VINDICIAE VERITATIS Or an Unanimous Attestation to God's blessed Truth Revealed in his WORD: Together with a serious Protestation against those Church-desolating and Soul-damning Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies, which of late have come in like a flood upon our County and Kingdom: Especially against a Toleration of them. Made in pursuance of the Nationall Covenant, BY The Ministers of the Gospel within the West-Riding of the County of York, as a Caution to their flocks, and Testimony to the world of their zeal for, and love to, Christ's truth and Church. Readily and Willingly Subscribed, April 6. 1648. LONDON, Printed by John Macock, for LUKE FAWN, at the sign of the Parrot in Paul's Churchyard. MDCXLVIII. Vindiciae Veritatis. OR An unanimous Attestation TO God's Blessed Truth Revealed by his WORD. WE the Ministers of Christ, residing within the West-riding of the County of York; seriously calling to mind the many wonderful mercies, and deliverances, which God hath vouchsafed in those latter years to this Church and Kingdom; especially in freeing us from the insupportable yoke of the Prelatical Hierarchy, and setting open a fair door of hope, to a full and through Reformation, by means of this present Parliament, in pursuance of our National Covenant; cannot but desire to be unfeignedly thankful to God, first, and then to the Honourable Houses for all their pains, piety, prudence and fidelity manifested therein: Yet we cannot but with sad and sorrowful hearts, weep, yea (if it were possible) bleed over those inexpressible Calamities, which threaten this poor distressed Church with speedy and inevitable ruin, by reason of the many pernicious Errors, damnable Heresies, unparaleld Blasphemies, and more than abominable Irreligion, and Atheism, which daily increase and spread amongst us. Especially our hearts tremble, when we consider the desperate attempts of those, who endeavour and plead for a a Bloody Tenent preface toleration (of all Consciences and worship, even Antichristian; Diametrically opposite to the National Covenant, and that) which would entail all these evils upon us, and our posterity for ever. Fearing therefore, by our sinful silence, to betray the Truth of God, which in the worst of times hath ever found some friends to own and assert it. And having before our eyes First, The Honour of God, which ought to be dearer to us then our own b Exod 32, 32 Rom 9.3 salvation. Secondly, The preciousness of our people's souls, c Acts 20, 28 bought with no meaner price than the Blood of Christ, now in danger to be subverted. Thirdly, The strictness of our engagement by Covenant within our calling, to endeavour the extirpation of Heresies, Schism, Profaneness, and whatsoever is contrary to sound Doctrine, and the power of godliness Fourthly, The express charge that lies upon all, earnestly to d jude verse 3 contend for the Faith, which was once delivered to the Saints, especially upon e Ezek 33, 7 Acts 20, 29 Ministers, to warn the people of their danger, to watch over their flocks against false Teachers, and to hold f 'tis 1.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It notes an hold against a contrary bold, when we have any thing in our hand that another would wrest from us fast the faithful Word. Fifthly, The forwardness and zeal of Believers in all ages, that have maintained the Truth of the Gospel, against all the assaults of the Devil, and his Instruments, together with the late, fresh and pious g 2 Cor 9, 2 example, of our dear Brethren the Ministers of Christ, within the Province of London. Sixthly, Our own h 1 Tim 5, 21 exemption from being partakers of other men's sins, that we may free ourselves both from the guilt of these reigning corruptions, and the Blood of souls. Seventhly, And lastly, The sweet and comfortable i Mat 10, 32 promise of our Lord and Saviour, which he hath made, to the confession of his Name, and truth before men: We do freely give testimony, as followeth; 1. We cannot but exceedingly check and blame ourselves, with broken and bleeding hearts, that we have been no more active and forward for God, in promoting and advancing the happy begun Reformation of Religion, according to our Covenant, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government. And also, that we have so little appeared (out of the spheres of our rerespective Congregations) against the many intolerable Errors, Blasphemies and Heresies, which have daily increased whiles they should have been suppressed. 2. We do firmly believe, the holy Scripture given by Divine k 2 Tim 3, 16 inspiration, contained in the Canonical books of the Old and New Testament, to be the l 2 Pet. 1, 19 20, 21 undoubted Word of God; the supreme Judge in all Controversies of Religion, from which there's no appeal: The most perfect m Ephes. 2, 20 rule of faith and obedience both in respect of God's Worship, and the whole conversation of man. To which, as nothing ought to be added, so from it nothing ought to be n Deut 4, 2 Rev 22, 18, 19 diminished. 3. Upon a diligent perusal of a Confession of Faith, and Catechism, presented (as the humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, then setting at Westminster) to both Houses of Parliament, for their civil sanction: We cannot but thankfully acknowledge their unwearied pains taken therein, notwithstanding the many apparent difficulties they daily wrestled withal; hearty blessing God for guiding them so by his Spirit into all truth; that as we do freely and fully assent to the whole Doctrine of Faith therein contained, to be sound, orthodox, clearly grounded upon the Word of God, and agreeable to the Confessions of the Reformed Churches, (of all which we are abundantly satisfied, and convinced in our Judgements and Consciences;) so we can cheerfully submit ourselves unto that Confession and Catechism, as a special means to preserve Unity and Purity of Doctrine amongst us; earnestly imploring they may receive the stamp of supreme Authority, for the nearer Conjunction of the three Kingdoms, that we and our posterity after us, may as Brethren live in peace and love, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. 4. Whereas it is undeniably evident, and more clear than the Sun at noonday; that men of corrupt minds have broached and spread amongst us many o Remonstrance etc. by Borealis printed at London, 1648 page 8, 9 And Colemans re-examination, page 10 unsound opinions, and monstrous Errors, both in word and writings, of which those many dangerous and heretical books, (such as are Bests Mysteries against the whole Trinity. Biddles twelve Arguments against the Deity of the Holy Ghost. Comfort for Believers. Man's Mortality. Bloody Tenent. And Sparkles of Glory; with many moe commonly printed and published,) are lively, and never dying Monuments to all posterity: We could not but sit down astonished, and wish our heads were waters, and our eyes a fountain of tears, that we might weep day and night for the spreading and growth of those Errors, Heresies and Schisms, which by such an express, sacred and holy oath, our Kingdom is bound to extirpate. Oh how are we ashamed, and blush to lift up our faces, either to God, or to any of the Reformed Charches, when we consider, how God is notoriously blasphemed, by being made the Author of q Comfort for Believers. pag 36 sin: The doctrine of the sacred r An account to the Parliament by the Ministers of Oxford, pag 36, 7 Trinity of persons, in Unity of Essence horridly reproached, by those hell-fetcht s Vaal Best in his manuscript, presented by the Ministers at York to the Lord Fairfax. expressions of a threeheaded Cerberus, Monstrum Biforme, Triforme, a two-shaped, and three-formed Monster, yea, stigmatised for Antichristian, and the brand of the great Whore: The sacred Deity of the eternal Son of God t Account by Oxford Ministers. page 30 destroyed, and the whole work of our Redemption accomplished by his Manifestation in the flesh clearly overthrown; in making Christ, who is truly and really God-man in one person, (by the merit and satisfaction of whose death and obedience imputed to us we are saved,) to be a mere u Sparkles of Glory. page 203 205. 217 figure or example only in which God discovers to us grace and love; and in making the w Account by Oxford Mansters, page 32 ct 34. ct page 30. ct 41 Sparkles of Glory page 254, 255 Saints to be Christ. The Divine Authority of the Scriptures openly oppugned, in being denied to be the x Pilgrimage of Saints. page 4 Word of God, and any y Sparkles page 245 binding rule to the Creature. The eternal Decree of God concerning Election and reprobation decried, as not fit to be z Paul ●obsons book entitaled, Christ the 〈…〉 not the Cause of the Law. page 7, 9 preached. The standing a Sparkles pag 30, 31, 232 245, 246 Ordinances of Jesus Christ, prayer, Sacraments, Lords day Sabbath, Law, Gospel, Ministry, all razed to the very foundation; yea, the Church of Christ on earth, and all b Sparkles pag 50 51 ● by Oxford Ministers. p 13 14 ct; o Sparkle, page 116 117 distinction of Church-Officers utterly taken away, denied and destroyed: All which Errors and Heresies, with many moe particularised in a Catalogue, by our Reverend Brethren the Ministers of London, in their Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ, and multitudes of others, every way as horrid, too long to enumerate, tend to the great dishonour of God, the insufferable reproach of the Gospel, the dangerous undermining of Magistracy, and the unspeakable ruin of thousands of souls, yea, and of all Religion; and will speedily and mortally, like a Gangrene (if not timely prevented) eat out all faith, piety and peace, both in Church and State. And yet (which most of all saddens our spirits) we do not find any effectual means used by Authority to restrain and suppress them; but on the contrary, the orthodox party in the Kingdom is discarded and discountenanced, and notorious Sectaries and Seducers highly respected and preferred among us. Having therefore seriously weighed the miserable effects of the prevalency of the Spirit of Errors and Infatuation, which hath possessed so many in this Kingdom, a woeful experiment whereof we have lately had in our own County, in some acted by the spirit of delusion, to cast off all piety and natural affection, in the wilful murder of their own c Samuel Hutchenson, who died in York Castle, about a work before the Assize held there; March 20. 1647. His sister, and her husband both condemned for that fact, the one executed, and the other reprieved. Mother, pretending to kill the evil spirit in her. We do here before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ (who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing, and his Kingdom) for the discharge of our Calling and Consciences; declare to the whole world our dislike, utter detestation, and abhorrency from our very souls, not only of all Popery, Superstition, Profaneness, but of all those Errors, Heresies and Blasphemies formerly mentioned, though d 2 Cor. 11, 13 14, 15 guilded with never so specious pretences of new light, all spirit, highest and most glorious discoveries, and of whatsoever else is contrary to sound doctrine, and the power of godliness e 1 Tim. 6, 3 . And further, we do in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, warn and charge our several flocks and Congregations, as they tender the honour of God, and his Gospel, and the salvation of their own souls; that they take heed, lest they be f 2 Pet. 2, 2, et 3, 17 led away with the Error of the wicked, or follow the pernicious ways of them that bring in damnable Heresies; and for this cause we how g Ephes. 3 44 our knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he would h Heb. 13, 9 Ephel. 4, 14 establish their and our hearts with grace, that we may not be carried about with divers and strange doctrines, but may stand i 1 Cor 16, 13 fast in the faith, and be k 2 Thes. 2, 17 established in every good word and work. 5. Upon the due Consideration of the many lamentable confusions and mischiefs the poor Church of God groans under amongst us for want of Government, Ephes. 1, 22 Heb 3 2, to 6 and the due Administration of Church-censures: And being fully assured; that Jesus Christ, the King and head of his Church (faithful in that his house above Moses) hath in the Scriptures laid down a sufficient rule for the governing of his Church now under the Gospel, 1 Cor 12, 28 2 Cor 2, 6 Mat 18, 17 1 Tim ●, 17 1 Thes 5.12 we testify, that we are verily persuaded, in our Judgements and Consciences, that the Government of the Church truly, and indeed Presbyterial, by * Mat 18, 15 ad 21 Acts 14, 23 Titus 1, 5 Acts 11, 30 & Chap. 21, 18 1 Tim 4, 14 Acts 15, 6 Presbyteries and Synods, in a way of subordination, practised by the best Reformed Churches, is that particular Government which is most agreeable to the Word of God, and will mightily conduce to the removing of all Errors, Heresies, Corruptions and Scandals in Life and Doctrine from amongst us. And further, we thankfully acknowledge what the Parliament hath done by their several Ordinances, in reference to the settlement of this Presbyterial Government in the Church, patiently waiting for the full establishment of it in all the parts thereof. In the mean time, though we cannot find so complete a rule in any, or all those Ordinances of Parliament for Church-Government, which have (at this distance) come to our hand, as we are persuaded in our judgements, Isaiah 9, 6 Mat. 16, 19 2 Cor 10, 8 a Note, that by virtue of an Order from the Committee for the 60000 l. per mensom, (according to a late Ordinance of Parliament) the west-riding of York shire was by the assistance of the Ministers divided into ten Classical Presbyteries. April 6, 1648. But it seems there is yet no return made of them, because they have not divided the whole County is held forth in the Word: And though we believe, that Jesus Christ (the spiritual Monarch of his Church) upon whose shoulder alone the whole frame of all Ecclesiastical Government and power is laid) hath immediately from himself, invested the sole power of dispencing all Church-censures, and in particular, that of suspension from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper in his own Church-Officers, who from him alone receive their Office and Authority: Yet in regard the necessities of putting Church-Government into actual execution, are so great, and pressing, we are resolved (if God permit) to ᵃ act in our places for the exercising thereof upon the present Ordinances, so far as we apprehend them consonant to the Word of God, and the will and appointment of Jesus Christ, hoping and praying that God will reveal to all in Authority the whole truth concerning Church-Government, that their Consciences being fully satisfied therein, what is wanting may be added, what is unwarrantable may be altered, and that in God's good time the Model of Church-Discipline may be perfected, and the whole Government fully settled, duly exercised, and conscientiously embraced throughout all the Kingdom to the Glory of God, and recovery of this languishing Church, out of all her dangerous Maladies and distempers. In pursuance whereof, we shall, through the Grace of God, endeavour, that our whole carriage may be such as becomes those who are ready to be responsible for whatsoever we shall do, not only to the supreme Authority of this Kingdom, but also, and chief to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, the great shepherd of the sheep, at his glorious coming and appearing, how we have taken heed to our Ministry, which we have received in the Lord, in every thing to fulfil it. Col 4.17 6. When we call to mind the many dangerous plottings and practices of the Ministers of Satan, to bring in a full and formal toleration; and being convinced by woeful experience, that the present connivance at Errors, Heresies, Sects and Schisms, (which swarm in the Kingdom) amounts to no less: We tremble to think what such indulgence will produce, how quickly would a toleration prove an inlet to Atheism, the bane of our peace, the ruin of Reformation, the destruction of Religion, the grand provocative of God's wrath against this Land, to make us an hissing and astonishment to all Nations: And therefore we do from our hearts abhor and protest against the toleration so much cried up in these days, as contrary to the Scripture, Gal 1, 8, 9, & 5, 12 Rev. 2, 2, 20, v and that which will undoubtedly un-Church, un-Parliament, and un-people us (if God prevent not.) And as we cannot approve or allow of Independency or Erastianism, so we are resolved by the Grace of God never to consent to the toleration of Arrianism, Antitrinitarianism, Antinomianism, Antiscripturism, Arminianism, Anabaptism, Enthusiasm, Familism, Libertinism, Socinianism, Scepticism, or any other Heresies, Sects, or erroneous opinions whatsoever; but to withstand the same by all lawful ways and means within our places and callings, though to the loss of our Liberties, Estates, lives, and whatsoever else may be dear unto us, all which we count not too dear to lose for God's Glory, Truth and Gospel. 7. Finally it cannot be unknown to the Reformed Churches abroad, that all the three Kingdoms stand engaged by virtue of a solemn Covenant, sworn with hands lift up to the most high God, sincerely, really & constantly through the Grace of God, to endeavour in our several places the Reformation of religion in the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government according to the Word of God, and example of the best Reformed Churches. Which Covenant the Parliament did not only commend unto us by their example, but command by their Authority to be taken by us, and our people: Yet, as if all our other provocations were not sufficient to fill up the measure of our sins, and bring wrath upon the Kingdom to the uttermost, Many takers of this Covenant do now trample upon it; horrible 1 A Pamphlet entitled, The peoples and soldiers Observations on the Scotch Message November 5 1647 page 6 et 8 reproaches are cast upon it; sundry endeavours used to evade and elude the true sense and meaning thereof: Yea, so far have some proceeded in their enmity against it, as to labour by all means the extirpation of the Covenant name and thing from amongst us, rather than of Heresy and Schism to which they are engaged by it, that so England may become the grave, not only of all God's Truths, Ordinances, Mercies, Victories, Deliverances, but also of their own Declarations, Protestations, Oaths and Engagements. Wherefore, Nehem 9, 38 Ezek 17, 15 16, 18, 19 being sufficiently convinced of the lawfulness of entering the Covenant, and of the sinfulness of violating it, we profess our unfeigned desire to be humbled for our own sins, and the sins of this Kingdom, especially, that we have not endeavoured a real Reformation, both personal and public, as we have covenanted. And to conclude, that we may not involve ourselves in the guilt of wilful perjury; We further profess and declare before God, his elect Angels, and the whole world, that as at the first we did strike Covenant (as in the presence of the Almighty God) without any equivocation, mental reservation, or subordination to any politic interest in point of Church Reformation, according to the common, plain, genuine, grammatical sense of it, so we are still bound to perform the same, to the utmost of our power whilst we live, without admitting any other sense to be put upon it, or permitting ourselves to be dis-engaged and absolved from it, by any power or persons here on earth whatsoever. Thus have we endeavoured to discharge our consciences, in owning and asserting the Truth, Cause, Government, and Covenant of our God, in warning our people of those dangerous Sects, Heresies, Blasphemies that are so rife amongst us, in protesting against the impious and boundless toleration of them; for which if we be maligned, reproached, persecuted, we trust (by the grace of our good God) that none of these things shall move us, Acts 20.24 neither shall we count our lives dear to ourselves, so that we may finish our course with joy, and the Ministry which we have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the Gospel of the Grace of God. Subscribed by us, April 6. 1648. Edward Hill Minister of the Gospel at Creston. Elka. Wales Minister of the Gospel at Pudsey. Rob. Todd Minister of the Gospel at Leeds. Hu. Everard Minister of the Gospel at Worsbrough. Rich. Calvert Minister of the Gospel at Selby. Edward Richardson Minister of the Gospel at Rippon. Joshua Witton Minister of the Gospel at Thornhil. Will. Clarkson Minister of the Gospel at Addle. Tho. Binkbeck Minister of the Gospel at Ackworth. Jos. Ferret Minister of the Gospel at Pontefract. Dan. Clark Minster of the Gospel at Kirkburton. Christopher Richardson Minister of the Gospel at Kirk-Heaton. Alexander Robertson Minister of the Gospel at Sherburn. David Barnes Minister of the Gospel at Brotherton. Hen. Moorehouse Minister at Castleford. Hen. Horncastle Minister of the Gospel. Nath. Rathband Minister de York. Ste. Charman Minister of the Gospel at Himsworth. Tho. Calvert Minister of York. Theod. Hearing Minister of York. Tho. Hawkesworth Minister at Hunslet. Joseph Bowde Minister of the Gospel at Leeds. Ric. Foster Minister at Holbeck. Tho. Chapman Minister at Denton. J. Fisher Minister de Sheffield. Immanuel Knutton Minister of Ecclesefield. Samuel Kendal Minister of Edlington. Christopher Amgil Minister of Treeton. Luke Clayton Minister of Rotheram. Thomas Clark Minister at Rotheram. Tho. Bosvile Minister of Braythwel. John Bridges Minister at Sheffield. John Cart Minister at Hawsworth. John Spofford Minister of the Gospel at Silkston. Nathanael Cradock Minister at Wakefield. John Noble Pastor of Kirkesmeaton. Timothy Denison Minister at Normanton. William Hawdon Minister at Brodsworth. John Johnson Minister at Methley. William Meek Minister of the Gospel. Hugh Jennings Minister of the Gospel at Water-Friston. FINIS.