SLANDERS and lies Being cast upon the Children of Light, given forth to Print from one HENRY WALKER, which R: IBITSON hath Printed, That they Deny the Resurrection, and Heaven, and Hell, which are lies published to the Nation: which lies R: WOOD hath also Printed. Therefore for the truth's sake, and them that fear God, is this Paper given forth, that the Lyes return from whence they came, and them that are given over to believe lies may receive them. But the honest hearted regard them not, knowing the time is coming, as the Scripture saith, The wicked shall fret themselves, &c. WHEREAS Henry Walker gave in lies to the Printer, that two QUAKERS which came to Whitehall, said, That there is no such place as Heaven and Hell: Thou Walker hast ministered forth thy lies; for hell Thou shalt find, which the wicked must be turned into, and all liars; and Heaven is God's Throne, and 〈◊〉 Scriptures in the Old and New Testament is a Declaration from the Spirit; and ●od is the Word, and Christ Jesus is the Light that lighteth every man that comes in●● the world; and Thou who hast made a scoff at this, Thy folly is made manifest, and ●●y self declared to be a false witness, and brought thyself upon Record; for John●●●d, that, Christ was the true light that enlighteneth every man that comes into the world; 〈◊〉 whose Doctrine Thou stumbles; and Thou shalt find a Resurrection to Condemna●●●● for Thy body to go in, when that the Just shall witness a raising to life: and 〈◊〉 ●eward shall be according to Thy work, for many lies hast Thou uttered forth in 〈…〉 papers against the Children of the Light, and published to the Nation: But all that 〈◊〉 God doth not Thee nor them regard. That in Thy Conscience shall us remember 〈◊〉 day of Thy calamity, that we to Thy soul are friends, though now to the world 〈◊〉 thy work to speak evil upon the Children of light, and render them odious to the 〈◊〉. And R: Wood in Thy paper is many unsavoury speeches against the Children of 〈◊〉; who art seeking to justify lies, showing thyself to be one of the world, which loveth 〈◊〉 own, whose custom is to utter lies, whose Torment is beginning, and whose ill 〈◊〉 and savour ascends, because the Sun is risen: And Thou declarest Walker's lies 〈◊〉 he hath given forth against the Children of light, in Thy Book which is called 〈◊〉 Weekly Post, and hast uttered forth Thy slanders and lies against the Children of 〈◊〉. And those words Printed in thy Book, called, A Declaration of the Children of ●●●ht, shall stand and witness against thy lies, and a Hell Thou shall witness who said, 〈◊〉 said, there is no such place as Hell. R: Wood. And secondly, Thou sayest they say, 〈◊〉 is no such place as Heaven, which are lies; for the wicked shall be turned into 〈◊〉, and all that forget God; and Heaven is God's Throne. Again, thou sayest, they 〈◊〉 There is no Resurrection of the Body; Resurrection to condemnation thou shalt ●●tnesse, which we witness, who do witness a Resurrection to life, according to the ●●●iptures: And R: Wood thou sayest the Judges sat at Whitehall, which is another 〈◊〉 thy lies: The Scriptures the Old and New Testament the Children of light do own, ●●d the Scriptures saith, God is the Word, which we witness according to Scripture, ●●ich maketh such lying fellows as Thee to rage: And R: Wood when thou hast utte●●● forth thy lies, thou sayest, Pure Rogues to roast. O Tyranny! here upon Record 〈◊〉 all the Nation thou art, what spirit thou art of, and whose Servant thou art. And ●●ou sets in thy Book, John Boulton, Simon Dring, William Rayman, Richard Davis, ●hose Names thou art not worthy to mention, such as be men fearing God, and their witness stands against the deceits and lies, The light in thy Conscience shall witness it, We are justified by faith in Christ, which faith works by love. From them whom the world calls Quakers scornfully; but Moses who quaked and trembled, said, To him Reproaches was great Riches.