Christian Reader: Having forewritten about the extent of the death, and sacrifice of Christ; That it might be more usefully understood, I have here presented to thy view, this following Tract, desiring, that is good, may be received; And, what swarveth from Truth, that I may be lovingly informed thereof, which I spall hearty accept at the hands of any; or, if evident truth be faulted, shall with meekness give answer if I may be permitted; And that God may graciously discover to us, and lead us into all truth; Is the desire of the least of his mercies, and servants. Tho: Moor. A DISCOURSE ABOUT THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND SACRIFICE OF JESUS CHRIST. CHAP. I. The Preface. COnsidering how our Saviour, when he was about to leave his Disciples, whom he so dearly loved; left with them by his institution, His Supper, in which they might spiritually enjoy his presence; And then said to them: Do this in remembrance of me, Luk. 22.19. And that the Apostle saith, That in so doing we show forth the Lords death till he come, 1 Cor. 11.25.26. And likewise; That the Apostle affirmeth, that as many as are baptised into Christ, were baptised into his death, Rom. 6.3. so that to be taught, and subdued to the acknowledgement, and brought into the faith of Christ, and unto conformity with him; Is to be taught, and subdued to the acknowledgement, and brought into the faith of the death of Christ, and conformed to him in fellowship of his death, as that wherein the virtue of his Resurrection is met with, Rom. 6.4.8. Gal. 2.20. Phil. 2 Cor. 2 Tim. 2.11. And the Scripture affirmeth of all the Priesthood, Sacrifices, Atonement, and Purifications under the Law; That they were but figures, types, and shadows of that to be found in Christ; He being the body, Col. 2.17. And the truth of all typed in the shadows found in him, Heb. 9.9.23. Chap. 10.1. And so that, there was more virtue, Power, and Prevalency with God in Christ, his offering himself, and presenting the virtue of his blood before his Father, than in all the offerings of the other Priests, Heb. Chap. 10.14. And that there is more Power, virtue, and prevalency, with, and in men for purgeing the conscience, in the spiritual sprinkling of the virtue of the blood, and sacrifice of Christ therein; than was in all those shadowing purifications, and sprinklings to purify the flesh, Heb Yea those who in being taught of God, have experimented the truth hereof, call the blood of Christ precious, 1 Pet. 1.19. And have professed in their Preach, not to determine to know any thing among their hearers, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified, 1 Cor. 2.2. And not to glory, and rejoice, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, Gal. 6.14. It gives me to conceive, that a sober reader will be persuaded; that there is something in the blood, death, and sacrifice of Christ, of infinite value, and worthy our heartiest, and deepest consideration, most wist view, best remembrance, and choice acceptation: and so I am encouraged to present the same to consideration, and for more orderly proceeding to consider. 1. What is comprehended in these terms, the sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ? 2. The manifold ends of his suffering, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice, as the Scripture distinctly sets them forth. 3. The necessity of the sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ. 4. The Excellency, Dignity, and worth of this blood, and sacrifice. 5. The virtue, operation, and prevalency thereof, presented, and applied. 6. The usefulness of the same, known, and believingly remembered. CHAP. II. What is comprehended in these terms? The Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ. IN these together, and every of these terms, in Scripture is meant; Sometime fully, and almost only, and always inclusively. The very suffering of Christ itself; The shedding of his blood, and his death, Esa. 53.4.5. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows,— He was wounded for our transgressions, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, Rom. 4.25. He was delivered for our offences, 1 Cor. 15.3. Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture, Gal. 3.13. Being made a curse for us, 1 Pet. 3.18. Christ hath once suffered for our sins, the just for the unjust, 2 Cor. 5.14.15. He died for All, Heb. 2.9. By the grace of God he tasted death for every man. 2. Sometimes together with this former sense of the sufferings, the Bloodshed, and Death of Christ itself; is meant, Also in the same terms of suffering, Blood, and Death of Christ, the virtue, and efficacy of this suffering, Bloodshed, and death of Christ as he is risen from the Dead, free, and just from all our sins imputed to him, and a victor over all our curse, and death imposed on him; As namely: 1. The fulfilling the truth of God in the death of the sinner; for so we judge, if one died for all; then are all dead, and he died for all, that they which live, should live to him, etc. 2 Cor. 5.14.15. Gen. 2.17. 2. The satisfying Divine Justice, in that all have suffered the curse in one public man being made a curse, and having overcome it for them, Gal. 3. 10-13. with Esa. 53.5. and 2 Cor. 5.19.21. 3. The satisfying, and fulfilling the Law, accomplishing a righteousness for us, that Way may be made for the righteousness of the law to be fulfilled in us, Gal. 1.4. Rom. 8.3.4. 4. The overcoming death, and him that had the power of death, And so takeing out of the way, that which was in the way between God, and us; contrary to us, 2 Tim. 1.10. Heb. 2.14. Col. 2.14. So as in him, mercy and truth are met, righteousness and peace have kissed, Psal. 85.10. such the virtue of the sufferings, blood, and death of Jesus Christ, being risen from the dead. And thus he is said to be risen for our Justification, Rom. 4.25. And so is he justified in the room of all mankind, that they are all in him as in the public person, justified, Rom. 3.23.24. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Rom. 5.18. As by the offence of one unto all men, to Codemnation, even so by the righteousness of one to all men to justification of life; And he by himself, purged, (or made purgation for) our sins, and then sat down, etc. Heb. 1.3. And so hath taken away our sins by the sacrifice of himself, Heb. 9.26. john 1.29. 1 john 3.5. And through death destroyed him that had the power of death, Heb. 2.14. And all this, the virtue and efficacy of the death, and resurrection of him that is risen from the dead, 1 Cor. 15. tot 3. Sometimes; together with both the former senses; by the suffering, blood, death, and sacrifice of Christ, is meant, His offering, and presenting himself in heaven before his Father, by and with the virtue of this his suffering, blood, and death, as the price, the Ransom, the propitiatory-sacrifice for atonement and purchase to God for men: So Heb 8.3. It is of necessity that he have somewhat also to offer, Heb. 9 26. now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to take away sin by the sacrifice of himself, vers. 12. By his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, verse 14. who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God: see Heb. 10.1.— 12. Tit. 2.14. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us, 1 Tim. 2.6. who gave himself a ransom for all. 4. Sometime, together with all these former senses; by the suffering, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ, is meant; The prevalency, and effectualness thereof, as presented to God with God for mankind, so as he hath made peace, slain enmity, obtained eternal Redemption, and received fullness of spirit to make it known, and dispense it, Ephes. 2.15. Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, so making peace; verse 16. Having slain the enmity, Heb. 9.12. having obtained eternal redemption, and Psal. 68.18. Received gifts in the man, (and for men, Ephes. 4.8.) even the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell amongst them. And this prevalency, and effectualness of his precious Blood, and Sacrifice offered to his Father for men; appears in many things; especially. 1. In that the Father hath accepted of him, and his Sacrifice, for the ends, for which he offered the same to him, and hath received, and exalted him with, and at his right hand, Mat. 17.5. My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, john 16.8.10. The Spirit shall convince the world of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; That is, He is received, and his Sacrifice accepted, and so sent forth no more to suffer, and offer Sacrifice for sins, as he should have been, if he had not satisfied for all (Heb. 9.7.8.) And wrought a perfect righteousness, and so it is said, Heb. 1.3. After he had by himself purged; (or made purgation of) our sins, he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high Heb. 10.12. After he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, he sat down on the right hand of God; yea the Lord in Testimony of his well-pleasedness with him, hath said to him, Psal. 110.1. Sat thou on my right hand till I, etc. Heb. 1.13. 2. In that the Father hath released, and given over all to his Son, and given all power, and authority into his hands, and made him Lord of all, so as he shall judge all men; And he hath filled him with Immeasurable fullness of the Holy-Ghost in the humane nature; to dispense to men, to make known his grace, and that he may according to the Gospel absolve all that believe, and condemn all that will not believe, Psal. 2.8. I shall give thee, the Heathen for thine Inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession, Mat. 11.27. All things are delivered to me of my Father, john 16.15. All things that the Father hath are mine, Mat. 28.18. All power is given to me in Heaven, and in Earth, 1 Pet. 3.22. Angels, Authorities, and powers being made subject to him, Act. 2.36. God hath made Jesus both Lord and Christ, Act. 10.36. He 〈◊〉 Lord of all, and this by virtue of his death, resurrection, and ascension, Rom. 14.8.9. And he is the Judge, john. 5.27. Act. 17.31. And is filled with spirit to send forth in the means, Act. 2.32.33. Ephes. 4. 7.-12. That so he may absolve and judge according to the Gospel, Rom. 2.16. john 12.48. 3. In that the Holy-Ghost in the Scripture avoucheth such full sufficiency, completeness and virtue in this precious Blood, Ransome, and sacrifice, as it is by Christ, in presenting, and offering himself, presented, and offered to the Father, and by him accepted, and received, that Jesus Christ is hereby become, appointed, and accepted of God, even God's salvation to the ends of the earth, Esa. 49. joh. 4.42. Act. 13.47. The Saviour of the world, 1 john 4.14. The Mediator between God and men, 1 Tim. 2.5. The great Highpriest, Prophet, and Advocate for his Church, Heb. 3. 1.-6. and 7. 1 john 2.2. 4. In the appearing and forthcoming of love, and grace through the effectualness, and fruitfulness of his precious Blood, Ransome, and Sacrifice, as it hath been, and is presented to God; from whom it procureth such Kindness, and grace to be extended to manward, that hereby, even by Christ, and for his sake, and through the virtue of his Sacrifice; 1 The earth with the Inhabitants are upheld for men, and men's lives reprived, and space afforded, even to Rebels, that they might repent, Psalm. 75.3. The Earth and all the Inhabitants thereof are dissolved, I bear up the pillars of is. Heb. 1.3. upholding all things by the Word of his Power, when he had by himself purged our sins, etc. Col. 1.17. By him all things consist. Joh. 1.4. In him was life, and the life was the light of men, Rev. 2.21. I gave her space to repent, 2 Pet. 3.9. He is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that All should come to repentance. 2. Patience, and forbearance is extended to men that are yet found sinning: and bounty, and many mercies vouchsafed, which carry forth in them the testimony of his goodness, and that to this end, To lead men to repentance, Act. 14.16, 17. He in times past suffered All Nations to walk in their own ways: Nevertheless, he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from Heaven, and fruitful Seasons, filling our hearts with food, and gladness, Rom. 2.4. The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance: And this riches of the goodness of God, and forbearance, long-suffering, and fruits of mercy, being extended through the sacrifice offered, and redemption obtained by Christ, and carrying in it the testimony of his goodness, and leading to repentance, and that to this end, that men might seek after the Lord, Act. 17, 26. It is grace, and free grace, and universally extended, and that to a gracious end: And as the giving of Christ to be the Saviour of the world, 1 Joh. 4.14. was a fruit of God's rich mercy, pity, and love to mankind, John 3.16, 17. So this is a fruit of the prevalency of the sacrifice of Christ with God, And his kindness to manward for Christ his sake, Tin. 3.4 And so far as it is to all men, it is general, and universal sure; Matth. 5.44, 45. Psalm. 17.14. 3 The giving of his Word, and oracles, with his ordinances to many men; wherein the Saviour with his peace, righteousness, and salvation is set forth, That men might through him believe, and in believing have life. Joh. 1.4, 5, 7. And so it is he that hath made peace, That comes in the Word preaching peace, Ephes. 2.17. This was peculiar to Israel from Abraham's time, till Christ his Ascension, Psalm. 147.19, 20. And since extended to the Gentiles, Ephes. 3.5, 6. 4 The affording some light, and motion of his Spirit, in, and according to the means vouch safed, whether in the Book of Creatures only, or the Book of Scriptures also: For calling All men, Prov. 8.4 5. Isa 45.22. And willing them, and striving with them at one time or other, 1 Pet. 2.12. Gen. 6.3. And so Christ is the true Light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, John 1.9. And so in the works of Creation, It is said, Rom. 1.19. That which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it to them; And of the preaching of the Gospel it is said, 2 Cor. 2.14. God maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge, etc. And such as resist the light, and motion in either of these means, resist the holy Spirit, Prov. 1.23, 24. Act. 7.51. The liberty of giving life to all that believe on him, 17. john 2. And all these come through the efficacy and prevalency of the Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ presented unto God, and accepted of him; In which respect, The Gospel, where it comes, sets him forth, as indeed he is; The propitiation for our sins, and the Sins of the whole world, Rom. 3.25 1 john 2.2. The upholder of the world made by him, Heb. 1 2, 3. The laver of regeneration, or new birth, john 3.5.15. Tit. 3.4, 5. I he Fountain of leansing, and purificatioons for defilements, 1 job 1.7 Zach. 13.1. The Fountain of life, Psal. 36.9. He in whom God hath given us eternal life, so as he that hath him, hath life, 1 john 5.10, 10, 11, 12. and as page 5. under this figure 3. 5 Sometimes together with all these four former senses, by the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ so presented to, and prevailing with God, is also farther meant the spiritual Discovery and Application of it to, and prevailing efficacy in the hearts and consciences of such, as through the appearance of grace are brought to believe, Heb. 12.24 To the blood of sprinkling, 1 Pet. 1.2. Unto obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, vers. 19 The precious blood of Christ, which indeed prevaileth with, and and in those who in spiritual Discoveries are sprinkled, and washed therewith, in, and with whom it is so powerful, and effectual, That it verily pierceth and melteth the heart for all its sinfulness, and follies against him, and all its hard thoughts, and oppositions wherewith it hath pierced him, Zach. 12.10, Acts 2.37. Reconcileth the heart, and powers in their inclination to God, 2 Cor. 5.18, 20. Giveth an escape from the intangling pollutions that are in the world, and holding from God through lusts, 2 Peter 1.4. and 2.20, Rev. 5.9. Speaketh peace to the Conscience, so as the Believer receiveth justification, and peace with God thereby, Heb. 12.24. Rom. 4 25. and 5.1.2. Purgeth the Conscience, Heb. 9.13.14. from the accusations of sin, and charges of the Law, putting in fear, Rom. 7.4.6. and 8.2.3, 34. from its former corrupt way of dictating to seek peace, and righteousness with God, by frames, and performances of its own according to Law." And also from speaking peace from such attainments, Gal. 2.21. Phil. 3 3 7, 8, 9 job. 9.15.32. Purifieth the heart to a childlike love of God, and Christ, and his Government, Heb. 9.14. Gal. 2.20, 21. And so reneweth it with spring: of ove ce brethren, 1 Pet. 1.19, 21, 22. And omen, 2 Cor. 5.14. And inclinations to serve the living God Tit 3 4.5. Conforming to Christ, 2 Cor. 3.3, 18. Washes, and cleanseth from such pollutions, as befall Believers, 1 John 2.7. Sealeth to the Day of redemption, Exod. 12.13, with Ephes. 1.13. and 4 30. And giveth boldness and courage in access to God, Rom: 5.2. Ephes. 2.16 18 Heb. 4 16. All which are the efficacies of the precious blood of Christ, spiritually applied to, and sprinkled on the heart; And meant when the Blood is spoken of, as Believers are said to be sprinkled (redeemed from the world, or vain conversation) and washed with it, Heb. 12.24. 1 Pec. 1.19. Acts 20.28. Rev. 5.9. and 1.5. 6 Sometimes, by these terms, the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ, is signified, included, and meant; The immense, rich, and free mercy, love, or grace of God, in finding out a ransom, and giving his Son, That he might show forth love, Job. 33.24. John 3.15, 16, 17. Ephes. 2 4 5, 6, 7. And so this love made known in the gift of his Son, and testified in the application of the virtue of his blood, Rev. 1.5. and 5, 9 In forgiveness of sins, Ephes. 1.6.7. And therethrough shedding abroad his love in the heart by the holy Ghost, begetting love and confidence Rom: 5 5, 10. Uniting to, comforting in, and conforming to Christ, writing his mind in the heart 1 Pet. 8.21, 22. 2 Cor. 3.3.18. And herein is love, That he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins, 1 John 4.10. and 3 16 And herein is love communicated, That he hath washed us from our sins in his blood, Rev. 1.5. And so when we speak, or in the Scripture read, of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ, and the love of God to manward, and the hope, and benefit set forth to all men thereby; we are to understand it as of the blood of Christ: 1 That shed it, and died for our sins, 2 That overcame Death, and risen for our Justification. 3 That by, and with the virtue of this blood, did through the eternal Spirit effer up himself without spot to God, and hath thereby obtained eternal redemption; And 4 that thereby procureth favour, and means for the Sons of men, That they might believe, and in believing be saved: And when the Scripture speaketh of so much, and no more in any Proposition for Faith, it speaketh of it, as for the world, John 1.29. Mer, 1 Tim: 2.6. Sinners, 1 Tim. 1.15. And such like general terms it useth, 2 Cor. 5.19. But when we speak, or in the Scripture read of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and sacrifice of Christ, as the virtue and efficacy thereof is found in any, And the peculiar love, and choice privileges thereof affirmed of; Then we are to understand it farther. 5 Of the virtue of that precious Blood applied to, and working in the heart; And 6 of the rich and free love of God testified to, and shed abroad in the heart thereby; And then, and so we are to understand it, not only in the four former senses, but both in them, and these two latter also; And so it is never spoke of in general for all men, but for the Church, Act, 20.28. Ephes. 5.25.26, 27, Believers, 1 John 1.7. His called, and chosen ones, Heb. 9.14 Revel. 1.5. and 5.9. And so the same virtue, and grace of Christ by Spirit given and made effectual. 1 In respect of Christ his dying for our sins, and in respect of his entering into Heaven by his own blood, And in respect of his Application of it to the conscience And in respect of the first effects of it speaking Peace, and answering Law-charges; it is expressed by Blood, or Death, Rom. 8 34. 2 And in respect of the free, and rich love of God appearing therethrough, and entering the heart; with its cleansing, refreshing, and renewing operations; It is expressed by water, clean water, living water, or water of life, Isa: 43.3. Ephes. 3.23. Heb. 10.23. john 4 10. and 7.38. And so the same washing is affirmed, as a fruit of his love, by his Blood, Rev. 1.5. with clean water, Ezek. 36.25. and Christ is called, The Fountain of living Waters, Jer. 17.13. And as these terms of Blood and Water, are used to set forth the same grace distinctly, in divers and distinct respects; so one of these terms, sometimes comprehends both; As Blood, in Rev. 1.5. and Waters, in John 3.5. Tit. 3.4, 5. And so as Jesus Christ in respect of his sacrifice with the efficacy of it, as offered to God; And by the efficacy of it, as applied to men, was shadowed, figured, and typed out by Water, and Blood, Heb. 9.8, 12, 13, 14, 19 Even so his first coming, and finishing the work, his Father gave him to do on Earth: 1 Because of the great, rich, and free love of God, in which he sent his Son into the World; John 3.16. To be the Saviour of the world, 1 John 14.14. By which he tasted death for every man, Heb. 2 9 And in love laid down his life for us; He is said to have come by water. 2 Because of the satisfaction he made for us by suffering, and dying for our sins, 1 Cor: 15.3.4. 2 Cor: 5.21. Gal: 3.13. He is said, to have come by Blood. 3 Because, by the eternal Spirit he risen from the dead, ascended, and offered himself without spot to God, and so was justified in the Spirit, Ro: 6.4. 1 Pet: 3.18. Ro: 1.4. 1 Tim: 13.16. And by that Spirit testifieth of himself, john 14.26. and 15.26, 27. It is said, The Spirit beareth witness, 1 john 5.6. This is he that came by water and blood; not by water only, but by water and blood, and it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is Truth. And so as there is one God, and three Persons in one God: The Father who hath loved us, and given his Son for us, 1 john 4.10. The Son who was made flesh, and so died for our sins, and risen for our justification, john 1.14 Rom: 5.25. The Holy Ghost, who proceedeth from, and maketh known the Father and the Son, Matth. 16.16. joh. 14.26. and 16.13. So it is said, 1 john 5.7. There are three that bear record in Heaven; the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; And these three are one, and so the Record is the record of one God. 1 john 5.10. And answerably, there are three that bear record on Earth to men, and in the hearts of Believers. The Spirit that discovers in, and through the Gospel this grace, and enlightens the heart to see, and believe, and so begets a spiritual disposition, bringing out of darkness into his light, Matth. 16.16. john 16. 7-15. 1 Cor. 2.9.— 15. The Water, even that rich, free, and immense love of God in the Spirits exaltation of Christ's appearing, Isa 55.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The Blood, even the propitiation made, satisfaction given, redemption obtained, righteousness wrought, and presented to God, and accepted of him, and now applied for satisfaction to the Believer, Rom: 3.25, 26. and and 5.1.— 11. And all these agreeing in one; And so it is said, 1 john 5.8. There are three that bear witness in Earth; The Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood, and these three agree in one: All these witnesses agree in one, and bear forth one record, and the Spirit is he that beareth forth the witness, and he doth it with Water & Blood, in discovery and application of the free grace of God, and the virtue of the precious blood of Christ, Tit. 3.4, 5. And so the whole record is the record of God, 1 john 5.10, 11, 12. And this is the record that God hath given of his Son, Tha God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son; He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son, hath not life: And so by this whole Discourse, we may understand: That 1 When the Scripture speaks of grace, or free-love; though for the clearness, purity, refreshing, and cleansing effects, it expresses it by that metaphor of water; yet it means of that grace, & love, in which Christ was given to be a ransom, and which is testified through Christ; who by his blood shedding, and with the virtue thereof presenting, and offering himself a spotless sacrifice to his Father, hath obtained eternal redemption, and procured favour to be dispensed, and the way of dispensation, 1 john 4.10. Rom: 5.5, 6. 2 And when the Scripture speaks of the Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ, or the redemption effected thereby: It means the Blood of Christ, which through love or grace was shed, and presented to God for us, and is discovered to us; and so the redemption through grace wrought, and in, and through which, grace, or free-love appeareth, Rom: 5. 8.-11 Gal: 2.20. 3 And so when the Scripture speaketh of the teaching, witnessing, and operation of the holy Ghost; It meaneth, that teaching, witnessing, & operation of the Spirit of Christ, which by virtue of his Sacrifice, Christ sendeth forth from the Father, and in which he discovereth, and witnesseth the things of Christ; and so with water and blood discovering freegrace, through the virtue of that precious Blood, john 15.26. and 16.7.— 15. And these things are well to be heeded, and digested in our hearts, as they are comprehended, and meant; always the most of them, and often all of them, in using these terms and expressions: The Sufferings, Blood, Death, Ransome, and Sacrifice of Christ Jesus. CHHP. III. The manifold ends of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ, as the Scripture distinctly sets them forth. FOr the right understanding the distinct ends of the Death, and Sacrifice of Christ, according to Scripture sense, and expression: There are some things the Scripture mentions to be fore-understood, and heeded of us. 1 Of Jesus Christ, according to his double mission from the Father into the world; and also, according to his double business in leaving the World, and offering himself to the Father. 2 Of Mankind: In respect of the double misery, and enmity against God, they are through the first Adem fallen into. 3 Of the Church: In respect of the double need they stand in, of the contiovall helpfulness of Christ Jesus. In the understanding, and distinct consideration of all these, the divers and distinct ends of the Death, and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will appear clearly. 1 Concerning Jesus Christ, his coming into the world, and leaving the world. First, in respect of his mission from the Father into the world, it was twofold: 1 He came, and was sent into the world to be the Saviour of the world, 1 john 4.14. To save finners, 1 Tim: 1.15. That is, In the nature of man, subjected to humane infirmities, Heb. 10.5. To be made under the Law, to redeem such as were under the Law, Gal. 4.4. And so to bear their sins, Psasm: 40.12. And suffer their Curse, Gal: 3.13. And die the death of, and for All, 2 Cor: 5.14. Heb: 2.9. And so dying for their sins, to rise for their justifieation, Rom: 5.25. And so he said, john 10.14. I have power to lay down my life, and I have power to take it again: This Commandment have I received of my Father: And so he died, and risen to the ends fore-shown, page 2 and 3. And in respect of this mission, his death and sacrifice was to take away, and be the propiation for, the sins of the whole world, Heb. 9.26. john 1.29. 1 john 2.2. He came, and was sent into the world to bear witness to the truth, john 18 37. And so to be a Preacher of the Gospel, in the Declaration of this great Grace, and Salvation, Heb: 1.2. and 2.3. And by his good works and miracles to win men to the belief and receipt thereof, john 5.36. and 14.11. And to give the promises of the New Testament, and of eternal life, to those that were prevailed with, to believe on him, john 17.6, 7, 8. and 14.26. and 16.7. And of his mission to this Ministration, it is said, Rom: 15.8. That Jesus Christ was a Minister of the Circumcision (that is, of the Jews) for the truth of God, etc. And of this mission, (when some came to him for some fruits of the ministration thereof) it is, that he said, Matth. 15.24. I am not sent, but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And larger Commission he gave not to his Disciples, till he had finished his own course, Matth. 10.5, 6. But then he enlarged this mission for all Nations, All the World, Matth. 28.19. Mark. 16.15. And sent them into the world, even as the Father had sent him into the world. john 17.18. which can be understood but of this his mission for ministration (for only himself is the propitiation,) joh. 20.21. And of this ministration also he saith, John 12 49, 50. I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me; he gave me a commandment what I should say, and what I should speak, And I know that his commandment is life everlasting; whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak, John 14.10. And thus he died in testimony of obedience, love, and faithfulness to his Father, Phil. 2.8.— 10. And of love and faithfulness to his sheep, that had been taught by him, John 10.15. And so to confirm the truth of his Doctrine, 1 Tim. 6.13. And to give us an example to follow his steps, in teftifying love, and faithfulness to God, and Brethren, John 15.12, 13. 1 Pet: 2.21. 1 John 3.16. Not to make propitiation for hem, for be it; but to confirm the truth, & testify love, and faithfulness, and give good example, Ephes. 5.2. But now, if we consider of Jesus Christ, according to both his Missions together, as to make Propitiation; And in preaching the Gospel, to give the Promises of the New Testament to his Disciples; Then we shall find also, that he so died, to confirm, ratify, and seal the New Testament of precious Promises, and so it was for his called and chosen ones, Luke 22.20. Heb. 9.15, 16. Gal. 3.15. And thus of his mission into the world. 2 In respect of his business, in leaving the world, and offering himself to the Father; it was also twofold, as Scripture showeth. 1 It was to present himself as the ransom, and sacrifice, with the virtue of his blood to God for Mankind; and thereby to obtain, and receive to himself (or into his own hands to dispose) as the public person in the room of Mankind, remission of sins, justification, fullness of spirit, and authority, and to be the Mediator between God & M●n, Heb: 9.12, 14.24 1 Tim: 2.5. And so to be our Peace, Ephes: 2.14, 16. The propitiation for our sins, and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2.2. And Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Reslemption for men, and to all that believe in him, John 1.4. 1 Cor: 1.30. 2 It was to take on him, and execute his office of Lord and Mediator, and high Priests, etc. To send forth, tender, and dispense of the grace and Spirit, which he, as the public person hath received in the humane nature glorified, to enlighten, convince, and draw even the rebellious, that they might believe, etc. Psalm. 68.18. John 1.7.9. and 16.8, 9, 10. And to sprinkle and wash the consciences of Believers, with the spiritnal application of his precious blood, and shedding abroad in the heart of Believers, the free, and rich grace appearing therethrough, renewing, comforting, and leading them into all truth, Heb. 12.24 and 9.14. Rev. 1.5. Tit. 3.4 5. Himself remaining a husband, and Advocate for them, Ephes. 5.25, 26, 27. 1 john 2.1. In both which appears a twofold end of his blood, & sacrifice offered: The one, the obtaining redemption, etc. to make known, & tender to men, that they might believe, john 3.17. Ephes. 2.5, 6, 7. The other, The communication thereof too, and effectual operation in Believers, john 17.3. Ephes 5, 26, 27. 2 Concerning Mankind, in respect of the double misery, and enmity against God, which by falling into sin, they fell into. 1 The first is, the misery and enmity in the very state and condition, into which mankind by sin were fallen, which was such as stood cross to the merciful God, to keep him back from showing any favour, or grace at all to mankind; for the Truth of God requites the Death of man sin being entered, Gen. 2.17. And the justice of God requires the execution of the Curse on man, that hath failed of his duty, Gal. 3.10. And so, though God did not upon the fall of man, turn enemy to mankind; But in his bear't did pity him, Tit. 3.4. And his bowels of compassion moved for mankind: so as he would not for that fall, make him as the Devil and his Angels, (something like that said of Israel, Hos. 11. 6-9.) Yet Truth, and justice stood against the showing forth of this mercy, and extending of peace to mankind: yea, had not the nature of mankind been polluted and filled with averseness and eumity against God upon the fall (as indeed it was;) yet by reason of sin committed, though it had been but once, and passed, leaving only guiltiness behind it, even that put such enmity in the state and condition of mankind, and made such a pertition between God and mankind, that Truth and justice would not (without a satisfaction) that any mercy should be showed, or peace given him, who had by that offence sold himself from God to Satan, and thrown himself under guilt of sin, and desert of Curse, and Death; so as it brought a necessity of inflicting curse and death upon him; which if men suffer in their own particular persons, they can never overcome; and without suffering, they can have no remission, Heb. 9 22. Now to remedy this misery, and take away this enmity in the state and condition of mankind, Jesus Christ, by the will of God, even the will of his Father, and his own freewill, it being one, and the same, with the will of his Father, hath taken the nature of mankind, subjected to infirmities, and the cause of mankind upon him; and in their stead, being made under the Law, under which they were fallen, hath borne all their sins, and suffered all their curse and so died for All, That all were dead, and hath risen again just, and free from all their sins imputed to him; And a victorer over all their curse, and death imposed on him, and so ascended, and offered up himself to God a spotless sacrifice, and a ransom to God for all men, and God hath accepted it; so that for mankind in him, mercy, and truth are met, righteousness and peace have kified, Psul. 85 10. And he is become the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, 1 john 2.2. having slain the enmity, Ephes. 2.10. Having taken out of the way All that (was only between God, and us, and so) was contrary to us, Col: 2.14. And so hath given himself aransome for All to God, and bought all men of God, 1 Tim ● 6. 2 Pet. 2.1. And here is the infinite wisdom, and great love of God, in finding out this remedy for mankind; which from the beginning, was in himself hidden in his own Bosom; And this he brought to pass, so putting all to death, in the death of his Son, and setting them in heavenly places in him, That he might show forth the riches of his grace, Ephes. 2.5, 6, 7. And so war God in Christ, reconciling the World to himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, 2 Cor. 5.14, 19 And so hath made a way for himself, to show mercy to whom he will, And opened the door to life, and immortality for mankind, 2 Tim. 1.10. And thus hath jesus Christ, by shedding his blood, and presenting it to his Father, redeemed all men of God, and taken the enmity out of their stateand condition, and is become their Lord, Having wrought redemption, and salvation in his own body for them, even for all men, 1 Tim. 2. 5. Sinners, 1 Tim. 1.15. , and his enemies, And that while they were such, Rouen. 5.6. That he might bring them to God, 1 Pet. 2.24. and 3.18. And yet unless he proceed to do more for men, than all this, none of them will come into God, john 6.44, 45. For, 2 There is a misery, and enmity in the nature of mankind through which he is so averse to God; That though the enmity in the state and condition be slain: And all that which was (between God and Mankind) contrary to them taken out of the way, Ephes. 2.16. Col. 2.14. yet will not mankind come into God, but remain sinners, and ungodly still, foolish, disobedient, and deceived, living to themselves, and after their own lusts, and so in enmity against God. Rom. 3.10.— 19 Ephes. 2.1, 2, 3. Tit. 3, 2, 3. And such (however ransomed by Christ:) neither can, nor shall enter his Kingdom, nor have any inheritance with Christ, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Gal. 15.19, 20, 21. But if not brought out of this enmity (which is as impossible to them to do of themselves, as to have ransomed themselves) their condemnation will be more fearful, 2 Thes. 1.8. Now to remedy this misery, and take this enmity out of the nature of man, Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, and with the virtue of that blood he shed for mankind, having offered up himself a spotless Sacrifice to God, and obtained eternal redemption, and received all fullness of Power, Authority, and Spirit, as the public person in the humane nature glorified. Act. 2.31.32. Psalm. 68.18. Doth send forth of that Spirit (in the means he useth) at one time or other, to enlighten, and move at the hearts of men, john 1.9. To reprove, and convince them of the sinfulness in themselves, & the vanity of all their Idols, and all righteousness of their own working, and of the fullness of that righteousness, and life in him, john 16.8, 9, 10. And so calleth them, Prov. 8.4.5, 6. Isa 45.22. and 55.1, 2. That in their turning at his reproof, he may power out his Spirit, and make known his words to them, Prov. 1.23. That so through him they might believe, and be saved, john 1.5, 7. and 3.7. And though all resist, and go out of the way, Rom. 3.10.— 19 And that this is the great condemnation, when light comes, to love, or choose darkness rather, john 3.19. And he might justly give them all up, and be righteous, Rom: 3.5, 6. yet for a time, he useth patience, and striveth with them, Gen. 6.3. That they might repent, Rom: 2.4. And to some he giveth more abundance of his grace, and overcomes them, as Bullocks unaccustomed to the yoke; jer. 31.18, 20. Isa 30.18. And brings them in to believe, Ephes. 2.7, 8, 9, 10. Phil: 1.29. And these he redeemeth with his precious blood, by presenting, and applying it close to their heart, sprinkling it thereon, and discovering such free, and infinite riches of grace therethrough, that all things else, though never so forethought of as gainful; appears to them as loss in comparison of this grace, allureing to win Christ, and be found in him: And so (as we by of our Children from their vanities to their books, Phil. 3.7, 8, 9 etc. with gifts) he buyeth, and purchaseth us with his blood from our vain lusts, hopes, and conversations, and from among men unto God, 1 Pet. 1.18.19. Reu. 5.9. And then by the spiritual application of the virtue of his blood purgeth the conscience from dead works to serve the living God, Heb. 9.14. And so in his love, washeth us from our sins in his own blood, Reu. 1.5. And those whom he hath not only bought of God, (as he hath done all men, 1 Tim. 2.6.) but also purchased them unto God from among men, and washed them in his love from their sins, 2 Pet. 2.1. Reu. 5.9. and 1.5. john 13.8. These, and these only are his Church, and pecular people, Act. 20.28. Ephes. 5.27. In whose soul and body he worketh salvation, through the application of that salvation which the hath wrought in his own body. And in this consideration of the double enmity to God into which man fell, and the re●●●cy in Christ appears three ends of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ: namely two ends of the presentation, and offering it to God; one to take away the enmity that was in the State, and condition of mankind, Ephes. 2.16. The other, to receive spirit to send forth in the declaration of this grace, to reconcile men to God, that the enmity in there nature might be removed, Ephes. 2.7. 2 Cor. 5.20. and one end of the spiritual presentation, and application of it to the heart, and conscience of men, namely, to purge the conscience, and wash them from their sins, and renew them to God, Heb. 9.14. Concerning the Church of God on earth, in respect of the double need they stand in of the continual helpfullnesse of Christ. 1. The believers, though made free in Christ, and their conscience purged, their heart renewed, and spirit made alive for righteousness sake, john 8.36. Gal. 5.1. Heb. 9.14. Ezek. 36.25. Rom. 8.10. yet for the time of their warfare, there is a remaining of the old Disposition, although unthroned from the heart, and weakened yet working in all the powers, and faculties of the soul, and parts and members of the body, lusting against the spirit, and to satisfy the affections, and lusts of the flesh, and attempting to lead Captive to the law of sin, and death, Gal. 5.17. Rom. 7.14.— 24. Besides the manifold temptations from the world, by Customs, Promises, Threats, Asurements, Terrors, 1 john 2 16. And also from Satan takeing advantage from the flesh, and the world, and adding strength to the lusts, and temptations thereof, adding his own fiery and he lish suggestions, etc. 1 Pet. 5.8. whereby it falleth out, that in many things, we (even Believers) offend all, james 3 1. 1 john 1.8 10. Which remaining evil, and off nees overtaken, which do defile and make unmeete to appear before God; and if they be not pardoned and purged away, they will exclude from his presence, and bring to death again, Psal 5.4, 5, 6. Now the Blood of Jesus, and the grace therethrough extended, is the only thing that can purify, and cleanse from these defilements, Heb. 9.14. Reu. 1.5. 1 john 1.9. So that here is still need of coming to Christ for his cleansing herewith, Zach. 13.1. 1 john 1.9. 2 The believers having so many, & great enemies fight against them Ephes. 6.12. so many and great sufferings to undergo, Act. 14.22. 2 Tim. 3.12. And so many, and great servises of love to go forth in, till they be wholly conformed to Christ, Col. 2.6. and 3. 12.-16 Phil. 2. 1.-6. And they having no good thing dwelling in their flesh. Rom. 7.18. nor ability in themselves for a good thought, as of themselves, 2 Cor. 5.5. so as unless he work all for, and in them, there will be no abiding peace, Esa. 26.12. Great need have they therefore of his continual presence, and sending forth supplies of spirit to overcome their enemies, Mat. 10.19 20. Rom. 16.20. to support in sufferings, Esa. 43.1. 1 Cor. 10.13. to sanctify them throughout, 1 Thes. 5.23.24. And to comfort, teach, and lead into all truth, and to the inheritance, Esa. 54 13.14. john 15.26 and And so to perfect all that concerneth them, Psal 138.8. And for this cause is he by virtue of his precious Blood, and Sacrifice, an Advocate, and great Highpriest, and Mediator of the new Testament, at his Father's right hand for believers that are his called and chosen ones, 1 John 2.2. Heb. 3. 1.-6. & 8. & 9.15. And in this consideration of the Churches need of Christ, and his way of supply, we may see one end of his continual presenting the virtue of his Blood and Sacrifice before his Father, and applying it to the hearts and consciences of his people both together, to keep them clean before his Father, and to cleanse, purify, and conform them to himself, Rev. 1.5. And so in respect of both his presentation of his Sacrifice to his Father, and his gracious and spiritual application of the same to believers. It is said, Ephes. 5-25, 26.27. Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water. by the word; that (as he presents it in himself spotless before the Father, Coloss. 1.22. so) he might present it to himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish, And in the right understanding of these things, we may understand the ends of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ. First, the ends of the sheeding his blood, and so of his suffering and dying, was 1. To satisfy for the sin of the world, and so to fulfil the truth of God, and satisfy Divine Justice, and answer the Law, and abolish death, as is foreshewn, page 2. 2. To confirm and ratifle the new Testament of precious Promises, for all that through the heavenly call believe on him, as is shown page 14. 3. To testify obedience, love, and faithfulness in his Ministration, and so to confirm his doctrine, and give all his Disciples an example, as is shown, p. 13. Secondly, the ends of the virtue of this his precious blood and death in offering himeelfe a spotless sacrifice to his Father, Scripture showeth to be 1. That he might be the Propitiation for the sins of the world, as page 2. That he might obtain eternal redemption for mankind, and procure some mercy, means, and patience to be used towards them, as pages, 5, 6, & 13. 3. That he might be the Mediator between God and men, as page 4.12. 4. That he might be the great high Priest, Prophet, King, and so the Advocate for, and of his Church, p. 15.16.12. 5. That through him by his Spirit there might be a showing, declaration, and tender of the grace of God to men, to call them, less clearly in his works of creation, and providence, and more fully and clearly in the Gospel of salvation preached to men, as p. 6.12.14. Thirdly, the ends of his spiritual discovery, tender, and application of his precious blood, and sacrifice to men, Scripture shows to be, 1. To convince men of sin, and the vileness of sin in themselves, and the vanity of all their own wisdom, and righteousness to help them, and of the complete righteousness that is in him; thereby to empty them, and pierce their hearts, and submit them to himself, Zach. 12.10. Gal. 2.21. Phil. 3.7, 8. Joh. 16. 8-10. Luke 2.34. 2. To purchase and redeem these convinced from among men, and from their Idols, and vain conversation, unto God, Rev. 5.9. 1 Pet. 1.18.19. Act. 20.28. & 26.18. 3. To wash, and cleanse these his so purchased, in the discovery of the freeness and abundance of his grace, through his precious blood, enlightening, enlivening, comforting, sanctifying and preserving them to the inheritance, Eoh. 5.25, 26.27. And these things considered distinctly, as the Scripture sets them forth, lead to the right understanding of the ends of Christ's death and sacrifice, when it is spoke of in respect of his dying, and bloodshedding. And when it is spoke of in respect of that, and also his presenting himself with the virtue of that, to his Father; and when it is spoke of in both these former respects, and also together therewith, in respect of his spiritual discovery, tender, and application thereof to men; in which is variety of the extent of the sense and signification. CHAP. IU. A Digression, showing how these things were shadowed in the Sacrifices and Ordinances of the first Testament, or the Law. A Perfect image made by a curing limmer may clearly present the visage & complexion of him whose Image it is, though it have no life, and so neither see nor breathe, etc. But a shadow, or the first rude draught will not do so much; only may discover, that it is to be of a man, or a woman, and not of a beast: but whether man or woman, or whom it showeth not as the Image finished (in which the shadow passeth) doth. Now the law had the shadow of good things to come, but not the very image of the things: they were patterns and figures of heavenly things for the time present, but not a full demonstration of them, Heb. 10.1. & 9.9.23. Now, then, if we call to mind, 1. The offering for sin, to make Atonement, was first slain, and after that the blood sprinkled at the Altar, and on the Atonement-day, before the Mercy-seat; and the people afflicted in themselves, and blessed by the Priest, Leu. 9— 15.22. & 16. per totum, shadowed; Jesus delivered to death for our sins, and presenting himself with the virtue of his blood to the Father, to make the Atonement, & obtain redemption for us; and his blessing us, in sprinkling his blood on our hearts, melting and purging the conscience, Heb. 1.3. & & 10.1.— 19 The Passover, a Lamb without blemish, & slain, and then the blood with a bunch of hyssop dipped therein, sprinkled on the two side-Posts, and the upper door Posts, that the striking Angel might passover, Exod. 12. And then the flesh roasted with fire, eaten; Shadowed Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world, John 1.29. Heb. 9.26. His dying for our sins, 1 Cor. 15.3.4. And by his Spirit sprinkling the virtue of his blood on the believing heart, without which no safety, Heb, 12.24. and our feeding on him by faith, without which no eternal life, John 6.35.36. so that bloodshed presented to the Lord, and applied to such as come to the Sacrifices, are all held forth distinctly, as distinct and divers works. 3. For the people that came to these Sacrifices, for whom blood was not only shed, but presented to God, and who had the atonement, and such reconciliation as was thereby afforded, there was yet provided a water of Purification to cleanse them from defilements, when they befell them, and the defiled person not cleansed with it, might not approach to the holy things without danger of death: now it was not enough, There was for them a water of purification, and it was right, nor that it was put in a vessel, and running water put thereto; unless a clean person dip with a branch of Hissop, and sprinkle him that is unclean, he remains unclean, and must die: by Sprinkling, is Cleansing. And doth not this shadow out Jesus Christ, the fountain of cleansing, and Laver of regeneration, and purification right with with God, yet cleasing none in their own hearts, etc. without application and spiritual sprinkling, Heb 9.13, 14. & 12, 24. Zach. 13.1. Tit. 3.4, 5. Ezek. 36.25. Consider and compare the Scriptures, and say, 1, Did not the red Hyfer slain without the Camp, and her flesh burnt, Numb. Numb. 19.2, 3, 5. shadow out Jesus that knew no sin, made sin for us, and suffering without the gate: and after in the power of the Spirit, and fire of his love, offering up his whole self a Sacrifice to God for us? 2 Cor. 5.21, Heb, 9.14. & 10.12. & 13.12. 2. Vers. 9 Did not the remainders, or ashes of the Heifer, shadow forth the remaining Records, Testimonies, and virtues of the death and sacrifice of Jesus, who died for our sins, and risen for our justification, Vers. 4. and presented his sacrifice to God, and applieth it to us, (as was shadowed by the blood sprinkled before the Tabernacle, 1 Corinth. 15. 14. Heb, And is not this the water of Separation, or Purification from uncleanness, Ezek. 36.25. Rev. 1.5 3. Verse 9 Did not the clean Place without the Camp, where these ashes were kept for a purification for sin, shadow forth the Gospel of Christ, or word of grace, which J. Christ by his Spirit hath breathed, and caused to be written, and therein declared and testified, and kept as in record, the truth and virtue of the bloodshed, death and sacrifice of Christ, and the offering it to the Father, and its prevalency with him, and for whom; and his tender and application of it, and the virtue thereof, and in whom; Are not all the say hereabout plain, 1 Cor. 15.1.— 4. 2 Cor. 3.12.13. & 1.2. Faithful, 1 Tim. 1.15. True, 2 Pet. 1.16.— 19 And in righteousness nothing froward, perverse, equivocal, or wreathed in them, Prov. 8.6, 7, 8, 9 & 22.20, 21. Eccles. 12.10. That we may rather take those say as they express the matter, than any other say, or glosses, they are very righteous and faithful; his word is very pure, Psal. 119.138. The inspiration of the Spirit of truth, 2 Tim. 3.16. 4. Did not the ashes of the Heifer of Purification for sin, and running water put thereto in a vessel, shadow forth the Word of Grace, setting forth the virtue of the death and sacrifice of Christ inspired, and put in the hearts of the servants of God, 2 Cor. 5.18.19. and his free and rich grace, and love appearing therein, shed abroad thereby by the holy Ghost in the heart of those, whom he hath brought to believe in Christ, and so united them to him, 1 Cor. 1.30. and so filled them with his love, that it springs up like love in them, that constrains them to declare this grace, and beseech others to accept it, 2 Cor. 5.14, 15.19. 1 Pet. 1.21, 22. for which cause they are called Stewards and Ministers of this grace, 1 Cor. 3.1. 2 Cor. 3.3. and said to have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may appear to be of God, and not of them, 2 Cor. 4.7. and so are called chosen vessels unto God, to bear his name, Act. 9.15. 5 Did not the clean person, taking Hissop, dipping it in the water, & sprinkling the unclean; shadow forth jesus Christ the just, who by his own Spirit stirreth this grace in the hearts of his servants, and giveth them what to speak, 2 Cor. 4.6. & 5.14. 1 Cor, 2.12.13. and giveth proof of his own speaking in their ministration, 2 Cor. 13.3. Making manifest the savour of his knowledge by them, 2 Cor. 2.14. and himself by his Spirit turning the heart of men to God, Acts 11, 21. and weighing his mind in the heart of these so turned to believe in him, 2 Cor. 3.3. further minding and teaching them that they have heard, John 14.26. and taking off the things of Christ, and showing to them, John 16.14 and so sprinkling and washing them with this water of purification (the virtue of the precious blood of Christ, and his infinite love streaming therethrough) melting, cleansing, comforting, renewing, &c, Heb. 9.13.14. & 12.24. Rev. 1.5. Ezek. 36.25. without which a man, (notwithstanding all the former) remains unclean still. In all this also is shadowed the several distinct ends of the death and sacrifice of Christ, as presented to God, and as applied to men. Fourthly, the Israelites needing, and having in their travels the Cloud, as the testimony of God's presence to guide them, and his mighty arm to lead them, uphold and defend them, and Manna from heaven, and water out of the Rock to sustain and refresh them, Exod. 13.21, 22. & 15.2.12. & 16.17. shadowed forth our need of, and Christ his gracious vouchsafing to be our Advocate, (by virtue of his sacrifice) at his Father's right hand, from thence sending forth his holy Spirit to continue his presence with us, and give in his promises, and so to teach, guide, comfort and strengthen us against temptations, and to go through all sufferings in all services of love, etc. 1 john 2.1, 2. Heb. 9.14.15, john 14.14.26. & 15.26. & 16.14. And so in this digressiu to see how things were shadowed, we may view the ends of Christ's sacrifice , as also that which follows to be said. CHAP. V. The necessity of the Sufferings, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ. It is shown in that already said. FIrst, for Christ his shedding of his blood, and dying for us, it was altogether necessary: for (Heb. 9.22.) without shedding of blood is no remission of sins. The truth of God makes a necessity for the sinner to die, and without the death of the sinner cannot be fulfilled, Gen. 2.17. Ezek. 18.20. The justice of God makes a necessity for the sinner to suffer the curse, and without the sinner do suffer, the curse cannot be satisfied, Deut. 27. 15-26. Gal. 3.10. And as nothing without shedding of blood & death, can fulfil truth, and satisfy justice: so no blood and death, but the blood and death of Man, the very nature that sinned, can satisfy, Heb. 9.9. & 10.4. And if particular men should suffer this curse and death in their own persons, they could never overcome, but must perish in that suffering for ever, and so can neither suffer for themselves nor for another, to procure a way for remission of sins, Psal. 49.7 8. neither indeed to make satisfaction for others, will the Blood, and Death of any man serve, unless the same be a just, and an innocent man that hath no sin of his own to satisfy for, Heb. 9.26.27. Yea even the blood of a just man, unless he be, as the first Adam before his fall, a public man, Rom. 5.12. And made (as all men by the fall became under the law, Gal. 4.4. yea unless this man be also the Son of God, even God-man,) it will not be sufficient Heb. 10. 5-10. Mat. 1.21.23. And this man, God-man, even jesus Christ being come, and as the public person made under the law, when he had lived thirty-three years, and upward an innocent life, so as noman could accuse him of sin, Iohn ●. 46. yea in all righteousness, and holiness, and fullness of good works, and spent about three years in ministration of the Gospel; yet would not all this his righteous working, though accompanied with many miracles, and with frequent fasting, prayers, and tears make satisfaction for the sin of mankind, without his Death, and Blood; to instruct us wherein (and not in any unwillingness to suffer according to the will of the Father, Phil. 2.8. Heb. 10. 5.-10.) He uttered this prayer, Mat 26.39. If it be possible; let this Cup pass from me, etc. And so that which the Highpriest spoke not of himself, but by prophecy concerning the nation of the Jews, john 11.50. It is true; for all mankind; It was altogether, necessary for mankind, that Jesus Christ should die, Gal. 3.10.13. 2 For Jesus Christ once dead to rise again, and ascend to the right hand of God, and to present the virtue of this his own blood, in offering himself a spotless sacrifice to his Father for mankind; This also was altogether necessary: for, however truth had fulfilling, and justice had satisfying in his bloodshed, and death; 2 Cor. 5.14. Gal. 3.13. Yet if he had not risen from the Dead, and ascended with the virtue of his own blood into the Heavens, and there offered himself a spotless Sacrifice to God for mankind; There could have been no Justification, no redemption, no eternal life, and inheritance obtained, and received by Christ into his own hands to dispense to men, nor any door opened to show forth, and dispense this grace to men, that by repentance, and faith they might come into Christ, and receive the same, nor could there have been any resurrection of their bodies after Death, nor exercise of Christ's Lordship over them, in absolving, or condemning according to the Gospel, Rom. 4.25. He was raised again for our justification, 1 Cor. 15.17. If Christ be not raised; ye are yet in your sins, verse 20. But now Christ is risen from the Dead: Heb. 9.12. By his own blood he entered in once into the most h●ly place: having obtained eternal redemption, verse 24. He entered into Heaven itself, Reu. 1.18. I am he that liveth, and was Dead, and behold I am alive for evermore, 1 john 5.11. God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son, 2 Tim. 1.10. who hath abolished Death, and brought life, and mortality to light by the Gospel, john 16.7. etc. It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you: But if I depart, I will send him to you; he shall reprove the world, etc. verse 18.11. He will guide you into all truth, etc. verse 13.14.15. Psal. 68 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led Captivity Captive, thou hast received gifts in the man (for men, Act. 2.33. Ephes. 4.8.) yea even for the Rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them, Act. 5.30.31. Him hath God exalted at his right hand, to be a Prince, and a Saviour to give repentance unto Israel and forgiveness of sins, Act. 13.30. God raised him from the dead etc. to verse 39 verse 47. I have set thee to be a light to the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation to the ends of the Earth, Mat. 12.18. And he shall show Judgement to the Gentiles; If there be no resurrection from the Dead, then Christ is not Risen, and if Christ be not Risen; then our preaching is vain, and your faith is also vain, 1 Cor. 15. 13.-20. But now Christ is risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that sleep. verse 21. for since by man came Death, By man also the resurrection from the dead, and verse 22. etc. and Rom. 14.9 to this end, Christ both died, and rose, and revived that he might be the Lord, both of dead, and living, Act. 10.36. He is Lord of all, 2 Cor. 5.10. For we must all appear before the judgement-Seat of Christ, etc. And of this he hath given assurance to all men in that he hath raised him from the Dead. Acts 17.31. All which shows the necessity of Christ's resurrection, and ascension, and with the verrue of his own blood, presenting and offering himself to God in the Heavens for men: to the ends fore-shown. 3 For Jesus Christ that hath died, and risen, and with the virtue of his own blood entered the Heaven, and by the eternal Spirit offered himself a spotless sacrifice to God for men, Also by the same Spirit to discover this grace, thereby to call, and draw in men to him, and then to sprinkle and wash them with the presentation, and application of the virtue of his precious blood; And by his grace therethrough discovered to renew them, unite, and conform them to Christ. This also is altogether necessary in respect of men●●eceit, and enjoyment of justification, eternal life, and inheritance; for however, this salvation which Jesus Christ hath wrought, the redemption, justification, and eternal life he by himself in his own body, as the Public man obtained for men with God, be such, and so received by him for mankind, That it may be truly said of him, and in respect of what he hath, as the Public person done, obtained received, and hath in his own hands to dispense, that he is the Saviout of the world, joh. 4.42. And hath by himself made purgation of our sins, Heb. 1.3. and 9.26. and obtained eternal redemption, Heb. 9.12.50. That as Rom. 3.23, 24. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, and Rom. 5.18. As by the offence of one, unto all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one, unto all men to justification of life; yea, 1 Joh. 5.11. God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son: yet notwithstanding all this, Unless this grace be so discovered by the Spirit to men, that they be drawn in to Christ, and he by his Spirit sprinkle his blood on their heart, and shed abroad his love therein, and so wash, and renew them, they cannot in their own particular persons be justified, and partake of eternal life, and receive the inheritance with him, Rom. 3.25, 26. Tit. 3.4.5. And this necessity of his sprinkling, and washing the Conscience with his precious blood, may be seen true, in many respects. 1 In respect of sin, It sufficeth not for bringing men's particular persons into the Kingdom of Heaven, That sin is satisfied, for by the sacrifice of Christ, and so purged away by him as the public person, that he in the room: of all mankind appears spotless at the Throne of God; But its requisite also, that it be purged out of the Conscience, and out of the nature, and conversation of such particular persons as enter that Kingdom; yea, and though this work be not as the former, done at once in the very act of his presentation, and offering himself to God, Heb. 1.3. and 9.12. and 10.10, 12. But by degrees; yet those Degrees are according to the entrance, 2 Cor. 3.18. 2 Pet. 1.11. Rom. 8.23. And so it's said, Rev. 21.21. There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or a lie, 1 Cor. 6.9. The unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Idolater, nor Adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor Thiefs, nor covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God, Gal. 5.19, 20, 21. The work of the flesh are manifest, which are Adultery, Fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revile, and such like, They which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, Ephes. 5.5. no Whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man who is an Idolater, hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ, and of God; so that such, unless they be washed, justified, purged, and sanctified, they cannot enter; nor can any sorrows, tears, sacrifices, works of righteousness of their own wash of the guilt, and take away the venom of these sins, nor make their hearts and natures new, It is only the precious blood and sacrifice of Christ, which by the eternal Spirit he offered to God: by the same Spirit discovered to, and sprinkled on the heart, enabling to believe, in which Peace is spoken to the heart remission of sins received, and liberty by faith to reckon themselves according to Christ, and as they are in him, who by his Spirit worketh his mind in them, and conformeth them to himself, 1 Pet. 1.2. Rev. 1.5. and 5.9. Rom. 3.25, 26. and 5.1.— 5.1 C o 6.11. 2 Cor. 3.18. Tit. 3.4. 2 By reason of the blindness, darkness, and enmity, that by reason of sin is the nature of man: For it sufficeth not for men's personal entrance into the Kingdom, that in, and through Christ, God is light, and in him is no darkness at all, unless men be brought into this light, and this light be in them that they may walk in it, 1 john 1.5.7. and 2.8.9. 1 Thes. 5.4.5. nor yet is it enough for men's personal entrance into the Kingdom, that the enmity in their State, and condition be removed, unless also the enmity in their nature be removed, Psal. 68.21. neither is there any study, or labour of man in any wisdom or works of righteousness of his own, that can bring him into this light of God, and take this enmity against God out of his nature; but only the spirit of Jesus Christ (which when he offered up himself a Sacrifice to God for men, he received in the man, Psal. 68.18.) Discovering and testifying of Christ, and the virtue of his Blood, and the rich grace appearing therethrough, that brings out of darkness into his marvellous light, and reconcileth the heart, and powers to God, john 14.26. and 15.26. and 16.14.15. Col. 1 Pet. 2.7.9. 2 Cor. 5.14 18, 19, 20. Tit. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 3 In respect of the first, and natural Birth, and that which men are by propagation, and nature from the first Adam, whose Image they therein, and thereby partake of, and bear, and so are by nature dead in sins, and trespasses, Children of wrath, etc. Rom. 5.19. 1 Cor. Psal. 51.5. job. 14.4. and 15.14. Ephes. 2.1, 2, 3 So that however Christ as the public person hath wrought salvation in himself for men with God, and is justified, and glorified at God's right hand; yet unless a man be borne again, borne from above, even of water, and the Spirit, the free and rich grace of God manifested in the Application of the precious Blood of Christ to the heart, And that by the holy Spirit of Christ in that Knowledge, and Application of the precious Blood, giving him an escape from the Pollutions that are in the world through lust, and making him partaker of the Divine nature; That so as he perpartooke of misery by having his being from Adam, and partaking of his nature, he may partake of justification and life, by having his being in Christ, and partaking of his Divine nature; without this new Birth; he cannot enter the Kingdom of God, john 2 Cor. 5.17.20. 2 Pet. 1, 2, 3, 4. Tit. 3.3, 4, 5, 6, 7. And indeed, till so borne from above, men are Aliens from God, and Christ, and the life of God in Christ, Ephes. 2.12. and 4.18. And however it be true, that in Christ, and that he hath done, obtained, and received, God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son: yet this is also true, that whoever of us hath not the Son, the same hath not life, life is received, and enjoyed only in the receit, and enjoyment of the Son, 1 john 5.11.12. And that is, when through his spiritual Discovery and sprinkling of his Precious Blood, and Dispensation of his grace therethrough to the heart, a man is brought to believe on him; And so quickoned, borne, and renewed, Ephes. 2.5.10. Esa. 55.1.— 9 And so such he gives the privileges of the Sons of God; who to receive him, and are so borne, john 1.12.13. 2 Thes. 2.13.14. So that the truth is, the necessity in respect of men's personal entrance into the Kingdom, and being eternally saved, to be spiritually sprinkled, and washed with the Blood of Christ; is so great, as there can be no greater, there being no other way to the enjoyment of remission of sins, Humiliation for sin, Justification before God, wisdom, righteousness, Sanctification, and redemption, nor any fruitfulness that God will accept; But by this precious Blood of Christ which he shed, and with the virtue thereof offered himself to God by his spirit sprinkled on the conscience: And his rich, and abundant grace, manifested through the same, by the same spirit shed abroad in the heart, and so leading to God, in which respect Christ only is the way for all access to the Father, and without whom there is no coming to God, nor doing any thing he will accept: john 14.6. Rom. 3, 25. Ephes. 1.7. 1 Cor. 1.30. john 15.4. 1 Pet. 1.18.19. Ephes. 2.17.18. Heb. 10.10.— 19 This necessity of Christ his sprinkling his Blood on the Conscience, the whole Gospel, and all the writings thereof, and Testimonies and examples therein do show, and so doth the Law also rightly understand. CHAPTER 6. A digression, to show how the Law shows the necessity of this Bloodshedding, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ: BEfore, in Chapter 4. was shown, how the ends of the suffering, Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ was shadowed in the levitical law, and types of old, and the necessity of the acting, presenting, and applying the same, now if we view the moral law, even the law of works, the holy, and righteous law of God; It also will show, and urge the necessity of the Death, and Sacrifice of Christ, in all the respects aforesaid, and that every way: If we consider this holy law, 1. In respect of itself, 2 In respect of the ends of giving it, and 3. In respect of the power it hath in this life in the consciences of men till set free by Christ. 1 The Law itself is holy, spiritual, and righteous: Rom. 7.12. Mat. 22.38.39. 1 john 3.4. Rom. 7.7. jam. 2.10. Mail. 1.6. It is a holy Law, pointing us all to live to God the holy one, and according to his Will, and Commands, enjoining to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves, and to walk in that love of God, and our neighbour, and so it forbiddeth every sin, and commandeth every Duty: And it is a spiritual Law, requiring the Inmost heart, and Spirit; And the utmost and perfect obedience of the whole man; so as the least rising motion to any evil it forbiddeth and concludeth it sin: yea and the least want of the through, spiritual, and perfect performance of all, or any one point it condemneth for sin, and for that sin putteth under the guilt of the breach of the whole Law: And it is a righteous law requiring of man no more than is due from man to God, and which shall be the righteousness of a man before God, if he fulfil it, so as the law find no fault in him, Rom. 2.13. and 10.5. Gal. 3.10.12. Rom. 6. Deut. 27. 15-26. and it promiseth life to the observers, and will perform it, that being the righteousness of the Law, and it sentenceth to death, and curse every one that sinneth against any point, or cometh short of the least title it requireth; so that this Law is holy, spiritual, and righteous in its Commandments of Duty, In its Justifying the doers of it, in its convincing the Transgressor's, and in its leaving Transgressor's to the curse; And indeed so holy, spiritual, and righteous is this law, that in their own persons, and performances, no one man since Adam fell, but only Jesus Christ our Lord hath fulfilled it to every Jota, or can be Justified, and have life by it: For. 1 Though a man had such knowledge of the Law, that he could see all his Duty therein required, And had also such a heart to keep this Law that he had respect to every Commandment in it, and did his utmost to avoid every sin, and to perform every duty, and that constantly in all his conversation: yet if he attain not to the utmost the Law requireth, but fail of that, if it were but once, and but in one point; the Law puts him under the guilt of sin, and danger of Curse, and Death, Rom. 6.23. the wages of sin is Death, and James 2.10. whosoever shall keep the whole Law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all, and Gal. 3.10. Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of this Law to do them, and Rom. 5.12. all have sinned, james 3.2. In many things we offend all; so that by the deeds of the Law shall no flesh be justified, Rom. 3.20. 2 A man having once sinned, and fallen under the guilt of sin, and so into the desert of death, and curse, as all men have, there is no after-righteousness of his performance that can take away that sin; which unless it be taken away, he cannot be justified before God, though in his after righteousness he could answer the whole Law, but only for that one offence: whence those say, Job. nor can any tears, confessions, or washing themselves with snow water, take off this sin that they may appear righteous before God, Job. Nor can any gifts or sacrifices of Bulls and Goats, Heb. 10.4. nor of thousands of Rams, or ten thousand Rivers of Oil, or the first borne of Beasts, or of a man's body, satisfy for, and take away sin, Mich. 6.6.7. 3. Neither can there be any mangling, impairing, or abating, much less abolishing of this holy and spiritual law that the Almighty will tolerate, nor did Jesus Christ come to destroy this Law, but to fulfil it, Mat. 5.17.18. Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets, I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil: For verily I say unto you, Till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled, neither did Jesus Christ come to be an Arbitrator or Dayman, to plead with God, and lay his hand upon him, that he might abate to men some part of their duty required in the Law, and to lay his hand upon men to enjoin and cause them to perform some part of their due to the Law, to give some satisfying to God, & so make God & men friends that way, 1 Sam. 2.25. job. 9.33. No such matter; but Jesus Christ himself in his own person while he was here on earth, did perfectly fulfil this Law, so as no sin could be found in him; but he was in respect of his own particular person, righteous and just, even by that Law. And had he not been a public person in our stead, and so had our sins; that Law could never have charged him, for he kept it fully, Heb. 7.29. joh. 8.46. 1 Pet. 2.22. Rom. 3.19 Gal. 4.4. Esa. 53.2.6. 2 Cor. 5. 19-21. Gal. 3.13. Rom. 4.25 2 Cor. 5.14. Rom. 7.4. and 4.25. But as the public person in the room of mankind. He was made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law; and so being under the Law for us, he had all our sins that Law could charge us with, imputed to, and laid upon him; and all the curse and death which Law could and did sentence us to, imposed upon him. And so he suffered the curse, & died the death for our sins; yea for us all, so as all are dead: And so he hath satisfied the Law, that we are dead to the Law by the body of Christ. And this Jesus Christ as the public person is risen again for our justification, and hath ascended to heaven, and with the virtue of his own blood offered himself a ransom and sacrifice to God, having obtained eternal redemption and life for men, Heb 9.12. Esa. 55.5. john 16. Heb. 9.14. and 12.24. Reu. 1.5. to dispense to such as believe on him. And now sendeth forth of that Spirit he hath received, discovering this grace, to draw men to believe on him: and in the hearts of such as through grace believe in Christ, he by his Spirit applieth, sprinkleth and washeth with that precious blood, so as he enableth them to receive the satisfaction of the Law, which himself hath made, and to answer Law-charges therewith, Rom. 4.24.25. & 5.2.— 11. & 8 34. And to receive and own to themselves as theirs by faith the righteousness that he is become, and to rest on him, and approach in that to God, 1 Cor. 1.30. Phil. and by the same Spirit in, and with the rich grace herethrough streaming, he reneweth them, Tit. 3.4.5. and worketh love in them, 1 Pet. yea, a more excellent love than Law discovered, in that it is a love of God in and for Christ, 1 john 4.10.— 19 and love of our brother as Christ hath loved us, joh. 15.1.2. And this love fulfils all righteousness, yea from a better principle than law could have afforded, Rom. 13.10. the Spirit in working this love, writing the law in the inward parts, 2 Cor. 3.3. and leading to deny all evil, and live godly, etc. Tit. 2.11.12. and yielding to and walking after the Spirit, a man shall neither fulfil the lusts of the flesh, nor be under Law, Gal. 5.16.18. but have the righteousness of the Law, (the life it promiseth, and cannot give yea a better life) fulfilled in him, and have an abundant entrance into the Kingdom, Gal. 6.8. 2. Pet. 11. And thus by Christ himself in his body, in all his conversation was the Law fulfilled; and by him in his own body, as the public person, was the Law satisfied for all it had against us: and by him through his Spirit applpying that satisfaction to our hearts, he enables to believe and receive it; and in that believing sheds abroad his grace in the heart, that leads to all righteousness the Law requireth, though from a better principle that will in due season perfect the same, and he also will fill us with eternal life. And without this coming, death, resurrection and sacrifice of Christ, the Law could never have been fulfilled and satisfied: and without his spiritual application to the heart, it will never be answered by us, or fulfilled in us; whence that thanksgiving, or profession, Rom. 7.25. & 4. The ends of the making known, and giving this holy, spiritual, and righteous law, was neither to justify those to whom it was given, nor to give them life, nor to kill, and destroy from God for ever; for if it had been given to give life, and justify, and bring to the inheritance; it had been against the covenant and promises of God, and saith therein; which to conceive, God forbidden, far be it from us, Gal. 3.18, 21. Rom. 4.14. And if it had been given to get righteousness by it, or to destroy from God for ever; ●t had been against the grace of God testified in the Death, and resurrection of Christ, and faith therein; which God forbidden, and far be it from us to conceive, Gal. 20.21. and Rom. 4.13.— 7.24.25 Heb. 2.9. Besides, the giving the law in the hand of Moses a Mediator of the first Testament; showeth, that it was not given to justify; for than no need of a Mediator, nor was it given to destroy from God for ever; for than he would not have given a Mediator, Gal. 3.17. And yet the law was given for good, holy, and merciful ends; For God in his mercy having found a ransom, and given us life in him, and confirmed a Covenant in him, John 1.4. 1 john. 1.1.2. which grace should have led men to repentance, and faith in God, and living to him; But through blindness, Esa. 44.20. and 55.2. Gal. 3.19. and hardness of heart; men slighted this great Salvation, and put confidence in Idols, and superstitions, and lived in, and to themselves; And because of Transgressions, the law was added till the seed should come, and this law to discover that righteousness which is due from men to God: 1 To kill men in respect of themselves, of all that life which they have in, and from themselves by any excellencyes, parts, endeavours, or workings of theirs, in, and by themselves; By discovering their sinfulness, and the immeasurableness of it, and the curse, and wrath due to them, that so they may charge themselves with it, which without the law, they would not do, Rom. 3.19. and 4.15. and 5.13.20. By spoiling them of all hope of life by their own workings, that they may say Amen to the curse, 1 Cor. 1.6. and yield themselves as dead, and lost, and so receive the sentence of death in themselves, Gal. 2.19. Rom. 7.9. Deut. 27.26. 2 To occasion their submission to Christ, and so their high prizeing of the grace, and righteousness, and life in him, that they may fall down before him, and be quickened, and made alive by him, Rom. 5.20. Gal. 2.19. who by sprinkling his blood, and giving in his grace by his spirit, enliveneth them, Heb. 9.14. Tit. 3.4.5. And so Rom. 10.3. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth, Gal. 2.20. & 3.22.24. which also showeth the necessity of the precious Blood of Christ, which he shed, and presented to his Father for men to be by his spirit applied to men, without which they can have no true peace, and freedom with God, john 13.8. and 8. 32-36. 3 The power this law hath in the consciences of men in this life, till they know, and believe in Christ, and be set free by him, john 8. 34-36. this holy, spiritual, and righteous law, in respect of the spiritual affections, and services therein required, was once in the heart of mankind; when God made man in his own Image; And made him, and all men in him, as in the first public person, righteous; then was it the natural bent of man to love God, and his neighbour, and to walk in that love uprightly, Gen. 1.26, 27, 28. and 2.7. Ecles. 7.29. And then while these righteous affections, and services were naturally springing, and streaming in men; man was not under the power of the Commandments thereof; with the promises and threats; But when man sinned, and fell, He lost these righteous affections, and services out of his heart, and inward, and natural bent; And became corrupt, averse, and full of enmity against God, Gen. 3. 10-13. Eccles. 7.29. Rom. And then fell under the power of this law with its Commands, Threats, and Promises; And the effect of this law as a spirit of Bondage entered into him: for such the power of the work of God in his grace, both shown in the creation, and procured for men by the Redemption, and extended to men for the redeemers sake, that it still proclaimeth to men, and testifieth, that it is man's duty and that he is hereby bound to love God with all his heart, soul, and strength, and his neighbour as himself, and to walk in that love, And the least short coming hereof is sin, joh. 35.10.11. and 37.24. Deut. 5.6.7. 1 john 3.4. For though man by sin lost his interest in God; yet God lost not his right and Authority over man, But when man by sin, lost the inward and living principle of the law out of his heart; Then through the Authority of God over man, and the power of God in his works; man fell under the power of the law; And the effect of the law as a spirit of bondage entered into his heart, and that with such force; that according to the knowledge given him, whether by the works of God in creation, and providence, or the law declared, and written, that it bindeth down, and embondageth a man, that he can not otherwise have hope, or look to God for acceptance and life, then as he conceives himself to keep this law, nor avoid the fears of wrath, and Death, as he discerns himself a transgressor of it, and as their conscience witness; so do their thoughts accuse, or excuse one another, Rom. 2.15. And so from the law, sin takes occasion to become oft more violent in its motions to sin, Rom. 7.5.8. And from the law sin hath its strength to accuse, and terrify, Rom. 7.11. 1 Cor. 15.56. And in desires of avoiding danger, this spirit of bondage so laden with sin pollutes the conscience to be dictating to seek peace in works of the law and to be speaking peace there from, Rom. 9.32. and 10.3. which still genders to bondage, and leaves under the curse, Gal. 4.21.30. and 5.4. and 3.10. And this power hath law with its effect in the consciences of men in this life, till they be set free by Christ; for the law can justify none that have at all sinned, nor gives any hope for any repentance after sinning, nor any power or freedom for coming in to God again, this is the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to justify from sin, and give repentance, and freedom to come in to God, john 8 34-36. Act. 5.31. So that only by Christ, by his spirit applying his pre●ious blood to the heart, and streaming in his rich grace there through, the conscience is purged from the accusation of sin, and from speaking, or seeking peace by dead works; And gives in an inward living principle to serve the living God, Heb. 9.14. And so washeth from sin, Reu. 1.5. Reneweth, Tit. 3.4. And setteth them at Liberty for the things of the Kingdom, Gal. 5.1. enduing them with the Spirit of adoption of love, power and a sound mind, Rom. 8.15. 2 Tim. 1.7. And thus the law rightly understood in itself, and the ends of giving it; And the power it hath in the natural conscience shows the necessity of the Precious Blood of Christ to be by his spirit applied to, and sprinkled on the conscience. CHAPTER VII. Of the Excellency, and dignity of this Precious Blood of Christ that is presented to the Father, and his Sacrifice being also presented to the heart. FOR the Excellency, Dignity, and worth of the Blood, Death and Sacrifice of Christ, presented, and offered to God for men, and presented, tendered, and applied to men; It is beyond comparison or expression; yet we may understand a little thereof, if we view, and consider it in four respects, 1. In respect of the Sacrifice itself, 2. In respect of the appearance, and Declaration thereof, 3. In respect of the glorious, and abundance of love herethrough appearing, 4. In respect of the unvaluable, and inexpressible hope it giveth to all that receive it, besides the operation to be after spoke of. 1 In respect of the Presentation, and Sacrifice itself, it appeareth to be of most excellent Dignity, and worth in many notable respects, as to say. 1 In respect of the Priest that offered this Sacrifice, who was immediately called of God, as Aron was, Heb. 5.4.5. And infinitely above and greater than Aron, and all the Priests of his Order: for they had sins of their own also, first to offer for, before they offered for the sins of the people, But this our high Priest had no sin of his own to satisfy for, but his offering was wholly, and altogether for us, Heb. 7.26.27. And their High-Priests were men that had infirmities, and so died; But this Highpriest, though the very man that died for us, yet risen from the Dead, and alive for evermore to interceide for us, Heb. 7. 23-25. and 5.5.6. Yea they were made Priests according to the law of a carnal Commandment, But this Highpriest after the power of an endless life, Heb. 7.16.17. They without an Oath, this with an Oath, Heb. 7.21. They the Sons of men, But this Highpriest is the Son of God; even God-man, Heb. 7.28. and 1 4-8. They went, and presented the Blood in an earthly holy place, but this Highpriest entered into Heaven itself, to offer, and appear before God for us, Heb. They though they offered to God; yet they took no pleasure in their offerings, but this Highpriest offered to God, and he hath accepted him, and set all his wellpleasednesse in him, and set him at his right hand, and given all Authority to him, Heb. 10. 1-12. and 1.4.8. Oh consider how great an Highpriest we have; And how excellent then the Sacrifice that he hath offered, and by virtue whereof he interceideth, Heb. 1. & 3, & 5, & 7, & 8. 2 In respect of the Sacrifice itself which he offered; for every Highpriest is ordained to offer gifts, and Sacrifices; And it is of necessity that he have somewhat also to offer, and that in the Heavens, Heb. 8.3.4. And so he hath offered a gift, a Sacrifice for satisfaction, for ransom, for propitiation, and for a memorial, to intercede with for us; And this was not Gold, or Silver, nor Bullocks, and Lambs, etc. nor the Blood of others, as the other Priests offered, but his own most Precious Blood, his own most holy Body, even that very Body in which he had borne our sins to the Tree, 1 Pet. 2.24. In which he died for our sins, and risen for our Justification, Rom. 4.25. Yea the Body, which is the Body of the Son of God, john 1.14. In whom the fullness of the Godhead dwelleth bodily, Col. 2.9. This is the gift, the ransom, the Sacrifice; he offered himself, his own Body without spot to God for us, Heb. 9.12.14. and 10. 5-10. Oh how fit, how satisfying, and of what infinite value is this Blood, and Sacrifice of his! 3 In respect of the Altar on which this Sacrifice was offered, and by which it was borne and carried up to God; The Altar of God's appointment, whatever it be, is greater than the gift, or Sacrifice, and Sanctifieth the gift, Mat. 23-19. Now those other Priests offered upon an Altar of earth, or earthly substance, Exod. 20.24 But what is the Altar on which this Highpriest offereth this excellent gift, that is greater than it, and sanctifieth it? surely this can be no other, but the Divine nature which is greater than the Humane; In respect of which Humane, clad with our Infirmities he said; The Father is greater than I, john 14.28. And by the power of this Divine nature he was supported in, and through his sufferings Esa. 50. 1-9. Raised from the dead— Rom. 4.24. and 6.4. Ascended to heaven, Act 5.30.31. And offered himself to God: And so it is expressly said, Heb. 9.14. he through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God. And thus also was God manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit etc. 1 Tim. 3.16. And so by ransom of the union of the humane nature, with the Divine in the person of the Son of God, one Christ, God-man; This Blood, and Sacrifice, if it be rightly understood, may be truly called the Blood, and Sacrifice of God, Act. 20.28. found by God, job. 33.24. And offered by God unto God, according to the will of God, though it was the Body, or humane nature offere: for men: And this doth sanctify, and dignify the offering, that it is of Infinite value and prevalency, Heb. 10. 5-10-19. etc. 2 In respect of the Declaration, and appearance of this precious Blood, and Sacrifice; And so of Christ, that by the eternal Spirit hath offered it to God for men, and received the same spirit to apply to men, and his gracious ends in both the faithful, and plain declaration of this by such as by spirit have received it, and as the Spirit hath taught them, 2 Cor. 4.4.6. 1 Cor. 2.12. Rom. 12.3. Mat. 28.20. Declares this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice to be of great excellency, worth, and Dignity: In that in such declaration (as he promised.) 1 The holy Spirit cometh along, and showeth, and testifieth of these things of Christ, john 15.26. and 16.14. and manifested the savour of his Knowledge, 2 Cor. 2.14.15. And goeth to the heart of men that they might believe, john 1.7. Rom. 10.7, 8, 9, 10. And writeth the mind of Christ in the Believer, 2 Cor. 3.3. and 13.3 5. So that in the hearing of this Doctrine, and Object of Faith, and in no Doctrine, or observation of any law of works, the Spirit of Christ cometh, and testifieth, and is received, Gal. 3. 15. 2 The free grace, and abundant love of God to mankind in the gift of his son. To be a ransom for all men, 1 Tim. 3, 4, 5, 6. And the Saviour of the world, And the propitiation for their sins, 1 john 4.10.14. That whosoever believeth on him might not perish, but have everlasting life, john 3.17. And his acceptation of his Son for men, and taking his wellpleasednesse in him, Mat. 3.17 2 Cor. 5.14. Heb. 10. 1-12. His filling him for men, Psal. 68.18. Esa. 41.1. His readiness to receive in, and through his son, and that his son shall give eternali life to all that in his Discovery, see, and believe on him John 6.40. and 1.12. yea, even his peculiar, and delightful love, and well pleasedness in his son, and all that by grace are made one in his son, john 15.9. and 16.27. All this appeareth (and as living water streameth) In the Declaration, and appearance of this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice, as it was offered to God, And is applied to the heart, Rom. 3.24 25. 1 john 5. 6-12.13. 3 The great, and complete salvation, redemption, reconciliation, Propitiation, and righteousness that is in him, and which he is become, which by himself, 1 Pet. 2.24. 1 Cor. 15.3.4. Rom. 4.25. 1 john 2.2. and in his own Body he hath wrought in dying and shedding his Blood for our sins, and rising for our Justification; And through the eternal Spirit offering himself a spotless and unvaluable Sacrifice to God, in which he hath made Purgation of our sins, slain enmity, obtained eternal redemption, and made such satisfaction in heaven, that he hath thereupon received life to dispense to men, Heb. 1.3. and 9.12.14. and 10. 1-12. And the power, and fitness of the same Precious Blood, and Sacrifice by the Holy Spirit applied to the heart, to purchase, redeem, and reconcile to God from among men, and to wash, purge, and renew the heart, etc. Act. 20.28. Ren. 1.5. and 5.9. Heb. 9.14. Tit. 3.4.5. And so work Salvation in men. All this appeareth in this Doctrine, or plain faithand spiritual Declaration of this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice, so as therethrough from the threefold witness in heaven that are one, there come these three on earth to men, the Spirit, and the water, and the Blood, 1 john 5, 6, 7, 8-12. By all which this Blood, and Sacrifice appeareth of infinite Excellency, and Dignity. 4 In respect of the rich, free, bright, and abundant love appearing in this Sacrifice of the son of God, for as it was the love of God to give his son, etc. as aforesaid; even so in all that he doth to us, in mercy for his Sons sake, his love and goodness appeareth therein, Psal. 136. And his goodness is his glory, Exod. 33.18.19. and so: 1 His love, mercy, and goodness appeareth in this, that by Christ, and for his sake, the earth, and the Inhabitants thereof are upheld, the Sun to shine, etc. continued, mercy shown, etc. All witnessing his goodness, and leading to repentance, as is foreshewn, and so it is said, Psal. 19 The heavens declare the glory of God, etc. And thus, all his works praise him, Psal. And thus for Christ his sake, his love, and glorious goodness appears to all in his works. 2 Yet his love, mercy, and goodness, did more specially appear to Israel, in giving them his Oracles, his Covenant, and Ordinances, and though but in Promises, Prophecies, and Tips of Christ, as then yet to come; yet his glory appeared therein, and such special love, as it might then be truly said, he had not dealt so with any Nation, Rom. 3.2. and 9.4. Psal. 147.18. 3 But now in this giving, and setting forth his son, who hath come, and died for our sins, and with the virtue of his own Blood entered the heavens, and offered himself a Sacrifice to God, and received Spirit, and sending him forth in the word of Salvation which himself wrought, and first began to preach, and so God speaking to him by his son, who is the brightness of his glory, and the express Image of his Person, Heb. 1.2.3. and 2.3. The wisdom of God, and the power of God; yea, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption to them that believe, 1 Cor. 1-24. 30. In which face of Christ, the light of the Knowledge of the glory of God, yea, his face shineth, and is beheld, 2 Cor. 4 6. and 3.18. Oh the Infiniteness of the Breadth, Depth, length, and height of this love of God, appearing herein! Ephes. 3.18.19. In which still the Excellency, and Dignity of this Sacrifice appeareth. 4 In respect of the great hope this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice giveth, and engendereth in all that in believing receive the same: as. 1 Remission of sins, and acceptance into favour, and peace, Act. 10.43. Rom. 5.1.2. 2 Purgation of Conscience, and Sanctification of the whole man, Heb. 9.14. 3 Seasonable victory over all enemies, and Temptations, 1 john 5.4.6. Rom. 16.20. 1 Thes. 5.24. 4 The Holy Spirit to teach, guide, and conform to Christ, and so bring to the Kingdome, and inheritance, john 14.26. and 16.13.14. 1 Pet. 1.5. 5 And to say all in one word, eternal life, 2 Pet. 1, 23. 1 john 2.25. All which show forth the Excellency, and Dignity of this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, besides the virtue, and power now to be spoke of. CHAP. 8. Of the virtue, operation, and prevalency of this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ: And first. As offered to God. THE virtue, operation, and prevalency of the Blood, and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ is very great; so as that which was prophesied concerning him, is and shall certainly be fulfilled; Esa. 53. When thou shalt make his Soul an offering for sin, He shall see his seed (so great a Generation, as none of us can declare) He shall prolong his days (live ever, and cause his seed to live for ever with him) And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hands (his works, and Judgements acceptable, and prosperous.) He shall see the Travel of his Soul (even be the Lord of all, and be acknowledged Lord by all.) By his knowledge shall my righteous Servant justify many (even all that believe on him through his teaching.) And this is the ground; for he shall bear their iniquity, therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong (he shall have the Kingdom, and be the judge, and give to each, their portion, and Doom.) Because he hath poured out his Soul unto Death, etc. All which is true in Christ, who is the truth; And in a measure true too, and in all that believe on him, and shall one day appear true to all men, 1 john 2.8. Phil. 2. 7-11. And that the Truth of the virtue, Power, and Prevalency of this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, may be rightly and profitably understood, and believed by us; let us consider what is said thereof by the Spirit of truth, in the Scripture or word of Truth, concerning the virtue, power, and Prevalency of this Precious and Sacrifice of Christ. 1. As it was presented and offered to God: 2. As grace is therethrough shown and tendered to men. 3. As it is spiritually applied to, and worketh in, the hearts of those that through grace believe. 4. And as he testifieth, and exerciseth the power of it upon them that have persisted in obstinacy, and refusing to believe. In all which its power and prevalency doth appear, and shall by all men be one day confessed. 1. As this precious Blood and Sacrifice was presented & offered to God; it hath so verily and mightily prevailed with him, that he hath obtained and received of the Father the first, next, and immediate end of his suffering and Sacrifice; and also the Father hath filled and fitted him for the second ultimate and utmost end of his suffering and sacrifice. In both which, the prevalency and effectualness thereof with God for men, is evident and manifest: let be considered, The first, next and immediate end of the suffering and Sacrifice of Christ, was to work a salvation for mankind with God. And that himself might be the Lord, the Saviour, and the Judge, John 3.17. Rom. 14.9. 1 John. 4.14. Psal. 2 9 And this first end containeth, and may be comprehended in these particulars: 1. To put, or take away sin, even the sin of the world (that was in the way between God and mankind, out of the way) by the sacrifice of himself, Heb. 9.26. Joh. 1.19. 1 Joh. 3.5, as is foreshewne, That so he that was made sin, and a curse for all, might himself in the room of all, be justified as the public man, with such a full and fruitful justification, that all may be so fairy justified in him, that whosoever of them are by his grace and Spirit, brought in believing to be one in, and with him, shall also in their own particular persons be justified in, with, and through him, Ephes. 2.4.— 10. Joh. 3.15.16. Acts 10.43. And hath not his Blood and Sacrifice offered to God, prevailed with God for, and effected all this? doth not the Spirit in the Scripture affirm plainly and expressly, 1 Joh. 3.5. In him is no sin, Heb. 1.3? And that when he had by himself purged our sin, he sat down on the right hand of, etc. with Heb 11.12? And doth not God affirm him to be the just, 1 John 2.1? and the holy one, vers. 20? and his righteous servant, that by his knowledge shall justify many, Isa. 53.11. And saith not the Scripture expressly, Rom. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God? being justified freely through his grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ, which God nath set forth to be the propitiation, through faith in his blood for the remission of sins? And Rom. 5.18. As by the offence of one unto all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one unto all to justification of life. And then it follows as the fruit of this, vers. 19 For as by the disobedience of one, many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one many shall be made righteous; so is he justified, so hath he by sacrifice prevailed. 2. To remove, stay, and take away the enmity that (by reason of sin & death entered & the dominion of the law) was between God and man in the very way, and in the state and condition of mankind, standing as a partition, & Iron Bar, to keep God from showing mercy to men, and men from any passage of coming in to God. The removing of this was one end of the suffering and sacrifice of Christ, as also the enmity occasioned between Jews and Gentiles, by the Law of Ordinances, in rites and sacrifices, and so to make peace. And so it is expressly said of his sufferings and sacrifice, Isai. 53.5. The chastisement of our peace was upon him; and 2 Cor. 5.19. God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. And of his prevalency for this with God for men, doth not the Spirit in the Scripture affirm, Psal. 85.10. Mercy and truth are met, righteousness and peace have kissed; and that he, Col. 1.20. hath made peace through the blood of his cross, and Eph. 2. 13-16? Now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were fare off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ; for he is our peace, who hath made both (those mentioned verse 1, 2, 3) one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us, having abolished in his flesh the Law of Commandments in ordinances, for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace. And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby or in himself. And this preceding peace-preaching; and ye are become dead to the Law by the body of Christ, Rom. 7.4. who hath abolished death, 2 Tim. 1.10. and taken out of the way all that was contrary to us, Col. 2.14. and so is affirmed to be (1 John 2.2.) the Propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world; such his prevalency with God. 3. To redeem and buy all of God, that they might not perish its that necessity of perishing into which they had sold themselves, nor be judged to eternal death by and according to that Law, under which they were fallen, nor carried away by the Devil as their rightful Lord, by virtue of his first conquest over mankind. But that they all might be released, and given over to his own dispose, and so he be the Lord of all, as it is said, Rom. 14.9. For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be the Lord both of the dead and living. And so effectual was his sacrifice, and such the prevalency of it with God for men in this respect, that he is affirmed to have bought even those that deny him, 2 Pet. 2.1. And on this ground it is said, whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lords, Rom. 14.8. And he is Lord of all, Acts 10.36. Yea God hath made this same Jesus both Lord and Christ, Acts 2.36. And in this particular end, many particular ends, as branches thereof are included, for which also he hath prevailed. As to instance some. 1. That he might uphold and preserve the earth, and the inhabitants thereof, and the heavens for them till the end come: In which he hath prevailed, and so it is said, Psal. 75.3. The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved; I bear up the pillars of it, Col. 1.17. And by him all things consist. And Heb. 1.3. He upholdeth all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purrged our sins, etc. 2. That he might for the time of this natural and dying life, remove and take off from men so much of that sorrow, weakness, pains, and cursed terrors, which the falling into sin did necessitate to be on men, as in his love and wisdom he sees fit. And in this also he hath prevailed, and so it is said, Acts 17.28. In him we live, and move and have our being, Psal. 145.8. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger, great in mercy, The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works, vers. 9 3, That he might exercise patience, show mercy, and use such means as he pleaseth to move and lead men to repentance, and seeking after him, and submission to him, and in this also he hath prevailed, and so it is said, John 1.4.5. In him was life, and the life was the light of men, and the light shineth in darkness, 2 Pet. 3.9. The Lord is patiented and long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, Rom. 2.4. The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance, Acts 14.17. & 17.26.27. that they should seek the Lord, and live to him, Rom. 14.7.8. 2 Cor. 5.14.15. 4. That he may rule over all, and dispose of their ways, conditions, and trials, etc. And in this also he hath prevailed; and so the Father in approbation of his Sacrifice, said, Ask of me and I shall give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession, etc. Psal. 2.8.9. And himself saith, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth, etc. Matth. 28.18. And the Spirit in the Scripture saith, Psal. 66.7. He ruleth by his power for ever, Psal. 103.19. And his Kingdom ruleth over all. 5. That after the end of this life he may raise all men from the first death, and make them alive, and set them before him, that they may bow to him, and acknowledge him Lord, to the glory of God. And in this also he hath prevailed; and so the Spirit in the Scripture saith, 1 Cor. 15.21.22. since by man death, by man also the resurrection from the dead: For as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive. And himself saith, Joh. 12.32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. And even because of his obedience in suffering, it is said, Phil. wherefore God also hath highly exalted, and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, etc. And that every tongue shall confess, that Jesus is the Lord, to the glory of God. And so David confessed and prophesied, Psal. 86.9. All nations whom thou hast made, shall come and worship before thee, O Lord, and shall glorify thy name. Thus must all come before him one day, and then he shall separate and dispose of them, Matth. 25.32, 33. 4. Another particular end in this first, next, & immediate end of the suffering and sacrifice of Christ offered to God, was, That he might show forth to men this rich and abundant grace. Eph. 2.4.7. And so it was, 1. That this full Gospel, and therethrough repentance and remission of sins, might be preached in his name among all Nations, Luke 24.46.47, And for this he hath prevailed, so as himself came and preached peace, Eph. 2.17. And first began to preach the Gospel of this salvation himself, Heb. 2.3. and then left the commission for preaching the same unto his Apostles and faithful Disciples that by grace come to be united to him, and endued with spiritual gifts, John 17. 18-21. 2 Corinth. 1 Pet. 2.3.— 9 And left his charge to preach it to all Nations, Mat. 28.19, 20. Mark 16.13. 2. And also that by his laying down his life in witnessing to the truth of the Gospel he taught, and the Father's acceptance of his sacrifice, the truth of the Gospel might be confirmed for all that hear it, that they might believe, John 18.37. 1 Tim. 6.13. And in this also he hath prevailed; and so it is said, he spoke the truth which he heard of God, John 8.45. And the Apostles have said. They spoke the words of truth, Acts 26.25. and that with great plainness of speech, 2 Cor. 3.12. by manifestation of the truth, 2 Cor. 4.2.5. for saith Peter, 2 Pet. 1.16. We have not followed cunningly devised Fables, when we made known to you the power and coming of the Lord Jesus Christ; but were eye-witnesses of his majesty: for he received from the Father honour and glory, when, etc. 3. And also that himself might be the prime motive, and example to us for faith, and love, and walking in both conversation, and ministration in patience and meekness through sufferings in hope to the death, 1 Pet. 2.21. John 13. 1-15. And in this also he hath prevailed, so as himself points to himself for the prime motive and example, Joh. 15.12— .20. And the Spirit in the Scripture sets him forth to us for motive and example, Col. 3.12.— 14. and bids us look to him, and consider him, Heb. 12. 2-7. and follow him, Eph. 5.1.2. 4. Yea and that he might ratify the New Testament of precious promises for all that in the heavenly call are brought in to believe in him, that they through the Spirit may wait for the same, through faith, Heb. Matth. 26.28. In which also he hath prevailed, as Heb. 9.15. sheweth, with Gal. 3.15.— 26. and 5.5. And so the whole Gospel is by the blood and sacrifice of Christ confirmed and sealed for truth. 5. That he might also having life in himself, quicken whom he will, and so give eternal life to all that believe on him, and leave, and give up such as will none of his counsel and so persist in refusing to believe on him. In which also he hath prevailed, John 1.17. & 3.18.19 & 5.20.28. & 6.37.40. 6. That he may at the last judge all men according to the Gospel which himself first began to preach, and then gave his servants to preach. And in this also he prevailed, as is evident in that himself said, John 12.48. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him at the last day. And his servant by the spirit said, Rom. 2.16. In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my Gospel. And so it is said of God, Acts 17.31. He hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given assurance (or offered faith) unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. And so as Rom. 14.9. to this end he both died and risen, and revived, that he might be the Lord of both dead and living. So it is affirmed on that very ground, vers. 11, 12. & 2. Cor. 5.10. We must all appear abefore the judgement seat of Christ, etc. yea and such as come then to be condemned by him that so died for them, and offered himself a Sacrifice and ransom for them; and used mercy and extended means to call them to repentance, are charged with sin for that they have not believed, John 16.8.9. and that they have trodden under foot the Soon of God, counted the Blood of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified, an unholy thing, and offered despite to the Spirit of grace, at least that he called and they refused. Heb. 10.29. Prov. 1 24. And this shall be their condemnation, light came, and they loved darkness rather, john 3.19. They by following lying vanities, have forsaken their own mercies, jona 2.8. And lost their own souls, Matth. 16.26. And by denying the Lord that bought them, brought upon themselves swift destruction, 2 Pet 1. and so are rightly called, * Judas 12 Frees twice dead. And the destuction and torment into which they shall be cast, is called the second death, Rev. 20 6.14. And thus mightily and verily hath the precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ offered to his Father, prevailed with God, so as indeed Jesus Christ hath thereby put away sin, abolished death, removed enmity out of the condition of mankind, bought all men of God, and obtained eternal redemption; so as he is become the Lord of all, and hath remission of sins, and life to dispense. And through him the earth is upheld for men, mercy showed to, and means used towards them to draw them to repentance, and faith, and they all given of God into his dispose, and he hath power and shall raise them all from the dead, and judge them all according to the Gospel, such as have in believing been brought to him, and abidden in him in the day of grace, he will sentence to eternal life; and such as have through the day of grace persisted in refusing him, or departing from him, he will sentence to a second death. And that men might have knowledge hereof, and faith herein, to bring them in to him, and confidence to abide in him, and be left excuseless in their refusal; he hath also sealed and confirmed the Gospel for a certain truth, in the report of the Propitiation, and life on believing for all men, and the New Testament for believers. And all this true, whether men believe it, or no. And so far hath the sacrifice, as offered to God, prevailed: and yet further in his having a fitness for that to be after said. And in respect of all hitherto said, the light shineth in the darkness, but the darkness comprehendeth it not, john 1.5. 7. And now to remedy this also, that the light may be seen and known through the means used, there is yet another end of his Sacrifice offered; namely, that he might fit at his Father's right hand, and receive and be filled with the holy Ghost in our nature glorified to send forth to the sons of men, and to fill and lead his people: and so to be as in his own place, a reprover of the world, and an advocate and comforter of his people. Himself when he was in the world, did testify of it, That the works thereof were evil, john 7.7. And he declared himself the Bread of life, john 6. the Son of God, and Door of the sheep, john 10. yea the Way, the Truth, and the life, john 14.6. and did teach his Disciples and keep them, and manifest his Father's Name and Words to them, john 17.6, 7, 8. and he being in that estate, and manner of ministration not long to abide in the world, did promise to send them another Advocate and Comforter to be in his stead with them for ever, joh. 14.16. and that this holy spirit should bear witness of him. john 15.26. and convince for reprove the world, john 16.8, 9, 10, 11. and guide his Disciples into all truth, john 16.13. mind them of his say, teach them all things, john 14.26. etc. yet even when while Christ in his own personal body was in the world, he told this for truth unto his Disciples, john 16.7. It is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you. But if I depart I will send him unto you. And when he promiseth such portion of Spirit, it was at that time said, The H. Ghost was not yet given, because Jesus Christ was not yet glorified. john 7.39. Now in his ascending and offering himself in Sacrifice to God for men, he hath prevailed for this also, as appears in that is said, Psal. 68.18. Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive, thou hast received gifts in the man (that is in the humane nature, and for men, to give gifts to men, Eph. 4.8.) yea the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them. And so where there was a performance-evident and eminent, in visible descent, & divine operation through some to the convincement of many, and drawing in many, Acts 2. totum. It is said, This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses; therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received of the Father, the promise of the H. Ghost, he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear: and so the Spirit of the Lord doth rest on him, Isai. 42.1. and he is anointed with it, to preach good tidings, etc. Isa. 61.1, 2, 3, 4. So that as himself hath made peace. so he hath received Spirit to preach, and give peace, Eph. As he hath procured means to be used to call men; so he hath received Spirit to send forth according to the means to breath and operate secretly therein towards, and with men, Gen. 6.3. to enlighten every man, john 1.9. to manifest the being and goodness. of God to them, Rom. 1.19. to reprove their evils, Pro. 1.23. to lead to repentance, Rom. 2.4. that they might seek and find God, Acts 7.26. and he opens his words and gives his Spirit to to them, Pro. 1.23. And as he hath himself preached the Gospel, and confirmed the truth of it with his blood, & left it with his servants to minister; so he hath received, and is filled with Spirit immeasurably, joh. 3.34. to send forth in the ministration thereof, to cenvince the world, joh. 16.8, 9 to bring down every high thought, 2 Cor. 10.4.5. to discover grace to men that they might believe, joh. 1.7. and come to Christ, Isai. 55.5. to purge the consciences of believers, Heb. 9.14. and witness their sonship, Rom. 8.16. And as he hath shed his blood, and presented himself with the virtue of it, in offering himself a sacrifice to God for men, and so made a purgation of sins, and wrought salvation, and righteousness, and obtained eternal redemption for men; so he hath received an office, and spirit at his Father's right hand to offer and call men to to the receit of the same, Pro. 8.4.7. Esa. 45.22. And by the same spirit to apply the same grace, sprinkle the virtue of the same Blood, and Sacrifice on such as believe, to wash, cleanse, sanctify, and conform them to himself therewith, Esa. 61. 15. Ephes. 5.25.26. whence they that come to Jesus are said to come to the Blood of sprinkling Heb. 12 24. And to say in a word: As himself is the gift of God, john 4.10. and full of grace, and truth, john 1.14. and eternal life is in him, and given us in him, that whosoever hath him hath it, 1 john So is he filled with the abundance of spirit, to discover, and dispense this gift, grace, truth and eternal life, Esa. 42. 1-8. and 61. 14. whence also, grace, mercy, and peace, are mentioned for the Holy Ghost, coming down from the Father, and the Son discovering, giving to, and effecting in believers, grace, mercy, and peace, as is seen by comparing, Rom. 5.1 5. and 1. john 5.6.7. with Rom. 1.7. 1 Cor. 1.3. 2 Cor, 1.2. Gal. 1.3. Ephes. 1.2. Phil. 1.2. Col. 1.2. And so in all the Apostle Paul's salutations to the Churches, 2 Pet. 1.2. Rom, 4.5. And so, and in every respect as a foresaid hath the Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, prevailed with God for men, and this set forth in the Gospel for men, as a very truth, yea to, and for such as do not yet believe, but are yet impenitent, and disobedient; that they might believe, and repent, it being the foundation of, and Door to repentance, and faith. And so of the first consideration of the virtue, efficacy, and prevalency, of the precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, even as it was offered to God, and hath prevailed with God for men. Now let us consider the efficacy in the three following considerations. CHAP. IX. 2. Of the virtue, operation, and effectualness of this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, As through its prevalency with God, grace, and mercy is shown, and extended to men and how fit, and forceable to prevail with them. IT is before shown; that through the prevalency of this Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ with God for men, mercy is shown, and means is used towards men; And that though men are so dead in sin, that they have no power, spirit, or will to discern God, or come into him by these means, yet Jesus Christ by his Sacrifice hath prevailed with God, and received of him in the humane nature the spirit to send forth in, and according to the means, to discover the grace procured by his Blood, and Sacrifice, and so to call, and draw in men to God as is shown; And of the Prevalency of the Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ with men towards God, in this Discovery of grace by his spirit, is that here to be noted; not what humane studies, artificial knowledge, and forced motives effect, But what by virtue of the Sacrifice of Christ; the secret, spiritual, and supernatural breathing, and motion of the spirit of Christ effecteth in, and according to the means procured by his Sacrifice; And so. 1 In his manifestation, and Discovery of grace, and mercy in those mercies of God vouchsafed in his works of creation, and providence continued for Christ's sake to the sons of men, is effected for, and to men. 1 Some Testimony that God is, Rom. 1.19.20. And that notwithstanding men have sinned, yet he is God, and merciful to them, Act. 14.17. And that he is a rewarder (that is ready to show favour, and extend mercy) to them that seek him, Heb. 11.6. And so the heavens declare the glory of God, Psal. 19 And his spirit striveth with men, Gen. 6.3. And he calleth all, Pro. 8.4. 2 It giveth secret reproofs of evils found, Pro. 1.23. And secret moving to repentance of the evils reproved; And faith in his goodness discovered, and motions to seek his favour, Rom. 2.4. Act. Esa. 45.22. 3 It effecteth a certain light, and disposition in men, that is some what more then natural, even an inspiration from the Almighty, giving understanding to discern something of God, and that with some inclination towards his goodness, which because it hath not got dominion in men, they are yet but natural, though something be vouchsafed them that is more than natural, by which a capabillity to hear some of the teachings according to God is for the time given them, and so it is said, he enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, john 1.9. And there is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding, job. 32.8. And the spirit of man is the Candle, (or Lamp) of the Lord (which he hath set up and lighted) searching all the inward parts of the Belly, Pro. 20.27. and this is the great fault of men that they take not notice of this mercy, job. 35.10.11. none saith, where is God my maker, who giveth songs in the night, who teacheth us more than the Beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven? And thence come corrections olso, to hid pride from man, to seal his Instruction, etc. job. 33. 16-19. to 29-30. 4 To such as do not willingly harden themselves against the reproofs and speakings of this grace thus far extended, but turn thereby, he maketh known his words, by dreams, visions, or a rumour of the Gospel some way, so as he worketh in them, some suitable repentance, and faith, and fear of him, and merciful affections, etc. leading to himself, as is evident in his own Testimony, Pro. 1.23. And the examples set before us, job. 33. 13-31. Act. 10.1, 2, 3. All which is the fruit of his free grace through the Sacrifice of Christ, Rom. 11.36. And such as harden themselves against his goodness, are hereby left without excuse, Rom. 2.4.5. And justly given over to wrath, as is shown, Rom. 1.18.24. And so far of the universal efficacy with all men. 2 In, and through the Gospel; when the spirit goeth out in discovery of the Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ: And the grace therethrough procured for, and tendered to men; the effects and prevalency with men is greater. 1 It gins to effect in all where the spirit doth so come in the Gospel, some reproof, or convincement of the vileness of sin, the emptiness in worldly things, and the vanity of fleshly righteousness, and also of a fullness, and sufficiency in Christ, and of sin for not believing on him, and also it allureth to a love, and likement of the Doctrine of Christ, with some motions to repentance, faith, and seeking the Lord, john 16.7, 8, 9.10, 11. and 2.23.24. and 6.34. Act. 13.42. and 26.28. And such, continuing in his words are his Disciples, and shall know the truth, and the truth will make them free, john 8. 31-36. And if here they take occasion to stumble, and oppose, they may be justly deprived, and given up, Act. 13. 39-46. and 28. 23-28. 2 It sinketh to the heart, effecteth farther in many, an inward, and piercing sorrow for their former vileness, emptiness, and rebellion with weariness of their old disposition, hopes, and ways, prizings, and long after union with Christ, and these desires accompanied with some tastes of his goodness, and love to his people, Zach. 12.10. Act. 2.37. Nor will he fail or be wanting to these abideing, to establish them in due season, Hosea. Esa. 61.1, 2, 3, 4. And when thus far brought; to departed from him cannot be less than wilful sinning Heb. 9. 26-29. And yet is this a common salvation where the Gospel is believed. 3 This discovery of grace, and operation thereof abidden in, doth yet proceed farther, enabling the heart to part with its former hopes, and purposes, and to believe in Christ: So as it receives remission of sins; And hath the beginnings of Confidence with love of the Brethren effected; And these are believers, partakers of the heavenly Call, Rom. 3.24.25. and 5.1. Heb. 3.1.6. To whom that hope is now given, Heb. 14. and 9.15. And now in such a believer so excellent is the force of this appearing grace, that it worketh an effect like that mentioned, Phil. And so in this second consideration, we see a little of the virtue, and efficacy of the Precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, and its prevalency with men, as the knowledge of grace therethrough is given to men; In which is discovered in the Gospel a heavenly motive, and cord of love to call, and draw to Christ. CHAP. 10. 3. Of the virtue, operation, effectualness, & prevalency of the precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, as it is spiritually applied to, sprinkled on, and working in the heart of those, who through grace, are brought in to believe in Christ. When Jesus Christ by his Spirit discovering his grace, hath brought on the heart to believe on him, then doth he by the same Spirit, mind them of, instruct them in, and apply to them the virtue of his precious Blood and Sacrifice, and the rich and free grace appearing therethrough: and so with the spiritual shines of grace, and application of his Blood, and streaming in his love, doth he sprinkle and wash, and cleanse them, etc. So it was prophesied, Ezek. 36.24.25. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your Idols will I cleanse you, etc. And so it is affirmed of his love to the Church, that he gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water, by the Word, Ephes. 5.26. And it is testified of believers, of whom some had been notoriously evil, But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, 1 Cor. 6.11. and so they have confessed of Christ, Rev. 1.5. He hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. Whence all that by faith come to him, are said to come to the blood and sprinkling, Heb. 24. And of the virtue, power, efficacy and prevalency of this precious hlood and Sacrifice of Christ, in and with believers, when in their believing it is thus spiritually applied, it is that in this consideration we have to take notice of, and it is already in some measure shown: which may be here recalled. And so 1. It verily and indeed crucifieth the flesh, with the affections and lasts. Whence they that believe are said to have done it, Gal. 5.24. It breeds inward sorrow for, and loathing of one's sinfulness, Zach. 12.10. and takes down pride, breeding a low estimate of ones self, as the sinner and cursed one for whom Christ was made sin, and a curse, 2 Cor. 5.21. 1 Tim. 1.13.14 and it makes all worldly and Pharisaical excellencies appear contemptible, Phil. 3. 7, 8. and maketh dead to sin, Rom. 6.4.11. and saveth from the pollutions that are in the world through Lust, 2 Pet. 1.4. & 2.20. 2. It also verily speaketh, and giveth peace, yea even the peace of God, which passeth understanding, and that will keep and guard the heart and mind in Christ, Heb. 12.24. Rom. 5.1, 2, 11. Phil. 4.7. And so freeth from the Law of sin and death, Rom. 7.24.25. & 8.2. 3. It verily redeemeth and purchaseth from among men to God, so as i● prevails with the believer to be the Lords; and for the Lord, and so makes him of one mind with God and Christ, Acts 20.28. Rev. 5.9. & 1 Cor. 2.16. 4. It washeth, comforteth, and reneweth the heart, and all the powers to be conformable to Jesus Christ, Tit. 3.4.5. 2 Cor. 3.18. 5. It firmeth the heart in confidence in Christ, and expectation of his giving in Spirit, according to his Promise, to teach, comfort, preserve, and guide into all truth, Rom. 5.5.— 10. Gal. 5.5 Rom. 8.32. Gal. 2.20. 6. It inflameth with love to God and Christ, 1 Pet. 1.8. 1 Joh. 4.19 and moveth love to men, 2 Cor. and especially to brethren, 1 John 4.21. & 5.1. And in this charity it springs up joy, patience, etc. Gal. 5.22.23. 7. It fits and makes ready to beat the reproach of Christ, and to suffer for him and his people, 1 John 3 16. Rev. 12.11. 8. It saves from falling, and gets victory in temptations, 1 Cor. 15. 1-14. 9 It preserves from vain glory, and makes fruitful in good words and works to glorify Christ, Phil. 2.1.3. and 1.20.21. John 15. 10. It breeds humble and great boldness to approach to the throne of Grace, and have access to God, Heb. 4.16. & 10.19. 1 John 2.1.2. Rom. 5.2. Eph. 2.16. 11. It fits the heart for a sweet, humble and profitable receipt of spiritual visits, and intercourses of love, and a profitable use in venting them seasonably. 1 Tim. 1.13.— 16. 2 Cor. 4.7.— 13 & 12.1.— 10. 12. It leads to a holy use of all God's Ordinances, Creatures, and deal with us, Heb. 10. 12-24. 1 Tim. 4.4.5. Rom. 8. 32-36. 13. It prepares to enter through sufferings into glory, and sealeth to the same, 2 Tim. 2.11, 12. 2 Cor. 1.5. Rev.. 14.15. And these and such like are the efficacies of the spiritual application of the precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, which efficacies are in believers, and in none else, what ever appearances any frame to themselves. CHAP. 11. 4. Of the virtue and operation of this precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, upon them that have perished in Obstinacy, and refusing to believe. JEsus Christ is the Son of God, and shall see of the travel of his soul, and so the fruit of his precious Blood and Sacrifice, even upon them that would none of him: The Lord Jehovah having in acceptation of his sacrifice given over all into his hands and set his delight on him, so as all shall submit; and those that will not willingly, shall yet be subdued to acknowledge him Lord, to the glory of God, when also the virtue of his Blood and Sacrifice shall reflect on them (like the heat of the Sun on sore eyes) to afflict them: So as all his enemies shall be found liars, and made his footstool, Isai. 53.11, 12. Phil. 2.10, 11. Deut. 33.29. Psal. 110.1. And this may be evidenced 1. By the greatness of the grace that was procured for them by this precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, and received for them into his hands, to dispense; as remission of sins, justification, eternal redemption, and life, Rom. 3.24. & 5.18. 1 joh. 5.10, 11. And that so verily, that in refusing, they are by the Spirit that discovered grace through the virtue of this Sacrifice, said jona 2.8. to forsake their own mercies, Ma. 16.26. to lose their own souls, 2 Pet. 2.1. to bring upon themselves swift destruction. It was great grace at first to make man in the Image of God, and a world of creatures for him, and to put him in Paradise, and to give him a tree of Life, &c, and to departed herefrom, and sin against it, a great transgression. But man fallen, to work redemption for him in such a way, and therethrough to extend mercy, and means to win him in to partake of it, was much greater grace; and so greater transgression to turn from it, and abuse the same, and refuse the offers of it. These are the ungodly indeed in a high degree, 2 Pet. 2.1. jude 4.5. 2 By the greatness of the wrath this sin provoketh, & fire it kindleth: It did deserve death, and provoke wrath, when man first sinned, & fell from God; but that wrath God executed on his Son in our nature, and herein dying for our sins, and rising for our justification, and offering himself a Sacrifice to God for us, hath put away sin, and abolished death, and satisfied justice, and so hath appeased that wrath, and quenched that fire, 2 Cor. 5, 19.21. john 1.29. Heb. 1.3. & 9.26. 1 John 3.5. 2 Tim. 1.10. Col. 2.14. 1 John 2.2. It doth deserve death, and provoke wrath, and kindle a fire in judgements on men, that by the mercies & means, by virtue of the Sacrifice of Christ procured for, & extended to them men do not seek God, & by repentance & faith come in to him, to live to him, but still go on after their own lusts, choosing their own ways, and living to themselves, notwithstanding all his goodness extended through Christ to them, to lead them to repentance, Act. 14.17. & 17. 26-31. Rom. 2.4, 5. But this wrath is appeaseable, and this fire quenchable. And for such as in the day of their visitation, when Spirit comes forth in the means, do receive his reproofs, and obey his call, and are prevailed with to belief of his Testimony, repentance of their evils, and faith in his goodness, and sabmission to him, to live to him; to such this wrath also is appeased, and fire quenching, and will be altogether, Acts 10.43. Rom 3.25. & 5.1, 2. Isai. 54. 1-10: in due season: But when God and Christ by his Spirit in the means used, and through the redemption and purgation wrought by Christ, hath been visiting, enlightening, moving at their hearts, and striving with them, to effect repentance and faith in them, and so to bring them to himself; and they after the knowledge of the truth refuse, resist, or departed from it willingly, and will none of God, none of Christ, will not be brought in to him this way, to have all their life and confidence in his grace, and guidance by it; but persist in their wilful refusal, or Apostasy, till he leave striving, and give them up to their own lusts, and Satan: This deserveth & kindleth such wrath, as will not be appeased, and such a fire as will not be quenched, Gen. 6; 3: Prov. 1.23, 24, etc. Psal. 81.11. Ezek. 24.13. Matth. 23.37, 38. Heb. 6.4, 5.2 Pet. 2. Judas totum. And the execution of this is called, The wrath to come. Luke 3.7. 1 Thes. 1.10. fire unquenchable, Luke 3.17. Mark. 9.48. hell fire, Matth. 18.9. Mark 9.47. the second death, Rev. 20.14. 3 By the greatness and inexcusable folly, rebellion and filthiness of this sin, it being an under-valuing, neglect, and refusal of so great salvation and redemption first obtained, and then first preached by the Lord himself; yea, a denying him that bought them, and so a treading under foot the Son of God, Heb. 2.3. 2 Pet. 2.1. Heb. 10.29. a hardening the heart against the mercies and means that through the precious Blood & Sacrifice of Christ was procnred for, and extended to them, to lead them to repentance, and so counting the blood of the Covenant an unholy thing, Rom. 2.5. Heb. 10.29. a turning from him that speaks from heaven and so resisting and offering despite to the Spirit of grace that strove with them to bring them to God, Heb. 12.25 & 10.29. Act. 7.51. In a word, by their preferring darkness before light, when light came, John 3.19. exalting their own wisdom, works, and choice, and objecting, and taking offence at the means, Doctrine, and Spirit of Grace, and turning from it after it hath so fare been extended to them; they crucify again, make of no account and efficacy to themselves the Son of God, and put him to an open shame, Heb. 6.6. A great ingratitude, and fearful rebellion against so great and gracious a God and Saviour, and Spirit, and so real an offer and tender, Psalm 81.11. Great folly and madness to refuse so great and real mercy and salvation and altogether excuseless, they cannot say we fell and were loft in Adam, & no redemption was wrought for us, whereby we might have been saved Our Fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge; Ezek. 18.2. Rom. 5.12 18. for the later part of the plea is false, & God will punish it: for though they were lost in Adam, and could no way redeem themselves, yet in Christ redemption was again wrought for them: Nor can they say this mercy was altogether hid, and no means used towards them, that they might have sought, and found him, Act. 14.17. and 17.26. nor will this pleasure; we had in ourselves no will or power to choose life; For though it was not in them, yet it was in him; And his spirit by which he tendered grace wanted not power, Mich. 2.7. He doth not look to gather where he hath not sown, though wicked Servants so say; But on his examination they will be dumb, Mat. 25.26. and 22.12. Sins of ignorance, and weakness, to which through the fall men are necessitated, and for which yet there is a remedy, though they are directly against the Father, and indirectly against the Son, and holy spirit: sins against the means procured by Christ, and extended through him to lead to repentance, and faith, and so against ordinary light, warnings, and motions; are against the Father, and directly against the Son, yet all manner of these sorts of sin shall be forgiven unto men, but the wilful and rebellious sinning in refusing, and opposing the grace itself in Christ, and evidenced by the spirit, after light obstinately refusing to have all life in, and guidance by that grace the spirit discovers in Christ; But blaspheming the same: This sinning is directly against the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and shall never be forgiven, Mat. 12.31. Mark 3.28.29. 4 By the evilness, and remedilesnesse of the state, and condition, such sinning throws these men into; And that may be seen in two things. 1 That whereas they were once dead through Adam; and a ransom was given for them by Christ, and life procured for them, and this set forth in the Gospel, and in the means tendered to them with some quickening motions of the spirit, and hope of life, there being no other means or Sacrifice; They having wilfully cast aside this, have rend themselves out of this book of life, renounced this life that was set in hope before them, and are become Trees twice dead, and plucked up by the roots, so as there is no more hope for them, Judas 12. 2 That whereas; when they were fallen in Adam, though truth and Justice pleaded for their Death; yet mercy was for them, and found out a ransom in which, truth, and justice did meet, and join with mercy nor their good; And though Justice might have risen against them for their strayings in ignorance, and unbelief; yet compassion, and mercy had patience, and forbearance to wait for them, but now by his spirit he hath been striving with them, and they will none of Christ, but harden themselves against him, and oppose, and offer wrong, and violence to Christ, and his word, and people; even mercy also with Justice, and truth is turned against them; not that there is any change in God, but they have put themselves into such a condition, that his mercy becomes cross to them, the light is pleasant to the eye, and that it troubles the sore eye, the change is in the eye, not in the light, so God's love, and mercy is the same for ever; His delight is in his Son, and his pleasure in his people made one with his Son: yea, so great that when men harden their hearts against his Son, the Gospel, and spirit of his Son, and turn to oprresse those that are vessels of mercy; The more he loves his Son, and the dearer his people are to him; the more doth his mercy move him to plead their cause, and plague their enemies, and so he smote Egypt, overthrew Pharaoh, and his Host in the sea, smote great and mighty Kings, etc. For his mercy endureth for ever, Psal. 136.10.20. Oh heavy when mercy stands against them! 5 By the greatness of torments, and punishments to be executed on such sinners; which as the Scriptures sets it forth, is very terrible; for it is the same that at first was prepared for the Devil, and his Angels, who sinned freely, and without a Tempter, or any cause, jude 6. Mat. 25.41. So it appears that. 1 The Death on mankind for the first transgression was an Allenation from God, a Death in sin, and a Death in punishments, and torments due to sinnings against the grace of God manifested in the Creation: And had there been no remedy, or prevention, this death and punishment would have been eternal; for men in particular suffering it, could never have overcome it to get out of it (only by reason of Gods preventing mercy, in keeping man from eating of that Tree of life, of which, if he had eaten, his Body had been immortal, and so capable of eternal sufferings) He should suffer eternally in his soalc; And his body with the sting, and pouson of sin, and curse should be always suffering till it turned to rottenness, and so to dust again; and this is the first death, which came on all men at first, Gen. 2.17. and 3.19. And this Jesus Christ hath in dying for our sins, and rising for our Justification as the public person overcome, 2 Tim. 1.10. and obtained of his Father power to ease men in this life of so much pains of this mortalilty as he pleaseth, and to raise them all from this first Death at the last, 1 Cor. 15.21.22. 2 The Death or punishments on men for sinning against the grace of redemption, in hardening themselves against the Patience and bounty of God, and means through Christ procured, to lead them to repentance, and so for their turning herefrom, and going after their own ways; are afflictions, and troubles on soul, and body, name, and estate, having some mixtures of m●rcy, and being to hid pride from man, and force them to repentance, etc. Levit. 26. Deut. 28. job 33. And these are called, wrath, Judgements, punishments, corrections, out of which yet there is a way, and mean of escape, job 33. Heb. 1.12. Esa. 27.4.5. 3 But the Death and torment for these that have persisted in in resisting, the spirit in the means, and refusing this life in Christ, and to have him reign over them, till they be given over to satan is more terrible, and is eternal, on soul, and body raised and made immortad, and so capable of eternal suffering; And this is called the second death; Hell fire, The lake of fire, unquenchable fire, and even that which was at first prepared for the Devil, and his Angels, into which all these shall go, who by their wilful persisting in rebellion against the truth, and walking in lies, and murders become of the wicked one, the Children of the Devil, and the seed of the Serpent. And so shall share of the same punishment, 1 john 3.12. john 8.41.44. Mat. 25.41. only in the sting and tormenting worm, that never dyeth, but always tormenteth, there is now this more to these miserable men, then to the Devils; The remembrance of a Remedy since their first fall, which they have refused, which will torment exceedingly, but that cannot be in the Devil's torment. 6 And yet there is one thing more, in which appeareth the effectualness of the Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, on these rebellious refusers, and that proveth the appearance of the same, to be in all these 5. forementioned points; And that is the judgement and condemnation of these Rebe's in that. 1 The Lord Jesus Christ that shed his Blood, and offered this Sacrifice, shall even by virtue thereof be their Judge, even he that died, and rose, and revived for them, to be their Lord, Rom. 1.4 9.12. he that bought them, 2 Pet. 2.1. even he shall be their Judge, and they shall appear before his judgement sear, 2 Cor. 5.10. yea even because he died for them, God hath exalted him, and they shall come before him to acknowledge him Lord, by whom they might have been saved, and shall be judged righteously, Phil. 2.10.11. Esa. 45.23. And of this God hath given assurance, and offered faith to all men in that he raised him from the Dead, Act. 17.31. And this is one efficacy of his Sacrifice on such as refused him (in whom they might have enjoyed the comfortable efficacies) that they shall acknowledge him Lord, and be judged by him, Rom. 2.16. 2 Tim. 4.1. And they shall yield it right, it should be so. 2 That which shall be laid to their charge in this Judgement, and that by which their sins shall be evidenced, and aggravated against them, their sins that will be laid to their charge will be their ignorance of God, and not obeying his Gospel, 2 Thes. 2.8. Their unbelief with all the fruits thereof, john Their Impenitency, and not profiting by, but hardening their hearts against the means by the Sacrifice of Christ procured, and extended, to lead them to repentance, Rom. 2.4.5. Their evil thoughts, and hard speeches of him, and his goodness, in his word, ways, people, jude 15. and so for every Idle word, and all their Idolatries, and unmercifulness, and ungodly deeds, which through their disobedience to his goodness they have run into, jude 15. Mat. 12.36. yea every secret thing shall then be manifest: That by which the vileness of their sins, and justness of their Judgement shall be evidenced, will be the put chase Christ hath made for them, and they denied him that so dearly bought them, 2 Pet. 2.1. The mercy extended to them, against which they hardened themselves, Rom. 2.5. And all the means, yea even the Gospel sent to move them to seek the Lord, Mat. 11. 16-24. yea the very blood and Sacrifice of Christ, by which all the residue was procured for them, which they have contemned, Heb. 10.29. yea and the Spirit of grace, with all his spiritual hints of light, motion's, reproofs, and allurements which they have despised, Heb. 10.29. Prov. 1.24.25, etc. All which will then appear as aggravations of their sin and judgement; and this is another efficacy of the blood and Sacrifice of Christ, on such as have refused him, that when the day of grace is past, it will occasion the evidencing and aggravation of their sin and judgement. 3. The order, rule, law, or medium, by and according to which the judgement shall proceed, and that is the Gospel; in which Christ had before been set forth a saviour for them, the propitiation for their sins, and full of Spirit to send forth, and so inviting them to repentance and faith, with assurance of renovation, remission, and life on believing, and warning that the issue of all other ways would be death. This Gospel, as it is the word which Christ and his Apostles spoke; so such is the truth and verity of it, that even the rejectors thereof; it shall judge, and he shall judge them by and according to it, Joh. 12.47.48 49. Rom. 2.16. And this is another efficacy of the precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ on such as have rebelliously refused it; that by the declaration or word thereof, and according to that declaration shall be the judgement, Rom. & 10.18. John 15.22. 4. That which shall convince of sin, and set home the sentence of sin, and of judgement to the heart, and so kindle the fire that never shall be quenched; is even the same Spirit of the Lord, which by virtue of his Death, Resurrection, and Sacrifice, he in his ascension (Psal. 68.18.) received; and in the day of grace was striving with them. Gen. 6.3. to have convinced them, and began to kindle a fire that then would have consumed nothing but their fleshly affections and lusts, Isa. 40.7. their carnal wisdom and confidence, and then have healed them and given them life, Pro. 1.23.24 but they would none of his reproofs, but quenched this heat, and resisted this Spirit, till he left striting with them. But now will this holy and Almighty Spirit from the Lord that bought them, return again upon them, and contince them of sin, because they have not believed on Christ etc. John 16.8, 9 10. and so set home the sentence to their heart, that they cannotavoid it; and by his Almighty breathing word, like a stream of Brimstone, kindle that fire that never shall be quenched, Isa. 30.33. And this is another efficacy of the Sacrifice of Christ on such as have rebelliously refused him; that the Spirit, he, by virtue of his Sacrifice received to send forth to call men, shall yet set home the sentence even on those that rejected him. Oh then in that day, though to their woe, they shall see and confess (what ever before they thought, or others told them) that Christ died for them, though they perish; that Christ bought them, though they have denied him; that he had wrought redemption for them, though they have sold themselves again to vanity; that there was mercies for them in him, though they forsook them; that he strove with them, to win them to him, though they resisted him; that his word and ways were good, though they believed not: And now to behold him that so dearly bought them, and graciously called them, and they rewarded him with hatred for his love, to come in fury to judge them, and to perceive the Blood and Sacrifice that once would have spoken peace to them, to rise up against them; the Gospel that once declared good tidings to them from the verity of it, to be a condemning word to them; mercy that once waited for them, to be now turned against them; the holy Spirit that was once moving in them to draw them from sin to God, to be now sentencing them under sin, and unto death: O what a terror will this be! And how will the remembrance of the redemption wrought by Christ, the mercy once shown, and the door to life once opened, through which they might have been saved, now add to the terror, and the remembrance of all the vanities, false Doctrines, and humane applause, for which they have turned aside, will but increase the vexation, and (now while they see those that embraced and followed Christ whom they despised, to go into the joy of their Lord, into eternal life) to see their own sin, and judgement in the height, and the terrible presence of the Lord driving them into the lake of fire that burneth ever, and out of which there is no escape! Oh how great this terror! yea how easeless, how tormenting, how intolerable, unavoidable, and remediless! How endless will the eternal suffering in that fire be, when the least drops of those merciful effects of the Sacrifice, that are in this day tendered, and so refused, will not be vouchsafed; nothing then but biting, gnawings, torments in every part of soul and body? Now consider this ye that forget God, Psal. 50.22. lest he tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver. Those, that know and believe all these forementioned efficacies of the precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, they know also this terror of the Lord, & they are persuaded and reconciled to God, in belief of the reconciliation God hath wrought in Christ for the world, and they in witnessing the same, do persuade and beseech others now in this day of grace, to be reconciled to God, 2 Cor. 5.10, 11, 19, 20. & 6.1.2. in which the comfortable efficacies will be found. CHAP. 12. The usefulness of this precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, known and beleevingly remembered. THat we may have the better understanding of this, it is also to be understood, 1. Of what the Proposition is. 2. Of what knowing is here meant. 3. Of what faith it is here to be understood. 4. What remembrance is here meant. And 5. what is meant by usefulness; that in all we may conceive according to Scripture sense. First, for the proposition, It is of the precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, and that is to be understood both of itself primely; and of the Doctrine of the Gospel in which it is set forth instrumentally: and that as is before shown; concerning 1. The manifold sense in which those terms are used in Scripture, as for his Death, His resurnection, His Presentation and offering to God, The prevalency with God, the spiritual application to believers, and prevalency in them; and the rich love of God, and satisfaction to God, and conscience and Spirit appearing and streaming there through, as is shown Chap. 2. 2. The ends of this precious Blood and Sacrifice, and that in respect of Christ, according to his double Mission into the world, and his double business in leaving the world; and in respect of mankind according to the double misery and enmity against God they were fallen into. And in respect of the Church according to the double need she hath of Christ; & in all of them, the ends of the shedding his blood, the end of his offering his sacrifice with the virtue of his blood to God, The ends of the discovery and spiritual application of it to men, as is shown Chap. 3. and 4. 3 The necessity of this precious Blood and Sacrifice, both of his dying, and resurrection; and of his presentation and offering it to God, and of his spiritual discovery, and application to men, as is shown Chap. 5. and enlarged by some consideration of the Law, Chap. 6. 4 The excellency and dignity of this precious Blood and Sacrifice, and that in the Sacrifice itself, in respect of the Priest, the Sacrifice, the Altar: In the Declaration, in respect of the three Witnesses, the Spirit, the Water, the Blood: In the abundant grace, and the great hope appearing therein, as is shown Chap. 7. 5 The virtue, operation, and prevalency of this precious Blood, and Sacrifice of Christ, as it was offered to God, as is shown Chap. 8. And as through that prevalency with God, mercy is shown to men, as is shown Chap. 9 And as it is spiritually applied to the heart of Believers, as is shown Chap. 10. And as it will be laid to the charge of such as have rejected it, as is shown Chap. 11. And all this is to be understood about the precious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ, and in the Doctrine of Christ; and so is the meaning of the Proposition. 2 For the knowledge, or knowing here meant, and of which the Scripture meaneth, when it speaks of the knowledge, and knowing of Christ, which he giveth to men; 1 It is not that knowledge, or knowing which is natural, Rom: 3.10. and 11.34. Truth it is, that as God through Christ, and for his sake for a time preserveth the natural life of man; so through Christ, and for his sake, he giveth, and preserveth unto men for the time of this natural life, their natural understanding, reason, judgmentaind conception, Job 35.11. Rom. 1.32. By which they may learn and understand some things in the works of God, Job. 36 24, 25. And some things in the Narration, or History of the Scriptures, or Word of God, Rom: 2.17.21. Luke 10.26, 27. And it is also true, that God hath imprinted and manifested his wisdom, even some testimonies of his being and goodness in his works of Creation and Providence, Psalm. 19. 1-6. Act. 14.17. Rom: 1.19, 20. and 2.4. And in the Scriptures or Word of God hath set forth Christ the wisdom of God, what he hath done, what he is, and what he will do, and doth, 1 Cor. 1.24, Io. 5.39, 46. Rom: 4.23.25. And yet this is also true, that in respect of all men that are but natural, and have but their natural life and understanding, though preserved in mercy for Christ's sake; This light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not. john 1.5. Men by their natural wisdom do not find out, or attain to know God in the wisdom of God set forth in the books of Creatures, or Scriptures, 1 Cor: 1.21. The natural man cannot know the things of the Spirit of God, which he teacheth concerning the things of Christ, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor: 2.14. So that the natural man, with all his natural powers and parts, cannot attain the right knowledge of the things of God in Christ, by all his search, either in the Works of God, or in the Word of God, Eccles. 10.15. 2 It is not that knowledge which is both natural, and artificial, attained by knowledge of Arts, in use of Arts, and artificial helps, whence that interrogation, & challenge, Isa 33. where is the Scribe? etc. A truth it is, that through Christ, and for his sake, God blesseth men's industly in study of Letters, Tongues, Arts, and Sciences, that are natural and honest; and also their honest industry in use and exercise thereof; So as many thereby become very knowing, wise, prudent, and skilful Orators and Disputers: In study of the works of God, they may attain excellent knowledge about the variety of soils and seasons, the nature of Beasts, Birds, Plants, the nature, dispontion, and manners of men, and so be very skilful for husbandry, trading, and merchandise, Government of Commonweals, Isa. 3.1.4. Laws, War, Physic, etc. And this is a great mercy to a Commonwealth and a correction to want them: And in study of the Scriptures, such may attain excellent knowledge, for translation of Tongu●s, understanding and explicating Histories, discerning of Times and some Proprecies, and of the scope and circumstances of places, and ety●●ologie of words, which is a mercy to the Nation where they live (while they keep their bounds;) yea, and to the Churches also, Matth. 2.5, 6. Luke 12.54,— 57, Isa 3.1,— 4. But yet this is also true, that the verity, excellency, depth, preciousness, enjoyment, and efficacy of the things of God in Christ, these Rabbis and Princes of the World for wisdom and understanding, cannot by this wisdom find out, discern, approve, or receive, though they read, and study the words in which it is expressed; yet in those words it is hidden from them, and they by their wisdom in all their searching cannot find out this mysterious wisdom of God in Christ, 1 Cor: 1 20.21. and 2.7, 8, 14. Matth. 11.25. Luke 10.21. So as natural and artificial knowledge and wisdom cannot reach, or attain the right knowledge of the things of God in Christ, Prov. 30.2, 3, 4. So that the knowledge, or knowing here spoke of, is not natural or artificial, but supernatural, as shall be shown anon. 3 Neither yet is this such a knowledge, or knowing, of which, nature is no way capable of the receipt of it, or such as doth destroy the natural or artificial knowledge, or as if they could no way consist, and be together in the same subject, Act. 18.24, 28. and 7.22, 23, Heb. 11.24, 25. The body or humane nature of our Lord Jesus Christ, neither did, nor could raise itself; yet was it capable of being raised, and was by the Divine Power not destroyed, but raised; And yet the resurrection, though it was of the humane nature, yet it was not at all by the humane, but by the divine nature, the very Spirit and Power of God, that not the divine, but the humane nature was raised, Act. 2.23, 24, 30, 31. Rom: 4.24. and 6.4. The eyes of blind Bartemeus could by no natural means attain to see, but they were capable of receiving sight by the gift of God, Mark 10.46.— 52. And for the better understanding this business, we may consider, that it is appointed to men once to die, Heb. 9.27. Eccles. 9.10. and when they do die, and give up the Ghost, than all their natural and artificial knowledge and wisdom dies together with them; And as they shall be one day raised again by the Spirit and power of Christ; so than the knowledge they have, shall not be natural or artificial, but only that which they shall have from the power of God that raised them, 1 Cor. 13.11, 12. And the members of Christ by virtue of their union with him, shall have all knowledge tending to happiness from him by the divine nature filling them with light, and leading both soul and body, 1 john 3.2. So that they shall then know perfectly and see, as they are seen, and know as they are known; But here in this life as their bodies, so their natural powers are spiritually humbled and mortified, that they may in the regeneration be quickened by, Rom 8.10 11, 12.23. and made serviceable to the Spirit, not annihilated, or slain; nor is the man perfectly, and totally made alive in the regeneration here wrought, nor will be, till perfectly and totally dead, in respect of all natural life; but the Spirit is alive for Righteousness sake, 1 Cor: 13.9. And the Spirit quickeneth also the mortal body, and so he may as pleaseth him, The natural powers and faculties, for such service as he pleaseth: 1 Cor. 1.29. The to tall redemption of the body, being yet waited for, our knowledge yet imperfect; so then, though neither natural, nor artificial knowledge, be the knowledge of spiritual things, nor doth, nor can attain it; yet the spiritual knowledge may consist, and be together with them in the same subject, and having humbled and slain the pride of them, may make such use of them in some services as the Spirit pleaseth; and as it is a punishment or correction during this life, to have the body by Diseases disabled from service, and tormented with pain, Deut. 28.28. so is it to have the natural reason and understanding made useless, or distracted; So that this knowledge, or knowing here meant, is not such as slays, or makes the other altogether useless: As for that doting upon natural or artificial knowledge, the humane wisdom, or the wisdom of the Rabbis and Prince; of this world, by which many so magnify it, as the only, or necessary, or at least the best mean, to find out and discover the things of God: It is a gross and Idolatrous conceit, and God hath executed judgement on that Idol, and stained the pride of that glory, and so will do still, in that the wisdom of God is hidden from them, Matth. 11.25. Luke 10.21. and they know it not, 1 Cor. 2.7, 8 14. And few of them are called to it, 1 Cor. 1.26. And those that are, have their former wisdom befooled, and they abased in the acknowledgement of the vanity of it, before they receive the spiritual wisdom, 1 Cor. 1.19, 20. And the truth is, this magnifying of humane wisdom and knowledge, is the very enmity of Christ, and the very Spirit of Antichrist, Mat. 15.4.9. 2 Thes. 2.4. that moves to the building of Babel to Idolatry or Superstition, to be as God, in the Temple of God, to appoint Doctrines, Laws, Officers, and to persecute the Truth, and the Children of the Truth: As for that saying, that this natural and artificial knowledge, this humane learning and wisdom, is an Handmaid to Divinity: Though this be but the Doctrine of men, and no where affirmed in the Word of God, yet if it be rightly understood, it might by collection appear agreeable thereto; for if it should be meant an handmaid or help to find out, and attain Divinity, that were rather to be a Mother then a handmaid, and this is before proved false: And if any object, in men sanctified, it may, that is also false, Job. 11.7, 8, 9 Prov. 30.2, 3, 4. He that hath seeing eyes will not be befooled, to take a candle to find out the Sun; And again, if by handmaid should be meant a guide, and help, to limit, order, and better, the teaching of the Spirit, the divine light, knowledge, and motions of grace, that they may be more profitable and effectual; this is rather to be a Mist●is then a Handmaid, and if suffered in this, it would soon corrupt from the simplicity of Christ. Prov. 30.22, 23. And against this the Apostle hath protested, 1 Cor. 2.1, 4, 5. But if by a handmaid, be meant a handmaid indeed, that which is taken of its Throne, and submitted to Divinity, even to the Divine Spirit, and grace of Christ, to use as a Servant according to its pleasure, and divine wisdom, and motion, for translating etymologizing, and discanting on words, for analyzing places, comparing places, using Similes, etc. Then if keeping the servants place is useful, as grace leads to the use of it; And in this sense I conceive some godly men have used this saying, and where it is so used it may be included in this saying, Psalm. 103. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy Name. 4 But the knowledge, or knowing here meant is supernatural, spiritual, and divine, and that appears in three things that are together in this knowledge, though distinct, yet never separate in this knowledge, or knowing. First, that the Giver or Teacher of this knowledge, is the holy Spirit, even God in Christ, and the Spirit proceedin from both, Prov. 2.6. For the Lord giveth wisdom, and out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding, Isa 48.17. I am the Lord thy God, which teacheth thee to profit, Isa 54.13. All my children shall be taught of the Lord, john 16.23. When the Spirit of Truth is come he will guide you into all Truth, and this is in a heavenly manner, as the Scripture shows. 1 By a divine, not bodily, but spiritual light, shine, or revelation, in unbaring or manifesting to the soul, or mind, the things of Christ, Heb. 10.32. In which after ye were illuminated, 2 Cor. 4.6. hath shined in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, Math 16.17. Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven, 1 Cor. 2.10. God hath revealed to us by his Spirit. 2. By a divine infusion, or inspiration to the heart of a Spiritual stream, motion, or evidence and persuasion of the truth and goodness of that of Christ discovered, Isai. 44.3. I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed. Job 32.8. The inspiration of the Almigty giveth them understanding. Isai. 30.21. Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way. Isai. 50.4. The Lord hath given me the tongue of the learned (saith Christ) that I should know how to speak a word in season. Isai. 52.6. They shall know in that day, that I am he that do speak, behold it is I. 3. By a Divine power or Spiritual strength, so as he causeth the blind to see, and the deaf to hear, Isai. 29.18. and openeth the heart to attend, Act. 16.14. whence he is called, The finger of the Lord, etc. Mat. 12.28. Such is the Teacher, and teaching, by which this knowledge is attained. Secondly, the Object of this knowledge, That which the holy spirit teacheth, and glorifieth in teaching, is Christ and the things of Christ, as the verity, ends, necessity, excellency, and virtue of Christ and his precious Blood and Sacrifice, the infiniteness and freeness of God's love appearing therethrough, and the promises and hope given therein; yea Christ the wisdom of God, and the power of God, and wisdom, etc. to us, 1 Cor. 1.24.30. John 16.14. He shall glorify me, for he shall take of mine, and shall show unto you. John 15.26. he shall testify of me, John 14.26. he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. And so 2 Cor. 3.18. & 4.6. Thirdly. the manner of knowing is likewise spiritual, and that is both, 1. By that new light, disposition, and spirit he hath put in the heart, which is as a new and spiritual eye, to see spiritual things, which is not by a humane discourse, collecting one thing from another, judging to know unseen causes from some seen and sensible effects, like humane wisdom, and the spirit of the world; but spiritual discerning in the very light, and of the very evidence of the Spirit, 1 Cor. 2.12.16. so as they may prove the effects sound from their knowledge of the cause, 1 John 4.19. So John 1.14. We beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, Psal. 36.9. In thy light we shall see light. And in this, as no man's humane wisdom and learning doth further his discerning, so no man's ignorance, or want thereof, shall hinder, Psal. 119.130. The entrance of thy word giveth light, and giveth understanding to the simple. Matth. 11.25. Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast tevealed them unto Babes. 1 John 5.20. we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true. 2. By a certain inward experience of the beauty, excellency, and sweet savour of the things known; a pleasing delightful, and reviving taste and savour, 2 Cor. 2.14 15.16. manifesteth the savour of his knowledge, a sweet savour of Christ, a savour of life unto life, Phil. 3.8. For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but Dung, that I may win Christ 1 Pet. 2.3. If ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious, to whom coming, etc. And this is the knowledge here meant: A supernatural and spiritual knowledge of Christ, and the things of Christ taught by the Spirit of Christ, with light, motion and power, giving an understanding to discern, and heart to savour the things known. In which knowledge as there are divers degrees: so some are but Babes and Novices in it, and so in respect of some others, unlearned and unskilful in it: others more skilful; yea some Fathers, and very stable. And this is the knowledge the Spirit in the Scripture speaketh of when it speaketh of the things of Christ and his Spirit. 1 Cor. 2.1.— 15. 1 Tim. 3.6. Heb. 2 Pet. 3.16. which whoso wanteth altogether, whomsoever he hath heard preach the Gospel, what books soever he hath read, and what knowledge soever he hath attained in the Scriptures, what degree, what office, or profession soever he hath; yet he hath not seen the image of the Father, nor heard his voice, Heb. 1.3. John 1.14. & 5 37.38. etc. And so knoweth not the Father nor the Son, nor the things of the Spirit, nor such as are born of the Spirit, 1 John. 3.1. John 15.21. 1 Cor. And so the knowing here meant is supernatural, spiritual, and experimental, be it little or much, more or less, and so yet wavering or stable. CHAP. 13. 3. Of what Faith it is here to be understood, and 4. of what remembrance. 3. FOr the Faith here meant, it is a Divine and Spiritual faith: for the better understanding whereof, these seven things may be considered about it. 1. The object of it. 2. The Mover or Worker of it. 3. The nature and act of it. 4. The motion in, and of it. 5. The subject in which it is, and immediate instruments in, and with which it moveth and worketh. 6. The power, life, or principle in in it. 7. The oneness of it in diversity of the degrees, and acts. 1. For the object that the eye of this Faith is set on, & on which it looketh, to which it runneth, on which it leaneth and resteth; This object is Divine, and but one, even God. In the Lord put I my trust, Psal. 7.1. and 11, 1. and 121.1. and 123.1. and 9.10. Cant. 1.4. Yet this object is considerable in a threefold respect, viz. 1. In respect of the most inmost, and utmost object, for refuge, foundation, and fountain of all help, safety and satisfying, and that is God himself, even the divine Nature in his infinite wisdom, power, mercy love, truth, etc. Psal. 42. God our refuge and strength. etc. Psal. 18.2. Rock, Fortresse, Deliverer, etc. Psal. 27.1. Light and salvation even God, Rom. 4.24. that raised up Jesus Christ our Lord from the dead, 2 Cor. 1.9.10. which raised the dead, who delivered, etc. and doth deliver, &c, 1 Pet. 1.21. By whom we believed. 1.5.5. trusteth in God, Heb. 2, 13. In respect of the inmost and absolute Medium, through which this faith discerneth, etc. cometh to, and fasteneth on God, and without which there can be no discerning of, or coming in to God, or closing with him at all. And this inmost and absolute mediate object, is Jesus Christ the Son of God, made Man of the Seed of Abraham and David, who is the Saviour of the world, and the Head and Husband of the Church, Rom. 1.3.4. 1 Joh. 4.14. John 4.42. Eph. 5.32. and 1.22.23. Christ saith, john 14.6. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh to the Father but by me. Eph. 2.18. Through him we have both an access by one Spirit unto the Father, john 1.7. that through him all might believe, 2 Cor. 3.4. Such trust have we through Christ to God-ward. Whence also this faith is called, Col. 1.4. and 2.5. faith in Christ: and john 3.15. believing in him. And so Christ Jesus is object of this faith; and that 1. In respect of what he hath done for us, in dying for our sins, and rising for our justification, and offering up himself a Sacrifice and ransom to God, Rom. 4.25. 1 Tim. 2.6. 2. In respect of what he is (through that he hath done) become for us; as namely, that nee is (Eph. 2.14.) our Peace, 1 john 2.2. the propitiation for our sins, 1 Cor 1.30. wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Rom. 1.3. our Lord and Saviour. 3. In respect also of what (through that he hath done, and is become for us) he now doth in heaven for us; and that is, Heb. 9.24. appear in the presence of God for us. And Heb. 7.25. ever liveth to make intercession for us. And so Heb. 9 14.15. 4. In respect of what he will do in and for all such as through grace believing in him, accept that he hath done, Rom. 5.11. and depend on him according to that he is and doth, for that he will do in and for them; as namely, that he will support and uphold them, Isai. 43.1, 2. and cause all to work together for good to them, Rom. 8.28. and send forth his Spirit from the Father to them, to bear witness of him to, and through them, john 15.26.27. to mind them of his words, and teach them all things, john 14.26. to take of the things of Christ, and show to them, and so glorify him to them, and thereby comfort them, and lead them into all truth, john 14.14 16. & to make them fruitful in their ministration, john 15.5.16. convincing the world, john 16.7 8, 9 10. calling in to Christ, 2 Cor. 2. 14-16. and 3.3. and answering their enemies, Matth 10.20. and to sanctify and preserve them to the inheritance, 1 Thess. 5.24. And thus is Jesus Christ the next and nearest object, and the only absolute and inmost Medium, through which this faith fasteneth upon God, or the Divine Nature, which is the most inmost and outmost object. Thirdly, in respect of the Instrument, and outward Medium, through which Christ, and so God in Christ, is beheld, believed, and trusted in: and this is the word of God, that which declareth Christ, and God's love, and gracious mind in and through him: and so the name or great report, and fame of the glory or goodness of God in Christ, in his love, mercy, power, wisdom, etc. Whence he is said to have magnified his word above all his name, Psal. 138 2. and so this faith is called, A believing the Gospel, and receiving his words, Mark 1.15. john 2.22. and 5.47. And so this faith and trust is in praising God in his Word, Psal. 56.10. and glorifying his word, Acts 13.48. And so the object of this faith is, God in Christ, in and according to his word. The first next Instrumental and outward mediate object of this faith, is the word and Gospel, with the promises thereof, which discovereth Christ, and God in Christ, and that, in which, and for which we are to trust in him, Psal. 119.49.50. The second inward, inmost, and absolute mediate object of this Faith, is Jesus Christ, in that which he hath done, is become, doth, and will do, which the Word reporteth and assureth, Phil. 3.3. The last, inmost, and utmost object of this Faith, is God in Christ, in his infinite wisdom, love, power, etc. which appeareth in, and through Christ, 1 Tim. 4.10. And so the object of faith altogether in one, is, God in Christ, as discovered in his Word by his Spirit. This, and this only is the object of this faith. So that no Arm of Flesh, or device of men, not multitude of men, Ammunition, or Forts; not riches, nor strength, nor wisdom, nor any self-wrought righteousness, or works, can be in any sort the object of Faith, Jer. 9.23. Job. 9 1. Either the inmost, and utmost object of faith and trust, God only is that, Mark 10.24. 1 Tim. 6.17. 2. Or the inmost and absolute mediate object, through which men believe and trust in God; Christ Jesus is only that, Luke 18.19. 2 Cor. 10.4.7.— 18. 3. Or the Instrumental and outward mediate object, through and according to which, men believe and trust in Christ, and in God in Christ; his Word only is that, Psal. 56.4.10. As for prayers and endeavours in use of means, when they issue from, and be the fruits of this faith and confidence in God in Christ according to his Word; then in this confidence, blessing may be expected in them, 2 Sam. 7.27.29. But they cannot be the object either as Rule, or Medium, or Object, as aforesaid, Rom. 9.32. & 10.2.3. The Word, the Rule: Christ, the Medium: God, the Object: and so God in Christ, according to his word, is only and altogether the object of this faith. Secondly, for the Mover or Worker of this faith; that which produceth it, and in and by which it is raised and wrought; it is not the force of any humane discourse, reasoning, or Argument, 1. Cor. nor is it the issue or birth of any fervent endeavours, or workings of men, in, and according to the law of works, Gal. 3.2. yea though endeavoured and done to get Christ, the righteousness of God thereby, Rom. 9.31.32. and neither yet is it a conclusion, or spring from the appearance of any inward or outward changes, effected in a man by any such reasonings, or endeavourings, Luke 18.11, 12. 2 Cor. But this Mover and effector verily is 1. The appearance of the grace of God, in and through the Gospel, even of that free and immense love of God in the gift of his Son to be the Saviour of the world, and the satisfaction made by Christ, and the fullness of grace and truth in him. This grace of God appearing in and through Christ, moveth to believe, encourageth and draweth thereto; whence this faith is called, The gift of God by grace, and not of works, Eph. 2.8.9. and they that have it, are said to have believed through grace, Acts 18.27. 2. The Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son in discovery of this grace, effecteth this faith; and so the hand of the Lord, that is, the Spirit of the Lord, or the demonstration of the Spirit and power, is said to bring to believe in God, Acts 11.21. 1 Cor. 2.4.5. And in respect of both these, this grace and Spirit working faith, it is said, After the kindness and love of God to manward, appeared; he saved us by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy Ghost, Tit. 3.4.5. And so the believers are said to be borne of water, and of the spirit, john 3.5. And so as the spirit worketh faith, so for working it, he doth not glorify the works of the Law, or any frames, or works of men. But he glorifies Christ, and Gods rich grace in Christ, to beget faith, and hope in men, john 16.13.14. 1 Pet. 1.21. And so to say in a word; It is the spiritual appearance of rich grace, in, and by which this faith is wrought; Grace is the mover. 3 For the nature, and Act of this faith; There be three things together meeting in one, in this Act of believing, or this faith of which is here teached, as Scripture, and experience of Believers shows; that is to say, 1 An assent, and credit-giving to the report, or Testimony of the Gospel, and that which by the spirit is evidenced, and appeareth through the same report: the want of which the Prophet complains of, Esa. 53. Who hath believed our report? which not-believing, the Apostle calls, making God a liar, 1 John 5.10. And this assent and credit-giving to the report of the Gospel, was in those, Act. 13.48. They magnified the word of the Lord, (counted it good, and true) and so received the Testimony, and so did the Thessalonians likewise, 2 Thes. 1.10. And this is the first Act, without which; no faith at all, john 5.47. and 8.24. 2 An inward, and hearty approbation of the goodness of that reported in the Gospel, in respect of that Christ hath done, and that he is become, and that he doth, and that he is ready to do. And in respect of the rich, free, and great love of God appearing therein, so as all other Excellencies are but loss, and Dung in comparison of it, 1 Pet. 2.7. Phil. 3.7.8 9 3 Through this assenting and believing-approbation; there is an inward, and hearty resting, and reliance upon Christ, and God in Christ, for the dispensation of this grace, and perfecting that which appertains to him to do, Rom. 5. 1.2.5-10. First, creditting the save of the Gospel; and through those say, Believing Christ himself, and the spirits Testimony of him, and in that believing, trusting in God in Christ, for that promised, and so believing the say, receiving Christ, and trusting in God through Christ; is the nature, and Act of this believing. 4 For the motions, orstrings in this believing or faith; they are, 1 An inward and hearty acknowledgement of, and submission to Jesus Christ, as the Lord, and Saviour, and so to this grace appearing in him, 2 Cor. 5.15. He died for all, that they which live, should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him that died for them, and rose again, and so Rom. 14.8. Whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord, etc. verse 9 and 1 Cor. 6. 19-20. Ye are not your own, yet are bought with a price, etc. Rom. 6.17. Ye have obeyed from the heart, the form of Doctrine to which ye were delivered. True it is, that all men shall one day be brought so far to the knowledge of the truth, that they shall therein be brought to confess Jesus the Lord to the glory of God, 1. Tim. 2.4.6. Esa. 45.23. Phil. 2.10.11. But now, in this day of grace, from the appearance and force of his loving kindness, in belief of his goodness to submit to, and acknowledge the Lordship, and grace of Christ; is the motion, and string of this faith, Hosea 3.5. 2 An inward, and hearty acceptance, and receiving of Christ, and this grace of God in Christ, for Pardon, Peace, righteousness, and life, so john 1.12. As many as received him, etc. Col. 2.6. Received Christ Jesus the Lord, Act. 26.18. Receive forgiveness of sins, Rom. 5.1. We have Peace, etc. verse 11. We have received the Atonement, verse 17. Receive the Abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness, 1 john 5.12 He that hath the Son, hath life. And this accepting, and receiving; is another motion in this faith. 3 An approach, access, in coming, or nighdrawing to Christ, and this grace in him, and for farther oneness, and enjoyment thereof, he also herein building farther upon himself, Rom. 5.2. By whom also we have access by faith into this grace, etc. Ephes. 2.18. Through him we have both access by one spirit unto the Father, 1 Pet. 2, 3, 4. Ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious, to whom coming, as unto a living stone, etc. And this approaching is another motion in this faith. 4 A hearty content, and well-pleasedness taking in, and with Christ, and this grace in him, which is a feeding thereon, Phil. 3.3. And rejoice in Christ Jesus, Col. 3.4. Christ who is our life, Psal. 16.5.6. I have a goodly heritage, john 6.56, 57, 58.68 69. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, etc. And thus doth this faith move, in a submission to, and acknowledgement of Christ, receit of the grace in him, approaching to God through him, and well-pleasedness, takeing in him our Portion, Psal. 15.5.9. Such the movings in, and of this faith. 5 For the subject in which this faith is, the Instrument with which it moveth, and worketh, in and to all this, beholding, assenting, believing, trusting, acknowledgement, receit, approaching, & content-taking; It is the heart, the principal, the choice, and inmost strength of the mind, will, and affection, even the spirit of all, which is usually called the heart in Scripture, Rom. 10.9.10. And shalt believe in thine heart; for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, Ephes. 3.17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, so that this faith is not in, or with the mind, or conception only, or with a light affection; but in, and with the whole heart, Act. 8.37. And so it is with. 1 The mind, and understanding highly prising Christ, and this rich grace in him, as the most excellent, precious, and choice Pearl, and Riches. Phil. 3.7.8. 1 Cor. 1.24. Col. 2.3.10. 2 The will resolutely choosing, receiving, and accepting Christ, and this grace in him, as that which is most pleasing, and welcome, Psal. 73.24.25. and 119.30.37. 3 The affections closing therewith, as that which is most desirable, and satisfying, Psal. 16.5, 6, 7. Cant. 1, 2, 3, and 2, 3, 4, 5. 4 A springing, and reviving apprehension of truth, and goodness of that believing, however fainting before, Psal. 116.10.12. As old jacob, though before fainting at the news, yet when he believed the report of josephs' being alive, Gen. 45.27.28. His spirit revived & he said, it is enough, my son joseph is yet alive, etc. And as Mary, Luke 1.46.47. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoiceth in God my Saviour, and as David, Psal. 103.1.2, 3. Thus is this faith in the heart, and with the heart man believeth (not only righteousness, but) unto righteousness, and so with the heart, moveth, as aforesaid. 6. For the strength, power, and principle, in, and of this faith; It is the divine power, and spirit of Christ, entering with his motion, or infusion, effecting: and spiritual seed, or dispofition in the heart, in which, the divine power, and spirit of Christ, that wrought this faith, operateth in and with this faith, which faith is therefore rightly called, Col. 2.12. The faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Christ from the Dead: and the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead; is affirmed to work in those that by it, believe: Ephes. 1.19.20. And by reason of this spiritual disposition effected in the heart of the Believer; it is called, The spirit of faith, 2 Cor. 4.13. And by this spirit of faith it is that the believer in believing is enabled, 1 To behold, and discern the object of faith, Christ in his fullness and beauty, and the rich grace of God in him, john Mat. 16.17. 1 Cor. 29. 1 john 3.1. 2 Moved and overcome in the appearance of this grace to believe. 1 Pet. 1.21. Tit. 3, 4, 5. 3 Enabled to assent to, and receive the Testimony, 1 Thes. 1.5. And to believe, and accept the grace itself, 2 Thes. 2.13.14. And to depend on God for all the hope to come. Rom. ●. 5.10 Gal. 5.5. 4 Prevailed with in the motions to the submission to, and acknowledgement of Christ 1 Cor. 12.3. To receiving him, john 1.12.13. To approaching to God in, and by him, Ephes. 2.18. and to Content-taking in him, Col. 3.10.11. 5 Hath the new mind, spirit, and heart effected, Ezek. 36.27. 1 john 5.20. And the mind and law of Christ written therein, 1 Cor. 2.16. 2 Cor. 3.3.18. 6 The springs, fruits, and operations of love, joy, peace, etc. Rise up, Gal. 5.22.23. Diffusing the virtue, and operation, in all the powers and faculties of he man, Mat 13.33. Purifying the heart unto unfeigned love of the Brethren, 1 Pet. 2, 22. Rasing up motions, and so springing forth in prayer, praise, confession, works of mercy, etc. 2 Cor. 4.13. And all notions about the Doctrine of faith, and Profession of faith where this spirit of faith is wanting, is but dead faith, james 2.17.26. And all works wrought by humane force, not produced by this spirit of faith, are but dead works, Heb. 6.1.2. Tim. 3.5. but this spirit of faith is the life of faith, and that which makes faith lively, in all that is said of it, Rom. 7 For the oneness of this faith, in the diversity of the Degrees, and Acts of it; the Scripture showeth, That there are divers degrees of this true, and Divine faith: the first Degree is little and small, in comparison, as a grain of Mustardseed, Mat. 13.31. Luke 17.6. And called little, or weak in faith, Mat. 6.30. Rom. 14.1. The second Degree is stable, steadfast, or strong faith, abiding in Christ, endeavouring temptations, and trials, Col. 1.23. and 2.5.1 Thes. 3.7.8. The third degree, is effectual, and victorious, working faith, and overcoming, 1 Thes. 1.3. 1 john 5.4. Though there are diversity of measures, or Degrees, and Growth therein, in each Degree, 2 Thes. 1.3. And in respect of the diversity of Degrees in faith; some are called Babes; some, strong men; and some; Fathers, 1 john 2 That the Acts, or Actings of this faith be divers, and manifold, as to say a areceiving Act, a springing Act, and a flowing, and streaming Act: as in the Scripture, and experience; believers find. First, a receiving Act, this faith wrought by the spirit of grace in the heart receiveth the history, or record, and Testimony of God in the Gospel concerning Christ, 1 Thes. 2.13. 2 Thes. 1.10. 1 john The grace of God in Christ testified, Rom. 1.5. and 5.17. As remission of sins, Act. 10.43. Justification, Peace, Sanctification, Liberty of access to God, and hope of glory, Rom. Act. 26.18. Divine power, and strength of reliance on God, Rom. And yielding up according to the leadings of grace, 2 Tim. 1.7. 2 Pet. 1. 14. Whence also such exhortations to believers, as Rom. 12.1.2. Phil. and that 1 john 4.4. and 5.4. Secondly, a springing Act, for from this faith wrought by the spirit in the heart; springeth up love of God, and Jesus Christ our Lord, and joy in God, 1 Pet. 1.7.8. Rom. 5.11. And love of brethren, 1 john 3.23. and 4.21. and 5.1. 2 Cor. 5.14. and patience, and meekness, etc. Gal. 5.22. According to that is said, john 7.38. Thirdly, a flowing, or streaming Act, from the springs, the motions, flowing to put forth accordingly, Rom. 10.10. And this more ordinarily, to pray, give thanks, declare his goodness, show mercy, etc. Psal. 116.10. 2 Cor. 4.13. or more extraordinary, in some miraculous operations, Mat. 17.20. Luke 17.6. Mark 16, 17, 18. 3 That notwithstanding the divers Degrees in this faith, and the divers manner of Acting, and Acts of this faith; yet the faith itself is but one, and only one, Ephes. 4.4. As there is but one body, even one true Church, or Sanctuary that is united to Christ, and shall be in, and with him for ever, Cant. 6.9. And this Church one seed, Gal. 3.17. One Son, Hosea. 11.1. One Christ, one body, though the members be many, 1 Cor. 12.12. And as there is but one head, husband, and Lord of this body, and Church with all its members, which is Jesus Christ the Son of God, and our Saviour, Ephes. 1.22.23. and 4.15.16. and 5.30. 1 Cor. 8.6. And as there is but one Baptism, whereby we are baptised into this one Body, whereof Christ is the head, and that is by the spirit, and with the washing of water, and the word; And this is into the Death; and unto the resurrection of Christ, and so for conformity in one, and therethrough conformity in the other, 1 Cor. 12.13. Ephes. 5.26. Rom. 6.3, 4, 5. Tit. 3.4.5. And as there is but one God & Father, to whom we come, in coming to Christ, and he the Father of Christ, and of every of us, Ephes. 4.6. And as there is but one spirit, proceeding from the father, & the son, effecting, & breathing one spirit, mind, disposition, or heart, & that the spirit mind, disposition, and heart of Christ, into which all that are baptised into Christ, are made to drink, and so are one spirit, Ephes. 4.4 even so likewise, (as in the place forecited) there is but one faith. True it is; The word Faith, in Scripture, is used diversely; sometime for the object of faith, even the ground, and foundation of faith, and that which is to be, and is believed, and believed in, and to that end to be preached and heard, Rom. 1.5. & 10.6. Gal. 1.23. & 3.5. Sometimes the word is used for the grace of faith, Col. 1.4 & 2. 5-12. Eph. 2.8. Sometimes for both the object, and the grace united with the object together, Acts 13.8. Rom. 4.11. & 9.30. And yet however taken; there is but one faith. The object in every respect is one. The Gospel, or word of grace, though it hath many branches and uses, yet is but one and the same Gospel. 2 Cor. 11.4. with Gal. The Gospel, Col. 1.5.23. Even so the Lord Jesus Christ set forth in the Gospel, though set forth, as he is indeed, the Son of God, and the Son of Man; yea, God Man, and declared in respect of what he was, and what he became for us, and what he hath done, and what he is for us, and with what he is furnished, and what he is to us. And as he is the Saviour of all men, especially of them that believe, and the Judge of all, etc. yet he is but one, 2 Cor. 11.4. with 1 Cor. 8.6. the Christ, John 4.42. Even so God the Father that is in Christ, is one God, (though his works be manifold) 1 Cor. 8.6. Gal. 3.20. 1 Tim. 2.5. even so the holy Spirit that proceedeth from the Father and the Son, and discovereth Christ, and God in Christ, and beareth forth the testimony, however his gifts and operations be many and manifold; yet the Spirit is but one, 1 Cor. 12.4 11. yea the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit are, 1 John 5.7. one God, Mark 12 32.34. set forth in one Gospel. And so the object of faith is one; and so faith also, though so taken. The grace of faith, or the believing itself that is wrought in the heart by the Spirit of grace, however there are diversity of degrees in the same, both in the strength of believing, and also in the fullness of the discovery of the object believed, & in the effects accordingly, and also the Acts manifold, as is shown: yet the faith itself is but one. And this is evident in the forenamed place, Ephes. 4.4. where both faith, and the object of faith, and the means, and the hope, and the people that receive it, are all mentioned distinctly; so that the word faith there means, the grace of faith, and it is expressly affirmed to be one, There is one faith. As for humane and worldly faith, or a show and pretence of divine faith, and hypocritical profession thereof, it is no faith at all in Scripture language: there is no virtue in gtting or retaining it, nor danger in departing therefrom in respect of any spiritual life. As for that belief of the report of the Gospel, and profession thereof, which is destitute of the life and operation of the Spirit of faith; it is no more faith than the body of a man is a man when the Ghost is given up and departed, Jam. 2.26. So as there is no other true and living faith, but one; the receiving the history, and record, the receiving remission of sins, justification and sanctification, and power for divine operations or miracles, the springs, the streams, the acts, as is shown, are all by one and the same faith. And so it is one and the same faith, that in discovery of the object is tendered, and to which called, and which by the divine testimony is effected, and which in abiding is after confirmed, and which groweth and worketh by love: it is still one and the same faith, 2 Pet. 1.1. And this faith closing with, and the believer therein united, and become one with the object of faith; it is still one, and then stable and sure to abide, Heb. 4.2.3. And this is the faith, Scripture speaks of. Fourthly, for the remembrance here spoken of, it is not that humane exercise of thoughts, in running over, and recording the words, stories, several doctrines, reasons and uses, etc. that one hath heard, and read, thereby to habituate them in memory, that one may have them to think, and speak of at all times, though there be a good use of such remembering, notwithstanding some turn it to an evil, Mat. 27.63. But the remembrauce here spoken of, is a believing remembrance, when in this faith, the death, resurrection, and Sacrifice of Christ, with the virtue of its presentation to God, and of its application to us, 1 Cor. 15.3.4. 2 Tim. 2.8. the love and power therethrough testified, and dispensed, the hope therein given, and that therethrough tendered to be wrought, is believingly 1. In the discoveries, testimonies and say thereof noted, observed and heeded diligently, as Jacob observed the saying, Gen. 27.11. and Lydia on the opening of her heart attended to the things, etc. Acts 16.14. As Moses said, Set your hearts to all the words which I testify, Deut. 32.46. 2. The grace, consolations, hope, and instructions tendered in their discoveries, to accept and retain in the heart, with the choice estimate, love, desires, and submission, Luke 8.15. Prov. 6.20.21, 22. as Mary kept the saying in her heart, Luke 2.51. and David, Psal. 3 The motions and teachings of this grace, yield up to, and vent forth Rom. 12.1.2, Phil, Tit. 2.11.12. Gal. 5.24. as David, Psal. 16.7. 4. The taking all occasions, and being minded by all occasions for the revived remembrance of these things in and of Christ, Psal. 16.8. By the creatures of God, the heaven, the earth, and the inhabitants, which (being by sin dissolved) are through the Sacrifice, mediation and power of Christ, upheld, Psal. 75.3. Col. 1.17. and so showing forth his glory, Psal. 19. 1-6. 2. By the particular mercies of God extended as a fruit of the Sacrifice of Christ, and that life that is in him, John 1.4.5. carrying forth some testimony of his goodness, Acts 14.17. and leading to repentance, Rom. 2.4. These give apt occasions to remember these things. 3 By the chastisements God layeth on men, especially, the sufferings of Believers for the Gospel, apt to mind us of him that bore all our sorrows, Isa 53.4. And hath sanctified sufferings for us, to whom we are to be conformed, and who is ready and able to do us good by them, and to deliver, etc. Rom. 6.4, 5. Heb. 12. 2-7. 4 The Word of God minding us of these things. In Moses writing, john 5.45. In the Shadows and Sacrifices of the Law, Heb. 9 and 10. In the Prophecies, Act. 3.24. Rom. 1.2, 3. In the Doctrine, Invitations, and Promises, Isa. 53. 1-6. with Act. 13.34. In the full and plain Narration, 1 Cor. 15.3, 4. 5 The Ordinances of God mind us of these things, as Preaching, 1 Cor. 2.4. and 15. 14. 1 john 14.14. Writing, john 20.31. 1 john 1. 15. Confirming, Jud. 20.21. 1 Thes. 4.18. and 5.10.11. Prayer, etc. The Door for which is opened by Christ's sacrifice, and mediation, Heb. 10.19, 20, 22. and 4.15, 16. 6 The grace of God with the fruits thereof, given by the Spirit of Christ into the believing heart, aptly minds of these things, Rom. 5. 1.5-11. 7 The beholding believers through grace brought out of the state and fellowship of the world, into union and fellowship with Christ, and one another in him, minds us, not only of the blood of Christ's shed, and his ransom given for all men, by which he hath bought all of God; but of the virtue of his blood also by his Spirit discovered, and applied, and they there through redeemed, and purchased from among men unto God, Act. 20.28. Rev. 5.9. 8 Yea, even the beholding men, as men, though in their natural condition, doth aptly mind of these things, Rom. 8.3. 1 Tim. 2.6. Heb. 2.9. 2 Cor. 5.14.15— 20. 9 Yea, even the follies, disobedience, etc. of such men, are fit occasions to put these things to remembrance, Tit. 3.2, 3, 4, 5. 10 Yea, even our own sins, being that for which he was crucified, Isa 53.6. and the combats within, all freedom being given in, and through him, do give occasion of remembrance of these things, as is seen, Rom. 7.24, 25. and 8.1, 2, 3, 4. and so we might proceed. So that in the believing the truth, and goodness of the things of Christ set forth in the Gospel, with such a love retaining them in the heart, as by all occasions to be stirred up to this receiving, attending, accepting, and yielding up thereto, is the remembrance here meant. And to have the word of Christ dwell plenteously in us, teaching, etc. Col. 3.16. The way to this remembrance is, in the acknowledgement of our own weakness, and the vanity of all humane helps, through the belief of his love towards us, and what he hath done for us when we were enemies, and his more special love, in making his grace known to us, to depend on him for his spirit, to mind us of him, and his words, Rom. 5. 6-11. Gal. 5.5. for which he hath given us his promise, john 14.26. and 16.7.— 15. And this remembrance in the believing heart is profitable. 1 To preserve, and save from falling, 1 Cor. 15.2, 3, 4. 2 To return, and raise out of falls, and decays, Rev. 3.3. 3 To meet with comforts, teachings, etc. Psalm. 63.5, 6, 7. And thus of the faith, and remembrance here meant. CHAP. XIV. Of the usefulness here meant, what, and how manifold it is. THE usefulness of the precious blood, and sacrifice of Christ believingly remembered; so as therethrough God is depended on; Is in, and to the believer twofold. 1 In respect of themselves. 2 In respect of others: and both ways manifold. First, In respect of the Believer himself, it is : 1 Receiving. 2 Springing up. 3 Streaming forth. And 4 waiting. 1 The first use is receiving: and so believing, and receiving, are used one for another, john 1.12. And the receipt in believing view, and remembrance is manifold, as is fore-shewn, namely, 1 Of the Word of Christ, the Record and Testimony God gave of him, 1 Cor: 15.1. 2 In receipt of his testimony, is received the mind of Christ, so far as to receive information, light, and discerning in some measure of 1 That which Christ hath done in his death, resurrection, ascension, and sacrifice offered to God, what for all men, and what for all that by the heavenly call believe on him, as is shown before. 2 That which (by virtue of this which he hath done) he is become, and that in general for all men, as that he is the propitiation for their sins, 1 John 2.2. And the Mediator between God and them, procuring for them patience, mercies, and some means for their Call, 1 Tim. 2.5. And that in special for those that in the heavenly call are prevailed with to believe on him, as that besides both the for all men, he is in special manner for them an Advocate, 1 john 2.1. Yea, even the Mediator of the New Testament, that by his spiritual application of the virtue of his sacrifice, they may receive the promised inheritance, Ephes. 5.25, 26. Heb. 9.14, 15. Yea, he is their King, and Teacher, and the high Priest of their Profession, and to them wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, Heb. 3. and 7. and 8. 1 Cor. 1, 30. 3 That which by virtue of the he now doth, and will do, and that both in general for all men, as the extension of his procured patience, mercies, and means, to bring them to the knowledge of the truth, Prov, 1.23. and 8.4 etc. & Psalm: 75.3. Act: 14 17. And such as refuse light when it cometh, he will one day bring them to acknowledgement of the truth, and then judge them, Jsa: 45: 23. Phil: 2.10.11. Rom: 2.16 And also in special for those that through the acknowledgement of truth in the day of grace believe on him, how he presents them in himself spotless before God, Col. 1.22. interceding for them, Heb: 7: 25. and will send forth his Spirit to teach, comfort, and sanctify, uphold, lead, and preserve them to the Inheritance, etc. John 14.1, 2, 3, 26. and 15: 25 and 16.13, 14, 15. 1 Pet. 1.4, 5. Psalm: 138: 8. 4 The great and rich love of God through all this discovered, Ephes: 2.4, 5. His general love of compassion to all men, john 3: 16.17. Tit: 2, 11, 12. and 3.4. and his peculiar and special love of delight to those in the heavenly Call united to Christ, Ephes: 5: 25, 26. Psalm: 149.1. 5. The great terror, and heavy inexcusable condemnation for all that when light comes, set light by, and will none of Christ to reign over them, Hebr. 2: 2: and 10: 29. Luk 19: 27. 2 Cor: 5.10: 11. And in this enlightening they receive a right judgement concerning God, and Christ, and Man, and sin, and righteoesnesse, life, and death, &c, Phil: 3.3— 9 and so it's said, we have the mind of Christ, 1 Cor: 2, 16. 3 In receiving this divine testimony and information, is received also an encouragement of the grace itself testified in Christ, Rom: 1.5. as remission of sins, etc. as fore-shewn, and the spirit of adoption with divine power, etc. Gal: 3.2. Rom: 8: 15. as before. 2 The second use is for springing up, as in believing-minding these things are received; so from this received in the same believing-mindfulnesse of Christ, springeth up 1 A high estimate of Christ, and the things of Christ, and desire of him, with a low estimate of ones self, and all ones own things, Phil: 3.7, 8, 9 2 An inward sorrow for all ones evil thoughts of God and Christ, and sins, against so gracious and loving a God, and Saviour, Act: 2.37. Zach: 12: 10. 3 A fervent love of God, and Jesus Christ our Lord, with peace towards God, and joy in God. 1 Pet: 1: 7, 8. Rom: 5.2, 5, 11. 4 Love of brethren, and compassion towards men, 1 john 3.23. & 4: 21. and 5.1. 2 Cor: 5.14. 5 Desires of God's glory, the Church's prosperity, and men's conversion, and the coming again of Christ. 6 Detestation of evil, with love of God, and so patience, meekness, etc. Gal: 5-17, 22, 23. And these, and such like spring up in believing-remembrance of the sacrifice, and mediation of Christ, according to that, john 7.38. 3 The third use is for streaming forth; for as in believing-remembrance of the sacrifice, and mediation of Christ there, are such receivings, and such springs, as fore-shewn; so in the same believing-remembrance, the springs arising from the receipts do move, and stream to flow, and vent forth, and is called a showing forth the virtues of him that called, etc. 1 Pet: 2, 9 bringing forth good things, Matth. 12.35. A working cut the salvation that is a man's own in and with him, Phil: 2: 12, 13. which is from the force of the spirit, grace, and love of Christ received, springing up in the inwards, fruits of zeal, charity, etc. , streaming, and boiling to flow forth in motions and bowels, stirring thereto. And this, according to the channels opened, and occasions given, job. 32, 8, 18, 19, 20. 2 Cor: 5, 14, 15, 19, 20. And grace received, 1 John 1, 2, 3. Act. 4.20. 1 To deny ungodliness, and worldly lusts, Tit: 2.11, 12. Gal: 2.16, 17, 21. 2 To oppose false doctrines, and ways, Revel. 2.2. Gal. 2.11.14. 3 To attend the Ordinances of God, and seek his face therein. Psalm. 27.4. and 23.6. To pray to him, and give him thanks, Psal, 116.2, 10, 13. Recount his favours, and sing his praises, Psalm. 145.1.— 11. 4 To confess Christ Jesus the Lord and Saviour, in holding forth the word of life, exalting Christ, and yielding themselves servants for Christ his sake, Rom. 10.10.2 Cor. 4, 5, 13. Phil. 2.12.16. 5 To use equity and mercy, to give to every one his due for the Lords sake, and to do good to all, especially them of the household of faith, Rom. 13.10. Tit. 3. 1-4.8. Gal. 6.8.9 10. whence for all these, the exhortations to believers, run in such a strain suitable to the law of grace. Rom. 12.1.2. Phil. 2.1.2. 6. To confess it their fin, wherein soever they have shut up these bowels (undervalved the grace believed, deadened the springs, or stopped the streams, either by forgerfulnesse, or neglect of yielding to its motions, or turning aside to any other motions) and seeking pardon and healing of the same in returning to Christ, etc. 1 John 3.17. & 1.9. Mat. 26.75. Psal. 32.15. 7. In some, at some time, to some miraculous operations in respect of that which is ordinary. Mat. 17.20. Luk 17.6. Mar. 16.17.18. And these and such like are the flow forth of the springs from the grace received in the beleeving-Remembrance of the virtuous Blood, Sacrifice, and mediation of Christ. 4. The fourth use is, for Patience, for as in believing-Remembrance of the virtuous Blood, Sacrifice, and mediation of Christ, and Gods rich love therein, such grace is received, such fruits do spring, and such streams flow forth: so also (it being some time after believing, and walking in faith, before all that is set in hope be received, and in that time, many thoughts, trials, and temptations to be gone through, so that there is need of Patience, Heb. 10.36. 1 Pet: 1, 6, 7.) In this believing remembrance of the Sacrifice and mediation of Christ, patience is stirred up, and effected in exercise, and preserved, so as from that beheld in, & received from Christ, ariseth a sweet confident expectation, and patiented abiding, and waiting through all Trials, Sufferings, and services for his performance of all his righteous Promises in his own season, and so for his preserving us to the inheritance, and for his own visible coming again, and receiving us to himself, that we may be with him, and reign with him for ever, John 14: 1, 2, 3. 2 Cor. 4.16, 17, 18. and 5.1— 6. Tit. 2 11, 13. Heb. 11.26. Secondly, for the Believer in respect of others, this believing-remembrance of the virtuous Sacrifice, and mediation of Christ, is very useful, and profitable, and that in three respects: 1 In respect of a right view, and estimate of them. 2 In respect of a right demeanour in word, and conversation toward them. 3. In respect of a right confidence concerning them. 1. In respect of a right view and estimate of them; the beleeving-remembrance of the death, sacrifice, and mediation of Christ, leads and moves the judgement and mind of the believer. 2. To esteem all that are only natural men, as those for whom Christ hath died, and given himself a ransom, and bought them, and is the propitiation for their sins, and mediator between God and them, 2 Cor. 5.14. Heb. 2.9. 1 Tim. 2 5.6. 1 John 2.2. 2 Pet. 21, 2. And in this respect to be loved, pitied, prayed for, and to have the Gospel declared to them, and to be served for their good, 2 Cor. 5.11.14, 15, 20. 1 Tim. 1.15. to ch. 2.1.— 6. Rom. 1.14, 15.16. 1 Cor. 9.18.— 23. & 10.33. And so to afford them all that honour and respect of the place, the disposing hand of such a redeemer hath put them in, 1 Pet. 2. 16-19. 1 Tim. 6.1. 2. To esteem all that are not only so ransomed, but by the gracious providence of our redeemer, put in our charge and tuition, as the price of his blood graciously given, and committed to us by our Lord, to be brought up for him, and nurtured in the knowledge and fear of him, the Lord of us both, Gen. 18.19. & 33.5. Ephes. 6.4.9. Job. 13.14. 3. To esteem all that are through grace brought in to believe in Christ, as the Sons and Daughters of God, Brethren and Members of Christ, and of us the House of God, whose we are, and to whom we belong, fit objects for special love and fellowship, so as Christ may be loved and served in them; and they with special love and service for Christ his sake, John 1.12, 13. Rom. 9.26. Eph. 2.19, 20. Heb. 1.6. Eph. 5.30. 1 Cor. 12.12, 13. etc. 4. To esteem all of these called ones (that are not only redeemed of God by bloodshedding, but unto God by his precious Blood spiritually applied, Rev. 5.9: 1 Pet. 1.18.19.) as we have been in any sort instruments by whom God hath called them, 2 Thess. 2.13.17. or, are by his grace and providence, both led to some special charge and oversight of them, 1 Pet 5.1.2. so as to those we are more peculiarly related for more abundant care and service for them, Act. 20.28. 5. To esteem those who after light, and knowledge of the truth, have resisted it, and departed from it, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness, and opposing the power of godliness, persisting herein, till given up of God, as ungodly, reprobate, and the feed of the Serpent to be contended with, turned from, and ceased praying for, Jer. 6. 6.16-30. jude 4.— 19 2 Tim. 3.5. 1 john 5.16. Secondly, in respect of a right demeanour, in word and conversation. 1. For words; it will mind us of right and true Gospel, and right words, which we need not cloak, curtail, or equivocate in delivery, nor be ashamed of; but speak with boldness and plainness, Col. 1.13. Prov. 8.5, 6, 7. 2 Cor. 3.18, & 4.1. 2. Rom. 1.16. 2 Cor. 3.12. having that in them which is true, and meet to be spoken to every man, Prov. 22.18.— 21. to reprove and confute all false doctrines, ways, and hopes, 2 Cor. 10.4, 5, 6. to instruct in the doctrine and way of Christ, Rom. 1.16.17. to press to convincement, Tit. 2.15. to comfort the convinced, & to allure to good thoughts of God in Christ, & so to believe, 1 Tim. to encourage to abiding in the faith, Heb. 3. 1-6. to exhort and provoke to love and good works, Tit. 3.8. to set forth the peculiar privileges of such as in believing are made one in Christ, Rom. 8.2, 15, 26, 33. & to encourage them to constancy in their holy profession, and fellowship, Heb. 10. 1.19-25. And so to season all our words with grace, that they may savour of, and administer grace to others, Eph. 4.20, 30. Col. 4.6. 2 Tim. 3.15.16. 2 For conversation; it will mind to be putting on bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing and forgiving, etc. Col. 3.12. to bless them that curse us, etc. Matth. 5.44.45. to walk in wisdom, and blameless towards them that are without, Col. 4.5. Phil. 2.15. And faithfully and fruitfully among the brethren, john 15.1: 10. and so to pray for good for all, 1 Tim. 2.3, 4. and peculiar good for believers, Phil. 1.8.9, 10. 3. For confidence; it will mind of that which will make confident in him, to vouchsafe his presence by Spirit, so far as to manifest the savour of his knowledge to others by us, for allurement, or convincement, 2 Cor. 2.14.17. and so confirm his words spoke by us, that even the rejectors shall one day confess the truth thereof, and be judged thereby, Isai. 44.25.26. Phil. 2, 10, 11. john 12.48. Rom. 2.16. and such as receive them, shall have a proof of his own gracious presence, and speaking there through, Matth. 10.40 2 Corinth. 13.3. so as we shall be fruitful, 2 Pet. 1.8.9. And to conclude, the believing remembrance of the Death, Sacrifice, Ransom, and Mediation of Christ, is useful for the receipt of all mercies, chastisements, use of ordinances, and creatures, with purity, comfort, and profit, Rom. 14.14. 1 Tim. 4.4.5. Tit. 1.15. And thus in viewing what the Gospel saith of the precious Blood, Death, and Sacrifice of Christ; in the sense of the words, the ends, the necessity, the excellency and dignity, the virtue, operation, and prevalency, with the afefulnesse of the knowledge, and believing remembrance thereof; we may see that there was so great and good cause for the same to be made known, believed, and remembered, and such a fullness in it, that we need not wonder at it, That the Apostles should determine to know nothing else in their ministration, as 1 Corinth. 2.2. save Jesus Christ and him crucified; and that they would glory in nothing else, (Gal. 6.14.) save the Cross of Christ; and that they should be so diligent to put believers in remembrance of these things. And our Saviour appointed the Word preached, Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord, for the remembrance of these things: seeing these things rightly understood, contain all things necefull to eternal life. CHAP. 15. Observations from this whole Discourse in all the fourteen Chapters, and now for a little further enlarging the usefulness; note these confirmations. 1. THat the doctrine of the Gospel setting forth Jesus Christ, Observe. 1. Act. 10.36. 1 Tim. 1 joh. 5.10.11 12. 1 Cor. 1.30. Psa. 68.18 joh. 16. 7-15 Mat 28.18. Prov. 8. Heb. 5 9 Rom. 14.2.12. as now he hath come in the flesh, and died for our sins, and is risen for our justification, Rom. 1. Heb. 9 and having offered up his own self a Sacrifice to God for us, is received and exalted at God's right hand, having obtained eternal redemption, and so is become the Lord of all: the propitation for the sins of the world: the Mediator between God and Men: Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption, and life in him, for all. And he all this for, and to all that by the heavenly call believe on him, and for them the Mediator of the new Testament, that they may receive the promises, being immeasurably filled with the holy Spirit to send forth to men, even the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell among them, and to such as are brought in to him, to lead them into all truth, having all power and authority to call all the sons of men, that they might look, and live to him; to absolve, and bring to eternal life, all that obey his call, and to judge and condemn all that persist refusing, and will none of him. This Doctrine, as it is now declared in the Gospel, it is the only necessary doctrine to be taught, known, believed, and walked in, and it is a full sufficient and complete Doctrine, or Law, and needeth no other doctrine to be added to it, either to go before, or follow after, or be joined with it, 1 Cor. 2. 14. Gal. 1.7, 8, 9 1. Either to convince the world of sin, or righteousness, or judgement, and to empty a man of himself, John 16.7, 11. Phil. 3. 3-8. 2. Or to call to Christ, and so to repentance and faith, and there through to receipt of remission of sins, renewing, and life in Christ, 2 Thess. 2.14. 3. Or to encourage believers to abide in the faith, John 15. 1-10. Col. 1. 5-23. 4. Or to direct and lead Believers to sanctification and conformity with Christ in heart and life, 2 Cor. 3.3.18. Tit. 5. Or, for Believers exercise, to preserve, and edify themselves, and one another in the faith and love of God in Christ, and in the love of one another, through all sufferings and services of love, till they come to the Inheritance, John 15.4 7, 8. 1 John 2.24, 25. Judas 20. 6. Or to oppose all sins, and adversaries, and all false Doctrines, ways, and hopes withal, 2 Cor: 6.4, 7. and 10.4.5, 6. Ephes. 6.17. Yea, this Doctrine of the Gospel, as it now sets forth Christ, and life in him; is a complete, full, and sufficient Doctrine for all this, without addition: And for better understanding the sufficiency of the Gospel; this is to be heeded, That the life in Christ, the Redemption completed in his own body for men, & the redemption in the Declaration thereof tendered to be wrought in men, & by his Spirit in application of that in himself, wrought in such as believe on him; ever from the beginning was, now is, and ever will be, one, and the same, 1 john 1.4, 5, 9, 12. 1 john 1.1, 2, 3. Heb: 13.8. But the fullness and clearness of the Doctrinal Declaration, and Dispensation, as well as of the spiritual communication of Christ, and the life in him, hath had its diversity of Degrees. 1 There was some discovery of this life, even of the redemption wrought by Christ in himself for men, and the power in him to make it known, and tender it to men, and give it into believing men, even at first; And that then declared, was Gospel, even the same, though not so full, and clear, as the word of the beginning of Christ now, as appears by comparing Gen. 3.15. with john 1.4. 1 john 1. 13. and 3. 5-8. 2 After some time, God was pleased to give a more full discovery of Christ, and this life in him, in opening to and making with Abraham, an everlasting Covenant, to assure all the spiritual Seed of this life in Christ, and the privileges thereof, by a sure and unalterable Covenant, Gen. 17. which was not another; but the same Gospel more full come forth, and the same that now is, though now more open, and clear, Gal 3.8, 16, 28, 29. Yet till Christ was actually come; God saw it needful to add still something, for the nurture, and guidance of his people, that they might estimate, seek, and lay hold of Christ, and this life in him: which still they were apt to sleight and neglect, and ready either to extenuate their evils, or to magnify some wisdom and righteousness of their own: wherefore God gave them a Testament or Law by Moses his servant, one part whereof pointing out the righteousness due from man to God, thereby to discover their sinfulness, and make them say Amen to the Curse; And the other part, to type and shadow out Christ, that they might, in observation thereof, look and wait for all grace through him that was co come: And this Law or Testament was not the everlasting Covenant, It was not the Gospel preached to Abraham, but a Law added, because of transgression till the Seed should come: and so long was the teaching, and pressing of this Law needful, and useful, as subservient to the Gospel, etc. Gal. 3.19. to drive to Christ. 3 But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a woman, etc. Gal. 4.1, 4. And he being come in the flesh, and having suffered, and being in our nature exalted at the right hand of God; he hath given a new Testament, which is a first fruits of the everlasting Covenant, and the blessing of the Gospel, for the nurture of his people: and so the old Testament decayed, and passed, 2 Cor. 3.11. Heb. 8.13. Gal. 3.24, 25. And thus, though it was the same grace and life in Christ; yet in respect of this full and clear dispensation that is now by the Gospel, it was hid in God, and not so made known, as now since Christ came, it was to his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit, and by them in the Gospel, in which the same Spirit still teacheth, Eph. 3. 2-9. Col. 1.26. 1 John 1.2, 3, 4. And so of the Gospel as now declared, is the Affirmation in the Observation to be understood; namely, That the Doctrine of the Gospel is the only necessary, and full sufficient, and complete Doctrine to be taught, known, believed, and walked in, etc. And this doth yet further appear, in that 1 This Gospel is that Doctrine which God gave Jesus Christ to preach, and sent him, and filled him with Spirit to preach, and he preached it, john 12 49, 50 and 17.8, 18. with Isa 4.2.1. and 61.1, 2. Luke 4.18. Mark 1.14. 2 This Gospel is that Doctrine which Jesus Christ hath given to his servants to preach, and sent them into the world, and endued them with spirit to preach, and given them in charge to preach it, john 17.8, 18. and 15.26, 27. 1 john 1.1, 2, 3, 7. 2 Cor. 5.18, 19 3 This Gospel is that Doctrine which the Apostles confessed to have received of Jesus Christ, Gal. 1.11, 12. 2 Cor. 5 19 1 john 1.5. To be sent to preach, 1 Cor. 1.17. And for the preaching whereof, a necessity was laid upon them, 1 Cor. 9.16. 4. This Gospel is that Doctrine which the Apostles did preach to all men, every where, Luke 9.6. Acts 2. & 3. & 4 & 5. & 10. & 13. etc. and professed themselves to have preached, 1 Cor. 15. 15. and to determine to know no other doctrine, 1 Cor. 2.1.— 4. and have denounced the curse on all that shall preach any other doctrine, Gal, 1.8.9. 5. Yea, the fullness, sufficiency, and completeness of this doctrine of the Gospel, doth yet further appear many ways, 1. In the Name of it, the Gospel, that is, a joyful message of good news, or glad tidings from heaven, Isai. 52.7. with Rom. 10.15. It is good news indeed, in that it is truth (Prov. 8.4.8.) from God; of peace and good will to men: Nahum 1.15. Luke 2.10. for mankind; of salvation, 1 Tim. 2.4.5, 6. which is in Christ, Isa. 46.9. and shall be given to all that in believing come in to him, Joh. 3.16. 1 John 5.10, 11, 12. 2. In the Titles of it, which are all full of truth, the Gospel of God, Rom. 15.16. the Gospel of Christ, Rom. 1.16. the Gospel of the grace of God, Acts 20.24. the Gospel of Salvation, Ephes. 1.13. the Gospel of the Kingdom, Matth. 4.23. the glorious Gospel, 2 Cor. 4.4. the everlasting Gospel, Rev. 14.6. the Gospel of peace, Ephes. 6.15. the word of reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5.19. of life, etc. 3. In the sum of it, both in the narration and affirmation, showing the Son of God to be come, and what he became, suffered, and did for us, and what he is, and doth, and what he will do in, and for all that believe in him, as this whole Treatise hath declared. 4 In the holy Spirit that is promised to be sent forth in the ministration of this Gospel, by which Christ will continue his own presence with his servants ministering the same, John 14.16, 17. & 15.26, 27. & 16.7.— 15. Matth. 28.19, 20. 5 The effects of the Spirit in the Gospel, forementioned, both witnessed to be effected thereby, and examples of its efficacies set forth therein, as Tit. 3.4. And to conclude all in one word. In respect of the Medium or Doctrine; the Gospel is the Foundation to be built on, Eph. 2.20. 1 Cor. 3.10.11. the way to walk in, Col. 2.6. 2 Joh. 9 and the Schoolmaster to guide, and lead in the way, Tit. 2.11, 12, etc. and how full, and prevalent; this whole treatise hath shown in particular. And as God hath given us foundation; so likewise one way, Jer. 32.39. and as Jesus Christ is the foundation, the way, the truth, & the life, and the Prophet and Leader, 1 Cor. 3.11. John 14.6. Acts 3.22,— 26. and his Spirit that by which he discovereth, testifieth, draweth to, and buildeth on himself, comforteth, sanctifieth, teacheth and leadeth his children, john 14.26. & 15.26. & 16.13, 14, 15. Rom. 8.2.14; even so the Doctrine of the Gospel is the Medium or instrument through which, Christ by his doth all this, 2 Cor. 3.18. & 4.4, 6. whence, all such as abide in the Doctrine of Christ, are affirmed to have both the Father and the Son, 2 john 9 Objection. But some are ready to object: this magnifying the Doctrine of the Gospel, makes void the Law, and taketh away all use thereof; Answer. The truth is, It establisheth the Law, and leadeth to the right usefulness thereof, which is met with (not in law-teaching & pressing, but) in the right teaching the doctrine of the Gospel: as may be seen, by comparing, Rom. 3.21.— 31. with 1 Tim. 1.5.— 11. For, by the Doctrine of the Gospel setting forth Christ understood, and believed; the holiness, righteousness, goodness, spirituality, and perfection of the Law is known and seen, not abolished: but ratified, and fulfilled in and by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In that, 1. He came, and fulfilled all the righteous affections, and services to the utmost, that it requireth. 2 He, as the public man for us, suffered the curse, it sentenceth it too for all the sins it can charge us with. 3 He rose, justified, and presented himself righteous before God in the behalf of us. 4 He received spirit to send forth in the Declaration hereof, that men might believe on him, and in believing on him; have him for their righteousness before God, and be freed from being under the obligation of the Law: to be under the obligation of grace, to depend on him, and so receive spirit from him, to conform them to himself, & so raise up from a better principle. The righteous affections, and services, law called for, and gave no strength whereby they might be produced, and to give the life law promised, and could not give, Rom. 3. 10-27. and 8.2, 3, 4. Gal: 5.16, 18, 22, 23. and 6.8. as may be seen in that before said, in the 6. and 14. Chapters. In receipt of which grace in the doctrine of the Gospel; as the believer is freed from the obligation of the Law: so he enjoyeth the goodness thereof, in the right ends and uses of it, in that 1 They own themselves, as in, and of themselves, the sinners, and cursed ones for whom Christ was made sin, and a curse, and so are dead to themselves, their own strength, wisdom, and righteousness, Gal. 5.24. and 2.19, Rom: 10.3, 4. 2 They see the mercy of God in giving the law for such ends, and freeing them from the obligation of it, Rom: 7. 9-25. and 8.2. 3. They are in every thought of this Law, kept from turning to it again for life of justification, sanctification, or glory: and so occasioned to stick closer still to Christ for all, Rom: 7. 9-25. Phil. 3.7, 8. 4 They, in remembering any good that law bound them to; count themselves much more obliged for the grace of Christ to do it, 1 Cor: 8.8, 16. Ephes. 6. 14. 5 They have the commands, as coming from the Gospel, not to get life; but to testify and exercise charity, 1 Tim. 1.5. 6 They can, in Christ, see all the commands turned into Promises: so, as in harkening to him, he will effect all in them, Psalm: 81.8, 9 and 138.8. So that; the Doctrine of the Gospel contains all that is meet to be taught: and doth not abolish, but establish the Law. Observation 2. 2 That the Doctrine of the Gospel containeth both the Word, of the beginning of Christ: setting forth what he hath done; and received, and is, for all, and hath to bestow on them when they believe: And all the everlasting Covenant, and new Testament setting forth, what he is to, and will in due season do for those that in believing are made one with him, Heb: 6. 14. and 8, & 9, as is shown throughout this Treatise; The first of these is to be preached to all men, as the foundation to repentance, faith, &c, Heb. 6. 1-9. The second is to be opened to Believers for the encouragement of their hope, and for their edification, etc. Obser. 3. 3 That the grace of God discovered by the Spirit of Christ in this Gospel, and put in the heart of the Believer; is through the same Spirit, a sufficient Prop and Schoolmaster for, and to the Believer: to witness peace, to comfort, renew, teach, lead, and preserve; in waiting for the coming of Christ, Tit: 2.11, 12. Gal: 5.5, 16, 18. Obser. 4. 4 That the believing-remembrance of this grace of Christ is the way of Believers, drawing from Christ all receipts, springs, & streams of consolation, and fruitfulness in themselves and for others: as is fore-shewn; it being the drift of this whole Treatise. CHAP. 15. A pointing to some Applicatory usefulness. 1 IN this fore-discovery of the Gospel setting forth Christ; is Ground of Reproof, of 1. Those; that slander the Gospel of Christ, and of the grace of Christ, and the doctrine thereof, as insufficient to prepare men for Christ, or to sanctify Believers, or as if it were Antinomianisme, and a doctrine of fleshly liberty. 2 Those; that confound things that are distinct, and make them one, and of like large extent, which the Gospel distinguisheth, setting forth the one as more general; the other, as special: As, the Reconciliation wrought by Christ in himself with God for men; And, the Reconciliation which by Spirit applying the former, he worketh in men to God: His mission, to make propitiation, and offer sacrifice; And His mission, to preach the Gospel; And to His laying down his life, to satisfy Justice; And To confirm the New Testament; And To seal his ministration, and testify love, and therein give us example. 3 Those; that put all receipt of eternal life, upon the very Act of Christ's suffering, rising, and offering himself a sacrifice to his Father; whereas all this did but procure it into his hands to bestow: and it is the spiritual application to the heart, in which the receit is. 4 Those; that take faith, only for a persuasion raised by consequence, and arguments from Scripture, and frames, or that think faith to be nothing else, but a believing to be saved by Christ, or that one stands spotless before God. All which follies and mistakes, are discovered in this Treatise. 2. Here is ground of Admonition, and Exhortation, to all that through grace believe in Christ, diligently, and constantly at all times: and in all things To heed the Gospel's Declaration of Christ, and his grace therethrough made known: And To abide, and walk in the acknowledgement, and faith thereof: And To suffer the grace therethrough moving, and teaching; to have its perfect work in us, and to yield up thereto. And, how it will work in us, save, sanctify, renew, comfort, and lead us; is already shown: The experiment of the truth whereof, the Lord fill us with; As prayeth The unworthiest of all he hath shown mercy to, Tho. Moor. FINIS.