A True Relation from Rome, of a bloody and cruel Monster, That for many Years hath destroyed an infinite Number of Men, Women, and Children; devoured the Growth of that Country, and reduced other Nations to want: With a Description of its prodigious Shape, terrifying Aspect, and Foxlike Craftiness; the like never yet seen in any other part of the World. WE are assured in Scripture, That before the Dissolution of the Universe, there shall appear Signs in the Heavens, and Wonders: But there never has been known such a Wonder, or Prodigy, as the Monster in this monstrous Narrative will appear; yet it is not so strange as true, as too many Nations have felt, and found by woeful Experience. The Letter which gives a Description of him runs thus: In this City there is a Monster, such as never was seen, but only in this Place: He at first sprang out of the Sea, having Seven Heads, and Ten Horns; and on his Head the Name of Blasphemy: He is spotted like a Leopard, his Feet are like a Bears, and his Mouth is like a Lion's: He hath done great Wonders, and deceived many Nations; slain many Thousands of Innocents', and is drunken with the Blood of Saints: He causeth himself to be worshipped, and exalteth himself above all that is called God's, and he sits as God in the Temple of God: He is Lecherous as a Boar, as full of Poison as a Toad, Cunning as a Fox, Surly as a Lion, Bloody minded as a she Bear, Deceitful as a Leopard, Wise as a Serpent, and as Proud as the Devil; treading upon the Necks of Emperors and Kings: And although he is of the Nature of a Wolf, yet he always goes in Sheep's Clothing, the better to deceive the Multitude; but he is known by his Works. To describe him to the Life, would be almost impossible; but thus much we can say of him: He is an Idolatrous, Traditious, Malicious, Superstitious, Perfidious, Deceitful, Hateful, Bloody-Minded, Proud, Lecherous, Lofty, Factious, Perjured, Equivocal, Ugly, Wicked, Damnable, Devil Incarnate; and is called the POPE. He sells Heaven for Money, and lets who he pleases in; He forgives who he pleases, and who he pleases he damns; He dethrones Kings at his Pleasure, and them that will not worship him he Excommunicates, or puts to ignominious Deaths: He extols and exalts himself above all others; and therefore, by all that hath been said, can be no other than the Son of Perdition, the Whore of Babylon, a Burden to the Earth, and a Limb of the Devil; unfit to live, and more unfit to die; loathsome to Heaven, and a Shame to Mortals; therefore fit for nothing but a Brakefast for Satan. FINIS.