A LETTER FROM Ma. Gen. OVERTON, governor of Hull, And the Officers under his Command. Directed for the Honourable Leiut. General FLEETWOOD, To be communicad to the Council of Officers of the ARMY. Right honourable, THis day having brought to my Hands yours, with the enclosed Representation and Petition of several Officers of the Army, to which you desire the Subscription of the Officers of this Garrison; I have accordingly convened and imparted your Letter and Paper to them; Upon consideration whereof, finding ourselves at this distance to be wholly ignorant of the late proceeds whereupon we suppose it to be grounded: as also for that it is already tendered to the Parliament, which we apprehend hath Resolved our Subscriptions out of season, We have thought it improper for us to subscribe the same. Nevertheless, that we may not leave you without satisfaction as to our concurrence with you, in what may express our faithfulness to the Parliament, from whom we are Commissionated upon public Account, and thereby bound in all due Obedience, We look upon ourselves as obliged to Declare our full purpose of heart to manifest our steadfastness to the Parliament, according to the tenor of our respective Intrustments, in adhering to them in all their just and Warrantable proceedings, in pursuance of the Trust reposed in us; whereby we hope, that nor only the Designs of all public and private Adversaries will be disappointed; but we shall further (by God's blessing) expect to see some further fruit of our former Declarations for Truth and Righteousness. This, as we doubt not but it will satisfy you of our firm and unfeigned intents to the Parliament in all their Just and Equitable determinations: So we trust the former Reasons, moving us to wave the Subscriptions of yours enclosed, will be of weight with you, to give us your excuse, and esteem us still as, Your very affectionate and humble Servants, Sic subscribitur Rt. Overton, Tho. Everard, Tho. Pigott, Rich. Cox, He. bided, Tho. Somatsen Jo. Nary, John Durdoe, Wal. Thimelson, Will. Dawson. Will. Figes. Hull Octob. 11rh. 1659.