CR royal blazon or coat of arms A PROCLAMATION Anent the Rendezvouses of the Militia, for the year 1683. CHARLES, by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith; To Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch, as by reason of the not timous Intimation of the diets of the general Rendezvouses of the Militia of this Our Kingdom the last Summer, there was no general Rendezvouses thereof keeped; and We finding it necessary for Our Service, that the said Rendezvouses be punctually keeped for this year, and hereafter; Have with Advice of Our Privy Council, thought fit to appoint the said Rendezvouses for this year, to be at the diets and places after-specified, viz, The two Regiments of Foot, and two Troops of Horse of the Shires of Fife and Kinross, to beat Edinsmoore, the twenty two day of May next: The two Regiments of Foot, and two Troops of Horse of the Shire of Perth, to be at Perth, the twenty third day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and two Troops of Horse of the Shire of Forfar, at Forfar, the twenty fourth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse, of the Shire of Kincardine and Marischals part of Aberdene, at Aberdene, the thirtieth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot of the Shire of Bamff, and Err●ls part of Aberdene, and two Troops of Horse there, at Turreff the first day of June next: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Shires of Elgin, Nairn, and part of Inverness, at Elgin the fifth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Earl of Seaforth, and Lord Lovits part of Inverness, at Inverness, the seventh day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Shires of Ross, Sutherland and Caithness, at Dornoeh the tenth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot of the Stewartry of Orknay at Kirkwall, the fifteenth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Shires of Linlithgow and Peebles, at Celem-moore, the first day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot of the Town of Edin●urgh, at the Links of Leith, the second day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Shire of Edinburgh, at Musselburgh, the fifth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Shire of Hadingtoun, at Beinstoun moor, the sixth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Shire of Berwick, at F●ggomoore, the seventh day of the said Month: The two Regiments of Foot and two Troops of Horse of the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, at Ancrum Bridge, the eighth day of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse of the Shire of Dumfreis, the twelfth day of the said Month: The two Troops of the Shire of Wigtoun, at Milntoun of Orr, the thirteenth of the said Month: The three Troops of Horse of the Shire of Air and part of the Shire of Renfrew, at Air, the fifteenth of the said Month: The rest of the Shire of Renfrew at Renfrew the eighteenth day of the said Month: The three Troops of the Shire of Lanerk, at Hamiltoun, the twenty two of the said Month: The Regiment of Foot and Troup of Horse, of the Shire of Striuling and Clackmannan, at Sauchen-foord, the twenty sixth of the said Month: The Regiment of the Shires of Argile, Bute and Dumbarton at Dumbartoun, the ninteenth day of the said Month, for the Shire of Dumbarton and Bute, and at Inverara the twenty fifth of the said Month for Argile Shire. And We Ordain the whole Officers of Foot and Horse to attend their Charges, at the said's diets of Rendezvouses, and the Heretors and other Outreikers of the Sojors, to have their men present; (habile) according to Law; with certification to the said's Officers and Heretors, if they neglect their duty herein, they shall be proceeded against, and fined conform to the Laws and Instructions made thereanent. And appoints the Muster-master General, by himself or his Deputs, to be present at the several Rendezvouses, and to return an Account to Our Council, of the Absents and Deficients, that they may be proceeded against according to Law. Our Will is herefore, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and several Mercat Crosses of the head burgh's of this Kingdom, and burgh's of Regality, and several Paroch Kirks within the same, upon a Sunday after Divine Service, and other places needful; and there, in Our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make publication of the Premises, that none pretend Ignorance. And We Ordain the Sheriffs of the respective Shires, to cause duly publish these Presents. Given under Our Signet, at Edinburgh, the twenty third day of March, One thousand six hundred eighty and three: And of Our Reign, the thirtieth fifth year. WIL PATERSON, Cls. Sti. Concilij. GOD save the KING. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1683.