TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, THE PEERS ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT. The humble Petition of the high Sheriff, Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders and others Inhabitants of the County of BEDFORD, Shows, THat we are unable to express our joys, or declare the thankfulness of all our hearts, for the happy concurrence of your Lordships with the Honourable House of Commons, upon which the prosperity and welfare of our Church and State depends; only in this ye are able (by the blessing of God) to effect great and high achievements, and to lay prostrate the desperate plots & devices of our wicked adversaries, whose chiefest design (as we have just cause to believe) hath been to cut in sunder this Gordian knot, and by dividing to triumph in our ruin and confusion. We most humbly therefore supplicate your Lordships that this blessed consent and unity may long continue, and at this present (being a time of great distraction) for the perfecting of what you have so happily begun for a full and complete reformation of the government, and grievances of this Church and Commonwealth: And we, to the last of our lives, and utmost of our estates and fortunes, are resolved of defend His Majesty's Royal Person and State, and your Lordships in these your joint and honourable proceed. And though you should have no cause to need our swords, yet for this happy consent and union, and for your Lordship's prosperity, shall ever be the daily and hearty prayers of your Petitioners, etc. Sir John Burgoyne Baronet, who was entrusted with the delivery of this Petition, had further direction personally to declare their particular thanks to the Lords for their Concurrence with the House of Commons, in the late Ordinance concerning the Militia, together with a desire, that the same may be (speedily) put in execution; for which especially, as for the rest in general, their Lordships returned them hearty thanks. TO THE HONOURABLE, THE KNIGHTS, CITIZENS, AND BURGESSES In the Commons House of PARLIAMENT assembled. The humble Petition of the high Sheriff, Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders and others Inhabitants of the County of BEDFORD. Shows, THat your Petitioners are truly sensible of your pious care, in the reformation of Religion from those scandalous and superstitious innovations, which were introduced into the Church, with intent to subvert the Protestant. Religion; as also of your incessant labours, prudent Deliberations, and undefatigable pains for the Commonwealth; and that with all humble thankfulness they daily bless Almighty God, the King's Majesty, the Peers, and this Honourable Assembly, for many excellent Laws and Ordinances, made and enacted in this present Parliament, and especially for providing against the long intermission of Parliaments, suppressing the eruptions, and preventing the revival of illegal taxes, abolishing the Courts of Star-Chamber and high Commission, regulating of other exorbitant Jurisdictions: For taking away the Bishop's Votes in Parliament, and disabling of all persons in holy Orders for exercising any Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority; and for the late Ordinance for the disposing the Militia of this Kingdom into the hands of such honourable and faithful personages, as are therein expressed. That your humble Petitioners are immutably resolved with the hazard of their lives and fortunes, in all just and lawful ways, to maintain and defend you in your Rights and Privileges against the enemies of God, the King and State, according to their engagements in the late Protestation; and in all humility do pray the continuation of your Honourable endeavours, that there may be a speedy advancement of all dispatches for the relief of IRELAND. That for the removing of our just and increasing fears, and preventing of imminent dangers, the late Ordinance for the Militia may be fully and speedily executed. That the Seas may be strongly and safely guarded under the conduct of persons of honour, worth and ability. That the Papists may be dis-armed and the most dangerous of them secured; That the Mass both public and private be abolished; That the undoubted reputation of your late accused members may be repaired, and the Privileges of Parliament effectually vindicated; The suffrages of the Recusant Nobility be excluded from the House of Peers: And that there may be a further discovery and removal of those evil Counsellors, by whose pernicious practices the happy progress of the great Affairs of this Kingdom is retarded; That all delinquents, especially those that have been the principal causes of our miseries, may be speedily brought unto exemplary and condign punishment. That all possible means may be used for the prevailing with his Majesty that he would be graciously pleased to repair to, and abide near his Parliament; And that the Prince, and the rest of his Majesty's children, may be under the care and government of such persons, in whom this Kingdom may confide; That Manufactures and Trading be upheld; That all burdensome and scandalous Ceremonies be taken away, and such an Ecclesiastical Discipline and Government as is agreeable to God's word may be settled, by such ways and means as to your wisdoms shall seem expedient. That the Universities be purged and reform. That corrupt and scandalous Ministers may be removed, a learned, pious and conscientious Ministry generally settled, and sufficiently maintained, (having an especial regard and care to Market Towns and populous places.) That the pious and painful Divines, who for unjust, and inconsiderable causes were deprived by the Bishops, or their Subordinate Officers, may receive ample reparations. That for the completing the happiness both of Church and State, there may be as well a faithful Magistracy, as a painful Ministry. And your humble Petitioners shall ever pray, etc. Die Mercurii, Martii 16. 1641. It is this day ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, That Mr. Speaker, in the name of the House, shall take particular notice of, and give the Gentlemen of Bedford-shire particular thanks for their desire of the King's return to Parliament, and of their desire to have the Ordinance of the Militia speedily to be put in execution. Hen. Elsinge Cler. Dom. Com. Both which Petitions, being presented the 16. of March 1641. by the aforenamed Sir John Burgoyne, accompanied with about two thousand persons, were gratefully received, to the ample satisfaction of the Petitioners. Printed on Bread-street-hill by a true copy, with the Petitioners approbation, at the charge of John Chambers, 1641.