The Copy of a Letter FROM Master Tristram Whitecombe, Major OF KINGSALE▪ IN IRELAND. Dated the 21. of April. 1642. To his Brother Benjamin Whitecombe, Merchant in LONDON. Alderman Plurie of Gloucester moved the House that this Letter might be Printed, whereupon it was Ordered the 26. of April, to be Published. It is this day Ordered by the House of Commons, that the Ministers of each several Parish give public thanks to God for the good success it hath pleased him to grant the English against the Rebels. Hen. Elsing, Cler. Com. 〈◊〉 Parl. London, Printed for joseph Huns●●tt. 1642. From Kingsale, April. 21. 1642. Brother Benjamin, I Have received divers Letters with several dates, wherein you tax me for not writing to you; you have no cause so to do, in regard all passage by Land hath been stopped in these parts by the Rebels; many have I written, and doubtless some of them which I wrote might miscarry, For I assure you, I have written by every passage that went from hence, which were by Barks that carried passengers, and poor distressed people, which have been landed in Wales, Padstoe Ilfordec●●e, and Barnestable; but none of them at their return have brought any Letter from you, my Wife, or any friend thereabouts. In shipping away the poor people, I have taken a great deal of pains, and disbursed much moneys to pay for their passage, and there is still as much need of doing the same, as before; for though the number of receivers be not altogether so many, yet the givers are much decreased, the inhabitants of this Town, I mean the English, were for the most part Tradesmen, who of a long time have not gotten a penny, but gone wasting and consuming the little which they had, and in a very little time more, we shall be all of one condition, and suffer a like (but to the purpose.) The Rebels have persisted in their cruel, and their tyrannical ways, blocked us up round about, and have taken from us whatsoever we had lying without the Gate, what was not useful for them, they despitefully burnt, and whomsoever they took of our Nation, whether man, woman, or child, have most cruelly, and inhumanely hanged and murdered; and for this three week's space we have not been able to a Letter to the Lord Precedent, but by water, and that with a great deal of difficulty, but praised be God, about seven or eight days since, the Lord Precedent upon our bleeding importunity, appointed the Lord Baltingl●● his half Company, to come hither by Sea to help us, which consisted of 44. or 45. men, who arrived hear the 15. and brought with them eight Barrels of Powder, and a hundred Skears of Match, whereof six Barrels, and fifty Skears, were allotted for Bandonbridge, the other fifty Skeans, and two Barrels, do remain bear for the defence of the Town, which did savour well with us, because is was the first that ever we received. The 16. the Troops of Bandonbridge came hither to renew, and carry away the said provisions, and for their better Conv●y, we sent with them our Troop, which consisted of about 40, horse, and 40. foot, which went with them about four miles, and drew up all our forces we could make, to make good the retreat, if occasion had been; our forces no sooner parted from our friends, but those of Bandon fell into an Ambuskadoe, which was laid purposely for them, consisting of about 300. men, who fired each upon other; such was the great work of God Almighty, that ours consisting of about 80. horse went through in despite of them, slew, or killed about 80. of them, without the loss of a man, they wanted four, which they imagined had been slain, but they remained here, playing the ill husbands, and went not with their friends; our people in their retreat, pillaged, and burned all the houses they could espy; and being come altogether, we marched in a body, toward a multitude of them, which appeared upon a Mountain towards Belgolie, and lay in ambush on the further side of the Mountain; the Hills round about us were covered with them, we marched within Musket-shot of the main body of them, and made a stand, every man desirous to march up to them, but night was at hand, and they had very much advantage of the ground; while we stood in sight of them, they made many hideous shouts, calling us English Rebels, and traitorous villains, and threatened, that before Monday following, to burn, and ransick our Town; but these were but flourishes, for that night, they retreating to their accustomed place Belgolie, where their Camp lay, many of their people run away, and it seems their Sabbath-Sacrifice wrought little effect, for the chief of them, which was Barrie Oage and jeremy Long, commanded the armed men, to march towards my Lord of Muskrie his camp, and the rest they advised to shift for themselves: we are informed that many of the armed men, did not march fare, but run every man his way; this I conceive, could not be in any policy, but merely the Finger of God, that struck their hearts with such fear and terror, as they could not stay any longer. On Monday morning we marched thither, where we found good store of provisions, some we brought away, the rest we burned with the houses, and all the Country thereabouts, so they cannot in haste incamp themselves there again with any commodity; some few stragglers we found there, which were killed, only two or three, which we brought home prisoners, which I believe we shall hang this day; some things they have discovered, but to no great purpose, that it was merely fear that drove them away, thinking those ●●s●erly winds which then blew, had brought n● great store of men out of England. On Tuesday we went forth again, and took possession of a Castle called Arcloyne, where we have left a guard of 12. Musketeers, it lieth a mil● from the Town toward Bandonbridge, which was good service, for by that means we have gained a Mill, which lieth under command of the Castle, and hope we shall keep it, we had not the use of any Mill this three weeks, till now, which caused us (though we have store of Corn) to want Bread. We have certain advice, that about seven days since, the Lord Precedents forces, about 600. foot, and 200, horse, sallied out of Cork, and let upon my Lord of Muskrie, and Lord General Barries great Camp, which consisted of about 8000. the Rebels stood a while, but at last as many as could did fly, only on● Company led by Mac Finins, Brother of Glonerogh, which was known by a nick name, Captain Sogone, who fought very valiantly, and received 7. or 8. shot into his body before he fell to the ground, his head and his hands, are brought in, and set upon the Gates of the City. There were slain of the Rebels no man knows how many, our men brought in about 600. Muskets, and Pikes, which lay amongst the dead, they brought in abundance of provisions, my Lord of Muskries' Plate, and Apparel, and many other good things, So I hope they will not be able to recover in haste such a head again; their Bogs and Woods must be their chiefest Forts. A passage, or two more, though I be something tedious, I will relate; In my former Letters, I related the great loss sustained, at a Farm which I had called Eneskonnis, it yielded me 92 per anuum, and the stock was my own, the Tenant was to make it good at each years end, only I had great store of Corn which I could not get threshed, to bring it away; for after this Rebellion began, none of the villains would labour; I had of Wheat the growth of 35. Acres, and as good, as any in the Country; besides, Barley, and Oats, my Landlord Patrick Rach of Polelodge, taking it for his own, as he formerly had done with my Castle, and all things else, got two or three hundred with their Colours, to come thither to thresh, and carry it away, half for himself, and the other half for those that did labour and stand by to guard him, but whiles they were about it, the Troops of Bandon, and a few Musketeers fell in among them, killed near 100 of them put the rest to flight, and carried with them a great part of the Corn, which was made ready at their hands; and in this service they lost not a man, a while after some of the Rebels attempted to steal away some Cows near Bandon, and took two or three small Children that were keeping of the said Cows, which they killed most barbarously, took them by the Legs, and Arms, and tore them a sunder, one of the Children they found stabbed with a Sk an, in a dozen places, which did so incage them, that the next day they made another sally upon the Rebels, and afterwards set upon a Castle called … doniell Castle, where sometime the Iron work stood; it was so full of men and provisions, that they had made Linnies without side, against the walls of the Castle, which they filled with hutches of corn and householdstuff: which they had taken from the English: Our men placed Musketeers round about them, in such manner, that none of them within durst appear upon the Battlement, nor peep out their nose at the Loopholes; sent in five or six men that were skilful in Myning under the said Linnies, who laboured so lustily, that in 3 or 4 hours they had made a hole thorough the wall; where they put in furze and straw, which did set the lower rooms of the Castle on fire, so that the Rebels and the provisions that were within, were burnt together; of what was in the Linnies they saved about 200 horse load, and carried it by degrees to the Town of Bandon: had we but 3 or 400 men more, we should soon be able to clear the river of Bandon, upon which are three Castles very well fortified. Kilg●bane, Polelonge, and Corge●●●, the Landlord of Polelonge Pat: Roch fitz Richard was a Parliament-man, and hath been a long time out in rebellion, and his eldest son is made a Captain amongst them. Had I men in place, I would be content to maintain them with victuals and pay at my own charge, until I had taken the said Castle of Polelonge, so that I might enjoy the said Castle and Land thereunto belonging, which is nine plowlands and a half, and so of the rest of the Castles. I pray, if you have any friends amongst that Honourable Assembly, petition for some thing that might do us good: For my part, I have lost all, and for merchandizing there will be no little hopes while I live in this kingdom; so that unless it please God to move their hearts to support me in some good way, I must be enforced to steer such a course as after so much loss, will not well suit with my age. The Irish Inhabitants of this Town, Cork, and Yongball are no better than those that are abroad in action; they did generally give intelligence of all that passed, and kept all things from us: I have discovered that many of the chiefest of the Town did go daily to Belgolie Camp; and if friends to them, they must needs be enemies unto us: I have laid hold of some of them, I will advise my Lord Precedent of their proceed. Had not God Almighty dealt thus mercifully with us, that the hearts of those miscreants should thus fail them, to fly when none pursues them, that in our encounters with them we lose not one for 100; and seeing that all these la●● Easterly winds have brought no supply for us out of England, we should have been in despair, and clean cut off; but it doth plainly teach us. That it is his mighty hand and stretchedout arm, and not an arm of flesh that doth protect us. At the beginning of these troubles our watches were mixed Irish and English together, but since we have divided ourselves, the English have all retired to the water side, and the Irish keep the upper old Town; so that if they profess any treachery, the Fort and our Ship Charles will presently beat down their houses about their ears, and do us no harm. My Lord Precedent and Colonel Banester did very well approve of their do: now a little of business I take notice what you writ of the Ship Charles, I have thereupon thought it the best course to persuade Mr J. Brooks to go over to inform that Honourable House what manner of Ship she is, and what she has and will stand us in to set her forth completely to Sea, she will stand us upwards of 5000l. I shall desire you to be an assistant to the bearer Mr J. Brooks, to petition to the Parliament to have satisfaction for the time we have spent in Harbour from the 12 day of January, for the defence of the Fort, Town, and Harbour, which, under God, was the chief preservation of them all; for till of late, the Fort was very weak, and ill manned; and to gether to be employed in the King's service, and to allow us the rates which other Ships have, three pound 16 per Month each man: she is already in place, and doubtless may do as good service as any Ship that is employed; she will carry, and hath ports for 30 pieces of Ordnance; we have already 24 Barrels of Powder, five Cables, and double Sails: but for this I refer you to the relation of the Bearer, praying you to assist him effectually; he is a very able deserving man he carrieth a Letter from Captain Dewricke; a part owner to a kinsman of his, one Mr Norcket, a good friend to Mr Pime and M. Strewed; the said M. Strewed is a very able deserving Gentleman, I knew him when my Brother Nich. Glanfield lived in Panestocke, but I believe he doth not remember me. I pray God direct their hairs; that we may have some aid come over in time, to keep them from reaping what they have sown, and before they have Powder and Arms from other parts, lest they should take head again: 10000 men in M●●st●r would, in my opinion, in a very short time do the business, and fetch back our Cattle and Horses which they have driven into Musgro●● Woods. If I had but 200 men at present, to what we have, I am very confident I should do some service to God's glory in the defence of my Religion and Nation; and thus much believe of my conceited opinion, That if these Rebels be pardoned, this kingdom will never be secure; the abuses are so unhuman, and so devilish, that if it become pardonable, none will care what offence be committeth: and the hatred between the Nations is so great, that it is impossible that ever it can be forgotten. Let us have leave to fight it out to the last man; or if not, and that they must five here, set us have leave to departed, and seek some other place for our ●●bitation. I have between 6 and 8000 in debts upon the Irish, which will be all lost, and never expect a penny of it; and I have not a penny left, only what is in the new ship, and those that are gone for Gennoa, and a little provision for myself and Family for 5 or 6 Months if I can keep it, which I hope I shall, or I shall lose my life with it. Pray be helpful to my Brother Salie in what he shall desire you, and think not upon any Trade for these parts for a while, for the Country affordeth no commodity, neither is there any money to buy any commodity that is brought to us, unless you can contract with the Honourable House of Parliament to furnish these Ports with provisions, making your condition at some reasonable gaining rate, to be paid out of the Chamber of London. We have at present abundance of Corn, by reason of two or three prizes, Frenchmen laden with Wheat and Rye brought in by our men of War. It is a gre●● oversight, that in all this time we have not more Ships, one or two to ride constantly in each Port, to hinder the coming of provision and Ammunition to the Rebels, which cannot be so securely done by keeping a few ships at Sea: the sure way is, as I have said, to have a ship or two to ride constantly in each Port, and half a dozen of nimble ships to keep at Sea upon the head Lands. I pray be vigilant, that we may have satisfaction for our losses, and some reward for our honest endeavours. I have furnished his Majesty's Fort of this place, Cork, King's ship, and otherwise in his Majesty's service, to the value of 500 in Deal boards, Iron, Pitch, Tar, Train, Ammunitions, and moneys, and know not yet when, or by whom I shall be satisfied for the same; and whatsoever I have yet remaining, I will willingly part with in the said service, and am ready to seal this my intent to the last drop of my blood. There have been a great many of our Nation who are very able both in person and estate to serve in this cause, that have stolen away, and carried their estates, moneys, and provision with them; it were good, in my opinion, that an inquiry were made after them in England, and compelled not only to return in their own persons, but to being over others upon their own charge; it would be but an easy punishment for their cowardly baseness. I shall desire you to be mindful of us in your prayers to God Almighty. In whom I rest Your loving Brother, TRISTRAM WHITCOMBE. Remember me to all my friends, and excuse my not writing; distractions would not permit me. I have a conceit, and am almost confident, That a great reason of those rebels running into corners is, That they have some intelligence that their good friends and great pillars, of whom they boasted, either have, or must leave them to themselves. FINIS.