Advertisement by Dr. Monro Presbyter of the Church of Scotland. I Find my Name Abused in a Late Pamphlet (I suppose written by one Mr. George Ridpath) as if I had sent, or Commissioned, or Ordered Mr. Andrew Johnston to counterfeit the name of one Mitchell, to a Certificate without his consent. What past between Mr. Johnston and Mr. Mitchell I only know by Relation; Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Johnston may reason this affair betwixt themselves as they see convenient. Let my Country men Read the following Declaration and then determine by the rules of honour and equity, how far I am concerned in this Calumny. Declaration by Mr. Andrew Johnston, December, 2d. 1693. WHEREAS it is said in a Scandalous Pamphlet, Entitled the Scots Episcopal Innocence, That I forged the hand of Thomas Mitchell lately, in Cornhill, and affixed it to a Certificate, bearing that Johnston of Lockerby was Excommunicated for Adultery, which Certificate was inserted in a Book, Entitled, the Spirit of Calumny and Slander. The said Mr. Andrew Johnston declare that I am ready to take my solemn Oath before any of the Judges in England, that Tho. Mitchell signed freely at my desire the said Certificate as I offered it, and as it was Inserted in the said Book: And that I know no other Certificate different f●om the former signed by him. AND Whereas it is most villainously said of me in the Pamphlet, Entitled the Scots Episcopal Innocence, That I was put upon this pretended Forgery by some of the Scots Clergy; I do declare before God, and by my hopes of Heaven, that never any one of the Scots Clergy directed or advised me to procure any Certificate, but what might be freely had; particularly that Dr. Monro, neither directly nor indirectly by any Order of his, or the least Insinuation prompted me to do any thing as is Scandalously Reported, and this I do again repeat, as I Hope for any Benefit by the merits of our Blessed Saviour. Sic Subscribitur Andrew Johnston. Signed at Mr. Watson's Coffeehouse, at the lower end of the Hay-Market, in presence of Alex. Mccutosh, Clerk. Pat. Dujon, Student in Divinity. John Murdoch, Clerk. James Cunningham, Student in Divinity. James White, Student in Physic