A HAPPY DELIVERANCE, OR, A Wonderful Preservation of four Worthy and Honourable Peers of this Kingdom, and some others. Who should have been poysoyned at a Supper in St. Martin's Lane near Charingcross, on Tuesday, the 11. of jan. 1641. Viz. The Earl of Leicester The Earl of Essex, Lord Chamberlain. The Earl of Holland. The Earl of Northumberland. With some others. Whereunto is annexed five Articles preferred by the COMMONS in PARLIAMENT against Mr. Herbert the King's Attorney General. London, Printed for John Thomas, 1641. A True Relation of a treacherous intention, Practised by a Frenchman, for the poisoning of four Noble Peers of this Kingdom at the Earl of Leicester's house in St. Martin's Lane, Jan. 11. 1641. THe daily and horrible Plots and Enterprises of the Romish Faction practised against this Island of Britain, and the test of his Majesty's Dominions, are not unknown unto us all, and the bloody practices and mischiefs invented and plotted by them, have much disquieted the peace of this Kingdom, and distracted the content of King and Subject, had they not been grown most impudent in their attempts, and audaciously resolute to perform their bloody intentions, The many Discoveries of their Hellish practices and inventions, (with which it hath pleased God to bless this Nation) might deter and affright them from any new prosecution, But they are grown now most desperate, and their corrupt nature cannot forbear to Act, what is familiar and common to their Religion, which they seek to propagate by the effusion of blood, for why should they doubt to put that in execution, which is commended and allowed by their holy Father, in whom they put their confidence, and from whom they expect more than Absolution from their sins, a blessing for their pious undertake, villainy cannot want instruments to put it in execution, and wickedness is seldom stifled in the infancy, by the deficiency or scarcity of Nurses to mature it, and bring it into action, they have laboured often by strong hand and power to subvert and captivate this Kingdom, but the hand of Heaven hath given us the upper hand of them, and turned all their plots to their own confusion, now of late they have planted their malice in divers places of this Realm by private agents, endeavouring to effect that by policy, which they could not attain and reach too by their Power, amongst which I shall relate one of a most dangerous consequence, but the Lord that protected them, brought this wicked and horrid resolution to light. The Earl of Leicester having invited four Honourable Lords and Peers of this Kingdom, with some other great personages, to a Supper, which was performed at his house in St. Martin's Lane near the Strand on Tuesday jan. 11. 1641. And being all set at Supper, there came in a Hellish and bloody minded fellow, a Frenchman, (and is conceived) backed unto that wicked intention by some of the Popish Faction, which may well be conjectured by the Sequel which followeth. This Frenchman being come into place where these Noble Peers did sup that night, he privately whispered with the Cook of the Earl of Leicester, who also was a Frenchman, and could not speak a word of English, and told him in his own Language, that if he would undertake to poison the second course that was to be set before these worthy and Honourable personages, he would for his reward and secrecy therein, give him 3000 l. in ready Gold; The Cook perceiving this his wicked and bloody intentions, told him that if it might gain him 1000 worlds, he would not attempt an Act so wicked, and withal told him that his Treacherous designs he would immediately discover, the which the Frenchman perceiving (when he saw his opportunity) stole out of doors, for no man there present could understand French, And this French Cook understanding no English, whereby to discover this wicked advice, of his Countryman, was the reason why he did escape, who if he had been as avaricious of lucre as the other of blood, they had dispatched out of this world these Noble Pillars of our Realm, this was not discovered till after Supper, the Cook meeting one of the Earl of Leicester's Chaplains which understood French, who told him the manner and form of it as is before related, yet was this French Cook apprehended and sent for to be examined before the Lords in Parliament, and as yet not acquitted. Let every christian reader judge what Diabolical, and unparallelled intentions are continually practised by the Papists in England, against the Pillars of our Church and Commonwealth. Five Articles preferred by the House of Commons in PARLIAMENT against Mr. Herbert the KING'S Attorney General. I. WHether he contrived, framed, or advised the Articles exhibited in the House of Lords, against the Lord Kimbolton, Mr. Hollis, Sir Arthur Haslerig, Mr. Pym, Mr. Hampden, and Mr. Stroud or whether he knew or had heard who did contrive, frame or advise the same. To which he answered, That he did none of those three, and if he was proved so to do, he ●ould be contented to die for it. II. Whether he know the truth of those Articles; To which he Answered, That he knew nothing but what was said to him by his Master the King. III. Whether he will make them good when he shall be called thereto, To which he Answered, he was no way able to make them good farther than his said Master should enable him. iv From whom be had received them, or by whose advice he did exhibit them, To which he Answered, That from his Master's hands he received them, and by his command did exhibit them. V What proof and testimony he had to maintain those Articles, To which he Answered, That he received the Command from his Master, and had no other proof or testimony but such as his Master should enable him with. And being pressed to deal clearly, what testimony that was, He said he was of his Majesty's Council, and therefore desired further time to consider what answer to make. Upon all which it was resolved upon the Question, that the exhibiting of those Articles in the Lord's House against Members of the Commons House, was illegal and a high crime. It was likewise ordered, that a Message should be sent to the Lords, to desire them to join with the House of Commons, to move the King, that by Thursday next his Majesty will be pleased to appoint such as have given information against the foresaid Members, may bring in their charge, or else they to be freed by such a way as the Parliament shall think fit. An Order was entered that in regard there was a high breach of the Privileges of Parliament by Mr. Herbert Mr. Attorney in exhibiting the Articles aforesaid, in the sealing up their papers and Trunks, in the demand of the foresaid Members in the Commons House, and in his Majesty's coming in that manner to the Commons House, that a Message be sent to the Lords to make a Committee of Lords to meet with a Committee of the Commons House, to consider how and in what manner reparation may be made for the breach of Privileges. Then the Black Rod came to call the Speaker and the Commons House into the Lord's House, where the King by Commission passed the two Acts, 1. For pressing of Mariners for the ships. 2. For the relief of the Captives taken by the Pirates of Argiere. FINIS.