The Picture of an English antic, with a List of his ridiculous Habits, and apish Gestures. Maids, where are your hearts become? Look you what here is! 1 His hat is fashion like a close-stool pan. 2 Set on the top of his noddle like a coxcomb. 3 Banded with a calf's tail, and a bunch of ribbon. 4 A feather in his hat, hanging down like a Fox tail. 5 Long hair, with ribbons tied in it. 6 His face spotted. 7 His beard on the upper lip compassing his mouth. 8 His chin thrust out, singing as he goes. 9 his band lapping over before. 10 Great bandstrings with a ring tied. 11 A long-wasted doublet unbuttoned half way. 12 Little skirts. 13 His sleeves unbuttoned. 14 In one hand a stick, playing with it, in the other his cloak hanging. 15 His breeches unhooked, ready to drop off. 16 His shirt hanging out. 17 His codpiece open, tied at the top with a great bunch of ribbon. 18 His belt about his hips. 19 His sword swapping between his legs like a monkey's tail. 20 Many dozens of points at knees. 21 Above the points of either side two bunches of ribbon of several colours. 22 Boot-hose tops, tied about the middle of the calf, as long as a pair of shirt sleeves, double at the ends like a ruff band. 23 The tops of his boots very large, turned down as low as his spurs. 24 A great pair of spurs, gingling like a Morrice-dancer. 25 The feet of his boots 2 inches too long. 26 Two horns at each end of his foot, straddling as he goes.