seek the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the Lord. And in those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the Nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, we will go with you for we have heard that God is with you. That which was done Act. 2. will not agree to this Text; for we do not read of many and strong Nations coming in then. You will say, how can many and strong Nations come in to Jerusalem at any time? Doubtless it will be by Agents or Messengers, according to Zach. 7.2, 3. when the Jews shall send forth their Emissaries into all Lands to Preach Christ to them, there shall go a great blessing, a mighty power of the Spirit along, that the hearts of the Nations generally shall be mightily taken with them; and there shall be certain men out of every Nation and Language authorised to take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, and say, we will go up to Jerusalem with you (for God and Christ are with you) to have the most exact and perfect Directory, that we and our whole Nation may worship God aright. Once Christ in his Rule and Government was kept within the narrow bounds of Jury; then he stretched forth the arms of his power over the Gentiles; first the Eastern, than the Western Churches: but the day is coming wherein he will lift up a Sceptre over all the Nations of the world, Dan. 7.14. There was given him Dominion, Glory, and a Kingdom, that all People, Nations, and Languages should serve him. He reigns a glorious King indeed, that is, King of all Kings, of all Kingdoms & Nations in the Earth. Sixthly, Christ will then given his People more purity and power of Ordinances then ever the Churches did enjoy. Take me (I pray you) in my own sense: Ordinances as they came from the Apostles themselves, were pure, perfect, because they were the immediate inspirations or breathe of the Holy Ghost: but consider them in the hands of divers others, and in the hands of succeeding Officers and Churches: and what Errors, yea, damnable Doctrines were there presently found amongst them? Which increased daily, grew worse and worse, till at last there came out of the womb of them the great Antichrist. But when Christ shall set up this Kingdom whereof we speak, there shall be no danger by any gross Errors, or seduction by false Teachers: Isa 30.25, 26. There shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters, in the day of the great slaughter, when the Towers, fall. Moreover, the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun; and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his People, and healeth the stroke of their wound. These rivers and streams of Ordinances shall break forth in all the Churches in the day of the great slaughter, and when the Towers fall, (i. e.) when the Pope and towering Kings shall be brought down, Rev. 19 17. to 21. There shall be this wonderful increase of Gospel-light, when God shall heal that spiritual wound the poor Jew lies so sick of to this day, when he shall bind up the breach that is between the ten and the two Tribes, making them one in faith and love. Rev. 22.1. He showed a pure river of water of life, clear as Crystal, proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb. Romish Ordinances were the blood of a dead man, but the Ordinances of Christ's Kingdom shall be a river of life most clear and pure. ver. 2. In the midst of the street of it, and of either side the River, was there the tree of life, which bore twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the Nations. Christ in his Ordinances will be a wonderful tree of life, bearing both all plenty, and all variety of fruits, free and open for every one to pluck and feed upon; a healing virtue there is in the very leaves thereof; the most outward parts of Ordinances will have saving efficacy upon men's hearts. God will then send forth men of eminent parts and graces, Obad. ver. 22. Saviour's shall come up on Mount Zion, to judge the Mount of Esau, and the Kingdom shall be the Lords. In the day when the Lord shall take the Kingdom to himself, there shall be Saviour's raised up upon Mount Zion; in the Margin of your Bibles you have a parallel place put, 1 Tim. 4.16. Save the self and those that hear thee, q.d. be a Saviour to thyself & others, Obadiah calls the then-Ministers of the Gospel [Saviour's] because their Gospel-dispensations shall be in the holiness & power of the great Saviour of men, the Lord Jesus Christ. And there will be the most zealous and impartial exercise of Church-discipline that ever was, to keep out, to purge out both the profane and the erroneous; for which take two or three Scriptures, Rev. 21.27. There shall in no wise enter into it (i. e. into the holy City which comes down from God out of Heaven) any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. Not but that (doubtless) there will be hypocrites in the Church; but they shall be so close, they shall so artificially paint and varnish themselves over with seeming holiness, that they may very well be taken in the judgement of charity, for such whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life; but if once they appear to be defilers of themselves or others, any kind of way, nay if they be but catched in lying, if such offer themselves, they shall not enter, shall not be received; if they be got in, they shall quickly be sent packing again, Zach. 13 1. In that day [when there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem because of him whom they had pierced, Chap. 12.10, 11.] There shall be a fountain opened for sin, and for uncleanness, i. e. abundant streams, not only of Doctrine and Worship, but also of Discipline; for it follows, That Idols and false Prophets shall be cut off. ver. 2. And if any one continue to Prophesy or Preach lies, even his Father and Mother that begat him, shall cause him to be thrust thorough, with the sword of the Spirit, or Church-censure; such zeal and impartiality will there be in the exercise of Discipline. The effect or success thereof follows, ver. 4. They shall be ashamed of their false Prophecies or Lies, In this (as also in many other Prophecies) Evangelical matters are clad with legal and old terms. and shall cast off their formal garbs, and varnishes, whereby they have passed for Prophets, and deceived the People. And shall confess, ver. 5. and say, I am no Prophet, I am a Husbandman (a Weaver, a Mercer etc.) for man taught me to keep Cattle from my youth. Yea, they shall come to own, to love, and thank those that thus put the penal Laws of Christ in force against them. ver. 6. One shall say unto him, what are these wounds in thine hands? then he shall answer, those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. Those who discovered me, that witnessed against me, that smote and censured me, they were my friends. See both in one place; 'tis Mal. 3. ver. 2 3 4 5. Who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appears? for he is like a Refiners fire; and like Fuller's soap. And he shall sit as a Refiner, and purifier of Silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as Gold and Silver, that they may offer unto the Lord and offering in righteousness. Then shall the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days of old. And I will come near to you in judgement, and I will be a swift witness against the Sorcerers, and against the Adulterers, and against false Swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the Lord. If this Scripture have been at all fulfilled, it shall at this time be much more fulfilled; it shall at this time be much more fulfiled; there will be Soap and Niter in his Ordinances, fire in his Discipline; and if men be Sorcerers, or Adaulterers, or Oppressors, or any way discover it, that the fear of God is not in them, God will bring in swift witness against them, and sharp sentence upon them. Christ will be very glorious in that day in the dispensation of all kinds of Ordinances. Seventhly, such as the Ordinances are, such will their effects be upon the hearts and consciences of men, whom they shall bring in as presents to Jesus Christ the King; excellent Ordinances, and excellent Converts. In the verse after my Text, the marriage of the Lamb is come, his Wife hath made herself ready; what her clothing was, see v. 8 she was arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; the fine linen is the righteousness of the Saints. They'll be fine Saints, gallant Saints; Herod's gorgeous appare; did not reflect more gloriously to the people's eyes, than the righteousness, holiness good words shall do, which Christ in that day shall clothe and dress his Church withal. Isa. 60. This whole Chapter can properly be understood of no other time then that of Christ's kingdom: and says God to Isaiah, v. 21. Thy people also shall be all righteous, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified. I understand the verse thus; All that are righteous (and many will be so) will be eminently righteous; they'll be such fruitful branches, that every one must say, they are none of man's pianting, no ordinary plants, but the special planting of God himself; they'll be such excellent Saints, that all must acknowledge them the work of Gods own hands after a more especial manner then former Saints were; they'll be every way such, that God will be glorified in them exceedingly. Isa. 62.12. They shall be called the [Holy people] (the Context there speaks to this very time and business) there shall be such a glory of holiness upon them, that they shall take a name from it, and be thereby known and distinguished from Saints and men of other times. Zach. 14.20, 21. In that day there shall be upon the Bells of the horses, [Holiness to the Lord] yea, and every Pot in jerusalem and in judah shall be [Holiness to the lord] I take the meaning to be this; They shall discover much holiness, not only when they are in religious duties, but also in the civil use of every creature they meddle with, they'll use all as in the very sight of God himself. And there may be causes assigned of such their excellency. 1. Much of the wickedness that hath been in the world hitherto, hath come from Satan. Unexpressible, unconceivable was the sinfulness of that sin our first parents committed; but you know who tempted them into't; the Serpent beguiled me, says Eve. David numbered the people; but the Text saith, that Satan stirred him to it, or else he would never have done so vain, so proud an action. You remember the counsel Peter gave our Saviour, Mat. 16. and what answer Christ gave Peter, Get thee behind me Satan; not that Peter was turned to Satan, but that Satan was crept into Peter. judas betrayed Christ; but 'tis said, Satan entered into him. Act. 5. Ananias had the face to lie, not to men only, but unto God; but he acted from him who is the Father of lies; Peter said to Ananias, Why hath Satan filled thy heart? Mat. 5. Let your yea be yea, and your nay nay; for what is more than this, is of the evil one (so the Greek) i. e. is of the devil. Ever since Adam was in Paradise, God hath suffered the Devil to range up and down the world, or (as the expression is, Job 1.) to compass the earth to and fro, from whence have sprung most, if not all, those villainies and horrid wickednesses that have been perpetrated in every Age. But [then] Christ will tie him up fast enough in his place, Rev 16. The Kings of the earth, and of the whole world (instigated, acted by the Spirits of Devils) engage in battle against God Almighty: Well, chap. 19 Christ feasteth all the fowls of the air with their flesh, takes the Beast and false Prophet, and throws them alive into the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone. He had no sooner carried his Father news (to speak after the manner of men) what a total rout and conquest he had got over his Enemies, but while the heat of his rage is yet upon him, he comes down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, a great chain in his hand, and laid hold on the dragon, that old Serpent, which is the devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, cast him into the bottomless pit, shut him up, set a seal upon him, that he should deceive Nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled, Rev. I cannot assent to those who say this binding of him, is done and passed; I am sure he was loose enough in the Apostles times, 1 Cor. 7.5.2 Cor. 2.11. chap. 11.14.1 Thes. 2.18.1 Tim. 5.15. Rev. 2.9.13. After the Apostles days he did so bestir himself as to improve the errors of Christians, the corrupt lives of Christians into the great Apostasy or Antichristianism; Then the Dragon gave the Pope his Seat, his Keys, his Power, and great Authority; and the Text says, the bottomless pit was opened: yea kept open; for the smoke of that hellish furnace ascended daily, and darkened the sun and air, and so continued to do above a thousand years: 'tis strange to me, that the Devil should be shut up, and Hell open: Therefore I am satisfied, this Prophecy of binding Satan will be fulfilled after the great Battle of God almighty (and not till then.) Christ hath shortened his Chain, given him many a curb and check within this hundred years, and will so yet more and more; but bound, shut up, sealed up, he will not be, till after the Beast and false Prophet are taken and destroyed, but then he will, and shall deceive the Nations no more, till the thousand years are past. In your Iron Mills a fire there might be; but were the bellows taken away, certainly not so great, so violent a burning by an hundred fold. The Devils that continually day and night haunt & wait upon us, are the great bellows of men's lusts, whereby such a world of flaming iniquity is amongst us; but when Christ shall come, and take away these bellows, and lock them up, the fire of men's corruptions must needs be exceedingly abated, not only of men regenerate, but also of men unregenerate. I dare say, were it not for the devil, and his Angels, we should not run into so many sins and exorbitancies in a year, as now we do in a month. Upon the destroying of Heathenism Satan was cast down to the Earth, Rev. 12. but upon the pulling down of Pope and Popery, he, with all his Regiments, shall be cast into hell, a trap door let fall upon him, sealed up, and so shall not come forth to provoke men to impieties against God for a long time. 2. The second cause of the exceeding great excellency that shall be in the Subjects of this Kingdom, is the abundance of Grace that will come down from heaven upon them. The 72 Psalm is chiefly, if not wholly spent upon this Kingdom of Christ: v. 6. Ye read thus; He shall come down [like rain] upon the mown grass, as [showers] that water the earth. Zach. 12.10. (I have before sufficiently cleared it; this and the following Chapter speak directly to the time and business I am upon) I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplication, (the grace of Faith) they shall look upon me whom they have pierced; (the grace of Repentance) they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him. Observe the expression; 'tis not, I will sprinkle grace upon them, but I will [pour] grace upon them, the grace of faith, the grace of repentance, in which are comprehended all other graces; God will then pour out his Spirit upon them abundantly. Chap. 13.1. In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David (viz the two Tribes) and to the inhabitants of jerusalem (viz. the ten Tribes) for sin and for uncleanness. We have but small Rivulets, they'll have the Fountain of the blood of Christ opened, flowing full stream upon them. As I have said before, if these two Prophecies were fulfilled in the days of primitive Christians, much more will they be fulfilled in the great and glorious day of Christ's kingdom. Take one Text more, Rev. 21 10, 11. He showed me that great City, the holy jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper-stone, clear as Crystal. Which expressions resolved into their true and native sense, must needs be this; The abundance of precious and glorious graces God will will then send down out of heaven upon his people. 3. The third and last cause may be made up thus: The pains and vigilancy of Pastors over their Flocks, which will be very great, the Ordinances falling more immediately than ever, in the Power, Majesty, Authority of God upon their hearts; the quick and smart acting of Discipline which then will be; and that spirit of watchfulness that every man will have over himself, and his neighbour also; every Saint in that day will be not only his own, but his brother's keeper, and stirrer up to the thing that's good. Jer. 50.4, 5. In those days, and in that time, saith the Lord, [the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together] going and weeping, they shall go and seek the Lord their God, saying, [Come let us] join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten. (But the least part of this Prophecy was fulfilled upon their return out of Babylon; it chiefly points at a time when Israel and judah, all the twelve Tribes shall come together to seek the Lord, and when they shall join themselves to God in a perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten; they renewed their Covenant upon their return out of Babylon; but that hath been long since forgotten; but when they shall be called again, than their Covenant with God will be perpetual indeed, from generation to generation, and never be forgotten more) but that which I aim at in this Scripture, lies in these words [Come, let us] their zeal will mightily provoke one another; you have yet a more pregnant place for it. Zich. 8.20, 21. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, it shall come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many Cities; and the inhabitants of one City shall go to another, saying, let us go speedily to pray before the Lord, and to seek the Lord of Hosts, I will go also. That it speaks how the pulse of Saints will beat one towards another upon the calling of the Jews, the two last verses sufficiently clear it to any indifferent and intelligent Reader. So then (to give you briefly the sum of what I have said upon this branch of the Kingdom) Satan, the bellows that blew men's lusts into such flames, shall be taken from amongst them, whereby their natural corruptions shall lie very still in them: Next, God will send down Grace abundantly into their hearts, and nature, which will search out, and exceedingly prevail against the lusts that are in men, though they lie hid never so close, Heb. 4.12, 13. And lastly, there will be Pastors, Ordinances, Discipline, and keeping Centinel one over another: by all which means, their Gifts, their Graces and goodness will be raised to a more abundant height then otherwise they would or could have been. I tell you, there will be gallant times for grace and holiness, such as the world was never acquainted with before. Eigthly, his reign will be wonderful for the peace that shall accompany it: when once the great Battle of God Almighty is fought and passed, Christ will then appear to the world to be the true Melchisedech, not only King of Righteousness, (as I but now showed you) but also King of Salem, i e. King of peace, ruling all the Kingdoms of the world (for the generality of them will be his) in external peace. Isa. 9.6, 7. To us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, he shall be called the Prince of Peace; of the increase of his government and peace, (i. e. his government of peace, or peace of his government) there shall be no end (and that this be not limited to internal peace) it follows, upon the Throne of David to order and establish it: but David's Throne and government of peace was external; therefore so also shall Christ's be. Isa. 2.2. It shall come to pass in the last days, that the Mountain of the Lords house shall be established upon the top of the Mountains, and all Nations shall flow unto it. ver. 4. He shall judge among the Nations, and rebuke many People, and they shall beat their Swords into Ploughshares, and their Spears into pruning hooks, and National shall not lift up sword against Nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isa. 11.6, 7, 8, 9 The Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb, the Leopard shall lie down with the Kid, the Calf, the young Lion, and the fatling together; and a little Child shall lead them. The Cow and Bear shall feed, their young ones shall lie down together, and the Lion shall eat straw like the Ox. The sucking Child shall play on the hole of the Asp, and the weaned Child shall put his hand on the Cockatrice den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy Mountain; for the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the Sea. The Prophet goes on in the 10, 11, 12. verses concerning this Kingdom, and, says he, ver. 13. The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off, Ephraim shall not envy judah, judah shall not vex Ephraim. Isa. 60.18. Violence shall be no more heard in thy Land, wasting nor destruction within by borders; and therefore is it ver. 11. Thy gates shall be open continually, they shall not be shut day nor night. And sure such a City who never shut their gates, take themselves out of all possibility of danger. This 11. ver. S. john quotes, Rev. 21.25. The gates of it shall not be shut at all by day, for there shall be no night there, (i. e.) no night of darkness caused by enemies, wars, sorrows, oppressions; for (saith Christ) I will make all thine Officers peace, Isa. 60.17. There were no end of giving you Scriptures that must of necessity be understood of the peace of this Kingdom. Rev. 21.2, 3, 4. Ezek. 34.24, 25. My servant David (meaning Christ) shall be a Prince amongst them. And I will make with them a Covenant of Peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the Land, and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the wood, (i. e.) without fear or danger, which is unusual and unknown. Ver. 28. They shall no more be a prey to the Heathen, neither shall the beasts of the Land devour them, but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid. He gives you light ver. 29. when this shall be, And I will raise up for them a plant of Renown, and they shall be no more consume with hunger in the Land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. This place cannot be fulfilled yet, since Ezekiel spoke it; for they have been a prey to the heathen, beasts have devoured them; they all bear the shame of the Heathen at this day: But when the time comes that this promise shall be fully made good to them, these things shall never befall them more, but there shall be peace to him that comes in, and to him that goes out; they shall have peace extended to them like a River, as the expression is, Isa. 66.12. He speaks to our present purpose, as the context there clearly gives it. Ninthly, His Reign will bring wonderful plenty, and outward prosperity to his Subjects, Isa. 30.23. Then shall he give the rain of thy seed that thou shalt sow the ground withal, and bread of the increase of the earth, and it shall be fat and plenteous; in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures, ver. 24. The oxen likewise and young asses, that ear the ground, shall eat clean provender which hath been winnowed with the shovel, and with the fan. There being such plenty, they will not grudge it them, they may well afford them clean provender. The two following verses, I quoted under the sixth Head; they speak of the abundance and increase of Blessings Spiritual, all which (says the Prophet) shall be in the day of the great slaughter, Rev. 19.20. And when God shall bind up the breach between the two Tribes and the ten, then there will be plenty of all things, not only for the soul, but also for the body. Isa 60.16. Thou shalt suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breasts of Kings (you must take special notice of this all along, that the great and glorious Promises of this Kingdom are made primarily and chiefly to the Nation of the Jews; the Nations of the Gentiles not excluded; they also shall share in them, according as they shall come in to Christ) ver. 17. For brass, I'll bring gold, for iron silver, for wood brass, and for stones iron; I will also make thy officers peace, and thy exactors righteousness; They shall not be impoverished by those that bear rule amongst them. Ezek 34.26. I will make them and the places round about my hill, a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season, and there shall be showers of blessings. ver. 27. And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase. Rev. 21.24. The Kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour into it. ver. 26. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the Nations into it. Time was, and in part yet is, that the Kings and Kingdoms of the world brought the glory of their power and wealth, and laid it all down at Antichrists feet to enrich him, to make him a pompous pampered Beast; but the days are certainly coming wherein they shall make as much haste to lay down all the feet of Jesus Christ and his People, according to that Dan. 7.27. the kingdom and dominion and greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the People of the Saints of the most. High, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. Tenthly, The setting up of this Throne of his will make such a change (from bad to good) in all points, that in Scripture 'tis called a new world. Rev. 21.1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, viz. The Political Heavens and Earth of Popish worldly powers, they vanished, and new ones came up in their place. According to this Text must divers others be understood, Isa 66. from the 18. verse to the end of the Chapter, the Prophet Treats wholly of this Kingdom. In the last verse, he bids you look on the carcases, of the men that had transgressed against Christ, how remarkably and everlastingly they are destroyed: In the 18, 19, 20. verses, you have the Calling of the Jews, and Nations of the Gentiles: In the 21. and 23. verses, you have the Ministers and Ordinances of the Gospel set * Though under Legal terms. forth; and verse 22. all this called new heavens and new earth. In the Margin of this Scripture, there are divers quotations: I would commend two of them to your notice; One is, Isa 65.17. For behold I create new heavens, and new earth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into my mind. That which God will do, is so strange, so mighty a Work, that in comparison of God's former Works of Providence, 'tis called a Creation of new Heavens and new Earth, which cannot be understood concerning the material Heavens and Earth; for 'tis a Prophecy of something to come, that then was not; but there was as much, yea the very same Heavens and Earth (properly taken) then, as there is now, or ever will be; there will be no change in the now Visible or Material Heavens & Earth, but the same Earth, Sea, Sun, Moon, Stars to Christ's last coming: Therefore the Prophet means and calls them [new] in respect of former ones (as 'tis in the Text) the former shall not be remembered, Honoris gratiâ: The Political Heavens and Earth (as I said before) of the Pope and Popish worldly Kingdoms, these shall pass away, and Christ shall set up new Heavens, viz. a Heavenly King and Government over all the World; Heavenly Officers to rule under him, Thy exactors shall be righteousness; heavenly Ordinances, heavenly gifts and graces shall shine forth, heavenly Pastors and Discipline: and a new earth of external peace, and external plenty: the following verses of that 65. of Isaiah, will force your thus to understand it. The other Scripture the Margin quotes, is 2 Pet. 3.12, 13. Looking for, and hastening to the coming of the day of God, etc. Nevertheless we, according to promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness, q.d. though I bid you look for and hasten to the great day of God, wherein all shall be set on fire; yet nevertheless (take special notice how that word [nevertheless v. 13.] comes in) do not fear that you shall lose that glorious Kingdom upon earth, that your hearts are generally so much set upon. (Act. 1.6, 7. Lord, wilt thou now restore the kingdom to Israel; That the Messias would do it, 'twas commonly known, and believed of all the Jews, and by these taken for granted; our Saviour denies not the matter of their Quaere, suffering them to go on in their Faith of the thing itself, only gives check to their curiosity, It is not for you to know the times and seasons the Father hath put in his own hands.) Fear not (say Peter) before the great and last burning, we (groundedly from a promise) expect that God will make, and give us (in our Posterity) new heavens and new earth, in which shall dwell, none of that base ungodliness, the present heavens and earth of the Kingdoms of this World are full of, but in which shall dwell Righteousness (as 'tis Rev 9 8.) He names the chief thing in Christ's Kingdom, which will bring with it all the rest I have spoken of to you. If we that live now, who have taken notice of the present state of things, might be raised out of our graves, and have a full view of the Kingdom Christ will set up everywhere, certainly there would be no more spirit in us; we should cry out, here is noting of that World that was when we were upon earth; we see none of the old Kings and Queens, old Rulers, old Governments, old Sins and Sinners, old ways that formerly were; all the old things are gone, and behold all is become new: Here's a new King, and new Officers, new kind of Preachers, new Ordinances, new Discipline, new Saints, new Church, new State, all's become new: Why, this is not the World that was when we were alive; behold here's a new World that the Lord Christ Omnipotent hath Created. Lastly, This Kingdom shall be of no small continuance. Surely Christ will not be at all this care, cost, pain, to pull down, to set up, to make a new World of it, and all this but for a day, or a year. Antichrist had a thousand two hundred and threescore years to play Rex in; now indeed 'tis pity Christ should not have as long a Reign in the World at least. It is not for us to know the times and seasons the Father hath reserved in his own hands. But i'll tell you what Scripturer saith to it. Isa. 65.17. he had promised (as I told you) to create new Heavens and new Earth, and lest you should mis-understand this new Heavens, and new Earth, what they are; he tells you, ver. 18. I create Jerusalem a rejoicing. and her people a joy; that I mean; but when shall this be? Why, ver. 19 When the voice of weeping and crying shall be no more heard in her; which must needs point at a time after the destruction of the Temple (for then there was weeping and crying enough amongst them) viz. upon the now so much expected Calling of the Jews, and settling of them again in their own Land, at which time, ver. 22. They shall not build, and another inhabit (as it had been often formerly with them) they shall not plant, and another eat; but they shall dwell in their own houses, and eat their own labours: But for what space shall this joy and settlement of theirs be? It follows [Mine elects shall long enjoy the work of their hands] they shall enjoy their new heavens and new earth a [long time] Rev. 20 2, 3, 4. The angel laid hold on Satan, and bound him at thousand years; and the Saints lived and reigned with Christ (successively, generation after generation) a thousand years. 'tis very likely, this is a certain number for an uncertain; but whether it be more or it be less, questionless this expression of a [thousand years'] assures us of a very long time. Isa 60.15. I will make thee the joy of many generations; not a few but many generations. I leave it to your judgement what number of years (in this case) are to be accounted many; the Saints shall enjoy this blessed, this glorious reign of Christ for many generations. But that which goes immediately before is this, I will make thee an eternal excellency, speaking of the Church: The word [eternal] hear being to be understood comparatively, to other great Kingdoms that have been set up, and in time fallen, must import a duration as great as to the end of the World; an eternal excellency (i. e.) an excellency while the World stands, according to Dans. 2.44. In the days of these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but shall stand for ever. Dan: 7.14. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. But you'll say, how can this be reconciled with that, Rev. 20.7, 8, 9 When the thousand shall be expired, Satan shall be loosed out of prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the Sea: And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the Saints about, and the beloved City, hoping to make an end of them at once, that the world might be troubled with them no more. Where is the glorious Kingdom of Christ at this time, shall it not be even broken and lost? I answer. 1. 'Tis nowhere said, Christ's Reign in the height of its excellency, and utmost amplitude or extent of it should be everlasting; we do not anywhere read that. 2. A people Christ will have; all the Saints will be his; and be they never so few, he may truly be said to rule in and over the kingdom of the Saints; Earthly and worldly kingdoms may, but none of the Spiritual kingdom made up of Saints ever was or ever will be taken from him. 3. Thought the Devil (turned loose) deceive the nations in the four quarters of the earth; yet I do believe Christ will hold his own in the nation of the Jews. Isa. 60.20, 21, Thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw herself; for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Thy people shall be all righteous, (generally righteous) they shall inherit the land for ever. Isa. 59.20, 21. The Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord, as for me, this is my covenant with them; my Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of them mouth of thy seeds seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth even for ever. To convince you that this place is properly alleged for this purpose, see Rom. 11. where all confess the Apostle purposely sets himself to treat concerning the calling of the Jews: v. 25. says he, Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in, and so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written (Isa. 59.20.) There shall come out of Zion the Diliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. And says God, when I shall make this good unto them, I will bind myself to them by covenant, that my Spirit which I shall put upon them, my word which I shall put into their hearts and mouth, shall not depart from them, nor from their seed, nor from their seeds seed, while the world stands. I say, surely the people of the Jews, when once they are brought in to Christ again, they'll not forsake him any more for ever; which will be enough to make Christ a visible kingdom upon earth: And when all the powers and policies of the world are united in this designed of compassing, and so destroying the holy City. Christ will not suffer his Sceptre to be wrested out of his hand, nor the visibility of his kingdom and dominion to fail, and therefore * Some judgement or destruction, that all must acknowledge to be from God. fire comes down from God out of heaven, and destroys them, Rev. 20.9. whereupon the glory of this Church and Kingdom will revive and flourish again; and thus his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. When we speak of the great and glorious Rule and Kingdom of Christ over the generality of nations, peoples and languages, (as here we do) of this we say only, it shall last a long time, it shall continue a thousand years, it shall be the joy of many generations. You see the Point (I doubt not to say it) is a sure and impregnable truth. viz. Upon the breaking to pieces of the Church to Rome, the Lord Christ will reign, and King it so, so gloriously, as he never did in the world before. Use 1. For application, thus: But little cause have all God's people to let their hearts be sadded, when they see the famous Governments and Grandeour of this World broken to pieces and laid in the dust. Did they rightly understand their true interest, it would no more trouble them, than the pulling down of an old rotten smoky cottage doth any man, that a strong stately house may be set up for him in its room. It God throw down the powers, the greatness of the kingdoms of men, it is that he may bring, in the place thereof, the power and greatness of the kingdom of his Son. 'tis storied, when the War began in Germany, ann. 1619. that a great Brasse-image of S. Peter (that had, Tu es Petrus, & super te adificabo ecclesiam meam, engraven upon it) standing in S. Peter's Church at Rome; a great and massy soon fell down upon it, and so shattered it to pieces, that not any word or syllable of that sentences was legible, but only these, Aedificabo Ecclesiam meam, I will build may Church. Certainly out of these Wars that are now on foot (as I touched in the close of the last point) out of the ruins and ashes that shall be made, he will bring forth the most glorious Kingdom and frame of Government that ever the World saw. Carnal Reason may say, 'tis pity that such persons, such families, such constitutions should be shaken to pieces: but I speak to those who profess to live by a principle above Carnal Reason, above flesh and blood; to you that profess yourselves born of God, Members of Christ, Subjects of his Kingdom, that profess 'tis your everlasting joy to see the Crown set upon the head of Jesus Christ; 'tis a hard Riddle to me, that it should at all go to your hearts to see great but barren Mountains cast into the Sea, that so the way may be made plain for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and for his Kingdom. Use 2. The second thus, It were to be wished that every one would set themselves upon the stretch, to hasten to bring on this Kingdom. Set up that Kingdom in thyself which comes not with observation (as our Saviour speaks) that Kingdom which consists in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, Rom. 14.17. Let Christ, his Truth, and Worship rule in thee, and over thee. Lay down thyself, thy name, thy estate, thy All, at the feet of his Will. Set up as much of Christ and his Kingdom in thy Family as thou canst: suppress sin in it as far as thy power will go; set up Duties of Religion in it, & bring all under the power thereof. Oh that Magistrates would not stand consulting chiefly what suits best to the Interest of the State; but what suits best to the Interest of Jesus Christ, and will most help on his Kingdom. Certainly setting up, standing by, and countenancing in Spiritual, Powerful Ministry; not suffering Sabbaths and Ordinances to be profaned and affronted; good Learning and Holiness maintained in the Universities and other inferior Schools; Judgement and Justice executed without respect of persons; I say, doubtless these things would contribute much towards the enthroning of the great King of kings. Oh but some man will say, I am a poor wretch, I can do noting towards the hastening this Kingdom you speak of. That's strange. Canst not thou go into thy chamber or Closet, and there lament the Antichristianism that is in the present Governments of the World; tell God that he's Omnipotent, and so is able to remove whatsoever stands opposition to the Kingdom of his Son; mind him of his many promises that he will do it; Ask him, if he should fail, what would become of his Faithfulness, of his great name Jehovah? and than cry, Lord, let thy Kingdom come; Lord, how long yet; Lord, when shall it once be? Be assured of it, God may be stirred up much by fervent praying, to hasten his Work. You have a very notable place for this, Psal. 102. ver. 13. to ver. 19 Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion; for the time to favour her, yea the set time is come. Thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof. So the Heathen shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the Kings of the earth thy glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. This shall be written for the generation to come, and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord. What shall be written for the generations to come? what shall the People which shall be hereafter created, praise the Lord for? Why this, that when the Lord shall build up Zion, and so appear in the glory of his power and grace, as to make the heathen and all the kings of the earth to fear his name, he will therein have regard to the prayer of the destitute: The word that is here translated [destitute] signifies arbusculum nascentem in deserto, a poor shrub in the wilderness, which every beast is ready to bruise, or tread upon, a poor shrub that is low and mean, and despicable. When the Lord shall appear in his Glory, and build up Zion in its Glory, he will do it in reference to the prayers, and sighs, and wrestle of such poor shrubs as the weakest and meanest of you are: and therefore says the Prophet, Ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, give him no rest till be establish, till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth, Isa. 62.6, 7. q.d. You that are Saints indeed, and make mention of the name of God in prayer, follow him, hang about him, let him not have a quiet day (when argument fails, yet importunity may do much) till he have broken Antichrist, and all the powers of this World that stand in the way of the Gospel, till he have set up the Kingdom of his Son, made his name great and glorious in all the earth. You poor of the flock may do more toward this work than you are aware of; Wherefore I beseech you stand fast in the faith, pray without ceasing, quite yourselves like men. Oh! but I shall not live to see it, nor share in the joy of God's People, and glory of this Kingdom. My Answer to thee is thus. 1. If God take thee to Heaven before, thou canst be no great loser by that; thou shalt drink there at the Fountainhead of glory, when those thou hast left behind must drink but of the streams of Grace at a far greater distance. 2. The News of this Kingdom set up, will be quickly brought to heaven, and spread all up and down there; thou mayest as well enjoy the comforts of it there, keep a day of thanksgiving there, and sing thy Hallelujahs with the spirits of just men made perfect, to Him that sits upon the throne. 3. Get upon mount Nebo, however, and thence look into the Canaan that flows with milk and honey; setting an eye of faith upon the Prospective of Promises, thou mayest bring it very near to thee, and have a very clear view of it. Heb. 11.1. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. v. 13. These all died in the faith, not having received the promises, (i. the matter of them) but having seen them afar off, were persuaded of them, and embraced them. Though the great things promised were far off from them, yet by saith and strong persuasions of the truth of them they brought them very near, so that they took them in their arms and saluted them, as the word in the original imports. Abraham, though he lived many hundred years before Christ, yet he rejoiced to see his day, He saw it and was glad, Joh. 8.56. he could improve faith and promises to as much comfort and joy of heart, as old Simeon did the very taking him up in his arms: it applies itself. I remember what Jacob (when he lay upon his deathbed) said to his son Joseph, Gen. 48.21. Behold I die; but God shall be with you, and bring you to the land of your fathers. Thus when thou liest upon thy last bed, thy children and friends coming with blubbered cheeks and heavy hearts to take their leaves of thee, thou mayest tell them, Behold I die; but this is the support and comfort of my heart, God shall be with you, God will let you see the good days he hath spoken of in his word, even from generation to generation: I die, and must never see the glory of Jesus Christ in his Churches upon earth; yet Posterity shall see it, the Saints of God in after-ages shall enjoy the comforts, the blessedness of it: and that's life to me in the midst of death; I rejoice in that, and glory in that with joy unspeakable. FINIS. Reader, I Would have thee rest thy heart assured of this, That the 21 & 22 Chapters of the Revelations, are a Description of a State of a Church here below, (yet in allusion to Heaven.) Amongst many reasons which might be given for it, take these three. 1. It is called the New jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven: And behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, chap. 21.2, 3. The Church triumphant is taken up from the earth into heaven; and the spirits of just men made perfect, may more properly be said to dwell with God, than God with them. 1 Thess. 4. Then shall we for ever be with the Lord. 2. It's said, the Kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it, v. 24. Into the Church of Christ on earth, for the further completing of the Church's happiness: We all know, the glory and honour of earthly Kings is of no esteem in heaven, can add nothing there. 3. It is said, The leaves of the Tree, Rev. 22.2. are for the healing of the Nations, meaning the Spiritual sores and wounds of hte Nations: But surely there are in Heaven itself neither whole Nations nor persons, that stand in need of any healing whatsoever. Wherhfore it may safely be concluded, the 21. and part of the 22 Chap. of that Book, are a Description (in high expressions and metaphors) of the State of a Church here upon Earth. E. H.