A Perfect Table of Three hundred and four Victories obtained since the King's attempt to enter into Hull at the beginning of these wars, July 26. 1642. to Aug. 10. 1646. by their Excellencies the Earl of Essex, and Sir Tho: Fairfax, Captains Generals of the Parliaments Forces; with a catalogue of the chief Commanders in the Parliaments Army. Robert Earl of Essex, his Excellence, General of the Army. Impleyed for the defence of the Protestant Religion, the safety of his Ma.tie Person, and of the Parliament: the preseruatim of the Laws, Liberties, and Peace of the Kingdom, and protection of his Ma.tie subjects from violence and oppression. G. Glo. fe: Peter Stint excuait The Effigies of the most Excellent & truly valiant Sr Thomas Fairfax Cap tin: General of the Armies raised for the preservation of Religion, defence of King Parlia mt: & Kingdom Printed and sold by Peter Stint. By His Excellency the Earl of Essex, Captain General of all the Parliaments FORCES. 1. HIs Majesty being kept out of Hull, and set up His Standard at Nottingham, was Routed before Coventry upon a Sally, july 26. 1642. 2. The Citizens took two pieces of Ordnance, and about 100 of their Arms; the Enemy fled to Southam. 3. The Lord Brooks again Routed them at Southam, and took 40. Prisoners. 4. In August were Surrendered the Island of Portsey. 5. The Castle of Portsmouth to Sir William Waller. 6. Southsay Castle taken with an Onslaught, the men Prisoners, their Arms and Ammunition all taken. 7. In September His Excellency the Lord General the Earl of Essex Routed His Majesty's Forces. 8. The Lord Strange was raised from the Siege by a Sally out of Manchester. 9 In October was fought a great Battle a Edge-hill, the King's General the Earl of Lindsey, the Lord Aubeny, Sir Edward Verney, and many slain: The Lord Wilioughly, three Colonels, and many hundreds taken Prisoners. 10. Cawood Castle taken by the Lord Fairfax, with all the Ammunition, and all Prisoners at mercy. 11. Sir William Waller took Madbury. 12. In November Sir William Waller beat the Enemy in Hampshire. 13. Sir William Waller took Farnham Castle. 14. In December Sir William Waller took Winchester, the Lord Grandeson, and 30. other Gentlemen, 30. great Officers, 1000 Horse and Foot, and 600. Arms. 15. The Lord Fairfax Routed the Earl of Newcastle near Tadcaster. 16. Sir William Waller took Arundel Castle. 17. Sir William Waller took the City of Chichester. 18. In january the Lord Fairfax Routed the Earl of Newcastle again near Bradford. 19 Again, the Lord Fairfax Routed the Earl of Newcastle near Leeds. 20. Leeds taken by the Lord Fairfax. 21. His Excellency the Earl of Essex Routed the King's Forces near Henly, and took 200. Prisoners. 22. Sir William Brereton Routed Sir Thomas Aston near Namptwich, and took 100 Prisoner's Horse and Foot. 23. In February Sir John Scaton in Lancashire took Preston. 24. Sir John Scaton took Lancaster Town. 25. Sir John Scaton took the Castle. 26. The Western Forces Routed the Cornish near Madbury, took five piece of Ordnance, 10. Officers, 100 Prisoners, and 200. Atms. 27. In March Sir William Brereton took Lichfield Close. 28. Sir William Brereton Routed the King's Army near Stafford, the Earl of Northampton and many more slain. 29. Lastol also taken. 30. Sir William Waller took Malmsbury by storm. 31. At the latter end of March, and the beginning of April, 1643. Col: Massey Routed the Welsh in the Forest of Dean. 32. Col: Massey took Tewksbury. 33. Wiggon taken by Sir John Scaton. 34. Sir William Waller took three Troops of Prince Maurice's Horse. 35. Sir William Waller took Monmouth in Wales. 36. Sir William Waller took Higman, and in it 150. Officers and Gentlemen, 1000 Prisoners. 37. Sir William Waller took Rosbridge. 38. Sir William Waller took Chepstow. 39 And Hereford taken by storm by Sir William Waller, and in it 40 Knights and Officers in Commission, and 600. Prisoners. 40. Sherburn Town and Castle taken by Sir William Waller. 41. Hemster taken by Sir William Waller. 42. Redding taken by His Excellency. 43. The Lancashire men took Whaley, * and the Lincolnshire men took Crowland. 44. In May Sir William Waller took Stafford. 45. He took Woolverhampton. 46. He took Whitchurch. 47. The Lord Fairfax took Wakefield. 48. The Lancashire men took Warrington. 49. Sir William Waller Routed the King's Forces near Wells. 50. In june Sir William Waller took Hagerstone Castle. 51. The Earl of Warwick took the Holy Island. 52. He took the Castle. 53. Tamworth Castle taken. 54. Sir William Brereton took Eccleshal. 55. Lynne in Norfolk taken by the Earl of Manchester. 56. In july His Excellency took Cirencester. 57 His Excellency beat His Majesties wheel Army at Newberry fight, killed five Lords, killed and took nigh 500 Officers and soldiers. 58. Gainsbrough taken by Col: Cromwell. 59 Stamford taken by Col: Cromwell. 60. The Kentish rising subdued by Col: Brown. 61. Hawton Castle taken by Sir Wil: Brereton. 62. In August the Earl of Manchester Routed first a party of the Earl of Newcastles forces. 63. Then he Routed the Earl of Newcastles whole Army near Horn Castle, took 55. Colours, 200. Horse, and 1500. Prisoners. 64. In September the Earl of Manchester took Horn Castle. 65. Also he took the City of Lincoln. 66. He took Gainsbrough. 67. In October Sir William Brereton took Eccleshal, and Routed the Lord Capel. 68 He took Holt Castle, and Harden Castle. 69. The Lord Willoughby took Bullingbrook Castle. 70. The Dorsetshire men took Warcham. 71. In December Sir William Brereton took Rexam. 72. Sir Thomas Middleton took Flint. 73. Moston taken. 74. Col: Massey took Wootton. 75. The Fly mouth Forces routed the L. Digby. 76. Sir William Waller Routed the Lord Crafford near Aulton. 77. Aulton taken by Sir William Waller. 78. Col: Skippon took Grafton house. 79. Holt house tak●n. 80. B●wly House also t●ken. 81. In january Sir William Waller took Arundel Castle, and 200. Prisoners. 82. Col: Mytton Routed Sir John Byron near Elsmore. 83. Sir John Gell took Burton upon Trent. 84. Hilson taken. 85. Laicock House taken. 86. The Earl of Manchester took Croyland. 87. Burleigh House taken. 88 Cocquet Island taken by the Scots. 89. In February Sir Thomas Fairfax joined with Sir William Brereton, and Routed the Lord Byron near Namptwich, took 150. Knights, and Gentlemen, and Priests, 120. Officers, and 1500. Prisoners, of which 120. were Irish Whores. 90. The Isle of Axolm taken by Sir John Meldrum 91. Burlington taken. 92. Whitby also taken. 93. Milus House taken by the Lord Fairfax. 94. Alnwick taken by our Brethren of Scotland. 95. Morpheth by the Scots also taken. 96. Milford Haven taken by Captain Swanley. 97. Biddle House taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax, where was taken the Lord Brereton, 20. Officers of Note, and 300. Prisoners. 98. Hilsly House taken. 99 Newberry taken by Sir William Balsore. 100 In March was taken Tadcaster. 101. Bredport taken. 102. The Pembrokeshire men, with Captain Swanleys' seamen, took Haverford west, 10. piece of Ordnance, and 300. Arms. 103. Tinby Castle taken, with 7. piece of Ordnance, and 400. Prisoners and Arms. 104. Carew Castle taken. 105. The Earl of Carbery Routed. 106. Sunderland taken by the Scots. 107. Sir William Waller Routed Hopton at Cheriton near Alsford, one Lord, and 100 more slain, 100 Officers, and 500 Soldiers taken Prisoners. 108. Whitchurch taken by Dorsetshire men. 109. In April 1644. the Lord Fairfax took Cawood Castle. 110. Axolm taken. 111. Crowland taken. 112. The Earl of Newcastle Routed at Selby. 113. Duresin taken by the Scots. 114. Lumley taken by the Scots. 115. In May the Earl of Manchester took the City of Lincoln. 116. Lincoln Castle taken, 7. piece of Ordnance, 200. Knights, Colonels, and other Officers of note, 300. Arms, & 800. Prisoners 117. The Pembroke men took Carnarvan. 118. Carnarvan Castle taken. 119. Col: Massey Routed Sir John Winter at Newnham, took 9 pieces of Ordnance, 200. Officers, and 500 Prisoners. 120. Brereton Castle taken. 121. Malmsbury taken, with 7. pieces of Ordnance, and 300. Prisoners. 122. The Scots took Lumley Castle. 123. Bewdly in Worcestershire likewise taken. 124. Yarmouth taken by Sir John Meldrum. 125. Abingdon taken by the Lord Roberts. 126. And Russel Hill taken by the Stafford Forces. 127. In june Col: Massey took Chippingham. 128. Tewksbury taken by Col: Massey. 129. Sir William Willer took Shudly Castle, two pieces of Ordnance, 70. Officers and Gentlemen, 40. Horse. 250. Prisoners. 130. Compton House taken by the Warwick shire men, 30. Officers and Gentlemen, 60. House, and 140. Prisoners. 131. Weymouth taken by Sir William Balfore, 27. pieces of Ordnance, and 400. Arms. 132. Taunton Dean taken by him likewise. 133. Oswestree taken by the Earl of Denbigh. 134. Cholmly House taken by him likewise. 135. His Excellency took Barnstable. 136. And Taunton likewise. 137. The great Battle at Marston-Moor was fought, where all the three General's Armies were engaged on both sides, we killed 4000 and took 1500. Prisoners, and the Earl of Newcastle and Prince Rupert both utterly defeated. 138. Greenland House taken by Col: Brown. 139. Wilney Ferry taken by Sir John Gell. 140. York surrendered to the three Generals. 141. Tickel surrendered to the E. of Manchester. 142. Mount Stamfort near Plymouth taken by His Excellency. 143. Plimpton taken with 8. pieces of Ordnance. 144. Saltash taken by His Excellency. 145. Launceston taken by him likewise. 146. Greenhil House taken. 147. In july the Lord Roberts Routed Greenvile near Lastithiel in Cornw●l, took 100 Officers and Gentlemen, and killed and took 300 more. 148. His Excellency took Tadcaster. 149. And likewise Foy. 150. Newbridge taken by His Excellency. 151. In August were taken by the Earl of Manchester Shelford. 152. Likewise by him Welbeck House. 153. Warch●m taken by His Excellency. 154. Gateshead at Newcastle t●ken by the Scots 155. Winkfield Manor by Sir John Gell. 156. Redcastle by Sir Thomas Middleton. 157. In September Col: Massey Routed Prince Rupert, took 12. pieces of Ordnance, 100 Horse, and 200. Foot. 158. In October the Scots took Newcastle by storm, and in it 20. Lords and Knights, 50. Officers of note, 2000 Prisoners, 48. pieces of Ordnance, and 3000. Arms. 159. The Earl of Manchester and Sir William Waller Routed the King's Army near Newberry, and took nine pieces of Ordnance, 300. Prisoners, and 500 Arms. 160. Tinmouth Castle Surrendered to the Scots. 161. In November Leverpool was taken, 1500. Prisoners, and 2000 Arms. 162. Helmsley taken by the Lord Fairfax. 163. The Enemy driven from Newberry. 164. And from Farringdon. 165. And Malborough by the Earl of Manchester and Sir William Waller. 166. In December the Pembroke men took Laughotn. 167. The Scots Carlisle. 168. The Lincolnshire men took Croyland. 169. Col: Massey took Monmouth. 170. The Lord Fairfax took Knaisbrough. 171. In jan. Russel House taken by E. Denby. 172. B●llasith Garrison near Abingdon taken by Col. Brown. 173. In February Col: Laughorn Routed the Enemy in Pembrokeshire, took four pieces of Ordnance, 400. Arms, and 300. Prisoners 174. Sir John Meldrum took Scarbrough town, 30. pieces of Ordnance, and 100 Ships and Barks. 175. Col: Mytton took Shrewsbury, and in it 100 Knights and Esquires, and Officers in Commission, 36. pieces of Ordnance, 3000. Arms, and 2000 Prisoners. 176. In the latter end of March, 1645. the Lord Fairfax, and the Scots took the Castle of Scarborough. 177. Weymouth retaken by Col: Sydnham. 178. Blechingdon House taken. 179. Col: Massey took Evesh●●m, 30. Officers and Gentlemen, 150. Horse, and 400. Prisoners and Arms. By His EXCELLENCY Sir Thomas Fairfax, Captain General of the PARLIAMENTS Forces. 180. IN April, 1645. Major General Middleton gave several Defeats to the Enemy in the West. 181. Col: Massey took in Sir John Winter's House, and some other Garrisons on the borders of Glocestershire. 182. In May His Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax blocked up Ox●ord. 183. And Bostol House. 184. Sir Tho: Fairfax took Newbridge near Oxford. 185. And made a Bridge over the River, and two Forts in it. 186. In june His Excellency Routed the King's Army at Nazeby Battle, took all His Foot, Ordnance, Arms, Bag and Baggage, and the Cabinet of Letters, & great treasure. 87. Leicester retaken, and in it 200. Horse, and 400. Prisoners. 188. Highworth also taken. 189. In july His Excellency relieved Taunton, took Ilchester, Routed Goring near Lamport, took ten Colonels and Majors, 2000 Prisoners and Arms, four pieces of Ordnance, 56. Colours, 1500. Horse. 190. Took Lingport. 191. Also Burrough. 192. Bridgewater. 193. Bath, with six pieces of Ordnance. 194. The Scots took Carlisle. 195. And Pontefract Castle taken by the Lord Fairfax and the Scots. 196. In August the Clubmen in Somersetshire were suppressed by Lieut: Col: Cromwell, 300. of the chief taken, and 1500. Arms. 197. His Excellency took Shetburn. 198. The Lord Fairfax and the Scots took Scarborough Castle. 199. Raby Castle taken by the Lord Fairfax and the Scots. 200. The Shropshire Forces with the Country, took Dawly Castle. 201. Chaos Castle taken. 202. Staukley and Morton Corbet House. 203. In September His Excellency took Nuney Castle in Somersetshire. 204. Porshut point. 205. Bristol Surrendered. 206. The Devises. 207. Farleigh Garrison. 208. Laicock House. 209. Berkley Castle. 210. Chedwick Castle And, 211. Cardiff Castle by a party sent thither from His Excellency, who took 16 pieces of Ordnance, and 4000 Arms. 212 Canom-Froom House taken by the Scots, all the Prisoners at mercy. 213. The Shropshire Forces took Routon Castle. 214. Linsel Manor. 215. Apley House. 216. The Siege of Pembroke raised by the help of the Seamen. 217. Major General Poyntz Routed the King's Army at Ro●ton Heath, going to Relieve Chester, killed the Earl of Lichfield, and divers more, took 10. Knights, and 50. Officers, 40. Gentlemen of note, 1500. Prisoners, and 2000 Horse. 218. In October the Country Forces defeated the Welsh near Hereford, killed 150 took 700. Prisoners, four piece of Ordnance, 800. Arms, all their Carriages, Bag and Baggage. 219. Haverford west taken. 220. Carmarthen taken by Col: Laughorn, two pieces of Ordnance, and 100 Arms. 221. Col: Langhorn, with the assistance of others, took Carew Castle. 222. Picton Castle taken. 223. Retock Cardiff Castle. 224. And Defeated the Enemy. 225. The Lord Fairfax took Sindal Castle. 226. His Excellency took Winchester. 227. Chapstow Castle. 228. Langford House. 229. Taverton taken by Sir Tho: Fairfax. 230. H●●lt-church taken. 231. Bazing House taken by Lieut: General Cromwell, and Col: D●… by ●…. 232. Lord Digby Routed going for Scotland, all his Forces killed and taken. 233. Sir William V●… Routed by Sir William Brereton going to Relieve Chester, 200. killed, 600. Horse, and 400. foot taken. 234. Boulton Castle taken by Major General Poy●tz. 235. Shelford House taken. 236. In November Beeston Castle by Sir William Brereton was taken. 237. The Fort of Latham taken by the Lancashire Forces. 238. In December the City of Hereford taken by Col: Morgan. 239. Embleden Castle taken by Major General Langhorn. 240. Skippon Castle by Col: Lassels. 241. His Excellency took near Exeter Chilliton House. 242. Likewise he took Pouldrim House. 243. In january Plymouth Relieved by His Excellency. 244. Canterbury Fort taken. 245. Bewdeux Church taken, and in it 100 Prisoners, 60. Horse, 150. Arms. 246. His Excellency took Sir Francis Drakes House, and 100 Prisoners. 247. Likewise His Excellency took Dartmouth Town and Castle, one Lord, 10. field Officers, 15. Captains, 22. Lieutenants, 12, Ensigns, 100 Prisoners, 120. Guns. 248. Belvoir Castle taken by Col: Rossiter. 249. Chester taken by Sir William Brereton. 250. His Excellency took Torrington, and Routed the Prince's Army, took 200. Horse, and 400. Prisoners. 251. The Ragland Forces Routed by Col: Laughorn, 200. slain, 800. taken Prisoners. 252. In February Corff Castle taken by the Dorsetshire Forces. 253. The Oxford Forces beaten out of Abingdon. 254. Major General Web Routed. 255. In March Ashby-de-la-Zouch by the Governor of Leicester taken. 256. Cherk Castle by Sir Tho: Middleton. 257. His Excellency took Launceston. 258. Bodman taken by His Excellency. 259. Likewise Listithiel. 260. And Saltash. 261. Warbridge taken. 262. Temple Guard taken. 263. And His Excellency forced Sir Ralph Hopton to Disband his Forces, consisting of 5000. Horse. 264. Sir William Brereton entered Lichfield Town. 265. Sir Jacob Ashley was totally Routed, 500 Horse and Prisoners taken, all their Bag and Baggage. 266. D●nnis Castle taken by His Excellency. 267. Felford Haven, and a Dunkirk ship taken with 26. pieces of Ordnance. 268. Axmouth taken. 269. Inch House taken, and in it 40. Guns▪ and 90. Muskets. 270. Hilford Forth, and 26, Guns. 271. Hiarchal taken by the Shropshire forces. 272. Pouldrum Forts taken by Sir Hardres Waller. 273. And Dennington Castle by Col: Dalbie●. 274. In April, 1646. the Shropshire Forces entered Bridgenorth Town. 275. The Castle and Isle of Portland, taken by the Dorsetshire men. 276. Major Blunden Defeated the King's horse near Farringdon, took 300. Arms, 250. Horse, 150. Prisoners. 277. Exeter surrendered to His Excellency. 278. Barnstable surrendered to His Excellency. 279. Ilford Town, and Michael Mount, with all the Ordnance and Ammunition. 280. Ruthen taken by Major General Mytton. 281. Aberist with by Major General Laughorn. 282. Dunster Castle by Col: Blake. 283. Titbury taken by Sir William Brereton. 284. Woodstock taken by Col: Whaley and Col: Ireton. 285. In May the King went to the Scots: Banbury Castle by Col: Whaley, and in it were taken 500 Arms, 10. pieces of Ordnance, and 9 Colours. 286. Penrin in Wales taken by Major General Mytton. 287. Newark surrendered to Major General Poyntz, with twelve great Guns, and two Mortar pieces, many Drakes, 4000 Arms, and 40. Barrels of Powder. 288. Dudley Castle taken by Sir William Brereton. 289. The Duke of Richmond, the Earl of Lindsey, and divers others taken by His Excellency. 290. Hartlebury Castle near Worcester taken by Col: Morgan, six pieces of Ordnance, and 15. Barrels of Powder. 291. Charles Fort near Plymouth taken by Col: Welden. 292. In june the Committee of Shropshire took Ludlow Castle. 293. His Excellency took Bostol House. 294. Carnarvan taken by Major Gen. Mytton. 295. Anglesey taken by him likewise. 296. Bewmorris by him likewise taken. 297. And His Excellency hath taken in Oxford, and in it 38. pieces of Ordnance, 70. Barrels of Powder, divers more in the Mills and houses in the Town & about 300. Arms▪ besides those the Enemy marched out with▪ and Provisions for six Months. 298. Likewise Sir Robert Pies House at Farringdon also surrendered to His Excellency, with all Arms and Ammunition. 299. Bishop William's took 48. Prisoners upon their sally out of Conway Castle, and killed Col: Whitley, one of the Rebels Commanders of the Castle. 300. Worcester city taken. 301. Lichfield close taken. 302. Wallingford castle taken. 303. Guthridge castle taken. 304. Rothian castle taken. A List of the chief Commanders in the Parliaments Army. SIr Tho: Fairfax Captain General. Oliver Cromwell Lieutenant General. Philip Skippon Major General. Col. Gen. Rainsborough. Sir Hardres Waller. Col. Harlow. Col. Piestering. Col. Welden. Col. Fleetwood. Sir Robert Pye. Commissary Gen. Ireton. john Rushworth Secretary. Col. Gen. Poynt●. Col. Hammond. Coll. Lambert. Col. Fo●tescue. Col. Butler. Col. Rossiter. Col. whaley. Col. Okey of Dragoons. Col. Herbert. Col. Ingoldsby Col. Shelfield. Col. Rich. Col. Grave●. Published according to Order. Printed for WILLIAM LEY: