THE true LIST OF HIS majesty's navy royal, and Merchants Ships, their Names, captains and lieutenants, their Men, and burdens in every one, now setting forth for the guard of the Narrow Seas, and for Ireland, this year, 1641. Algernon Piercy, Earl of Northumberland, Lord Piercy, Lucy, Poynings, Fitz Paine, Bryan and Lattimer, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, and one of his majesty's most Honhurable privy council, Lord high admiral of England, and Lord general of his majesty's N●vie royal. Names, Capt. and lieutenants. Men Burden 1 In the James, Sir John Pennington captain, Mr. Slingsby lieutenant. 260 875 2 in the St. George, captain William Batten. Mr. W. Smith lieutenant. 260 792 3 In the Rainbow, Sir John men's captain, Mr. William Lutton Lievt. 260 721 4. In the Reformation, Sir David Murrey Captain Mr. Stansby lieutenant. 260 731 5 In the victory, captain Fogg captain. Mr. Fogg lieutenant. 240 742 6 In the Henrietta Maria, captain Hatch captain. Mr. Wats' lieutenant. 250 793 7 In the unicorn, Captain Frenchfield Captain, Mr. Sommerston lieutenant. 250 767 8 In the Charles, captain Swanley captain, Mr. Daray lieutenant. 250 810 9 In the vanguard. captain blithe captain, Mr. Blithe lieutenant. 250 751 10 In the Entrance, captain Owen captain, Mr. Bowen lieutenant. 160 539 11 In the Garland. captain Slingsby captain, Mr. Waters lieutenant. 170 767 12 In the lion, captain Price captain, Mr. Hill lieutenant. 170 602 13 In the Antelope, captain Burleigh Captain, Mr. Willobie lieutenant. 160 512 14. In the Mary-Rose, captain Fox Cap, ta'en. 100 321 15 In the Expedition captain wake captain, 100 301 16 In the greyhound, captain Wheeler Captain. 50 126 Merchants Ships. Men Burden. 1 In the Marten, captain George Marten captain, Mr. Hawkridge lieutenant. 210 702 2 In the Sampso●, captain Ashley Capt. Mr. Andrew's lieutenant. 180 600 3 In the Caesar, captain Elias Jorden captain, Mr. Norton lieutenant. 180 600 4 In the London, captain Io. Stephen's captain, Mr. Pomroy lieutenant. 180 600 5 In the unicorn, captain Edward Johnson. 143 475 6 In the May-flower, captain Peter Andrew's. 121 405 7 In the Henry Bonaventure, captain George Swanley. 120 400 8 In the Prosperous, captain William Driver. 120 400 9 In the Hercules, captain Moyer. 105 350 10 In the paragon, captain Leonard Harris. 105 350 11 In the hopeful Luke, captain Lee. 105 350 12 In the Golden angel, captain walker. 105 350 13 In the Exchange, captain Lucas. 097 325 14 In the maidenhead, Captain Lutton. 090 300 15 In the Providence, captain William Swanley. 081 271 16 In the Jocelyn, captain Partridge. 060 200 His majesty's Ships for the Irish Seas. 1 Swallow, captain Thomas Kettleby, 150 380 2 Bonaventure, Captain Henry Stradling, 160 557 Merchants Ships. 1. Discovery, Captain John Broo●khaven. 114 380 2 Ruth, captain Robert Constable. 120 400 3 Employment, Capt. Thomas Ashley. 132 440 4 Peter, captain Peter Strong. 081 270 5 Pennington, Captain Joseph Jorden. 036 135 6 Fellowship, captain Thomas Cole. 087 290 7 Mary, captain William chapel. 030 103 8 John, captain John. Thomas. 015 050 FINIS. London, Printed for John Thomas.