A copy of verses against lily In lilium bardum Astrologastrum Lilius est quidvis, est bardus, perditas, audax, Est mendax, afinus Lilius astrologus Demonstret nomen te mendacissime Lili Nomine bis mendax dicere, req magis Istis quid levius quibus est pro numine nomen Mendacis, magis est qui levitate levis How vain, how light, how foolish and how nought Are all that praise thee and thy books have baught? Candida mi Lili non sunt tibi lilia nomen Uix inter vepres nomen habere potes To call you lily more it were a scorn Your name's a nettle thistle brier or thorn Your head your pen'e your tongue doth prick and sting More than doth nettle prier or any thing To lily now all men may well say Phy Because your name saith twice to you ye lie But i● you say you have an L in more Than add ye fifty lies to two before Thus lies for weeks make up a good new year O brave what Almanacker have we here.