VII. ARTICLES drawn up AGAINST Lord Kimelton. M. John Pimme. M. Densil Hollis. S. Artgur Haslerick. M. Hamden. M. strand. CHARGING THEM OF High TREASON With his majesty his Speech in the House of Commons Janu. 4. 1641, And a Petition to the Kings MAJESTY. LONDON: Printed for W. R. 1642. ARTICLES, OF HIGH TREASON, AND other High misdemeanours, as they are alleged against the Lord Kimbelton, M. Pym ▪ &c. I. FIRST, they have Traterously endeavoured to subvert the fundamental laws, and Government of the kingdom of England, to deprive the KING of his royal power, and to place Subjects in arbitrary and tyrannical power over the Lives, Liberties, and estates of his majesties ledge people. II. That they have endeavoured to lay many false aspersions upon his majesties government, to allyenate the Affections of his People, and to make his majesty Odious unto them. III. That they have endeavoured to draw his majesties late Army to the disobedience of his majesties Command, and to side with them in their Traterous designs. IV. That they have Traterously invested and encouraged a foreign power, to invaid his majesties kingdom of England. V. That they have Traterously endeavoured to subvert the Right, and very being of Parliaments. VI. For the comploting of their Traterous D●signes: They have endeavoured as far as in them lay, by Force and Terror to compel the Parliament to Ioyn with them in their Traterous designs, and to that end have actually raised, and Countinanced tumults against the King and Parliament. VII. That they Traterously conspired to levey, and have actually leveyed power against the King. His Ma●esties going to the Parliament house on Tuesday 4. januar: 1641. ON Tuesday ▪ the 4. of january, 1641. the Kings majesty went to Westminster, from his palace at White H●●l, with many Attendants and when his majesty came to Westminster Hall, the way was commanded to be cleared, which was done accordingly. And at the foot of the stairs going up to the House of Commons the Marques Hambleton met his majesty and attended him to the house. When his majesty was come into the house M. Speaker rose out of his chair ▪ and his majesty sate thier himself, and before them spake to this effect, demanding where M. Pim and some others were ▪ and inquiring for them and not finding them there, expressed himself to be displeased that they were not there, desiring hat they may presently be Apprehended. His majesty having herein expressed himself, departed again from there House and returned to Whitehall: And immediately the house Rejorned until the morrow being Wednesday, at noon. TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT majesty humbly beseecheth that your most Excellent majesty, would be, graciously pleased to meditate on that place of Scripture ▪ writtn, 1. Kings. 12. 15, 16. Wherefore the King hearkened not unto his people: for the cause was from the Lord, that he might perform his saying, which the Lord spake by Ahija thf Shulonite unto Ierob●om the son of Nebat. So when Israel saw that the King hearkened unto them, the people answered the Keng, saying, what Portion have we in David? neither have we Portion in the son of jesse: to your tents, O Isoael: now see to thine own, &c. The Lord protect, guide, and direct your Gratiovs majesty. And increase the number of your faithful loyal Subiects AMEN FINIS.