A PROCLAMATION, Anent Baggage-Horses. WILLIAM and MARY by the Grace of GOD, King and Queen of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith; To Our Lovits, _____ Macers of Our Privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially Constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch, as by the 3d. Act, Parl. 3. Charl. 2d. It is Provided and Ordained, that in case it shall happen any Horses to be employed, and made use of by Officers and Soldiers, in Towns, or in the Country, for carrying Artilliary, Ammunition, or Provision, or any other use of the Army, there be paid for each day that they Travel, Three shillings Scots for each two Miles to the Man and Horse, and each day that they do not Travel, Six shillings Scots to the Man, and as much for the Horse; the Man being obliged to provide Himself and the Horse, which by the said Act is appointed to be paid by the Magistrates of the burgh's, if the Horses be taken within a Town, or if in the Country, by the Collector of the Supply in the Shire, who are to be repaid thereof, or to have the same allowed to them by the Receivers-General. And sicklike, We, with Advice of Our Estates of Our Parliament, by Our Act of the Date, the Thirtieth day of May, One thousand six hundred and ninety, did Empower the Lords of Our Privy Council, to proportion and Impose Baggage-horses, for the transporting of Provisions and Furniture necessary to Our Army, the Expenses of the Horses always being paid conform to the Act of Parliament . And to the effect the said's Baggage-Horses may be orderly furnished, and with greater equality Outreiked and Provided, for the ease and conveniency of Our Subjects, and be in readiness for Carrying and transporting any thing requisite and necessary for the Accommodation of Our Forces, and Expedition of Our Service, in the several Shires and burgh's of this Kingdom, where Our Army shall have occasion to March thorough, or be Quartered in the same. Therefore We, with Advice of Our Privy Council, Ordain every Heretor of this Our Ancient Kingdom, and the Tutors, Factors, or Chamberlains of such of them as are Minors, or live not within the Shire where they have Lands lying, and the whole Magistrates of Our Burghs-Royal within this Kingdom, to design, have in readiness, and set apart for that use, betwixt and the Twenty two day of June instant, a sufficient Baggage-horse, well Furnished and Graithed, with Sodds, a Sack, and a pair of Baccats, or Creills, with a Man for each two Horses, and that effeiring to every Twenty pounds' Scots of Assessment they pay Monthly of Supply to Us, by virtue of the 6th Act, 2d Sess of Our Current Parliament; And where there are lesser Sums paid by the saids Heretors or Magistrates, either under Twenty Pounds, or more than the round Sums of one or more Twenty Pounds, the Heretor or Burgh which pays the greatest Fraction, under Twenty Pounds, or over and above the one or more Twenty Pounds payable by them Monthly, shall be liable to Outreik and Furnish a Baggage-Horse, with a Man in the next place, and so from the greater to the lesser Sums of Monthly Supply, thorough the whole Heretors of the Shires, and Magistrates of the burgh's of this Kingdom, until all and every one of them have equally and proportionally contributed to Our said Service, in the Outreik and Furnishing of Baggage-Horses, effeiring and conform to their several Interests and Monthly payments, ay and while such a number of Baggage-Horses be Furnished and Outreiked by the several Shires and burgh's within the same, as corresponds to the Monthly payments of Supply they are liable to, by virtue of the Act of Parliament foresaid; and that such who have once furnished, in obedience to these presents, shall not be liable to furnish again, until all such who pays the lesser Sums of Monthly Supply have likewise furnished and set forth Baggage-Horses, as do effeir and correspond to the Monthly Supply, payable by the respective Shires and burgh's within the same: And which whole Baggage-Horses above-exprest, with the Servants attending the same, shall be punctually paid, conform to the Acts of Parliament , for the time they shall be employed and made use of. And We, with Advice foresaid, peremptorly Require and Command the Heretors, for their Baggage-Horse, and their Servants to be sent forth with them from Burgh and Landwart respectiuè, to answer and obey what Directions and Commands shall be given to them by Sir Thomas Livingston, Commander in Chief of Our Forces within this Kingdom, and punctually to meet from such Shires and burgh's respectiuè within the same; in such numbers, and at such times and places, as the said Sir Thomas shall find necessary to enjoin and appoint from time to time. And for the better preserving of the said's Horses, and safe returning thereof to the respective Heretors and Magistrates of burgh's, who send out the same, and that the Man-servants who attend them may be duly provided for, and entertained, We, with Advice foresaid, Require and Command, that the Baggage-Horses furnished by each Shire, and burgh's within the same, when met and gathered together, at the places to be appointed by the said Sir Thomas Livingston for their Rendezvouz, be presented to the Commissary for the Army, whom We by these presents Require and Command to grant Receipts therefore, and take care for the equal distribution of the same, amongst the several Regiments, upon the Officers Receipts thereof, for the more commodious service of Our Army; And how soon the said's Baggage-Horses furnished by any Shire, shall have Marched to a Neighbouring Shire, than such a number of the said's Baggage-Horses, which have come from the remotest places, shall be dismissed and sent back, effeiring to the number of Horses furnished by the Shire they arrive at, which shall Conveen, to take their Baggage off their hands: And in case no Receipts be given for the said's Baggage-Horses by the said Commissary, to whom they are presented, it shall be a sufficient Instruction against him, that he hath received the said's Horses, if Instruments be taken and produced against him at the delivery thereof, or a Declaration Subscribed by two Credible Persons, in absence of a Nottar●: And We hereby Ordain the said Commissary, to make the said's Horses and Graith forthcoming, and restore the same to the true Owners and Outreikers thereof: And sicklike we hereby Require and Command, the Commissaries of Our Army, to furnish and afford Victuals and Sustainance to the Baggage-men, who attend the said's Horses, out of the Provisions and Stores of Our Army, from time to time, keeping account thereof, that the same may be deduced out of the Wages allowed to them by Act of Parliament; And for the more commodious and speedy Outreik of the said's Baggage-Horses from Burgh and Landwart respective foresaid: We with Advice of Our Privy Council, Give and Grant full Power and Warrant to each Heretor, to press the Horse or Horses he is liable to furnish, with the Servants necessary to attend the same, within any part of his own Ground, the Horse not exceeding four pounds Sterling value; And Appoints the saids Heretors, to draw up an Account of the saids Horse or Horses, as they shall be Prized by three honest Neighbours upon Oath, Subscribed with their Hands, with their Graith, not exceeding forty shilling Scots for the said Graith; and according to the extent of that Account, if the Horse shall not return, the Heretor Out-reiker of the same, shall be allowed the Apprized value thereof, not exceeding the price foresaid, out of the Cess payable by the said Heretor, to be applied by him to the use of the Out-reiker of the Horse, or from whom he was pressed. And the several Collectors are hereby required to give allowance thereof upon production to them of the Apprized value of the said Horse, with the said Commissary his Receipt, that the Horse was Outreiked, or Instruments taken, or Declarations foresaid produced, upon the delivery of the said Horse, against him: And which Apprized value of the said Horses, is to be deduced out of the Pay of that Regiment, to which the said Commissary shall instruct he delivered him; or otherways he is to be liable therefore himself. And further, We with Advice foresaid, Grant Warrant to, and Empower the Magistrates of Our burgh's within their own Jurisdiction, to press the Horses and Men to be sent along with them, the Horse and Graith to be estimat and prized, instructed to be delivered, and paid in manner above set down. And to the end the said Sir Thomas Livingston may have particular knowledge of the number of Baggage-Horse, to be furnished out of every Shire and Burgh, by the Rule , and of the persons liable to Out-reik the same; We with Advice foresaid, Require and Command all the Collectors of Supply within the several Shires and burgh's of this Kingdom, whenever they shall be required by the said Commander in Chief, to send in to him with all expedition, and particularly at present, the Collectors of Supply, for the Shires and burgh's respectiuè following; viz. The Shires of Edinburgh, Striuling, Perth, Fife, Kinrose, Linlithgow, Dumbartoun, and Clackmannan, and burgh's respective within the same, subscribed with their hands, exact Lists and Doubles of the whole Heretors within their Shires, and the proportions of Supply Monthly payable by them, conform to the said 6th Act of Our current Parliament; Certifying such of the Collectors who shall be deficient in sending in the saids Lists, that they shall be pursued as obstructers of Our Service, and disaffected to Our Government. And further, We hereby Require and Command the said Commissary, to Report and Transmit to Our Privy Council, true and exact Lists of such as shall be Deficient in Outreiking and sending forth their Baggage-Horses, and Men to attend the same, conform to the rule and proportion of Monthly Supply , when they are required so to do, by the said Sir Thomas, that the same may be proceeded against therefore with all rigour. And to the Effect Our Pleasure in the Premises may be known, OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent, these Presents seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and remanent Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burghs of this Kingdom, and other places needful, and there, by open Proclamation, make Publication of the Premises, that all persons concerned may have notice thereof, and none pretend ignorance, as ye will answer to Us thereupon; the which to do, We commit to you, conjunctly and severally, Our full Power, by these Our Letters, delivering them by you, duly execute, and endorsed again to the Bearer. Given under Our Signet at Edinburgh, the eleventh day of June, and of Our Reign, the third year, 1691. Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. GILB. ELIOT, Cls. Sti. Concilii. GOD save King William and Queen Mary. EDINBURGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, anno DOM. 1691.