A New Declaration OUT OF ORIENT: Isa. 42. Psal. OR, From the rising up of Mount Zion, Apoc. 21. Isa. 52.66. Mic. 4. the beloved City of GOD, the New Jerusalem. Viz. That the Mountain where the House of the LORD standeth shall yet assuredly in these present and last times, 2. Pet. 2. Apoc. 16. Isa. 2.40. Luk. 3. upon the ruins of the Sectarian State of Babel be made higher than all Mountains, and exalted above all the Hills. Concerning all the Nations of whole Europe in general, but principally the shepherds and Teachers, Zac. 10.11. Ezek. 13.34. Rom. 16. Psal. 14. Jer. 23. Isa. 9.28. Epist Jud. Luk. 21. Mat. 24. Psal. 2.99. Apoc. 20. Jer. 5.10. who indeed do not at all serve GOD, and the LORD CHRIST, but only themselves, the world, and their own bellies, devouring the people to feed themselves for filthy lucre's sake, teaching things that savour not, and by the hypocrisy of their false forgiving of sins, drawing the grace of GOD into lasciviousness. Now by reason of the present miseries and trouble of war, whereby the Devil is let quite lose now with rage and fury: Chief directed unto the Inhabitants of England, and unto the Mighty Ones, the Governors and Officers of the same. Wisd. 6. LONDON Printed, 1643. The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power, 1. Corinth. 4. Joh. 5. YE have not the Word of my Father abiding in you, said Christ unto the Jews; and indeed he should now amongst the Heathens or false Christians find much less fruitful in this kind, Rom. 1.11. Mat. 7.21, 24. Isa. 5.55, 56. Epist. Judas 2 Pet. 3. John 12. Dan. 2. 1 Pet. 2. Rom. 9 Isa. 8.28, 66. wherefore also this world in their own generation, viz. the scorners and despisers shall be judged according to the power of the living Word of God, Heb. 4. which indeed will prove such a stone, as shall break and bruise those that offend at it, not believing him in whom they are grounded, but rather in regard of the same, striving by their practices or purposes against God, Isa. 8.28. and will not endure the truth; by reason whereof it is just, Mal. 2.3. Levit. 26. Mic. 6. that they should become a curse, and perish in the unacknowledgment and contempt of God, like unto the people of the Jews in former times; since they turn away their ears from the truth, Psalm. 58. 1 Tim. 1. Tit. 1. and incline them only to the fables of their teachers, which they have heaped up unto themselves, 2 Tim. 4. Behold! The Kingdom of God is inwardly within you, saith Christ, Luke 17. ACcording whereunto, Esa. 49.55.66. I do declare by the Word of God, as a servant of the Lord the supreme Judge, Rev. 19 that the outward Congregations in Churches and Assemblies, 1 Reg 6.8. or the Temples and Church governments, settled for that purpose, 2 Paralyp. 7. were instituted only for this end, that people should so be taught and built up in the same, 1 Pet. 2. to be especially according to the New Testament, Rom. 9 united or rooted together in the Spirit by Faith, Col. 2.3. as members of the Body of Christ, through the bond of peace, Ephes. 2.4. and of the love of God, Joh. 13.15. joh. 13. 1 joh. 3. Gal. 5. Eph. 1.5. in such sort as that every particular member still of the Congregation whereof Jesus Christ is the Head, Col. 1. should feel or participate of the suffering of his neighbour or fellow-member and take care for the same; Rom. 12.13. 1. Cor. 12. and that the true believers, Col. 1. Eph 3. being once delivered from the power of darkness, translated into the heavenly being, and dearly redeemed through the blood of the Son of God, 1 Cor. 6.7. might walk circumspectly, 1. Pet 1. Isa. 28. jer. 23. Eph. 4. and know before all things how to frame their do according to the counsel or will of God, Mat. 7. But when the people of the Jews did not abide after this manner in their Testament, Heb. 8. nor walked in the commandments, Deut. 4.5.6 11 Isa. Mat. 12.15.21. Mat. 1.3.7. rites and rights of the law of Moses; nor held it worthy, to bring the fruits of the Kingdom of God; Christ did little regard their Sabbaths, but rather profaned them, Luk. 6. Joh. 2.8, 9 seeing that thereby they sought but to palliate their inward abominations, jer. Isa. 48.57. Hos. Joh. Ezek. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 22. Ch. false and malicious courses, and to lie yet hid in the same before the eyes of God, Isa. 29. besides, that by reason of this their blindness and hardheartedness they did not at all take heed of or consider the time of their visitation, Luk. 16.22. 1 Cor. 2. Luk. 19.22. For God, whom the heaven of all heavens is not able to comprehend, 2 Paralyp. 7. Isa. 66. 1 King. 8. doth not at all dwell in outward Temples, such as are only made by men's hands of stone, 1 Cor. 3.6. 2. Cor. 6. Rom. 3.5.8. Eph. 1.2. wood and earth, Acts 7.17. but in the members of his body, that are made partakers of the Spirit of grace, or adoption, Gal. 4.5, 6. through the redemption of Christ, 2 Pet 2. Ier, 5. 1 Pet 4. and live in this world, not unto themselves, Rom. 14. 2 Cor. 5. or according to their own lusts and crafty devices, Epist. Judas. Rom. 1. Now as for the people of the second or New Testament, 2 Tim. 3. Hos. 10. that by dissolving the bond of the love of God, are rend asunder among themselves, walking not at all in Christ the light of faith, Joh. 1.9.12. but like unto the Jews of old, Zephan. 1. 2. Pet. 2. Eph. 4. Hos. 7.8.12. jer. 7. Mar. 13. 1 Joh. 1.5. Rom. 1.16. Heb. 2. Cor. 4. Col. 3. according to their Baal-courses, jer. 2.11. in error or darkness of conscience, and are in such sort enticed, 2 Pet. 2. taught and seduced, Mat. 24. that there is no communion with God at all more to be found among them, according to the Gospel of Christ; and they, besides their unbelief or distrust in God, wherein they stick, so possessed, defiled or polluted with all manner of works of darkness; and so blinded therewithal, that they take no heed at all, according to the morningstar of the grace of God unto the day of the Lord, 2 Pet. 1. 1 Thess. 5. Rom. 11. Psal. 14.87.97. the decree and judgement of God, Rev. 17.18 in regard of the help out of Zion, Isa. or the deliverance of Israel, Psal. 31.73, 102, 130. These, I say, shall yet less be able to subsist with the Days, Gal. 4. Isa. 29. Mar. 13. jer. 8.14. Isa. 9.48. and Moons, and Fasts, and anniverssaries of their outward Church-pomp or false worship, whereby indeed they serve not God, but only sooth and flatter themselves; Hos. 10.12. then the Jews did of old, for all they were the true people of God, and the natural branches, Rom. 11. and had the promise, that God would dwell there for ever, 1 Reg. 9 Ezek. 43. where he had set up the memorial of his name, Exod. 20. But the shepherds, jer. 2.23. 2 Tim. 4. or the learned of this present Babel, Rev. 16. whom the people have heaped up every one to himself in his Religion, Sect or Party, Zach. 10.11. 2 Pet. 2. and were according to their own pleasure so taught, Epist. Jud. jer. 5.6. seduced, Mat. 7.24. and scattered from God by them, Jer. 10.12. Ezek. 34. that none doth either feel or care any more for the suffering of his neighbour or fellow-member, Rom 12.13. Gal. 1.5. Col. 2.3. in hearty compassion of the love of God, according to the Gospel of Christ, 1 Cor. 12. who also besides this seducing, Psal. 10.68, 94. Habac. 3. jam. 3.4. do moreover excite and stir men up unto these self-revengefull, Heb. 10. Cainicall, 1 john 3. cruel, Eph. 4. murdering and thieving wars, Rev. 16. which were begun in the world for the upholding of their outward Temple-service or false worship, jer. 7.8. and thereby have drawn upon themselves the chiefest guilt and cause of all this ruin & destruction of mankind, 2 Thess. 2. namely, that by reason thereof one man is now become the others murder & spoil, nay death & devil together, Zeph. 3. according to the power and working of Satan; these, Apocalyp. 20. I say, shallbe brought to their end with terror, 2. Pet. 2. Epist. jud. and for all this, be the foremost that shallbe thrust into hell, or into the blackness of darkness for ever. Ezek. 22. For the causes of that body and soul-murthering, which hath broke in now for such a while hitherto in the murdering den of this false Christendom was openly practised, Mat. 21.24. Mat. 20.11.13. Act. 20. Joh. 10. Hos. 4. Amos. 5. by reason of such cruel ravening Wolves and hirelings, and absolved or pardoned by them, Epist. Judas, they shall not only be made known and manifest, but be revenged and judged likewise now before the end of the world, Mich. 5. Joel. 2. Mal. 4. viz. before the great and terrible day of the Lord, upon every one, according as they shall have share in the guilt and cause thereof. Ezek. 21.34. All such now therefore as being yet incorporated or enthralled in this bloud-drunk Babel, are desirous to eschew the fierce wrath of God, Apoc. 18. jer. 23.30. or the plagues which shall light upon it, by reason of the same; they must even timely go out of it, Isa. 13.34.47. and look well unto themselves, that they be not partakers of the works that are practised therein, Apoc. 6.16. Deut. 32 Isa. 26. or guilty and causers of the blood of the Saints and the slain that hath been shed hitherto, and of the plundering, Nahum. 3. jer. 7. Psal. 12.80. murdering and thieving which is committed therein, to the ruin of the countries and the destruction of the poor; which I do now declare, for to hate and forsake the evil, but to love the good, and to do according to it, before God do cause the Sun to go down at high noon, Amos, 5.8. and the land to be darkened in the brightest of the day, Zach. 14. 2 Cor. 4. 1 Thess. 5. where indeed the light never yet did shine before in the hearts or consciences of men, Eph. 4.5. For strong is the Lord God, Apoc. 18.19. Isa. 63. who by reason of such perverse purposes of the children of men, will judge and exercise vengeance, Mich. 5. Isa. 41.42. A Warrior of the Lord, Isa. 1.55. Rom. 1. Serving God in the behalf of the everlasting deliverance of Israel, according to his Council, Jer. 23. Right, Mic. 37 Judgement and Righteousness, Dan. 7.10. Psal. 89, 97, 119. Mat. 24. Mat. 13. Isa. 9.30. all which the Heathens or false Christians do endeavour to overthrow, and bring to nothing, to the utter ruin of the poor, Rom. 1. Hos. 10. Ezek. 21.22 jer. 7.17.23 only to maintain their own vain, worldly and divided sectarian Religions courses. Wherefore also God hath already kindled the fire upon them from heaven, Eze. 13. that hitherto they were able to effect nothing else, but that over the hypocrisy and lies of the devisions of their shepherds, Psa. 12. they are brought to ruin and destruction, like as in former times it happened with the Jews in the fearful destruction of Jerusalem. Apoc. 9 16. This same man, by whom these letters are delivered according to the power of the living God and his word, Mica. 3.7. Heb. 4.10. Isa 42.43.48. jer. hath likewise foretold all unto them in Germany, viz. that they should not be able thus to maintain their false worship of God, but perish about the same, even as in former times it hath happened to the house of Siloh and the Jews very frequently, 1. Sam. 4. when as they went about to defend or maintain themselves against their enemies, without the spirit of the Lord, or, Isa. jer. 7.17.21 only according to their own counsels, and were destroyed upon it, Hos. 7.8.10. Chap. For which cause therefore, such as are yet remaining, Ezek. 21. 2. Cor. 4. 1. Cor. 15. Amos. 1. jer. 7 ought rightly to open the inward eyes of conscience, and whereas now especially the fire is likewise kindled here in England upon the same ground; it behoveth the inhabitants thereof to look very well unto themselves in this regard, Rom. 1.9.11. Mat. 13.24 Jer. 6. Isa. 9.50.59. that they do not harden their hearts against God, with unrighteousness, crafty, false and wicked courses, and be made a curse thereby, or be consumed in the wrath of God one among another, in the midst of their boasting and highminded glorying of their outward Temple-religion, Mat. 13. Jer. 7.48. Isa. 48. 1. Cor. 2. 1. Thess. 2. Mat. 24. Epist. Jud. Rom. 1. for the which the Jews likewise heretofore in their unacknowledgment have put their King to death, and crucified him, which shall also be judged yet in the Heathen or false Christians, that continue in the same blindness and hardness of heart. Jer. 23. Ezek. 22. Apoc. 16. 2. Thess. 2. Zeph. 3. 2. Pet. 2. Zac. 10.11.13. Rev. Isa. 63. 2. Thess. 1. 2. Pet. 3. 1. Thess. But as for their shepherds, false teachers and Prophets, that do stir up the people to these murdering courses, and thereby are become the principal guilt and cause of the ruin and destruction of mankind, they shallbe thrust the foremost into hell, for the deliverance of the remnant. For there is yet another combat at hand with the Dragon, and stool of the beast and the false Prophet; by reason whereof also the day of vengeance and judgement, that shall be made manifest like fire, hath been already denounced and declared, according to the spirit of the former Prophets, through the Word of God, 1. Cor. 3. unto all the Kingdoms and Nations of whole Europe, Amos. 3.5. Isa. A Builder of Zion the New Jerusalem. Rom. 11. Zach. 12. Apoc. 21.