PRAECOGNITA ASTROLOGICA: OR, ASTROLOGICAL JUDGEMENTS, And MONTHLY OBSERVATIONS, SHOWING, What Material or Grand Changes or Revolutions are like to happen in the World, But more especially EUROPE, in the so long and much talked of Year, 1688, To which is added An Account of the so much Admired and Amazing PRODIGY By Joh. whaley Student in Physic and Astrology. Aug. 13. 1688. This may be Printed. LONDON, Printed for F. E. in the Year 1688. To all the Legitimate Sons of the Divine Urania in the Kingdom of Ireland. Gentlemen, NOtwithstanding former Discouragements mentioned in the Dedication of my last years Observations, I did (at some of your Importunities) compose an Ephemeris or Almanac for this Year 1688, like that of 1686. And being under some misunderstanding with the Assigns of His Majesty's Printer about the Price of my last years Copy, I met with one T. M.— a Bookseller lately famous is London; who (as I since tho' not then understood) having stepped to one side, and straggling in Dublin just as I had got my Copy licenced, for a certain Sum agreed upon, and part received in hand, he by Bond under his Hand and Seal, obliged himself to deliver it at Chester printed on the last of October; when for Honesty having retired himself from the reach of Justice, and it was too late to get them printed elsewhere, he instead thereof complemented me with a Lie, of their being seized in the Press; which upon examination I found as false as himself, and good grounds to believe he was procured by the abovesaid Printers not to print it all, lest it should hinder the Sale of their Trash, published in the Names of Plunket and others not in being; but have been forged from Ritchisons or my Copy. So that I had not published any thing so late, but to remove the Fears about the late PRODIGY, and Year 1688. and Trouble and Danger of transcribing these Observations frequently pressed upon. Globe Cookstreet Dublin, March 12. 1688. Urania's Votary. John whaley. Observations on the Prodigy seen at Dublin Jan. 27. 1688. PRODIGIES are things seldom seen, and coming to pass unexpectedly beyond imagination, beget miraculous Contemplation, Horror, and Amazement. And therefore that seen at Dublin, on Sunday Jan. 27. 1688. may well receive that Name; for that it amazed not only its Beholders, but also most that then heard of it, just as if they expected it a sign of nothing but of utter Ruin and Destruction to be immediately showered down upon these Nations, but more especially Ireland. I did not see this Prodigy myself; but for the aforesaid Reasons, and the many Inquiries frequently made of me about it, I endeavoured to obtain the most absolute Relation that could be procured; which was from the Watch of several parts of the City, who agree, That at midnight a Crack like that of a Cannon was heard, and immediately a great fiery Blaze seen flying from the South-west, over the City towards the North-east, at one end like a half Ball, and thereout a great long Stream; which, by this Description, I conclude to be of that sort of Prodigies, called Meteors; and of them, such as Naturalists call Beams, and Judge to be generated of Exhalations hot and dry, like the Lightning or flash of Thunder, of a vicious clammy nature, resembling Pitch, by being of thin and light parts, are by the Sun drawn and forced into the upper Region, and there by excessive heat, and nearness to the Fire, kindled, and by the Wind and Clouds carried through the Air, as this was in form of a Beam, to the terror of all its Beholders. The Ingenious Mr. Gadbury, in his Treatise of Prodigies, pag. 57 gives an account of a Meteor, Anno 1384. the most like this of any I can read of since: but neither he nor any other, of any extrordinary consequences that attended that or any other, but what might rather be signified by the Stars; and therefore I conclude this so admired and amazing Prodigy in no wise so threatening or evil, as terrible and feared, especially to England and Ireland, and that the rather because in itself 'tis but an effect of other natural Causes, viz. the Stars, who only are the grand Signs or Natural Causes of Terrestrial Mutations. Tho I cannot show any Prodigy like this of late, in respect to its noise; there have been several of the same nature seen in and about Dublin, as in June 1682, July 13. 1685, and the 6th of March following, all about 11 at night, the likeness of Armies were seen fight in the Air; and last Summer a Prodigy or Meteor like this in form and all things but its noise, was seen several times to fly over this City of Dublin, and yet, God be praised, no such bloody effects as are now feared have hitherto succeeded, or indeed are thereby threatened. General Observations on the Year 1688. IN my Almanac for this Year I had Observations on the Winter Ingress and three past Months, January, February, and March, which being before the publishing this expired, I omit, together with the Scheam of the Vernal Ingress; the better to contract this into the narrow room of one Sheet, to make the Price easy, and for satisfaction therein, refer the curious to Mr. Mac-Combs Almanac, being the only one this Year public in Ireland, that is worth buying; where the time of this Vernal Ingress is taken from the Rudolphine Tables, and agrees within twelve minutes of time with that taken from Mr. Gadburies' Ephemeris March 9th. 1 hour 12 min. P. M. when in the Meridian of Dublin we have 10 deg. of Leo ascending, and about twenty of Aries culminating, Mars Lord of the 10th in the 10 th' week in Taurus, his detriment among the Pleyades, a turbulent Sign and Constellation, and in square to Venus, his Dispositor in the seventh, which, according to the ancient Rules of Astrology, signifys a Necessity in Princes, and persons in Authority, to borrow moneys, or impose more than usual Taxes on the Subjects, and will animate them to Choler, Cruelty, and Rashness; one King, Prince, Nobleman, and chief Commander, will be subject to contend and quarrel with another upon slight occasion, or for what they have little right to. Some eminent Prince or Princes in foreign Parts, will even in this year be subjected to the Contempt and Reproach of his or their pretended Subjects or Neighbours, great Treachery, etc. from all which I hope and pray God will for ever deliver His Most Gracious Majesty of Great Britain, & his Dominions. If any shall dare to forget their Allegiance justly due to him the Lords Anointed, as I fear too many do; let them cast an eye back to, and remember in the Tragedy of England and Scotland, 1685. how graciously he extended Mercy even to those that would have shown little to him, if their Malice had prevailed. And, Dear Countrymen and Neighbours, consider the Blessing of Peace and Plenty, and that the best of Nature's cannot for ever brook of Abuse, Wrong and Ingratitude; but when provoked beyond measure, justly become the most severe Punishers, and no longer the Vessels of Mercy, but Justice in so doing. And therefore let us, who call ourselves Christians, show ourselves so in obeying the Lord and his Anointed, and no longer fool ourselves with seditious Spirits and Fancies of what can only work the ruin of ourselves and Posterity; For Kings have long Arms, and when thereto extended, strike severely. What People in Christendom enjoy the Blessings and Mercies we do under the best of Princes? Who studies not so much his own as the good of his People, and Glory of God, how to give every man, by Law, Liberty to worship their heavenly Father in their own way; and that is so far from using the Severity of his Predecessors, that he studies to relieve all those oppressed and persecuted for Conscience sake, even those of Foreign Nations that fly to him for Succour, and are of different Persuasion from his own, even forty thousand poor distressed French Protestants, that justly own their Lives and Liberties to his Gracious Goodness and Favour. What can his own Subjects expect or crave more than he so bountifully vouchsafeth Strangers both to his Country and Religion? Is it reasonable for a dutiful Child to expect less from his Father, than he freely bestows to Strangers? If not, why should men study to heap coals of Confusion upon their own heads, when they may with more ease avoid it? Let all men vouchsafe their due Allegiance to their lawful Sovereign, the only means to prevent the Ruin which otherwise may attend them; and the Woe, Sorrow, and Affliction which is threatened to several parts of the World, even in this year, by the last and this Ingress. I know some Authors are of opinion, that Venus in the 7th, as here, is for reconciling Kingdoms and Persons at variance, and as now in Trine to and Reception with Saturn, and Sextile of Mercury conduceth much thereunto to some, and to the Grandeur of the Nobility of Ireland in particular. But as she is there in Square to Mars, the clear contrary to others, viz. the promotion of Wars, Bloodshed, Differences and Discord, unusual Law-Suits and Controversies; and shows that some one ominent Female will be subjected to the Frowns of Fate, if not the Malice of Death, or Comtempt of her Lord. And with this, that Square, and those of Jupiter to Mercury, Saturn, and Luna, threatens abundance of Cold, Rain, Snow, Storms, Losses and Damage at Sea, both by that and Pirates; more than usual Engagements or Sea Fights, Disputes about Religion and Church Affairs; and the broach or growing great of some new Sect or Sectaries; many Removals among those of the Gown and Bench, and some of the more aged of them into the other World, but more particularly one of the most eminent Ruling Clergymen in Christendom. Luna just separated from the body of Saturn, and void of Course, promiseth but little Satisfaction to the Vulgar, but rather Disappointments, Woe, Grief, Sorrow and Affliction, wherever Providence shall dispose of the Effects, and that partly by their own Folly and Stiffneckedness; Yet the Lord of the second, and Part of Fortune, free from the malignant Beams of the Infortune's, with the Position of Jupiter and Venus in the second, in the preventional Lunation, promiseth much less cause of Complaint for want of Trade than last year. However, I advise the Husbandman to provide well against a bad Harvest, and hard Winter. But that which is most observable in this Revolution, is, the Partile Square of Saturn, and Jupiter from Cardinal Signs, which will in earnest usher in, and that speedily too, the Effects of their Conjunction in the years 1682, & 1683. and make the World sensible, that such Congresses have influence upon the state of Laws, Customs, Constitutions, and Prviledges of Nations, Persons, Places, and things Ecclesiastical, and to change them too. And therefore it is not to be expected, Astrologers should, under them, preach Peace and Tranquillity, when the contrary is so severely threatened as now; and I dare aver, will be felt by most States and Degrees of Peoplein Europe. While some that have been long wallowing in Blood are preparing and contriving to ease themselves of those burdens; others are as fast running into like extremes. Great Overtures are made by the Turks; the Poles and Venetians seem inclinable to embrace them; the Christian Emperor more slack, but not so backward as of late. France and Spain seem indifferently friendly, the Swede and Dane to jurr; the Poles and Muscovites as of late, the Algerines pay for the Roast: Scotland in Wisdom may be happy, and Ireland not inferior: the Dutch are imperious, and will meet Correction from those, whom I beseech God ever to enable to correct the Insolences of their Enemies, and bless with Health, Peace and Plenty. Amen. Observations on the last 9 Months of the Year 1688. APril. Besides being so at the Vernal Ingress, Jupiter continues still in Square to Saturn, and great part of the last and this Month in Square to Sol; which with the Opposition of Sol and Saturn, and other Configurations of this Month seem to threaten ten much Sickness about this time, Dissatisfaction, Grief, Trouble and Vexation, if not Death, to some eminent Grandee or Grandees of Europe. And indeed to persons of meaner quality, frowns of Superiors, loss of Honour, Office and Employ, the downfall of some one, or more, eminent Gown-man, Disputes about Religion, or matters of Faith, and great mischiefs at Sea both by Storms and Pirates, Engagements or Sea Fights may succeed, but not this month; I fear the London Merchants will share in the woeful effects of the cross Configurations. May. Matters seem now rather tending to Counsel than Actions; however all are not idle, but rather contriving or preparing for the Actions of the following months; some endeavouring to create and others to destroy the Peace, not only of particular Persons and Families, but also Nations and Kingdoms; the first seems to take most place now; and may all just endeavours so succeed. Great Britain is much concerned in this months' Proceed, and Holland is not idle, but rather preparing for Action; I wish it may prove for good, but fear the contrary, however that Nation is about this time making more than usual preparation for fitting out Shipping, or some considerable Naval Action. June. Now the Actions of the year begin to show themselves in their colours; those concerned hasting to oppose and engage each other, and will not be wanting to furnish us with the news of some considerable Fight, yea and perhaps at Sea too; if not, there will arise more than ordinary Disputes about matters relating thereunto, if not about Religion also. But if not this month, we shall certainly hear plentifully of such matters before the Summer be over, wherein Holland will be more than a little concerned. July. Of all earthly blessings, certainly there's none so precious as health and peace; and yet there are an Israel-like pampered People, with Wantonness stust to that degree of Pride and Ambition, that no state but Ruin can satisfy their Jew-like desires. It was the Murdering of their heavenly King that made the Jews Slaves and Vagabonds; and, the crying Blood of his Anointed, that already hath brought loads of Misery upon these nations: And therefore Dear Countrymen and Neighbours, let us for the future endeavour to Expiate that, and not study to heap Coals of Confusion upon ourselves and Posterity; but instead of that, what may make both them and us happy; for every Kingdom drvided against itself is brought to Desolation, Luke 11.17. Now the Effects of the last great Triple Conjunction, begin to show themselves to purpose, and most degrees feel it, especially Superiors; some through Disobedience and Folly, others against their Wills. Death spareth none, but equals all; The Mighty, Mean, and Poor must fall. August. Many hopeful endeavours are used this month to heal the Evils of those past, and for settling things in a more secure slate for the future, for the Peace and Satisfaction of Nations, Kings, Princes, and private Persons at variance; yea, even between the two mighty Emperors of Germany and Turkey, they may palliate, but cannot heal. Some grave Statesman, long clouded, gins to Lustre forth Rays of Comfort to himself and others equally grieved; Males and Females, Gownsmen, and indeed almost every State to be satisfied with Reason, finds this a month of Comfort in one degree or other, in England, Ireland, and several other parts of Europe, as well as America. Merchants meet satisfactory Returns from Foreign parts; those of the Gown and Bench with Preferment, and several Females, but one of most illustrious Birth in particular with most Honourable Marriage. September. Were it not for the malignant, treacherous, and twice reiterated Square of the two Superiors, beginning within Orbs in January, being Partile at the Vernal ingress, and continuing even to the years end, I should have judged the many friendly Aspects of the last and this month sufficient to compose all the Feuds in the World, and create a Jubilee; but alas! that were a happiness too too great for so sinful a People as this Age contains; for though it might satisfy some, and those too lately afflicted, yet it can not all, for what is one man's Meat is another man's Poison, and what the Stomach cannot bear, it will either reject, or when forced upon it cast out; there is a certain Sympathy and Antipathy in Nature, which Wills some to Love what others Abhor, and oftentimes there is Necessity to use force for Ease and Safety, and perhaps may now for Cure of some State Distempers. October. Reason seems to confirm the season passed for Public Action, and the Stars declare it in its Prince for Council; many deep and weighty Consultations and Debates are now on forth, and I hope much to a general good and satisfaction: but, whether for past or present offences, the common People are afflicted about this time with Imprisonment, and such like Troubles. False and lying reports are daily spread abroad to hurry people into Fears and Distractions: and one Friend and Neighbour is ready 〈◊〉 accuse another, and that unjustly too, by which Offenders are brought to Justice. The season is stormy, yet Merchants meet happy returns; Women in Travel and young Children find it but an indifferent season. November. Poor Jupiter continues still weak and afflicted both by Saturn and Men in Conjunction with the Dragons Tail. What is it base men cannot do when Able, Strong, Joined and resolved for Mischief? This Month is not inferior to the former for Council and Contrivances, but of different Natures, those public and tending to Good, and these private tending to evil. Ay! even to dishonour Authority, and Disturbance of Government and most sacred Divine Matters, and to that end many base scrolls and Stories are broached and packed about, but a short time will show their Event in the Destruction of the Founders; the design is general, but particular to some great person, Statesman, etc. who must fall by their Malice before their work can be accomplished. But Saturn and mar changing their Signs in Conjunction will suddenly change the balance of Affairs, bring Offenders to punishment, occasion very bad Cold, Snowy, Stormy Wether, and many Changes in Affairs of Government Church and State. December. The coldness of the Season and the Friendship of the Stars seem to promise more Health than in several months past; Increase of Trade, and more general sitisfaction especially to England and Ireland. An eminent Female receives Affliction, or a garment of her first Element, and many others Removals from their Honours, Office, and Employs, to make way for others conceived more deserving. many secret Ambassys are sent privately from one place and Prince's Court to another, about Matters of very great moment; it is some business which should produce nothing but good, and yet little will accrue from hence but evil. Of the ECLIPSES, 1688. THere will be four Eclipses this year, the first of the Moon, April the 5th, at on the Afternoon. The second of the Sun April the 20th. at one in the Morning. The third of the Moon September the 29th. half an hour past 9 in the Morning. The fourth of the Sun, October the 14th. near 7 in the Morning, but all invisible and not to be seen, or felt by us. FINIS.