youths Considering Glass OR Fatherly affection manifested by Scripture directions, for a Christians Conversation through the whole Course of his Life. Wherein it plainly doth relate, How man was in his first estate, How soon from it that he did fall, And what by sin is brought on all. Herein Gods love thou well mayst see, And how his grace extends to thee. Yea, here is plainly to be shown Gods mind and will how to be known. Here if you look with single eye, Saints former path you may spy. If thou desirest thy work to know, Herein be lines will it thee show. And that you may discern Gods grace, I here to thee present a Glass, Wherein that you may plainly see yourself, and what you ought to be. By H. S. And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thy heart, And thou shalt teach them thy Children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy House, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and risest up. Deut. 6.6, 7. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts the God of Israel, because you have obeied the commandments of Jonadab your Father, &c. Jer. 35.18, 19 And that from a Child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation. 2 Tim. 3.15. London: Printed in the Year 1675. THE PREFACE TO THE READER Reader, AND if these lines do come into thy hand, And thou thinkest meet, my sayings for to view, Know I have wrote, that mine might understand To practise nought but what I think is true. If upon search that you should apprehended, Some things to differ from your present thought, I hope it thee will not so much offend, As all my sayings for to set at nought, Muse not, and if my pen should hap to fail, Since I am clothed with my house of day, Know imperfections many do assail, Whilst we this Region only do enjoy. Slight not my lines, because they are in verse, Know for whose sake that I these things have penned: It's to my children that I these things rehearse, Whose ear to it I find more to attend Then unto writing in another form, Which for distinctions sake we say in prose, Therefore I hope this method may be born, And that my labour now I may not lose. Reader expect not eloquence of speech, For to be used my lines to beautify; Its with plain words my children I do teach, To that end that I them may edify: Expect not words by art of learning gained, My counsel to my children to adorn; It is plain words at which I chief have aimd, Which, if in truth, I hope it will be born. That I my children plainly now may guide, Into the path the saints of old did use, And show them marks that they go not aside, It is the reason I my pen have used. It's my desire to set no mark amiss, Nor to remove what Christ and his did lay; I you assure my aim their welfare is, That their chief center be the place of joy. Reader, consider then if faults thou find, They are not penned on purpose to deceive; But that Christs rule my children they may mind, I here in writing now these lines do leave. If ought I writ with thee a question be, Whether these things that they be truth or no, The Scripture record thou mayst plainly see, Consider what they unto thee do show. Berean-like be thou u●on trial, Whether the Scriptures they will thee assure, Those things are written should have no denial; And if the touch-stone that they will endure, Reader embrace them; and if thou discern, What doth ensue for to be sound direction, Own them, and if thou find they thee concern, Or else inquire for better satisfaction. My childrens good itis that at which I aim, Yea others good, itis that I aim at both; That all that red, some profit may obtain, Still is desired by your friend Henry Sneath. THE PREFACE TO HIS CHILDREN MY children near, in love so dear, That you are unto me, That nothing here more joy would clear, Then your welfare to see. You are come forth as living springs, 1 Joh. 5.19 Into a world of sin, Of labour, sorrow, pain and care, Gen. 3.16 That daily man is in. You have been once born unto me, And been brought forth in pain, And nothing more would me rejoice, As your new birth again. A little time you here may be, Psal. 90.48 Job. 14.1 Not long you may be sure, But you'l invested be in that, Ecle. 11.3 Which endless will endure. Heb. 9.27 Heb. 3.13 15 It you concerns this time to know The work you are to do; For there's no labour in the grave, Psal. 5.6 Isa. 38.18 Where shortly you must go. Consider of the present time, Psal. 32.6 119.59. And ever cast in thought, Eccl. 12.14 That every work that here is done, Shall be to judgement brought. Heb. 9.27 Joh. 16.39 Rom. 8.11 1 Cor. 15 54 Act. 10.42 Ro. 14.10 Ecle. 12.14 And you although that you do die, You shall be raised again, And brought to an immortal state, That ever will remain. And you before the Lord must stand, And then must judged be, All secret things brought unto light, Luk. 8.17 Which no man here did see. Rom. 2.16 Then Jesus Christ will be your judge, Mat. 25 31.32 The gospel be the law, And all before his throne must stand, And then his presence awe. Mat. 25.34 Those then which here do him obey, He from their sin will clear, Mat. 19 28, 29 And they his glory shall enjoy, Great comfort will appear. Luk. 22 28.29 Those now which for his cause contend, And for his truth do stand, That do submit unto his laws, And hark to his command; 1 Cor. 4 9.13 Although that men do them deride, And here account them vile; 2 Cor. 4.17 The pain that to them doth betid, It is but for a while; Isa. 34.10 But they from sorrow shall be free, Jer. 31.13 And ever live in joy; Job. 26.20 Gladness shall be upon their heads, 1 Pet. 1.8 Mat. 25.23 And sighing flee away; They in the presence of the Lord And of his lamb shall be, Rev. 21.23 24 Rev. 22.5 And they from thence shall not depart, To all eternity. But they that here the Lord reject, Joh. 12.4 And not his word regard; Jer. 6.19 A dreadful time they sure will find, Mat. 25.4 And by them will be heard, When he them cursed will pronounce, Mat. 25.4 And they to hell must go, Psal. 9. ●… Not any comfort to be had, Luk. 16. 2●… &. 10.1 Nor any peace to know; But with the devil still and his, Mat. 25.4 They must tormented be, 2 Pet. 2. Where horror of eternal fire Rom. 2. judas. 1. From it they'l not be free: To aggravate and pain increase The sense what they did loose, When life and death before them set, Deut. 30 15.19 And they were bid to choose; O this will then kindle the fire, And make them to lament, That whilst that they had time and grace, Mat. 23.3 That they did not repent; Rev. 2.2 That whilst the Lord he did invite, Rev: 9. 2●… That they did not embrace; Mat. 22.4, 5 That whilst the Lord did tender love, That they did slight his grace; Mat. 1. 1●… That when that he his Son did sand, Joh. 3. 1●… That he must scorned be, Luk. 19. 2●… That nothing then they would embrace, But only misery; That then the Saints which were oppressed, Luk. 22. 2●… They shall in glory shine; And they which here had little rest, Rev. 7. 1●… &. 19.8 They mercy then shall find This will be known, my children dear, A standing truth to be, ●… b. 8.13 Whilst you have time these things so mind, As you may comfort see; ●… t. 25.10 ●… m. 14. And not put off the day of grace Until the door be shut, ●… m. 1.22 ●… al. 119 But every truth you should embrace, Soon into practise put. For information to you all, My children near and dear, I as a father to inform, Shall labour truth to clear; That as by looking in a glass, Your face you daily see, So likewise looking in Gods word, ●… al. 119.9 You may enlightened be, ●… h. 14.21 According to that is revealed, ●… h. 14 24 And left in holy writ, ●… at. 28.20 King. 18 ●… 2 As you my children come to grow, May come to have a sight. Joh. 2.13 ●… ccl. 12.1 ●… ccl. 11 ●… 0 Know this for certain in your youth, And let it still remain With you still as a standing truth, Youth and childhood is vain. ●… er. 2.24 Sam. 2.17 ●… rov. 7.7 Whilst you are in your nature state, The things of God you slight, And nothing doth you more affect Then vain and low delight. ●… rov. 10 ●… 3 ●… zek 18.28 〈…〉 Pet. 2.13 ●… a. 44.19 You can rejoice in vanity, And make a sport of sin, And not consider in your hearts The danger you are in. You little think for foolish words ●… at. 12.36 There must a reckoning be, Unto him which is Lord of Lords, ●… om. 14 ●… 2 Whose presence you will see. You can with husks content yourselves, Luk. 15. 1● Your nature for to feed, And you of great and better things Prov. 7.7 At present see no need. If you your play can but enjoy, Exo. 32.6 Its that affects your mind; But you not see informd to be Isa. 57.4 That danger is behind; That you are destitute of that Prov. 7.7 Psal. 186 14 That would to you bring joys, Although you do content yourselves, With vain and foolish toys; Although the Lord have you endued, Job 32.8 With wisdom for to know, More then the other creatures made, Psal. 8.45 Which up with you do grow, Yet in their place they honour God, Isa. 1.3 And do not him offend, But daily answer his request, And on his pleasure tend. The firmament declares his works, Psal. 19.12 The Sea obeys his voice, The beasts on earth they do increase, The fowls they do rejoice. See what you can, but only Man, On earth of his creation, But they do glorify the Lord, In all their Generation. I as a father you advice, Whilst you have time to learn, So for to open now your eyes, That soon you may discern: The mind of God required of you, Act. 17.30 Is timely to repent, ●… ph. 5.16 And to redeem the present time, That now to you is lent; ●… h. ● 29 And that you do believe in Christ, ●… ebb. 11.6 His promises apply, ●… om. 1.18 And not for to go on in sin, ●… oh. 3.36 Act. 4.12 Psal. 49.6 Act. 16.31 Least wrath upon you lie; Nor yet to think that any thing But Christ will you relieve; Salvation only is in him, For you still to believe. Luk. 9.13 Then learn yourselves for to deny, 2 Cor. 6.1 Isa. 43.8 And him so to embrace, As he may still accept of you, Luk. 4.13 And you accept his grace; Joh. 1.13 Joh. 3.9.24 So that you may be born again Of the immortal seed, 1 Pet. 1.23 The word of God, the bread of life, And daily on it feed. Heb. 3.17 18 So though all other things do fail, You still may have a store To go unto in time of want, That liveth ever more. Act. 2.41 The thoughts of which when once injoyd, 1 Tim. 410 Will cause you to declare Heb. 13: 15 The praises of your God on high, Psal. 49.18 Whilst here on earth you are. Rom. 1.16 And here his name for to profess 2 Tim. 1.8 You will not count a shane, Act. 21.13 Although men you with trouble press, For his most holy name. Mat. 10.28 Therefore be not afraid of men, Luk. 12.32 The across of Christ to take, But see that still you do his will, Jam. 5.11 And never it forsake. If Christ for thee endure the across, Heb. 12. ●… Gal. 1. 1●… 1 Pet. 1. 2●… Luk. 9. 2●… Then think it thou no shane To bear the across still for his sake, And to profess his name. And as thou dost obey his voice, Heb. 13. 1●… True comfort will increase, 1 Pet. 5. 1●… Though thou in prison mayst rejoice, Heb. 7. 2●… Act. 16. 2●… Joh. 16. 2●… 33 Luk. 22. 3●… 2 Tim. 2. 1●… Mat. 19. 2●… Col. 3.4 He still will bring thee peace. Yea thou mayst say that thou with him Shalt surely shortly reign, Where no more parting there shall be, But ever shalt remain. youths Considering Glass OR Fatherly affection manifested in Scripture directions. CHAP. I. FOR your direction in your way, So that you may not go astray, The Scripture plainly doth declare Ephes. 2. 〈…〉 Gods mind to you, and what you are. There you may see how you were made, Gen. 2. 7●… How you from him your being had, How rich in love, how free in grace, Gen. 3. 1●… To man when lost his mercy was. There thou mayst see Gods love at first, Gen. 1. 2●… In making man, though of the dust, Yet innocent and free from sin, When in this world he did begin. Nothing there was that caused pain, When herein man did first remain, What provision that God did make Gen. 1.30 For man that he delight might take. Thou by the Scripture plain mayst see, Gen. 2.17 But only one forbidden three, All other fruit it was left free, Gen. 2.16 ●… en. 2.9. That man he might partakers be; Yea ever that he should remained, And if that he had not refraind Of eating of the living three, The time that it remained free, And not been subject unto pain, But ever happy to remain. And if his time that he had seen, His life it would preserved have been The Scripture it declareth plain, That man thus did not long remain Job 14.4. But from this state did quickly fall, As yet now may be felt of all. Gen. 3.16. Both pain and sorrow did come in, As the effects proceeds from sin. Yea by the Scripture thou mayst see Farther effects of sin on thee, Gen. 2.17. Rom. 5.18. That man by law stood cast in sin, And condemnation was on him. Not only Adam that stood cast, Rom. 5.12. But death on his was also past. Which if you look, you plain may see, Rom. 5.18. Rom. 3.19. That all by it condemned be, All under guilt condemned for sin, That mercy free it might come in. Rom. 3.26.4. Gen. 35. And when that man by law was cast, God then finds way to show his grace, He promised a seed should be, Gen. 12.3. Joh. 1.14. Gal. 4.4. Rom. 5.10. 2 Cor. 5.19. 1 Pet. 3.18 Wherein that man might comfort see; Which in due time he flesh did take, And therein suffered for our sake, That he might make those persons free, That by the law condemned be. Herein Gods love to man appeared, That by Christs death man should be cleared. That he should act our work to do, Heb. 10. 7●… Mat. 5. 17●… Heb. 10. 8●… 2 Cor. 3. 11●… Heb. 9. 11●… Coll. 2. 14●… Coll. 1.21.22. Joh. 12.9. Rev. 5.6. Isa. 43.11. gull. 45. Coll. 1.13.14. Eph. 2.8. 1 Pet. 1.18.19. Joh. 3.16. 1 Joh. 4.9.10. Heb. 9.15. Rom. 5.18. Heb. 1.1. Act. 3.22. 1 Cor. 6.19.20. 2 Cor. 5.15. 1 Tim. 2.6. Joh. 9.22.23. Joh. 6.29. Act. 16.31. Luk 9.23. Mat. 10.38. Mat. 19.28, 29. Joh. 14.21 Joh. 6. 2●… Which we did stand obliged too. That he that law should then suspend, Wherein that we did much offend. Hereby the Scripture thou mayst see, thyself from bondage so made free. When all things else this work did fail, The Lamb of God he did prevail, The debt to pay and man to clear, As by the Scripture doth appear. And if the Scripture thou wilt view, There thou mayst find these sayings true. There thou mayst see no cost of thine, That thou this freedom came to find. But only love through Gods free grace, By Christ his Son to overpass, That debt man stood engaged in, By breach of law and Adams sin. Likewise by Scripture thou mayst see, What now there is required of thee, And how by it is plainly shown, How thou thyself art not thy own. But that thou art obliged to him, Who gave himself thee to redeem. The Scripture it doth plainly show, What homage unto him we owe. Which daily we to him should pay, Who debt of sin did so defray. That if thyself thou wilt deny, And now into his service fly: Then ever mayst thou happy be, As by the Scripture thou mayst see, Ther's nothing more required of thee, ●… l. 1.16 But Christs servant still to be. The Scripture it thee plain doth show, ●… h. 17.8 ●… b. 1.1 Therein Gods mind thou well mayst know. And he only thou art to hear, As by the Scripture doth appear. ●… ct. 10.36 Tim. 6 5 ●… ev. 19.16 Mat. 28.18 Mar. 16.15 Act. 3.22 ● Cor. 5 ●… 0 Mat. 25 ●3 Rom. 2.16 Mat. 25 34 Mat 21 42 Joh. 12.48 Luk. 1.30 Joh. 3.36 Heb. 6.8 2 Thes. 1.8 Joh. 3.18 For he is now and ever shall, Be King of Kings and Lord of all. His Government must only sway, His precepts still thou must obey. And then before him must appear, To give account of actings here. The Gospel is a standing law, Whereby that all should stand in awe, And yield obedience to their King, Who doth to man salvation bring. But if his laws thou not respect, But his requirements dost reject; Thou then mayst see in Scripture plain, That wrath on thee it will remain. And no true peace thou wilt enjoy, And if Christ thou wilt not obey, But he'l appear unto thy shane, For not believing in his name. Mat. 25 41 Luk. 19.14 And to confusion thoult be brought, Because his laws thou sets at nought, When he thy judge will come to be, Rom. 2.16 As by the Scripture thou mayst see. CHAP. II. 2 Cor. 9 10 Joh. 8.36. COnsider still my children dear, Before the Lord you must appear. Oft cast in mind your state to see, Whether the Son have made you free. Remember and to mind do call, Heb. 2. 1●… 1 Tim. 2. ●… That Christ he dyed for you all, And set you free from Adams sin, Rom. 5.18 From guilt man stood condemned in. You need not fear he'l you condemn, Eph. 18. ●… Because your Parents did offend; But you may see that Christ did die, 2 Cor. 5 16 1 Joh. 2. 2●… Mar. 10.14 For all to bring a remedy. That all those Souls that passive be, Before they act, by Christ are free From condemnation of that sin, Rom. 5.18 Which first by Adam was brought in: Whereby as guilty all stood cast, Rom. 5.12 Sentence of death was on them past: Which by the Scripture you may see, Rom. 3.19 That death of guilt it needs must be; Because if Scripture you recall, Rom. 5 12 You'l find it passed upon all, Which the first death it could not be, 1 Cor. 15 51 Heb. 11.5 Gen. 5.24 1 Cor. 15 57 1 Thes. 4 17 Rom. 8.1 Because from it some shall be free. Yea Scripture lines they do declare, That Enock and Elias were. The change likewise it some will free. As by the Scripture we may see. By Scripture plain you may esye, The second death all shall not die. The overcomer is set free, Rev. 2.11 And by it shall not harmed be. Therefore you plainly may espy, Eph. 2.21 Gen. 2.17 Its death of guilt that all do die. Whereby that all mankind stood cast, Rom. 5.18 And condemnation on him past. Rev. 5.4 Psal. 49.7. Yea from this state you plain may see, ●… sal. 49.7 No act of thine could make thee free. 〈…〉 Pet. 1.18 No price of thine could thee redeem, Nor make thee free from guilt of sin. Luk. The Priest and Levite lets thee lie, In this estate so near to die. Thy sinful wound they cannot cure, But thou it, horror must endure. Luk. 10.34 When man lay thus with sin defiled, The Lord he powred in Wine and oil. 1 Pet. 1.19 Yea he did then a ransom sand, Rom. 5.10 For this poor man which did offend, Rom. 3.35 Declaring Riches of his grace, Whereby that he doth overpass, 2 Cor. 5.19 And to himself doth reconcile, Rom. 5.10 By Jesus Christ poor man defiled. CHAP. III. MY children plain it doth appear, As Scripture lines they will it clear, Eph. 2.4 Its only grace that you may see, That man from sin is counted free. Joh. 3.16 Herein Gods grace doth much appear, To sand his Son our debt to clear. Rom. 5.8.9 The shameful death that he did die, Our Soul from sin to justify; Eph. 2.1 That you which are in sinful state, As plain the Scripture doth relate, Mat. 11.28 May from all sin a freedom find: Yea ease unto the wearied mind. Joh. 7.37 And if that need that you do see, To come to Christ for to agree. Ther's Christ, lift up thy wound to cure, Joh. 3. ●… That thou its pain should not endure. That thou by him mayst peace attain, Eph. 2.16 Who died, thy peace for to regain. Thou, if thou wilt repent of sin, Act. 3. ●… And faithfully believe in him, Act. 20. ●… Then mayst thou sure his grace apply, Act 13. ●… Rom. 5. ●… If thou by faith unto him fly. That thou his love mayst never slight, Joh. 3. ●… 2 Cor. 5. ●… His Servants call thee to invite. Yea they beseech thee to come in, And to be reconciled to him, To whom thou daily wast offender, Rom. 5.1 Yet he his grace doth freely tender: And still is calling unto thee, 2 Cor. 6.1. To that end that you might agree. CHAP. IV. MY children then his grace affect, Psal 118.22 Hos. 4.6 1 Thes. 5 19 Mat. 21.41 And not the grace of God reject. Not quench, not grieve nor yet despite; The Spirit which doth so free invite. But still by it persuaded be, To come to Christ and to agree: Rev. 3.20 Mat. 11.28 Joh. 6.45 Joh. 5.25 That their no difference may appear, Be careful then Christs voice to hear: And all his sayings so respect, Act. 3.22 Mat. 7.9 As none of them for to reject. Whilst you are young this rule observe, Ecle. 12: 1 And never from it do you swerve. Psal. 119.9 Mat. 7.12 As you would have men deal with you, By this rule be you guided so, ●… k. 6.31 That you the same no other do; But as you would be done unto. ●… ov. 18.8 If you'l have men of you speak well, ●… ov 16.28 ●… sal. 71.10 ●… et. 3.2 Their failings not to others tell. If you would always live in peace, Let tongue from Clamour always cease. ●… m. 2.12 ●… om 12. 1● If you'l have men do you no harm, Do none, to them Christ doth you warn; 〈…〉 8.19.20 And if they evilly you entreat, ●… at. 5.43 ●… 4 ●… ct. 7.60 ●… uk. 23.34 Mat. 6.12 ●… uk. 17.3 Your Saviours words do not forget. Pray God their failings to forgive, That they may see, while here they live, Their faults, that they may pardonned be, That ever they did do to thee, Mut. 5.44 But at their welfar still so aim, To do them good do not refrain. Rom 12.20 Though evil they would do to thee, If Christs Servant thou wilt be, Mat. 5.4 Mourn and lament if they go on, In doing of thee open wrong. Mat. 5.39 40 〈…〉 Pet. 2.12 Act. 24.16 〈…〉 Cor. 1.12 But never be thou on revenge, Least Christs ill will thou do infringe. Thus mayst thou sit and be at peace, Though men in malice do increase, CHAP. V. Mat. 28.20 MY children let Christs words bear sway, And his requirements still obey. Mark. 12.6 Give God what doth to him belong, Be sure do not thy Neighbour wrong. And if thou own Christs sayings true Mat. 22.2 Give unto caesar what's his due. And from whom thou receiv'st protection, Rom. 1.3 Let him have love and due subjection. Though Kingly rule hard things require, Let not thy thoughts so far aspire. Rom. 13. ●… To ease thyself by force of Arm, Mat. 26. 5●… The Scripture plainly doth forewarn. But see that thou dost so submit, 1 Pet. 2.13 As thou mayst prove a subject fit; Rom. 13. ●… Tit. 3 1 To Gospel rule and Christs law, To which all men should stand in awe. And let not wrath thy practise sway, Rom. 13.5 For Conscience sake do thou obey. If thou wilt Christs Servant prove, Mat. 5.44 ▪ 45 Do what thou dost in truth and love. Mind still to keep thy Conscience clear, Mat. 24.16 voided of offence whilst thou art here. 2 Cor. 1.12 Joh. 12.48 And unto Christ have such respect, As he may not thy works reject. In all thy ways take heed of sin, Heb. 3.12 ▪ 13, 15 And ever learn to follow him, Whose words are left thy path to guide, Act. 3.22 That thou mayst never go aside. Heb. 1.1 And so to him do thou comform, Mat. 19.29 Rev. 22.14 As he thy actions may adorn. CHAP. VI. MY children have a care to show, Mal. 1.6 Prov. 5.9 Joh. 5.23 Deut. 5.16 Lev. 19.22 Mar. 12.22 Honour to whom you honour owe. ●… abour your chief respect to give, ●… eut. 11.1 To God through Christ whilst here you live, ●… osh. 22.5 From Scripture you have plain direction. Chr. 23.11 To let the Lord have your affection. And if you love the Lord entire, ●… sal. 2.3 Joh. 5.3 You do but what he doth require. Think not that it deserves from him, ●… uk. 17.10 Though he have chief of thy esteem. Mar. 12.30 〈…〉 Joh 14.19 ●… om. 5.4 Do thou thy duty and then say, Love causeth me for to obey. 〈…〉 Cor. 5.14 His love to me doth me constrain, To show my love to him again. 〈…〉 Joh. 4.19 ●… oh. 19.13 His love is great my love is small, To him belongs glory of all. 2 Cor. 5.19 O depth of love, Riches of grace, Rom. 5.10 Of God through Christ to overpass, 1 Tim. 1.13 And me in favour to accept, And not my labour to reject. 1 Sam. 3.10 Speak Lord, require me, he●e I am, Joh. 14.15 Act. 17.30 To do thy will at thy command. If thou command me to repent, And help that nothing me prevent, Lam. 3.20 myself for sin shall humbled be, Psal. 35.13 Luk. 18.13 And only mercy crave of thee. Nought else but grace and mercy show, That I thy mind on earth may know. Mat. 15.22 Psal. 86.11 Heb. 10.7 To do thy will whilst I am here, That I thy Servant may appear. To thee to men let all men see, Rom. 7.22 Rom. 12.2 That Christs Servant still I be. CHAP. VII. MY Children always have a care, From love to God that you him fear: Eccl. 12.13 1 Sam. 2.30 And honour him still in your place, From sense of love, mercy and grace. 1 Joh. 4.1 1 Cor. 1 〈…〉 58 That herein still you may abound, And in your duty still be found. I as a Father you persuade, Not to diminish nor to add. Rev. 22. 1●… But what the Scripture doth command, Mat. 28.20 Still labour for to understand. Rom. 16.26 Mat. 4.20 21 Mat. 9.9 Luk: 9.62 What Christs requires do thou obey, When he calls thee, do not thou stay. Do not reason with flesh and blood, To neglect any thing that's good. And if a motion do arise, 1 Thes 5.19 That comes from Christ, it not despise. Rev. 3.20 But yield obedience to the same, Act. 26.19 And do not count it any shane. Rom. 1.1 Look not for an immediate call, Luk. 16 〈…〉 20 But what is left common for all. Which is kept as a common store, Joh. 5.3 2 Tim. 3.15 Rom 16.26 Act. 4.11, 12 Act. 2.46 Eph. 5.1, 2 Eph. 2.13 14 Rom. 5.2 To make thee rich though thou art poor. I mean the Scripture declaration, Of the right way of our salvation. Likewise account to us they give, How Christs flock did use to live. They do declare Gods peace is made, And how true peace it may be had. CHAP. VIII. THat you my children plain may find, Joh. 1.12 I shall endeavour to remind, Joh. 6.51 That you embracing may obtain, That bread of life that will remain, The Scripture now I shall assign, ●… sa. 53.56 Wherein that you may call to mind, Rom. 5.6 What debt for us that Christ hath paid, ●… sa. 53.11 And what upon him there was laid: Which by the Scripture you may see, 1 Pet. 3.18 Heb. 10.8 he's charged with our iniquity. Not for himself but for our sin, Col. 1.12 Mat. 5.17 That he a Body took to him. And in that Body did Gods will, Luk. 10.19 And his requirements did fulfil. Gal. 3.10 And to that law did put an end, Heb. 8.7 Gal. 3.10 Whilst man obliged did him condemn. Because in duty man did fail, Nought which he did could then prevail, Luk. 10.32 To satisfy and clear from sin, 〈…〉. 5.10 Till Christ a Body took to him, ●… r. 5.19 Who by his death did reconcile, Eph. 2.14 Isa. 31.5 Joh. 7.37 Poor man to God who was defiled. Thus peace is made as you may see, That man might ever happy be. Rev. 21.17 And his salvation is proclaimed, Joh. 1.12 To that end it might be obtained. Luk. 11.9 And if by faith men will receive, God promiseth freely to give. CHAP. IX. MY children dear if you'l receive, You must in God through Christ believe, Joh. 1.12 Joh. 3.3 1 Pet. 1.2 And by the word be born again, Then sonship sure thou mayst obtain, And those great blessings to receive, 2 Cor. 6.18 Which God hath made promise to give, Not only thee from sin to clear, Act. 13.39 But farther mercy doth appear. By sonship more there is rec iv'd, Rom. 8.15 Then is by worldly men believed. There is the Spirit thee to guide, Eccl. 1.13 And shows thee strength that will abide; Joh. 16: 13 The power of God for to protect, 1 Pet. 1.5 Joh. 10.29 1 Joh. 2.1 Rom. 8.27 Those which his Spirit doth direct. Ther's Christ for thee to intercede, And still thy cause for thee to pled. Though Satan he would thee accuse, Rev. 12.12 And seeketh thee for to abuse. Ther's Christ remains thy cause to clear, Heb. 7.25 Who before God doth still appear, Heb. 4.14 And unto thee will sand supply, Joh. 16.7 When unto him by faith thou fly: Heb. 6.19 Rom. 4.25 Rom. 5.9 That whilst that here thou doth abide, Thou stand'st accounted justified, And sin no more laid unto thee, Rom. 4.7, 8 Then if thou hadst remained free. Rev. 14.5 Rom. 5.1, 2 Yea mayst thou with great confidence, Still go to God without offence, Ch. 8.15 Heb. 4.16 For grace to help and to remain, ●… f once true sonship thou obtain. To crown your work and labour here, 2 Tim. 4.8 This Saviour shortly will appear, Col. 3.4. Joh. 14.3 And to himself will then receive, Rev. 3.21 And if thou truly do believe: Joh. 17 14 Luk. 22.29 Where still with him thou shalt remain, And in the Kingdom with him Reign: Rev. 21.4 & 7.17 Where no more sorrowing shall be, Where from all pain thou shalt be free: Rev. 12.10 Psal. 16.11 Where no temptations will be found, But joy and comfort shall abound: Job. 3.14 Where wicked men will not thee wrong, Neither in action nor in tongue: Where Satan cannot thee beguile. Nor any sin can thee defile: 1 Thes 4.17 Where thou shalt then thy maker see, 1 Cor. 13 Col. 3.4. And from him never partend be: Where Saints which now thou hast so loved, Will not from thee at all be moved: Mat. 25.31 Where Angels faces thou shalt see, And never from them partend be: Rev. 11.5 Where Christ his Saints and Angels be, enjoyed to all eternity: Rev. 19.3 Where Hallelujah they shall sing, In praises to the Heavenly King. CHAP. X. Luk. 24.25 26, 27 Rom. 8.17 MY children search and you may see, These things they may expected be. And you may all these things obtain, Eph. 2.8, 9 And if true sonship you do gain. Not any work of yours doth merit, Rom. 3.24 Luk. 1.2 32 Nor perchase what you shall inherit. But only grace doth freely give, To those that faithfully believe. Thus mayst thou see from first to last, 1 Cor. 4.7 The good you have is all of grace. The grace of God to man was shown, Gen. 1.17 In Image made him like his own, In giving him such high degree, Gen. 1.28 Above all others as we see, Providing all things that were fit, Gen. 2.9 And causing all for to submit, That of all Earthly things he made, Psal. 8.6 Supremacy man only had. Here's honour great and favour shown, As by the Scripture may be known. If we consider of mans fall, Gen. 3.9 How God through grace to him did call, Gen. 3.8 When he by sin did go aside, And thought himself from God to hid. Yet God through grace poor man did mind, As by the Scripture we may find. And when he naked did appear, Through grace he did not leave him there. But Clothing better for him made, Gen. 3.21 Then he himself already had. Yea when by law poor man stood cast, Rom. 5.12 God did to him extend such grace, Rom. 5.18 Gen. 3.13 That he a promise to him made, Before he any Sentence had. Which promise made so far did reach, Gal. 4.4 That God intends to heal the breach, Which sin had made and man defiled Rom. 5.10 God by rich grace hath reconciled. Which many ways it will appear, As Scriptute lines will plainly clear. His purpose here for to be known, Lev. 16.9 verse. 21 Darkly through offerings it was shown, The Sacrifices made appear, Exo. 12.3 Exo. 20.24 What since to us himself doth clear: Which if we understand the case, Will show the Riches of his grace. CHAP. XI. Gal. 4.4 GRace doth appear and love extend, That he in time his Son should sand, Heb. 2.14 1 vers. 16 On him our nature for to take, And in it suffered for our sake. Isa. 63.3 To make that whole which man had lost, Heb. 5.35 Himself was only at the cost: That he should then endure such pain, Heb. 12.2, 3 That we should be restored again. Rom. 4.25 That he himself should justify, Rom. 5.18 Poor man from sin that ought to die. Here's love here's mercy and rich grace, 1 Joh. 4.1 The sin of man to overpass. My children see this is not all, Concerning grace we may recall. Eph. 2.2, 3 Consider when we first did act, To God we had not much respect; But other things did more desire, Jer. 2.24 Luk. 15.14 Then doing what he did require. Like Prodigals how have we spent, What God for good to us hath lent. Eccl. 11.9 How have we spent our wits and time, In pleasing of the fleshly mind. And how much do we still delight. To feed the fleshly appetite. Luk. 15.16 Yea on the husks how do we feed, Without due sense what things we need. Jer. 3.8, 9 Thus from the Lord how man doth go, And yet what mercy he doth show. Act. 9.1 To show his grace for to recall, Act. 9.4 This is great mercy but not all. Jer. 3.14 But by the Scripture we may see, That all Gods dealings gracious be, That he such love should now extend, To such poor souls as do offend, Luk. 15.18 That if they will return again, Act. 20 How free he is to entertain. There former deeds shall be forgot, He all their failings out will blot. Jer. 23.6 Rev. 7.13 With righteousness he will Cloath, Them, which for faults themselves do loathe. Luk. 15 24.32 How doth the grace of God abound, To him thatis lost when once he's found. Luk. 15.7 The Son the Saints the Angels be, rejoicing greatly this to see. CHAP. XII. REturn my children near and dear, That I this joyful voice may hear. Rev. 21.17 Isa. 55.1 And that you may partakers be, Of Gods rich grace that is so free: Which he calls to you to receive, ●… nd freely he'l unto you give. ●… our Saviour calls you for to come, Job. 7.37 Mat. 22.4 ●… rovision's made and there is room. ●… ea entertainment there is much, ●… ll this vain world affords not such. ●… here's grace in mercy sin to clear, Heb. 8.12 Joh. 14.18 2 Cor. 12.9 ●… here's grace of comfort to appear: ●… race of support thee to sustain, ●… oh. 16.33 ●… oh. 14.27 There's grace of peace that will remain. There's grace of glory to bestow, Luk. 12.32 Joh. 10 29 Such as poor mortals cannot know. There's endless blessedness to be, That never can be took from thee. 1 Cor. 2.12 Thus by free grace it doth appear, Is all our good enjoyed hear. And what henceforth to be bestown, Luk. 22.29 By grace is only to be known. So the beginning and the end, Luk. 12.32 Its only grace that doth extend. 2 Tim. 4.5 Let our hearts then rejoice and say, The good of grace itis we enjoy. CHAP. XIII. MY children Scripture doth declare, Joh. 1.13 What persons new born Creatures are, And who they be are in this state, To which these promises relate. 2 Cor. 6.17 God promises to all doth make, 1 Joh. 4.1 That they of Sonship may partake. Mat. 22.4 And on his part all is prepared, As by the Scripture is declared. 1 Tim. 2.6 Not want of Christ for thee to die, Heb. 2.9 And thee from sin to justify. Rom. 5.18 Tit. 2.11 Joh. 5.40 Not want of mercy to be shown, And if the day of grace be known. The want is will for to receive, Mat. 23.39 The things that God doth freely give. Phil. 2.13 Though power to will and power to do, God freely give and doth bestow; But other things doth it restrain, Luk. 14.18 And hinders man so to refrain. Mat. 22.25 Luk. 18.23 This will in practise for to put, sometimes till door of grace be shut. Joh. 12.43 Prov. 1.25 Luk. 19.41 42 That justice comes for to be shown, On those that mercy would not own. My children then persuaded be, That you the day of grace do see, Heb. 3.13 verse. 15 That by God is freely bestown, That you may make it sure your own. And you by faith may that apply, Rom. 5.1 Which Christ hath don to justify. 1 Joh. 3.2 1 Joh. 4.13 That which the former Saints enjoyed, Which faithfully the Lord obeyed, 1 Joh. 5.13 You plain may see to be your own, What they enjoyed by Scripture shown. 2 Cor. 5.2 CHAP. XIV. BY the Scripture it doth appear, That they born of the Spirit were. Joh. 3.5 And likewise of the water too, As Scripture lines to us do show, By baptism they did then put on Rom. 6.3 The Lord and still did walk along. In what the Lord he did command, 1 Pet. 2.21 As plainly we may understand. Whose path is left for imitation, 1 Cor. 11.1 To us through every generation. Phil. 3.17 That those which then declared new born, They were obedient to the form, Rom. 6.17 Of doctrine which was preached then, Rom 16.26 As Statute laws fort'h sons of men. Gal. 1.8 1 Cor. 11 26 1 Thes. 1.6 Joh. 6.29 Psal. 37.4 Psal. 1.2 Psal. 119 77 Wherein that they should then remain, Until our Saviour come again. Thus if you search you now may see What duty is required of thee. Not only sin for to dislike; But in the Lord so to delight, That what he saith you ought to do, You still must harken thereunto. The former Saints it doth appear, Their path was thus in Scripture clear. CHAP. XV. Gen. 6.13 Heb. 11.7 NOah we plain may understand, Did build an Ark at Gods command: 1 Pet. 3.20 Whereby that we may plainly see, Both him and his saved to be. Heb. 11.8 Abraham did leave his native land, To follow God at his command. Heb. 11.17 When God bid him his Son to slay, The Lord he did not disobey. Mat. 4.20 Peter and Andrew left their nets, To follow Jesus in his steps. Mat. 4.21 James and John did Father leave, To follow Christ we may perceive. Mat. 9.9 Matthew did leave taking of toll, To follow Christ we may behold. Zacheus he made no delay, Luk 19. ●… What Christ required for to obey. Samaritans his word receive, Joh. 4. 3●… They soon confess and do believe. 40, 41, 〈…〉 After Christs death it doth appear, His Servants did his mind declare. And many Souls did it receive, Who did repent and then believe, Act. 2. 3●… Act. 2. 4●… And were baptized in Christ's name, The Scripture doth declare the same: Who then went on in Christ's way, Act. 2. 4●… And steadfastly did him obey, This was the path we then may see, Act. 2. 4●… Of those declared saved to be. Thus may you see if you desire, Mat. 1. 1●… 15 What Christ of men did then require, Thus none from duty are set free, Act. 10. 4●… 48 Although obtained a high degree: And of the Spirit have received, As by the Scripture is believed. CHAP. XVI. THus former Saints they did obey, As Scripture lines do plainly say. Many Examples may be given, Which ought by all to be believen. EXAMPLE. I. The first Example given then, Was the Church at Jerusalem; Act. 2.41 42 Which if the word you rightly take, How they Church members then did make: The word to them was then declared, And they which then it gladly heard, They did repent and then believe, Upon which then they were received, And admitted baptized to be, Act. 2.44 As by the Scripture you may see: Which steadfastly continued, In fellowship and breaking bread. For grace to help in their affairs, They daily sought the Lord with prayers. EXAMPLE. II. Samaria we may perceive, Act. 8.12 That Phillips words they did believe: When he to those did then declare, Of Christs Kingdom to appear: When he preached to them Christs name, They were Baptized in the same. Both men and women we may see, By Phillip then baptized be. EXAMPLE. III. Cornelius and his called friends, Act. 10.33 When Peter came for whom he sends. The word of God of him to hear, As by the Scripture doth appear. Peter the same to them doth teach, Act. 10.36 Which to the Jews before was preach●. And that it might fully be known, Act. 10.45 ▪ 46, 47, 48 That God he did the Gentiles own. His Spirit he did then bestow, On those as Scripture lines do show. Yet watered baptism is required, Though they so high had then aspired, The holy Spirit to receive, Which things are left for to believe. Thus may you plainly Scripture see, Act. 8.38 Believers baptism for to be: A thing the Churches then did own, As by the Scriptures may be known. EXAMPLE. IV. At Phillippy it doth appear, Act. 16.14 A heart opened the Lord to hear, Who then attended to the word, By Paul was preached she gladly heard. And those with her they did obey, And were baptized Scripture doth say, Yea afterward it doth appear, Act. 16.32 33, 34 The jailer with his house did hear: Who they required for to believe, Who to their words did credit give. Who was baptized with those he had, The proof hereof is fully made. Thus upon search it may appear, That no young Infants that were there, Act: 8.36 But such capable for to hear, And to believe as doth appear. EXAMPLE. V. ●… l. 2.10 〈…〉, 12 At Coloss Paul he doth declare, That they by baptism butted were With Christ into his death saith he, And that through faith they risen be: Which they that will may plainly see, That these believers needs must be. EXAMPLE. VI. ●… ct. 18.8 At Corinth Chris●ass ruler chief, When once in Christ he had relief, And his house likewise did the same, They were baptized in Christ's name. At Corinth plain it doth appear, Cor. 1.13 Many believed when they did hear, And were baptizd in Christ's name, The Scripture doth declare the same. And thus we plainly may perceive, By what account that Paul doth give: 〈…〉 Cor. 12 ●… 3 The holy Spirit in that day, So lead Souls forth for to obey. And if his sayings we do mind, This was the way the Saints were joined. Their commendation he declares, As plainly unto us appears, 〈…〉 Cor. 11 2 That they the ordinances kept, And likewise did not Paul forget. But as delivered they were, Their practise then it did appear. EXAMPLE. VII. ●… om. 6.3 At Rome Paul plainly doth declare, Into what name baptized they were. He would them mind that death to sin, That they themselves profit therein. And that as sure as Christ was dead, Act. 22.16 There sins with him was butted, To all those Saints that faithful be, As by the Scripture we may see. EXAMPLE. VIII. Paul having many Countries past, Did come to Ephisus at last: Act. 19.1, 2, 3 Who finding of Disciples there, As plainly to us it doth appear. He asked whether he had received, The Spirit since that they believed. They were baptized it doth appear: As Scripture lines to us do clear. My children plain it doth appear, No Infants in these Churches were. Nor any member here was seen, But such as had baptized been. CHAP. XVII. IF you'l be lead by Scripture light, Infants have there as little right, From thence that they baptized should be, As to break bread that I can see. Sound reason you'l but little see, That Infants should Church members be. Since Scripture's silent of the same, Them to bring in is but a shane. My children then have you a care, And ever in your path beware. Rev. 22.18 Nothing to worship you do add, Deut. 4.2 But what from Scripture may be had. CHAP. XVIII. Confirmation. FOR to confirm this blessed truth, That you it practise may in youth, 2 Tim 3.15 So soon as light it doth appear, And God the same to you doth clear, I shall give you Scripture direction, Whereby you may have satisfaction. Affirmation. Believers ought baptized to be, As by the Scripture you may see. To prove this truth which I assert, These following grounds I shall impart, To you that plainly you may see, Proofs from the Scripture plain they be. GROUND. I. The first from Christ's own command, Mat. 28.18 19 Mark. 16 16 Wherein that you may understand, They were Disciples made to be, Before baptized as you may see. Such as were able to be taught, Before they in the Church were brought. GROUND. II. The second ground that I shall teach, Is what that the Apostles preached: Which is not meet for to forbear, But unto you for to declare. This doctrine Peter did begin, Act. 2.37 To preach to them were pricked with sin; Which Phillip after doth declare, Act. 8. 3●… Unto the Eunuch will appear. This Peter he again did teach, Act. 10.47 When to Cornelius he did preach. Paul and Silas did preach the same, Act. 16. 2●… When in prison for Christ's name: And to the gaoler did declare, As by the Scripture doth appear. You may from hence this light obtain, Believers baptism doth remain. And no other for to be used, And if the Scripture be perused. CHAP. XIX. BUT that you further may enjoy, That light with you in Scripture may, I now shall you again remind, What practise I in Scripture find, That they which did the word receive, And Peters doctrine then believe, Act. 2.41 In token they baptized be, Act. 22.14 That sin is cleansed and they are free. If you will now so search and see, Upon right terms baptized to be. If you'l reap good by what you do, Be sure the Scripture harken too. Mat. 28.18 19 There's to be seen Christ's command, From which you plain may understand, Mark. 16 16 Therein his wisdom did think meet, And none but such accounted fit, Into his name baptizd to be, But taught disciples as we see. Act. 8.12 If Saints examples you will mind, Act. 2.38 It s only such that you can find: As by the Scripture doth appear, Act. 9.19 I'th Apostles time baptized were. Rom 12.16 Therefore my children learn to see, That you think not wiser to be, Mat: 3.15 Then Christ and his Apostles too, And those which in their path did go. 1 Thes. 1.6 Do not imagine in your mind, That you a better way can find, 1 Cor. 3.19 Mark. 8.38 Luk. 7.30 Then former Saints they walked in, Least it do prove to be your sin: And you yourself be brought to shane, For not professing Christ's name. Advised be for to obey, Act. 17.30 Repent of sin and not delay. Believe in Christ that you receive. Act. 2.37 What he hath promised to give. And be baptized into his name, Rom. 1.16 And never of it be ashamed. ●… oh. 14.21 Rom. 15.4 〈…〉 Cor. 1.4 More comfort still you will enjoy, As you believingly obey. CHAP. XX. MY children learn to understand, Our Lord doth worship now command. Joh. 4.23 Although the law abollisht be, Col. 2.14 Yet men from worship are not free. And whilst that you do it neglect, 2 Cor. 3.7 Act. 2.38 That good you cannot well expect, 2 Phil. 1.13 Which you have promise to enjoy, If faithfully you do obey. Heb. 5.9 Act. 17.30 Therefore consider well your state, And what unto you doth relate. And labour still to do an act, Act. 3.19 As you a blessing may expect. Act. 22.16 Joh. 5.25 And if you Christs voice will appear. True comfort then it will appear. If you own him to be your head, Eph. 5.23 You must by him be governed. And in his house still for to be, Act. 3.22 1 Tim 3.15 And if you would true comfort see, Out of this Church you must not stay, Heb. 3.6 Rev. 22.12 If a reward you would enjoy. Into his vineyard do retire, Mat. 20.3.4 And he'l reward you with your hire. No doubtful thought there need to grow, But what is meet he will bestow. But if you Idle will remain, Mat. 20 3 Expect not then for to obtain Those things that he hath promised, Gal. 4.5, 6 Rom. 8.14 17 To those are by his Spirit lead. Consider then your state in time, embrace the light whilst it doth shine. Mat. 11.28 Open your eyes that you may see, Come unto Christ and he'l you free. CHAP. XXI. CHildren these lines they may declare, To you what my principles are. And if the Scripture them do prove, It is your du●y them to love: And me to follow in my path, And if my practise Scripture hath Phil. 3.17 Fully confirmed it is the same, Those had which did profess Christs name. 1 Cor. 11.1 Then follow me and if you see, A follower of Christ I be. And sure you may be to receive, What he hath promised to give, Act. 5.32 To those which truly him obey, And walk faithfully in his way. Luk. 9.23 And know you sure as you may see, Mat. 10.38 What Christs followers should be. And of what his true Church is made, The proof in Scripture may be had. 1 Pet. 2.5 Still living stones they ought to be, As by the Scripture you may see. Rom. 8.14 Such as are by the Spirit lead, And feed upon the living bread: ●… oh. 4.23 Such worshippers as spiritual, That do in truth upon him call: Act. 2.41 Such for his house are only meet, Act. 5.14 Yea they are such as he doth seek. If Scripture rule that you do mind, Act. 2.47 It s only such that you will find. CHAP. XXII. THere is account that we must give, Rom 14.12 Unto the Lord how here we live, That Jesus Christ may it complete, Heb. 5.9 Let us his sayings not forget; But so to hear as to obey, If we would see his face with joy. Joh. 5.25 My children this I to you leave, And unto you account do give, Of what I do believe and act, That in your way I may direct: And set some marks that you may see, Isa. 8 20 The same in Scripture written be. The only rule our minds to sway, Joh. 5.39 Is what the Scripture writings say. Gal. 6.16 And if from thence that you do vary, You will be subject to miscarry. Rev. 22.19 If you'l give credit unto men, Mat. 15.1 That's leading you away from them, Mark. 7.13 Phil. 3.17 To worship God in any path, That from Christs flock no pattern hath: Let men or Angels it declare, Gal. 1.8 Your duty is them not to hear. And know there work will not abide, 1 Cor. 3 12 When it shall come for to be tried. These things considered in my heart, Made me in youth for to depart: And leave the broad way of the nation, Mat. 7.13 Although it was most in fashion. I my relations did forsake, And with them I would not partake. And they some threatenings me did give, Because that I could not receive, For to rule me my path to sway, Which Scripture writings did not say. And I through grace was made to see, 2 Chr. 26 18 That needs implicet I must be. If unto them I could adhere, In what Scripture did not declare. Lev. 10.1 As you my children plain may see, Jud. 8.27 Will Worship and idolatry, 1 Sam. 13.9 Is that which men they do command, 2 King. 21 Although they do not understand: 2 Sam. 6.8 That Christ or his whom he did sand. 1 King. 12 33 The same allowed or did commend; Or by Scripture required be, Mat. 15.9 Isa. 1.13 Such is gain or idolatry. If God he will require one day, Wherefore did you these things obey. It us concerns duty to see, Num. 1.51 And by whom it required be: Least we by him come under blame, Because he not required the same. CHAP. XXIII. CHildren consider of the time, Wherein that you your being find. And if you'l search what Scripture says, You'l find these be the latter days. And perilous that they will be, 2 Tim. 3.1 As by the Scripture you may see. 2 Pet. 3.3 Although some freedom is enjoyed, It's not on such foundation laid, As we may think long will remain, Joh. 16.2 If Scripture light we do obtain; But to expect great alteration. Phil. 3.12 Though present peace be in our nation. The Scripture doth to us declare, Mat. 24 Great alteration will appear. If we look back but few years past, Mat. 24.7 And in our minds up things do cast. Therein we plainly may behold What by the Scripture is foretold, That in their day should come to pass. Which if we do think of the case, They farther unto us declare, What to be expected are. By Scripture plain you may behold, The love of many waxing could. Iniquity for to abound, Mat. 24.12 As in our days it may be found. Yea many that have itching ears, 2 Tim. 4.3 Though Scripture rule it not declares: That such worship God doth approve, Rev. 13.4 Which we are so inclined to love. But few that worship do receive, Joh. 4.23 Which Christ and his did for us leave; But in the Kingdom of the beast, Rev 13.6, 7 The Saints for it must be oppressed; Which upon search it may be found, Rev. 17.5 How misterous it doth abound. How high how. low in ages past, Satan hath veiled and overcast. 2 Cor. 11 14 And clouded light that would appear, As Scripture lines to us may clear. Rom 13.16 Sometimes mens edicts must be taught, Rev. 13.4 And nothing else it must be brought, For men in worship to practise, But as the whore and beast device. And those that then they will not bow, Though they in conscience know not how. Rev. 12.17 Must be exposed unto the flamme, As on record we find the same: Which in the Kingdom of the beast, Is what by Scripture is expressed. CHAP. XXIV. COnsider of the danger great, Rev. 14.9 10 Of those that hand unto will set: And unto that for to comform, Which Scripture l●ght against hath born. Rev. 17.14 By constant search we may behold, What filth is in the cup of Gold: And how it hath defiled the nations, Rev. 17.5 Through its accursed bominations: To which ther's left us Scripture store, Chap. 15 To prove that shee is but a whore, Rev. 17.7 Which holds this Cup still in her hand, As plainly we may understand. Although Christ's Spouse shee doth declare, Her self to be 'twill not appear. For shee owns not him for to be head, In all things to be governed. Rev. 17.15 But takes upon her to command, Both Kings and great ones of the Land. Rev. 18. ● And into fellowship doth take, Such as our Saviour ●o forsake. Both small and great ther's none but shee, Rev. 13.16 Will own Church members for to be. And if that they will but partake, Of her edicts which she doth make, She would persuade that she can free. From all sins which committed be. And thus she sits in Christs place, Which much his honour doth disgrace; But ther's a day that will be found, When suddenly she shall come down. Rev. 9.10 CHAP. XXV. BY Scripture plain it doth appear, What troubles great there will be hear. Luk. 21.26 That few those things they will escape, Mat. 24.9 Which to the outward man relate. Though troubles at Christs house begin, 1 Pet. 4.17 Yet troubles in the world will end. If to Christs flock hard things betid, Heb. 10.27 How will the world those things abide, Which Scripture writings do declare, And for to be expected are, On those that not obey Christs name, 2 Thes. 1 8, 9 Though they required to do the same. But here a little for to stay, And to declare what Scriptures say. That will befall the outward man, In the days that are now at hand. ●… at. 24.7 How the nations to war are set, Which will produce such troubles great, As those unborn may come to feel, What is incurred by ' th Sword of steel. Which upon search expect no less, Then to be brought to great distress, By famine pestilence and sword. And if for it you'l take Christs word, By reason these things do prevail, Luk. 21.26 The hearts of men in them will fail. And many fears their minds will throng, By thoughts of what is coming on. Rom. 9.2 The sober hearts doth weep and wail, Heb. 12.15 To see how Satan doth prevail. Tit. 1.15 How men by him are much beguiled, Jam. 3.6 And how their Conscience is defiled. 1 Cor. 11 14 How much he strives to cloud the light, Which in our days have shined so bright. Far greater light of late was shown, Then was to our forefathers known. Eph. 6.11 But in this time of light and peace, How much doth Satans will increase, Rev. 11.12 To draw mens hearts away from truth, My children dear take in heed in youth. 1 Cor. 11.3 That you be not by him deciev'd, Luk 21.39 And of true comfort so bereaved, 2 Tim 2.16 Knowing much danger you are in, Through him to be deceived by sin. I would some marks in your way set, hoping that you will not forget: 1 Pet. 5.8 But so that you them daily eye, As you those dangers may espy, Heb. 3.12 Which by the Scripture you may see, The former cautions given be, To those whilst here their time did spend, Heb. 3.1 That they might have a blessed end. 1 Joh. 5, 〈…〉 That is my aim in what I writ, Rev. 2.1 Unto your path to be a light. That though from you I taken be, You may true comfort come to see. Phil. 1.2 Rev. 14.1 CHAP. XXVI. MY children have a care of pride, Whilst in this world you do abide. Jam. 4.6 And learn yourselves always to see, Luk. 15.1 Then surely you will humble be. Consider who it was you made, Lam. 3. 2●… And from whom you a being had. Gen. 1.1 And how oft you do him offend, Which you into the world did sand. Jam. 3.2 You may behold and plainly see, Ther's cause that you should humble be. Consider what by sin you're made, What shane by it that you have had. Rom. 3.19 Rom. 5. 4●… 18 And if you search it is most clear, Your shane when naked will appear. Consider then and you'l espy, Gen. 3.10 yourselves are in deformity. Consider then how under blame, If you should glory in your shane. Phil. 3.19 What reason then can mortals see, But that we still should humble be, What is it then exalts the mind, And doth the understanding blind: 2 Cor. 4.4 That whilst poor mortals her They should exalted be with pride. Think thou of the beasts of the field, How they to thee do clothing yield. Consider of the earthly friend, Thee to sustain her aid doth sand. A nurse to thee she doth remain. Thee in thy wants for to sustain. What is it thou hast yet in thought, But from some other hath been brought. Hast thou fine clothing now to wear, Think from whose skin thou didst it tear. Hast thou fine linen white and clean, To whom hast thou beholding been. Hath not the earth been here thy friend, These Ornaments to thee to sand. Hast thou got on the worms pastime, Which doth make thee in honour shine. When thou art clothed with Silk array, Its but worms cloth thou dost enjoy. Consider then and you will see, Ther's cause of much humility. Shouldst thou bedeck thyself with gold, How canst thou now thyself behold. All things which now so glorious show, If thou thyself for them dost owe. They borrowed be as may be known, To thee are lent they're not thy own. Consider then and you may see, Ther's cause that you should humble be. CHAP. XXVII. HAth God on you wisdom bestown, Consider you are not your own. Ezek. 16.2 You had in bondage been exiled, If mercy had not on you smiled. Your debt of charge for to defray, All that you had it could not pay. It's only mercy and Gods grace, Joh. 1.16 1 Cor. 5.20 Through Christ his Son to overpass, And unto you to sand supply, Else you had been in misery. Consider then if you not see, Ther's cause of much humility. But that I farther may you warn, That pride of heart do not you harm, Consider what was the first sin, Wherein the Angels did begin. Gen. 1.11 judas. 6 They in dislike their dwellings left, So of all good themselves bereft. Our parents wiser for to be, Gen. 3.8 Then informed innocency, Did bring on them apparent shane, vers. 10.16 17 Besides just and deceived blame. Yea open lay to justice due, But God did then his mercy show, Man to redeem who then was lost, Isa. 63.5 Himself was only at thee cost. ●… o that my children you may see, 1 Pet. 1.1 No cause but we should humble be. CHAP. XXVIII. MY children much it doth me dread, Hearing how you may be misled. If you should walk in the broad path, Where Satan many snared hath, Rom. 6.21 By their compliance unto sin, What judgement have they plunged in. Eph. 4.19 20 Gal. 5.19 20, 21 Gen. 18.20 Heb. 3.12 In vices walking for to live, Themselves in lusts allowance give. The crying sin of this our nation, For vengeance of no alteration. And if you should with them partake, And so the living God forsake. Rom. 1.18 Woe woe would be your portion sure, Rom. 2.5 When that Gods wrath you will in●ure. My children have a special care, Prov. 7 That in your path now still beware, That you all company forbear, Where you may apprehended a snare. Remember Joseph when intis'd, His Mistri's counsel he despised. Gen. 39.9 The fear of God before his eye, Made him her purpose to deny. He would not be beguiled by sin, For to offend the Lord his King. CHAP. XXIX. LET Josephs path a pattern be, Gen. 45.4 5. To you of love and clemency. And if God do on you bestow, Of earthly things, your places know. Remember those that are in want, Gen 45.7 Them to relieve and not to vaunt yourselves, because you have some store, 8, 9, 10 Know it's not lent to you therefore. But pitty to your fellows show, Job. 6.14 And to others if want they know. Spare some-what, if you objects see, Prov 19.17 Of pitty in their misery. Let your compassion so exstend, 1 Pet. 3.8 Heb. 10.34 To them of what God doth you lend, As you a blessing may receive, From him who freely doth us give. Rom 11.12 Mind not great things to feed your lust, And in the Lord still put your trust. Prov 10.36 And lawful means do not refuse, Prov 13.11 But lawful things lawfully use, Eph. 4.28 As you a blessing may obtain, Eccl. 4.9 Psal. 1.2 From him who's able to sustain. CHAP. XXX. BE sure you do not disagree, Gen. 45 24 Psal. 133.1 But live in peace and unity. ●… ph. 4.2 ●… hap. 6.9 Thes 3.12 Act. 17.26 Although some difference may be found, Be sure let love in you abound. That you still seek each others good, As knowing you're made of one blood. Pet. 1.18 Knowing one price did you redeem, Let love in you be always seen. Rom. 5.8 Did God hi● love to us commend, When we averst let love extend, vers. 10 To those which yet enemies be: Rom 12.20 If you with comfort God would see, 1 Cor. 4.7 Eph. 2.5 Consider one anothers case, Mind still the difference is free grace. Eph. 3.7 If God have more on thee bestown. It was his gift before thy own. Rom 11.18 Boast not because thou didst receive, Eph. 2.9. But freely unto others give. Eph. 1.12 And always mind his praise to show, 1 Pet. 1.7 1 Cor. 7.24 From whence the good thou hast doth flow Remember still and not forget, Heb. 12.1 The place wherein God doth you set: Gal. 6.16 That you your duty so observe, As never from the rule to swerve. Exo. 20.12 Your duty to your parents know, Col. 3.20 Jud. 11.36 And labour it to them to show. And by obedience so submit, Eph. 6.12 As Scripture lines enjoin to it. Mind always love and deu subjection, Jer. 35.14 Luk. 2.31 According to Scripture direction. And if you servants come to be, Col. 3.22 23, 24 Mind still yourselves in your degree: Eph. 6.5, 6 To your own masters precepts yield, Know it's his duty you to wield. If he require things to your pain, Tit. 2.9 Perversely answer not again. And if that he do froward prove, 1 Pet. 2.18 Do you your Service perform in love. Mat. 8.9 Consider still to do an act, Col. 3.24 Act. 10.7 As you a blessing may expect. When your master doth not you see, Remember diligent you be. Col. 3.25 Know there is an all seeing eye, Col. 2.22 Which all your actions doth espy, Then with good will do it perform, Eph. 6.6 As you your place may still adorn. Know you yourselves and I not fear, But in your place you will beware. In all places where you are set, Your duty you will not forget. Gal. 6.16 Mind still to walk to act and be, As you a blessing still may see. Have you a care to use no more, 2 Thes 3.12 Then God allows you for your store. Heb. 3.27 Be careful if you be in need, 2 Thes. 3.8 Not for to steal your wants to f ed. Eph. 4.24 But rather with industerie, Act. 20.34 Your needful wants for to supply. Mat. 37 And if you need to use a friend, money or Goods to you to lend: Be sure observe to keep the day, Rom. 13.8 That you do promise him to pay; Psal. 37.21 Or favour beg to be so kind, For to give you a longer time. When it's you lent be sure to know, That for the same that you do owe. Exo. 22.14 Let care and diligence be shown, To pay and know it's not your own. CHAP. XXXI. MY children I do farther you advice, That in all things you tend to my direction, And that my counsel you do not despise. But them to place always in your affection. Psal. 119.9 And whilst that you are in your single state. Labour to practise what is your concern. Mind every thing that doth to you relate, So that your duty you may truly learn. Joh. 5.35 36 2 Tim. 3 15, 16 Eccl. 12 Psal. 119.9 Remember still the Scriptures for to red, And it's instructions carefully peruse. Know ther's sufficient you always to led. If that it's counsel you will not refuse. There you are counseled God for to remember. Betimes in youth before the evil day: That your first fruits unto him you do render. Think of in time and do not make delay. Luk. 14.20 Know many snares this outward man attends, As persons do grow up to riper years, Whereby they often do the Lord offend. As by the Scripture unto us appears: Mat. 13.22 Now whilst you are placed in a single state, You have more freedom for to be employed. In things of God which do to you relate, Then may hereafter for to be enjoyed: If you should chance a married state to choose. 1 Tim. 5.8 Some duties then to you will more appear, Which most times proves to be the state of those. We may observe whilst they are placed here. 1 Cor. 7.33 Now your concern is chiefly but for one, Which your engaged primely to provide, But then your duty is for every one, Of all yours which do still with you abide. But if necessity doth you constrain, That herein you yourselves cannot content, 1 Cor. 7.2 The Lord he Marriage did once ordain, One end was fornication to prevent. That other ends you duly may receive, Which God affords unto a married state, In writing here some rules to you I leave. Which for our guide the Scripture doth relate. Unto you all I now would leave direction, That if you change the state that you are in, That you may not at all place your affection. Eccl. 7.26 On such as may prove for to be your sin. Know that by what I have to you declared, Your states not safe till you are born again, Joh. 3.5 And you i'th practise which of old appeared. Those walked in which Christs love obtained. If this be truth you plainly may perceive, Heb. 3.7, 8 It you concerns timely for to obey, That you repent and truly do believe. Act. 17.30 If you do think Christs kingdom to enjoy. And if your duty thus see to be found, Act. 3.19 As by the Scripture you may truly see, If you expect true comfort to abound. 1 Cor. 7.39 Such only your yoke fellows still should be. If you expect an answer to your prayers, 1 Pet. 3.7 I'th Gospel tie should be a unity, Yea you united still as fellow heirs. Of Christs kingdom which revealed will be. And if you should not thus place your affection, As chiefly aiming at the better thing, 1 King. 11 3 Deut. 7.3 I know you will incur such great distraction. As in your path will prove to be your sin. CHAP. XXXII. YEA if you seek to know Scripture declares, How many persons they have met with snares: Which choose them Mates and set Gods word at nought What disadvantages that it hath brought. Let us consider of the former day, Gen. 6.2 Before the flood how men did go astray. The sons of God, the Scripture doth declare, Did choose them Wives because that they were fair. But did not heed how equal was their choice, Nor yet obedience to their makers voice. Gen. 6.6 Which if the Scripture that we do believe, This act of man Gods Spirit much did grieve; That God he did both man and beast destroy, And sent a flood that swept them all away. Esau did disobey the Lords command, And took him wives of the Land of Canaan. Deut. 7.4 Gen 28.7, 8 Gen. 27.47 Heb. 12.16 ●… 'd. 16.4 ●… 1 19 ●… 'd. 16.30 Whereby that then his parents grieved be, Yea he's profane as we by Scripture see. samson by loving of a Dalilah, Lost both his eyes that he no light then saw. Yea lost his strength which so much did excel, All other men which upon earth did dwell. Yea lost his life by his unequal snare, By Dalilah all these things procured are. ●… eut 17.11 Yea Solomon that was the wisest man, Outlandish women we may understand, King. 11.3 In his old age did draw his heart away, And from the Lords command did go astray. Yea great confusion came to Israel, Neh. 13.23 As Scripture lines they unto us do tell. confused in language and likewise in mind, Mal. 2.11 As by the Scriputre we may plainly find. Their children which their wives to them did bear, Must be disowned as it doth appear. Ezr. 10.12 Their wives which they unto themselves did choose, They with their children they must likewise loose. This reformation we may plainly see, Perform d when they came from captivity. CHAP. XXXIII. MY children now if Scripture light you'l heed, Amos. 3. ● How can two walk except they be agreed. Mat. 6.9 How can they pray our father and agree, I'th things they want if not a unity. 1 Pet. 3.7 Yea how much doth it prayers still prevent, If with one heart that they do not consent. Consider then my children for to see, None for to choose but such as still may be, Helpful unto you in the greatest thing, And unto you may always comfort bring. If you own Christ and truly him obey, I know you'l heed what he and his do say. Then your choice will be only in the Lord, And still agree to his revealed word: 1 Cor. 7.39 Which by his servants which by him inspired, You will I know do what by them required. My children then be watchful to be found, Still in that place where comfort may abound. Though you be poor or though your house be mean, prov 31.30 Be sure be watchful keep the conscience clean. Let not vain beauty nor the worldly coin, Steal your affection to ensnare your mind. Any to those but such as you may see, With a good Conscience still it will agree. And that a blessing still you may expect, These lines I leave that I may you direct. CHAP. XXXIIII. KNow you the place of Husband should be se●… As guide or governor do not forget. Eph. 5.23 Josh. 24.15 Gen. 18.19 Deut 32.46 Tit. 2.7 1 Tim. 5.8 Col. 3.19 1 Cor. 7.16 1 Tim. 5.8 So for to rule as government should sway, And those he hath should always him obey. So that a pattern he may always be, Of righteousness that others it may see. Let love always in your place seated be, That from all bitterness you may be free. Let equity and justice so be don, As those contrary may by you be won. Let diligence still in your place be shown, Them to provide for yours which for, you own. And do not let your minds abroad to roame, To Gad abroad when you should keep at home. Col. 3.18 The place of wives it is to be subject, Unto the precepts Husbands do direct. Eph. 5.22 24 As Christs Church is ruled by Christ her head, So wives by Husbands should be governed. It you concerneth so to make your choice, Tit. 2.5 As you may subject to your Husbands voice. And know of old that women used this way, Sarah of old she Abraham did obey, 1 Pet. 3.6 Yea so much honour she did him afford. She thought no shane him for to call her Lord. Rebekah likewise she did hid her face, Gen. 24.56 65 Gen. 31.16 1 King. 16 And she subjection then thought no disgrace, Yea many others we may plainly see, Their Husbands honoured in a high degree. Their practise Peter doth the saints remind, To that end that all women might incline. 1 Pet. 3.9 To due subjection in their called place, To do their duty and think't no disgrace. My children then have always in your thought, Gal. 5.6 To Scripture rule that your mind should be brought And in your choosing for to join with none, 1 Cor. 14 35 Eph. 5.22 33 But those whose government that you may own. If Scripture rule you'l take for your direction, The womans learning should be in subjection. CHAP. XXXV. YEA the great rule placed in the firmament, Gen. 6.6 You may behold always such government. As all inferior lights they subject be, Prov. 8.29 Unto the Sun in all his rule we see. And unto us it plainly doth appear, No light by'th Moon received as seemeth clear. But from the Sun that first she it receivs, Before to us that she her light then gives. Much more I might declare that you may see, Gen. 3.16 How right in rule and government should be, Mans ruler chief a King in some degree, For to dispose of things in's family. The Scripture the great charter wherein lies, The borders of his rights and's liberties. His statutes there he plainly may behold, How by occasion them he should unfold. And be a dread to those that go astray, And are not heeding it for to obey. Yea for a praise he likewise is to those, Which to right rule and government do close. Thus may we see Gods wisdom very great, That to all things he made he bounds did set. The Sea with waves though it move to and fro, Job. 38.15 Out of it's bound or compass doth not go. The Sun and Moon and Stars do all agree, Jer. 15.22 Job. 33.33 Jer. 8.7 To keep them compass as we daily see. The Stork the Crane the Swallow and cuckoo, Observe their time convenient for to go. The p smire likewise and the feeble Ant, Prov. 30 25.16.6 To time observe for to supply their want. CHAP. XXXVI. MY children have a care that men may see. And equal draft where you may yoked be And if you'l credit what Scripture hath spoken, Ther's many ties compared to a yoke. Mat. 11.28 Christs commands we plainly may espy, Are called a yoke whereby that he doth tie, His followers together in a band, Whereby that plainly we may understand. Mat. 7.26 Jam. 1.22 Mat. 28.20 That any Soul that from his rule will vary, They will be very subject to miscarry. From him such ties to mankind doth remain, Of rules and government, Mark. 16 15, 16 for to restrain Their mind and practise from the thing is ill, And them to draw to his appointed will. Marriage is called a yoke whereby, That man and wife together it doth tie; Rom. 7.2 1 Cor. 7.11 39 And they by it are coupled so together, Till death depart they may not part from other. But whilst they live they always should agree, So for to live in peace and unity, As equally that they may draw together, As none draw back to keep the right from either. Service to men'● a yoke, it is declared, 1 Tim. 6.1 Which tie men ought duly for to regard, Whether unto the government of Kings, Rom. 13.1 Or unto Magistrates inferior things. Or unto masters we may plainly see, A due subjection rendered should be. Yea unto parents it doth you concern, That you your duty carefully do learn. Eph. 6.1, 2 Because a promise unto it is joined, And if your duty you do duly mind. Yea Wives to Husbands they should subject be, Eph. 5.23 24 1 Cor. 7.24 As by the Scripture you may plainly see. Then see you still do mind your due relation, As providence disposeth of your station. Thus if you learn your duty for to see, And only that by you still practised be, You may true peace in every state obtain, Gal. 6.16 That you are in whilst here you do remain, And in the end of these your earthly days, 2 Tim. 4.6 7, 8 Come to assurance of eternal joys, Which when possessed will such great comfort flow, 1 Cor. 2.19 As mortals here those none doth fully know. CHAP. XXXVII. MY children knowing many snares, In our days frequently appears, I think it meet warning to give, That them you shun whilst here you live. Consider of the common snare, By which that men deceived are; How Satan strives mens minds to sway. That they Gods word do not obey. How did he our first parents sway, And caused them to disobey, With pleasant fruit, though it forbid, How was the snare from them so hide, That he their minds did much disguise, persuading them they should be wise; Gen. 3 How Adam would excuse his sin, On her that God had gave to him. Yea how would Eve her self then clear, As by the Scripture doth appear, The Serpent he beguiled me, To eat of the forbidden three. CHAP. XXXVIII. MY children I would you remind, What persons I in Scripture find, That have endeavoured for to lay Their faults when they did go astray, Upon some others to help to bear, Their burden, and themselves to clear; Or else to put some specious name Upon their sin to hid their shane. We Aarons words may not forget, Exo. 32 The people are on mischief set. How Ahab would his sin expel, 1 King. 17 Elias troubleth Israel. David did seek his sin to smother, 2 Sam. 1 25 The Sword slays one as well as other. Old Israel they did rebel, Exo. 32.1 Where Moses is we cannot tell. The Patriarks excuse to say, Gen. 37 Some wild beast Joseph did destroy. The fruitless Servant doth report Mat. 15.14 His Master's hard, and doth retort. Pilate this refuge doth espy, Mat. 27.24 Let Christ's blood upon you lie. Although in judgement seat he stands, To clear himself he'l wash his hands. The Priest the sin on Judas laid, Mat. 27.4 Because his maker he betrayed. King Saul he Samuel doth blame, 1 Sam. 13 11 1 Sam. 15 15 Because that he no sooner came; His Sheep and Oxen spares to slay, To offer, and doth disobey. And Gods command he doth despise, To offer them in Sacrifice. How many shifts men do espy, Themselves to clear and justify. ●… uk. 18.11 The Pharisee says all is well, Himself to clear, says, I excel, The Publican a sinner is, I hope my state is not amiss, When others sins men can espy, Themselves to clear and justify. My children learn in time to see, How this with Scripture doth agree. Let's see if all his righteousness, Wherein that he himself doth bless, Can satisfy or clear from sin, Or justify the state he's in: Though he himself says, it is well, The Publican I do excel, Yet whilst no farther he doth go, You may perceive it is not so, As in his mind he doth conceive, If Christ's word we do believe; Mat. 5.20 By whom account to us is given, They must exceed that enjoy Heaven. Luk. 9.24 Act, 17.30 Phil. 3.8 Gal. 2.19 Thou must thyself learn to deny, Repent of sin, and from it fly. Disown the right the law doth give, And not to think by it to live. And not thyself for to compare, 2 Cor. 10 12 Luk. 18.11 Gal. 3.11 1 Tim 6.12 Gal. 5.6 Jam. 2.20 Joh. 3.3 Heb. 10.23 To those that vicious walkers are. Thou must have faith Christ to apply, Thy Soul by it to purify. By love this faith for to declare, What Christ of us requireth here. By the new birth be born again, In Gospel duties to remain. This upon search we plain may see, That they of Christ required be. Which they that happiness do mind, 1 Pet. 1.9 Ought thus to seek so as to find. Gal. 3.12 Which upon search it may appear, The Pharisee walketh not here. CHAP. XXXIX. MEN which inclined are to pride, This refuge find their sin to hid, And they for to excuse their sin, Say handsomeness is a comely thing. My children I would you forewarn, Psal. 10.2 That pride of heart may not you harm. Obad. 3 Some things which men say comely be, Have you a care from them to flee. Costly attire do you not wear, 1 Tim. 2.9 1 Cor. 10.6 Rom 12.13 Feed not your Lust, it something spare, Where objects be that are in want, On them bestow where cloathing's scant. 〈…〉 3.7 Adam and Eve they did provide Fig-leaves at first their shane to hid. ●… n. 3.21 But God through grace for them did care, Providing Skins for them to wear. 〈…〉. 13.15 Remember then, if cause you find By rich attire, to prompt the mind. ●… ov. 6.17 Besides if proud, you may expect 〈…〉. 2.12 The living God will you reject. ●… al. 4.2 Although thy mind exalted be, Yet know that he can humble thee. ●… m. 4.6 And surely he will thee abase, 〈…〉 Pet. 5.5 When to the lowly he shows grace. CHAP. XL. THE Drunkard he his sin would clip, And lay it on good fellowship. Yea on his fellows he will lay The fault that he so long did stay. Vain words much leading to miscarry, On their allowance to be merry. But though that they it thus excuse, Yet see that it you do refuse. And do not you yourselves abuse With lawful things, if rightly used; Eph. 5.18 For Scripture plainly doth express, Isa. 28.1 A dreadful woe to all excess. A dreadful doom you plain may see, 1 Cor. 6.10 For such shall not possessers be Of the great bliss of Heavens joy, But God the wicked will destroy. 2 Pet. 2.12 Besides those snares that will attend, Luk. 12.35 Whereby the Lord they much offend. Rom. 3.16 2 Thes. 1.9 It is the door for to let in To many an other grievous sin. It doth the understanding drown, Gen. 9.21 Yea how doth it the Conscience wound. It doth transport the heart of man, Luk. 21.34 Nothing that's good to understand. Yea more to it might be expressed, Jud. 10 Makes man more brutish then a beast. And that his fellows made him stay, Will not excuse him in that day, When all secrets they will be known, Men shall be judged for their own Sins which by them committed be, And other men cannot you free. When men they oft times merry be, In vain words of much vanity, Yet by the Scripture you may see, Pro. 10: 19 In many words much danger be. Though they themselves allowance give, Men must account how here they live. Mat. 12 37 Jam. 3.5 And since the tongue oft merits blame, Men ought to strive their tongues to tame, And always so to bridle it, Jam. 1.16 As nought to speak but what is fit, Eccl. 5.2 That seasoned their words should be, Col. 4.6 And such as may be savoury. And if vain words you would forbear, Psal. 26.4 Pro. 12.11 To vain companions not adhere, Least that you in much danger be, Pro. 28.19 When otherwise you might be free. CHAP. XLI. HE that his neighbour can defraud, O this mans wits they will applaud. And he's commended that can gain This worldly wealth, and take no pain. That you may not herein transgress, The Scripture plainly doth express As thou wouldst have men do to thee, Mat. 7.12 Luk. 6.31 Prov. 3.27 Thy conversation still should be. If thou thy own wouldest enjoy. Besure thy neighbour thou do pay. What doth of right to him belong, Act. 7.26 Phil. 4.8 Besure do not thy neighbour wrong. But see his deuce still rendered be, Rom. 13.7 If thou again thy own would see. Yea he that can dissemble much, There's policy none like to such. He that can drink his Princes health, And waste his own and's neighbours wealth; Yea this is he shall favour find, So long as he Louis his coin. But when his wealth that he hath spent, He may see need for to repent. His former friends which he injoyd, They surely now aside be laid. Though he hath drunk his princes health, Yet now it ministers no wealth. But that which once so comely was, Doth minister to him disgrace. And such his company do shun, With whom that he hath been undone. And now when he doth walk alone, His lost estate he may bemoan. CHAP. XLII. MEN when they game to waste their coin, They do't to pass away the time, And when by swearing they do sin, They will confess't a foolish thing. But yet they will not be so wise, This foolish path for to despise. My children see you time do use, Heb. 3.1 15 And not your precious time abuse. You need not trifle it away, 2 Cor. 6. For time for you it will not stay. Mar. 13.3 If present time from you be past, 1 Pet. 4.2, Your future time how long 'twill last! Rom 13.1 By you it is not fully seen, Psal. 89.4 Then see that you do time redeem. Eph. 5.1 CHAP. XLIII. YEA he is looked upon a man, That on his manhood so will stand; He that will fight and curse and swear, Rather then injury to bear. My children plain you may espy, Herein there is much vanity. And seldom time it hath been known, These high resolves have comfort shown, Dan. 5.6 When that pale Death it doth appear, Psal. 55.4 1 Cor. 15 56 Nū. 23.10 It maketh these strong men to fear; And then they glad would mercy own, Though little mercy they have shown. Then think in time pitty to show, Rom. 13.8 You no man injury do owe. Psal. 94.1 Rom 12.19 Let God alone his work to do, Do thou revenge to no man show. Rom 12.20 21 But if thy enemy do need, Give thou him meat his wants to feed. And if that he be thirst and dry, With drink do thou his wants supply. 1 Cor. 9.27 And learn thyself to understand, That thou thy passions do command. Rom. 5.8 10 Remember God shewed love to thee, When that thou wast his enemy. CHAP. XLIV. THat covetousness men may not see, It them concerns wary to be, And keep in hand what they possess, Though Gods poor Saints are in distress, Like Nabal they'l keep what they have, Though Davids want do somewhat crave. My children, think you of the state That doth to covetousness relate: Though he a wary man would be, Himself from sin he cannot free. But Scripture lines they do declare, Eph. 5.5 That such they Idolaters are. Col. 3.5 That you my children may espy, Ezek. 33.31 Hab. 2.9 Luk. 12.16 For to shun all idolatry, Desire nothing but what you may With a good Conscience still enjoy. Heb. 13.15 Desire not thou thy neighbours store, Nor yet thine own do not adore. When God calls thee the poor to feed, Luk. 18.22 Distribute to them if they need; 1 Tim 6.11 Act. 5.1, 2 And keep not back what God requires, To feed thy lusts in its desires. And know as God thy wants sustains, 1 Cor. 7.17 2 Cor 10.14 A part of his with thee remains; Mat. 25.34 And thou his right oughtst to bestow, And know to him thou it dost owe. And if his Saints they be in need, Rom 12.13 This he reserveth them to feed, And thou must not keep then in hand, 1 Pet. 1.7 What he reserves and doth command. 1 Pet. 4.8 Thy charity thou must extend To his poor Saints, or him offend. Heb. 6.10 But to do good do not forget, Heb. 13.16 Gal. 6.10 In every place where you are set. Luke 1.2, 3 Remember the poor Widows mite, Which offered with a heart upright, Our Saviour doth account it more, Mar. 12.43 Then the large gifts of great ones store. CHAP. XLV. IN these our days which we live in, There is another crying sin, Which many seem to make it small, And some would make it none at all. When they commit adultery, A trick of youth, they went awry. When they do commit fornication, They lay't on natures inclination. And are not willing for to see Their sin that they may humbled be. Let not this practise, which is vile, Exo. 20.14 Through these deceits your hearts beguile. Deut. 5.18 Mat. 5.28 30 Rom. 13.9 Mat. 5.28 But mind what light Scriptures do give, Though lusts of men allows to live. My children see you have a care, That no enticement you ensnare, To be beguiled with this sin, Gal. 5.19 20, 21 Jam. 2.11 Mat. 19.5 1 Thes. 4.3 Gal. 5.19 1 Cor. 6.13 But know that's it offending him, Who did you make, by whom you live, Who unto man one wife did give, But liberty did still deny For to commit adultery. The light of Scripture is not hide, How fornication is forbid, Gal. 5.21 Rev. 2.21 22, 23 And how they shall suffer Torment, Which it commit, and not repent. CHAP. XLVI. MY children there's another common sin, Which persons rest themselves contented in, ●… nd that's in ignorance their time to live, ●… hemselves allowance they do daily give. ●… Vherein that they contentedly remain, Job. 21.14 ●… nd do not knowledge labour for to gain. And they are apt on God to lay the blame, Mat. 25.24 25 For their so much excusing of the same. And place the reason they no more have known, Because that God to them he hath not shown What many others did from him receive, And thus themselves are apt for to deceive. They're Ignorant still of their own estate, Jer. 4.22 And what doth to them always here relate. They're Ignorant of what God doth command, Isa. 44.18 And are not willing for to understand. They're Ignorant of what they ought to be, Hos. 4.6 And are not labouring that they might see. Their path declareth God they do not know, Luk. 19.42 Nor heeding what he unto them doth show, Knowing that this is a path of much danger, Psal. 79.6 Knowing true peace he hath not thats a stranger Unto himself, unto God and his way, Heb. 3.10 Joh. 5.39 40 I would you mind that you not go astray, And willingly do Ignorant remain, Of what God offers that you might obtain. 2 Pet. 3.5 2 Pet. 3.16 Nor yet to pled as if this state were well, Though all your time you thus contented dwell. Rom. 10: 3 You cannot pled thus but you must do ill, Mat. 23.37 Your want of knowledge is your want of will, Prov. 1.22 Not willingly Gods means for to affect, Hos. 4.6 You know not, because knowledge you reject. Eph. 4.18 That you may not think your estate is well, And so contentedly therein do dwell, Luk. 12.48 Psal. 146 12 You may be sure if Scripture you do eye, That Ignorance will not you justify. For God he hath afforded means to know Since the creation, so himself did show Prov. 1.23 Unto his creature Man which he hath made, Psal. 105.1 Illumination he hath daily had. Rom. 2.14 So that the Gentiles which had not the law, They had such means to keep their minds in awe, vers. 15 That by the Scripture you may see most plain, Without excuse that they do still remain. Yea the beholding of those things are seen, Psal. 19.4 It's such a line as every where hath been, Act. 14.17 That if no more should unto man appear, Yet Ignorance it would not persons clear. Act. 10 43 But further light God hath for men prepared, Which by the former Prophets was declared, Joh. 15.15 That should come forth, and should revealed be, Which is declared that we may plainly see. Joh. 1.7 8, 9 Which by his Son the Gospel is declared, To that intent that men might it regard. All excuses that he might now prevent, Act. 17.30 Heb. 1.4 Joh. 3.18 12 Act. 3.22 Heb. 2.17 Psal. 2.6 1 Tim. 1.15 Rev. 1.5 2 Thes. 1.7 8 Commandeth all men now for to repent. He would have men the Gospel to believe, And credit to the Record left to give. And Christ to own a Prophet Priest and King, For true instructions and true peace to bring, For government the minds of men to sway, He hath left rules that men should him obey. And know one day that Christ he will appear, And then your Ignorance will not you clear. But you must then by him to judgement come, Mat. 25.32 For all your works hath here by you been don. Rom. 2.16 Jam. 1.25 My children seek that knowledge you may gain, And of your ways and of Gods mind obtain, That you estate your plain may come to see, vers. 23, 24 And likewise what by Christ required be. Mat. 28.20 1 Joh. 3.4 Rom 14.13 Rom. 6.21 23 Joh. 3.19 36 Gal. 5.19 20, 21 Eph. 5.5, 6 Get understanding that you may know sin, Likewise the danger if you live therein. Know you that what the Lord doth you command, It is your sin if you not understand To put in practise what he doth require. But if that you will please the flesh's desire, And do those things by him forbidden be, You are in danger though you it not see. My children consider all the means Of grace afforded which the Lord he sends. 1 Cor. 1.21 22 Which by the Scripture you may plainly see, Rom 16.25 26 Joh. 5.40 Act. 2.41 If willingly not Ignorant you be: You may perceive how former Saints did live, Which to Christs words that credit then did give, And how that him they gladly did obey, Luk 19.6, 7 And when he called they made no delay, And they not reasoned with flesh and blood, Gal. 1.16 Then to neglect to practise what was good. CHAP. XLVII. MY children I would somewhat now impart, You to inform least you should say in heart, There is no God, as Davids fool declares, Which in his day by Scripture plain appears. Psal. 53.1 Which principle now in our days doth grow, ●… it. 1.16 As by mens practise plain to us may show. Who do in vices very much abound, ●… ob. 21.14 ●… xo. 5.3 Declaring plain God nor his word they own. Yea Pharaoh like their pride it is declared, ●… sal. 10.4 Who is the Lord that they should now regard. Gal. 4.8 Some others have of him such low esteem, That they will only worship what is seen. Ezek. 8 The Heathen he will Sun and Moon adore, But he the living God will not implore. Eph. 5.5 Covetous men their wealth so much do prise, That in their hearts they it do Idolize. Phil. 3.18 Some for their bellies do require such store, It is their God, for they love nothing more. Yea Atheist like so wicked some there be, No God they'l own but what they plainly see. Because no Devil doth to them appear, There is no Devil some of them declare. Deut. 4.25 But let all these men know they are deceived, For other things by us should be believed. There is a God, though these do not him own; Which many ways himself to man hath shown: First Argument. Psal. 19.1 Rom. 1.20 By the Creation of those things we see, Gods mighty power his works declared be. Second Argument. Exod. 8.19 Rom. 2 15 terrors of Conscience daily do declare, A greater power then of ourselves we are. Third Argument. Consent of Nations always do agree, something by man still worshipped should be. Psa. 115.33 My children then consent to Scripture lines, Where are enclosed for us such precious mines, As by them we may very plainly see, 1 Tim 6.10 Exo. 6.3 &. 34.6 1 Cor. 8.6 There is a mighty power and dignity; Which by them we may plainly understand, The power of God doth all things else command. The power of God did Pharaohs power destroy, Exo. 14.18 The power of God makes sea and earth obey; The power of God in thundering is declared, Exo. 9.32 33 Psal. 104.7 Luk. 10.20 And often makes the great men afraid; The power of God it is declared such, Makes evil Spirits for to tremble much. How doth his providence to us declare, Luk. 12.7 Psal. 147.9 That we by him still safe defended are. How hath he thus himself to man declared, Exo. 34.6 Psal. 145.9 If Scripture record that we will regard. There we may see how mercy did extend Dan. 3.17 Unto his Saints which did on him depend. How were the children kept when in the flamme, Dan. 3.27 That there no danger unto them then came. Yea how was Daniel in lions den, Dan. 6.22 From lions jaws and from the rage of men. Yea how did God his power exercise, Dan. 3.22 On their destruction which did him despise. What power like his which for Saints doth stand, Exo. 15.6 Job. 26.12 14 Josh. 6.20 And all inferior powers doth command. Yea Scripture lines his works to us do tell, How the great walls of Jericho soon fell. Nebuchadnezar the great potent King, Dan. 4.31 32, 33 To great confusion suddenly did bring. Yea in the deep how Pharaohs host was laid, How by his power great Pharaoh was destroyed. Exo. 14.27 How may we now his power great recall, How he the waters then did make a wall. Exo. 14.22 These things with many more might be declared, He's omnipotent, as it hath appeared. Exo. 6.3 ●… sal. 62.11 My children then his mighty power dread, ●… sa. 40.29 By whom you are preserved, yea clothed and fed. Do not you like the fool in your hearts say, There is no God that we should him obey. judas 24, 25 But by his government be always lead, And him obey, and still his presence dread. CHAP. XLVIII. MY children I to you declare, That unto God obliged you are For daily mercies to you shown, Which by free grace they are bestown; Mat. 7.7 And that more grace receive you may, Mat. 21.23 You stand obliged to him to pray. Though all your wants he well doth know, Joh. 16.24 Yet you must pray him to bestow. Joh. 15.7 That you may seek so as to find, I shall endeavour to remind Jam. 1.6 Rom 12.12 What by the Scripture is declared, How persons sought, and soon were heard. Gen. 14 Abraham prevailed for to receive A Son, and Sarah did conceive, Heb. 11.11 When Scripture lines they do declare, They both then very aged were. Gen. 32.11 20 Jacob prevailed favour to gain, And Esaus wrath for to restrain. Dan. 12.19 Daniel by prayers wisdom had, And true interpretation made Of what God did intend to bring, Upon the Babylonish King. Dan. 9.15 Likewise that he did come to see, The time of their captivity. 21.22, 24 Yea he did then favour obtain, To know that they should build again, And be possessed in their own land, He was made for to understand. Elias favour did obtain, More then three years to have no rain; Jam. 5.1 And afterward he prayed again. And quickly there was store of rain. By prayer favour did obtain, The widows Son to raise again. 1 King 7.2 When he by prayer did desire, 1 Kin 17. 1●… God answered him again by fire. Just Lot for Zoar he did pray, Gen. 19. 2●… 21 That God he would not it destroy; Who did grant to him his request, As by the Scripture is expressed. The Ninivites they fervent were, Jon. 2 Praying to God that he would them spare, Who did prevail for what they sought, That judgement on them was not brought. When Peter he in prison lay, Act. 12.5 The Church of God for him did pray, Who then an answer did obtain, Act. 12.7 To be restored to them again. Yea many persons when diseased, Mat. 10 The Lord in mercy then was pleased, And they by prayer did obtain Soon for to be restored again. Mat. 9 Mark. 5 When in Pauls flesh a thorn there was, By prayer he obtained grace, 2 Cor. 12.7 8, 9 That able was him to sustain, And farther strength he did obtain. My children then persuaded be, Mat. 7 Mat. 6.32 Joh. 6.23 To seek to God that need you see, And that you do not time refrain, But so to seek as to obtain. Jam. 1.6 That you may seek so as to find, These followings rules see that you mind. Mat. 6.10 When that you pray be sure that still, You ask according to Gods will. Mar. 11.24 And be sure that when thou dost pray, That you believe you shall enjoy. Luk. 18.34 Though you an answer not obtain, At present think it's not in vain; vers. 5.6 But constantly do thou desire The thing that you of him require. 2 Cor. 12.8 Do not forbear because you see No present answer comes to thee; Luk 18.7, 8 But constantly seek thou again, Till thou an answer do obtain, Mar. 11.23 And always labour to desire To have your mind and thought retire. Isa. 28.14 And though thy words they broken be. Yet know the heart that God doth see, Mat. 6.32 Mat. 6.6 And he knows what is thy desire, And what of him thou dost require. Psal. 34.18 Be careful in private to seek Psal. 51.17 With fervent faith and Spirit meek. Mat. 6.6 Oft to thy closet do retire For answer to thy hearts desire. Isa. 66.2 Though that thy words they many be, The upright heart the Lord doth see. Mat. 6.7 Though but few words there be expressed, If they in faith, yet thy request Isa. 51.11 12 The Lord will answer in due time, And thou from him will comfort find. When unto God that you do pray, Be sensible what you do say. And labour more for Soul contrition, Mat. 6.7 Then only words of repetition. Eccl 7.14 If ought against thy brother be, Mat. 18.35 Forgive him that thou mayst be free. Col. 3.13 If others they do join with thee, Mat. 6.12 Mat. 18 19 Be sure as one you do agree. If others they do pray for thee, Mat. 13.58 Be sure that you believing be. If others have been wronging thee, Act. 7.60 Be sure their good promoted be. If in thy closet that thou be, Mat. 6.6 Be sure the Lord he doth thee see. If more of him thou long to see, Luk. 1.53 Be sure that he will come to thee. Rev. 3.20 If thy great burden be thy sin, Mat. 11.28 Be sure for help lay hold on him. If of thy load thou eased wouldst be, Joh. 8.36 Be sure in Christ thou mayst be free. If ever thou wouldst comfort gain, Rom. 5●● Be sure by Christ it is obtained. If ever thou from sin be free, Eph. 24 Be sure 'twas grace shown unto thee. If ever glory be bestown, Luk. 12.32 Be sure 'twas grace that made it known. If in thy heart thou sin regard, Psal. 66.18 Expect not prayer to be heard. If thou desirest on lust to spend, Jam. 4.3 Expect not good for to attend. If not according to Gods will, Jam. 4.15 Expect not that he will fulfil. ●… l. 5.16 If not in faith that thou do pray, Expect not thou for to enjoy. ●… r. 11.26 If that thou dost in malice live, Expect not God for to forgive. ●… k. 18.1 If thou in seeking weary be, Expect not a reward to see. ●… at. 6.18 If thou pray of men to be seen, Expect no benefit therein. CHAP. XLIX. WHen that thy Alms thou dost bestow, See thou do not a Trumpet blow. ●… at. 6.2 What good thou dost know God doth see, ●… uk. 12.33 Who a reward will give to thee. Mat. 6.3 With sincere heart do thou bestow, ●… uk. 11.41 From love to God let duties flow. Mat. 6.1 And not for to have praise of men, In what that thou bestow'st on them. 〈…〉 Cor. 13.3 Nor yet to merit by thy dead, Although that thou the poor do feed. ●… ct. 9.36 In these things keep thy Conscience clear, If thou mindst comfort should appear. ●… ct. 16.4 1 And God who doth all secrets see, Mat. 6.4 Will a reward bestow on thee. CHAP. L. MY children dear I somewhat would you mind, By Scripture record you may plainly find Concerning Christ in whom we should believe, Joh. 6.29 And to no other credit for to give For to be Christ, by whom there comes salvation, Act. 4.12 But in him only by Scripture relation. Who with the father he his glory had, Joh. 17.5 Heb. 1.2 Col. 1.16 2 Cor. 8.9 Gal. 4.4 Joh. 1.14 Gal. 4.5 By whom and for whom every thing was made. Who left his glory, for a time was here, Made of a Woman, did in flesh appear, Yea under that law man obliged in Himself was made us to redeem from sin. Scripture declareth that of Davids seed The true Messiah that he should proceed; Rom. 1.3 Gen. 12.3 Yea he who equal with the father was, Phil. 2.6 For our sake he did then himself abase; And he himself did think it then no scorn, Phil. 2.7 For to appear then in a servants form. And that he might bring many sons to joy, Heb. 2.10 He was a sufferer in his earthly day. Yea he did not the Angels nature take, Heb. 2.16 But flesh of Abrahams seed he did partake, Sin only he exempted, Heb. 4.15 whilst he here In all things else like us he did appear. That he might succour those that tempted be, Heb. 2.18 Himself was tempted we may plainly see. Yea though that he is now exalted Lord, Mat. 8.20 In's days of flesh himself did not afford A se●led dwelling or place of rest, Luk. 9.28 As others have, as Scripture hath expressed. Yea many hardships then he did endure, Isa 52.14 That he to us a Kingdom might assure. This Christ my Saviour in whom I believe, Joh. 4.42 As the account the Scriptures of him give, Who was of the power of the Lord conceived, Luk. 1.35 Made of a Woman still by me believed. Rom. 7.14 Yea born a subject to that righteous law, Which was ordained to keep man in awe. Heb. 10.7 Who carefully those precepts he did mind, To do an act to which man was injoynd. Mat. 5.34 39.44 Yea farther he the mind of God declared, Then to the fathers formerly appeared. Isa. 53.10 Yea though that he himself did do no sin; Yet the Jews malice much was toward him, Mat. 27.23 And nothing else their minds would satisfy, Act. 2.36 But they our blessed Lord must crucify. Act. 2.24 And wherein here their purpose they obtained, By bands of Death he could not be retained, Act. 2.32 But that he did again from Death arise, As it was witnessed to his Servants eyes. Luk. 24.44 And they did see him, and he did unfold, What that the Prophet had a foretime told. Act. 1.3 And many days he then by them was s●en, According as it hath declared been; Mat. 28.18 Who having now to him all power received, According to the Scrip ure is believed, Mat. 16.15 Did issue forth to men his righteous law, To that intent that men should stand in awe. Luk. 10.3 11 And when that thus his mind he had declared, As Scripture writings plain have made appeared, Act. 1.11 He did ascend out of their sight to Heaven, Who was received, as the account is given, Act. 2.33 Who now doth si● at his fathers right hand, Act. 7.10 As by the Scripture we may understand. Eph. 4.8 Who when that he ascended up on high, Gave gifts to men, we plainly may spy. 1 Tim 3.16 Great is the mystery for to be known, That Christ of God should thus a man be shown, That in the Sp●rit should be justified, And here on earth a certain time abide. And that he should of Angels here be seen, Mat. 4. 1●… And to poor sinners oft times preached been. That in the World men should in him believe, Joh. 3. 1●… That for their sins himself in love did give. And that to glory he return'd again, Exo. 4. 1●… Who with the father still he doth remain There in the presence of the Lord to be, Heb. 9. 2●… To intercede and keep his people free From being overcome by failings here, 1 Joh. 2.1 Mat. 16.11 He with the father always doth appear, Luk. 22.32 Who for his Saints doth always intercede, Joh. 17.15 And he their cause doth with his father pled. Rom. 8.27 Act. 2.7 Joh. 16.13 Joh. 16. 1●… Yea he his Spirit forth to his doth sand, Them for to guide that they do not offend, Them for to teach what he would have them know, And of himself more things to them to show. Yea unto whom a witness for to be, Rom. 8. 1●… 18 That they are his and shall his glory see. Yea they by it do fully apprehended Act. 1. 1●… That Christ shall come again and shall descend, Mat. 25. 3●… Joh. 14.3 1 Thes 4. 1●… Col. 3.4 Rev. 11. 1●… Rev. 5. 1●… Heb 9.28 Rev. 1.4 〈…〉 Prov. 8.23 Joh. 1●. 5 Isa 9. 6● M●t. 2.9 Joh. 1.14 Luk. 2. ●3 Mat. 5.17 Heb. 10.7 And he shall in his glory then appear, And to himself receive the faithful here. Yea unto them this comfort doth afford, That they shall then be ever with the Lord; And that no more that they shall partend be, But live with him to all eternity. Thus may you plain my children come to see, He was, he is, and what that Christ will be. He was in glory when the earth was laid, Became a child, and was in flesh arraid, Grew up a man and did the law fulfil, Was always subject to his fathers will. ●… sa. 53.3 〈…〉, 7 Rom. 5.10 ●… oh. 10.15 18 Heb. 9.12 Eph. 4.10 Mat. 28.18 Heb. 8.1 Rev. 22.12 Joh. 14.3 Mar. 13.26 1 Cor. 15 25 Psal. 110.1 endured sorrow, subject unto grief, That man distressed he might find relief, laid down his life and took it up again, That he redemption might for us obtain. Yea he's ascended on his Throne on high, Where he's in Power and Majesty. Yea he hath promised he will come again, And take to him his mighty Power and Reign. CHAP. LI. BUT since in our day plain we may spy, Some scoffers which our blessed Lord deny. 2 Pet. 3.3 2 Tim. 2.18 Yea by their words they have deceived some, Though they deny our Lord again shall come. Yea they are pleased now for to declare, That he within them now doth so appear, As they expect and say it is in vain, For men to think that he will come again. 2 Pet. 3.4 2 Thes 2.11 My children dear, take heed in time to see, By strong delusions these deceived be. 1 Tim. 4.1 And know that Scripture plainly doth declare, Mat. 24.5 11 That they should in the latter days appear. Therefore consent not to the words they give, Mat. 24.33 26 Nor yet their sayings do you not believe. Act. 3.21 For though they say Christ and's glory within, You have much ground to think another thing. Mat. 25.31 And unto us the Scripture lines do clear, He with his Angels one day shall appear, Mat. 24.30 And in such glory then he shall be seen, A● yet injoyd by mortals hath not been. Yea in respect the work he then shall do, Rom. 2.16 ●… t very plainly unto us may show. Mat. 25.31 ●… nd if the Scripture we think not in vain, Mat. 16.27 We may believe that Christ shall come again. ●… y Scripture plain the account is given, Heb. 9.28 ●… hat he shall then come with the Clouds of Heaven. ●… nd he his Angels then abroad shall sand, Mat. 13.41 ●… o gather out those which do him offend. Then shall the Tares be partend from the Wheat, Mat. 13.49 When he shall then fit in his judgement seat. Yea by the Scripture you may plainly see, 1 Cor. 15 51 Phil. 3.21 1 Thes 4.16 Luk. 14.14 1 Cor. 15 12 Phil. 3.21 Col. 3.4 The living Saints they then shall changed be. Yea those which now are butted in the grave, That they shall then a resurrection have. And by the Scripture it may be espied, The faithful bodies shall be glorified. The Scriptures plainly unto us do clear, These things to be when Christ he doth appear. Which if the Scriptures that you do believe, ●… t's this account that they to us do give. My children then concerned much you are, For Christ his coming still for to prepare, Mat. 24.44 Mat. 24.50 ●… east that day should come on you unaware, And it do prove to you then as a snare. Luk. 21.35 That Christ may you accept and then receive, Joh. 1.12 Mark. 1.15 You must repent of sin, also believe, Yea by the Spirit to be born again, Joh. 3.3.5 Heb. 5.9 ●… n his requirements here for to remain. And, as he doth require, profess his name, Luk. 12.8 And to submit, and to think it no shane. And so being still acting in his way, Mat. 10.38 Mat. 19.29 You may with comfort see his face and joy, When that the nations of the earth do mourn, Mat. 24.30 Which here Christs rule and government did scorn. Rev. 6.16 And the great men and Captains out will cry, And from his presence they would gladly fly. vers. 17.18 Yea they will cry to Mountains and to Rocks, For to defend them from his judgement stroke. His presence then so dreadful it will be, The wicked they will tremble it to see, Rev. 7.16 But to the Saints a time of mirth and joy, Isa. 25.8 Sorrow and sighing it shall flee away. My children here some Symptoms be, Whereby that you may plainly see. And if you duly them do mind, Your own estate you soon may find, Whether you thrive and growing be In Godliness, you here may see. Or whether that you do d●cline, By constant search you here may find. First Symptom of Growth. In Godliness if you do grow, Psal. 16.3 Your chief delight I well do know Will be more of the Lord to see, And in those men that Godly be. Yea you will chief delight to dwell With those which in virtue excel. Symptom 2. Your failings you will not so love. Psal. 141.5 But when the righteous do reprove You gladly then will have an ear To that which they to you declare, And so to hear as to reform, And not instruction for to scorn. Symptom 3. When that you in temptations be, You unto Christ will only flee. And what from him you do obtain, You'l it esteem your greatest gain. Phil. 3.8 All worldly props you'l lay aside, And only will in him confided. Symptom 4. When you for Christ reproached be, Yet then no shane of it you'l see; Mark. 8.38 Rom. 1.16 But you can then rejoice to see, That for his name you worthy be Act. 5.41 For to bear tryal's with defame, Only for Christ your Saviours name. Symptom 5. When God doth on you trials lay, Because that you did go astray, Ps. 119.75 And you do learn to understand, wherefore he on you lays his hand. When he in love doth thus restrain, You'l render love to him again. Symptom 6. When you Gods mercies do recall, Who minded you when you did fall; Psal. 145.1 2, 3, 5, 8 And highly prise his tender hand, Which made you for to understand, Psal. 146.1 2 And of your sins give you a sight, You prise his grace with much delight. Symptom 7. When that you are in greatest straight, Psal. 119 92, 93 Upon the Lord you only wait, And then his words more precious be, Hab. 3.18 Then all things else which you do see. And all things else you can deny, His promises for to apply. Symptom 8. When unto God that you do pray, Such comfort from him you enjoy; Psal. 139 23 And through his grace he doth expel, That wandering thoughts with you not dwell. But you do constantly desire The answer which you do require. Symptom 9. When your dislike against all sin Neh. 5.15 Proceedeth from your love to him, Whose majesty it is so pure. Gen. 39.9 He cannot any sin endure. When love to him doth you constrain, And not only for fear of pain. Symptom 10. When God from you doth hid his face, You then beg earnest for his grace. And nothing you long more to find, Psal. 63.1 Then he through grace on you to shine. And you will not seeking forbear, Till God by grace to you appear. Symptom 11. When that you are in company, Where nothing you can spy Psal. 120.5 2 Pet: 2.7, 8 That will promote your makers name, It makes you for to be ashamed. With all discourse you burdened be, Where nought of good you hear or see. Symptom 12. When others sins to you come near, Because by actions doth appear, The fear of God doth not constrain, Psal. 119 136 But in transgressions they remain; When you are grieved because you see, That they will not reformed be. Symptom 13. When you have such a jealousy Over your heart for to spy Pro. 28.14 And daily watch to apprehended All slips which you may God offend. 1 Cor. 9.26 27 And still you keep a constant eye Your hearts deceit for to spy. Symptom 14. When you're more inclined to be Gen. 32.10 Humbled for failings which you see, Then to have an exalted mind, Eph. 3.8 Because perhaps that you do find Some things with you do go so well, That you some others do excel. Symptom 15. When you are still so well content With what estate God will present, Phil. 4.11 12 That if he sand prosperity, Your heart it then doth not grow high; Nor if Adversity abound, That then it doth not cast you down. Symptom 16. When your resolves do firm abide Act. 20.24 To follow God whate'er betid, And though temptations do increase, It maketh you not for to cease, But that you farther strengthened be, To do what God requires of thee. Symptom 17. When love to Christ doth you provoke Mat. 11.29 30 Mar. 10.28 With constancy to wear his yoke; And still that self you will deny, To do those things which you spy. By Christ or his required be, 1 Joh. 5.3 ●… nd it's not grievous unto thee. Symptom 18. When thoughts of glory to appear, With comfort you do see so clear, Heb. 11.9 10 That all things here you do disdain, ●… n this respect for to obtain, vers. 26 2 Cor. 5.6 And that makes you such joy to see, That here no home we think to be. Symptom 19. When you by faith in Christ do see Such comforts still to flow to thee; 2 Cor. 5.7 And daily you do find increase Of inward joy and lasting peace, Which makes you greatly to rejoice, 2 Cor. 5.1 In hearing of your Saviours voice. Symptom 20. When knowing you again shall rise, And judgement so upon you lies, That cheerfully you do embrace Act. 24.15 16 The call of Christ in any case; Although that you a sufferer be, Yet from his call you will not flee. Symptom 21. When you all sin so much dislike, Though it comes not to others sight, Job 31.4 ●… sal. 119 ●… 20 The fear of God placed in your heart, Will cause you from it to depart. 〈…〉 Ch. 34.27 And every failing, though but small, It will a tender Conscience gall. Symptom 22. When you proclaim still constant war, To all faults which within you are; Psa. 18.23 When you the law of God respect, You every 'vice will then detect. Nothing by you will loved be, Where Gods displeasure you may see, Symptom 23. When motion in you doth arise To any sin you will despise, Psal. 119 113 2 Cor. 10 45 You will not then to it consent, But you will mourn and much lament, Until that you your freedom see, From that so much inclined to thee. Symptom 24. When nothing you do more desire, Psal. 139 23 Then for to have your thoughts retire; And nothing will content that's less Then the true power of Godliness. 1 Cor. 13 11 You'l not content in any form, Till by the power you it adorn. Symptom 25. When Gods appointed worship still, Which doth agree unto his will. Mal. 13.14 15 By you alone is always prized, And not those things by men devised, Neh. 4.5 But you Gods worship will esteem, Rom. 1.16 Though you have persecuted been. If to the end thou faithful be, Rev. 2.10 Rev. 2.16 Rev. 3.21 Mat. 24.13 Mar. 24.46 Luk. 22.29 Thou mayst be sure for to obtain, The Lord with comfort for to see, Where thou with him shalt ever reign. My children I would you remind, Of tokens whereby you may find, In what estate you do abide, If you are willing to be tried. You may, and if you careful be, Your own estate a gain to see. Symptoms of Decay. When in good things no joy you see, Be sure all is not well with thee; Heb. 10. ●5 But thou mayst much thyself suspect, If things above thou not affect. Col. 3.1 Here upon searching thou mayst find, Rev. 2.4 That Soul that's thus doth much decline. Symptom 2. When reading Scriptures thou dost find Hos. 8.12 Isa. 43.22 They are a burden to thy mind, And thou couldst well contented be, Amos. 8.5 If that no Scripture thou couldst see, Nor any voice thee to restrain, Know thou in danger dost remain. Symptom 3. When so indifferent you be, Jer. 8.8 2 Cor. 11 19 That you no need of teaching see, But rather you at home will stay, Then go where that you might enjoy The m●ans that God he hath prepared, And it by preaching is declared. Symptom 4. When worship's so indifferent, Heb. 10.25 A small excuse will you prevent, And you contented can remain, If you all worship do refrain. Amos. 8.5 And when in it you chance to be, You long from it for to be free. Symptom 5. When preaching you are apt to slight, And sound instruction not delight; Mal. 1 7 2 Cor. 10 11 Because the man that it declared, Is mean, you will it not regard. Or else the method he did use, Mica. 29 That you do slight or place refuse. Symptom 6. When that on matters often taught, That you will set it much at nought; Mal. 11.12 13 Heb 13, 8, 9 Though it be truth that be declared, Yet if you will not much regard, But you desire new things to hear, 2 Tim. 4.3 More then sound truth for to appear. Act. 17.21 Symptom 7. When vain discourse doth you affect, And you vain company respect, As with them you desire to be, Luk. 9.44 Eccl. 7.17 Where nought of good you hear or see. If it be thus, you plain may red, Your path in danger you doth led. Symptom 8. When you contentedly can live, And to your faults allowance give, In pleasing of yourselves in sin, Joh. 24.14 15 Yet you're content to live therein. And it no burden to you be, Be sure all is not well with thee. Symptom 9. When you with them offended be, Which you persuade from sin to flee, 1 Kin. 22.8 And of them you take it not well, ●… mos 7.10 Which you in love your failings tell. ●… al. 4.15 But you will hate them for the same, Though you yourselves are under blame. Symptom 10. When you rejoicing be to see, 1 Sam: 3.13 That other men they failing be; And their offending of the Lord, 1 Cor. 5.2 Some comfort doth to thee afford; Thou mayst thyself assured be, That all things are not well with thee. Symptom 11. When great transgressions seem but small, Jer. 16.10 And lesser sins seem none at all. But that contented well you live, Mal. 3.13 And to your faults allowance give, And in your sins yourselves content, And do not of the same repent. Symptom 12. When that no need you do spy, Of Gods Spirit to mortify Rom. 8.13 Those failings which in you remain, Nor yet of grace thee to sustain, Nor need of Christ thy sin to clear, Thy danger great it doth appear. Symptom 13. When God doth on you trials lay, You see no need to him to pray, Isa. 22.12 13, 14 Hos. 7.14 Joel 2.17 Jer. 8.6 Eze. 14.16 To teach you for to understand The cause why he laid on his hand. But more the cure you do desire, Then sanctified it to require. Symptom 14. When misery makes you to complain, Although it small and short remain. Psal. 106 13.21, 22 But mercies great do not you raise, Unto the Lord for to give praise. All is not well you may perceive, Isa. 26.16 And if you Scripture will believe. Symptom 15. When you have had some length of space, Under the precious means of grace, call. 5.7 And line on line you oft have seen, And much instruction given been; Rev. 2.4 Yet not affecting Christ's way, Doth much declare there is decay. Symptom 16. When precious time that you can spend, And put off means that God doth lend; And you will not the time discern, Eccl. 7.19 Luk. 19. 4●… That God affords you for to lea●n. Eph. 5.15 16 But time and grace, and wits are spent, To give the fleshly part content. Symptom 17. When Godliness you prise so low, Ezek. 33 31, 32 Hos. 6.4 That all your path doth plainly show, What acts of good by you performed, Come not from your being Heaven-born; But more by chance they acted be, Then from Gods love placed in thee. Symptom 18. When your great care is words to gain, Which former Saints they did obtain; But you that Spirit much doth slight, Isa. 1.11 12.13 Which lead them forth in great delight. And not submit unto that form, That they owned which were Heaven-born. Symptom 19. When that a stranger you remain, Psal. 1.2 Isa. 42.25 Unto those things Christ did ordain; And you have little inclination, In Scripture to have meditation; Psal. 119 97 Psal. 143.5 And in Gods works which much declare, But little they to you appear. Symptom 20. When for the Body you so care, Psal. 49.6. ●, 3. That no occasion you'l forbear. But that you'l feed its appetite, Hag. 6.9 And give it what it doth delight. But for those things concern the Soul, Mark. 8.36 37 No joy in that you can behold. Symptom 21. When thoughts what Christ for you endured, Ly's in you veiled, and so obscured, Isa. 53.4 That it doth not your mind constrain, 1 Pet. 4.2 To render love to him again, 2 Cor. 5.15 Nor you restrained from vanity, Your state is bad you plain may see. Symptom 22. When you think of your former sins, And it no trouble to you brings, Num. 11.6 But rather liking them you be, Then burdensome they be to thee. Eze. 23.21 It is a sign all is not well, Where not dislike of sin doth dwell. Symptom 23. When you more curious are to see, The failings which in others be, Mal. 2.9 Then for to search your own estate, Mat. 23.23 And what doth unto you relate, And lesser matters sway your mind, Jam. 1.25 When Soul concerns can have no time. Symptom 24. When Christs cause doth stand at stake, Joh. 12.42 You'l rather Christ and it forsake, Then in his cause for to appear, If you must be a sufferer. But you the world so much respect, Them for to please, you'l Christ reject. Symptom 25. When you think not of your great change, But to it you do seem so strange, Deu. 32.23 Eccl. 7.2 As if that you should never die, Nor brought to immortality, Although that daily you do see, Lam. 1.9 The Sons of men they mortal be. Act. 3.19 Rev. 2.5 Rev. 3.19 Isa. 1.16 Joh. 5.14 Eph. 5.14 If thou dost not repent of sin, So that thy path reformed be, What comfort faithful Souls are in, Expect not thou thyself to see. Postscript. MY children dear let not my lines be lost, Which me some time with waking eyes have cost, Not knowing well how long I shall remain, Hath prest my Spirit for to take some pain, And here to you this legacy do leave, Which in unfeigned love I do bequeath. Though I do not b●queath my land or quoind, I hope this mite may some acceptance find. That you may be assured of what I give, It's don by dead to you whilst here I live; Yea what herein that unto you is given, It is enrolled in the Court of heaven. There's many witnesses that you may find, It to confirm, which I have here assigned; Yea that which of free grace I did receive, It's that which unto you I freely leave. I hope you will improve what here you find, That I may not loose all my pains and time. And know what's left you should in time improve, To make some profit by your fathers love. And if that you do not labour to gain, You will I know in danger great remain. And when the hearts of all men will be known, Then loss of time it fully will be shown; And then you will be found without excuse, And if my counsel that you do refuse. That you may rightly all my sayings know, As you to years of understanding grow, And likewise them to best advantage use, 2 Tim. 3.19 Joh. 5.39 Be careful still the Scriptures to peruse, And see whether my counsel do agree, Rom 16.26 To that which you may in the Scripture see. See whether that which by Adam was lost, Rom. 5.8 To be regaind, Christ were not at the cost. See whether thou by acting sin again, Eph. 2.1 Do not under Gods wrath still now remain. See if all works by thee hath acted been, Phil. 3.8 Rom. 3.28 Be able thee from one sin to redeem. Jam. 3.2 See if that still by acts thou comes not short Rom. 3.23 Of the exact rule Scripture doth report. Mat. 11.28 See if that Christ do not thy burden bear, That it too heavy would not now appear. Eph. 2.5 See if that then it be not Gods free grace, Tit. 3.4, 5 Through Christ his son thy faults to overpass, See then if that it plainly be not shown, 1 Cor. 6.19 20 Joh. 15.14 That thou art his, and not remain thy own. See then what duty he doth thee command, That thou still labour for to understand. 2 Cor. 5.14 See then his love and grace that it thee move, Thy constant duty to perform in love. Act. 4.12 See thou to him through Christ seek for salvation, 1 Pet. 2.9 And show his praises in thy generation. 1 Joh. 1.25 See that the World do not steal thy affection, Joh. 6.68 But unto him still seek for true direction. Rom 16.26 See thou obey as Scriptures thee direct. And always labour those things to affect. Joh. 15.18 Think it not strange and if the World thee blame, 1 Joh. 3.13 And if that thou truly profess Christs name. Think it not strange if thou a sufferer be, 1 Pet. 4.12 And if thou practise what's required of thee. Think it not strange no more do Christ obey, Joh. 18.36 Phil. 3.12 1 Cor. 1.18 19 And follow him in his required way. Think it not strange because so few you see Of worldly wise Christs followers to be. 1 Cor. 1.26 27 Think it not strange because of rich but few. Do practise what the Scripture plain doth show. If thou look back thou very plain mayst see, Joh. 15.18 That all these things they may expected be. The world by wisdom did not understand 1 Cor. 1.21 22 The Lord, nor truly what he doth command. They think it strange with them you do not walk, 1 Pet. 4.4 In their excess, and evil of you talk. This is the same of old which they did use, Heb. 12. ●5 Our blessed Lord the World did then refuse. Yea the great ones which in his days did live, Joh. 7.52 53 Unto his word small credit then did give. Yea they were pleased him for to revile, Joh. 7.20 Ch 8.48 Though in his mouth that there was found no guile. Yea John the Baptist they accounted evil, Mat. 11.18 And they shamed not to say he had a Devil. Yea against Paul so much they did invent, Act. 24.5 They said he was a fellow pestilent. And when his words that they did not approve, They pleased to say sedition he did move. Yea former Prophets if we call to mind, Act. 7.52 That they here hardships from the World did find. Jam. 5.10 Act. 41.6 Slight not the truth because you see Of it many Apostors be. Act. 3.14 Slight not the truth because the poor Mat. 11.5 Are they receive it for their store. Jam. 2.5 2 Thes 2.11 Slight not the truth because you see; Some evil men professors be. Act. 1.16 17 2 Tim 3.12 Phil. 1.29 Joh. 7.48 Joh. 13.35 Slight not the truth because you see Sufferings for it often be. Slight not Christ's ways though low they seem, And great ones not of them esteem. O love the truth, and thou wilt see Joh. 8.31 That thou in bondage mayst be free. O love the truth, though thou art poor, 1 Cor. 2.9 Joh. 15.9 10 There is enough for thee in store. O love the truth, though thou mayst see Some evil men professors be. Rom. 8.35 39 O love the truth, though you do see For it some persecuted be. Phil. 1.9 O love Christs way, though it be seen, 1 Pet. 1.8 That great ones not of it esteem. Luk. 9.23 Set to thy hand Christs work to do; Gal. 6.1 Gal. 6.2 He that doth fail, his failing show. Him that is weak, his burden bear; Heb. 3.12 Bid some that's strong to have a care, 1 Cor. 8.9 10, 12 And ever take heed to his path, For fear his steps some failing hath. FINIS.