THE PETITION OF THE RUMP To the Honourable CITY of LONDON. Showeth, THat having a wrinkle more in their Arse since they knew of General Monk's Fidelity to his country, and it being now all in a pucker, and rumpled with the frowns of an incensed, and enraged people, they humbly implore the soft, and tender hands, of your fair, and pitiful Dames, to struck it, and smooth it out; although they well know, that the general cry, and vogue of the Nations, is to have it stretched out according to the King's laws. That they are sick of a new, and strange disease, called the Vertigo of the tail, a dizziness, wherein they perceive Divine Vengeance going round; and are informed, that the City Doctor Dun, hath a sovereign remedy against it, which, with Paddingtons' wholesome air, never yet failed the Patient. That they would make it their request to this Honourable City, that they would be graciously pleased to pass by, and forget their high insolences and affronts, in the breaking down their Gates, and destroying the portculliss, though in point of Honour, you are obliged to set up their quarters, and your gates together. That having now a rattle at their Tail, if you once but cry Halloe, they will run over the three kingdoms without any pursuit, till they have run themselves down to Old Nick, where you may be sure they shall never trouble you any more; else, give them but breathing time, and up riseth the Rump, as plump as any Partridge. Back again they will to the Onions and garlic in Lambert's Gardens, rather than you shall taste the Manna of a Free Parliament; for as for this Monk, they know not what he is. Remember their unwearied desires, and endeavours after your wealth and goods, and with what an envious eye they have aimed at your peace and prosperity; think on their frugal, and mild administration of Government, which hath beggared, and butchered three kingdoms, and left not any entire part of the body, but a misshapen, shameless, Sr. Rump. They have little more to add to this heap of confusion you are brought to, but to offer to your serious consideration, the Merits of the Good Old Cause, which they have entrusted in the hands of Alderman Tichburn and Ireton, till their return, but yet before they go, if you prevent them not by paring their nails, they will scratch their Arse to the Bare bones, but they'll be revenged on you all; For that party by a new carving, are the Sides-men to the RUMP. They have but these following requests to make you, That you would send a T— sir-reverence, to colonel Overton, for the victualling the Garrison at Hull; there the Rebellion begun, and thither will the relics of it take to for Refuge. That you would tie up the tackle of this Harricane which hath overturned these Nations, in a knot, and send it by your marshal's Man, to Vice Admiral Lawson for a Token. That you would send a Fleet of Oyster. Whores to demand the Tower from Morley, and if he shall refuse the first Summons, upon Reducement of it, let the Jades scrape with their shells his hump Shoulder even with the other, and whip off his monkey's Testicles. Lastly, Let the memorable 11th. day of February be known and called by the name of Rump Fair, to be anniversarily held at their chief manor of Sodom and Gomorra. And your Petitioners shall ever Pray, etc▪