To the Kings most excellent Majesty. The humble Petition of many thousands faithful and peaceably affected Subjects of the County of York, who are here now assembled. Humbly showeth, THat many of your Petitioners being in the last desires of petitioning, your Majesty denied access, kept back with violence, and received, great affront from some that have dependence to your Majesty, and others there assembled, yet no provocation could remove them from their patience and duty, which proceedings are taken more to heart, your Petitioners conceiving it undeniable, that they have an interest in the commonwealth, and are as dutiful and loyal Subjects to your Majesty, as any whatsoever; though divers of them have been since uncivilly pressed by some in your majesty's name, to subscribe a Paper, styled, The Humble Answer to your majesty's Propositions, and threatened thereunto, upon which clause followed, That when your majesty's Army should be on foot, those should be first pillaged that refused such subscription, which we humbly conceive are positively contrary to your Majesties own expressions, and is to the high dishonour of your Majesty, and the great affrightment and disturbance of your majesty's liege people; therefore your Petitioners having just cause to fear your majesty's royal heart is still endangered to be possessed with some distaste of your Petitioners; humbly supplicate your majesty to conceive better things of them, and to cast your eyes upon the presant state of this your kingdom, that as your majesty hath often Declared your affections to this County, so your love might now be expressed in the preserving the peace thereof: And that your majesty would admit of a right Information of the clear intention of your Petitioners, who are confident that no so absolute and happy observance to your majesty's just Commands can be demonstrated, as which your majesty, in Parliament shall declare, ewhich if it should come divided (which God forbid) our hearts even tremble to consider what danger and diminution of the Honour and safety of your majesty's Posterity and kingdom, will unavoidably be put upon, since it's cleate to every understanding eye, that it is not a divided part of one or several Counties that can afford that honour and safety to your Maiesti●; that your whole kingdom, which you may command, no ground of fear or danger remaining, if a good confidence were begotten betwixt your majesty and Parliament, whose grave and loyal council, as we humbly conceive, the visible way under God, to put a speedy end to the troubles of Ireland, and to establish your Throne in righteousness. Lastly, your Petitioners most humbly supplicate, that we may represent our unfitness to become Judges betwixt your Majesty and Parliament, in any thing, or to dispute the Authority of either, which they humbly conceive do fortify each other, it being most unfit for them to act any thing therein, but by their Prayers for a right understanding betwixt your Majesty and them; which we shall heartily do: as also for your majesty's long and prosperous reign, and as we are bound by our true Protestation, shall be ready to maintain your majesty's just Right, the privilege and power of Parliament, and the lawful Liberties of the Subjects. This Petition was delivered at the general meeting of the Yorkshiere men, being in number about 7000. on Thursday last. London, Printed by R. O. and G. Dexter, and are to be sold by Benjamin Allen.