CONCERNING TITHES. TITHES AT first were not required, but given, only of the spoils of the war, (only once,) by Abraham, unto him that was made like unto the Son, but the substance being now come, (even Christ) who was before the wars, and before Abraham, he redeems out of the lust from whence the wars ariseth, and so bringeth to an end of that from whence wars cometh, and so to an end of that from whence Tithes were first given; and so to give nor pay Tithes no longer; being redeemed out of lust, and wars, and fightings, by the blood of Jesus who said I am the light, that abides a Priest for ever, and his day Abraham rejoiced to see, who brings to the end of the Tithes, and makes war with that, and slays that, which caused Men to slay one another, in the wars, who comes to save the life, who is greater than Abraham, who being now come; denyeth fighting, and saith he that taketh the Sword shall perish with the Sword, and so that was to perish whereby Tithes were first given, then must there needs be an end of Tithes, which also perisheth with the using, and the Law for the Tithes (which had a shadow of good things to come) decays, and waxes old, and vanisheth away, the good things themselves being come, and good will towards Man, and the Covenant of Light to join the hearts together. For Tithes were never given nor paid until after Men had killed, and slain, and done violence and wrong one to another, and Christ saith love your enemies, and if he smite thee on the one cheek turn the other, and such as are come to that, and obeys his command, are come out of the wars, and the strife, unto the Prince of peace, who was before the wars, and so knows the peaceable Covenant, which will not wax old, but last for ever, in which there is no wars, nor killing one another, and so comes to the end of that Covenant which commanded the Tithes, and to the change of the Law, the Priest whereof and they that receive the Tithes, murdered and slew him that is to bring to the end of the Tithes, so that by him to the end they are not come, nor from under the first Covenant, where the Tithes is paid whilst the veil is over the heart, and that ministry standing which makes nothing perfect, and will die, and change, and perish: but he that redeems out of, and from among them, and that, which perisheth, abides a priest for ever; and of him it is said he liveth: and so him we bear testimony of, who is entered within the veil in whom the veil is done away, and so that is seen, and departed from, and made an end of, which stood whilst the veil was not rent, and the way into a more holy known, than the first Covenant where the Tithes were paid, the veil being over the heart, and is yet over the hearts of all them, who pay or receive Tithes, and all that uphold it, who may take notice that the first Priests that ever took Tithes and offerings by force, were Sons of Belial and know not God, whom the Lord destroyed, and they perished in the wars, with the Sword, 1 Sam. 2. 12. vers. 16. Therefore we cannot but deny Tithes, and the upholding of it, and all such as take it (especially) by force, which actions are the fruits of such Priests as know not God, and such he will overturn. For the seed of God in many thousands, cries unto him, by reason of the cruel oppression of Tithes, from under which the Lord will deliver us. Humphrey Smith. Printed for Mary Westwood, 1659.