A spiritual SONG OF COMFORT Or encouragement to the soldiers that now are gone forth in the Cause of CHRIST. Admonish yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual Songs. The E. of Essex. The E. of Warwick. Sir Wil. Waller. Mr. Pym. COme along my valiant soldiers, let us go into the field; O let us march after our captain, unto our foes let us not yield. Cant. 3. 7, 8. Gen. 35. 3. Heb. 2. 10. Philip. 1. 28. Although our enemies be many, and though they do us sore annoy, Hosts of men they are as nothing, Jehovah can them all destroy. Deutr. 20. 1. Iudg. 2. 34. 2 Chro. 14. 11. Deutr. 31. 3. We have a Cause that's just and equal, our adversaries is not right; Therefore one shall chase one thousand We shall put them all to flight. Ezek. 18. 35. 31. 20. Deutr. 32. 30. Joshua 23. 10. Though we be hungry, cold and weary, and almost ready for to starve, We have an all sufficient captain from them all can us preserve. Psalm. 107. 5. 2 Cor. 4. 16. Genes. 17. 1. 2 Cor. 1. 10, 11. The wedge of Gold let us not covet, nor the Babylonish garment: Then aye be sure it will be taken, if with our own we be content. Exod. 20. 17. Iosh. 7. 21. And 8. 1. Luke 3. 14. What though the Walls of Jericho be strong, and broad, and tall, and high 'Tis faith, though with the sound of Rams horns, upon the ground will make them lie. Deutr. 3. 5. Joshua 2. 15. Hebr. 11. 30. Joshua 6. 20. What though Goliath with great words the Host of Israel do defy; We have a little sling like David's, will make him on the ground to lie. 1 Sam. 17. 18. And 17. 10. And 17. 50. 1 John 5. 4. What though he have a Shield in bigness Far passing any Weavers beam, We have a Shield that is not carnal, will make him swim as down the stream. 1 Sam. 17. 7. 1 Sam. 17. 47. 1 Cor 9 7. Ephes. 6. 16. Every kingdom that's divided Christ saith, it shall be brought to nought. But all you that are Christ's soldiers be not ye troubled, take no thought. Luke 11. 17. Esay 54. ●7. 2 Tim. 2. 3. Mark 13. 7. The battle it is not our own, we will not trust in Gun nor Swords, No nor in Horses, nor in Chariots, the battle only is the Lords. 2 Chr. 20. 15. 1 Sam. 17. 47. Isai. 31. 1. And 3. The battle being not our own, let us not go in our own might. The Lord he saith he will fight for us, in our own strength let us not fight. Ierem. 51. 20. Ephes. 6. 10. Deut. 2. 41. Amos 6. 13. Though some in Horses put their trust, and others in Chariots take delight, 'Tis not their might, nor with their power, but with his Spirit we do fight. Psalm. 20. 7. Isai. 2. 7. Ierem. 50. 30. Zech. 4. 6. Come let us stand upon our watch, and let us not forget to pray. We shall be freed then from temptation, and of our foes shall get the day. Habac. 2. 1. Ephes. 6. 18. Matth. 6. 13. Iudg. 4. 14. Our Armour of proof let us put on, but above all our Shield let us bring; Then shall we be like unto Moses, which feared not the wrath of a King. Ephes. 6. 13. Ephes. 6. 16. Exod. 2. 15. Hebr. 11. 37. Behold I see the blood of captains, both small and great lie on the ground, Therefore strike up the Drums alarum, let not the Trumpets seize to sound. Revel. 19 18. And 21. Joel 2. 1. 1 Cor. 14. 8. Behold how Babel it doth stagger, Methinks it doth begin to fall. The white Horse rider, and his Army, will dash their bones against the wall. Isai. 29. 9 Revel. 18. 4. And 19 11. Revel. 19 14. Though here the beasts and the false Prophet, a little while do seem to thrive, Yet shortly shall they both be taken, and into the lake be cast alive. Revel. 19 19 Psal. 27. 10. Revel. 19 20. And 19 21. Therefore let us all sing Halalujah, both now, and also evermo●●● Because he hath our blood ●●●…ged, and judged the scarlet coloured whore. Revel. 19 3. And 19 4. Revel. 6. 10. Revel. 19 2. Is any merry, let him sing psalms. William Star●ucke. Printed in the year wherein Antichrist is falling.