A METHOD Proposed to the Honourable House of Commons For Ordering and Collecting the DUTIES to be Paid to His MAJESTY UPON Births, Marriages, unmarried Persons, & Burials. THAT there be a Register in every diocese in England and Wales to be appointed by His Majesty; and, unless of necessity, to reside in the chief City, or greatest Town in every diocese. That every such Register may be empowered to appoint Collectors under him, for whom he shall be answerable. That such Register make up his Accounts, upon Oath, in the same manner; and Pay his moneys into the exchequer, at Sheriffs Account and Pay: And that the same be done in every Term, by the Registers for the Province of Canterbury, and twice a Year by the Registers within the Province of York. That the Payments be made upon demand after every Payment shall become due. That a Penalty be inflicted on every Collector not demanding, and on every person not paying when demanded; and the Collector have liberty to enter into any House, at seasonable times, to take Accomp● of all Births, Burials, Marriages, and Persons not Married, and receive a Certificate of every person, Vicar, Preacher, or other person, who shall have Cognizance of any Birth, Burial, or Marriage, and view their Books of Registry, as well as receive and take other Notice and Information. That the Register have 〈◇〉 per Pound, and the Collector 〈◇〉 per Pound, for registering, Receiving, and Paying the moneys Taxed, as hath been done for Receiving and Collecting other Taxes. That every person, under the Degree of a Knight, shall be distinguished as by the late Pole Act, and so chargeable, or not, as the Estate shall be valuable, to be Assessed as in usual manner, and discharged by oath, in case of Non-ability, and Commissioners of the Land Tax to be Commissioners in this, to determine as in other cases of persons over-charged by Assessments. A Borrowing Clause as hath been before done in this present Parliament.