A LETTER WRITTEN FROM Sir WILLIAM PARSONS, One of the Lord Justices of IRELAND, TO Sir ROBERT PIE, A worthy Knight of the Honourable House of Commons: Published by his consent, and other Members of the said Commons House. This Letter was received by Sir Robert Pie, the 9 of April. LONDON, Printed for JOHN BARTLET. 1642. A LETTER WRITTEN from Sir WILL: PARSONS, One of the Lo: Justices in Ireland, to Sir HENRY PIE, a worthy Knight of the Honourable House of Commons. Honoured Sir, IN some late Letters I troubled you with some of the frowning occurrents of this place; wherein I have had a heavy share, as well of the sufferings in the ill, as in my labours to forelay and prevent the worst: Which labour, I must say, God hath wonderfully blest; In so much as now I dare avow, if England for their own good much more than ours, will set in roundly to enable us under a good Governor, (if God have so ordained us one) we will make the mischiefs we have suffered, the greatest addition to the glory, security, and happiness of England, that ever they had by any particular action: For besides that, we will for ever free them from the dishonours and damages both in men and treasure which they have from Age to Age endured from, and by occasion of this disloyal and malignant people, the entire benefit of this unnatural and high rebellion, shall in a manner redound to themselves, by settling here very great multitudes of the English, which this Island can well receive, and give them happy and plentiful being, if God guide the conduct and conclusion of this War aright. I entreat you Sir consider, if the Irish had gained the Castle and City of Dublin, (which nothing could have hindered but the blessed sudden discovery) and therein all the King's Arms and Munition, and therewithal the Port-townes and Shipping of Ireland, and out of that strength had sent 30000. men into England, as they intended; whether their ravenage (wherein they excel all men) would not have been more loss to England, before they could have found competent resistance, than all the money comes to, which they are now to send us, to reduce Ireland, and make it theirs, in a more firm way then ever it was since the Conquest. If you be sparing to us this Summer, you hurt yourselves and the cause; And therefore to our speedy and round supplies, I pray you put your helping hand in this act of reducement, which must at last have been done with infinite more difficulty and charge, after the above mentioned horrible loss. I doubt not but by late Letters you have heard that we have beaten the Enemy from Tredagh: Now I must tell you, that a party of that late besieged garrison, with the help of five hundred men sent from hence, have marched and taken the Port-town of Dondalke, sixteen miles North-wards from Tredagh, and there beaten out a thousand Rebels, and taken the little Ordnance they had. We want men and money extremely; when they come, I undertake we shall not misapply them. It is marvellous to see how spiritful our few soldiers that have health are, while we are not able to put shoes on their feet, clothes on their backs, or meat in their bellies, save herrings, and some salt beef: Neither have we any money at all, which is the life of War. Out of all which defects, our soldiers do so die daily before our faces, besides what are slain, as without speedy supplies, we shall not only be frustrated in our promising beginnings, but speedily sink into a desperate danger of utter loss. I find by your late Letter to the Duchess, that you hear there, that the Earl of Antrim is in rebellion; I assure you Sir, it is not so, neither I hope will be; though truly through these tumults, cutting between him and his late means here, he is now in great and pinching want; And, which grieves me more, the Duchess suffers very lamentably in it: For my part I have helped her what I could, but being deprived wholly of my poor estate by this rebellion, I am able to do no more: Hereof I desire you and her friends there to be sensible, and take it for a truth from 1. APR. 1642. Your assured friend and servant, VVm PARSONS. FINIS.